Light version of Rambler search. Search engine Rambler

Media portal enjoys enormous popularity both in Russia and in other CIS countries. Due to the fact that all kinds of sections and services are combined here on one page, using Rambler is absolutely easy and quite accessible even to people who are not versed in the world of computer technology and the IT industry. Today we will talk about such a simple procedure as setting up Rambler mail, namely, how to create a mailbox on the service, how to work with it, how to create letters and respond to emails, etc.

The Rambler portal is located at Here you can find news and the latest events in the field of finance, real estate or travel. In addition, on Rambler you can watch thematic videos in a streaming service, a horoscope, weather forecast, online radio, a TV program, a TOP-100 catalog of web resources, where you can get acquainted with the best sites on any topic, and a lot of other stuff. All this is available directly on the portal home page. But we will only touch on working with mail, since each section of the portal requires special attention and time.

To log in to the mail service, go to Rambler home page and click on the "Mail" menu button, or go to this link.

We see a login form for the Rambler mail service. Right here, by entering the appropriate mailbox name and password, you can log in to your mail and start working with it right away. If you don't have a mailbox, we suggest you register first.

Registration on Rambler

On the mail login form, click the “Register” button at the bottom. This will start the process of creating a new rambler mailbox on the service.

You can access any of Rambler’s services either through the account of any social network (VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki,, Google, Twitter, etc.), or through the account of Rambler itself. When you log into the service through a social network account, you thereby link your social network login to the Rambler&Co service. The login procedure is a little faster, but there are doubts about the security of this procedure. After all, the Rambler login data will be stored on the social network server, and if the authentication means fall into third-party hands, the security of the Rambler login data will also be a big question mark. Therefore, we will resort to the old-fashioned method of creating a regular Rambler&Co account, specifying the login and password to log in to your email. By the way, after completing the registration procedure, using the same credentials you can easily access any other Rambler service, which is very convenient, as it will save you from having to register multiple times. So, let's register. To do this, you need to enter the required data in the appropriate fields, namely: first name, last name, login, preferred domain, password, date of birth, gender and mobile phone. You will have to enter the correct phone number, since upon registration an SMS message confirming registration will be sent to the specified number.

When a valid phone number is entered, click the “Send code” button on the right and wait for an SMS with the password.

The message will include a confirmation number.

Enter it in the “SMS confirmation code” field and click the “Register” button.

If everything is done correctly, a small green text field appears on the screen with the inscription: “User registered,” after which you will immediately be taken to your personal profile page.

Now you can go to your mailbox and work with electronic correspondence. By the way, after registration you should receive your first email confirming registration. You can read it directly on the server. Open the mailbox by clicking on the “Mail” button in the top menu, or by selecting the “Mail” button on the left side of the work area.

We get to the Rambler Mail server. By default, the Inbox folder opens. As you can see, there is one unread letter in it. Open it by selecting a message from the list.

The message opens literally instantly. Let's get acquainted with its contents. The initial setup of Rambler mail is complete.

How to write a new letter in Rambler mail?

So, let's get started with the service itself. The first question that arises for the vast majority of users is how to create a new letter? The answer is simple - for this, use the “Write” button in the upper left corner of the main form of the Rambler mail service. Click on it.

We see a standard form for creating a new email message. In the “To” field, enter the name of the email recipient of the letter. In the “Subject” field we set the context of the message, i.e. the topic that our letter is devoted to. Finally, in the central text block we enter the body of the letter, writing the very essence of our message.

How to add an attachment to a letter?

As we all know, you can add attachments to an email: pictures, videos, music and any other interactive content. To make an attachment, click the “Attach File” button located under the “Subject” field.

After this, you just need to specify the path to the attached file and click the “Open” button, which will serve as confirmation of your choice.

After completing all the specified steps to configure Rambler mail, the attachment will be added.

To delete an attachment, click the "Delete" button to the right of the attached file name.

How to format a letter in Rambler mail?

To design messages in Rambler, there is a whole panel with which you can change the font, set its size, highlight a fragment in italics or bold, make alignment or add a numbered/unnumbered list or a smiley. It is worth saying that such panels are present in all email services without exception, but in Rambler it is especially convenient and practical.

All actions performed using the design panel are carried out intuitively and incredibly simply. With its help, you can add grace and creativity to your writing.

How to reply to a letter?

If you receive an email, it is logical to write a response (unless the email was sent by one of the robots, and such an email does not require a response). Replying to a message couldn't be easier. We scroll with the mouse to the very bottom of the message, and find the “Reply” button under the body of the letter. If you receive a letter from a group of respondents, you can send a response to them all at once by selecting the “Reply all” option.

Click on one of these buttons.

A subform appears asking you to enter the content of your response. When the response letter is written, click the graphic “Send” button with the arrow located at the top.

Next to it is the “Send to everyone” button. If there is only one recipient, it is inactive. If you previously selected the “Reply all” option, you can use that as an alternative.

