Setting up DLNA (Smart Share) on your LG Smart TV. We watch films and photos that are on the computer. How to stream media from computer to TV via Wi-Fi - Web Programmer's Blog

To fully answer the question of how to connect a TV to Wi-Fi, you need to find out whether the TV has the ability to connect to the network. There are many types of connections, it can be an RJ-45 socket, an integrated Wi-Fi module or an adapter. There are models that can support external wireless modules.

Wi-Fi connection support type

TV can be divided by connection type into four categories:

  1. Built-in Wi-Fi. In this case, everything is simple - the wireless module is integrated into the TV. No secondary technologies for connecting TV to the global network are needed;
  2. Wi-Fi adapter support . It is impossible to immediately connect such a device to the Internet. To do this you need a USB adapter;
  3. Availability Lan network sockets type RJ-45. In this case, the socket is connected by cable to the second connector in the router operating in client mode, or to the Lan module - a technology capable of receiving an Internet connection from Wi-Fi and transmitting it via cable. However, for this you need to set up a local network between the computer and TV;
  4. Without the above additions, but with an HDMI connector. To connect such TVs to the Internet, you need to buy a set-top box Android Mini PC Box . You can find it in any hardware store; along with the device there are instructions for connecting the TV to the global network.

A prerequisite for this type of connection is a connected Wi-Fi router that will provide access to the global network.

The connection algorithm is as follows (the example is shown on Samsung TVs, but it is also suitable for other models produced above 2008):

  • Using the remote control, go to the network settings (section “Network”). Next, go to the wireless network subsection;
  • A list of found Wi-Fi networks will appear. If you do not know the full name of your network, you can look it up on the back of the modem.

If a password is set on Wi-Fi, a window will appear with the alphabet and the ability to enter from the remote control. Control is carried out using the arrows, and is selected with the “OK” key. For more convenient control, you can connect a USB keyboard.

After this, the offline connection should begin. If this cannot be done, you need to go to the IP settings and re-confirm the option to automatically obtain an IP address on the TV. To do this, go to TV settings -> go to the network section and select “ Wireless". Next, a window with wireless connection parameters pops up. In the first line select “ Receive automatically"(usually in standard settings) and confirm.

If your router does not have a DCHP (automatic acquisition) function, you must assign your TV its own IP address in the settings. For this:

  1. Using the same scheme, go to the wireless connection settings on the TV;
  2. Disable automatic assignment of an IP address (in the properties set "Manual setting", as in the screenshot below);
  3. Enter the values ​​indicated below:

IP address – (you can specify any local value).

Subnet mask has a standard form -

Gateway –

DNS Server –

Many TVs have a “WPS” item in the network settings. Its task is to automatically configure the connection. However, to use the function, the router must support it (the router must have a “WPS” button):

To carry out automatic setup, select the “WSP” item in the TV menu and hold down the button on the router. After 20-30 seconds, the offline setup should complete.

If the owner has a TV and a router from the same Samsung company, then the One Foot Connection feature is designed to facilitate the connection between devices. To do this, you just need to go to this section of the menu and wait for an offline connection.

If there is no built-in module to support a wireless network and external devices, to gain access to the global network, you can buy a player that supports Smart TV and Wi-Fi. Its task is to receive data from a device connected to the global network. The TV is connected to the player with a regular cable and acts as a screen.

Connecting a TV to Wi-Fi using a laptop

The entire method described above is based on the owner having wireless access to the global network. But the absence of a Wi-Fi router in an apartment is not uncommon, in this case it will come to the rescue Direct connection between TV and laptop. It's no secret that all laptops have an integrated Wi-Fi router, which is capable of not only receiving a signal, but also distributing it. To do this, correct configuration is necessary.

Important. To distribute the signal, the laptop must be connected by cable to the router.

To create a distribution, you can use both third-party programs and built-in software. The latter is more stable and does not pose a potential danger to the laptop, so this article will only discuss the method associated with the built-in software.

