Kometa is a new fast web browser. Convenient comet browser, how to download and install. How to remove Kometa browser from your computer

Comet Browser is a free browser created by the Russian company Kometa based on the open source Chromium browser. It is positioned as a “simple, fast, convenient” browser with integration with popular social networks. A special feature of Kometa is a quick access panel to sites where notifications from social networks and email are displayed.

Features of the Comet browser

  • Quick access panel. The vertical panel on the right side of the desktop allows you to access your favorite sites in just one click - just click on the icon of the selected website.
  • Social network notifications. Instant messages from social networks and email. When the browser is closed, new notifications will be shown in the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • By launching the browser or opening a new tab, the user is shown relevant information: news, day of the week and date, weather forecast and exchange rates.
  • Supports themes and plugins developed for Google Chrome.

Comet Browser free download

Download the Comet browser for free in Russian for Windows 7, 8 and 10 from the official Comet website. We monitor all program updates to ensure that you have the latest version of the Comet browser.

There is information that the program is malicious! The download link is temporarily blocked!

How to remove the Comet browser

There are many complaints online about the Comet browser, and many want to remove it. You can uninstall the Comet browser in the standard way, through "Control Panel - Programs - Uninstall a program". After uninstalling the Comet browser, download and install the AdwCleaner utility to check your computer for malware.

You can also use any uninstaller from the "

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    Kometa is a simple but at the same time safe Internet browser, developed by NetGroup LLC. The program integrates with all popular social networks in the CIS. This makes the browser even more popular.

    The Internet browser is developed based on the Chromium source code. That is why the application supports all plugins from Google Chrome. In addition, Comet Browser can be downloaded completely free of charge.

    System requirements

    • Processor – 2.2 GHz;
    • RAM – 512 MB;
    • Video card – 64 MB or more;
    • OS – Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (8.1) and 10;
    • Bit capacity – x86/x64;
    • HDD – 420 MB.

    At the same time, for correct operation on Windows XP, unlike Windows 7, SP3 must be installed.

    How to download comet browser

    To download the web navigator to your personal computer, you need to go to the official website of the application. To do this, enter “kometa-browser.ru” in the address bar of any browser. On the page that opens, click the “Download” button.

    Now all that remains is to install the file that you managed to download for free and in a few minutes the program will be installed on your computer.

    Installation and configuration

    If you follow the simple instructions, installing the application is easy. First of all, the installation package “kometabrowser.exe” is launched.

    After launching the EXE file, the program asks the user whether the social network access panel needs to be installed. If you don't want to constantly type network URLs into the address bar, it's best to add this panel.

    When the installation process is completed, the user will have access to a new browser and a panel into which social network accounts will already be integrated.

    It should be noted that the new panel can be customized. To do this, just select the “Gear” sign. At the same time, it is possible to integrate many other popular sites. To do this, click “+” at the bottom of the panel.

    As for the Internet browser itself, it is configured in the same way as all web navigators developed based on the Chromium source code.

    Key features of Kometa

    • Providing quick access to social networks;
    • Browse web pages in Incognito mode;
    • Ability to view weather in real time;
    • Plugin support from ;
    • Broadcast function that allows you to display the content of web pages on TV screens;
    • A download manager that allows you to download any application;
    • Ability to use your own search engine;
    • Navigation using hot keys;
    • Support for major web standards;
    • Protection from potentially dangerous resources.


    The Comet Internet browser has several advantages over other web navigators. The application can be considered reliable and secure as it is developed based on Chromium. In addition, this makes it universal in terms of installing plugins.

    If you don’t want to clog your computer with cookies, just turn on “Incognito” mode. Thanks to this function, you can remain invisible to the Internet resources you visit.

    One of the main advantages of a web navigator can be considered integration with popular sites and social networks. The sidebar allows you to open your favorite resource in one click. In addition, the panel can be customized by adding or removing sites.

    Search is integrated into the address bar, making your work easier and faster. At the same time, the developers have implemented their own search system, which works no worse than Google, Yandex or another search engine.

    The advantages of the application include usability. The interface is intuitive, so even a beginner can handle the controls. Experienced users can use hotkeys to speed up workflows.

    And, of course, you can download Comet Browser completely free. In addition, the application is distributed in Russian, which cannot but please the domestic user.


    Unfortunately, like any software, the web navigator has several disadvantages. Unlike some browsers, the application is closed source. This makes it impossible to understand what a web navigator is capable of.

    After accessing the Internet, through the browser, the application begins to anonymously collect information about the user. This lowers the browser's popularity rating. In addition, the application does not have a portable version, that is, the web navigator will not work without installation.

