Msconfig disable unnecessary services. Where do preinstalled programs come from? Aero Visual Effects

Hello visitors to the helpsnet site. It's no secret that the OS reserves a significant part of your PC's resources for its needs. Today we are talking about Windows services, a significant part of which runs in vain. For example, in Windows Vista There are 122 of them, of which about 25-35 are not needed. Fortunately, the “seven” can only envy this figure. In general, as you already understand, today we will talk about how to dump unnecessary ballast.

Below is a list of services that it is advisable to disable in Windows 7 and I recommend disabling them because in most cases they are not needed and are simply chewed off system resources, and I’ll also tell you how to do it for you. Let's begin.

Services to disable:
Windows CardSpace
Windows Search (loads your HDD)
Offline files
Network Access Protection Agent
Adaptive brightness control
Windows Backup
IP Ancillary Service
Secondary login
Grouping of network participants
Dispatcher automatic connections remote access
Print Manager (if there are no printers)
Remote Access Connection Manager (if no VPN)
Network Member Identity Manager
Performance Logs and Alerts
Windows Defender (if you have an antivirus, feel free to disable it)
Secure storage
Setting up a Remote Desktop Server
Smart Card Removal Policy
Software provider shadow copying(Microsoft)
Homegroup Listener
Collector Windows events
Network login
Tablet PC input service
Download service Windows images(WIA) (if there is no scanner or camera)
Scheduler service Windows Media Center
Smart card
Volume Shadow Copy
Diagnostic system unit
Diagnostic Service Node
Performance counter library host
Security Center
Center Windows updates(so that the key does not fly off Windows)

Here are the services that were tested, and the test showed that the OS can work without them.

For those who value the system restore service, I strongly recommend not disabling:
Volume Shadow Copy
Software Shadow Copy Provider (Microsoft).

Otherwise, recovery and creation of checkpoints will not work.

How to disable services to optimize the system:

Start – Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services.
Start - in the search bar write “Services”
Find the service in the list and double-click on it with the left mouse button. If it is running, click the “Stop” button, and then select “Startup type” – “Disabled”. By the way, you can also read the tips there next to the service management menu. We do this with all the services on the list above.

Minor optimizations like these can save valuable resources. After all, services consume them too, some quite heavily. And don’t say that Windows 7 is already fast – for me, performance is never enough. Try it, go for it! All in your hands.

I decided to write this article after starting a search for adequate materials about what services can be turned off in Windows 10 for more fast work operating system. On the Internet, as always, there is a lot different opinions. I studied them, summarized them and tried to draw general conclusions. I will not advise which services can definitely be disabled. Much in this matter depends on the individual parameters of the computer, the needs and tastes of users. Personally, on my weak netbook with Windows 10, I disabled all the services listed below - otherwise it remained an insane slowdown (I wrote more about all the measures taken to overclock my netbook in the article Optimizing and speeding up Windows 10 on a weak computer). On desktop computer I preferred not to touch anything and leave all settings at default. You must decide for yourself whether it is worth completely disabling some services that are running by default.

Some recommend creating a system restore point before experimenting with disabling services. Personally, I didn't do this. If only because it is not difficult for me, if suddenly it is needed, clean install Windows 10.

In general, without extreme necessity It's better not to disable any services in Windows 10 . This, in my opinion, can be done only when there are problems with low computer performance and you really need to overclock it at least a little.

Let me briefly remind you how to get to these same Services: click RIGHT key mouse on menu Start, select the item “ Computer management", in the column on the left double click open the item “ Services and applications", then " Services" The service is disabled after double-clicking on it: in the item in the window that opens, select “ Startup type: Disabled».

On my insanely weak netbook, I turned off the following services quite painlessly:

  • NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service - this service is intended for NVidia video cards(You may not have it if you use a different video card). If you do not use 3D stereo images, then this service can be turned off.
  • Windows Search- using this service on Windows 10 and above earlier versions starting with “seven”, the search for the contents of the computer works. It is represented by the opportunity to find necessary files, folders and programs through a magnifying glass in the Control Panel, and is also implemented in the form search string in any folder. In fact, indexing the contents of your computer can waste quite a lot of valuable resources, so if this functionality is not critical for you and you want to speed up your operating system, try disabling this search service.
  • Offline files- a service that allows you to work autonomously with files available on the internal (local) network. As I understand it, you can safely disable it if the computer is not connected to any other network other than the Internet.
  • Windows Biometric Service- used for processing and storing biometric data. In my opinion, everything is clear here: if we don’t use fingerprint login or other biometric methods, we can easily turn it off.
  • Computer browser- used to create a list of computers on the network and provide it to programs upon request. Again, this service is only needed in local network.
  • Windows Firewall- protects your computer from unauthorized access from the Internet. If you have another firewall installed (for example, Comodo), feel free to disable it. In other cases, it’s better not to touch it.
  • IP Ancillary Service- supports network protocol IPv6. It is not needed very often, but it is necessary to look specifically at each case individually. If after turning it off the Internet continues to work normally, then you do not need it.
  • Secondary login- provides login to Windows from multiple accounts. If there is only one, then you can safely turn it off.
  • Grouping of network participants- organizes multi-user interaction in a peer-to-peer network. Simply put, it is needed if you have a local network or home group. Turn it off if there is none.
  • Print Manager- a service that allows you to queue print jobs and provides interaction with the printer. If there are no printers, you can disable it.
  • Remote Access Connection Manager- when this service is removed, the browser will not attempt to connect to the Internet when working with pages with updating elements. As I understand it, it is better not to disable .
  • Network Member Identity Manager- used to identify local network participants. Turn it off if you don't use HomeGroup.
  • Performance Logs and Alerts- this service, as the name suggests, collects data on computer performance. You can turn it off.
  • CNG Key Isolation- needed for cryptographic processes, helps to safely store the user’s private keys from running processes. I’m still figuring out what it is and what it’s eaten with.
  • Routing and remote access - provides routing for organizations in local and global networks. If there is no local network, turn it off.
  • IPsec Key Modules- for Internet key exchange and IP protocol with authentication. As I understand it, you can turn it off painlessly.
  • Setting up a Remote Desktop Server- Responsible for setting up and maintaining Remote Desktop Services and Remote Access sessions. If there is no local network, turn it off.
  • SSDP detection- enables detection of UPnP devices in home network. The necessity of this house is questioned by many experts. Better turn it off.
  • Smart Card Removal Policy- if you do not use them (smart cards), turn them off.
  • Software Shadow Copy Provider (Microsoft)- can be turned off if you do not plan to use the system restore function.
  • Homegroup Listener- if you don't use it home group, it's better to turn it off.
  • Work folders- used to synchronize folders on various devices. Thanks to this, they can be used on any computer where this service is enabled. You can turn it off.
  • Windows Event Collector- allows you to collect events from other computers. Turn it off.
  • Server- if the access function is not used shared files and printers, this service can be disabled.
  • Xbox Live Online Service- provides access to Xbox Live services. If you don't know what it is, turn it off.
  • Network login- Provides end-to-end authentication. Not needed at home.
  • Tablet PC input service- Enables pen and handwriting input on tablets. Turn it off on regular computers.
  • Geographic Location Service- tracks computer coordinates. You can turn it off.
  • Sensor Data Service- processes and stores information received from sensors installed on a PC.
  • Sensor service- manages sensors on a PC. Don't understand what we're talking about? Turn it off.
  • Windows Image Upload (WIA) service- can be turned off if you do not plan to connect a scanner or camera to the computer.
  • Client License Service- ensures proper operation Windows Store 10. Disable it when not using it.
  • AllJoyn Router Service- as far as I understand, you can turn it off, but I won’t give a guarantee.
  • SMS Router Service Microsoft Windows - forwards messages according to pre-created rules. I'm figuring it out.
  • Service public access to Net.Tcp ports- allows sharing TCP ports using the Net.Tcp protocol. If the computer is not used as a server, then you can safely turn it off.
  • Enumerator service portable devices - responsible for the possibility of synchronization and automatic playback files from portable devices. Rarely used, can be turned off.
  • Service Bluetooth support - everything is obvious here. If you don't use it, turn it off.
  • Program Compatibility Assistant Service- Monitors programs for compatibility problems. Such situations (incompatibility) arise quite rarely and even when they do occur, this service is rarely able to help. Let's turn it off.
  • Registration Service Windows errors - in case of any failures, sends error data to Microsoft so that the company can fix it. It's quite possible to turn it off.
  • Encryption service BitLocker drives - makes it possible to encrypt disks. This function used very rarely by home users. You can turn it off if you don’t understand why it is needed at all, or you simply don’t use it.
  • Smart card- provides access to smart card readers. If there are none, you need to turn it off.
  • Volume Shadow Copy- Creation backup content hard drive(For example, previous versions text files). If you don't plan to use recovery deleted files, turn off. This is also worth doing because the service consumes a lot of valuable resources and also performs recovery very slowly.
  • Remote registry- used to change registry settings remote user. On home computer should be turned off.
  • Application Identity- Helps AppLocker identify blocked applications. You can disable it if AppLocker is not used or you don’t even know what kind of beast it is.
  • Diagnostic system unit- just turn off this unnecessary thing.
  • Diagnostic Service Node- similar to the previous paragraph.
  • Fax- Responsible for the operation of the fax machine. If you don't have it, feel free to turn it off.
  • Performance counter library host- I still haven’t figured it out. Many people write that you can turn it off painlessly.
  • Security Center- a service that monitors changes in settings and parameters Windows security 10. In particular, it controls antivirus software and firewall. If they are disabled or not working correctly, this center gives the user a corresponding message. You can also turn it off.
  • Windows Update- well, everything is clear here without comment: the service is responsible for updating the Windows 10 operating system. Whether to disable it or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

You can also turn off all services associated with hardware visualization Hyper-V- they are designed to work virtual machines and only a few need them. Wherever you see Hyper-V mentioned in the service name, you can disable it.

