Page translator for vivaldi. Step zero. Cheating. ⇡ Additional tools

June 17, 2016 at 01:05

10 lifehacks for the Vivaldi browser

  • Vivaldi Technologies AS company blog,
  • Browsers

Hi all!

Creating Vivaldi browser We strive to follow our usual philosophy: to provide users with the best possible browser experience. To do this, we are constantly adding new interesting features, and also expand the number available settings in almost every browser version.

And, as far as we know from your feedback, you really like our approach to developing Vivaldi. Of course, this complicates the browser and sometimes leads to errors in the operation of functions, but, in full accordance with the laws of dialectics, such a quantitative variety of settings and features inevitably turns into quality - new possibilities for working with the browser appear that you are not even aware of. And today we want to introduce you to a small list of such “life hacks” that will make your work in Vivaldi a little more comfortable.

1. Boss Button

It's no secret that many work time like to look at sites not related to work, especially during sports championships, For example. But it’s rare that a boss can come into a position and forgive a subordinate for such a liberty. So we have to invent various ways, allowing you to quickly hide from suddenly visiting superiors what is displayed on the monitor screen. There is a similar function in the Vivaldi browser.

In fact, the function is even more advanced than you might imagine, because there is no button at all! To activate this mode, you just need to turn on the blur filter in “Page Effects”. Now just move your mouse cursor to the edge of the screen - the page image will automatically dissolve!

2. Sorting bookmarks

We love bookmarks. As a rule, each of us has a considerable amount of baggage “acquired by back-breaking labor” over many years of working on the network. One problem: from time to time you have to sort them so that the time it takes to find the right bookmark remains within reasonable limits. Unfortunately, vertical size displays does not allow you to accommodate the entire list of folders and bookmark files, which can complicate the sorting process. Luckily, you have the Vivaldi browser! Just open your bookmarks in the sidebar and tab, and then simply move the ones you need from one folder to another.

3. Create a bookmark

Yes, this feature is very simple and available to browser users in many ways. But Vivaldi has another one, which is quite convenient. Simply open the bookmarks sidebar and drag the page shortcut to the desired folder.

4. Changing the start Express panel

In the Vivaldi browser, we have provided the ability to create several Express panels, each of which can contain bookmarks on a specific topic. Unfortunately, we have not yet provided a way to sort these Express panels in order to designate one of them as the default. But there is a way to solve the problem, and it’s quite simple. Just open the sidebar of bookmarks and arrange the Express Panels in the order that suits you, at the same time you can change the Express Panel that opens by default.

5. View saved passwords

Today, each of us has several dozen (at least) accounts on a variety of sites, and unless you use the same password for all cases, there inevitably comes a time when you need to remember it for one of the websites. How to do this in the Vivaldi browser? Very simple. As you know, our browser is built on the Chromium core, so many functions come to us by inheritance. Enter the address in the address bar:


Now you can find your password, even if it was saved a long time ago.

6. YouTube channels in the sidebar

In order to always keep at hand the YouTube channel you subscribe to and receive all the latest videos in a timely manner, simply place the channel in the form of a web panel - now new videos will be just one click away.

7. Quickly clone tabs

If you have to clone tabs quite often, then one will help you helpful advice: create a combination for this function shortcut keys(if desired, even a one-button one), after this you will no longer have to use the tab’s context menu for these purposes. Try it, it's really convenient!

8. Settings like home page

Do you like to experiment with browser settings and want to always have them at hand? Set as home inside page vivaldi://settings- now the settings will open when you click on the “Home” button in the browser address bar.

9. Quick search tabs

If you have many tabs open, especially from the same website, and it is difficult for you to find the one you need among them, just use the F2 key and start typing the page name or address - you will easily find it in the filtered list desired page. Select it and press Enter - it's done.

10. Snake gesture

Mouse gestures have already become a common feature in many browsers. They are also available in Vivaldi. Moreover, in test build browser, we have added the ability to create new gestures for a variety of actions. One problem: over time, the number of convenient movements of the mouse cursor available inevitably comes to an end. Vivaldi has a hidden talent for this: try zigzag as a gesture.

