Updating OS on iPad 2. Getting an updated iPad via iTunes. How to install a new system via computer

Several seasons have changed and the time has come next update iOS.

And, as predictably, large users iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch want to get a new operating system on their device.

Traditionally, the release time of the new OS has not changed, Apple released iOS 8 around 10 a.m. Wednesday Pacific Time.

Limited way back

Despite the fact that most users update their smartphone operating system not for the first time, it is important to know from the very beginning: after updating iOS before version 8 there is very little chance that you will be able to go back to the previous version.

Apple stops “signing” old ones iOS versions a few days after the new ones were released.

This short period of time is given to the user to go back. But once the window of time closes, there is no turning back.

For many, the jump from iOS 6 to iOS 7 was too drastic because iOS 7 brought a completely new experience to the user.

In terms of design, iOS 8 is more sophisticated than version 7. So if you're comfortable with the way iOS 7 looks and works, you should be able to handle iOS 8's interface with ease.

A New Look

Many people think that this is perfect a new version, there may be glitches.

For example, some third party applications may not be fully compatible with iOS 8 yet. For this reason, you may want to hold off on upgrading.

See how the new version works for your friends and acquaintances. Watch the smartphones of your colleagues who have decided to take this step.

When a new update comes out and you don't hear any complaints, that's the right time to update.

Compatible Devices

Users often wait for updates. But before you download necessary files, make sure the latest version operating system will work on your device.

Apple states that next smartphone Compatible with iOS 8: iPhone: iPhone 4s, iPhone 5,iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPod touch all generations, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad mini with Retina display.

This means that iOS 8 is compatible with most iOS devices made in the last few years.

Older iOS devices are not compatible with iOS 8. Some of the oldest devices that are compatible with older earlier versions Software such as iPad 2 and iPhone 4S may not support all iOS features 8.

Preparing your device for update

Before you begin the update, there are a few simple steps you need to take.

The first is to back up the data on it.

You can do this in any of two ways: either by connecting your iOS device to your computer and selecting backup to iTunes. Or using the function Reserve copy V iCloud.

Backup via computer

Launch iTunes on your Mac and, if sync is not enabled, Internet, connect the cable to sync your device and iOS device.

Select your device in iTunes, select the “summary” tab, and in the backup area in the window that appears, click “Back Up.”

If there are applications on your device that are not on yours iTunes library, a window will appear asking if you want to start backing them up. The choice is yours as you can always re-download any apps from the iTunes store.

iTunes will now begin backing up any apps on your device that are not in your iTunes library, as well as other data that is contained on the device.

Backup to iCloud

You can choose the option to back up your data to iCloud directly from your iOS device.

This can be initiated in two ways. The first is accessing the "browse" tab in iTunes. There, in the backup area, enable the iCloud option.

The other is to choose iCloud backup on the device itself.

This can be done by going to Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backups, and in the screen that opens, enable the backup option. iCloud copy. A warning will appear indicating that your data will be saved to the cloud. Click OK.

Start of update

Just like it was created backup copy your device via iTunes or directly from iCloud devices, you can update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch through an iTunes connection or through iCloud.

The latter is easier since you can do it at any time WiFi networks. You don't have to look for a cable to get to your computer.

Install by air

When new iOS update becomes available, your iPhone, iPad or iPod will notify you about it.

Similarly, the application independently searches for information about updates. When it becomes aware of such updates, a small red icon appears in the settings section of the home screen.

To install the update, go to Settings > General > Update software.

On the screen that appears, you will see information that iOS 8 is available. Click the install button to begin downloading and installing the update.

If you don't see a red icon in the Settings app, but know that iOS 8 has been released, you should still check for a software update.

When you get there, your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will send a request to the update server to see if a new version is out. If so, the device will prompt you to update.

Installation from a computer

If you'd rather install the update from your computer, you can install iOS 8 through iTunes.

To get started, launch iTunes. If you don't use Wi-Fi module sync, you need a sync cable between your computer and iOS device.

iTunes should tell you that a new version of iOS is available for your device.

