Equipment information program. Main menu components. CPU-Z and GPU-Z programs - video

System information is necessary for the user to obtain information about hardware and software components computer. Basic information about your computer is displayed in Windows settings, which can be easily accessed by going into Windows Settings.

In some cases, the information provided about Windows system in parameters operating system, are insufficient. Therefore, more detailed information is needed that can be used to solve problems or obtain reference information.

How do I get system information? General information about the system can be obtained using the built-in tools of the operating system, or using specialized programs from third party developers.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use this computer services third party programs. Therefore, in this article I will tell you how to obtain information about the system using built-in tools, on Windows example 10 (the tools work similarly in other operating systems).

Utility msinfo32.exe (System information)

The msinfo32.exe (System Information) utility allows you to get detailed information about the computer: hardware resources, components, software environment.

  1. To launch the msinfo utility, enter the expression “msinfo32” (without quotes) in the “Windows Search” field.
  2. The search will return the best match. Launch the classic System Profile app.

The second way to launch the msinfo32 utility:

  1. Press the Windows + R keyboard keys simultaneously.
  2. In the “Run” window, in the “Open” field, enter the expression “msinfo32” (without quotes), and then click on the “OK” button.

After this, the collection of information about the system will begin, the “System Information” utility window will open, which displays basic information about the Windows operating system, hardware and components.

This information is usually sufficient for the average user.

Specialists can look at other system parameters: hardware resources, components, software environment. Each section contains subcategories that display detailed data on all system parameters.

The information obtained can be saved to a file on your computer. Enter the “File” menu, click on the “Save” item (“Ctrl” + “S”) to save the information in a system information file (*.NFO), or on the “Export” item to save the data in a text file (format *.TXT).

Obtaining system information using the systeminfo command

You can use the console utility to view system information.

Run Command Prompt as Administrator. Enter the command "systeminfo" (without quotes). After this, general information about the system will be displayed in the command line interpreter window.

To save system information to your computer, enter the following command at the command prompt:


After executing the command, the “systeminfo” file in “TXT” format will be saved on the “C” drive of the computer.

It is better to open this file not in Notepad (there will be problems with the encoding of Russian letters), but in an alternative text editor, for example, Notepad++, which supports various encodings.

System Information in Windows PowerShell

You can get acquainted with the necessary data about the operating system using the built-in system tool Windows PowerShell.

Launch Windows PowerShell on your computer, type the command “systeminfo” (without the quotes), and then press the “Enter” keyboard key.

In the Windows PowerShell window, you will see general system information.

Conclusions of the article

The user can obtain system information using the Windows operating system: using the msinfo32.exe utility, or by running the systeminfo command in console utility or in Windows PowerShell.

Surely today any more or less prepared user can easily name the parameters of his computer or information about the system, including the installed operating system, processor type and frequency, capacity random access memory, disk, etc. But not many people know that this is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. What if you need to know the operating mode of the DMA channel? What to do then? Now let's talk about how to find out all the parameters in detail.

General information about the system

Many users, naturally, may be indignant, they say, what’s wrong with the parameters called up by right-clicking on the computer icon, where you can view basic information on your terminal or laptop?

The answer lies in the question itself. The information presented in this section is very superficial and does not give a complete picture of the configuration.

The same applies to the standard “Device Manager”. Of course, in it you can see all the “hardware” or virtual components present in the system, even if they are disabled in the BIOS or those that have problems or conflicts. However, in some cases, in order to identify the causes of failures and eliminate emerging problems, it is necessary to have more complete information about both the hardware and the software environment.

System Information: Windows OS Program

In any operating system Windows family there is one of this type, regardless of the version of the system itself.

There are quite a lot of different parameters presented here. Of course, some of them are not needed by the average user in everyday work, but for specialists who are engaged in repair or assembly computer terminals, such information can say a lot. It should be noted that the built-in utility collects information about the system and instantly responds to the slightest configuration change at all levels. And this largely makes the “native” Windows utility simply irreplaceable.

How can I view system parameter data?

Now let's see how exactly you can view system information. There are at least three ways to do this in Windows.

The most common method is to use the Start menu and then select either Utilities or Administrative Tools, where the partition you are looking for is located (the difference in location is due to different versions the operating system itself).

The second and third methods are also simple. But many users either forget about them or simply don’t know about them. You can use the “Run” menu (Win + R), where the msinfo32 command is entered. You can go the other way by first opening the command line (Win + R + cmd), and then entering system info. In principle, exactly how this program will be called does not play a special role. Whichever is more convenient for you.

Main Menu Components

Now let’s look at what interesting things you can find out in the “System Information” section. There are several main categories presented here. Let's immediately pay attention to the general information line. This contains not only information about the Windows system, but also many parameters related to it. For example, version, assembly, disk placement, bootloader, etc. You can also view here current versions installed BIOS and SMBIOS, user and geolocation data, information on RAM and virtual memory or even the status of the Hyper-V module, if there is one. Next comes the hardware resources section. Regular user is unlikely to understand what kind of data it is. But the system administrator can easily view some important characteristics to eliminate one or another failure at the hardware level.

