Plex in Russian. Setting up remote access to your Plex Media Server. Initial registration steps to avoid problems later

Plex Media Server is an advanced media player and at the same time home media server, which exchanges files between devices via a local network, which is what actually sets it apart from its competitors. Basic version very convenient if you want to stream video from your computer to your TV or mobile device. You can download the program for free with support for the Russian language, which will allow you to organize a full-fledged home media server.

To create and use a media server, two methods of interaction with the software are offered: Create an account, or simply specify that Plex Media Server should regularly scan your computer for new videos to share. That is, if you create new folders, Plex will integrate and correctly monitor them for future changes.

?To ensure correct and quick exchange information between devices, you will need to install the software on all devices used. This will allow you to watch your favorite videos and listen to music without downloading the file from a remote home PC. Fortunately, the program is multi-platform, so there will be no difficulties in using it on various devices and operating systems (works on Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, Linux and even game consoles).

?Latest Russian version of Plex Media Server Easily scales to your environment: If you're trying to stream media content over an intermittent Wi-Fi connection, you can simply alert Plex that your connection is degraded to ensure smooth playback of your video file. Or if you have a quick and reliable connection, you can use network optimization and keep the video as high quality as possible.

?It may take some time to add media files to the library, but eventually it will be available for use by all Plex clients. In addition to this, Plex can also provide the following information about the selected media file: year of release, names of actors and directors and other parameters for more convenient sorting and searching.

An additional feature of a free home media server is that this additional functionality takes time. So, you can use any media player to stream over a local network, but the Plex player makes it much more convenient, which is facilitated by proper intuitive clear interface Software and best tools in order to operate the network appropriately.

Plex Media Server connects your clients to all your local and network media, i.e. in the application is maintained centralized management library, streaming content on the Internet and transcoding, which provides flexibility and ease of use of the application in question. Plex works smoothly and quickly on both your Mac and PC, serving all your media to all your clients, including TVs and mobile devices.?

That is, a home media server is a program that must be installed indispensably for those who prefer to collect all the grains of a great movie into a certain general directory to be able to not only adequately assess the full picture of what is happening, but also, using one device, be able to view video from another computer or mobile device, on which it is also installed this application. We recommend downloading the Russian version of Plex Media Server on your Windows PC.

Plex Media Server is a popular streaming media server. After installing Plex, let's start setting it up.
We indicate the location of your media content and connect TV channel plugins.
Setting up Plex is the same on all platforms, so this manual applicable to Windows, and OSX, Debian and Ubuntu Linux etc.

Setting up Plex Media Server

After you have installed Plex Media Server, to configure it, go to the browser using the link http://localhost:32400/manage/index.html or http://IP address:32400/web/index.html#. You will be automatically redirected to the following screen:

We accept the terms of the license agreement:

Here you can set the name of your media server that you like.

You can skip and go to next step, and add libraries with media data later, as you prefer. It’s more convenient for me to add libraries later.

Here you decide whether to send anonymous statistics or not.

Add libraries with data

Select add library

Select the type of library, indicate the name of the library, select the language.

Next step. Add the path to your video files.

Once you've added a library, it will be analyzed by Plex and podcasts and previews will be automatically added. Adding process new library sometimes it can take more than one minute, it all depends on the amount of data.

Add new libraries with photos, home videos, cartoons, TV series.

You can add IP TV channels

Your media server is ready to use.

Setting up remote access to your Plex Media Server.

Now you have the ability to view your media data as in local computer, and in local network. The only thing you need to view it on any device with a browser and flash player is to set the date in the browser http://ip-address:32400/web

Plex Media Server makes it possible to view your videos and photos not only on the local network, but also remotely, and share your photos and videos with friends. To do this, you need to register on the website or directly from your Plex Media Server

After registering and entering your account, you can access your media data from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access.

What is Plex and why is it needed on your TV?
Plex is a media server capable of playing movies (including 3D), music from a computer on a TV. It automatically downloads covers, descriptions, etc.
By installing it on the TV, there is no need to connect the computer directly to the TV; no additional wires, remote controls or mice are needed. Everything is controlled by the standard TV remote control.
The widget is installed on Samsung smartTV.
I installed it on a D8000 series TV.
It is installed standard on LG TVs - you just need a server for your computer.

Installing a Plex widget on TV:
-The first thing we need is to log in as the developer. To do this, press the RED button on the remote control and go to SmartHub.
In older models you need to create a new user develop with any password, in new TVs this account has already been created and you just need to log in, leaving the password blank.
-Next you need to specify the IP address of the server from where we will download the widget. To do this, press the BLUE button on the remote control and go
Development -> Setting Server IP (developer\installation of IP server) Write Press enter on the remote control and confirm.
-The next step is to install the widget on TV. Press the BLUE button again and go to Development -> User Application Synchronization.
After this, the widget will download and install on your TV. Click confirmation and close SmartHub.
-Now turn off and turn on the TV, go to SmartHub and see new icon Plex widget.
-If it does not appear, repeat the installation procedure, I succeeded the second time. Setting up a media server on your computer:
For PLEX to work you need
- install the server on your computer
-On Plex on your TV, add the IP of your computer on which PLEX server is installed in the Plex Media server section.