Smartphones and tablets from Apple are inferior to their “colleagues” by Android based in terms of popularity, but they can’t complain about the lack of fans. In addition, fans of the Cupertino company have always been famous for their commitment to their favorite manufacturer.

Some episode of misunderstanding appeared only after iOS release 7. The system turned out to be so revolutionary that a number of users even spoke out about the “betrayal of the ideology” that Apple has followed all these years. Be that as it may, today the “seven” continues to gradually win its audience.

Of course, many do not like its fonts and the very peculiar color design of some menus, but people put up with these subjective shortcomings because of the speed of the system as a whole. Programs on it began to launch much faster.

Many also note that Apple's original position, which did not provide for major changes in intermediate versions, has undergone major adjustments. So, recently another patch arrived on iOS 7, which seriously changed appearance some menus. Some complaints from users regarding unusual color schemes immediately disappeared.

Today we will tell you how to update iOS on iPad and other Apple gadgets.


If you are iPhone owner, which upon purchase was locked to work with only one operator, and then unlocked by you for normal functioning with SIM cards from other operators, you cannot update under any circumstances!

When you try to install new firmware on such a smartphone, the latter will turn into a “brick”. Moreover, there is no guarantee that even a mid-range service center will be able to restore its functionality.

About downgrade

Please pay Special attention that it is impossible to return to the firmware from iOS 7. This is especially true for the iPhone-4S and iPhone-5. Simply put, before installing a new version of the OS, you need to think carefully: even if you don’t like the software, there’s still nothing you can do.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the rollback option on iOS 6.1.3 and iOS 6.1.4 was closed relatively recently. If you are the owner of an iPhone-4, you will be able to return to a lower firmware version only if they have SHSH signatures. Yes, you can easily get to iOS 7, but the reverse process will no longer be possible...

About the need for backups

Be sure to backup the firmware of your iPhone/iPad/iPod, otherwise you may lose all your files, phone numbers, etc. important information. This can be done in two ways: either by using iCloud and uploading data there via WiFi connection, or by connecting your smartphone to your computer. In the latter case, you will need iTunes.

How to make a backup?

First, let's look at how a backup is created in iCloud. A Wi-Fi connection is required normal speed. Before updating iOS on your iPad, make sure that you are in an area with good reception, that the network is connected and that data can be transferred through it. Important! While making a copy, you should never leave the Wi-Fi reception area.

First you need to go to Settings. We are looking for the iCloud item there.

Important! If you haven't set up yours yet account Apple ID, now is the time to do it. After this, you should go to “Storage and copies”, where you need to click on the “Create a copy” button.

Backup via iTunes

First, you will need to connect your iPhone/iPad to your computer using a USB cable. For everything to work out, you need to install iTunes in advance and check the stability of your Internet connection. After this, you can launch iTunes. However, the default settings for this program assume that it will automatically launch when a supported device is connected. Go to your iPhone/iPad or iPod tab.

You will need to indicate where the copy will be saved: in iCloud or on your computer’s hard drive. In the second case, you can protect the created backup with a password. After the operation is successfully completed, you can proceed to the next stage. So how to update iOS on iPad?

Over-the-air update via Wi-Fi

This method is the easiest, and therefore ideal even for inexperienced users. We remind you once again that high-quality and sufficient strong signal Wi-Fi. Before updating iOS on your iPad, it is best to connect the device to a charger, as the procedure is quite energy-intensive. It should be noted that the firmware itself is updated at a decent speed, but downloading it from the Internet takes a lot of energy.

Let's get started!

To update, select “Settings” on the desktop of your iPhone/iPad. Having entered them, go to the “Basic” item. After this, you can safely click on “Software Update”.

Wait a while: the device will connect to Apple servers, check for new firmware, after which all you have to do is click on the “Download and Install” button. Since updating iOS on an iPod is quite simple, even a child can do it.

The data loading time depends entirely on the speed of your connection, and therefore, if you have not too fast internet you need to be patient. Do not interrupt the download process under any circumstances, and do not leave areas with good Wi-Fi coverage.