The components section is very interesting. It is somewhat similar to Device Manager, but the data presented in it is more detailed. After all, here you can see not only the name of the component, but information about the driver files. In addition, for multimedia, all codecs and decoders installed in the system are indicated, for network devices- their advanced parameters, for disk drives and controllers - their own information, etc. In general, you can learn much more from such information than from that presented in the manager. It is worth paying special attention to devices with conflicts (problems). Windows OS itself cannot always provide such information even in the manager, but here you can get the maximum amount of information for each faulty component.

Finally, in the section software environment you can find all the information the user is interested in about drivers, modules, installed and automatically downloaded applications and services. And even information about errors. In outdated operating systems you can find more sections of browser settings - everything related to the Internet or installed components Office. In general, as they say, there is enough information. But few people know that in the environment of this program you can view the parameters of remote computer terminals or save information about the system in a single text file with the .nfo extension (the program can also work with .cab or .xml formats).

Third-party utilities for viewing system information

Among third party utilities the most popular programs. This is, for example, PC Wizard from the developer CPUID, familiar to many from CPU-Z utility, or small applications like SIW, System Spec, FreeSysInfo, etc.

They often contain interesting features related to setting up or testing equipment, which makes them very popular in their field.


In general, it can be noted that information about the system is not particularly useful for most users in their work. But here system administrators, developers of compatible software, or simply specialists involved in manual assembly or repair, such data will be extremely important. Although they may also be useful to some users. Let’s say, in a situation where you need to do something manually, but the user doesn’t know where to look for it.

→ How to find out information about your computer

How to find out information about a computer

Even a novice user would do well to know detailed information about his computer and its characteristics. The need for this may happen if there is a need to diagnose system problems, update drivers or, say, upgrade a computer. To obtain the most complete and professional advice from service department you may also need information about Windows versions , processor frequency, hard size disk, RAM capacity etc.

This information can be found different ways: how to use special programs, and using standard Windows tools.

1. So, the first method:
See the information that appears on the monitor when you turn on the computer.
For this:

  • When you turn on and boot your computer, press the “PAUSE” key on your keyboard.
  • Review all information on the monitor screen and write it down.
  • To continue loading, press the “Esc” (“Escape”) key on your keyboard.

From pivot table You can find out information about the computer configuration that is displayed on the monitor screen:
- processor type, its clock frequency and identification number;
- volume and type of installed RAM;
- cache memory size;
- information about installed slots memory;
- information about the video adapter;
- information about your hard drive, CD or DVD drive, etc.

2. Second method:
View in Main Menu.
For this:

Open the “Start” menu → “My Computer” (click on it right click mouse) → “Properties” → the “System Properties” dialog box appears → “General” tab.
Here you can see the Windows version number, general information about the processor (CPU), its clock frequency, amount of RAM.

You can get to the “System Properties” window like this:
“Start” → “Control Panel” → “Performance and Maintenance” → “System”. As a result, the System Properties window will appear.

Write this information down, or save it as an image on your computer so you can print it later. To do this, press the “PRINT SCREEN” key on your keyboard (or “Prt Scr” on some keyboards). Then run Paint program(“Start” → “All Programs” → “Accessories” → “Paint”), press the key combination “CTRL + V” - this way you can paste the image into the program - save the image (it is advisable to select the JPEG format).

Pay attention to the "Equipment" tab. There is a so-called "Device Manager", with which you can get true information about all the devices installed in your computer, which is very useful when buying a computer or diagnosing problems. All devices in the Device Manager window are divided into categories corresponding to device types. For example, to find out what video card you have installed, click on the appropriate category. Using the menu buttons, you can view more detailed information for each device, update the driver for each device, or remove a device from the list so that it is no longer recognized by the system.

3. Third method:
using the utility msinfo32.exe System Information .
For this:

“Start” → “Run” → then in the command line that appears, type msinfo32 - the “System Information” window will appear. Review the information received.
Here you will find the following information: Windows version information, processor information, BIOS version, full and accessible volume physical memory, paging file size, etc.

You can also call this window through the “Main Menu”:
“Start” → “Accessories” → “System Tools” → “System Information”.

You can also use the key combination " to view system information Ctrl» + « Shift» + « F1».

There are also software methods viewing detailed information about the computer, its real characteristics and all kinds of system parameters:

  1. Using informant test programs Sisoft Sandra , PC Wizard , Everest, giving not only complete information about the hardware, but capable of testing and analyzing its operation.
  2. Utility dxdiag.exe(DirectX Diagnostic Tool from Microsoft Corporation) launched from the Command Prompt.
  3. Using the program System Info (sysinfo.exe) from the package Norton Utilities"System Information". Program System Information gives detailed information about hardware and software systems installed on the computer, and also calculates three characteristics of system performance.

