Homemade couple and elderly mother-in-law. Son-in-law sleeps with mother-in-law

For dessert, I would like to offer you 3 stories about my mother-in-law. You will be surprised to know that they all took place in real life. Does this really happen? I'm shocked!

There is no malicious intent in the stories.

Mothers-in-law want to protect their daughter, sometimes allowing her to flirt with her son-in-law.

At 50, they become more beautiful every year.

A story about mother-in-law and son-in-law

It was at the dacha.

My wife ended up in the hospital, and I had to hammer nails while my mother-in-law sobbed.

Matvey, here is another 1 carnation. “You’re doing something a little crooked,” the second mother bleated.

I was silent, there’s no point in getting into conflicts.

My mother-in-law has a poisonous dialect - a hundred pounds will tell everything about how weak her son-in-law is.

So she decided to check it out.

When I had sorted out the hats, I washed myself from the barrel and decided to lie down on the sofa.

I hear: knock-knock.

I answer lopsidedly: come in.

I look and can’t believe my eyes.

My mother-in-law came in wearing a translucent robe.

Kondraty almost twisted me.

She sat down next to her, looked, and the viper was breathing heavily.

Is it really pre-infarction, I dreamed about it?

Not so, friends.

Her ass is getting closer and closer.

And then she squeezed me, I was thin, my bones crunched and my teeth chattered.

Well, okay, you're good. I know it. Oh, and there’s a carnation here too. Let's kill him crookedly? - the mother-in-law blurted out sternly, forcibly doing her job.

She didn’t say anything to her wife about the carnations.

What was left for me?

Keep silent about her still elastic charms.

So I live “on 2 fronts”.

A story about a drunken mother-in-law

I love my wife and I adore my mother-in-law, especially when she, drunk, begins to talk about her adventures.

When I was young, oh, how men flocked to me. Like flies on shit. Don’t think, Klim, that we only butted heads with the missionary. You fool, you won’t read in any book what your mother-in-law did while drunk. One is behind, and the other is in front. And all - jocks. And you, no, how does my daughter get along with you? - the pliable mother-in-law babbled.

At this time, my wife was chopping salads in the kitchen.

We celebrated a holiday called “Seventh Sunday.”

Having fallen silent for a while and taking the one hundred and fifth dose on her chest, the drunken mother-in-law continued her mind-blowing story.

And everyone loved me, a young girl. They gave gifts. Why do you think I took off my panties for free? I chose selectively. Do you understand? And now, for a glass of chatter, incredibly decorated canaries rub themselves into the household. blocks - the mother-in-law finished her instructive speech with a savory burp.

I wonder if she's telling the truth?

I will never know about this.

But I desperately believe her.

Mother-in-law's bathhouse

I love to steam and expel toxins.

Then all the nasty stuff comes out.

My mother-in-law built it all. With my son-in-law's money.

I mean, on mine.

Even my wife doesn’t know how she works with a broom.

He whips for all the insults inflicted on his wife and for the speeches made against her.

Without hesitation, he enters the bathhouse.

And I, like a woman, scream.

Shut up, short guy. Do you think I haven’t seen a naked man? “Let me spank you,” the mother-in-law muttered impudently as she began the punishment.

Hiding my shame, I received for all the hard things, occasionally spying on how her boobs danced.

This, I think, is a real woman.

She drove two into the grave.

Apparently I'll be third.

The stories about my mother-in-law were edited by Edwin Vostryakovsky.

One day my friends and I went to a health resort in Anapa. The first days we gave up alcohol. On the fifth we took tests, on the eighth we started running around the main building. And pester the cooks. Curvy women from 24 to 45 who look 20 years older than their age. Putting the cook to bed is a trick, a crown. During sex, she doesn’t moan, but puffs and says: “Oh, I’m having a blast, I’m having a blast.” Of course, it’s even cooler to have sex with a treatment nurse, but few people succeed in this.

Once, at a dance evening at the Rendezvous cafe, we picked up a woman. With such a face they usually hang on the honor board. Similar adult ladies go to programs with Malakhov. She is 53 years old and very fat.