How to forward a letter to another recipient (forward)?

How to change the password on your Rambler mailbox?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change your account password to a more suitable one. This may be your own decision if you become concerned about the security of your work information, or you find out that your account has been hacked and correspondence has fallen into third hands. The developers themselves strongly recommend making passwords strong, including service characters, and their length must be at least 12-16 characters. We join these recommendations. But let's assume that the mailbox hasn't been hacked and you simply want to change the password ahead of time to prevent a potential hack in the future. How to do it?

We log into our account, as usual, by entering the name of the Rambler account and its password.

If the login was successful, go to your account settings and select “Password”.

To the right of it is the “Change” button - let’s use it.

A standard form for changing your password opens. Here we are asked to enter the current password, come up with a new one and confirm it, as well as enter characters from the pattern key (captcha). Let's heed this advice. When everything is ready, click the “Save” button.

At this point, the Rambler mail setup is complete, and you can again work with the mail service as normal.

How to change your password if you cannot access your Rambler mailbox?

Sometimes, as a result of your email account being hacked, it is not possible to log into your mailbox. This can also happen if you simply forgot your password and cannot remember it. How then? Let's use the password recovery procedure.

We go to the mailbox login form, write its name in the appropriate field, select the desired domain, and click the “Remember password” button at the bottom.

We get to the recovery form. As a first step, enter the exact name of the mailbox and the security pattern. Click “Next”.

On the next form, enter your current phone number and a new password you created. When everything is ready, click the “Send code” button.

After a few seconds, your phone should receive a confirmation code for the operation you have chosen. Paste it from the SMS into the appropriate field and click the “Save” button.

Now everything is ready - the password has been changed.

Now a few words about the client settings (where would we be without them). Although the number of Rambler mail settings is not amazing in its variety and range, at worst the parameters should be enough to make working with the client more pleasant and relaxed. All settings are hidden behind the gear button in the lower right corner of the folder selection panel.

On the main tab, you can set a personalized name for correspondence sent from Rambler. If you use an alias, you can enter it here and the recipient will see your alias in the “From” field. You can also specify another mailbox to which you want to receive replies to outgoing messages. This can be not only a mailbox on Rambler, but also on Gmail, Yandex Mail, Outlook or any other mail server. Read below about how to attach mailboxes of other services to Rambler.

You can also specify a message in the signature field, which will be automatically placed at the end of each letter if you want to end the text concisely and respectably.

Just below you can activate or disable hotkeys (you can familiarize yourself with a set of prepared hotkeys here). Proven fact: if you get used to working with a keyboard, then all operations will be performed much more quickly and accurately. Therefore, if you work a lot with mail, hotkeys will come in handy.

On the right side of the first tab, you can change the client’s color scheme to a more preferable one. There are about a dozen different colors to choose from to suit every taste: from pastel tones to azure and marble.

Here you can see how much of the mailbox is being used, and how much space is still free. By the way, the maximum volume of a Rambler box is 2 GB. Before the client interface changed in 2012, the box size could be increased manually, but with rebranding this option disappeared, and the maximum box size became strictly 2 gigabytes. Now, if the volume of your correspondence is approaching the maximum, you should worry about clearing your mailbox in a timely manner, otherwise the mail will simply stop arriving.

On the next tab “Folders” you can manage directories, both those present in the client by default, and new ones added manually. If the folders already in the system are not enough for you, you can easily add a few more just on this tab.

The next tab is responsible for adding other mailboxes to the service. In fact. you can connect the mailbox of any other service to Rambler. All you need to know is the address of the IMAP/POP3 server to receive correspondence, as well as the port number for it (in other words, the gateway). You can get this information from the support page for the service you want to use, but you'll have to dig a little deeper into the reference manual.

The next section of settings is filter tuning. Thanks to its flexibility and ease of use, you can easily place selected categories of emails in spam, mark them as read, or delete them altogether. To prevent your mailbox from becoming overcrowded, you should play a little with setting up the filters, and you will save yourself from headaches later. Very convenient interface and the filtering mechanism itself.

Another section involves setting up an answering machine. If you're going on vacation or want to take time off from work, compose an automatically sent email with a specific subject and content. This will not mislead your manager about your absence and will help maintain work connections and good relationships with colleagues.

The next option, located in the “Email programs” category, gives you access to the Rambler service for other email applications (The Bat!, Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.). Here are all the necessary settings that need to be specified in a third-party email client to access mail on Rambler. If you want to use one of the third-party applications to access your emails, check the “I want access” checkbox at the top.

The last section of the settings will allow you to enable sound alerts for the most common actions in the application, namely receiving a new letter, sending it and crashing. The sounds are all standard, you can’t change them. You can only disable or enable each individual alert individually, which essentially makes our already meager selection completely minimalist.

The address book

It's time to talk a little about the Contacts feature. Rambler has an address book where you can add your recipients so that you always have a database of addresses with whom you often contact at your fingertips. To access your contacts, click the person icon to the right of the button to write a new letter.