A private Wi-Fi network is created as follows:

  1. Load the command line. This can be done by going to the menu Start and in the utilities subsection. Alternative Method: Combining Keys WIN+R call the “Run” window and enter cmd;
  2. In the line that opens, enter the following value:

Netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=My_virtual_WiFi key=Cleep keyUsage=persistent

Key password for the created Wi-Fi network

KeyUsage a parameter responsible for saving the password (if you reconnect to the global network, you will not need to enter the password).

When entering, it is extremely important to observe all gaps and use only Latin characters . The team will not only create a Wi-Fi signal distribution, but will also install the necessary driver for the network to function. For to start the distribution you need to write:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

If the TV does not have an internal or external Wi-Fi router, but has an HDMI connector, then a wireless connection can only be realized using an Android set-top box. In fact, this is the newest and most advanced way to connect TV to the Internet.

The essence of the method: A set-top box connected by cable to the TV receives the Wi-Fi signal and transmits it to the TV. The main advantage of the method is simplicity. The set-top box just needs to be turned on; all other settings (they are similar to the settings described above) are performed on the TV.

Android Mini PC TV is a small PC that has USB modem connectors. After connecting, in the TV settings, select the device as the signal source (similar to the Wi-Fi network). After this, a large number of icons with standard Android applications will appear on the screen.

Connection problems

Unexpected problems and errors may occur when using the connection. It's all easy to fix!

Restart. Disconnect the TV from the network and reconnect.

If the previous step did not help, then you need to reset Smart service settings Hub. Algorithm:

  1. Go to the applications section;
  2. On the control panel click Tools;
  3. In the settings, go to the reset section;
  4. Enter the updated PIN code – 0000;
  5. We wait for the reset to complete and agree with all the windows that appear (license agreement).
  6. Next, the program is reinstalled with the settings reset.

If these two steps do not help, then you should update the TV software. Go to the menu, then to support and to the “Software Update” subsection => update the software via the network. We wait for the update to download and use it.

If access to the network is completely impossible, then you can use external media (for example, a flash drive or a removable hard drive) to update. To do this, you need to download the latest firmware version to the flash drive. specifically for your TV model.

Another common problem is lack of speed. This occurs because the router and TV are located in different rooms (for example, behind two walls). Because of this, the stability and speed of communication is seriously affected. In such situations, it is recommended to place the router and TV closer to each other.

Video instruction:

The video presents all possible connection types and describes Wi-Fi adapters for TV in more detail. And most importantly, all the ways to connect your TV to a wireless network are clearly shown.

Fortunately, all modern TVs support the ability to connect to the Internet using Wi-Fi. Setting up a wireless connection takes much less time. Possible disadvantages are the relative instability of the connection and the low connection speed compared to cable, however, modern Wi-Fi routers have practically solved such problems.

In contact with

Smart TV technology has taken over the markets. Advertising is replete with a variety of devices and promises to simplify our lives. Many users bought smart TVs, but no one was taught how to use the strange device. If you are the happy owner of a smart TV with a built-in Wi-Fi module, read this article. Here you will learn how to connect a TV to a computer via wi-fi in two ways. This will allow you to watch movies from the Internet or computer memory on a big screen. And who hasn’t thought about replacing the monitor with a huge TV set?

Briefly about Wi-Fi and Smart TV

To understand how to connect a computer to a TV via wi-fi, we need to understand the hardware.

Wi-Fi is not the foundation of the modern Internet, as amateurs believe. It's just a standard for wireless data exchange. Simply put, Wi-Fi replaced the wires. Thanks to this, we no longer swear, once again getting tangled in a heap of cables. And although we have not yet completely rid ourselves of plastic ropes, any consumer feels the convenience of progress.

Smart TV is an operating system for a television, similar to that used in smartphones. It contains a set of programs for connecting to the World Wide Web. The advantages of such an evolution are obvious. From a dull “box” with annoying advertising and a meager choice of programs, the TV has turned into a window with access to all the information in the world. Watch what you want, whenever you want - isn’t this what a worker dreamed of if his favorite film was shown at the wrong time?

So, the Wi-Fi router connects the computer and the TV as if they were two identical computers.