If you click on the “More details” button, you can pass the time by reading about the new features and benefits of the latest firmware.

Some time will pass, and you can be congratulated on becoming the owner of updated software on your gadget! Many users are already saying that its speed and smoothness of animation far exceed these indicators for old iOS 6. Note that this is not true in all cases: many note that on older iPhone-4s the system noticeably “slows down”.

Important! Not all new features of iOS 7 will work on older devices (iPhone-4, 4S, etc.). This is due not only to the usual marketing policy of Cupertino developers, but also to the physical impossibility of implementing some of them. So before updating iOS on iPhone 4, we advise you to think carefully about the real need for such a procedure.

This can only occur among those users who like to experience something new. If you want to “touch” this firmware with your own hands, it is better to purchase new smartphone, where it is installed by default.

How to update firmware via iTunes

As in the case of cloud backup, we strongly advise you to check the charging status: the battery should be at least half full. To update, you need to connect your smartphone to your computer and wait for it to start iTunes programs, select your device in it, and then click on the “Update” button. By the way, in this case, the program itself creates backups of all important data, so even in the event of some problems, you will not lose anything.

So before updating iOS via iTunes, you don't need to manually make copies of your critical data.

After this, you will be able to see all the important information regarding the innovations in the new firmware version. Next you will be shown a proposal to agree with. If you wish, you can read it.

As soon as you agree to the license text, the program will begin downloading update files from the Internet. The time it will take for this process depends only on the speed of your Internet connection.

As soon as all the data is downloaded, the update procedure will begin. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. How to update iOS 7? This procedure is no different from the one we described above, so before that, read the article again.

Apple, as you know, develops itself iOS platform for your mobile devices. This fact, coupled with a rather narrow model range i-devices lead to the fact that they all have support for current updates for a very long time. However, everything comes to an end and sooner or later, the opportunity to get the latest version of the platform is lost.

In general, this situation does not bother most users very much until it comes out major update iOS, and then everyone starts looking for ways to get access to new features of the system if the device is no longer eligible to be updated. Fortunately, there really is a way.

In this article we will tell you how to update an Apple device to an official unsupported update using the example of the first generation iPad and iOS 7.

Officially, the first iPad can be updated to iOS 5.1.1. And I must say, until iOS 7 came out, users were very happy with this state of affairs. However, the seventh version of the platform brought so many cool innovations, including a completely redesigned and very attractive “flat” design, that everyone immediately started googling “How can I update iPad 1 to iOS 7?”

In most articles responding to this request, the following method was recommended:

The method is very dubious and here's why. Firstly, it is amazing that no one in these materials indicated that Redsn0w is a jailbreaking utility and that you first need to use it to jailbreak, and only then try to “slip” non-native firmware into iTunes.

However, even if you jailbreak your iPad, you will not be able to fool iTunes - yes, if you press and hold the "Update" button in the program Shift key, it will open File Explorer and allow you to specify the path to the firmware to which you want to update the gadget. But! She will never "swallow" third party firmware, as well as the official one, if the device no longer supports updating to it.

Another argument for the dubiousness of the method described in the article is the lack of visual materials and links to Redsn0w and WhiteD00r 7 .

Updating to unsupported firmware with jailbreak

However, don’t worry, we will share with you real method updating iPad 1 to iOS 7, but we’ll warn you right away - there’s no way to do this without jailbreaking. However, everyone who is at least a little familiar with Apple technology understands that without this procedure he will not be able to do anything unofficial with the i-device.

Consequences of jailbreak

“What is this jailbreak?!” - the ignorant reader may have exclaimed now. Let's explain now. As you know, iOS is a closed system, which has its positive and negative consequences. Among the first are high protection against viruses, confidence in quality official applications, and secondly, there are minimal possibilities for customizing the system - that is, adjusting it to suit you. To expand these very capabilities, jailbreaking is done, or in other words, hacking the iOS device.

At the same time, as you understand, the pros and cons change places - the system becomes less secure, but the personalization possibilities expand, in particular, you can install third-party firmware written by hackers. Needless to say that this procedure The Apple giant is not supported and a jailbroken device immediately loses its warranty, and therefore free service in case of repair. However, if you iPad owner first generation, you are unlikely to be embarrassed by such an argument, you have already been deprived of these benefits for a long time.

