DIY floating boilies. What will we create? Benefits of hair rig

Hello, friends! In this article we will look at how to create a Pop Up window yourself and install it on your blog. This event will increase the collection of subscribers from your blog.

Anyone can create a Pop Up window

In today's article we will talk about the so-called Pop Up windows, which are used on many sites and blogs. In Russian they are called pop-ups. Pop Up is a window that pops up automatically on top of a web page. Surely you have repeatedly encountered similar pop-up windows when visiting some websites and blogs.

Pop-up windows can open immediately when you land on a blog, they can open in the middle of browsing, or they can appear when you close the page. Pop Up windows benefit the owner of a website or blog, essentially forcing the reader to subscribe or go to the sales page. Naturally, pop-up windows irritate visitors to such resources.

At the same time, statistics show that pop-up windows dramatically increase subscriptions and especially sales, and increase earnings via the Internet. It's no wonder that every third blog has such a tool. Search engines have a negative attitude towards Pop Up windows. Therefore, you simply cannot install them on young blogs, otherwise such a blog will never move to the top, or even fall under the filter. That is, Pop Up windows have pros and cons, so their installation must be approached carefully.

Let's assume that your blog has already gained weight and gained authority among search engines, and you decided to install a Pop Up window on your blog. There are two options here - order the installation of a Pop Up window on a freelance basis, or do this work yourself. Freelancing will do everything for you, but it costs money, but you can do this kind of work yourself.

You can create a Pop Up window using ready-made template. The template can be remade beyond recognition, which will carry the information you need only and will have the desired design. All this is easy to do. If you made your subscription pages using templates, the process here is very similar. But there is also a difference. To create a pop-up window, you need to use the free one online service Pop in Builder. To get to the page of the specified service in search bar browser, you can specify Pop in Builder. Or go to this link The service is free and does not require registration.

The point of the work is as follows: first you take a template, edit the entries (its code) in a regular notepad or NotePad++, upload images to the hosting (blog), then edit the Pop Up window in the Pop in Builder service and get html code. Paste the resulting code onto your blog. It seems difficult, but it only seems, in fact everything is very simple and easy. Of course, it will be difficult to do such work according to my description, but you can download free video lesson, where all actions are shown in detail. You can download the lesson “Creating a Pop Up Window at the Page Exit” by following the link.

You can create your own individual Pop Up window at your discretion and reflect it there necessary information, and in time it will take an hour to an hour and a half. If you decide to install a Pop Up window, then go ahead and do it.

On the pages of the blog I already told how information about the production was presented advertising banner, they said that it is difficult, you need to order only from specialists. But you remember that even a child can make an advertising banner, and in just a few minutes, you can look at the articles “

How to make a pop-up window is a question that haunts the mind of any young novice programmer. And today we will look at how to make this pop-up window. I’ll get ahead of myself a little, because what we will do will be truly very, very interesting and functional.

So, we will create a similar window that I implemented on the website of one of my customers. You can take a look. The huge advantage of this method of creating such a window is that we will not use JavaScript, but will limit ourselves exclusively to my favorite CSS3 and HTML5. This way we will kill several birds with one stone. Firstly, we will make it easier to load our site, and secondly, we will implement everything in a convenient and easy form with minimal use of code, which will allow you to independently give your pop-up window any size, color, shape. I think it's great. So let's get started.

Imagine you already have a website and you want to implement a button somewhere, for example, “registration” or “ online application" And you want the user to click on this button to see a small window that allows him to enter some data into it and then send it to the site administrator. This is the window we are going to make now.

To begin with, we will create this button, I think you can do it without much difficulty. But in the tag You must enter the following #openModal . This is what it should look like for you. Next, before the closing tag write the code below. Please note that we will use classes for decoration, and id for calling the window. Following this rule, we can create countless different pop-up windows.

Now we need to design everything beautifully and make sure everything works as it should. Let's start decorating.


ModalDialog ( position: fixed; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.8); z-index : 99999; -webkit-transition: opacity 400ms ease-in; -moz-transition: opacity 400ms ease-in; display: none;


position: fixed;

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

top: 0;

right : 0 ;

bottom: 0;

left: 0;

background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);

z-index: 99999;

Webkit - transition : opacity 400ms ease - in ;

Moz - transition : opacity 400ms ease - in ;

transition: opacity 400ms ease - in;

display: none;

pointer - events : none ;

The above code is simple as hell. But just in case, since I know that my blog is read by quite a lot of newcomers, I will analyze possible difficulties. So that the window would always be in one place, I gave it a fixed position. Also, so that the window stretches across the entire screen, I set the coordinates of the corners to point 0. For background the color is set to black and transparency is added, thus achieving darkness around modal window. To ensure that the window is on top of the rest of the page elements, set it to large z-index. For smooth appearance and the disappearance of our favorite modal window, and it will become like this, believe me, transition. To hide the window you need to set display V none. Property pointer-events allows you to control the interactivity (clickability) of elements.