What you need to connect

To transfer an image from a computer to a TV via Wi-Fi, you will need three things:

Now let's move on directly to the connection.

Method number 1. DLNA technology

Technology DLNA is a collection of global standards for exchanging multimedia files. In simple terms, this connection helps the TV and computer understand each other and play the same thing without any delay.

To connect your TV as a monitor via Wi-Fi using DLNA technology, you only need to do three steps:

Ready. Now go to your TV's settings and find the public files for that network. If you did everything correctly, among them there will only be files to which you yourself allowed access.

Method No. 2. WiDi/Miracast technology

WiDi/Miracast technology is essentially duplicating a computer screen. The image received from the PC is compressed using a complex algorithm and transmitted via Wi-Fi to the LCD TV screen. As with duplication using an HDMI cable, you can not only view files shared on the network, but also freely surf the Internet from a browser.

The main advantage of WiDi/Miracast compared to previous technology is for such a connection no router needed. It is replaced by a virtual network connected to the television receiver.

Don't rush to flatter yourself. The WiDi/Miracast connection requires a computer or laptop with powerful hardware based on an Intel processor. Also, not all television sets support this connection by default - sometimes you need to purchase an additional module of the same name. It attaches to the HDMI connector and works similarly to the built-in one.

To connect a computer to the “TV box”, you need:

  1. Install app Intel Wireless Display. Follow the installer's instructions and then start broadcast.
  2. IN network settings TV select item Miracast/Intel WiDi and enable this feature.
  3. On the menu Input TV, switch the reception from TV to WiDi/Miracast.

The broadcast has started. Now you can watch any movie online or use your LCD TV remotely as a second monitor.


We have discussed two main ways to wirelessly connect Smart TV to a computer. With minimal cost and knowledge, you can set up a connection and rediscover television. Watch a good movie, control your technology and don't let technology control you.

It is more convenient to watch movies or photos on a large TV screen than on a compact laptop. If you have a home theater, watching a new movie will become even more comfortable. You can also run computer games by transmitting images to the TV screen. Let's figure out how to connect a laptop to a TV - you need a special cable or wireless connection setup.

Connecting a laptop to a TV via cable is easy:

  1. Determine what video ports your PC and TV have.
  2. Select your connection type.
  3. Buy a cable that matches it and connect the devices.
  4. Set up image transfer.

In the same way, you can connect a TV to a stationary PC system unit, but then the devices must be located close enough to each other so that the cord is long enough.

Defining ports

First, inspect the laptop connectors. Find one of the video outputs:

  • HDMI is a modern interface that allows you to transmit high-resolution video and audio. Not available in budget and older models. The TV may have several ports of this type, in this case, remember the number of the hole into which you insert the wire.
  • DVI – digital video output. The signal from it can be easily converted into analog form through an inexpensive adapter. This type of cord will help connect devices that have DVI or VGA ports on one of them.
  • VGA is a common connector, transmits only analog video signal, no sound, maximum resolution 1600x1200 pixels. This type of port on a TV is often labeled as PC; a standard computer monitor cable can be used for the connection. To transmit audio you will need an additional cord.
  • S-video is an outdated port and does not provide the best picture quality. Suitable for connecting to old TVs, VHS video players.

You should find one of these ports on both your laptop and your TV. They do not have to be the same type; in case of different connectors, adapters will come to the rescue.

Connecting and setting up

To set up the connection, you will need to run a cord from the laptop to the TV, having first disconnected both devices. Once turned on, in an ideal situation, you will see the picture from the laptop on the TV screen. To switch between displays, use one of the function keys with the dual monitor icon - usually F4 or F5. On your TV, open the list of signal sources, instead of TV, select the name of the port to which you connected the cable. If there is no image or it is distorted, go to detailed settings.

How to connect a computer with a wire to a TV: right-click on the desktop and launch “Display Settings”; in Windows 8 and earlier, the item is called “Resolution”.