However, you are unlikely to ignore the second drawback - the fact is that if you do the jailbreak incorrectly or download “crooked” software to perform it, your iPad may turn into a “brick.” That’s why, if you decide to undergo this procedure, we recommend entrusting it to a professional or friends who understand hardware.

How to jailbreak?

Here we provide you with one of the ways to jailbreak for iPad first generations. However, since the procedure is still unofficial, we are obliged to make a digression:

That's all, all you have to do is wait for the process to finish. When it is completed, the device will automatically reboot, and after turning it on, you can begin to explore the possibilities that jailbreak has brought.

Installing iOS 7

The matter remains small. Remember, in the previous instructions we checked the box next to “Cydia”. What it is? This is an alternative App Store store applications for i-devices with jailbreak. Needless to say, it contains just a bunch of the most different programs to customize your Apple device, which cannot be used on a non-jailbroken device. However, no one is responsible for all these programs - you caught a virus, figure it out yourself.

Well, let's get down to business. For iOS installations 7:

Ready! What did we get? A system that is externally and functionally very similar to the seven. Of course, as you understand, this is not real iOS 7, it's more early iOS, which was modified by “good” hackers. We emphasize that this is not only a changed appearance, but also most of the new options of genuine iOS 7.

In this video you can see what the first generation iPad looks like with this firmware on board.

Let's summarize

So, iPad 1 can be updated to the officially unsupported iOS 7, but this will not be genuine Apple firmware, but a fake third party developers. But! You must understand that a fake is, as they say, the maximum you can get if your device no longer supports current updates, and therefore this is a rare case when it’s worth saying thank you for a fake.

Well, one more thing - remember, you won’t be able to install any non-native firmware on i-devices unless you have jailbroken it first.

We also note that in approximately the same way, simply using other versions of utilities, you can update any Apple device to officially unsupported firmware.

When a new version of the operating system entered the software market iOS systems, all users were interested in how to update iOS to . Read on to find out in detail how to do this.

Installing new operating systems is of great importance for those who want to fully use their tablet. Since many programs for Apple technology are written specifically for the latest firmware, removing old ones becomes an urgent necessity. on a device with old version may not start due to their incompatibility with the legacy system.

Professionals know how to update an iPad, but it will cost you some money. If you agree to pay for their expensive services, you can safely go to service center. However, no one forbids you to sort out this issue yourself in order to further save money. Moreover, for this you do not need to be a master or understand technology at all.

The most latest update Apple has released OS 6. It is different from previous firmware the fact that it has new three-dimensional maps, Siri, as well as an integrated social network Facebok.

We will tell you further how to update your iPad to this version.

iOS up to latest version

There are two ways to update iOS on an iPad. You can choose for yourself which will be easier for you: act via phone or computer. However, first make sure of the following:

  1. That you have established a “point of return”;
  2. That you saved everything SHSH certificates blobs, if you are the owner of a jailbroken device, since its new version is usually released later than the operating system update;
  3. That the tablet has enough memory;
  4. That the charge of the updated device is full, since the process itself will require absorption large quantity energy.

If you do not check any of the points presented, you risk not only not achieving results, but also ending up as the owner of a “dummy”. To resume working functions, you will have to contact the service center and pay a lot of money for it.

How to install a new system via computer

This method will be needed for those who own Apple tablet with a version older than the fifth. Other owners can benefit from more in a simple way updates via .

Before updating your iPad via your computer, update iTunes to latest version. During installation, the program will ask you to also install iCloud to be able to access it. After completing these steps, connect your tablet to your PC and start updating.

If you have already updated the system before, now iPad update will happen automatically:

  1. Launch iTunes and click “Cancel” when the program asks you to update your system;
  2. Next, connect your device and wait for it to sync automatically. If it does not happen, then select the “File” section in the menu and click “Synchronize”;
  3. After that, select the connected iPad in “Devices”;
  4. On iPad screen click "Update".

