Call center - a look at the script from all sides. How to bypass the secretary when making cold calls. Online services for creating a telephone conversation script

Answering customers on the phone is a skill, especially when responding to a complaint. But before you move on to “forbidden” phrases for a call center operator, you need to think and make sure that you (or your subordinates) have chosen the right profession. Sometimes no rules or knowledge can save you from the desire to be sarcastic to the client...

Well, for those who sincerely want to improve their skills in conducting dialogue with “difficult” clients, the top 15 phrases that irritate:

1. I don't know...

The standard reaction: “So why are you sitting there then?” Therefore, prepare a couple of alternative phrases.

For example:

Is it convenient for you to wait a minute while I clarify the question?

2. I can’t promise anything...

Sounds reassuring. It seems that you have no intention or interest in helping the client. Need to rephrase.

For example:

I will do my best to resolve your issue.

3. We'll sort this out...

Sounds vague. The client gets the impression that they want to get rid of him. Instead, state exactly what you are going to do and set a time frame.

For example:

I need to look into some points in more detail. I'll call you back today at two.

4. You must...

It sounds quite harsh and drives the subscriber into a corner. It is better to replace the word “must” with “necessary”. But on by and large the thought should be clothed in a softer form.

For example:

In order for me to resolve your issue as quickly as possible, you can...

5. You are wrong...

Forget this phrase as such, there are many ways to get around it, and at the same time show the client that there is another way to look at the situation.

For example:

Yes, I agree with you, there is such an opinion, and at the same time...

6. Are you sure?

Of course he's sure. Even if you are not sure, it is difficult to admit it, so do not force the client to say it out loud. Try to help him remember the necessary information.

For example:

Let's recap so I can make sure we've got everything covered.

7. I'm sorry, but no….

There is nothing worse than the word “no”. When the client hears him, he instantly “switches off” from the conversation. Use synonyms, while offering other options for solving the problem.

For example:

We do not provide such services, but we can offer the following...

8. I can’t help you with anything...

There is always something to help the client, even just to listen and understand.

For example:

I understand your frustration/Yes, it’s really unpleasant. How can I help you?

9. Let me correct you/explain you again...

The client gets the impression that he is considered not smart enough. Such formulations automatically cause negativity. But if you are not afraid to take the blame on yourself, he will appreciate it.

For example:

I should have explained this question to you, my omission.

10. It seems you didn’t understand me...

By doing this, you seem to be trying to shift the blame onto the client, again pointing out his incompetence. Such a response will only heat up the atmosphere and will not contribute in any way to solving the problem. Instead, try to assume that you yourself misunderstood some information.

For example:

It seems I didn’t fully understand your request, let’s clarify...

11. This question- not in my competence…

If this is really the case, quickly transfer the call to someone who is in control of the situation or promise to clarify the issue by a certain date.

For example:

I cannot answer your question, but my supervisor will be happy to help you. Let me connect you? / To resolve this issue, I need to contact... Can I call you back in an hour?

12. Sorry, sorry, sorry...

If you really made a mistake, do not overuse apologies; it is better to offer specific ways to solve the problem.

For example:

We apologize for the current situation. Don't worry, we'll fix everything.

13. I have a 2nd line, could you “hang”?

The client is the center of the Universe, or at least that’s how he should feel. And with such phrases he will feel unimportant. If you need a distraction, explain to the client that this need is dictated by the desire to quickly and effectively solve his problem.

For example:

If you don’t mind, hang on the line while I resolve your issue.

14. We do not have information about your account...

This is a catastrophe. The client experiences a feeling of powerlessness mixed with irritation and anger. Let him know that you are not leaving him.

For example:

You may have specified a different phone/email when registering. While I'm looking for your account, please tell me how I can help you.

15. I'm telling you...

In fact, when a client repeats a question or complaint over and over again, this does not mean that he did not understand or hear you. Almost always, this means that he is not satisfied with the answer he received. Therefore, try to rephrase the answer in a way that satisfies/convinces the client. Or the client is very hurt by a certain situation, then you need to share his indignation with him, and again convince him that the problem will be solved.

What should a call center operator remember?

This is not a personal insult

The client expresses dissatisfaction with the company, not with you personally. Don't get upset, and especially don't get annoyed.