Some services in the operating room Windows system 10 will appear when installed by the user various programs. Many of them may also be unnecessary. But here everything is again very individual.

For most users everything software the computer is a complete mystery. But you need to know that you can easily speed up your PC by turning off unnecessary applications. So, what services can be disabled in Windows 7 without the risk of damaging the system and why this is necessary - this will be discussed further.

First, let's determine why it is necessary to disable services in Windows 7. Firstly, any application affects the use random access memory: the fewer of them are enabled, the faster the system works. More than half are simply draining the RAM, but have no effect on anything. Secondly, in this way you can ensure safety from the invasion of viruses. Many spyware made in such a way as to be embedded in secondary applications.

The entire range of programs running when the computer is turned on can be seen by calling the task manager via a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Next you need to go to the menu Services. This is what they look like:

So, first of all, disable unnecessary Windows 7 services using the following instructions:

First action. Press the button "Start". This Windows icon. The main menu opens. In the right column you need to find the word "computer" and click on it right click mice. A context menu will appear in which you need to select "control". Here's a visual aid:

As a result of these actions, the main computer control program opens. It is with its help that you can disable unnecessary services in Windows 7. Left-click on the section "Services and Applications". Here we are interested in the subsection "Services":

Opens big list, which contains all existing and working in this moment applications. Now let's look at how to stop the operation of a particular process. It's very easy to do. Let's look at an example of a remote registry. This application is completely useless for home PCs, since it can be used to manage the registry of another computer connected via a local network. For the average user this is not necessary.

So, double-click with the left mouse button on the service of interest. A new window opens, where in the tab " Are common» you need to change the item "startup type" on "disabled" And "State" on "stop". Here's what it looks like:

Click OK and that’s it, after autostart the remote registry will no longer work. I would like to note that you cannot disable all services in a row. Check out the list of unnecessary processes first.

Services that can be disabled in Windows 7:

  1. Initially deleted registry.
  2. Offline files. For most users it is a useless thing.
  3. Tablet PC input service. Designed for entering handwritten text.
  4. Windows Error Logging Service - Almost everyone gets tired of the pop-up window asking you to submit error data to the service. Windows support. You can safely get rid of this process.
  5. IPsec key module. With its help, a unique address is generated to verify the authenticity of information about the owner. A completely useless thing.
  6. A client that tracks NTFS file associations. The most amazing. That this service requires a large amount of RAM. Disable it and you will be surprised at the speed of your PC.
  7. Windows Search - 99% of users don't know how to use it.
  8. Parental control. Although such a function exists, it cannot protect the computer from children. Feel free to click “stop”.

So, remember which services can be disabled in Windows 7 without harming the operation of your PC. Otherwise, you can significantly damage the system and affect its basic processes. By completing these operations, you can optimize the work of the Home Assistant and speed up its loading.

As you know, none of the currently existing Windows systems is one hundred percent productive, offering the user great amount unnecessary services, processes and components running in How to disable unnecessary services in Windows 7, let's try to figure it out. We will take the seventh version of the OS solely as an example, since similar operations can be performed in the eighth and tenth modifications.

How to disable unnecessary services in Windows 7: general rules

First of all, you need to clearly understand that disabling some services should not be done by ending some processes in the Task Manager, which only facilitates a one-time stop of the selected component, but exclusively through special system editors.

IN in this case There are several basic methods for deactivating services. Roughly speaking, they can be divided into explicit and implicit. For example, processes displayed in the startup menu or in the executable tree background services, the user sees. These are obvious processes. Components such as the Hyper-V module, which also requires activation in the BIOS, are not needed by the user at all, but he does not know about it. They are not in the process tree, but disabling Windows services 7 and their use can only be done with the help of special settings. But more on that later. For now, let's stick to what everyone knows.

Update installation center

“Update Center” is almost the biggest headache for Windows system users. The service works as it wants (it is not possible for the user to determine the time of exit or download of the next update). Therefore, you can disable it, especially since all major updates relate exclusively to the Windows security service. And if the user has enabled receiving updates for others Microsoft products, like “The Office”, then you can generally notice almost daily updates.

