1c enterprise 8.2 data exchange. Scheduled exchange using standard means. Preparatory steps for setting up exchange in BP

Data exchange between 1C databases– the main nuance when working with the information base. Without this procedure, it is impossible to organize full-fledged work. Almost always, an enterprise has separate branches or remote points on the territory of the organization itself. Information exchange is required between them in order to obtain up-to-date information. It's easy if you follow the instructions below.

Data exchange between 1C 8.3 databases: setup instructions

Set up data exchange between 1C 8.3 databases can be done as follows:

  • Go to the 1C program "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" (receiver).
  • Click on " All Functions-Plan-Exchange-Full" Create a peripheral node.
  • Select the directory (which one is needed - network or local) and wait until a notification arrives in the form of a message about the creation of a node.
  • It happens that the item “ All functions" Not available. In this case, you need to go to “ File-Services-Parameters" and install " bird" at the bottom.
  • Having successfully created a node, you need to deliver it to the required location. To do this, go to " Administration».
  • Click on " Setting up data synchronization».
  • Check the box " Data synchronization". Here select " Set up sync. data" and then " Full».
  • Select an exchange directory, you can use ftp or exchange via email. Once the setup is complete, the system will ask you to enter the required prefix. You will also need to perform similar manipulations in the peripheral node. If you need automatic exchange, set the schedule on the thematic tab.

That's all, you have successfully completed the setup.

Let's look at a simple real life example. Let's say we have a company that is engaged in wholesale and retail trade, and in this company, like in any other, accounting is done. The enterprise has two standard databases, these are UT (trade management) and BP (accounting of the enterprise), respectively, in each of the databases its own records are kept, in UT there is management to reflect all transactions related to trade, in BP there is accounting. In order not to do double work, i.e. do not create the same documents in two databases (after all, movements should be in management and accounting) we will just set up synchronization between these databases.

We will set up data exchange one-way, from UT ---> BP. It is also possible to set up a two-way exchange, but in practice this is not often required, so we will not consider it in our example.

Preparatory steps for setting up exchange in BP

Let's start setting up synchronization, first go to the 1C "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" database (receiver), we need to check whether synchronization is enabled for this database, in order to do this we need to first go to the database. As soon as the database opens, go to the tab "Administration" ---> "Data synchronization settings"

A new tab opens in front of us; it must be filled out in the same way as in the screenshot below, with the exception of the information base prefix. The prefix must consist of two letters, you can set any, but according to the 1C standard it is better to set the prefix by the name of the configuration, that is, for “Enterprise Accounting” the prefix will be “BP”. If you are setting up complex exchanges and there are several accounting databases, then the prefixes should clearly differ from each other; here you can use the first two letters of the organization’s name as an abbreviation.

We continue setting up data synchronization in UT

After we have done all the necessary actions in the receiver database (BP 3.0), to continue setting up data exchange we need to open the source database (UT 11.1). Go to the "Administration" tab, select "Data synchronization settings" in the menu on the left. If synchronization is not enabled, then enable it using the checkbox, and do not forget to specify the source base prefix. Once we have completed all steps 1-4 as shown in the image below, you need to click on the “Data Synchronization” hyperlink (step 5).

In the new window that appears, you need to click on the green plus sign (Set up data synchronization), in the drop-down menu select the item “Enterprise Accounting 3.0”.

Setting up important points in data exchange between UT and BP

Now we see a window with settings for data synchronization in 1C, select “Specify settings manually” and click “Next”.

We continue to set up data exchange in 1C, on the next tab we need to select the option of connecting to the receiver infobase (direct connection to the program), connection parameters (on this computer or on the local network), the directory where the receiver base is located, as well as the necessary authentication data ( username and password in the database).

On the next page we must fill in the rules for sending and receiving data from the BP 3.0 (receiver) configuration. Click "change data upload rules".

The “Rules for sending data” window has opened in front of us, in it we set the following parameters:

  • Which reference data will be sent (in our example, we are only interested in documents and the reference data used in them, so we selected the appropriate item; if you select the first item “Send all”, then all reference books will be reloaded along with the documents, often if the information is not used in the documents then it is useless for the receiver, because it does not affect the accounting in any way)
  • From what date should all information be sent (we will not consider manual synchronization in this article)
  • To which or which organizations to send data (in our example, we chose one organization, IP "Entrepreneur")
  • Rules for forming contracts
  • Generalized warehouse
  • Should I roll up documents by warehouse?