For each monitor, set the correct resolution, set the sharing mode:

  • duplication - the same picture on both screens, suitable for running games, distortions may appear if there is a large difference in extensions;
  • display on only one - the second display will turn off;
  • screen expansion - the TV will become a second monitor, expanding the desktop to the left or right (the order depends on the location of displays 1 and 2 in the settings, they can be swapped by dragging). Move any applications to the second monitor, dragging them beyond the edge of the table - launch a movie in the video player on the TV while continuing to work on the laptop.

A similar menu can be opened in a laptop by pressing the Win+P keys. You will be asked to choose the option of using the second screen - duplication or expansion.


It is not possible to transmit video through USB ports; they are not designed for this type of signal. But you can use such a connector to connect to a laptop, you just need an HDMI adapter.

How to connect a laptop to a TV directly via USB: in addition to the USB cable, you will need an adapter - a compact external video card that will help broadcast images from the desktop. When purchasing it, pay attention to fullHD support and the characteristics of the transmitted audio signal. After connecting the devices, install the video card drivers on your computer and select USB as the signal source on TV.

Without wires

If you bought a modern TV with integrated Wi-Fi, connect your laptop to it wirelessly. But even owners of devices without Smart TV technology can set up a wireless laptop connection using a special adapter. To establish a connection, select one of the methods:

  • DLNA – if the TV is connected to a local network router or has Wi-Fi Direct;
  • Miracast or WiDi – will help you use your TV as a wireless monitor, transmitting any video signal;
  • via adapter;
  • Apple TV.


To connect your laptop to your TV via DLNA via WiFi:

  1. Connect both devices to a single router. In the TV menu, go to the “Network” item and mark your access point as the main one, enter its password.
  2. Create a server on your PC, allowing access to content for TV. In the Network and Sharing Center, set your active network to Home.
  3. Find the folders with the files that you are going to duplicate on your TV screen. Right-click on the folder, open “Properties” and go to the “Access” tab; in the advanced settings, enable access to content.

A special program will help simplify the creation of a server - “Home Media Server”, Share Manager, Samsung Share. The first is the most common, it can transcode video and audio files, supports subtitles and digital television. For use:

  • download the installation file from the developer's website;
  • install and open the application;
  • Select your TV model from the list;
  • Mark the folders in the directory whose files you are going to transfer to the second screen.

Now turn on the TV, in the menu find the service for viewing content from third-party devices. For LG devices it is located in the SmartShare section, for Sony – Home. To transfer a movie from your computer to your TV via Wi-Fi, click on the desired file on your laptop and go to “Play to” in the submenu.

In Windows 7 and 8, there may be problems with transferring videos in the MKV format; the playback function on another display is not activated for them. To display the image in this case, you will first have to convert the files to AVI.

If your TV is equipped with the Wi-Fi Direct function, you just need to enable access to the desired folders on your laptop. After that, activate Direct in the TV menu - select your laptop in the list of detected devices, enter the password and you can transfer files.

Miracast and WiDi

These technologies do not require access to folders, but the laptop must meet a number of requirements in order to display images via Wi-Fi:

  • minimum Intel 3 processor;
  • pre-installed Windows 8.1 and higher with Wi-Fi – for Miracast;
  • Intel HD Graphics wireless adapter – for WiDi;
  • The TV must support one of these technologies.

How to display a laptop image on a TV via WiDi: download and open the Intel Wireless Display utility, run a search for a wireless display. To connect, enter the security code shown on TV.

To connect via Miracast in Windows 8.1, expand the Charms panel and activate “Projector” in the list of devices. Select to add a wireless screen.


If your TV does not have Wi-Fi, but has an HDMI connector, purchase a small adapter like:

  • Android Mini PC;
  • Google Chromecast;
  • Miracast set-top box.

These small devices will give your TV full-fledged Smart TV capabilities. Also, some TVs allow you to connect a Wi-Fi adapter to their USB port, after which they can connect to your home network.

Apple TV

Apple TV lets you stream video from your computer to your TV screen. The easiest way is to connect a laptop with Mac OS X, but you can also set up the transfer on a Windows PC.

How to connect a MacBook: connect the Apple TV to the TV, connect the set-top box to the Wi-Fi network. In the PC system settings, select “Displays”, select Apple TV in the list - the image from the laptop will appear on the TV screen. If you want to stream one movie, launch it in the player, click on the arrow icon in the bottom menu bar and click on “AirPlay”. The video will go to TV.