That's all for now. We remind you what to download stable version Vivaldi browser can be used with

For most users, the Internet browser is main program on a computer, therefore it should be fast, convenient, functional, not “eat up” computer resources... and if it has its own unique features that would distinguish it from numerous clones, it’s generally great, right?

Would you say that there is no such browser today? You are mistaken - this is different from everyone else Vivaldi browser.

History of Vivaldi

February 13, 2013 company Opera Software officially announced about the transition of its browser to WebKit technology and the termination of work on its own page rendering engine Presto - it was a dark environment for fans of a different browser.

The manufacturers tearfully assured us that this sharp turn was only for the better, that the functionality would not change and “You will like it”, but in fact it turned out to be another dull clone Google Chrome, which even after 2 years did not look like the previous Opera (not to mention any improvements and development) - the soul was simply torn out of the program.

Apparently one of the founders of Opera (John Stephenson von Tetzchner) knew that this would happen back in 2011 - he left the company, and in August 2014 he created his own Vivaldi Technologies, which began developing its own browser called Vivaldi. The kernel was left new (WebKit) due to lack of funds and time, but what ended up happening... the new Opera nervously smokes on the sidelines.

Today I’ll tell you about what von Tetzchner accomplished. I warn you right away that you will be very surprised - this is more than just a browser, it is a masterpiece.

Vivaldi Browser

The good old Opera, which gave us visual bookmarks, mouse gesture control and many other unique features (shamelessly stolen by competitors) can be proud of its real successor...

RAM consumption

There is nothing to say here. I opened five identical tabs in top browsers and am showing you the result of the Windows Task Manager...

All test subjects are 64-bit. The leader is the built-in product, which is used only by strange people. It must be taken into account that Adblock Plus For Internet Explorer I couldn’t fit it into Edge and it’s completely empty as a drum (no visual bookmarks, mouse gesture controls, colored tabs, built-in mail, etc.).

I also have Google Chrome without all of the above extensions (because I practically don’t use it). But Vivaldi has all (and many more) features, while consuming only 45 MB random access memory- excellent result.

Mozilla Firefox turned out to be a monster devouring computer resources- It’s very sad to state this fact, I really liked him.

Convenient Vivaldi settings

The first thing that struck me about this program was its convenient, understandable, practical settings. Their number is impressive, but not scary, after getting to know them. I won’t pay attention to everyone (it would be a very long article, and this is not a small article), but I will show you only those that you liked and even surprised.

You can open the magical settings by clicking on the browser menu button and going to “Tools”. The tale begins in the " Appearance»…

By checking the bottom checkbox, you will give the tabs the color of the sites displayed in them (the color is calculated from the resource favicon). This way you can easily navigate the heap open tabs and no additional extensions are needed.

Unique address bar hiding feature

You can turn it off here permanent display address bar

Fantastic - you can finally hide it!!! You can display this line, when you need it, by tapping on the assigned keyboard button (I’ll show you below). It turns out like this full screen mode with one tab bar - laptop owners will like it, I'm sure.

start page

Background color and background picture on home page You can change it at your discretion - easily and simply...

Express panel with visual bookmarks also easy to adjust...

By the way, you can make countless numbers of such bookmarks and arrange them into groups...

Click the plus sign and instead of “New Folder” enter your bookmark group name.

Setting up tabs

Let's go to tab settings...

As you can see, the tab bar can also be hidden by unchecking the box and assigning a keyboard button to this operation. The thumbnails on the tabs are great for helping you navigate through their large number. The gap between the tabs and the window can be easily removed, but I don’t quite understand its presence in the first place - are there any fans of this gap?

Be sure to leave the “Enable grouping” checkbox - you will like this feature, read on.

Magic Sidebar

Another know-how from Opera is back - the sidebar...

If you leave a checkmark, the panel will be hidden almost completely, and you can get it by clicking on the small, barely noticeable icon on the side. Here you and convenient control downloaded files, and mail... yes, anything can be placed in the sidebar - very, very convenient...

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard combinations are available in all browsers, but only in Vivaldi they allow you to take full control of the program...

At the very bottom of the settings page for these combinations there are collapsed sections - don’t forget about them...