All email addresses with which you corresponded on Rambler are collected here. Contacts that occurred, but which you did not manually enter into your address book, fall into the “Automatic” section. The remaining recipients are added to the “Your contacts” category. To add a contact to the list, click the “New Contact” button.

You can also import addresses from several mail services into the Rambler address book: Yandex, and This minimizes the time spent manually adding addresses.

Spam filtering

The Rambler client has an anti-spam function built into it. Although it does not work very efficiently, the developers periodically add new addresses to the blacklist database, which helps the service filter. Also, if you yourself want to mark one of the letters as spam, you can easily move it to the appropriate folder using the top menu.

In addition, you can mark a letter as unclaimed and not moved, as a result of which the sender's address will be added to the spammers list after verification.

To sort letters by a given criterion, you need to click on the column header and select the sort order: ascending or descending. The sorting mechanism is quite flexible and allows you to easily handle a large volume of correspondence without any difficulties.

Rambler-mail - mobile version

Official page of the application in the Google Play store - link.

Official page of the application in the App store - link.

In fact, the mobile program completely replicates the capabilities and functions of its PC counterpart. Here you can register, log in through any of the presented social networks, and many other bright and necessary features. True, the interface is a little sparse. It would be possible to give it more liveliness and bright colors, but that’s up to your taste. Perhaps conservatism and a strictly business approach are valued by developers more than style and a sense of novelty.

We install the program like any other mobile application (it’s practically called “Mail”)

Logging into your email is simple and quick by entering your username and password in the fields provided for this purpose and clicking the “Login” button.

As a result of the manipulations performed, we find ourselves in the Inbox folder. All messages we receive are displayed here. In the upper right corner there is a search button, which will certainly come in handy if you need to find something using a contextual query.

To move to another folder, click on the button with three horizontal lines in the top left row of the header.

Navigating through folders is easy and completely intuitive.

To write a new letter in the mobile version of Rambler mail, click on the round blue pencil icon in the lower right part of the display.

Then everything is as usual: enter the recipient’s address, indicate in the “Copy” field the possible recipient whom you want to add to the list of recipients, come up with a subject and compose the text of the letter itself. By the way, in the “To” field you can pull up the recipient from your phone’s contact list using the “plus” button - a very convenient and relevant feature. Next, we can attach attachments or send the letter in finished form by clicking the button specially designed for this.

Understanding all the features of the mobile version of Rambler Mail is not difficult - they are all clearly visible. The interface of the program is very simple and unpretentious.

That's all we wanted to tell you about such an interesting topic as setting up Rambler mail. A little later we will publish detailed instructions on how to work with Yandex mail. The opportunities there are very similar, but they also have their own nuances.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. At one time, I wrote a number of reviews with my personal experiences and impressions of working with popular email services, or rather with their web interfaces:

  1. — I use it for main mailboxes, because when connecting double verification, this service is a priori the most reliable.
  2. - everything is great, and I was especially pleased with the free and functional email for the domain.
  3. - well, it’s nothing outstanding compared to the previous monsters, but nevertheless, in the new interface of this email service everything is pretty well thought out and there’s nothing to complain about.
  4. — free mail with the largest mailbox capacity of 1 TB. Otherwise, the service does not stand out in any way among its competitors.

All three of the above services are highly stable and, importantly, contain spam cutters. In some places they work better, in others worse, but in general they do their job.

Our hero today is Rambler mail. It appeared at the very beginning of this millennium and at one time enjoyed enormous popularity, on which, most likely, the service still operates. As you remember, it was replaced not so long ago by an engine from Yandex, and Rambler, by and large, became a large portal with a number of popular services (including mail, ratings and much more). However, their approach to this matter clearly began to change, and not for the better. But first things first...

Login, registration and creating a mailbox in Rambler mail

Personally, I haven’t used the Rambler mail web interface for quite a long time, because I was configured to collect mail from the mailboxes available there to the main one, correspondence from which I, in turn, read in the client from the . However, having come across a number of negative reviews about the work of this service, I decided to try out their new (for me) interface, which appeared in 2012. Actually, this article owes its appearance to the impressions that were received.

If you don’t want to log in, but want to create a new mailbox, then on the same page you will find a green button "Get mail", which will help you with this unnatural desire. As you can see from the previous screenshot, there are several options for ending your future mailbox (besides the standard By the way, this can help if the name you choose is already taken:

At the next step, you will be asked as standard to come up with a password, select a security question and answer it (you may need this information when restoring access to your mailbox after hacking or simply losing your password). Actually, that's all. You will be congratulated on your valuable acquisition and invited to inspect your possessions.

By analogy with or, your login and password for your mailbox for other services owned by the Rambler corporation. You can also set your photo or avatar, which will be visible to the recipients of your letters.