Thank you for your complaint

You will immediately put the client in a friendly mood if you thank him for his complaint. Many clients are accustomed to feeling like a stick in the wheel, a misunderstanding that promises problems... And you - say thank you: for the fact that the client pointed out a weak link in the work, for noticing a breakdown, etc.

Be kind

Be humane, show concern. Sometimes you can tell a joke, if appropriate.

Sometimes it's better to interrupt the conversation

If you are threatened, insulted, or simply harassed, politely end the conversation. There is a good joke about this:

Client: - The client is always right!
Operator: - You know, we discussed it and decided that you are not really a client...

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Once in a particular language environment, we involuntarily try to adapt to its conditions. Having a phrasebook in hand makes it easier for us, but after spending a couple of hours studying Wikipedia, even you yourself begin to be surprised how in England you start to have conversations about the weather by themselves, and in Latin America, when the same topic is mentioned, you involuntarily fall silent, not wanting to become aggressive a breeding ground for bad manners.

A similar situation arises in business communication with a client over the phone. A call center operator who knows the rules of on-line conversation and telephone etiquette feels confident, thereby adapting to the client and implementing the tasks assigned to him.

Let's try to give 10 tips to all those who are trying to learn how to speak on the phone correctly. This will help you not only improve the effectiveness of communication with the client, but will also lay the seeds of skills in positioning the person on the other end of the line.

Address your interlocutor using “you” only

Few people know that the address “You” is borrowed and that not so long ago it simply did not exist in Rus'. The format of addressing a person as “You” was first mentioned in texts about business communication with the emperor in ancient Rome. Today, many experts agree that if a person has reached the age of 12, it is customary to address him as “You.”

How to properly introduce yourself to a client

There are several options:

a) “Good afternoon, Sakura company!”

b) “Good afternoon, Sakura company, my name is Elena. Am I listening/How can I help you?

c) “Good afternoon, Sakura company, controller Elena. I'm hearing you.

This will give the client confidence that he is calling the right organization and that he is talking to the “face” of the company.

How to start a meaningful conversation on the phone

Greetings and other politesse are all good, of course, but the most important thing is does the interlocutor have time for business communication? One of the main rules telephone conversation- clarify whether the person can talk to you in this moment on business? To avoid losing this aspect of telephone etiquette, try to hone it by chatting with friends and relatives. Believe me, they will also love your sympathetic “Can you talk now?”

Create the client's mood

Don't say “You're worried about...” or “You're worried about...”. Hearing this, your interlocutor may conclude that he has a negative attitude towards himself and his call.

What does voice intonation say and how to adapt to your interlocutor

If you are in a bad mood or haven't gotten enough sleep, you will sound sluggish, tired or aggressive; if you are saddened by some news, you will find it difficult to concentrate on the client. The intonation of the voice depends on the mood, and the client’s attitude towards the company depends on this. Therefore, be sure to cheer yourself up with a cup of coffee before starting your work day.

If a person speaks slowly, his thinking process proceeds at the same speed. When communicating with such people, slow down the pace of your speech slightly.
A person who speaks quickly or very quickly is irritated by slowness and unhurriedness, he is impatient and craves action. Speed ​​up your speech when talking to these people.

Using the "hold" function

The telephone today has a function called “hold,” which allows, within the framework of telephone etiquette, to actually take a breath and competently build further business communication. It should be borne in mind that this function can be used a maximum of 1-2 times, otherwise it will turn from your “magic wand” into a source of hatred for the subscriber on the other end of the line.

“Holding the line” contains certain nuances that you should not forget about when mentally working through the scenario of a telephone conversation. In particular, if you turn on hold, then you need to “eyeliner” with a request to stay on the line. After you return to the person, you should say words of gratitude for the wait.

TABOO in line - eating, drinking, rustling paper or clicking a keyboard, smoking and sighing All modern generations microphones are designed in such a way that they cut off excess noise, but those that still reach the sensor will be sharply amplified. Now imagine that the rustling of paper did get into the microphone... What next? It will enhance the sound and your interlocutor will receive this bouquet of sounds along with speech information . A sigh can be perceived as regret about the quality of services, while clattering a keyboard indicates ignorance of the material and unprofessionalism. call operator


Learn to listen to effectively communicate with a client on the phone.