After we have made the settings, click “Save and close”.

Since in our example we set up and use one-way exchange, from UT to BP, then the settings for the rules for obtaining data from “Enterprise Accounting 3.0” are not of interest to us, so we click “Next”.

In a new window, we are asked to configure rules for the receiver base (RB). In point 1, we name our database, give it a prefix. The PREFIX must be the same as we set it in the BP database itself at the beginning of this article; if the prefixes are different, data synchronization in the 1C program will not work. After that, click point 2, and then point 3.

In point 3, we need to allow documents to be processed when they are loaded into the database. Click "Save and close".

Now the window should look something like the one shown below, click “Next”.

This window contains reference information about the synchronization being created in 1C. Just click the "Next" button. If the program generated an error when setting up data synchronization, then you need to contact us so that our 1C specialist can help you right now!

Next step the program will offer to synchronize immediately after creating the data exchange settings. Let's agree to this and click "Done".

A window will appear in front of you in which you will see information about how the synchronization is proceeding. If the receiver base is not empty, i.e. records have already been kept in it, then the user in the 1C program will be asked to make a comparison of objects manually. Comparison of objects in 1C when synchronizing data is a comparison of identical objects of the receiver with identical objects in the source.

Let's look at an example, let's say in UT there is a counterparty with the name "PharmGroup LLC" and TIN 1234567, and in BP there is also a counterparty with TIN 1234567, but the name "PharmGroup", if we do not compare these two objects when comparing data at the synchronization stage, then after synchronization in the receiver (Enterprise Accounting 3.0), we will have two counterparties with TIN 1234567 and two names “PharmGroup LLC” and “PharmGroup”, respectively. In order to avoid such situations, a mechanism for comparing objects was invented.

In our example, the receiver database is empty, and therefore the object comparison window did not open. But after performing some operations, the system will definitely prompt the user to add some additional data and display the following window. We don’t need to transfer any additional data, we’ve already configured everything we need earlier, so at this step we select “Do not add documents to sending.” Click "Next".

The final stage of data exchange between 1C

At the final stage, the program will display the following window, in which the user will be informed that the synchronization was successful, click “Finish”. At this point, synchronization between databases in a one-way exchange from “Trade Management 11.1” (UT) to “Enterprise Accounting 3.0” (BP) is completed.

Print (Ctrl+P)

Review of mechanisms for integrating the 1C:Enterprise 8.3.10 platform with external programs and equipment based on generally accepted open standards and data transfer protocols.

1. Data exchange between 1C:Enterprise information databases

The platform provides two data exchange mechanisms:

  • Mechanism of distributed information bases
    This mechanism is designed to exchange data only with identical 1C:Enterprise 8 configurations and strictly regulates the structure of the system being created. It is an analogue of the “Distributed Information Base Management” component existing in the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 technology platform, but significantly exceeds this mechanism in terms of configuration flexibility and variety of supported exchange schemes.
  • Universal data exchange mechanism
    This mechanism, on the contrary, allows you to create arbitrary distributed systems and practically does not impose any restrictions on the structure of the created system.

The platform tools used to build data exchange schemes include:

  • Exchange plans
    These configuration objects allow you to describe the list of nodes of the distributed information system with which data will be exchanged, and to specify the composition of the data that will participate in the exchange.
  • XML Serialization Tools
    XML serialization tools are used to present 1C:Enterprise data of 8 different types as a sequence of XML data, and vice versa.
  • XML Document Reader/Writer
    Tools for reading and writing XML documents allow you to work with XML format data at the “basic” level, without reference to 1C:Enterprise 8 objects.

2. Web services, mechanism

Web services is a way to implement SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) - a service-oriented architecture, which is a modern standard for integrating applications and information systems.

Application solution 1C:Enterprise 8 can be both a provider of web services and a consumer of web services published by other providers.

  • 1C:Enterprise – web services provider
    You can add a special object to the configuration - a Web service - with the help of which you can describe some functionality of the application solution, for example, obtaining a list of goods available in a certain warehouse, their quantities and prices. After publication on the web server, such a service will be available to third-party consumers. Consumers can be systems using arbitrary hardware and software platforms. Web services technology is platform independent.
    • 1C:Enterprise – consumer of web services
      In an application solution, you can describe a link to a web service published by a third-party provider. After this, the application solution will be able to use the data obtained using such a web service in its internal application algorithms.

