How to make a VKontakte poll on your page. How to conduct a survey on VK so that it attracts as many users as possible to your page? How to make a survey with the ability to pin it in the group header

There are surveys in many VKontakte groups. And community subscribers willingly participate in them. Thereby increasing the activity of the public. Perhaps you recently created your group and also want to add a survey to it. At first glance, everything seems very complicated. Although in reality you will have to press a couple of buttons and a new discussion is ready. Today we will discuss with you, dear readers of the site, how to create a poll in a group in contact and where to place it. This topic will be of interest primarily to those who...

I’ll say right away that there are two main ways to create and post surveys. You can use each of them simultaneously in your new group. Or add it to someone else's community, if this function is open there. So these are the methods:

  • Polls on the wall in the group, which, if desired, can be pinned to the menu.
  • Make a poll in discussions and then add it to the main page.

And now we’ll look in more detail in pictures at how to do all this correctly. To get started, log into your group. Now you can add your first survey in real time.

How to create a poll in a group in contact. Polls on the wall and in the menu.

Everyone knows how to write on the wall. Clicking on the window "To write a message" you will have the opportunity to leave a note. But then, instead of text, you click on the button in the right corner "Attach". Then simply select the word from the list that appears "Survey".

A new window will appear. This is where you write the topic of your survey. Below are several possible answers. To prevent people from seeing who chose which answer, you can put a tick in the box "Anonymous voting". You also have the opportunity to add a photo. Again, in the right corner, click on the button "Attach" and choose from the list. When everything is ready, click below "Send".

In a few seconds, this cute vote will appear on your wall. Now everyone can answer your question.

But there is one drawback. Once new entries are published, this survey will no longer be visible over time. You can get out by pinning our survey to the main menu. After that, it will become visible to everyone in the group. And it will remain there indefinitely. To do this, click on its name. A new window will appear.

All we have to do is click on the “Pin” item. And now this very survey will be in the group header. If you, or maybe you have had it for a long time, you can add this vote there too. Simply click on the “Get code” button, and in the window that appears, copy the HTML code. Well, then you paste it on the site.

How to add a poll to your group discussions.

Some believe that the best and convenient option is to place polls in the discussion column. Now we will learn how to do this. To do this you just need to press the button "Add discussion." As in the picture below.

If you don’t have this option in your group, then discussions are closed. To open them, you need to go to the “Community Management” section (it is located on the right under the group logo), and at the very bottom, opposite “Discussions,” click “Open or Restricted.”

The next step is to create a topic with a poll. In our discussion window that appears, in the lower right corner, click on the “Attach” button and select “Poll.” Then we write the title-text-subject of the survey and answer options. You can add multiple options if necessary. When everything is ready, click “Create topic”.

But this survey will only be visible in discussions. In order for it to show off immediately after the group description, you need to add it to the main page. To do this, after creating a new discussion in the survey settings, select the item "To home". That's it now.

Well, go ahead, try adding polls to your group. Place them in a convenient place and ask your subscribers anything! You can also ask people to share your survey, all they need to do is .

Good and interesting polls will definitely make your group active. But you don’t need to create a new survey every day like some people do. Give your subscribers at least a week so that they can not only answer your question, but also speculate on this topic. Better yet, argue. Then it will really make sense.

1 vote

Good day, dear blog readers. Interesting polls and voting in in social networks– this is something in which almost everyone participates. Thanks to such posts, you can easily show the customer that there are a lot of people in your (his) community or entertain friends who are added to your personal profile.

By the way, while I was writing the introductory part, I thought that it would be a good idea to create a group that would consist of only surveys. Of course, the first time will be quite difficult. You need to gather a base audience, and this is not easy to do on empty polls, but then you can earn a ton of money from commercial research! This may be of great interest to marketers of large companies.

Today I will tell you how to create a survey in a VKontakte group, how often you can do this and in what cases the solution will benefit you.

First let's look at general issues. Administration of the VKontakte community is not so simple task, especially if you want to achieve success, recognition and a sea of ​​clients in this matter. You need to know your potential audience, be able to predict their behavior, tastes and moods.