It is worth noting that, unlike the competitors mentioned above, Rambler mail does not link to a mobile phone number, which reduces the safety of working with the box, it seems to me. As you understand, the argument that you have nothing valuable in your box doesn’t really work, because they practically break it on the fly, and not on order. They are hunting not only for money, but also for social network accounts and other things that can then be sold in bulk to spammers or some other “radishes.”

The appearance of the web interface is similar to some very simple email client (a program installed on your computer that collects correspondence from all your mailboxes). By the way, this is exactly what the developers suggest you do by clicking on the “Add other boxes” link located in the left column. Those. you are offered to configure the collection of mail from all other mailboxes you have (including from other services) in order to view correspondence specifically in the brainchild of the rambler.

Quite a bold proposal in light of the fact that the main part of the criticism on Rambler mail is related to the poor performance of spam cutting, and this, in my opinion, along with the convenience of the interface and functionality (filters, settings, etc.) is a fundamental thing when choosing the main mailbox where all correspondence will be collected. Personally, I’m still impressed with Gmail’s spam cutter, and its functionality is at a higher level. But this is still a matter of taste.

In favor of this interface its simplicity and obviousness can speak. In the lower left corner you will find a couple of buttons with horizontal and vertical stripes that allow you to switch from a two-column mail view to a three-column one, when the list of letters remains open, and the contents of the letter you are interested in opens to the right in a separate area.

In the same place, but a little to the right, you will find a button to go to the settings of your mailbox in Rambler mail (we’ll go over them a little later).

How can you check your inbox in Rambler mail?

There are traditionally several options.

Web interface (your page) in Rambler Mail

At the top are the most necessary buttons for managing and sorting incoming correspondence:

Also important is the ability to mark individual letters. This is implemented in Rambler mail, although it is quite simple (for small volumes of correspondence it will do just fine). You can mark important letters with stars, the outline of which will be drawn opposite each letter on the right, and you can remove the “Unread” mark using the outline of a circle located on the left. To make a group mark, you can check the boxes next to them and use the drop-down menu of the “More” button located above.

Well, in order to then set up the background highlighting of only important or unread emails, you will need to select the appropriate option from the drop-down list shown in the screenshot. To search through all letters, you can use the search bar located at the top. In my opinion, it would be possible to slightly improve the functionality of working with correspondence, but this option is certainly in the “couldn’t be simpler” category.

Rambler email settings

Let's now go over mail settings from Rambler, which are hidden behind the gear button located at the bottom of the left column.

Actually, there are not so many of them. On the one hand, this will not scare away an inexperienced user, but they may somewhat disappoint a user more or less accustomed to comfort and convenience. However, it is what it is.

On the first settings tab, you can set the name of the sender (and, if desired, specify a different Email to which replies will be sent), add a signature that will be added at the bottom of all letters you send, and you can also change the cover of the pages with your mail (blue is used by default texture, but you can replace it with one of a dozen background options). Well, you can also see how much free space is left in your free mailbox, which initially is not so much compared to competitors (only 2 Giga).

On the next tab of the Rambler Mail settings page, you can add new folders if the need arises. On the tab "Other boxes" You can, if you wish, set up the collection of mail from all your existing mailboxes in this or any other services. It will be enough just to indicate the login and password for these very boxes. If the service from which correspondence is to be collected is not standard (the addresses and ports of the POP3 server are already known for them), then you will also have to indicate this data.

This email service, of course, has filters. They live on the corresponding settings tab. They allow you to configure the processing of incoming correspondence by checking all letters for compliance with specified conditions, and if they are satisfied, perform one of the following actions on them:

  1. mark emails as read;
  2. mark as important;
  3. delete letters;
  4. move to specified folder

There are several options for setting conditions and actions performed when they are satisfied (selected from the drop-down lists shown in the screenshot). By the way, you can set several conditions using the plus button. In general, everything is usual and quite simple, if not primitive. But there is nothing complicated and is accessible to a completely untrained user (unlike, for example, the same Gmail filters and shortcuts).

The autoresponder tab, in my opinion, is of little use, except perhaps for the time of vacation to set up autoreplies and the deadlines when you can respond to incoming correspondence. And here is the tab "Forwarding letters" may well come in handy. As I already mentioned, many people complain about Rambler’s spam cutting, and if it really works poorly, then it makes sense to configure the forwarding of all incoming letters to another service, where spam is filtered out once or twice (the same Gmail or Yandex).

To set up forwarding, you just need to move the checkbox to the “Enabled” area, indicate the recipient’s mailbox in the “To” field and decide whether you will save copies of forwarded letters on the Rambler service.

Well, on the tab "Mail programs" you can find out the data for setting up the reception and sending of mail through this mailbox using the client program installed on your computer (you can use both SMTP and IMAP).

Yes, there is also the “sounds” tab, where you can activate sounds that are disabled by default, which will be played when a new letter arrives in the Inbox, as well as when sending correspondence or when a failure occurs.