Most people think that the ability to listen is the talent to shut up your “I” and calmly perceive information. Actually, it's not. Listening is essentially passively managing a telephone conversation as part of telephone etiquette. To learn how to “steer” a dialogue, remember the main rule - a man listens for a few seconds and then interrupts, a woman can listen as much as she wants, as long as you touch her emotions with information. By adapting to this rule, learn to “feed” data in doses in dialogues with men, and emotionally in conversations with women.

How many rings should I wait before picking up the phone?

The answer is always banal - the minimum, better if 1 beep. No matter what anyone tells you, when the phone goes off after the first ring, it’s like a delicious cake, like a ripe watermelon, like a parachute jump - an explosion of emotions for the client at the other end of the line, because he gets the impression that they were just waiting for his call . 2 beeps - good. 3 - acceptable. 4 beeps - last chance to improve. If after the fourth ring the client does not hear the IVR voice asking him to call back, consider the client to be dissatisfied.

You took the time - say thank you

By giving and receiving information, you and I are losing more and more time. The telephone conversation has long and firmly settled on the minute hand of the clock, rotating it faster and faster every day. Therefore, when communicating with a client, do not forget to thank him for listening to you.SOS

, I don’t know what to say on the phone! non-standard situation: You may be insulted over the phone, confused, or asked a question to which you do not know the answer. What should the operator do in such situations? Show ingenuity, imagination, and react quickly.

The first thing you need to do is apologize. Our goal is to please the client, so we must do everything to reassure him. Further, depending on the situation: this can be “withholding” (in case you do not know the answer to a question or you have been misled), or resolving the conflict by offering everyone possible options decisions or is it the end of the conversation. For example, if you are insulted, you can use the following phrase: “I will have to interrupt the conversation if the dialogue continues in this direction.”

How to end a conversation with a client

Despite the “buzz” of many business coaches and marketers, today the ability to end a conversation with a client on time is valued by people more than polite communication or telephone etiquette. Endless processing of objections and importunity tires a person so much that sometimes he just wants to hear “Did I answer all your questions?” "Goodbye!"

This article did not list even one tenth of the complete set of rules of telephone etiquette, however, even these few tips will help you. Find out more about what other skills you can gain by working in a call center. Many years will pass, you will change jobs, achieve new heights in other areas, but telephone etiquette will remain your professional trait, acquired while working in the contact center industry.

If you're just starting to learn the basics of telephone etiquette, check out. By trying to sound professional on the line, you won’t even notice how you will increase your efficiency, increase your sales growth and your rating among other operators.

In this article we are general outline Let's consider the operator's work with external telephone calls, both incoming and outgoing using . About the possibility of exchanging text and voice messages with other operators and/or company employees will be discussed in one of next publications.

Handling incoming calls

Some of the clients calling the call center receive the information they need independently using IVR. The rest are placed in one of the queues, which are formed depending on the types of requests. While waiting for the operator to respond, the client may play musical compositions, advertising audio clips or other information. In addition, the subscriber is informed about the time remaining until the connection is made at a specified frequency.

By launching the Naumen SoftPhone and logging in to the call center server, the operator can immediately begin processing incoming phone calls. At the same time, the system provides him with basic information about the call:

  • the reason for which the client applied;
  • old or new client;
  • information on the number and subject of requests, etc.

Scenario of conversation with a client during an incoming call

One of the key advantages of Naumen Contact Center is the automatic display on the operator’s monitor of an indicative conversation scenario with an inquiring client. At the same time, the system provides the most optimal answers from a conversion point of view. In addition, during the conversation, the operator can immediately enter/change information about the subscriber and his answers to questions in the appropriate forms.

If a situation arises when the client’s questions require communication with a more competent specialist, the call center operator can connect an expert to the call in one of two modes: prompter or conference, and also switch the call directly to a specialist with a return or put operators in the second queue, and then accept the next call from your queue.

Outgoing call processing

Softphone Naumen SoftPhone allows you to outgoing call five ways. To do this you can dial desired number:

After performing any of the manipulations, the operator will hear the subscriber's call buzzer. If at a particular moment it is impossible to contact the client for any reason, the operator can make a second call after a while or enable the “Auto redial” function.