In no case should you conduct surveys and voting too often. Of course, if we are not talking about the option that I described at the beginning, a group of surveys. In this case, your audience will already be those people who are interested in these posts, they are ready to see in their news feed These are the messages from your community. They can only be diluted a little with something third-party.

If you run a different type of community, then one or two voting posts per week will be enough. Otherwise, the number of participants will fall and the percentage of people leaving the group or hiding news from your community will increase. The main thing is not to get bored. Remember, this is a group, not a polling place.

What topic should I create a survey on? I sincerely believe that every publication should be beneficial in in this case exactly for you. Try to get to know your audience through surveys and use it. Let's say you often post posts with animals. Ask your subscribers who they prefer: cats, dogs, exotic animals. If dogs get more votes, then humor involving them will be liked more actively than cats.

Technical part

It makes no difference whether you publish the survey on your wall or in the community. The actions will be the same. I’ll show you how to act in a group, but if you’re going to conduct a survey for friends on your account, you won’t notice any differences.

Let's go to home page communities and click on the field in which you usually enter the text of the message.

You can immediately attach a survey, without any hassle. There is absolutely no need to write text. If in my blog I can allow myself to let my thoughts wander, to go into thoughts or stories from personal experience, then on social networks I prefer brevity.

Of course, this model of behavior will not work if you are creating a group on Facebook or working with some specific categories of people on VKontakte, but for the most part people here like shorter posts. Focus on this.

Hover your mouse over "Other".

Will come out extra menu. Select "Poll" from this list.

Now you can write your question.

Now you need to add answer options. If there are not enough columns, just click on “Add option” and thereby increase the number of fields even to infinity, although I would not recommend you do this. The reason is again the same - the desire for brevity.

Many administrators add a “Just want to see the results” field because it is impossible to see the results without clicking on any of the options. People often want not to express an opinion, but to find out the results.

In some cases, this is correct and cool, but, for example, if you are holding a competition, you can add fuel to the fire and still force everyone to vote, thereby forcing participants to more actively involve their friends in the survey.

If you check the box next to “Anonymous voting,” then other users will not be able to see who made what choice. Again, I don't advise you to do this. In some cases, people are very interested in how their friends voted, this increases the time that the audience devotes to your public page.

But it’s still worth checking the box next to “On behalf of the group”. In this case, the message will not appear under your name, but under the name and photo of the group. When hovering right top corner it becomes possible to delete a post or edit it.

You can add a survey with a photo. It looks more beautiful and attracts more attention. Attach not only a vote, but also a photo via the button on the left.

Many VK users like to take various votes. This shape always attracts attention. But not everyone knows how to create a VK vote. Now we will try to consider this topic in detail so that everyone can answer the question of how to vote on VK. First of all, let's pay attention to the opportunities that such voting provides.

What do you need to know before voting on VK?

VK voting has quite interesting additional functions.
1. Sticky voting - done using special button. The button is located below, above the comment field. In order to use it, you need to expand the entry to Full Screen.
2. Adding video and audio recordings, photos, tables, etc. to the voting. This is done by clicking the “attach” button.
3. Voting, which will be visible not only on VK, but also on your website - the so-called “widget voting”. It’s quite simple to do – you just need to click the get code button and paste the html code into the appropriate place on the site page.

4. If we add a link to a website to the voting, then an image from this website automatically appears in the voting form, as in regular text entries.
5. Anonymity - only the number of voters is shown, but which of them chose a specific answer option cannot be determined. Many people do not like to expose their personal information, so this feature allows you to increase the number of voters.

How to organize voting in VK so that it works as efficiently as possible?