    Users running systems lower than Windows 7 are required to install an additional service pack.


    The web browser is one of the 7 best browsers, so it is worth paying attention to. The application will be especially interesting for people who spend a lot of time on social networks. Of course, a web navigator has some disadvantages, but an ordinary user who uses the Internet for communication will not even pay attention to them. If the user is using Windows 7 or later, he will not experience any problems during installation. A beginner can only go to the Comet website and then download the navigator.

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    Video review of the Comet browser

    Today, whatever one may say, many developers, despite the fact that there are already a large number of web browsers, make their own browsers and swear that their “brainchild” is the best and most useful. Of course, this could be said about the still relatively new Comet browser, which, like Google Chrome, was developed on the Chromium engine. But everything is not so sad here, and if you are interested in learning a little more about this web browser, then this article was created for this.

    Browser description

    The Kometa Browser is a web browser that has copied more useful ideas than it has created. However, here all this is introduced very harmoniously and with some taste.

    Firstly, the Chromium engine itself. It's no secret that it is the one that is most in demand when developing browsers, which the Comet developers also took into account. Therefore, when you open this browser for the first time, you might think that you accidentally installed Chrome, because outwardly these browsers are very similar. And it's not just about appearance. Many functions and button layouts have also been carried over to the Comet with virtually no changes.

    However, it should be noted that the implementation of “your own” start page was quite successful. So, by default, the start page of the Comet browser displays the weather in the region you live in and current news (some may like this).

    Among other things, this is minimizing the browser to tray after closing it. Thus, the user gets the opportunity to always be aware of events about incoming messages by e-mail.

    Download Comet browser

    You can download and install this web browser on the official page of this product, the link to which we leave below:


    Today we will describe the Kometa browser program. You will find out what this program is and whether it is needed on your PC. You will also learn why it should be considered unwanted software. We will describe in detail how to remove Kometa from your computer completely and permanently.

    They are trying to push another free program through bundling onto our PCs. And if you are here, it means Kometa browser has successfully taken root on your computer. And you want to understand why it is needed and what needs to be done with it.

    Comet Browser is a free and open source browser similar to Chromium. Despite the “praiseworthy” speeches of the developers, the set of functions in this browser is quite standard. The browser also has its own search engine - Kometa Search.

    The program has both supporters and opponents. The first, apparently, have not seen other analogues of Google Chrome, and sing odes to Kometa browser. But users who are “like a duck to water” in these programs have made an unambiguous conclusion - this program needs to be removed.

    And I will explain why you need to remove this browser. Firstly, they distribute the program in a completely viral way with a spammy image:

    • Kometa browser comes as an addition to other programs;
    • Installed without the knowledge of users;
    • Changes many of the usual settings for your surfing.

    Secondly, the copyright holder has the right to change and supplement the contents of the page. That is, by using Kometa, you can receive advertising that is profitable for them, new start pages on already installed browsers, spam mailings, etc.

    How to remove Kometa browser from your computer?

    I will explain to you point by point the process of removing Comet browser from a PC without the help of special programs:

    That's all, kometa shouldn't bother you anymore. I hope you understand what kind of Comet program this is and will not fall for their hook again.

    Nowadays Google Chrome is almost the most popular browser among users. Stylish design, good speed, easy navigation, all this is liked by people who use this browser. The speed of operation is due to the popular Chromium engine; other browsers began to use it, for example, Kometa (Comet).

    Web browser Kometa browser similar to Chrome in many options, but it also has its own uniqueness.

    The browser uses its own search engine, Kometa Search. The developers claim that such a system finds information quickly and thoroughly.

    Incognito mode

    If you do not want to leave traces in your browser history, you can use incognito mode. This will prevent cookies from being stored on your computer.

    start page

    The start page shows news and weather forecast in real time.

    Side panel

    Another feature Kometa (Comet) is the quick access toolbar. When you close the browser, its active icon appears in the tray near the clock.

    This way the user will be aware of incoming messages or other important notifications. This panel is installed and uninstalled separately from the browser.

    Advantages of the Comet browser:

    1. Russian interface;
    2. Quick browser installation;
    3. Created based on the Chromium browser;
    4. Functional access panel;
    5. Own search system;
    6. Incognito mode available.


    1. Closed source;
    2. Lack of originality - many functions are copied from other browsers.

    Reviewer Kometa (Comet) designed for fast and convenient work and entertainment on the Internet. We invite you to familiarize yourself with this program.