3. Working with HTTP and FTP

The built-in language contains a set of objects that allow data exchange via HTTP (HTTPS) and FTP (FTPS, FTPES) protocols. .

4. Working with files

Built-in language tools provide the developer with access to the file system. They allow you to do the following:

  • open a special interactive selection window to open and save a file or select a directory;
  • set file selection parameters, such as multiple selection, preview, filter for displayed files, etc.;
  • find, copy, move and delete files;
  • create directories;
  • get information about a file and change some file attributes (eg modification time, visibility, read-only).

5. Automation Client/Server

To launch the 1C:Enterprise system as an Automation server from an external application, perform the following sequence of actions:

    • is created COMObject with ID V83.Application(for thin client V83C.Application);
    • The 1C:Enterprise system is initialized using the Connect() method (for the thin client it is possible to pass additional proxy server parameters in the connection line);
    • properties and methods of the 1C:Enterprise system as an Automation server are called.

Many modern software products (MS Office, MS FoxPro, etc.) can act as Automation clients, which allows you to exchange data between these products and the 1C:Enterprise system. It is also possible from 1C:Enterprise to access another copy of 1C:Enterprise (for example, another configuration) to exchange data.

6. External join

In general, working via an external connection is similar to working in Automation server mode. In this case, a COM object is created with the identifier V83.COMConnector

The main differences are as follows:

  • In the case of the Automation server, a full-fledged 1C:Enterprise 8 application is launched, and in the case of an external connection, a relatively small in-process COM server is launched.
  • When working through an external connection, functionality in one way or another related to the organization of the user interface is not available;
  • When running an external connection, no application module is used. When working with an external connection, its role is played by the external connection module.

When using an external connection, there are the following advantages compared to using the Automation server:

  • faster connection establishment, since there is no need to create a separate operating system process, and all actions are performed within the calling process;
  • faster access to the properties and methods of 1C:Enterprise 8 objects, since organizing an access does not require interprocess communication;
  • less consumption of operating system resources.

7. Working with binary data

The built-in language contains a number of low-level tools for working with binary data. They allow you to solve problems such as:

  • Interaction with specialized devices using a binary protocol;
  • Parsing files and manipulating files of various formats;
  • Convert text data directly into binary data, for example for sending reports;
  • Working with binary data in memory.

8. REST interface

The platform can automatically generate REST interface for the entire application solution. After the application solution is published on the web server, third-party systems can access it through the REST interface using HTTP requests.

The automatic REST interface can be used for tasks such as:

  • Integration of the application solution with websites and online stores;
  • Implementation of additional functionality of the application solution by third-party tools without changing its configuration;
  • Loading data into an application solution and unloading data from it;
  • Integration of the application solution with corporate systems is possible even without additional programming.

Typical operations performed via the REST interface are:

  • Obtaining a list of documents, directories, information register entries, etc., possible with a filter;
  • Receiving data from a directory element, document (by link), data from an independent register of information record (by key), data from a set of records of a subordinate register (by registrar);
  • Editing the data of one directory element, document and another reference object;
  • Creating a new directory element, document, record set;
  • Carrying out one document, starting a business process.

9. HTTP services

In addition to the automatic REST interface of the application solution, the platform has the ability to create your own custom HTTP services in an application solution.

In terms of their “design”, HTTP services are very similar to the web services available in the platform. Likewise, there is a special configuration object HTTP service. Such objects are added to the branch Are commonHTTP services.

Compared to SOAPweb services available in the platform, HTTP services have a number of advantages:

  • Ease of programming the client of such services;
  • Potentially less data transferred;
  • Potentially lower computational load;
  • HTTP services are "resource" oriented, while SOAP services are "action" oriented.

10. Working with XML documents

Working with XML Documents accessible directly from the built-in language of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system.

11. Working with email

Working with email is possible directly from the built-in language. The developer can send and receive emails.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 system provides two options for working with email: using an email client previously installed on the computer, or without using an external email client.

12. HTML

To work with HTML documents in application solution forms, there is a Field element that looks like HTML Document Field, and the built-in language implements a number of objects that allow you to work with HTML documents both sequentially and in object technology, in the DOM model.