Of course, you can create a VK poll just for your own entertainment. However, usually this is done by people who have a specific goal, for example, selling goods or popularizing their creativity or disseminating any ideas.
When starting to create a VK vote, decide why you are doing it. With the help of such voting, you can actually get an answer to the question you are interested in and at the same time activate that part of your subscribers that was previously passive. You can also use this type of voting to find out the gender and age composition of your subscribers and determine their interests. If this is exactly what you are interested in, then there is no better move than to do open voting in VK. After voting, you will be able to study the statistics and see which topics are especially interesting to those who passed the vote.
But to do this, the questions themselves need to be attractive. To do this, we recommend using the following techniques:
1. Before voting, create and pin a post in which you outline the essence of the problem.
2. Formulate the voting question in an interesting, lively way in clear language.
3. Offer original options answers that will be relevant and attention-grabbing in their own right.
4. Add a picture, audio or video.

How to vote in VK on the wall?

Every user who visits your VK page can take part in voting on your wall. If such a vote is fixed, you will be able, after its appearance, to add as many entries on the wall as you like, they will not move the vote, and it can continue as long as it is interesting to you. How to do it?
The answer to the question of how to create a VK vote on your wall is very simple.
1. Go to your VK page.
2. Activate the field of your entries on the page with the mouse.
3. Click the “attach” button, and then call up the list by clicking on the “other” item.
4. Select “survey” from the list. A voting form will appear.

To create a survey, use the “Attach more” button

5. Complete this form. Here you need to indicate the topic, answer options, indicate open voting or anonymous.
6. If desired, use the “attach” button to add a video or audio recording, photo or other additional elements(tables, maps, graffiti, etc.)
7. Click the send button with your mouse. Voting is ready!
It is necessary to stipulate the following point: if two answer options are not enough for your vote, you need to click the “add option” item. Maximum amount There are ten options for voting, the minimum is one.

How to vote in a VK group

For VK groups, such a form of work as voting is even more important and popular than for individual users. It significantly enlivens the life of the group, allows you to find interesting topics and adjust the direction of work. Therefore, not only any group admin, but also all its participants should know how to create a VK vote in a group.
main feature voting in the group is that in some groups only the admin can post a poll on the main page. But how to vote on VK in a group of this type if you do not have administrator rights?
To do this you need to create a topic. In the topic title, click “edit” and then “attach poll”.
After the voting form appears, proceed as described above, that is, indicate the voting topic, answer options, anonymous or public, attach all necessary additional files. Then click the “create survey” button.

How to vote on VK in a conversation?

It is impossible to create a vote in personal correspondence between VK friends, and it is not necessary, because when talking with one interlocutor, you can always directly ask what he thinks about this or that matter. But if you are interested in the opinion of more than one person, but you don’t want to post a poll on the wall, then you need to know how to create a vote on VK in a conversation.
First you need to create a conversation.

To do this, produce the following actions:
1. Move to the “Messages” section.
2. At the top of the page, in the right corner of the “Search” line, click on the “create conversation” cross.

Go to "My Messages" and click "Create Conversation"

3. After the list of friends appears, select those friends with whom you want to vote.
4. Follow the instructions outlined above, that is, attach a survey, fill out a form, etc.
Important Note– if an unlimited number of VK users can take part in voting in a group or on a wall, then the number of conversations cannot be more than 30 people.

How to create a VKontakte poll in a group? Users often ask a similar question. Let's look at this procedure together. As part of the article, you can learn about all the stages of creating a vote.

  1. A pleasant interface has been created.
  2. You can quickly understand the features of interaction with the site.
  3. It is as simple and understandable as possible for users.
  4. You can quickly move between points.
  5. Able to communicate comfortably with users.
  6. You can gather your friends on one site.
  7. Released convenient application for smartphone.
  8. The program allows you to comfortably use VK outside the home.

One of useful functions VK – creating communities. Groups are used for sharing various information, they bring together people with common interests. Administrators have the opportunity not only to publish photos and text posts, but also to create polls.

  • They help collect statistics for the group.
  • Find out people's opinions.
  • Through voting, users can participate in the life of the community.
  • There are many more options for using the function, it all depends on the specific situation.

How to create a poll in a contact in a group on the wall?