Rambler in comparison with competitors

If everything described above (including spam cutting) works perfectly in this email service, then it can be recommended to undemanding network users who want to get the most simple and, not least important, .

However, this service cannot provide serious competition to Gmail, Yandex Mail and even The functionality is insufficient, the security issue has not been addressed, and the settings for serious work with a large volume of correspondence are clearly not enough.

If we also take into account the mass of negative user reviews on the Internet (here, again, you need to be selective, because when everything is satisfactory, reviews are usually simply not written), then the prospects for Rambler mail in the fight against competitors for the market are quite illusory. Their main task now, it seems to me, will be to retain existing customers. IMHO.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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There's a first time for everything. An inexperienced user, having purchased a computer, begins to surf the World Wide Web, and often wonders where to get the necessary and clearly targeted information? How can you find a topic of interest using just a few basic words? So what should we do? Of course, use a search engine.

What is a search engine? To put it simply, this is a website where a user can enter control words into a special search bar and receive a convenient list with annotations and links.
There are countless search engines on the Internet, which is understandable. There is a lot of information, and it continues to increase every day. Moreover, all this information is stored completely chaotically, and finding what you need without a search engine is a very difficult task. Let's get to know some of them.

We have already looked at search engines and Yandex.

Now in front of you is Rambler - the very first Russian search engine. The name hits the bull's eye - what else can you call a system designed to constantly wander the Internet in search of useful information? (Rambler in English means “tramp”) According to researchers, about 90 percent of all Russian-speaking users use Rambler services at least once a month. We won’t argue, especially considering the service life of the search engine, the information may be quite reliable.

Created in 1996 by Dmitry Kryukov as a simple search engine, Rambler is currently a huge Internet portal that daily makes up to 60 thousand changes and additions to its information, thereby guaranteeing its users the receipt of competent and complete information. The main thing is to make the right request. And for this, Ramblera has an excellent function that is rarely used, apparently due to natural laziness.
Using an advanced query, you can easily narrow down your search significantly. After all, one word typed into the search bar can throw you onto a bunch of completely unnecessary links. Wouldn't it be easier to spend a few extra minutes and enter the framework within which the system will search for the necessary information?
In addition to the advanced search section, there is such a tricky thing as “query language”. In fact, not everything is as scary as it seems, and we are not talking about the basics of programming. It's all about the logical connectives “and” and “or”. Depending on which one you use in your query, the links provided by the search engine will change.

However, Rambler is not the only search engine that lives. Email hosting alone costs a lot. Here you can create an unlimited number of addresses for you personally and for your family members - and at the same time completely free of charge. You can read how to create a mailbox in other services. You don't have to worry about the security of your mail - spam and virus filters will do it for you. You can choose the appearance of the box, focusing on your tastes and preferences - personalizing the interface will give you this opportunity. For convenience, there is an address book, and in case of problems or questions, there is a support service.
What else might interest you in Ramblere? Yes, a lot of things. The “News” section allows you to always be up to date with the latest events; “Maps” will point you in the right direction, help you build a route, and even identify traffic jams. On Rambler you can meet people, read horoscopes, play games, and even listen to radio online. Exchange rates and weather forecasts, real estate supply and demand, a list of the most popular sites. You can also easily buy air tickets here!

Among other things, you can get acquainted with technical innovations with just one click of the mouse, see a description of the product you are interested in and even compare prices, and at the same time choose the most convenient service, be it cash - bank transfer, payment by card or purchase on credit.
In a word, the Rambler search engine was created to make your life more convenient and brighter.

