Fvd speed dial takes a long time to load. Recovering bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox. If your browser blocks add-ons

Mozilla Firefox is a powerful and convenient browser, the functionality of which can be significantly expanded through special add-ons that can be downloaded from the store built into the browser. In this article I want to tell you about the Speed ​​Dial add-on - a convenient and functional replacement for standard visual bookmarks, which can greatly simplify using the browser.

The main feature of the add-on is the display of bookmarks, not just in a regular list, but in the form of miniature images of sites. This will allow you to clearly see the list of your bookmarks and quickly go to the desired site by clicking on the site preview.

To use Speed ​​Dial, download the add-on from the link at the end of the article. After downloading, click the “Install Now” button and restart your browser.

Speed ​​Dial is almost ready to use. If you previously used other visual bookmarks in your browser, you need to disable them in the add-ons settings menu.

To do this, open the Firefox menu and select the Add-ons icon. A list of installed and activated extensions will open, where you need to disable old visual bookmarks by selecting the corresponding button opposite them. The Speed ​​Dial add-on, if it is not activated, must be enabled.

Without leaving this page, opposite the Speed ​​Dial, select “Settings”.

Check the boxes next to “In new empty windows” and “In new empty tabs”. Click OK.

Now open a new tab in Firefox. A page of visual bookmarks will be displayed in front of you, however, there are no bookmarks here yet. Let's fix this situation.

Right-click on the icon with the number 1 and select “Edit group”. A small window will appear in front of you, where in the “Address” column you need to indicate the address of the desired site. Once filled in, click OK.

In this way, fill in the required number of visual icons.

By the way, Speed ​​Dial has the ability to sort visual bookmarks into groups. To do this, open the Speed ​​Dial settings again and in the “Basic” tab, select the “Manage Groups” button.

Click the "Add" button, enter a name for the new group, set the required number of rows and columns and click OK.

Here you can create any number of groups and sort sites as you wish. Create a “Work” group, where there will be links to work sites, create a “Shopping” group, where all interesting online stores will be collected, create an “Entertainment” group, where a selection of entertainment sites and social networks will be created. Rely completely on your imagination and preferences.

After this, all groups will be displayed in the Speed ​​Dial as tabs. Open the created group and fill it with sites in exactly the same way as we did above.

The Speed ​​Dial is now ready for use. Enjoy!

Visual bookmarks are something without which no modern browser can be imagined. Initially, the function appeared in one of the old, old versions of the browser, but then it migrated to other Internet browsers. In one way or another, the function of displaying frequently visited pages in a new tab is now implemented in every browser, however, as usual, the standard functionality does not always take into account all the wishes of users, which is compensated by the installation of third-party solutions. The same applies to the Speed ​​dial extension for, which is designed to replace standard visual bookmarks in the fox browser. You can read about the Speed ​​dial extension for the Google Chrome browser.


First, I’ll tell you how the process of installing the extension actually happens. Fortunately, every self-respecting browser has already acquired a built-in application store, so downloading and installing *.exe files is no longer necessary. So, to download Speeddial for FireFox, you need:

  1. Launch the browser.
  2. Click on the “hamburger menu” icon in the upper right corner of the program window;
  3. Select “Add-ons” from the drop-down list.

On the page that opens, in the “Search among add-ons” field, you need to enter the name of the extension you are looking for (in our case, “speed dial”) and press the “Enter” key to start the search process. Now all that remains is to click on the “Install” button opposite “Speed ​​Dial" and wait until the application is installed.

Advice! After installing the add-on, you must restart your browser.


After Firefox has reopened, Speed ​​dial will greet the user with a standard set of pinned sites.

All you need to do now is make the initial setup and add your own sites. In order to delete existing sites, you will need:

  1. Hover your mouse over any of the pinned sites (also called demos).
  2. Click on the red cross that appears in the lower right corner of the block.
  3. Confirm deletion and repeat the procedure with the remaining unnecessary sites.

Assigning your own address in Speed ​​dial Mozilla also takes just a few clicks, namely:

  1. Click on the “+” button on the home page.
  2. Enter the website address in the appropriate field. If the site you want is already open in another tab, simply click on the “Open Tabs” link to access the sites you are viewing in other tabs. The function works similarly for frequently visited sites, as well as for popular addresses among other users.
  3. Enter a title for the title, or leave the field blank. If you do not specify a title, it is automatically taken from the added page.
  4. Select an image for the site to be added or add it yourself on the “Display” tab.
  5. Click on the “Create” button, and then proceed to add the next bookmark or close the window.

As an example, I added the address of a famous social network to my mozilla firefox speed dial, and then adjusted the number of columns on the main page by simply calling up the context menu by right-clicking. Here's what I got:

Overall, the Speed ​​Dial extension is an excellent replacement for standard visual bookmarks, and provides the user with many opportunities to always have access to their favorite sites at hand.

