First look at full-fledged Photoshop for iPad. Complete review of Adobe Photoshop Touch for iPad. Using the program: performance

Typically, functionality mobile applications for working with images it is limited to simple photo processing, nothing more. But a graphics editor is luxurious software that fully reveals iPad capabilities. Of course, you won't have all the fancy textured brushes like SketchBook Pro, but the collection of brushes available in the app by default is pretty good in its own right. You won't get PhotoStudio's grunge filters here, but since this is "Photoshop," you can always create the filters you need from scratch.

Photoshop Touch really resembles its desktop version. At your disposal - great amount tools and the ability to use them to work with any images.

Even professionals will never learn how to use all the functions of PS. You can explore everything Photoshop features Touch, but it will take you longer than you think.

Better than the desktop version

There are many things you can do with Photoshop Touch that aren't available on the desktop version of the program. For example, processing a snapshot from an iPad camera. Of course, nothing prevents you from taking a photo, importing it to your computer and opening it in PS. However, this is long and inconvenient. There are tons of other features that are only available on your iPad.

Super smooth

By releasing a "touch" version of the program, Adobe has made it surprisingly enjoyable to use. Soft and smooth brush movements, no lag, the interface is incredibly easy to control with your fingers, many different options available only when you really need them. The application interface is as friendly as all Adobe developments. When you start using them, you discover a lot of new things in additional menus.

Some filters take about a second to process images as you move the sliders, but for the most part everything happens almost instantly.

I would like to note that Adobe product even better than some of Apple's developments. The application has a number interesting features, for example, the same photo browser. It allows you to view pictures in the library and do it much more conveniently and pleasantly than through a standard photo application. Here and full screen mode, and displaying large thumbnails, and all this - just as quickly and easily.


Of particular note are the tools Photoshop selections Touch. The function of selecting parts of an image with your fingers without thin stylus should have been a recipe for failure, but Adobe pulled it off.

Pay attention to the tips in the toolbar, they are very helpful.

We press “X” and circle only those parts of the image that we need, after which this happens automatic selection. Now you can work on the desired area more accurately using the Refine Edge tool.

Here is the result. Now select "Extract" from the edit menu and the background disappears.

Select the layer in the background, change the size of the bottle, use the “Match Color” tool.

Really simple, right? What's even better if this is your first time using new tool, then you receive small hints in pop-up windows on the screen, they help you quickly understand the principle of operation. But in order to learn all the intricacies and features of the program, it is advisable to take up the instructions.


The instructions are as well thought out as everything else. Adobe provided them with illustrations with detailed description, everything is written out step by step and you can easily remember what you need. If a company produced such a textbook, it would cost at least $10.

There's plenty more in the app additional functions for any Photoshop guy. Of course, not everything is perfect, but it is done very conveniently and simply. You can easily extract photos and transfer them as PSD files to your computer. Naturally, they will be quite heavy in weight, and using Creative Cloud for this is not the best the best option. It is much more expedient to transfer large files via iTunes. By the way, when importing multi-layer files into the application, you will not save the layer breakdown, probably due to limited memory.

Right now, Photoshop Touch is definitely a must-have for any iPad 2 user. Probably iPad owners 3 will also be able to use the program, but Adobe will announce this only after the presentation of the device.

So, the pros

  • Fast. Versatile. Easily. This is Photoshop".


  • There is no function to import multi-layer files.

Are there many programs with photo enhancement functions on your laptop? If there is none, then be sure to get a similar application. Apple tablets are getting better every year. Developers are improving every element of the iPad. This also applies to cameras.

A frame taken on an iPad can be immediately sent to social networks. But before that, you should edit it thoroughly, because the cameras of these devices are still far from ideal. PC programs will come to the rescue here.

In this review we will look at the most interesting and useful software from the named category. Is there Photoshop for iPad and which program is the best option for any needs? Read about all this below.

Desktop option and one of best products in its segment. The main functions are organizing and changing photo frames. mobile version It easily exchanges data with this one, so you can work on improving your photos from anywhere.