To work with databases in the DBF format (dBase III), the system has a special object - XBase. The mechanism for working with DBF format databases is designed to manipulate them directly from the built-in language. Almost any data manipulation is possible.

14. External data source

External data sources– these are application configuration objects. They allow you to work with external databases that are not based on 1C:Enterprise. Thanks to these configuration objects, information from external databases can be used within the application solution in the same way as if it were stored in the infobase itself.

An external source can receive data from Windows and Linux operating systems, and when working with DBMS Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL and Oracle Database, full query language capabilities are provided. In addition, external data sources allow you to connect multidimensional data sources to the application solution, such as:

  • Microsoft Analysis Services;
  • Oracle Essbase;
  • IBM InfoSphere Warehouse.

When working with other DBMSs, some query language constructs may not work, because they are limited by the capabilities of the ODBC driver that is used.

15. External component technology

The technology of external components allows you to create programs (external components) that will dynamically connect and closely interact with the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, expanding its capabilities. This technology allows you to connect various retail equipment to the 1C:Enterprise 8 system: barcode scanners, label printers, etc.

16 Text document

Text Document is a generic object of the built-in language. It allows you to present various information (including report results) in the form of texts.

17. ZIP

To work with ZIP archives The system has a special set of built-in language objects:

18. JSON

19. XDTO, mechanism

XDTO mechanism- This is one of the mechanisms for integration with other systems. The abbreviation XDTO stands for XML Data Transfer Objects. XDTO is an object modeling mechanism for data described using an XML schema.

20. Text file

Exchange using text files is the simplest mechanism for exchanging data. It can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. Its main advantage is ease of use and convenient textual presentation of information.

Objects are implemented in the built-in language ReadingText And WriteText. They use special algorithms that significantly speed up the processing of large text files. .

21. ActiveDocument

Technology ActiveDocument is intended for editing documents by editors external to 1C:Enterprise 8.

This technology allows you to edit documents visually (for example, Word or Excel) directly in the 1C:Enterprise 8 window, while user interface elements (menus, command bars, etc.) are replaced with those provided by the editor. Documents can be pre-edited and saved in configuration layouts, and the layouts can then be used by users as the basis for creating final versions of documents.

It should be noted that the use of ActiveDocument layouts in Enterprise mode is carried out only programmatically - visual editing is possible only at the stage of creating and editing the configuration.

This technology is used when the configuration needs to store data that can be edited by another application - such as templates for faxes or business letters created in Microsoft Word, or price list templates in Microsoft Excel. This need arises, as a rule, when regulating the format of documents (both in internal document flow and when exchanging documents with third-party organizations and clients), however, in the absence of restrictions on the document format, it is recommended to use the existing capabilities in 1C:Enterprise 8 for the design of electronic and printed documents. documents.

Automated control systems in most cases consist of separate databases and often have a geographically distributed structure. At the same time, correctly implemented data exchange is a necessary condition for the effective operation of such systems.

The initial setup of the exchange may require a number of actions, not only in terms of programming, but also consulting, even if we are dealing with homogeneous sources, as is the case with products on the 1C:Enterprise platform. Why setting up 1C exchange (or, as it is also called, data synchronization in 1C 8.3) can become the most time-consuming and expensive task of an integration project, we will look at in this article.

Data exchange in the 1C environment allows you to:

  • Eliminate double entry of documents;
  • Automate related business processes;
  • Optimize interaction between distributed departments;
  • Promptly update data for the work of specialists from different departments;
  • “Differentiate” between different types of accounting.*

*In cases where the data of one type of accounting differ significantly from another, it is necessary to ensure the confidentiality of information and “delimit” information flows. For example, data exchange between 1C UT and 1C Accounting does not require uploading management data into the regulatory accounting database, i.e. synchronization in 1C will be incomplete here.

If we imagine the standard process for implementing primary data exchange, when at least one of its objects is a 1C product, then we can distinguish the following stages:

  • Coordination of the composition of the exchange;
  • Definition of transport (exchange protocols);
  • Setting rules;
  • Scheduling.