Finance, 21 Feb, 15:33

Sberbank is discussing the purchase of Rambler will be concluded. Representatives of Sberbank and Rambler Group denied that negotiations on the deal were taking place. Rambler Group, as stated by a member of its management committee..., the press service of Sberbank also indicated. What's happened Rambler Group Included Rambler Group includes an Internet holding Rambler& Co (including the following... pay online. The logic of Sberbank’s entry into the capital Rambler Group may consist of integration of services Rambler to Sberbank online products, said one of... The Minister of Communications of the DPR filed a claim for 1 million rubles. to Rambler ... of the Republic (DPR) Viktor Yatsenko filed a lawsuit against a group of companies Rambler&Co and the publishing house "Arguments of the Week". A claim for protection of honor... The Formula Kino and Cinema Park cinema chains will be renamed Okko ... the number of visits to cinemas, as well as access to online cinema content. Rambler Group plans to turn cinemas into entertainment hubs. Along with movies..., sports broadcasts, as well as entertainment content - gaming, virtual reality technologies. Rambler Group of Alexander Mamut acquired one of the largest Russian online cinemas... Mediascope filed a claim against Rambler Group for 5.3 million rubles. ... . The issue will be resolved in the near future,” the press service told RBC Rambler Group. A Mediascope representative told the Vedomosti newspaper that “the client violated the terms... details of the incident. Mediascope will count TV viewers in villages​ According to the newspaper, Rambler Group has not paid for audience assessment services provided to Mediascope... Kanobu founder creates online encyclopedia for gamers ... -m, a year after its founding, control of Kanobu was acquired by a holding company Rambler. The project was estimated at $4.5 million, based on this figure... covered in specialized media.” In 2016, Makhtiev separated from Rambler: the holding retained the service part of Kanobu Network, for example the portal... E-sports clubs will appear in Alexander Mamut cinemas ... managing partner of the holding Yaroslav Komkov and confirmed by a representative of the press service Rambler Group (owns cinemas). The pilot project - Winstrike Corner - will be opened in... Vedomosti learned about the creation of a service for ordering food before coming to the restaurant Sberbank, Rambler& Co and the founders of UCS are creating a new online platform for... menuing before arriving at the establishment, paying and leaving a tip. Sberbank, Rambler& Co and the founders of the restaurant software developer UCS Grigory... “Foodplex” will happen in such a way that Sberbank will have 35%, Rambler& Co - 30%, the rest will be shared by GHP, Gurevich and Malakhov. Later this... Rambler Group commented on blocking with the words “there will be no winners” In the holding Rambler Group of Alexander Mamut, who owns a number of Internet portals, media and... will touch the lives of millions, and sometimes billions of people,” they warned Rambler Group. In recent years, information technology has become tightly integrated into...

Business, March 29, 2018, 05:00

Mamut's holding acquired the Okko online cinema ... the combined group will become the largest distributor of content online and offline. Rambler Group of Alexander Mamut acquired one of the largest Russian online cinemas Okko, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Thursday, citing a representative Rambler. The information was confirmed to the publication by the owner of Era Capital (owns an online cinema... looked at various video services, including the largest ivi. Representative Rambler in a conversation with the publication, he confirmed that the company had held negotiations “almost... Kommersant spoke about Mamut’s decision to merge his assets ... to him the cinema chains "Cinema Park" and "Formula Kino" with an Internet holding Rambler& Co and the publishing house "Azbuka-Atticus". He told the newspaper about this... the new company. Top managers Rambler& Co will remain in place. Mamut owns 100% of shares in cinema chains and Rambler& Co (since January... data about users, as well as the client network of advertisers that it has Rambler& Co, to increase cinema attendance. The cuts, according to Mamut, will affect... Mamut Holding decided to create its own online cinema ...the market for online video services is already consolidated by 30%. Three Reasons Holding Rambler& Co intends to launch its own online cinema, said a source familiar with... . In the press service Rambler& Co did not respond to RBC’s request at the time of publication. What is included in the scope of interests Rambler Rambler& Co manages services... was approaching, according to Mediascope, 135 thousand people. Possible investments Rambler& Co to create its own online cinema, if the decision is made... Former editor-in-chief of will oversee the Internet in the Kremlin ...close to the Kremlin. According to their information, the top manager of the media holding Rambler& Co. Alexandra Mamuta will take the position of deputy head of the Kremlin department of public... leadership positions at Afisha-Rambler-SUP (later transformed into Rambler& Co.). Among the holding's most famous assets: Rambler,, Gazeta.Ru, Afisha,, LiveJournal, Rambler News Service, "The Secret of the Firm." At the beginning of 2014 she was fired... Rambler&Co denied reports of intention to sell ... .ru, owned by the company, the holding told RBC. As reported in Rambler&Co, previously reported in the media about preparations for sale... 70%.” Earlier, the Kommersant newspaper reported that the structures of Alexander Mamut, who owns Rambler&Co are looking for a buyer for one of the first Russian Internet... the platform was created to compare prices for office equipment. In 2006 Rambler bought 51% By May 2017, the platform's audience... Mail.Ru Group will buy a car sale classifieds website from Rambler ..., invested in building a new team, actively marketed the project on resources Rambler&Co and external platforms, which made it possible to make the asset as attractive as possible... to industry players as a platform for automotive classifieds,” said the executive director Rambler&Co Rafael Abrahamyan. founder Oleg Golubtsov believes that... Rambler&Co will transfer LiveJournal to Russian jurisdiction ... the Russian company SUP Media LLC. Kommersant was informed about this in Rambler&Co. According to the publication’s interlocutor, the Russian company will begin administering the blog... in the Russian Federation and Europe.” In connection with the transition of LiveJournal to Russia Rambler&Co will have to bear legal and technical costs, the publication notes. However... it costs ten times to service traffic. In May 2016 Rambler&Co relaunched LiveJournal, updating its design. Home page of the site...