The program allows you to adjust exposure, contrast, white balance and much more. After the process is completed, all changes will be displayed on each device with the installed Adobe Lightroom. The latter can read files RAW format, which is not available to every software.


According to reviews from many users, this program is the leader among photo editors for iOS gadgets. His trick is minimalism and simplicity. The interface is intuitive and understandable to any inexperienced user. Even a schoolchild can understand the functionality.

In a matter of seconds, you can significantly improve your photograph. All changes must be saved. And you can apply several effects on top of the frame. In addition, there is a rich collection of filters.

Sending finished photos to social networks with this application is a simple matter. You can also store frames in Camera Roll and add them to existing albums on your iPad.


This product is the brainchild of the Apple company itself. Recently it is also available for mobile gadgets.

The functionality of the program allows you to properly organize your library and easily find the photographs you need.

By using simple functions the user can change frames, improve exposure, change contrast, and create effects. It is also possible to create collages and send the results to friends. For new devices the software is completely free.

Pixlr Express

The main characteristic of the product is truly powerful functionality. With it, any user can easily reach desired effect. Here you can make the picture “blurry”, sharpen the sharpness, whiten your teeth and much more. When the shot is close to ideal, all you have to do is save the fruits of your labors to Camera Roll or send it to social networks.

Several programs for editing photos from the iPad were described above. These are the products that were given as examples. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages, but in principle their functionality is similar. Next, we will dwell in more detail on another product, the properties of which are suitable even for professionals.

Adobe Photoshop Touch for iPad 2

This product is the clearest example of how diverse the capabilities of a tablet are for professionals. After all, thanks to this compact device you can solve different tasks– reading and typing texts, viewing photographs, changing pictures and much more.

The named program is specifically designed for interacting with photos. The tablet version, of course, cannot be compared with the desktop version. The functionality of the latter is several times richer. But a number of simple tasks can be solved in Photoshop Touch.

But let's finish with the introduction and move on to the main characteristics.

Built-in options

When you first launch the product, the user will be greeted by a welcome window. There he will be asked to either read the instructions or immediately take action. If you have not dealt with similar programs before, it is better to read the manual. When you first get acquainted, you can get confused in the interface. The tools are located in different places and grouped for different reasons.

If you have never used Photoshop before. Everything may seem a little complicated. Built-in explanations should help you quickly navigate the system. So don't ignore them.

User interface: features

Compared to the desktop version, the window of this version is very simple. On the left, the user sees a set of tools. Here you can find any familiar element. The topmost button directs the user to the element that was last used.

Rows of instruments are located one below the other. Therefore, to use one of them, you need to touch and hold the desired icon. Hidden elements will appear in the pop-up panel. They are marked with a small arrow at the bottom, in the toolbar.

When you select a specific tool, a list of parameters directly for it will be displayed on the panel. Let's say that when you select Marquee Selection, the corresponding elements will pop up. These are corners, smoothing, adding to selection, and the like. To return to original position panels, you need to touch the top (to the selected element).

As you can see, big number tools moved from regular photoshop. The same applies to functions and effects.

Despite all the panels, there is enough free space on the display. The interface is simple and intuitive. Usually, users using the program for the first time quickly get used to it and do not have problems with orientation.

Using the program: performance

One of the most important advantages software - lack complex functions, everything is done as simply as possible. Any action can be performed quickly and briskly. Of course, there are exceptions when powerful artistic effects are superimposed on a photo frame. In the process of work, this cannot but rejoice.

Many users who previously had no idea about this product thought that it would be difficult to do anything with their fingers. But this turned out to be completely wrong. Using an option like Lasso Selection is not much more difficult than if the user were to use it using a trackpad. The selection will not be as perfect as when using a mouse, but for most tasks it will be enough.

Uploading images to Photoshop Touch

Often editing programs suffer from the fact that uploading documentation and pictures into them is very inconvenient. But the creators of Photoshop acted very thoughtfully. Importing pictures is easy using several options.