Opening a pop-up window

We decorated our window. But! It, you tell me, doesn’t work. Yes, I answer, it is so. Because now is the fun part. CSS3 introduced a pseudo-class target, a truly useful thing, whatever you say. And in our modal pop-up window there is absolutely no way without it. What does it do? This pseudo-class, if specified with some element that is defined in address bar as id, in our case it is #openModal. Then, the properties of this pseudo-class will become more important than those of the target element. I think you already understand what I want to do.

ModalDialog:target ( display: block; pointer-events: auto; ) .modalDialog > div ( width: 400px; position: relative; margin: 10% auto; padding: 5px 20px 13px 20px; border-radius: 10px; background: # fff; background: -moz-linear-gradient(#fff, #999); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#fff, #999); background: -o-linear-gradient(#fff, #999); )

ModalDialog: target(

display: block;

pointer-events: auto;

ModalDialog > div (

width: 400px;

position: relative;

margin: 10% auto;

padding: 5px 20px 13px 20px;

border - radius : 10px ;

background : #fff;

background : - moz - linear - gradient (#fff, #999);

background : - webkit - linear - gradient (#fff, #999);

background : - o - linear - gradient (#fff, #999);

Pseudo-class target sets DISPLAY to BLOCK and thus the window pops up. The POINTER-EVENTS property controls the activity of the link.
The DIV property sets the width of the window, its position on the screen, and the padding to place the window in the center of the page. The remaining properties set the margins inside the page, the rounding of corners and the background of the window with gradients from white to dark gray.

Closing a modal window

When the window design is set and it opens, you need to make a button to close the window - design it and implement the functionality. Using CSS3 and HTML5 allows you to create stylish custom buttons without using images:

Close ( background: #606061; color: #FFFFFF; line-height: 25px; position: absolute; right: -12px; text-align: center; top: -10px; width: 24px; text-decoration: none; font- weight: bold; -webkit-border-radius: 12px; -moz-border-radius: 12px; -moz-box-shadow: 1px 3px #000; 3px #000; box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000; .close:hover ( background: #00d9ff; )


background : #606061;

In this article, Anthony Wood will talk about how to make floating (pop-up) boilies. You will find out what they were made of previously and what components are needed now. Anthony Wood says...

I have been asked many times to write an article on creating floating baits because there are few of them or they are very old. And now, I finally found the time...

A little history...

What should I start with? To begin with, I will tell you that in the 80s mix for floating boilies was simple: 2 ounces (1oz ~ 28.3g) sodium caseinate, 2 ounces calcium caseinate, 1 ounce soy isolate, 1 large egg and 10 ml flavoring. This was a good protein pop-up.

Now, milk proteins have become very expensive and people have begun to experiment and look for other ways to make the mix. The first idea was to wrap the foam balls in a thin layer of boilie mix to make the bait float.

Wrapping cork balls in boilie paste is now also one of the popular methods for making floating baits. I personally don't like this idea because if we miss the fish with the bait, or the bait comes off the hair, it can cause intestinal problems for the fish. Although, this is a rare occurrence.

Another way to make a floating bait is to take your regular boilie mix and throw it in the microwave instead of just boiling it in the pot. Yes, you will get a floating nozzle, but the results will vary, since there is no clear understanding of how long the nozzle will remain floating.

Throw in about 30 14mm boilies and turn on the stove at maximum power. Turn off after 2 minutes. After two minutes, carefully examine the boilies for signs of burning. If outside is normal, turn on for another 15 seconds. Examine your attachments again and continue at these 15-second intervals until you notice slight signs of burning. This means that you have evaporated almost all the water from the nozzle. Now she will swim. The longer you use the microwave, the better the attachments will float. If you want to make attachments larger than 14mm, then just increase the timings a little (for example, from 15 seconds to 20) and experiment.

One more tip the more milk-based products in the mix, such as casein, the better the boilie will swim.

Another way to make floating boilies is to buy a ready-made floating mix from good producers(e.g. Mainline Baits Polaris or pop-up mix from Richworth/CC Moore). All these mixes are high quality and you will make good baits. One little tip - For every 4 tablespoons of mix, add one tablespoon of egg albumin.. This will allow your mix to flow well.