Identification of the composition of 1C exchange

Objects of exchange can be divided into “source” and “receiver”. At the same time, they can perform two roles at the same time, which will be called a two-way exchange. The source and destination are determined logically depending on the need or the functionality of the system.*

*For example, when integrating “WA: Financier” - a solution for maintaining financial accounting and managing treasury processes, developed on the basis of “1C:Enterprise”, WiseAdvice experts recommend it as a master system. This is due to the availability of control tools to comply with the rules of the application policy, and, accordingly, to ensure the effectiveness of the solution.

Next, based on the received and recorded requirements from users, a list of data for exchange is created, its volume, requirements for the frequency of exchange are determined, and the process of working with errors and handling exceptional situations (collisions) is prescribed.

At the same stage, depending on the fleet of existing systems and the structure of the enterprise, the exchange format is determined:

Distributed information base

  • RIB implies exchange between identical 1C database configurations, with a clear “master-slave” control structure for each exchange pair. As an element of a technology platform, RIB, in addition to data, can transmit configuration changes and administrative information of the database (but only from master to slave).

Universal data exchange in 1C

  • A mechanism that allows you to configure the exchange of 1C databases, both with configurations on the 1C:Enterprise platform and with third-party systems. The exchange is carried out by transferring data into a universal xml format in accordance with the “Exchange Plans”.


  • The latest development of 1C, designed to implement data exchange in xml format between products created on the 1C:Enterprise platform with any automation systems. The use of EnterpriseData simplifies the modifications associated with the exchange. Previously, when a new configuration was included in a system, it was necessary to implement a mechanism for importing and exporting data, both for it and for existing systems. Now systems that support EnterpriseData do not need any modifications, having only one entry-exit point.

Definition of transport (exchange protocols)

For the system on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, a wide range of possibilities is provided for organizing exchange with any information resources using generally accepted universal standards (xml, text files, Excel, ADO connection, etc.). Therefore, when determining the transport for exchange data, you should rely on the database capabilities of the third-party system.

Synchronization of directories

The basic principle of effective synchronization of directories is the presence of a single entry point. But if we are talking about working with directories that have historically been filled out according to different rules, it is necessary to clearly define synchronization fields to bring the exchange to a “common denominator.”*

*At this stage, it may be necessary to carry out work to normalize the reference data on the side of the data source. Depending on the state of the directories and their volume, the process of comparing elements, recognizing, identifying errors and duplicates, as well as filling in missing fields and assigning synchronization fields, may require the work of a whole group of experts, both on the part of the integrator (the owner of the master data normalization technique) and from the customer's side.

Setting rules

The ability to display data from source systems in receivers depends on correctly defined exchange rules. The rules, presented in xml format, regulate the correspondence of key details of source-receiver objects. The 1C:Data Conversion solution is designed to automate the creation of rules for implementing both one-time and permanent exchanges.

Guarantees no data loss during exchange Exchange Plan. This is an integral part of any configuration on the 1C:Enterprise platform, which fully describes the 1C exchange procedure: data composition (documents with “identifying” details) and nodes (receiver-transmitter information bases), as well as activation of RIB for selected exchange directions.

Any change in the data entered into the Exchange Plan is recorded and receives the “changed” sign. Until the changed data matches each other in the receiver-transmitter nodes, the sign will not be reset, and the system will send control messages to both nodes. After uploading the data and confirming their full compliance in both systems, the sign is reset.

Exchange schedule in 1C

To automate regular exchange, the frequency of data uploading is set. The frequency of exchange depends on the need and technical capabilities. Also, configurations on the 1C:Enterprise platform allow you to configure data exchange when an event occurs.

Having considered the standard process of implementing an exchange, let’s pay attention to factors that will require improvements at different stages:

  • Non-standard, highly modified database configurations;
  • Different versions of the 1C:Enterprise platform;
  • Configuration versions that have not been updated for a long time;
  • Objects of exchange that have previously undergone modifications;
  • The need for non-standard exchange rules;
  • A very different set and composition of details in existing reference books.

Since even standard actions to implement primary data exchange require expert knowledge, they are recommended to be carried out with the participation of 1C specialists. Only after completing all the steps described above should you proceed to setting up the exchange in the configuration. Let's look at the integration of databases using the example of 1C:UPP and 1C:Retail (exchange with 1C:UT is set up using the same scheme). Also included in standard synchronization is the SCP - SCP exchange, which is typical for large-scale automation systems at the largest industrial enterprises.

