Why doesn't incognito mode work? What is Incognito mode. Enable private mode in Opera

When browsing the Internet using any browser, the user will leave behind information that is stored in cache files. To work without saving any data on the Internet, you can use incognito mode. When working in private mode, virtually no data will be stored on the system. In this mode, history, downloads and other data are not recorded, and cookies will be deleted automatically after closing the browser.

Incognito in various browsers

If you are working with Google Chrome, you can turn it on using the three-bar key located on the right top corner browser. After the special context menu You must select “New window in”. A window should open with an image of a person in the upper left corner. This means that your browser is running in private mode. Below there will be a message indicating that you are using this particular mode.

Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular browsers. It also has this mode of operation. You need to go to the “Tools” panel. When the corresponding menu appears, you need to select “Start”. You can call incognito mode in this browser using the hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+P. After this, a window will appear to confirm that you will use the browser in this mode. You should now see “Private Browsing” in the top left corner of your browser.

In the Opera browser, you need to click on the Opera icon and select the “Tabs and Windows” button in the menu that appears. You can then create either a "Private Tab" or a "Private Window". A notification will appear indicating that you are working in private mode. IN in this case The tab icon will change. Private mode will be different from normal mode.

Concerning Internet browser Explorer, to enable the function of browsing Internet pages in private mode, open the “Tools” tab and select “InPrivate Browsing”. In other versions of the same product (from 8 onwards), a similar mode is activated by pressing the “Security” button or the gear icon. In each version, you can use the hotkey combination Ctrl+Shift+P. In InPrivate mode, a corresponding message will be displayed in the upper left corner of the window.

You can exit incognito mode simply - you just need to close all windows (tabs) working in this mode.

When viewing web pages, browsers (Yandex, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) save a lot of information. For example, browsing history, passwords for social network accounts and Email. But sometimes there is a need to hide traces of being on the Internet, for example, if you decide to secretly give a gift to a loved one or log into your mail while away. Incognito mode allows you to enable private browsing mode, when entered passwords, as well as addresses of sites and pages that you visited, are not saved.

What is private mode (aka “Incognito” and InPrivate)

This function is available in most popular browsers, sometimes there are different names for it. In Incognito mode, the browser does not save entered passwords, search queries and addresses of pages visited. At the same time, changes in settings, downloaded files and added bookmarks are saved.

Remember: private tabs do not make you invisible to sites. If you log in to social network, your appearance will be noticed. Incognito mode is designed to hide your online history from other users of your computer. By opening a private tab, you instruct the browser not to use old cookies, cache, or local memory.

In incognito, only the browser does not store your Internet activity. Other sources may see what websites you visit, including:

  • your employer (if you use an office computer);
  • internet service provider;
  • directly the websites you visit.

How to enable the mode in different browsers

In order to log in in private mode, you need to know what browser you are using. As a rule, the transition is indicated visually by an icon depicting a mask or glasses. How to open a private tab in Yandex Browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, read on.

Google Chrome

Yandex browser


Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer)

How to quickly open a private window using hotkeys

For quick launch Incognito mode, you can use hotkeys: in Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser it is used Ctrl combination+ Shift + N. In Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge used combination Ctrl+ Shift + P.

How to close or disable Incognito mode and exit private browsing

To return to normal viewing and disable the use of private mode, just close the window. After this the browser will delete everything cookies, created while working in it. This method to remove Incognito mode is suitable for any browser, including the most popular: Yandex, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome.

Video instruction: how to log into Incognito

To make it easier for you to understand how to open private browsing in any browser, we have selected video instructions that clearly show several ways to go to private mode.

If you need a computer while visiting, then in the best possible way You will not leave traces or passwords from your accounts while browsing in private mode, because this feature is implemented in every browser. When you use tabs or windows in private mode, data (such as history, temporary internet files, and cookies) is deleted from your computer as soon as you finish browsing.

Incognito mode (or private browsing) has existed for quite a long time in many browsers, but it took quite a while for other developers to catch up and start caring about the security of their users. Therefore, when you ask the question - how to enable incognito mode in a browser, you can be sure... any browser (even internet explorer) may not leave traces in history, do not save passwords, caches and other data that could compromise you.

Incognito mode is great for those cases when you don’t want to leave your browsing history and other information on your computer (and you don’t need to think that this can only be useful for watching naked women on the Internet). Well, look, you visited a friend and decided to check his email through his computer. Using incognito mode you will not leave any traces in its system.