Technologies and media, 16 Feb 2017, 16:54

The former editor-in-chief of Playboy in Russia became the editor-in-chief of LiveJournal. Company Rambler&Co officially announced the appointment of Alexey as editor-in-chief of LiveJournal... the page and search for the best content in the blogosphere. IN Rambler&Co expect that Korolev’s previous work experience (he was the main... Gulin, who came to this position a little over a year ago, left Rambler&Co. Mamut's investment holding became the owner of 100% of Rambler&Co shares ... A&NN Investments, asset manager of Alexander Mamut, bought 50% of the shares Rambler&Co from the structures of entrepreneur Vladimir Potanin and became the sole owner... Rambler&Co for $295 million. Sources of Vedomosti reported that Mamut will pay for the half bought from Potanin Rambler&Co own funds. Company group Rambler...the latter became the managing shareholder and CEO of the group Rambler&Co. Currently Rambler&Co includes over 30 publications, services... The media reported Mamut’s purchase of Potanin’s share in Rambler&Co for $295 million ... will buy out half of the Internet holding from his partner Vladimir Potanin Rambler& Co. Vedomosti reported this with reference to sources close... when the holding was created in 2013. Then businessmen merged companies Rambler and "Afisha", owned by Potanin, and the "Soup" company, the owner of which was... will happen. The publication’s interlocutors also noted that Mamut will pay for half Rambler& Co with its own funds.

Technologies and media, 06 Sep 2016, 12:34

Hackers claimed access to data of almost 100 million Rambler users ...gain access to a database of almost 100 million service users Rambler, hacked in February 2012. Leakedsource site specializing in information... With 100% accuracy by entering the remaining 4-6 characters. User passwords were stored in the public domain, LeakedSourse claims. Among the top five... users - all of them, of course, had their passwords changed,” the publication quotes a representative Rambler& Co Sofia Ivanova. According to her, a certain percentage of passwords... Mamut appointed a new editor-in-chief of Gazeta.Ru ... this was announced at a meeting with the team by Alexander Mamut, owner of the holding Rambler& Co, which includes the publication. Before the appointment to the post of chief... the post of editor-in-chief Svetlana Babaeva, whose departure was announced in the morning Rambler& Co. Babaeva has headed the publication since September 2013. Before this... Alekseev did not respond to RBC’s requests at the time of publication. Holding Rambler&Co was created as a result of the merger of media assets of businessmen Vladimir Potanin... Rambler relaunched LiveJournal ...content. The “Top” and ratings on the portal remain. Media holding of Alexander Mamut Rambler& Co. on Thursday, May 26, relaunched the blog platform LiveJournal (“Live...”, TASS, “Newspapers”, “Izvestia” - only about 20 employees, a representative told RBC Rambler& Co. Sofia Ivanova. Requirements for the quality of materials in LiveJournal will be... demanded, Ivanova noted. What goals are set for the updated LiveJournal, in Rambler& Co. not disclosed. The portal will make money from advertising - first in...

Technologies and media, 15 March 2016, 20:33

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications assessed the damage from the law on news aggregators The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications said that limiting the work of news aggregators will reduce the audience of online media by a quarter. The ministry believes that the requirements of the bill are impracticable and will lead to spending from the budget. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications assessed the damage from the bill equating news aggregators to mass media. If the bill is passed in its current form, the audience... Rambler & Co has found a new niche for itself in the entertainment industry ... entertainment,” said the director of service projects Rambler& Co Andrey Solomennik (quote from press release). IN Rambler& Co told RBC that the software products...,” says the press release Rambler& Co with reference to Gurevich’s statement. Grigory Gurevich told RBC that Rambler& Co was not the only contender..., so when choosing a strategic partner Rambler had an advantage for us." According to Gurevich, UCS is collaborating with Rambler& Co for several years - in... Afisha has united all online media into one ... director of the Strelka Institute Varvara Melnikova. Afisha is part of the Internet holding Rambler&Co, owned and managed by businessman Alexander Mamut. He's... Rambler&Co fired the editors of Afisha magazine ... Management Rambler&Co fired the editors of Afisha magazine. This was written about in projects and applications,” Melnikova said. Since the end of 2014 Rambler&Co closed the printed versions of Afisha-Mir and Afisha-Eda, and... Afisha magazine will be published four times a year Starting from 2016, Afisha magazine will begin to be published four times a year instead of 12. This decision was made by the magazine’s editor-in-chief Daniil Trabun, the company’s managing director Varvara Melnikova and creative director Philip Bakhtin, according to the Afisha website. According to Melnikova, her goal is to switch the company’s focus from paper publications to online. "Main, ... Business, 22 June 2015, 09:31 The largest Chinese online store decided to find a co-investor in Russia ... RBC was told by a source close to the Rambler company (part of the media hodling Rambler& Co), and the head of another Internet company familiar with the situation...

Technologies and media, March 26, 2015, 18:27

"Afisha" will abandon individual projects "City", "Wave" and "Air" ... united under the common Afisha brand, the press service told RBC Rambler& Co (this holding includes Afisha). Will head the “Afisha” on the Internet..., 116,700 people in St. Petersburg. Afisha is part of the holding Rambler& Co, owned and managed by businessman Alexander Mamut. In addition to "Afisha...", "Gazeta.Ru" and "", the blogging platform LiveJournal, an Internet company Rambler and a number of other sites. At the end of 2014, the holding acquired...