It is possible to download photos from the device (from the corresponding application), take a photo with the built-in camera, download from social networks, use Google. Most of the above are easy to apply. We will dwell in detail only on the latter, since some users have difficulties.

As you might expect, this has nothing to do with Picasa. There is a built-in image search here. It is possible to sort elements according to different criteria - type, color scheme, copyrights and the like. For example, you can make sure that only those pictures that are permitted by copyright are shown. And those forbidden will be hidden.

I am pleased that the developer paid attention to the problem of uploading pictures into the program and added several methods for carrying out this procedure. In the future, other popular services will likely be supported.

And a few more chips

Is it unusual to work with your finger while changing the frame being created? Click the pencil icon at the top and select “Show Pointer.” Now you can control the cursor, just like on a PC. The tablet display transforms into a trackpad. And that's very cool. Especially when you need to highlight something with maximum precision.

Adobe announced the release of the Photoshop CC application for iPad at the Adobe Max conference. For the first time in its history, a multifunctional graphics editor will be released on mobile devices. We talk about the functionality and features of the application.

This is real Photoshop.

So, the internal content of the program is quite similar to the desktop one. Photoshop versions. However, the editor interface has been reimagined specifically for the iPad, without really affecting all the major tool layouts on the desktop. One of the major differences from the desktop version is the rethinking of the classic .psd file for the cloud, which with the release will turn into Photoshop into something much more than the ability to synchronize with the service Google Docs. We are talking about Cloud PSD - an innovation that allows Adobe to distribute Photoshop on any platform, giving users the opportunity to work with the same file on different devices:

Cloud PSDs, when we send them to Photoshop on the iPad, will also launch and automatically appear on your photo editor desktop. Suddenly you will have an experience with cloud service, similar to working with Google Docs, when literally your work file is in the cloud at the moment of creation, says Scott Belsky, head of Adobe Creative Cloud.

Quit your work on your computer and start editing on your tablet.

Photoshop CC for iPad also includes the ability to import files from iCloud Drive, Google Drive and Dropbox, but most likely they will only save traditional PSD files. Belsky notes that by selecting a file, you can start working in the place where you left off, for example, on your computer. It will also be possible to transfer work from Adobe Illustrator in Photoshop CC. New for iPad included with Creative Cloud subscription. This means that you will not need to purchase it separately if the program license was already obtained on the computer. When you open this application, you feel like you are really using “Photoshop”, since everything is there: fonts, brushes, layers, masks, colors and Adobe images Stock.

However, there are differences from the desktop version. For example, not all are available standard tools on your Photoshop desktop. In fact, there is no dropdown menu top panel tasks. Instead, the collapsible right toolbar offers functionality such as adjustment layers and so on. The new program contains all the instrumentals and their use for maximum comfort adjusted for touch screen:

The capabilities we're bringing primarily focus on compositing workflows are adding images, merging, and manipulating pixels to combine them. "The capabilities we have in the app right now are layers, transform, select, mask, brush," says senior product manager Jenny Lyell.

There are still some things you can't find in the first release version. For example, video-centric features such as the Timeline panel. This means that the first version of Photoshop for iPad will certainly not be suitable for working with animation or quick editing video. Moreover, there are no keyboard shortcuts or any gestures, but Adobe plans to implement these important ones in the future functional features.

It is worth noting that the program itself is equipped with a fairly neat and correctly formed interface element, which is called a touch modifier. This is a context-sensitive button that appears in the lower left corner of the screen. For example, if you're using a brush, holding down the down button can instantly switch to the eraser, and then successfully return back to the brush element after you stop pressing that button. You can also use this modifier when you are using the Move tool, at which point the tool will automatically switch so that you can duplicate layers without having to do it all manually.

Every product must be a multi-surface system.

Note that the development of the project began 18 months ago, when two Adobe engineers asked for time to translate code base Photoshop to iPad version. Adobe said that it has not yet decided to introduce the ability to purchase Photoshop for iPad separately. Already next year it will be known for sure whether there will be new program have a one-time purchase fee or require some kind of subscription. Belsky added that it is possible that in the near future the world will see Photoshop CC on Android. However, this is a completely different story...