Download Kinopoisk bundle
This plugin allows you to receive descriptions of films, posters from the site, respectively, everything in Russian.
For the plugin itself and keeping it up to date, we thank the user of the Russian-language forum thread ptath
-download and unpack the archive.
-for windows: right click mouse on the Plex icon (it's in the tray for about the clock :-)) in the window that appears - open Plug-insfolders.
a window opens where and copy the folder from the archive kinopoisk.bundle

For those with Mac OS X, adding a plugin is a little more difficult. For this turn on displays hidden files Let's follow the path:
/Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/
and we'll copy it here kinopoisk.bundle.

Further configuration of the media server is no longer difficult and is described in detail in Russian here:

That's all. Watch a movie and enjoy life :-)

The developer of this goodness lives

I get asked various questions about the video all the time. For example, this: “How to watch videos from a computer on an iPad without transferring files to the tablet? (iPad only has 16 gigabytes).”

For example, in nPlayer you just need to select the “Network” section and press the plus sign. Among the proposed options, you need to choose UPnP/DLNA. In theory, if the iPhone (iPad) and the computer are on the same network, then you should see your computer in the program.

All. You will see directories. Plex somehow organizes the entire media library into folders, but getting to the right movie is not difficult.

Similarly, you can access the media library on Smart TVs. For example, on LG TVs the function is called Smart Share. None additional programs not required. The TV will see your media library via DLNA.

Why do you need the Plex app?

IN App Store There is an application Plex, the purpose of which is not entirely clear the first time. It is installed for free, but has a couple of in-app purchases:

iOS App Activation- allows you to broadcast photos to others iOS devices. For example, from an iPhone in hand, transfer data to an iPad, which is located at a distance, but on the same network. Plus, this purchase removes the restriction on streaming video to the current device. True, it’s not entirely clear why they limited this, if AVPlayer or nPlayer copes well with DLNA playback. This is a one-time purchase.

Monthly Plex Pass- and this is already a monthly subscription. Allows you to download videos to your device for offline viewing, adds parental control, allows you to listen to music from some paid media library, and also adds the ability to watch trailers and additional materials for films in your media library (this data is taken automatically).

I don’t need both purchases, since I use Plex Server exclusively to watch movies on Smart TV over Wi-Fi (the movies are physically located on my laptop or hard drive connected to it).

From experience, the weak link in in this case router and speed Wi-Fi networks. My 100 megabit Zyxel router is capable of playing half an hour movies via DLNA up to 10 gigabytes (approximate figure) without jambs. We watched several 3D films of 13-15 gigabytes and occasionally the playback froze. But regular movies of 2-7 gigabytes should be streamed on any router without problems. If you plan to watch movies in HD (40-50 gigabytes each) or 4K in this way, then you need a router with Wi-Fi speed 1 gigabit per second.

How many films are there in good quality will it fit on your computer? 100, or maybe 50? For some this number will be even greater, and for others it will be less. But why fill your computer's memory with such files when all this can be stored on special servers. And one of these servers is Plex.

Plex Server helps you organize your media collection. And you can access it from anywhere on the planet, provided that you have Internet access. This server works in conjunction with all popular computer operating systems and even mobile operating system Android.

Let's move on to installation and configuration of this server. First of all, you will need to download the installer. Then we install it. You will find the link at the end of this article. After installation, we launch it and see that the Plex icon appears in the tray.

For greater functionality, at the end of the article there will be a link to the Kinopoisk agent, which you need to download and upload to C:\Users\%Users%\AppData\Local\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins. This will ensure that all information about current films, TV series and similar content will come from Kinopoisk.

Next, open any browser and go to the address This is the Plex server web interface and is empty for now. Check the boxes to agree to the terms and conditions and click on the " Next".

In the left top corner The window will indicate the name of your computer. In the same menu you can see a plus icon. You need to click on it, and after that you will be taken to the window for adding content to the library. First of all, it is better to add only movies. Having selected films, in the first paragraph we select the name of the section. Here we select the language of the section.

Next comes the point where we select the folder with movies. The important thing to remember here is that the film must have an accurate title. If it will be wrong name, the Plex server will not provide the movie information correctly.

Next we are interested in the section " Additionally". Here we select the agent KinopoiskRu. Then click on the item " Add to Library". Within a few minutes, the films will appear in the library with ready-made posters and information.