For Windows PC, install branded iTunes. In the “File” menu, activate the “Home Sharing” item, the AirPlay icon will appear in the player. All films and music from your library can be transferred to TV.


You can transfer images from a laptop to almost any TV. Wired connection is suitable for not the most modern models, even if the devices do not have matching ports - use adapters. A Wi-Fi connection will eliminate unnecessary cords; after some minor adjustments, enjoy the convenience of a second monitor.

I very often have to answer questions that sound something like this: “Is it possible to use the TV as a wireless monitor for a laptop or smartphone?” “How to display an image on a TV from a tablet, computer, or phone, but not via cable, but via Wi-Fi?” “How to make it so that everything that is on a tablet or smartphone is displayed on the TV, and that everything is over the air?”

In this article, I will try to answer the questions posed. We will figure out whether it is possible to display an image on a modern TV without a cable, and how to do this using Intel WiDi or Miracast technologies.

Before we get to the main part, in which I plan to tell you how you can turn your TV into a wireless monitor, you need to understand something:

It may slow down in the air, use a cable

No wireless technology will provide the same picture quality that you get over a digital HDMI cable. (at least for now). Yes, I want it wirelessly, but with wireless technology there will be slowdowns, although not much. But playing games or watching movies with some kind of delay in the image is not very pleasant.

You can display videos and photos on TV without any special technology

In this article we are talking about duplicating absolutely everything that happens on the screen of your device onto your TV.

But in order to simply broadcast photos or videos from your computer, smartphone, or tablet to TV via Wi-Fi, you don’t need any special technology. Almost every modern TV supports DLNA technology (if you have a Smart TV, it definitely supports it). Computers and mobile devices can also transmit media content using DLNA technology. Android definitely can do it, iOS too (if I'm not mistaken), and in Windows Phone, this opportunity will appear after updating to version 8.1 (at the time of writing, the official update is still about a month away).

In order to set up broadcasting photos and movies over the air from your computer to your TV, see these instructions:

If the first article is suitable only for LG TVs, then the second can be called universal.

I wrote in a separate article how to display photos and videos from a device on Android: “ “.

Well, if you still need to completely duplicate the picture on your TV, and even without wires, then read on.

Image on TV from laptop or smartphone via Wi-Fi

I noticed that many people want, for example, to start watching an online movie on a tablet in a browser and display it on a TV. But in order to stream a movie via DLNA, you must first download it. Not everyone likes this, and not everyone knows how to download movies on a tablet or smartphone. If you have a Smart TV, then you can watch online movies directly from the TV, and you do not need any additional devices for this. How to do this, read the article.

There are two main technologies that allow you to wirelessly duplicate everything you see on the screen of your laptop or mobile device onto your TV. This is technology Intel Wireless Display(Intel WiDi), and Miracast. Most likely, you have already heard about these technologies, or seen them in the settings of your devices.

If you explain their work in your own words, then everything happens something like this: the image that is displayed on the screen of your computer or mobile device is compressed and transmitted via Wi-Fi to the TV. All this happens very quickly, and the delays are almost unnoticeable.

You simply turn on Miracast, or Intel WiDi on your TV (if it supports this technology, if not, then you need a special HDMI adapter), and on a mobile device or laptop using a special program, start the broadcast. The devices are connected and the picture is transmitted to the TV. By the way, a Wi-Fi network (router) is not needed at all, the TV itself creates a network to which you just need to connect. Something like .

At first glance, everything is very simple. But, at the moment, not all devices support these wireless technologies. Although, I think that in a year this will no longer be a problem.

By the way, Intel WiDi (since version 3.5) Miracast compatible. Therefore, Intel's technology can be considered universal.

Which devices support Intel WiDi and Miracast?

As for computers (laptops), for Intel WiDi technology to work, you need a 4th generation Intel processor, Intel graphics, and an Intel wireless Wi-Fi adapter. As you already understand, not every laptop can boast of such a configuration. Or, you will need a special attachment.