Warning: do not try to hide illegal activities in this way... your ISP knows perfectly well what you are doing online and can transfer all information to law enforcement agencies

Each browser has its own designation of a hidden presence on the network. For some it is private mode, while for others it is incognito. Everything is as similar as possible, but there are still subtle differences depending on the browser you use

How to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is probably the most popular browser on Windows platforms and Android and its private browsing mode is called “Incognito Mode”

Windows version

To activate incognito mode in the Google Chrome browser for Windows, you need to open the menu in the upper right corner of the program (indicated by three vertical dots) and select “New window in incognito mode” from the drop-down list.

In addition, it is very convenient to activate private mode using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + N

How to determine whether incognito mode has been activated? - You will understand this yourself. The window will be colored in grey colour and an icon of a man in a hat will appear.

In incognito mode, you can add bookmarks and upload files as usual. But keep in mind that browser extensions will not work - they must be configured in advance (allowed to be used in private mode).

To exit incognito mode, simply close your browser window.

Version for Android and iOS

If you use the Google Chrome browser on your mobile device(no matter android or ios), you can click the three dots in the upper right corner of the program and select " New inset incognito" in the menu that opens.

The browser will report to you that incognito mode is active and explain what this means in a mini help. To exit this mode, tap the list of tabs (the square with the number of open tabs) and close the incognito tab.

Activating Incognito mode in Yandex Browser

IN Lately Yandex Browser is a little disliked in our country because aggressive policy product distribution. However, the browser itself turned out to be quite successful and I switched to it from the recently clumsy Mozilla Firefox. Although the browser is built on the same core as Google Chrome, it still has some differences.

Windows version

Open the browser menu (three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the program) and click “Incognito Mode” in the drop-down list or press the Ctrl + Shift + N key combination on your keyboard.

Just like in Google Chrome, determining whether incognito mode is active in the Yandex browser is not difficult - here everything is even more obvious and does not even need description.

You can exit stealth mode by simply closing the window - no problem 😉

Android version

The version of Yandex Browser for Android is quite different from Chrome. This browser I use it as my main smartphone and incognito mode is activated here through the drop-down menu (three dots) on the main screen of the program.

Exiting from it is also elementary - click on the list of open tabs and close the one that is incognito - that’s it!

Mozilla Firefox: How to open a private window

For many years, Mozilla Firefox has been my favorite, but its clumsiness and gluttony have set their priorities... I'm glad that they are developing their own engine and are not based on Chrome - hence the differences.

Incognito mode in the Firefox browser is Private mode, you can start it by going to settings and selecting “New private window” in the list that opens.

Please note that the hotkeys are different and the working combination is Ctrl + Shift + P

The name is different - the meaning is the same. Bookmarks and downloads work as usual, but the browser will try and hide your identity to make it harder to identify you.

To exit private mode, simply close the window in which this mode is activated.

Internet Explorer: InPrivate Browsing

Let over Internet Explorer Only the lazy don’t laugh, but quite a lot of people still use it (and if we take into account government resources that require IE to work with the closed part...) To activate the secretive mode (here it’s called “InPrivate Browsing”), click on the gear image and under Security, select InPrivate Browsing (or just press CTRL + SHIFT + P on your keyboard)

IE will report to you that the private mode is active and will turn purple, and in the line with the site address there will be an “InPrivate” icon.

When InPrivate mode is active, not only will your browsing history be ignored, but all third-party browser extensions will be disabled. When you're done, just close the InPrivate window.

Microsoft Edge: New InPrivate window

They say EDGE is the most fast browser for Windows... a strong statement - of course I won’t check it. This new browser from Microsoft, which is included in Windows 10 and was probably designed to gradually Internet replacement Explorer. Since IE and EDGE are brothers, the designation hidden mode has not changed - it is called InPrivate.

Open your browser menu and select New InPrivate Window or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + P.

All windows on which it is active this mode will be gray and on each of the tabs there will be an “InPrivate” icon - you can’t go wrong.

Well, as usual, just close the window or tab to exit InPrivate mode.

Why do you need incognito mode in your browser?

Now you know how to enable incognito mode in any browser. But have you ever thought that this feature will help not only increase privacy, but also in many other situations?! Let's just say - it's perfect for working with several VKontakte accounts... or it will help check the reason for the browser glitch (extensions are not active). If everything is fine in incognito mode, then we simply turn off everything one by one until we identify the problem...

P.S. Write in the comments your ideas for using private mode in browsers.

Yandex Browser has a very useful function– incognito mode. Using this function allows you to hide your activities on the Internet (not to be confused with complete anonymity) from other users. We will look at the full list of advantages below.

This is a built-in browser feature, enabling it does not require installation additional extensions or programs. It is available to users of the mobile and desktop versions of the browser by default.