So, now we will make a pop-up mix. My favorite pop-up mix... using cork crumbs. The only caveat is that when preparing boilies with cork crumbs, proceed not from weight, but from volume. I always make a mix based on one egg.

What do we need?

  • 2 cups cork crumbs
  • 1 cup of base mix (meaning mix for sinking boilies)
  • 1/2 cup egg albumin (very important because albumin helps bind the mix and the boilies roll well)
  • 1 large egg
  • 5g of potassium sorbate dissolved in 10ml of warm water (a preservative that increases the shelf life of boilies)
  • 5ml concentrated flavor
  • 1 teaspoon dye

If you will use other ingredients, such as salt, fructose, brewer's yeast, then add them to the base mix and take a glass of the base mix, taking into account the added components.

Mix all dry ingredients. It is best to pour everything into a plastic bag and mix well.

Now, beat the egg and add the liquid ingredients (potassium sorbate and flavoring) and coloring. Stir. Gradually add the bulk mixture, mixing everything together until you get a dough that does not stick to your hands.

Load the dough into the gun and make sausages of the desired diameter. Roll them out on a board and get round, uniform baits. If not, then roll the balls by hand.

Cook 30 boilies for 2 minutes.

Let them dry for 48 hours, after which you can package them in an airtight container.

Remember that floating boilies become less effective in deep water. The deeper the fishing spot, the worse your bait will come off the bottom. At a depth of more than 3 meters, the nozzle begins to gradually lose its buoyancy qualities and upon reaching 9 meters it becomes useless.

I hope you liked this material. If you want to know more, you can purchase one of Anthony Wood's books on the website

Today we will talk about how to create your own popup window for your website. Now this method is very popular, but most solutions for its implementation are paid. An example of a not very beautiful window (but this is just an example) inside a post...

In this post we will learn how to make a popup window like this. Simple, fast, effective, and most importantly free!

Any popup window essentially consists of two parts. The first is darkening the general background. The second is the window itself. The window, in turn, is usually divided into a title, text and a subscription form. Let's prepare the base for our window, taking into account the specified structure.

We have:
fs_popup_bg— Dimming the site;
fs_popup— The window itself;
fs_popup_head— Window title;
fs_content— The contents of the window, divided into two parts;

Now let's write the necessary styles...

Let's take a quick look at the styles of our popup window.
#fs_popup_bg- indicates that our background will be black and almost opaque (0.9), will be located on the left top corner and occupy the entire screen area. In this case, the depth of the element, or rather its elevation above other elements, will be very large (definitely greater than others).
#fs_popup- indicates that the window will be a level above the background (otherwise we would not see it). Its dimensions will be 600px by 300px with rounded corners and a red frame.
.fs_content_left, .fs_content_right- tells us that the blocks are pressed to the left (necessary for their location on the same level), they have indents and the Arial font.

Let's fill our window with content:

In this post we will learn how to make a popup window like this. Simple, fast, effective, and most importantly free!
Quickly enter your E-Mail and get a bunch useful information!*

Your Email:

* - This field is not active. By clicking the "Subscribe" button you agree to the use of your address for the purposes of mass mailing promotional materials. You also bequeath your car, apartment and 10% of your income to the author of the site.

And let’s add our styles for a more beautiful display:

That's basically all. As can be seen from JavaScript example for a popup window, it is essentially needed in two cases:
1) Event of closing our window;
2) Event for clicking on the “Subscribe” button;
It also wouldn’t hurt to check whether this window was shown on this computer. Working with cookies is quite suitable for these purposes.

A PopUP window is a pop-up ad designed to attract web traffic or collect addresses. Email. Such elements are often forms of Internet advertising on the WorldWideWeb. Typically, these are new windows that open in a web browser to display advertisements. They are typically generated by JavaScript using cross-site scripting (XSS), sometimes with a secondary payload and using AdobeFlash.

A variation of PopUP are pop-up ads that open in a new browser window hidden in the active one.

History of origin

The first pop-up ads appeared on in the late 1990s. Ethan Zuckerman claims that he wrote the code to run ads in individual windows in response to complaints about banner ads. Subsequently, the developer repeatedly apologized for the inconvenience that his invention began to cause.

Opera was the first major browser to include pop-up blocking tools. Mozilla Browser later improved these developments by starting to block the PopUP window generated when the page loads. In the early 2000s, all major web browsers except Internet Explorer, allowed the user to almost completely remove unwanted pop-up ads. In 2004, Microsoft released Windows XP SP2, which added blocking to this browser.