In the “Service” submenu, select “Data exchange with products on the platform...” (selecting direct exchange with “Retail” often results in errors at the level of COM objects). Please note the service message “This feature is not available.”

To resolve this issue, you need to select "Configure Communications"

...and check the box. Next, ignore the error message.

In the data synchronization settings, select “Create an exchange with “Retail”...

Before configuring connection settings through a local or network directory, you should make sure that there is space on the disk for the directory. Although, as a rule, it does not take up more than 30-50 MB, in exceptional cases it may require up to 600 MB. You can create the required directory directly from the configurator.

When connecting via a network directory, we ignore the offer to configure the connection via an FTP address and by email by clicking “Next”.

In the settings, we manually enter prefixes - symbols of the databases (usually BP, UPP, RO), set the rules and the start date for data upload. The prefix will be indicated in the name of the documents to indicate the database in which they were created. If the upload rules are not edited, the data will be uploaded by default according to all available parameters.

We create an exchange settings file for “Retail” so as not to repeat our actions. If you need to immediately send data immediately after setting up synchronization, check the box.

To automate the exchange process, you need to set up a schedule.

Menu "Retail".

Check the box and select “Synchronization”.

We perform the “reverse” setup by selecting Production Enterprise Management.

Load the settings file created in UPP.

We put a tick, the system picks up the address automatically.

We act in the same way as in UPP.

Verification data comparison (Manual data comparison is recommended to be done at the preparatory stage, since this work can become the most labor-intensive in the process of implementing the exchange). The comparison window opens by double clicking the mouse.

In case of an error in synchronization, “Details...” will be replaced with “Never...”.

“Details...” opens the log with updated information on the exchange.


I consider the organization of fully automatic data exchange using the example of 1C: Industrial Enterprise Management (PEM) exchange ==> 1C: Accounting (BP) 2.0 using arbitrary exchange rules.

There are 2 databases: 1C:UPP and Enterprise Accounting 2.0. A number of documents are created in UPP: Sales of goods and services, Receipt of goods and services, Invoices. The accounting department creates documents on cash flow: cash flow settlements, cash settlements and payment orders.

The structure of documents in these configurations is somewhat different and therefore arbitrary exchange rules were written using the product "Data Conversion 2.1".

STEP 1. Setting up exchange nodes.

The "Full" exchange plan will be used for data exchange. To do this, go to the BP operations ==> Exchange Plans ==> Full.

The exchange plan ALWAYS contains one predefined exchange node. There are three points here:

1) You cannot use a predefined node in the exchange setup

2) The code of this node is not specified by default and must be specified

3) In databases between which data exchange is organized, The predefined node codes must not match; this will result in an error.

In the “Full” exchange plan in the BP, we will perform the following actions:

1) We indicate the code and name of the predefined node. Let's say name = "Predefined", Code = 001.

2) Let's create a new exchange node, call it "UPP" and give it code 003.

Similarly, open the exchange plan “Full” 1C: UPP and perform the following steps:

1) We indicate the code and name of the predefined node. For example, Name = "Predefined", code = "002".

2) Let's create a new exchange node, call it "BP" and give it code 003.

CODES of unpredefined exchange nodes in the UPP and BP database must match.

STEP 2. Create settings for automatic data exchange.

In the UPP database in the "Full" interface. Menu “Service” ==> “Other data exchanges” ==> “All data exchange settings”.

In the form that opens, select “Distributed infobases” and click the “Add” button.

In the window that appears, you must specify the name of the setting. In the “Node” field, you must select the “Full” exchange plan and indicate the previously created exchange node.

In the dialog box that opens, you must select arbitrary data exchange rules.

In the “Exchange Type” field, select “Exchange via connection to an infobase” and specify the connection parameters: Infobase type, platform version, path or address on the server, user and password.

Next, you need to go to the “Exchange by rules” tab and click on the “Load settings” button. The exchange rules should not contain a rule with the "random request" sampling method. This will result in an error

After downloading the settings, you can save the settings and try to download the data. To do this, you need to change any of the information system objects listed in the upload settings and click on the "Exchange" button on the form panel.

STEP 3. Setting up data exchange.

To set up automatic data exchange, you need to go to the “Automatic exchange” tab and click the “Add” button. In the window that appears, you can set an exchange schedule (time, frequency) or data exchange upon the occurrence of an event (for example, a user logging into the system)

Now you can check the created settings