Questionnaire with questions when calling clients

Similar to the scenario of a conversation with a client, during various telephone surveys, it displays on the operator’s monitor questions that need to be asked to the subscriber. At the same time, we have already taken into account various options responses of the interviewee, up to the interruption of the call.

At the end of the conversation with the subscriber, information about him is recorded or updated, the time the call was received, when it was received, when the connection ended, and the total duration of the conversation. This data allows you to monitor the operator’s work process and his workload at different times of the day. Additionally, the operator can make an audio recording of a conversation with a client in order to subsequently study and analyze mistakes or positive aspects of the conversation.

Coming up with new lines during every client call? This is completely useless, since this bicycle was invented a long time ago. And its name is scripts for call center operators. An online store cannot do without this tool, because conversation scripts reduce the time of similar calls, increasing employee KPIs and contact center generally. In the constructor you can create open and closed questions, add a knowledge base or email, which can be sent to the client after or during the conversation. We have designed 5 example scripts for your online store that will definitely be useful to you.

Open answers

If your script only implies the presence of a question (questions) with open answers, then you can use the script designer in the VoIPTime Contact Center system. To ensure that all answers to questions are text, just name them with the word Text and check the box under Textedit (Another answer option). Don't forget to link questions together. It's not enough to just create required quantity questions and answers to them. Even if according to the list your questions go to in the right order, this does not mean that they are related. Read below for information on how to do this.

Simple questionnaire

To create a scenario with two possible answers (yes or no), a simple questionnaire will suit you. We have already provided instructions for creating it in the article about situations in which the operator can hang up.

Let us remind you that even in a simple questionnaire, the following question must be added to each answer. This can be done by clicking on the pencil in the answer tab. A block with a drop-down list will appear in the top window, from which you should select the next question. Each response should lead the operator to the next point in the script.

Complicated questionnaire

If you have a complex questionnaire in which the questions are intertwined, the designer from VoIPTime will also help you. For convenience, it is advisable to compile a list of questions and answers in text document and copy one by one into the system. Tip: It will be more convenient for you if you first write down/copy all the questions, then add answers to them, and only then make the script coherent and coherent (indicate which answers lead to which questions). Please note that questions do not always have a question mark at the end of the sentence. In the screenshot below you can easily find an example of a “false question”, which is also part of the script.

How to add sending an offer letter to a script?

If you want to send email from a script, you first need to configure email address, from which your clients will receive letters (addresser). This is done in the Tasks tab, Email subtab. Next, you should adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Click Add and enter data in all required fields and save the result.
  2. Go to the Scripts tab, select required template(we've added a Proposal to the Survey template) or create a new one.
  3. In the template, find the line Add block, select Offer in the drop-down list, click Add.
  4. Will open new page Offer. There are two here required fields(Name and Email account). Enter any name and email address you configured earlier.
  5. In the text input field, you can insert the ready-made text of the Proposal or write it from scratch using design tools (lists, highlighting, attaching files, etc.). Save the body of the letter.
  6. To view, edit and send an email, you need to go to the Scripts tab (next to the My Profile field), find the desired template in the drop-down list. In our case, this is a Poll. If you created new template, then first you need to bind it to the required Task.
  7. Click on the button with the name of your Offer (in our case it is an Invitation since our template is called Invitation to try insoles), correct the information if necessary, add an Email addressee and click Send.
  8. If the letter was sent successfully, a confirmation window will appear.

Full script for a call center for an online store

Since in the screenshots of our system we can show only some of the script branches that you can create in huge quantities, below is an example of a script for confirming a paid order. This diagram is easy to reproduce in the designer, because there are questions and answers that are intertwined with each other. Therefore, the call center operator will always feel confident when communicating with clients.

Let's look at some typical call handling scenarios involving p resources " world wide web" In this case, the client (real or potential), as a rule, comes to the company “from the side” of the corporate website, from where he receives, let’s say, primary information. When a customer needs additional information on a specific product or service, he simply activates the icon, instead of calling the center operator in the traditional way.

In this case there is whole line service combinations:

Usage VoIP technologies. Voice dialogue with the client can be carried out in the form of a VoIP session using the existing connection of the corporate website to the Internet. At the same time, both the client and the call center employee can conduct a dialogue and view web pages that they can see on their monitors.