Allowing you to display your bookmarks in a convenient form. This add-on will be an excellent alternative to standard visual bookmarks.

Instead of an inconvenient list of bookmarks, 9 specified sites with visual previews will be displayed (the number of icons can always be changed). And to quickly go to the desired site, just click on the miniature image of the page or press the hotkey combination Ctrl+X, where X is the number of the site icon.

Installation and configuration of Speed ​​Dial.

Installing Speed ​​Dial, like any other add-on for Firefox, is done in two steps:

2. Click "Install Now" and restart your browser.

3. After rebooting, you need to make some minor adjustments to the Speed ​​Dial. If you previously installed visual bookmarks from other developers, for example, the company, you need to disable them in the “Add-ons” menu.

Now let's move directly to the Speed ​​Dial settings. Go to the Firefox menu and click Settings.

4. Opposite “When Firefox starts” check the box "Show home page", and in the home page column enter the address ya.ru. Click OK.

5. Go to the Firefox menu and click Add-ons. Open Speed ​​Dial settings.

6. Check the boxes next to "In the new empty windows" And "In new empty tabs". Click OK.

7. Now open a new tab and right-click on any free area. Select Change Group. Here you can set row and column metrics, as well as a different background color (or your own image). Also click OK.

8. There's just a little bit left to do. Click on any empty icon and enter a new bookmark address.

9. Almost immediately your miniature website page will load.

10. Speed ​​Dial has the ability to create groups of bookmarks. This function allows you to create any number of groups and group sites at your discretion. To create new groups, go to the “Add-ons” section in the browser menu, open the Speed ​​Dial settings and click “Manage Groups”. A new window will open, in which click “Add” and give the new group a name. After this, a new group will appear on the Firefox home page, in which you need to add new sites in exactly the same way.

The Speed ​​Dial setup is complete. Enjoy!

Visual bookmarks are one of the most effective ways to quickly access saved web pages. The most popular and functional extension in this area is Speed ​​Dial for Mazila.

Speed ​​Dial is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox, which is a page with visual bookmarks. The add-on is unique in that it has a huge package of features that no other similar add-on can boast of.

You can either immediately go to the Speed ​​Dial download page using the link at the end of the article, or find it yourself in the add-on store.

To do this, click on the menu button in the upper right corner of Mozilla Firefox and in the window that appears, go to the section "Extras" .

A search bar will open in the upper right corner of the window that opens, in which you will need to enter the name of the add-on you are looking for, and then press the Enter key.

The addition we need will be displayed first in the list. To begin installing it, click on the button to the right "Install" .

Once the installation of Speed ​​Dial is completed, you will need to restart your web browser by clicking on the corresponding button.

How to use Speed ​​Dial?

To display the Speed ​​Dial window, you will need to create a new tab in Mozilla Firefox.

The Speed ​​Dial window will appear on the screen. While the add-on is not very informative, but after spending some time configuring it, you can make it the most useful tool for Mozilla Firefox.

How to add a visual bookmark to Speed ​​Dial?

Pay attention to the empty windows with plus signs. By clicking on this box, a window will appear on the screen in which you will be asked to assign a URL link to a separate visual bookmark.

Unneeded visual bookmarks can be reassigned. To do this, right-click on the window with the bookmark and select the item in the context menu that appears "Edit" .

A familiar window will open in which you need to update the URL pages to the desired one.

How to delete visual bookmarks?

Right-click on the bookmark and select the item from the menu that appears "Delete" . Confirm deleting the bookmark.

How to transfer visual bookmarks?

In order to find the bookmark you need as quickly as possible, you can sort them in the desired order. To do this, hold down the bookmark with the mouse and move it to a new area, then release the mouse button and the bookmark will be fixed.

How to work with groups?

One of the most interesting features of Speed ​​Dial is the sorting of visual bookmarks into folders. You can create any number of folders and give them the desired names: “Work”, “Entertainment”, “Social networks”, etc.

To add a new folder to the Speed ​​Dial, click on the plus sign icon in the upper right corner.

A small window will appear on the screen in which you will need to enter a name for the group being created.

To change the group name "Default" , right-click on it, select "Edit group" , and then enter your name for the group.

Switching between groups is carried out in the same upper right corner - you just need to click on the group name with the left mouse button, after which the visual bookmarks included in this group will be displayed on the screen.

Customizing the appearance

In the top right corner of the Speed ​​Dial, click the gear icon to go to settings.

Go to the central tab. Here you can change the background image of the picture, and you can either upload your own image from your computer or specify a URL link to the picture on the Internet.

By default, the add-on has an interesting parallax effect activated, which slightly shifts the image as the mouse cursor moves on the screen. This effect is very similar to the effect of displaying a background image on Apple devices.

If necessary, you can either adjust the motion of the picture for this effect or turn it off completely by choosing one of the alternative effects (which, however, will no longer produce such a wow effect).

Now go to the very first tab on the left, which shows a gear. You will need to open a subtab "Decor" .