What is incognito mode in Yandex Browser

While browsing the web, any browser stores a lot of data about your visit:

  • Address of pages visited;
  • Login – password entered on the site (if the function is enabled in the browser);
  • The search query that brought you to the site;
  • The Internet page is sent to the cache (this is necessary for its more fast loading next visit);
  • The content of the page is analyzed by the browser and sent to Yandex servers.

In the future, the information obtained can be used:

  • To display more relevant advertising to the user;
  • When forming search tips or news feeds in;
  • Transferred to third parties, including advertising agencies.

It turns out interesting, right? But think for yourself - why large search engines create their own browsers? Of course as an advertisement own services and collecting the necessary information.

The described mode is not a panacea for. Using incognito, your IP address, " http headers" and other service information do not change.

When visiting sites in incognito mode in Yandex Browser or any other, most previously collected information will not be taken into account. New data such as browsing history and page cache will not be collected.

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex Browser

To enable “stealth mode” on personal computers, you can use three methods.

1. Launch Yandex Browser, enter the menu and select the appropriate item. A new browser window will open - this is incognito.

2. Use hotkeys. By simultaneously pressing the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+N” you will open the desired window.

3. Right-click on the program shortcut on the taskbar and select the appropriate item.

For Android phones and tablets

Mobile users operating systems, they can also use “invisibility”.

1. Launch Yandex browser on your smartphone.

2. Enter the menu and select the item shown in the screenshot.

You can exit the mode simply by closing the browser.

How to disable incognito

The described function is launched in a new window, so to disable it just close it. The data listed at the very beginning will not be saved, and you can safely continue to use the browser.

Incognito mode in the Yandex browser turned out to be so simple and at the same time useful. Don’t forget to thank the author with likes and leave comments if you have any additional questions.

First, let’s talk about what incognito mode is in a browser and why it is needed. Incognito mode is a mode in which the browser does not save any information about its use. The history of visits, downloads, entered passwords, cookies and other data that can be used to determine what you did on the Internet are not saved at all or are deleted after closing the window.

What will incognito mode give you:

  • search queries are not saved in the browser
  • URLs of visited sites are not saved in the browser history
  • entered passwords are not saved
  • the files you download remain on your computer, but they are not in your download history
  • the ability to log in to a site you are already logged in under a different login
  • if you are logged in to any website in normal mode, in incognito mode this authorization is not taken into account

What incognito mode will NOT give you:

  • Incognito mode doesn't hide your online activities
  • your internet service provider "sees" which sites you have visited
  • if you use a work computer, the sites you visit will be visible to your employer
  • The sites themselves “see” that you visited them
  • if you log in to any site (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.) under your account, it will be noticeable. You won’t be able to become “invisible” by simply turning on incognito mode

How to enable incognito mode in the browser

In all modern and more or less popular browsers, incognito mode is activated using key combinations ctrl+shift+n (⌘ + Shift + n on Mac OS). The exception is firefox, where private browsing is enabled using a key combination ctrl+shift+p. It is also possible to enter this mode through the browser menu, about this for each of them below.

Incognito mode in chrome

To enter incognito mode in Google browser chrome, use the keyboard shortcut Or click the button "Setting and Google management chrome"- three dots "New window in incognito mode":

After which a new window with a dark design will open. You will receive a notification that the browser is running in incognito mode, and an icon will appear in the upper left corner:

Incognito mode in Opera

To enter incognito mode in opera browser, use the key combination ctrl+shift+n (⌘ + Shift + n on Mac OS). Or click the button "Menu" in the upper left corner of the browser. Then select "Create private window» :

After which a new one will open with the inscription "Private browsing":

Incognito mode in Yandex browser

To enter incognito mode in the Yandex browser, use the key combination ctrl+shift+n (⌘ + Shift + n on Mac OS). Or click the button "Yandex Browser Settings" in the upper right corner of the browser. Then select "Incognito mode":

After which a new window will open with a dark design, in the upper right corner there will be a dark glasses icon:

Incognito mode in firefox

To enter incognito mode in the browser Mozilla firefox, use the key combination ctrl+shift+p (⌘ + Shift + p on Mac OS). Or click the button "Open menu" in the upper right corner of the browser. Then select "Private window":

After which a new window will open. In the upper right corner you will see a mask icon on a purple background:

In addition, in firefox browser Built-in tracking protection, which is enabled in incognito mode. This function does not allow to collect detailed information about you. Tracking systems such as Yandex are disabled. Metrica, Goggle Analytics, all kinds of traffic counters, etc. This does not mean that the site owner will not know anything about you. This only means that he learns much less than he could have learned.