If we talk about mobile devices, they should also have support for Intel WiDi or Miracast. If you plan to use these technologies, then look at the characteristics of the devices and check the availability of these technologies before purchasing.

Intel WiDi and Miracast on TVs

We've figured out the devices that will transmit images over the air, now as for the TVs that will display this same image. The TV must either have built-in support for Intel WiDi/Miracast, or you will need to buy a special receiver that connects to the HDMI connector of your TV.

As far as I understand, almost all TVs from popular manufacturers: LG, Samsung, Toshiba - starting from the 2013 line, and which have support for Smart TV, have built-in receivers and can work with the Intel WiDi/Miracast standard.

If the TV does not have built-in support, then, as I already wrote, an external HDMI adapter will help. By the way, the image flows through it even better than through the built-in one.

For example, the LG 32LN575U TV, an inexpensive model with the Smart TV function, has support for Intel WiDi/Miracast. She looks like this:

Perhaps I’ll somehow demonstrate how this technology works, but that will be in another article.


Let's summarize. If you want to use your TV as the main or second monitor for your computer or mobile device, and you do not have an urgent need to connect them over the air, then it is best to do this using a cable. It’s cheaper and the picture quality will be better.

Don't forget that using DLNA technology and Wi-Fi, you can broadcast photos and videos to your TV. But you won’t be able to display the image by launching the game while in the browser or on the desktop.

If you still want everything that is displayed on the screen of your computer, smartphone, or tablet to be displayed on the TV screen, then look towards Intel WiDi and Miracast technologies. If your devices do not support these standards, you will have to buy special set-top boxes and receivers.

If you are just planning to buy new devices and are going to use these wireless technologies, then before purchasing, check whether they support these standards.

That's all. Best wishes!

Also on the site:

How to display an image from a laptop, smartphone, or tablet to a TV via Wi-Fi? TV as a wireless monitor updated: February 6, 2018 by: admin

This article will help us figure out “How to display an image on a TV”, here we will look at various options for connecting to a modern TV:

We display the image using Wi-Fi (duplicating the laptop screen on the TV)

As I wrote above, this method is not for games, since there is a slight delay; if you want to play on a large TV, use an HDMI cable.

The process of connecting a laptop to a TV via Wi-Fi and displaying an image on the screen:

  1. enable WiDi in the TV settings (if there is no such option, then just activate the Wi-Fi module);
  2. install the Intel Wireless Display utility on the laptop and run it;
  3. find the wireless monitor and connect to it (you may be asked for a password, which will be displayed on the TV screen).

Miracast technology

If your laptop came with Windows 8.1 or higher operating system and also has a Wi-Fi adapter, then it supports Miracast technology.

If the TV does not have this function, then depending on the model you will need to either update the firmware or buy a Miracast adapter.

To display a laptop screen on a TV via Wi-Fi using Miracast technology, you need to:

  1. activate the Wi-Fi module on the TV;
  2. On a laptop running Windows1, move the mouse pointer to the right edge of the screen and select “Devices”;
  3. Click on the "Projector" line and then select "Add a wireless display."

How to connect a regular TV to a laptop via Wi-Fi

If you are not the proud owner of a Smart TV, and therefore your TV does not support Wi-Fi Direct, WiDi, Miracast technologies or does not have a Wi-Fi module at all, do not rush to accept the situation and connect your laptop using wires. Google has foreseen this situation and released a device called Google Chromecast, which allows you to easily transfer images from a laptop or smartphone to your TV.

All you need is to connect Google Chromecast to your TV via the HDMI connector and set up a connection to a wireless network.

Hello everybody! In this article I will tell you how to display an image from a laptop to a TV. This information will be useful because every laptop user sometimes thinks about connecting his device to an LCD or plasma TV in order to be able to watch FullHD video on the big screen.

Before describing the methods, I will hasten to talk about what happens when a connection between these devices is established. If the connectors and cables are selected correctly, the software works perfectly, then you can connect everything within 15 minutes. There are two ways to operate the TV when connected to a laptop:

  1. TV as a monitor. This feature is configured in the laptop interface, for example, the figure shows how this happens on Windows

It is possible to extend the desktop onto the TV, use the duplication mode and “send” the video player to the screen.