Technologies and media, 02 Feb 2015, 00:08

Google remains the only search engine in Russia with a growing market share ...%, Google took second place with 32.8%, and Rambler lagged significantly behind with 6.7 and 0.7% respectively. Among... 2.8 p.p. “distributed visitors”, positions and also weakened - by 2.3 and 0.5 p..., 6.7% - in the search service, 0.5% - in Rambler, 0.3% – in Bing. “It is clear that Google has ceased to be loyal... to Yandex technology and is quite satisfied with our cooperation,” said the executive director Rambler Technologies and media, 25 Dec 2014, 14:27 Kommersant Publishing House sold Rambler&Co. magazine "Secret of the Company" ... "Kommersant" signed an agreement to sell the magazine "Secret of the Firm" to a group of companies Rambler&Co. Alexander Mamut, the president of the publishing house Vladimir Zhelonkin told TASS... at the end of November. At the same time, negotiations began with the Internet holding company Rambler&Co. "The Secret of the Firm" is a monthly business magazine. It was created in... Kommersant Publishing House sells the magazine "Secret of the Firm" ...negotiations on the sale of the monthly business magazine "Secret of the Firm" to an Internet holding company Rambler& Co., managed by Alexander Mamut. If the deal does not go through, the unprofitable... on the sale of the magazine "Secret of the Firm" to the holding Rambler& Co., the publishing house itself said on its website. Representative Rambler& Co. Sofya Ivanova confirmed the fact of the negotiations... “not humiliating.” Holding Rambler& Co. formed last year as a result of the merger of the Internet assets of Vladimir Potanin’s ProfMedia (portal Rambler,, ID...

Rambler (Rambler, translated from English as wanderer, tramp) - search engine of the Internet holding Rambler Media Group.

The search engine takes into account the morphology of the Russian, Ukrainian and English languages, and when searching, it goes through all forms of queries and produces results based on the degree of compliance with the query.

Rambler, one of the very first search engines on the Internet market, played a huge role in the formation of the Runet. With a small number (no more than 5%), the search engine ranks 3rd after Yandex and Google.

The Rambler search audience is basically represented by people who have been using the system almost since its inception.

The advantages of Rambler include thematic ranking of sites, news service, Internet messenger, online payment service, free mail and contextual advertising service Begun, etc.

Chronicle of events

In 1991, a group of scientists, namely Sergei Lysakov, Yuri Ershov, Dmitry Kryukov, Viktor Voronkov and Vladimir Samoilov, from the Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms of the Russian Academy of Sciences, set out to develop a local network for the exchange of scientific and technical information in Pushchino. Soon the network was connected to Moscow, and then to the Internet. The project quickly started working and began to actively develop.

The official year of birth of the search engine is considered to be 1996, when Dmitry Kryukov created a search service called Rambler. In 1996, other search engines had already been created and were operating, but, unlike Rambler, they were not popular.

In 1997, Dmitry Kryukov introduced a certain scale, the Rambler’s Top100 classifier, which is responsible for determining the authority of sites depending on the frequency of their visits.

In 1999, the position of director of development and research, and then the position of executive director, was taken by Igor Ashmanov, who left the company in 2001. He described his work at Rambler in the book “Life Inside a Bubble,” where he described in detail the company’s activities for 1999-2001, as well as why Rambler lost its 1st place in the domestic Internet market.

In 2004, Rambler's Top 100 was issued an ISO 9001 quality certificate.

In 2007, Mark Opzumer took over as CEO. In 2009, vertical search was added based on eXtended AGgregator technology. On December 31, 2009, the entire top management quit Rambler, along with CEO Mark Opzumer, and in the same year the search engine received the “Runet Award” in the “Culture and Mass Communications” category.

Since April 2009 Olga Turishcheva, who worked at Vympel as director of venture business development, runs Rambler.

At the end of June 2011, Rambler switched to Yandex search technology. Along with its advantages, the search engine also has disadvantages, especially compared to Yandex or Google. In Rambler search, algorithms are rarely updated, there are practically no filters to control the quality of Internet sources for low-frequency or mid-frequency queries, which increases the number of spam sites, and the algorithm for determining the relevance of sites is also poorly rated. In this regard, Rambler's share among search engines decreased from 20 to 5%.

What can Rambler offer?

Rambler provides not only numerous entertainment projects, but also the following sections:

  1. “Maps” - contains detailed maps of major cities. Users can find out the addresses they are interested in, get any routes and be aware of traffic jams.
  2. In “” you can find any product catalogs, information about discounts, reviews of new products, planned events, etc.
  3. “Finance” will always provide the necessary information about currency quotes, the situation on the modern market, stock prices, etc.
  4. In “” you can find reviews of new digital equipment: cameras, phones, computers, etc.