How to make a poll on VK in a group? This procedure quite simple and will take you a little time. The user needs:

  1. Go to the community.
  2. Open the item to create an entry.
  3. Click on “More”.
  4. Select “Survey” from the options provided.
  5. The “Subject” field indicates the question being asked.
  6. Also enter answer options; they can be added from a special button.
  7. After formation, click on the button to publish on the wall.

There is a clause on the form for anonymity. When this option is enabled, the system will not collect information about how each participant voted. You will only see percentage and the number of votes. Such a function will be useful if users may be embarrassed to answer the question honestly.

How to make a poll on VK in a group with a photo

  • Open the group page.
  • Proceed to create an entry.
  • Photos can be uploaded directly from the PC by dragging them into the selected area from the folder.
  • The second option is to click on the camera icon and select photos.
  • Now you can move on to creating a vote.

How to add answer options?

  1. Open the form.
  2. Click on the “Add option” item.
  3. Create required amount fields and start filling them out.

How to make a poll in VK in a group from your phone

More and more people are using VK on their phone. But it is not necessary to go to the site with mobile browser, because you can download special application for smartphones.

Let's list the advantages of the program:

  • It works stably.
  • There are versions for various operating systems.
  • Manages to get fast access to a social network.
  • The application is very convenient to use.
  • It is available in official store for download.
  • The program provides a wide range of functions.
  • The application does not require significant resources.
  • It delivers notifications quickly.
  • You can quickly respond to friends and communicate comfortably.
  • It is possible to listen to music.
  • I manage to manage the community in the program.

Interested in how to create a poll in VK in a group from your phone? The procedure is very simple:

  1. Open the community page.
  2. Click the button to create an entry.
  3. View the list of suggested tools.
  4. Click on the paper clip icon.
  5. Select the “Poll” item.
  6. Specify the topic and answer options.
  7. You can leave the anonymity option or disable it.
  8. Click on the item with a check mark.

About creating polls

Polls can be created by users who are allowed to post on the wall. Typically, only administrators have this right in groups. This makes it possible to keep the wall clean and makes subsequent moderation easier.

  • State your question clearly. It should be short and understandable for users.
  • Before collecting final data, you should wait at least 1-2 days so that all participants have time to vote.
  • Overall, there is nothing difficult about creating a survey in a VKontakte group.

    The technology does not change in any way depending on whether you want to create a survey in your group or in someone else’s. There is only one point, if you want to create a poll in a group in which you are not an administrator, and the option to create new topics for discussion is disabled in the group, then you will not be able to create a poll.

    If you created it yourself new group, then you first need to configure the “Discussion” option. To do this, go to the page of the group that you created and find the “Group Management” link, which is located on the right. On the page that opens, find the “Information” tab, there you need to click on the link that is located opposite the word “Discussions”, then you need to select the mode for adding new topics – “restricted” or “open”.

    Adding new themes is disabled by default. You will have the opportunity to give access to adding new topics to any group member or all participants, but you can also limit access by allowing only group leaders to add topics.

    After saving the change, you can return to the community's main page. There you will see the “Discussions” section, and a little to the right you will find the “New Topic” link. You need to click on it and proceed to the creation process new topic. You need to come up with a brief description and title of what is offered to visitors for discussion.

    By the way, if you have problems on the browser side, or maybe even in the hardware, then you won’t be able to figure it out on your own; you need to contact a company for computer help. For example, if your VKontakte account was hacked, then by contacting computer help you will receive your computer without viruses and with full diagnostics problems. This also includes personal computer repair and maintenance.

    You will automatically be redirected to the topic view page after you click the “Create topic” button. Other visitors to this page will only be able to leave comments, and the topic author will have access to edit the created topic. You need to click the “Edit” button and select the “Attach survey” option there. Then you need to compose the text of the question, as well as answer options. By default, there are only two answer options, but if you need more, you can use the “Add option” button. Now, you need to check everything that is written and click on the “Create survey” button. You are again taken to the topic view page, but now there is a form and options for answering the survey.

    If necessary, you can pin a discussion topic, then it will be above all other topics, regardless of how long ago the last comment appeared.

    If you want to delete a poll or close a topic, then you need to use the “Edit” option.