  1. A laptop as an external storage for media information (images, music, videos). This option is available when using SMART TVs.

Now you can talk about ways to display an image on a TV from a laptop, but I also suggest you read an article about this or that.

How to display an image from a laptop to a TV? - The first way. Connection via USB

Before you display an image from a laptop to a TV, it is important to know that this method involves using a regular USB cable. As a result of the connection, the laptop appears to the TV as a hard drive that transmits graphic and audio information to the TV.

Second way. Outputting images via Wi-Fi

Connecting a laptop and TV using Wi-Fi has two types, depending on whether the TV and laptop have a direct Wi-Fi connection. If there are no such possibilities, then it is suggested to purchase an external adapter. There is no fundamental difference in the use of these two methods. We can only note that external adapters “support the network” better.

So, let's look at these methods in more detail:

  1. Direct connection via WiDi/Miracast technology.

This technology is supported by many SMART TV models. If this technology is not included in the basic configuration, then it is possible to use a special adapter that connects to the HDMI connector. When using this technology, you must install the Intel Wireless Display program. Next, you need to activate WiDi/Miracast in the TV’s network settings.

When using this method, you do not need a router, since both devices create a common local Wi-Fi network. The laptop must be quite powerful, since these processes are demanding for it.

  1. Wi-Fi connection using a router.

When using a router, you need to configure the TV's network parameters in the corresponding section of its menu. You must also enter a password to access the network. The TV connects to the local network as a Wi-Fi device.

Note: The speed of data transfer via Wi-Fi depends on all sorts of external factors, such as wall obstacles, distance to the router, the number of devices connected at the same time, and the like. It should be borne in mind that downloading videos is significantly demanding on connection speed. And transmission through such a FullHD connection is almost impossible.

Third way. Using a Local Area Network (LAN)

This connection method is the most convenient as it allows you to use the SMART functions to the maximum. Here is a diagram of the local network connection:

The computer's network parameters are usually assigned automatically by the router. If this does not happen, you can configure the connection manually. But if you doubt your knowledge in this, then you should contact specialists in this field.

When connecting to Wi-Fi or a local network, to create a home media server, you should install the “DLNA” program on your laptop, which provides access to media over the network. There are a lot of programs for this purpose, for example, “Home Media Server” (“HMS”), a screenshot of the interface, which is shown in the figure.

There are also official programs specializing in creating media servers, which are available from major SMART TV manufacturers. For example, there is “AllShare” from Samsung, shown in the figure.

Fourth method. Outputting images via HDMI

This method is the most common. It transmits high and ultra high definition video. All modern laptops and TVs support it. With just one cable it is possible to transmit both image and sound. This is the main difference between it and other standards. Here are images of the HDMI ports on the TV panel and laptop.

Here are three types of existing connectors for this standard.

  • Type A, available on most TVs.
  • mini HDMI (Type B) – a smaller connector for laptops and video cameras.
  • micro HDMI (Type C) – for installation in cameras, smartphones and tablets.

To make them compatible with each other, adapters are used. This standard has two types of cables:

  • “Standard”, designed to transmit images with a resolution of 720p and 1080p at a frequency of 74.5 MHz.
  • “High Speed” - for resolutions of 1080p and 2160p and a frequency of 340 MHz.

Both species are well able to withstand distances of up to 15 meters. To increase the length even further, signal amplifiers built into the cable are used, as well as twisted pair, fiber optic or coaxial cables. But the basic version provides a length of up to 1.8 meters inclusive.

Just a moment, friends! If you have a couple of minutes of free time, then I ask you to devote them to reading articles about this or why, as well as.

Fifth way. Using DVI

Digital Visual Interface is a standard for video transmission that does not support audio transmission, but is intended for FullHD and 3D transmission. Due to the inability to transmit sound, you must additionally use a speaker system or audio input on the TV. The DVI connector looks like the one shown in the picture.