This is where you can reassign buttons to show/hide the address bar and tab bar (I wrote about this above)…

Other settings

Perhaps someone else remembers the unique and convenient download window in Opera? It is also in Vivaldi...

For it to always appear beautifully, you need to leave a checkmark in the settings...

Who doesn't love smooth scrolling pages and prefers twitchy - uncheck here...

In the “Passwords” settings section, you can view these most saved passwords, but you will not be able to copy them - this cannot be changed for security reasons.

Vivaldi browser features

TO unique chips This browser includes the tab thumbnails described above, hiding address bars and tabs, tab coloring, download window, sidebar, mouse gesture control, saving computer resources... I haven’t talked about a few more.

Let me remind you that Vivaldi has the same engine as Google Chrome, so in the latter you can only see the “voicing” tabs (by the speaker icon), and in the hero of this article you can also turn off the sound without going to the page (as in Mozilla Firefox).

While loading any page, the address bar displays its size and the number of requests. In the status bar, you can change the page scale, disable loading images completely or force them to be loaded only from the cache, apply a bunch of effects to the display of sites (I don’t understand why this is needed and for whom). You can also specify how open grouped tabs will be placed...

Grouping tabs in Vivaldi

In each section, mouse gestures, scrolling and everything else will work separately - as if you have several browsers open at the same time. Pages adapt to size automatically (if the site is modern and done right). This feature will drive owners crazy widescreen monitors , I'm sure.

For the past few years I have been using Google browser Chrome. It's good for everyone, but there are performance issues. When opening large quantity There are more than 20 tabs - it starts to slow down. His problem is disk usage. When I changed the drive in my laptop to an SSD, the browser performance increased significantly. And the system as a whole. But even now this problem has not gone away - Chrome somehow strangely loads the disk.

I heard about the Vivaldi browser (from Mr. Vigner). Turns out it's reincarnation Opera browser on the Chromium engine, the same one on which Google Chrome is made. More precisely a fork. Once upon a time, Opera was my favorite and main browser. But then something happened to it and I stopped using it.

I liked her flexible settings, you could customize absolutely any. It was great mail client. By the way, yes, this was the reason why I stopped using it - the email client was removed. In general, I decided to try this Vivaldi. Put. Looks good. But after a month of use, I returned to Chrome, finding a bunch of shortcomings and no tangible advantages compared to Chrome.

Extensions on Vivaldi

They can be installed exactly the same as those installed on Google Chrome.

What I immediately did was install an adblock.

By the way, in this browser I didn’t need to use , which allows you to save all open tabs and windows, that is, the entire session.

Then at any time you can open any of the sites in that session. This can be convenient when you need to quickly switch to working with some other tasks and sites. Let’s say I’m sitting setting up servers, I have three windows open with 10-15 tabs each, with different manuals, technical documents, test sites. Then bam, you need to remove all this urgently and switch to solving some household problem, for example, finding an apartment. If you open more tabs or windows just for this purpose, you can get completely confused, and the computer’s resources are not rubber - it will slow down.

We need to close something and free up the resources of both the brain and the machine. But after solving this problem, you will need to return to the one that was interrupted. So that later I don’t have to painfully remember why everything was abandoned and what was done in general, so that I don’t have to look for manuals again, I use saving sessions. I loaded the session and quickly got to work. So, Vivaldi supports this function natively, without extensions.

Of the advantages, this is probably all. Well, like everything else, the browser is good for the picky user. It’s just that the rest of its advantages don’t make it stand out, because they are available in any browser on Chromium-based. Including in its most famous and widespread Google versions Chrome.

What are Chromium-based browsers

By the way, yes, if you thought that Yandex browser, Amigo, Google Chrome and Vivaldi are important different browsers- then this is not so. These are all essentially the same thing, the differences between them are only external - all kinds of gadgets such as bars, buttons, inserts, logos. Nowadays, only the lazy haven’t built their own Chromium-based browser.

But the same extensions are suitable for all these browsers, they process pages using the same mechanisms and even fine settings they have the same ones. Because all these browsers are based on the same Chromium engine. By the way, do not confuse Chromium and Chrome.