Subscriber access to two lines (for example, ISDN subscribers). In this case, one line can be used for voice traffic, and the other is for data traffic.

Automatic call back. The appropriate call center employee contacts the client at a time convenient for him.

Mode text chat. This is an exchange text information in real time between the client and the center operator. This mode is especially relevant in the case of unsatisfactory VoIP speech quality or when it is necessary to accurately transmit numbers, the exact spelling of surnames, etc.

A general algorithm for servicing a Web Call Center subscriber is shown in Figure 4.3.

Rice. 4.3.

When calling from the Internet, the user calls the company's call center by clicking on the call button located on its Web page. This is actually a hypertext link in familiar HTML format that activates the Internet telephony program registered with the Web browser. This program can be an integrated Web browser application or separate application, which is called by the browser from some location on the user's desktop.

When you press the button, the procedure for calling via the Internet to the Internet telephony gateway begins, using an already existing connection with the Internet provider. The Internet telephony gateway downloads a Java call processing application to the client computer to run the Internet telephony application. The Java application provides an interface through which the user can also receive call status messages, participate in communication text messages, cooperate with the center operator by sending him a Web page, or disconnect the call.

After pressing the call button and opening the Internet telephony application, a connection is established with the company's Web server. For some Internet call center products and services, a connection to the nearest idle operator is established immediately, while others can only notify the operator to call the user back. Since the operator knows from which Web site the user initiated the communication, he will already have an idea of ​​​​what kind of questions the user has at the beginning of the conversation.

It is also advisable to have a button for a free long-distance call (in those countries where such a service is provided), or the ability to order an instant call back from the operator. For example, AT&T's interactiveAnswers service connects Web site visitors to a live agent who can immediately answer questions about products and services. When the user clicks the "Call Me Toll-Free" button, a notification is sent via the Web informing the operator that a call back has been requested. In this case, the user enters a phone number at which he can be contacted. If the user has two telephone lines, then his phone immediately starts ringing. Otherwise, the following options are possible: simple case the user must first go off the Internet to receive a call on the same line, or alternatively take advantage of VoIP technology by accepting a call using one of the applications that support VoIP technology (for example, Microsoft NetMeeting). When the handset is picked up, the subscriber is sent a recorded message asking them to confirm that they wish to speak to an operator. After this, the operator is connected, and, after a short time, the user can talk to the operator.

In this case, the choice of method of communication with the subscriber can be made automatically by the call center, for example, using the Internet Call Waiting service, which is gaining popularity today.

In some cases, the Web server uses a “deferred callback” function. The operator who will have to service this call is determined. The response is returned to the Web server indicating the estimated time callback, and the Web server forwards this information to the caller.

If callers are waiting in line for a busy agent to become available, they can listen to music or advertisements and periodically receive notifications about the progress of the queue for service. While in queue, callers can continue to browse the Web. If a call cannot be queued due to the use of all available Internet call center resources, the application displays a Web page on the client's screen apologizing for the delay in service and asking the client to repeat the call later. The call center can even provide the user with a Web page indicating what time they can expect a call back from an operator. If, for example, a call is due in 5 minutes, a graphical indicator can show a clock counting down according to the actual queue status. The indicator may even give the caller the option to schedule a return call at a later time or cancel the call.

When servicing a specific call, an agent can perform several actions simultaneously. In the simplest scenario, the operator answers specific questions from the caller and enters all relevant information into the computer database. Besides, this information can be used for many other purposes, including calling operational personnel, creating shipping labels for ordered items, tracking sales, mailing promotional materials, and consumer surveys.

In a more complex scenario, the operator may actually be viewing the same Web page as caller, as well as any associated embedded application that is used by a visitor to the Web site. This allows the company representative to provide prompt assistance to the customer by answering questions, directing the visitor to relevant information on the Web site, or taking an order in real time. To realize the opportunity co-viewing information, typically a Java application is loaded onto the client's computer, which “reads” a bitmap of the screen approximately once per second. Thus, the Web server application that provides the function sharing browser, “reads” the image on the client’s screen and then draws it on the operator’s screen. This process also works in reverse direction, so the client can see what the operator sees. This opportunity Particularly useful is the Web Page Marking feature, which allows the operator to mark a Web page with a mouse to highlight points that the customer needs to pay attention to. While on the same page, the client and operator can communicate with each other either by voice or by exchanging text messages, and collaboration with Web pages is also implemented. The operator can direct the user to the appropriate pages for providing additional information, show a photo of the required product or guide the sales process. In this case, the operator can simultaneously answer the client’s questions. When filling out the order form, the operator can advise the client to avoid mistakes.