The update will take place within a few minutes. Don't be alarmed if it starts to reboot several times - this is how it should be.

How to install a new system via Wi-Fi

Owner original device version 5 and higher can use fast way system updates. To do this you only need an available Wi-Fi hotspot. Next we proceed as follows.

Apple users can be sure that their gadgets will always receive the highest possible hardware updates. That is, if the iPad “pull” new iOS, then he will get it. Unlike competitors who provide their operating system to manufacturers of final tablets, that is, create an extra link between themselves and the user, the Cupertino company performs all the stages itself. This allows her to interact directly with the buyer, which translates into relevant and timely device support. If closer to the topic of the article, then this means for end user that he is at the forefront of receiving new versions of system applications and the operating system without having to look for them himself. This concern for users is what sets Apple apart from other IT giants.

To ensure security, the system must be updated regularly

Like the vast majority of other actions affecting the system, this will be done through iTunes. If you left the iPad settings in the recommended state, that is, “Default”, then automatic check You already have updates turned on. Otherwise, you will have to look after it yourself. But if you have already made this choice, then you probably know what you are doing. So we leave it up to you.

So, in order to keep your iPad up to date, iOS on it needs to be updated regularly. As you no doubt understand, we are talking not only about interface changes, but also about fixing security bugs and incorrect operation system components. The need to update your iPad does not appear out of thin air. As soon as a system becomes popular, the likelihood that attackers will pay attention to it increases significantly. Their calculation is simple: if people use it, it means they store their personal data there. And what is made by people, people can break. There are no absolutely secure systems; this is an illusion. Therefore, there is a constant arms race between software developers and reverse engineers. The task of an iPad user is simple - regularly update iOS on your device to fix all critical security errors.

But this is not the only reason. Human factor may well work with Apple's own programmers, and they may make a mistake that causes the tablet to not work properly. If you find yourself in a situation where system application unexpectedly crashes with an error or, in general, reboots your tablet, then you understand what we are talking about. So, it’s worth updating iOS on iPad precisely because most of these critical errors is eliminated in this way. Sometimes even the “brakes” of the system were eventually removed by Apple with the help of an operating system update.

Update process using iTunes

As we have already said, it will require iTunes on a pre-selected trusted computer. To update, for example, iPad 1 to iOS 7, you just need to connect it to your PC. iTunes will see the connected tablet and display it in its left tab. Select the “Browse” item and click the “Update” button. Your tablet will be updated to the latest current version operating system that iTunes will automatically download from Apple servers. In this case, he will perform all the required operations himself. So this is probably the easiest way to upgrade. However, the other method is also no more difficult.

Update without iTunes

More and more often, people generally refuse personal computers Houses. Mobile devices are pushing them out of our apartments, because for daily tasks there are more than enough of them. In such Apple situation did not support the dependence of its devices on personal computers, and new iPad models, like all other lines of devices, can be updated without iTunes and, accordingly, without connecting to a computer at all. To do this, you just need to have a sufficient battery level. If there is an outlet nearby, it makes sense to connect Charger, because updating iOS on an iPad is, as you will see, quite an energy-consuming process. Besides, new firmware can really “weigh” a lot. Therefore, if possible, it is worth taking advantage Wi-Fi network when you see on the screen iPad message about the update. You can also check their availability yourself in the settings. After clicking the “Download and Install” button, the tablet will do almost everything itself. You don’t even have to worry about whether there is enough space to install the update, because if necessary, the tablet itself will upload the installed applications to the cloud, and then restore it to its original location. Of course, he will give you a notification with this question, and if you answer in the affirmative, then everything will happen. Sometimes it happens that downloading an update is convenient for you, but stopping the tablet from working is not very convenient. This is a normal situation, so iOS, after downloading the package, will ask whether to start the process right now. You can select the "Later" option, and there are "Tonight" and "Ask Later" options. If you chose the first, then do not forget to connect the charger before going to bed. If it’s convenient for you right now, then select the appropriate item, and all you have to do is wait for the process to complete. Your iPad is now fully updated and ready to use.