IN system information Information is stored about the computer’s hardware components - processor, video card, hard drive, as well as software components. You can view the Windows version, amount of RAM, PC performance index and other data using standard programs OS or third party software.

When you need data about the characteristics and properties of a computer

To computer program worked, the system must meet the developer's requirements. Some programs work perfectly with Windows 7 32-bit and 2 GB of RAM, while others require at least 4 GB of RAM and a version of Windows 7 64-bit. Knowledge system parameters useful in the following cases:

  • when purchasing a new computer to evaluate performance;
  • when installing programs and games, updating drivers;
  • when selling PCs to inform buyers;
  • to correct system failures;
  • for PC repair when replacing hardware components.

How to find out system settings and PC information using Windows 7

There are 6 ways to get system information using Windows- among them you will find simple methods for beginners and more labor-intensive for experienced users.

Via "Control Panel"

The simplest way to obtain information about properties and Windows performance- using the Control Panel:

  1. Open "Start" - the button at the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Find “Computer” and right-click on it.
  3. Select Properties.

You can open the “System” window by pressing the Win+Pause key combination.

The “System” window will open with information about the version of Windows, the processor and RAM of the PC. You will also see a performance index from 1 to 10 - than more value, the better the computer works. Click on the index button to get detailed performance information hard drive, processor, RAM and graphics controller.

The performance index is convenient to use when buying a PC for comparison various models in the shop.

Video: how to open system settings

Using the System Information utility

In the service window Windows programs"System Information" you will find information about the processor, BIOS version and Windows build, check the operation of the PC hardware resources - CD-ROM, motherboard, video cards and others, and also look for errors in the operation of programs and drivers. To open system information:

The System Information menu can be opened using the Run command. To do this, press the Win+R combination on your keyboard, enter “msinfo32” without quotes and press Enter.

Video: How to view system information

Via DirectX Diagnostic Tool

The DirectX Diagnostic Tool is designed to inform users about installed drivers and verify their functionality. To open DirectX diagnostics:

  1. Click Start and select Run. Or press the Win+R combination on your keyboard.
  2. In the window that opens, enter “dxdiag” without quotes.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Wait while the diagnostic tool updates the information.
  5. At the top of the window you will see the tabs “System”, “Display”, “Sound”, “Input”. Open each one and find necessary information. Information can be saved as text file by clicking the corresponding button at the bottom of the window.

Using Device Manager

It will be useful for advanced users to look at the “Device Manager,” which displays information about all PC components and drivers for them. To log into the Manager:

When viewing information about hardware resources, pay attention to the “Device Status” field - there you will see if there are any problems with operation.

Video: How to open Device Manager

Opening parameters via the command line

Test your computer's performance using command line. For this:


You can view system properties without logging into Windows. Some information is stored in the BIOS and is available for viewing when the computer is turned on.

BIOS - built-in motherboard a program that connects the operating system and PC hardware resources. Provides correct operation computer.

To get information about the PC in the BIOS, press Pause break during boot and write down the parameters of interest. Then press Esc to continue starting Windows.

Using third party programs

Use third party apps if standard applications Windows won't let me find it necessary information about the computer and the system.

Piriform Speccy

Speccy is a free Russian-language utility for viewing system parameters. On the official website, manufacturers offer several modifications of the program, including a portable one that works without installation.

The utility allows you to obtain information about the processor model, the amount and frequency of RAM, the operating system build, as well as audio and video devices, the hard drive, and others. By selecting the name of the components in the left menu, you can view detailed characteristics. Information can be saved and printed using the File menu.


Everest conducts detailed diagnostics of the computer and provides the user with detailed report in two formats - html and txt. Having opened the program, on the left side of the window you will see a menu with a tree structure, the most interesting item of which is “Test”. You can test memory performance in read, write and copy modes, as well as processor performance. To run tests, use the “Tools” menu at the top of the program window.

SiSoftware Sandra

Analytical utility SiSoftware Sandra supports Russian language and conducts full diagnostics PC. Key features:

  • viewing the processor temperature;
  • editing startup programs when Windows starts;
  • informing and searching for drivers for connected devices.

To run diagnostics, in the main program window, open the “Tools” item and click “Analysis and Recommendations”. The program will analyze problems and give a list of recommendations to improve the performance of your PC, some of which can be implemented immediately.


The Aida program tests computer performance in all aspects:

  • CPU;
  • network connections;
  • disks;
  • memory;
  • fan temperature and voltage;
  • external devices;
  • software.

A key feature is PC stress tests to identify reliability problems.

To start testing, select “Tools” in the main window and click “System Stability Test”. Based on the testing results, you will see temperature graphs of hardware resources, data on load and processor clock speed.