These features collaboration are provided to both the user (client) and the operator using software and hardware that comply, for example, with ITU standards H.323 and T.120. Among them is the already mentioned Microsoft NetMeeting; at the same time, the requirements for the client’s machine are minimal: only a browser is needed Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher and Windows OS. It should be noted that it is advisable for such equipment to support the H.323 standard, due to the fact that it ensures efficient transmission of information flows, both directly between peer nodes and through a central server based on a single stack standard protocols, allowing the transmission of audio information, and, in some cases, video information and/or data, over the Internet.

Collaborative data sharing includes collaborative editing raster images(electronic “bulletin board”), file transfer, text messaging (“text chat”) and remote control of applications. Some of these capabilities are moving into help desk services. For example, the possibility remote control applications allows the help desk operator to perform certain actions on the user's computer, for example initiate diagnostic program For driver software. Or, by transferring files, you can download and install a software insert on the user’s PC. The user must agree on these actions, but he can easily stop them by pressing the emergency button.

Scenarios for working with clients can be modified depending on the goals of the enterprise or organization. These scenarios optimize the user experience and increase the company's revenue, thanks to the constant support of users (customers), carried out “in a dialogue mode”. Customers can be provided with information on emerging new products, guidelines when resolving disputes and other similar information. This toolkit also optimizes mechanisms for analyzing responses to messages sent during an external telemarketing campaign.

Using Email for getting necessary information the subscriber sends an email message to the call center or by regular channel email, or by filling out a form on the website. The message is perceived as normal telephone call and is queued and routed according to a set of facilities defined by the application.

When the operator is released, the email “call” arrives at the operator's voice terminal and the operator is notified of its presence on the browser screen. The operator's computer also receives a user interface that includes several message processing tools. Using these tools, the operator has the ability to create an email response, place the message on hold for inquiries from other center agents, or forward/transfer the message to another agent considered an expert in that particular area.

On the other hand, companies that have invested heavily in e-commerce, are often not prepared to handle the endless stream of email - orders for the purchase of goods, questions, comments, complaints, requests for changes to the product, etc., etc. As a result, companies often have to resort to unattractive alternative options, for example, hiring new employees who need to be paid, or using impersonal auto-response programs that will clearly not attract potential buyers. The worst option is to simply ignore great amount incoming email. Such options can not only cause damage to electrical...

Modern call centers can also use fax to service calls. The corresponding software can route faxes from users to an electronic Mailbox Internet call center via fax interface mail server, where fax messages can be found and routed like Internet calls or email.

With the addition of video conferencing capabilities to their communications options in the near term, businesses have another tool that allows them to provide immediate, responsive, and “personalized” customer service. In addition, call centers with Internet access will be able to route calls from users to the most appropriate operator (or call center) located anywhere global network call center of the enterprise, thereby providing round-the-clock service to subscribers. Regardless of the selected communication method, all calls are routed to the Internet call center for service by the nearest idle operator or operator who can most qualifiedly answer the customer's request. During a real-time conversation with a Web site visitor, a call center operator can push Web pages with relevant text and images onto the customer's computer to help answer complex questions or illustrate key points.

One of the most important tasks that must be solved when building WEB-integrated call centers is security issues. A lot is now being written about this in the relevant specialized publications, therefore, without delving into technological details, we will outline the main tasks and methods for solving them.

Ensuring safety in general case comes down to solving two main problems:

  • · maintaining the confidentiality of information transmitted between the client and the call center via Internet networks;
  • · ensuring the protection of the call center from unauthorized access from the Internet.

The way to solve the first problem is various kinds of secure data exchange protocols and information encoding. As for unauthorized access, protection against it is a traditional firewall, but with an expanded set of capabilities and a list of supported protocols (mainly in terms of support for IP telephony and expanded capabilities for routing certain types of IP traffic). The basic principle of its operation is simple - packets coming from a suspicious source are blocked, while packets from known and trusted sources pass freely.