But let's return to Vivaldi. Why did he not please me so much?

As I already said - it shows no performance improvement. Everything hangs in the same way as in Chrome when opening a large number of tabs.

Doesn't show notifications when new mail is received in tabs like gmail

I use webmail in pinned tabs and I need some kind of notification when new messages arrive. When this happens in Chrome, the tab begins to “glare”. Vivaldi doesn’t have such a feature, so sometimes you can miss some important messages, which it is desirable to answer quickly.

Moving tabs between windows

Most browsers have long had the ability to simple drag and drop mouse, so-called “drag-n-drop”, pull out a tab as a new window or throw tabs between windows. I was surprised, but this is not in Vivaldi. You can only open a new window, open in it new tab and copy the address. And then close the tab in the first window. There are too many body movements for such necessary functionality.

Developer Tools in the Dock

Perhaps this became the main stumbling block in my use of this browser. The fact is that I administer and configure servers and there are many tasks related to website optimization. That's why the browser's built-in debugger is one of my main working tools. Through it you can test the speed of the site, look at the http headers sent by the server. You can view page display errors or find out the site's IP address.

In general, without him it’s like being without hands. This thing usually opens in the same tab where the page itself is open; it's called the dock. This works in Chrome and firebug in Mozilla, and even debuggers in Windows browsers, edge, for example. So Vivaldi does not know how to launch the debugger in the dock.

It opens it in a separate window. And this is ten times less convenient than in the dock. It’s very strange, because when I used Opera many years ago, it was able to open its Dragonfly in the dock. In general, when I was on Vivaldi, I still had to launch Chrome. I always have two browsers running, besides the main one I always have firefox running with several tabs, because I use it to work with and it is always configured through a proxy, which I also need very often, because I also set up a proxy.

So, if you use Vivaldi, and even launch Chrome for debugging, then it turns out that three browsers are already running. This is no big deal, friends. That's why I returned to Chrome. Moreover, there is a wonderful crutch xtab, which allows you to limit the number of open tabs and just like that, idiotically “solve” the problem with the performance of Google Chrome.

This is the story, gentlemen. What browser are you using?

Vivaldi is being developed by a large team of developers led by Jon S. von Tetzchner, one of the co-authors old version Opera web browser.

The main idea when creating a new Vivaldi project is to provide fast web browser, which will work on weak hardware and take into account the individual requirements and desires of Internet users.

The browser is built on Chromium, but it offers an interface, features and capabilities that are familiar from older versions of the Opera web browser. Among them: when previewing the site when you hover the mouse over a tab; traditional express panel ( Speed ​​Dial) with switching between bookmarks and history; download manager like in the old Opera; left panel and notes, as well as many settings to configure the web browser to suit your preferences.

Main features of the Vivaldi browser


Now you can securely access your data on any computer using account Vivaldi. You can independently choose what data you want to synchronize: bookmarks, Express panel, saved passwords and autofill data, history, extensions and notes. All synced data, including your passwords, is protected using end-to-end encryption and are never transferred by Vivaldi to third parties. Source developed from scratch, and used for synchronization needs own servers companies.

Quick commands

Are you making the most of your keyboard? Then you're in luck. Shortcuts allow you to instantly use necessary settings, history, open tabs, bookmarks and more with one keyboard shortcut. The developers strive to make the Shortcuts component customizable, allowing you to add your own commands and quickly launch them.


Vivaldi offers the ability to take notes while surfing the web and add screenshots directly to the Notes sidebar. Notes will automatically remember which site you are viewing at that time, allow you to add tags for convenient organization of notes and easy search further.

Express panel

Easy access to all your favorite sites from one quick dashboard window. You can also create multiple shortcut groups. Organize your sites based on interests such as sports, news and technology, or other contexts such as work, school, etc. You can also add folders to fast access. This is a pretty powerful feature.

Grouping tabs

Too many disorganized tabs open can make it difficult to find the web page you need. Organize your tabs in the Vivaldi web browser by grouping multiple tabs under one. Just drag a tab onto another for easy grouping.