Here you can fine-tune the appearance of the tiles, starting with the displayed elements and ending with their size.

In addition, here, if necessary, you can remove the inscriptions under the tiles, exclude the search bar, change the theme from dark to light, change horizontal scrolling to vertical, etc.

Setting up synchronization

The downside of most Firefox add-ons with visual bookmarks is the lack of synchronization. You spend a lot of effort and time on detailed configuration of the add-on, but if you need to install it for a browser on another computer or completely reinstall the web browser on your current PC, then you will need to configure the add-on again.

In this regard, a synchronization function was implemented in Speed ​​Dial, however, it is not immediately built into the add-on, but is downloaded separately. To do this, in the Speed ​​Dial settings, go to the third tab from the right, which is responsible for synchronization.

Here the system will notify you that to set up synchronization you will need to install additional add-ons that will provide not only Speed ​​Dial data synchronization, but also an automatic backup function. By clicking the button "Install from addons.mozilla.org" , you can proceed to install this set of add-ons.

And in conclusion...

Once you've finished setting up your visual bookmarks, hide the Speed ​​Dial menu icon by clicking on the arrow icon.

Now visual bookmarks are fully customized, which means that your experience of using Mozilla Firefox will henceforth be extremely positive.

Bastards!!! That was my first thought after launching the Firefox browser this evening.

Of course, I heard that the Firefox browser was updated to a fundamentally new version 57.0 (cool, beautiful, fast, makes coffee, grants wishes, etc., etc.) which does not support extensions released before the update.

But I have automatic updates turned off. Firefox is portable. Nothing of the kind threatens.

That's what I thought when I launched it. And just like that, it started up, and then immediately pop up!, you have a new Firefox. Have fun, they say, and admire it. And you can’t roll back! But most importantly, there is no longer support for my favorite Speed ​​Dial plugin, in which I conveniently stored the sites I needed, dividing them into groups.

Remember what was written on the cover of the book “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”? It said “Don’t panic.”))

We're fixing the Speed ​​Dial!

I’ll say right away that it’s not possible to fix the Speed ​​Dial “head-on”. Its last update was dated March 14, 2017. That is. turn on, try to start, this is a dead number. We'll go the other way.

So, I open Firefox, follow the link and install the GroupSpeedDial extension from the official Mozilla website. Essentially, this is an analogue of my favorite Speed ​​Dial for Firefox.

Great. An icon in the form of a blue worm has appeared in the top right of the browser. The figure shows the top arrow.

Pictures are clickable!

I click on this icon, and in the menu that opens, click on the “Settings” item. If everything is done correctly, a window like the one in the figure will open.

In the left column, select the “Import / Backup” tab. In the right window I find the heading “Import dials from the Speed ​​Dial extension by Josep del Rio” and under it click the button “Import CurrentSetting.speeddial file”.

The file selection window opens. I enter this text in the “File name” field %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\, press Enter and go to the Firefox profiles folder.

Profiles are folders that have “.default” in their names.

In general, there is usually only one such folder, but I have several. So you have to go around one by one.

So, I go to one of these folders, and I see a folder in it SDBackups. This is exactly what you need! I open it, arrange the files in it by creation date so that the most recent file is on top. I click on this latest file.

Import complete!

Now I go to the “General” tab in the left menu, check the “Always open conversations in a new tab” checkbox. I press the “Save Changes” button.

Never forget to save!!!)))

My dials are back. I hope yours will return too.

Did it help? We went to the Admin for tea.

UPDATE 05/05/2019: It flew off again!

The developers (probably we are talking about the Firefox developers, but this is not certain) have screwed something up again. As a result, Speed ​​Dial again became covered with a hairy pelvis. Yes, everything that, from their point of view, is “outdated” has stopped working.

Users are offered to update installed solutions, but this is not possible (like a server error or something like that).

If they don't fix it in the new update, I'll switch to Google Chrome. I don’t want to do this for a number of reasons, but without the Speed ​​Dial, in my opinion, IMHO, it’s better than Firefox for Opera.

This lack of support for “legacy extensions” has been annoying for a long time.

On the one hand, I understand the desire to “protect users” of the browser from the machinations of world evil and demand that add-ons comply with the new Firefox “high” standards. But on the other hand, without asking or warning, I was once again deprived of a convenient feature that I had installed myself. It's like a slap in the face. What will these guys do next time?

And here is what @mozamo writes about this on Twitter (below is my somewhat free translation of this opus into Russian).

We're very, very sorry about the ongoing spectacle of the features you love and trust. We know this is disappointing and we are committed to fixing this as quickly as possible.

Those. THERE knows about the problem, regrets it and strives to correct it. It's written like this here.

Let's wait...

UPDATE 05/06/2019: Fixed!

In the morning I went in and loaded Group Speed ​​Dial without any problems. Apparently they fixed it.

And Doctor Lexium was with you. Until new posts.