The cable length with this standard depends on the amount of video information transmitted along the cable.

Powerful signal amplifiers make it possible to transmit a video signal over a distance of 60 meters.

Sixth method. Using VGA or PC IN

Many LCD and plasma TVs support this type of connection. VGA was used back in the days when flat-panel monitors did not exist. Nowadays, it can be seen on many devices that were three years old. PC IN is shown in the figure.

VGA does not support audio transmission, so TVs have an additional audio jack. Video resolution at VGA – up to 1600x1200. But there are rare video cards that support 1920x1080 resolution.

The standard VGA cable length is from 1.5 to 1.8 m. But VGA can support cables up to 30 meters and even more.

Seventh method. Using S-Video

This standard appeared quite a long time ago, and new laptops with this standard can no longer be found. In such cases, you can use an adapter. This method of transferring images to CRT TVs is still the best.

Of course, this type of standard does not have the ability to transmit high quality audio and graphics. The maximum cable length depends on the quality of the material and the presence of protection. There have been cases of signal transmission over long distances, up to 300 meters. High-quality reproduction is ensured at a maximum of 15 meters.

Eighth method. Component or RGB cord

This type of standard consists of three channels supplied through three different colored connectors on the TV: green, red and blue. In modern times, these connectors do not lose their relevance. The picture shows the back panel of one of LG's 2014 TVs. The so-called “tulips” are circled in green, and the component input is circled in red.

You cannot find such connectors on laptops, so through this standard the laptop is connected to the TV using an adapter, for example, from the VGA standard. It is recommended to use cables up to 15 meters long.

Ninth method. Connection via SCART

The standard appeared a long time ago, in 1978, and at one time was a breakthrough in video transmission technology, but in modern times it is still used. To connect via this standard, you can use VGA, HDML and other adapters.

Using SCART is primarily suitable for connecting modern laptops to old TVs. The maximum cable length that maintains good sound quality ranges up to 15 meters. Such high-quality cables are quite expensive, so purchasing them is quite problematic.

Tenth way. Transfer from APPLE laptops

APPLE laptops with Retina displays support HDMI. If HDMI is not available, you must use an adapter. The figure shows the various ports.


So, this article discussed the main ways to connect a laptop to a TV to display images on the screen. I hope you understand how to display an image from a laptop to a TV? Each method has its own characteristics, capabilities and its own history. This information will be useful to all laptop owners who want to take advantage of even greater opportunities in terms of viewing videos, photos and the like. Thank you all for your attention and good health to you!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

How to display an image from a laptop to a TV? Well, there are a lot of options!

In this article we will tell you how to properly connect a computer via wifi to a TV, and consider several of the most popular options today. The point of this connection is the ability to conveniently watch video files and photos stored on a computer or broadcast via the Internet on a large screen.

What do you need to establish a wireless connection?

Since Wi-Fi involves data exchange over a radio channel, first of all, you need to make sure that your Smart TV, like a computer, is equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi module or optionally supports this technology.

As for laptops, almost all modern models have a built-in Wi-Fi module. If you want to connect a stationary desktop to the TV, you will have to additionally purchase a special Wi-Fi adapter for it.

The adapter can be made in the form of a PCI card with an antenna built into the system unit or an external USB module that resembles an ordinary flash drive in appearance. The same external Wi-Fi adapter may need to be connected to the USB connector of the TV, if it is not initially equipped with a built-in module. To avoid problems with connection and setup, it is better to purchase adapters of the same brand as your TV.

It would be a good idea to pay attention to the version of the Wi-Fi standard that the modules support. It is better to stick with the most current and fastest version of IEEE 802.11n. It has a wide bandwidth and will not cause delays or freezes on the TV screen. Also, be sure to update the driver versions for all network devices.

The easiest way to wirelessly transfer images or music from a computer (laptop, tablet) to a TV is in the following ways:

  1. Via a local LAN network via a Wi-Fi router (computer – router – TV).
  2. Using Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) or Wi-Fi Miracast (wireless monitor) technology.

Connecting the TV to a computer using a Wi-Fi router (DLNA technology)