Modern web technologies

Vivaldi not only has a powerful set of features, but is also built on modern web technologies. Engine - Chromium. Used JavaScript and React for user interface, using Node.js, Browserify and a large number of NPM modules.

Bookmarks bar

Added the ability to change the placement of the panel at the user's discretion - at the top or bottom of the browser window. On this moment You can place the contents of any folder from the list of bookmarks on the panel, but in the future the possibilities of working with the bookmarks panel will be significantly expanded.

Controlling the display of pictures

The ability to disable the display of images completely or partially (leaving the browser the ability to load only images stored in the cache) still remains a very fashionable feature of the browser. IN in this case- the Vivaldi browser, in which we try to return to users all their usual features.

Expanded support for interface languages

Today, the Vivaldi browser can “speak” more than 35 languages, including even such exotic ones as Ido. It is also worth noting that the number available languages We also included those that are not supported in other browsers. These are, for example, Belarusian, Galician, Armenian, Macedonian, Icelandic - in total We currently offer 8 languages, available only in Vivaldi.

What program is the main working tool for a translator? Perhaps, after all, it’s not a “cat”, but a browser. Professional translations It’s quite possible to do it without the CAT environment (although it’s inconvenient), but it’s difficult to work without a browser. Today I want to talk about a new browser that is gaining popularity.

Someone might ask why change the browser at all, since Chrome/Firefox/Internet Explorer already work well. Alas, all browsers sooner or later “grow fat” and become slow and inconvenient: this was the case with Firefox and Opera. In 2015, Jon von Tetzner, one of the founders of Opera, left the company along with some of the developers and founded Vivaldi Technologies. A year later they released Vivaldi, promoted as Browser for our friends: as opposed to mainstream browsers, Vivaldi is designed to give users the most ample opportunities settings.

The developers are not reinventing the whole wheel from scratch: Vivaldi is based on the Chromium (Blink) engine used in Google Chrome, Yandex Browser and other compatible browsers. This makes perfect sense: Blink is probably best engine, and a small development team can concentrate on the interface without worrying about page display. Additionally, this makes Vivaldi compatible with most Chrome extensions.

Since the interface is declared as main feature Vivaldi, let's take a closer look at it. Many “chrome-friendly” browsers have a similar interface, but Vivaldi has a completely different one, written from scratch in HTML: the Blink engine is used not only for web pages, but also for displaying the browser itself. This means that the user can apply own style CSS or JavaScript to any interface element. Want to make your address bar purple? Want to show panels only when you hover over them? Do you want the window close button to look like a zero instead of a cross? All this is possible.

The most noticeable (and very important for me personally) feature is a separate search bar to the right of the address bar. It is very convenient to separate address entry and search: not a single “chrome-friendly” browser that I know of has this.

Some elements are borrowed from the old Opera, including the sidebar and status bar. Side panel worthy detailed description: it contains the bookmark and download manager by default, and the user can attach any site to it (the width of the panel is adjusted for each site separately). You can, for example, watch Youtube with peripheral vision, and it is extremely convenient to keep open dictionaries in the sidebar:

Vivaldi has built-in support for notes. On any page, you can select text, right-click on it and select Add selection as new note. You can also create notes manually in the Note Manager, and subsequently the text of any note can be inserted into any field that supports text insertion.

I like to open many tabs so that the page names on them are no longer visible. To show all tabs in a list, you will need to install an extension in Chrome, and in Vivaldi there is a separate menu item and a convenient F2 key for this. There's also built-in session management: you can save your list of open tabs as a session, and then quickly restore one of your previous sessions - again, other browsers require extensions for this.

Finally, one more little thing - not critical for work, but showing the attitude of developers towards users. The Blink engine supports unloading tabs from memory. In Vivaldi, to do this, click on the tab and in context menu choose Hibernate Background Tabs: The browser will free up some (or a lot) of RAM. For comparison, try to find this function in Chrome, because the engine is the same.

Of course, I have not listed all the functions and not all that distinguish Vivaldi from its competitors. These are just examples showing the philosophy of the developers: not to “simplify” and “modernize” the program, but to leave its customization to the users.

Summary: promising browser for those who care what to use. Try it too!