There was a fight for her on the dance floor. All the conquerors of young hearts seem to have broken free. As a result, she left with me and a friend. In the room, I tried to crawl my fingers under the fold, to find her cool pubis, and at that moment my friend began to kiss her legs. I drove him away like a dog. And we started.

I don't usually fuck ugly people. All this Tyumen style, blondes with multi-colored nails and so on. But that woman is a completely different case. This is a perversion. It's like taking weight. Insert into a crocodile or electric stingray. And not at all because they don’t give normal shmaras. We did incredible things with this fat girl. It got to the point where I picked her up while standing, holding her in my arms by her cool folds. Spinning like a caliper. As a result, she burst into tears and said: “my daughter should be in this place.”

One thing you should understand from the story is that older women need sex more than 19-year-olds.

She understands that this time may be the last. There will be no chance. She must prove herself. And 19-year-olds think: it didn’t work out - they still have their whole life ahead of them. The probability that an elderly woman will behave better in bed and do everything is 90 percent. With a young slut you can win in 20 percent of cases. Or even less.

After you hung out with her at Petrovich, treated her to champagne for 200 rubles a glass, she will be very gentle and sensitive to what is happening in bed. Slow sex, licking, pleasant sucking for three hours. He won’t pull the skin on a bolt like a young trash and ask to go to a restaurant for breakfast with champagne in the morning. She will cook it herself while you sleep.

One day we were traveling on a train with a large group of distant relatives and friends. And it so happened that everyone suddenly got laid. Everyone got tired of the mafia game after three hours. The chicken was eaten. Outside the window there is melancholy. I accidentally charged my mother-in-law's brother's wife. And he told his mother-in-law’s husband about this. He took the opportunity and repeated my action in the vestibule. Under the pretext that she wouldn’t tell anyone, my friend Valera also charged her. And the lady was well over 40. In short, after 3 hours we were happily playing cards, guessing animals and complex words. This sex somehow relaxed everyone.

Only lucky people marry for convenience. Rare happiness

She has wonderful parents. Mom teaches music at school, dad has significant savings. Almost an oligarch. Financial tycoon. Your wife is in love with you! And then you snitched on your mother-in-law’s tower! You see... now you are an eternal shareholder of this family. “Stop” - now only you can say at the table. If dad mutters, he will be quickly sent away. It's just a jackpot in your pocket when you fuck your wife's mother. But if you get involved with your wife’s friend, consider that they found a needle in your egg. Sooner or later, this will come up and you will be thrown out of the family. And the mother-in-law... she won’t tell anyone - she’s not a fool. And under any convenient circumstances, he will ask you to repeat what you started. The main thing is not to play love with her - then she will leave dad, and we don’t need that. Feed them some more.

Women give it on the road. Therefore, the best option for sex with your mother-in-law is travel. Even something as small as a weekend trip along the Golden Circle. The best thing, of course, is at the resort. You woke up with a hangover - yesterday your family celebrated that they had reached Thailand. Your wife and dad have gone to set up a volleyball net, and you and your mother-in-law are lying around from too much drinking. Naturally, after half an hour she will offer to drink some sparkling wine - to relieve the hangover. At this moment you have to take it. You put the phalanxes into your underpants and let's go. In an hour you will be jumping for the ball higher than the net.

Daughter plus mother - a gourmet dish. I haven't tried it. But those who have gone through this, they say, this is a high point. We must strive.