Majority modern browsers come with pop-up protection tools. Third Party Tools usually include other features, such as ad filtering.

Popup windows

Some types of downloadable content are images, free music and others - can cause pop-ups. Additionally, they sometimes look like normal web pages and the site name will appear in the search bar. Many resources use pop-up windows to display information without interrupting what is currently open. this moment page. For example, if you filled out a form on a web page and needed more guidance, the PopUP window would give you Additional information without causing the loss of any data already entered into the form. Most pop-up ad blockers allow this type of downloading.

But be aware that some web installers, such as those used by McAfee, use a pop-up window to install the software. On many Internet browsers, pressing Ctrl keys Clicking on the link will bypass the filter.

In this case, clicking (even accidentally) on one pop-up window can lead to the opening of others.

Bypass pop-up blocker

The combination of a banner ad and a pop-up window is a "hover ad" that uses DHTML to display on screen on top of the page content. WITH using JavaScript the ad can be overlaid on top of the web page in transparent layer. This advertisement can appear in almost all cases where the advertiser wants it to. Such a PopUP window script cannot be noticed in advance. For example, an advertisement may contain an AdobeFlash animation linked to the advertiser's site. It can also look like a regular window. Since the advertisement is part of the web page, it cannot be blocked using a blocker, but it can be prevented from opening using third party applications(like AdBlock and AdblockPlus) or using custom style sheets.


This ad is similar to a regular PopUP window, but it appears hidden behind the main browser window rather than appearing in front of it. When did pop-up ads become widespread and take over whole screen computer, many users have learned to immediately close them without looking. That's why PopUNDER appeared, which do not interfere with the user's viewing of the site's content. They typically go undetected until the main browser window is closed or minimized. Research has shown that users respond better to these ads than pop-up ads because they don't appear as intrusive.

Popular advertising technology

IN advertisement two very involved simple functions JavaScript, introduced in 1997 with the Netscape 2.0B3 browser. This methodology is widely used on the Internet. Modern web publishers and advertisers use it to create a window in front of page content, load an ad, and then send it off the screen.

Most modern browsers only allow the PopUP popup to open when there is some user interaction (such as a mouse click). Any non-interactive calls ( callback timer, loading events, etc.) will lead to blocking of the new window. To get around this limitation, most pop-up ads are triggered using a mouse event listener attached directly to the document or document body. This allows you to capture all mouse clicks on the page that were not used by other event handlers. For example, when the user selects text, the mouse click is detected by a listener attached to the document. This will open a popup window using the above code.

"Tricky" PopUP window generator

Users of various websites and web applications constantly encounter unwanted pop-ups when using the browser. Typically, such a PopUP window is removed using the “close” or “cancel” function. Since this is a typical user response, developers began to use some tricks. So, when developing advertising messages are being created on-screen buttons or controls similar to a "close" or "cancel" option. However, when the user selects one of these options, the button performs an unexpected or unauthorized action (for example, opening a new pop-up window or downloading an unwanted file to the user's system).

Because web design technologies allow authors to use any form of “fake”, some users refuse to click or interact with any element inside a pop-up window at all.

URL redirect

Sometimes URLs are redirected to advertising pages using the Background URL redirection function. They sometimes open in a new tab, and then the contents of the old background tab are replaced with advertising pages using a redirect. AdblockPlus, uBlock or NoScript cannot block these pop-up redirects. This feature is increasingly being used by advertising distributors in search of a way to make the PopUP window the most active.

How to get rid of pop-ups

How to remove ads in the browser? First of all, check for updates. Keeping your browser up to date will have great importance in the fight against pop-ups. Most browsers are set to update automatically, but this can be turned off. This process usually takes only a few minutes.

  • Firefox: Click the app name button in the top left corner. Hover your mouse over Help and select About Firefox. This will open a window with browser version information. If your browser does not automatically download and install.
  • Chrome: Click the menu button in the top right corner. Select "About Chrome" at the bottom, it will open new inset, and the browser will check for updates. If there are any, they will be installed automatically.
  • Internet Explorer: The update method depends on the browser version you are using. For older options you will need to login Center Windows updates. For Internet Explorer 10 and 11 you can enable automatic updates by clicking the Gear icon and selecting About Internet Explorer.

If updates don't help

Sometimes a PopUP window for a website and the like software embedded too deeply to be removed by updating. IN similar cases Reinstalling or changing your web browser may help resolve the issue.

First download latest version browser you want to use. You can find download links at home page each application.