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Today at Adobe MAX, Adobe previewed the new Photoshop CC for iPad, Project Aero for augmented reality (AR) content development, and Project Gemini for drawing. Adobe also introduced Premiere Rush CC, the first versatile, easy-to-use video editor for creating content for social media.

  • Updated to reflect modern times touch technologies Photoshop application CC for iPad provides the same functionality and precision as the desktop app. Photoshop CC for iPad will give users the ability to open and edit standard files PSD using Photoshop tools, forming the industry standard for working with images, as well as use the familiar Layers panel. With Photoshop CC available across all devices, launching initially on iPad in 2019, you can start working on your project on iPad and have your edits automatically transferred to Photoshop CC on your device. desktop computer using Creative Cloud.
  • Adobe introduced Project overview Aero, a new multi-device augmented reality content development tool. Project Aero is the first augmented reality app designed for designers and artists. It was first presented at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference this summer. Project Aero provides optimal presentation augmented reality content, allowing specialists creative professions place digital content in a real environment. At Adobe MAX, Adobe showcased the augmented reality retail store of the future, revealing the incredible promise of immersive design.
  • Project Gemini is a new app for speeding up your drawing and digital painting workflows across devices, launching initially on iPad in 2019. It combines raster, vector, and new dynamic brushes into one workspace designed specifically for drawing. Project Gemini allows artists to use and sync their favorite Photoshop brushes and provides full integration with Photoshop CC.
  • Premiere Rush CC is designed specifically for video content creation and integrates capture workflows, seamless editing, simplified color, audio and animation management with content publishing features on leading social platforms, such as YouTube and Instagram, in one simple and convenient solution. With Premiere Rush CC, content developers don't need to have specialized video, color, or audio expertise to create and publish professional-quality videos. Premiere Rush CC takes advantage of Premiere Pro CC and After Effects CC, provides access to built-in professional templates motion graphics in Adobe Stock, which allows you to quickly start working on projects, and also includes the function automatic reduction volume of specific channels and normalize sound with one click, powered by Sensei technology. This application also supports Free access to content, allowing you to create impressive video projects optimized for social networks, on one device, and then publish them from another, and provides a single work environment on computer and mobile devices.

Did you ask? Receive. At the Adobe MAX 2018 conference, the release of a full version of Photoshop CC on iPad was announced. The developers say that they will not limit the functions and will support Creative Cloud.

Artist's Opinion: "Full-fledged Photoshop will turn the iPad into a professional tool"

Vyacheslav Lazarev

July 17, 2018

Previously, all developers somehow tried to replace Photoshop, but nothing worked for them. Adobe also tried something with a stripped-down Photoshop Express, but it turned out to be of no use to anyone. Implement a full-fledged version of the popular graphic editor It didn’t work because of the hardware, but now everything has changed.

Adobe says power modern devices- what they needed to port Photoshop to iOS. At the presentation, the company showed editing a heavy file with many layers on iPad Pro: all the effects and changes did not strain the tablet at all. And compatibility with Apple Pencil allowed for high-quality retouching, erasing and duplicating objects.

Like the desktop version, mobile Photoshop will have a toolbar, an interface for managing layers and everything else. They look a little different, but there is no way to do this without a redesign.

Photoshop interface on iPad Pro

The coolest thing is that a file edited on an iPad can be easily opened on a computer and vice versa. Programs on both platforms can work with PSD files, so you don’t have to wait for any conversion or anything else.

But, naturally, not everything is so rosy. The first version of Photoshop for iOS will be missing some features, but they will be added over time. It is unknown when exactly the porting will be completed, but it should happen in 2019.

It is also not yet clear what devices Photoshop for iOS will work on. But, judging by Adobe, only flagship tablets iPad Pro and new iPhones. However, the application may also be available in budget iPad 2018, but you still shouldn’t hope for it.