He was lucky in that war - he not only earned several orders, but also returned alive and well, and most importantly, he managed to preserve his psyche. I wasn’t into drugs, I didn’t drink (except on holidays). During the stagnant years, there were no problems with housing, and, as a participant in the hostilities, the commander allocated a service apartment to Georgy. Soon he married a young student Yulia. Yulia was 18 years old, she worked as an accountant, studied at the institute as a correspondence student and... was completely indifferent to sex. Such young ladies always surprised those around them: why are you getting married in this case? Continue to live with your parents, don’t fool your husband. But before, people used to marry military men willingly, because they were considered prestigious suitors...
Zhora and his frigid wife began not life, but hard labor. It so happened that Yulia’s mother was a single woman, and Yulia, having obtained Zhora’s consent, invited her to live in a new apartment with them for a while.
Living with your mother-in-law is a risky business, but how can you refuse such a trifle to a young wife? Moreover, he liked Victoria Igorevna from the moment they first met, when Yulia brought him to meet her mother.
My mother-in-law was only 35 years old at that time. She was once a famous gymnast, a champion. And she was so “friends” with her old coach that she got pregnant from him at the age of 16. There was a terrible scandal, the coach was almost imprisoned. Vika left big sports, she was even given a one-room apartment. At the age of 17, she gave birth to Yulka, whom all her relatives loved and spoiled. And she grew up to be a bitchy and quarrelsome person.
Georgy immediately liked the young mother-in-law (only 10 years older than him) as a person. She had both the sincerity and the completeness that he dreamed of seeing in his wife. Victoria's figure was almost perfect, and she looked so great that it was difficult to even understand who she belonged to the Makhov family. Everyone in the military camp decided that she was Yulia’s older sister.
Yulia avoided fulfilling her “marital duty” in every possible way. Either she had a headache, or there was another reason. Moreover, she began to complain to her mother: they say, my husband always wants it, I got some kind of maniac! The mother-in-law reassured her daughter, saying that having sex was even good for health, but Yulia didn’t need it. In the end, she began to annoy her young husband. There was no time for love in Afghanistan, but here I found such a “treasure” that it made me cry!
Soon Yulka left for Zhitomir for a month to take her next exam.
Living in the same apartment with Victoria, Georgy sometimes accidentally saw her in a rather frank manner. Either in a translucent nightie, when she fluttered around the apartment, or naked through the accidentally slightly opened bathroom door, where she was washing herself at that time. He was invariably amazed by the beauty of her unusually feminine body, its mature attractiveness. At such moments, George wanted to pounce on her, crush her under him and selflessly love her, to the point of pain, to the point of screams of pleasure.
He, who lived practically without sex, really liked her strong, proportionately built body of a gymnast and a mature woman. Walking past the bathroom one evening, Zhora involuntarily glanced at the slightly open door and met the smiling gaze of his mother-in-law, who at that time was diligently using a washcloth. He even felt hot from the eroticism of this scene. In a split second, his eyes greedily captured the smallest details of her seductive body. It was then that he felt a strong desire for intimacy with his mother-in-law. And then don’t care about the consequences...
Victoria, hot from the swim, left the bathroom and soon called her son-in-law for dinner. He offered to drink a little, the woman did not refuse.
Georgy did not even imagine that Victoria Igorevna was also not indifferent to him. She was impressed by his indestructible calm under any circumstances. She and Yulka often had scandals, and their daughter was invariably their initiator. Zhora stoically endured her nagging, responding to her reproaches with smiles. He already realized that his wife was inventing another quarrel only in order to later deny intimacy.
In a word, they ate, drank, then danced a little and... without even noticing, they started kissing...
Naturally, they spent the night in the same bed... And the two of them felt so good that the entire month of Yulia’s absence turned into a honeymoon for them. They constantly wanted to see each other and all the time strived to taste the forbidden fruit. However, why is it forbidden? Zhora was a determined man and soon told his mother-in-law that he could not live without her. She, seeing that she and her daughter would not live together for long anyway, reciprocated. Therefore, when Yulia returned from school, her husband gave her complete resignation!
Georgy was the deputy commander of the company; due to his age, he left the Komsomol, but never joined the party. Therefore, they could not punish him for divorcing his wife, especially since there were no complaints against him regarding his service. Yulia was immediately married off to a missile officer so as not to cry. He just did something unfortunate in his service while servicing a rocket and after receiving a dose of radiation he could no longer dream of any sex...
And Zhora and Vika lived in perfect harmony for many years, gave birth to and raised two children. They changed a couple of garrisons and no one there knew that his beautiful wife Vika was his former mother-in-law!