But this involves downloading and using Internet traffic. If the system is functioning normally without this, “Update Center” can be disabled. This is done quite simply in the settings contained in the standard “Control Panel”.


In principle, access to service management can be obtained through computer administration, called up by the corresponding line in the properties menu by right-clicking on the icon, where unnecessary processes are disabled through the utility built into the Windows system.

Here you select the services section and change required parameters launch. But don't rush to rejoice. First, let's look at the theoretical issues related to what should be turned off and what not.

Services Section

You can quickly get to the services management section by entering the services.msc command in the Run management console (Win + R). Most services are disabled here.

But here you need to be extremely careful. The fact is that terminating (disabling) some processes can negatively affect the entire system as a whole. But in the simplest case, you can simply change the automatic start type to manual.

What services are best disabled in Windows 7?

Now specifically about those processes that can and should be deactivated. A list of them is presented below:

  • remote access to the registry and calling remote procedures;
  • analysis offline files;
  • IPSec key exchange;
  • printing system;
  • error logging client;
  • tracking of changing connections;
  • the Parental Control service, which came to the “seven” from Vista;
  • virtual machine Hyper-V;
  • unused devices and their drivers;
  • video chip control consoles.

Using startup

All startup applications belong to the type of programs that are loaded along with the system at the time it starts (probably there is no need to explain this). However, not all users use settings to disable unnecessary services

You can also disable Windows 7 services at startup from here. To do this, use the msconfig access command, which is entered in standard menu"Run."

Next, we look at the startup menu, where services that can be disabled are presented. In principle, there is nothing wrong with unchecking all processes. You can even deactivate video cards that start with the control console system. Depending on the modification of the OS itself, you can only leave the switching control language bar ctfmon, if such a process is in the list (as a rule, it is not present during a “clean” installation) Windows versions 7 instead of XP or Vista).

Deactivating system components

But not all processes are available for deactivation in the “Task Manager” menu or shutdown unnecessary elements startup. Some components can only be found in the advanced settings of the system itself.

First, let's pay attention to the “iron” components. Smart cards are used by many users who have the ability to connect them to modern terminals and identify them with computer or mobile programs.

Sometimes even card terminals without installing the accompanying drivers can generate errors. Moreover, not all smart cards are compatible with certain types of devices or operating systems. The same banking system running under Windows control, it makes absolutely no difference which card is used. The main thing is that the information be read via the magnetic line. This function is not provided in Windows 7, as well as fingerprint recognition, so disabling it is out of the question.

But another important aspect of the question of how to disable unnecessary services in Windows 7 is eliminating system load problems by deactivating additional components.

If you go to the “Control Panel” section and select the Programs and Features menu, it is easy to notice that some services are in an active state (their names have check marks).

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that the Print Manager service is active in any system, even installed from scratch and without a connected printer. There is nothing surprising in this, because initially it is assumed that the user will print some documents. This is wrong. And component Print Spooler You can turn it off without any doubt.

Here you can also find a bunch of unnecessary things that Windows systems turn on without user notification. At least most of the above components can be disabled without any serious impact on the system.

Additional BIOS settings

In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that not all components associated with the operating system can be deactivated using its software and settings.

So, for example, you can disable unnecessary Windows 7 services like the camera or the same Hyper-V module by setting the appropriate parameters of the primary input/output system. The parameters can be accessed by pressing the appropriate button or key combination when starting a computer or laptop, which the system itself offers. Usually this is Del, F12, F2, etc.

Here you need to deactivate Hyper support Threading Technology, which for Intel processors is responsible for creating and using the virtual machine.

But what you definitely shouldn’t do is disable DHCP servers and DNS clients, as this can lead to communication failures.

It is also not recommended to disable the Superfetch service, which is responsible for correct operation applications after waking up from sleep Although... If it is not used, there is nothing wrong with turning it off in the power supply settings.

Bottom line

This is not a complete list of everything that can and should be disabled in Windows. This is the same geolocation system in browsers, the use of background volume copy services, etc. If you dig deeper, most processes that are in no way related to ensuring the operation of the operating system can be isolated without any damage.

At least optimization of any version of Windows operating systems in itself simple case applying the settings may involve disabling autorun items that are not used Windows components, and network services, activated by default, but not related to the functioning of the OS itself.

Here, only the main ones that must be disabled, either mandatory or optional, were considered. In fact, upon closer inspection, you can disable everything except the system core. And this is not the best the best option is the use of optimizer programs, since they are actually not always able to interfere with the structure of the background services of the operating system (it simply does not allow this to be done). What the user sees, say, an increase in the speed of access to hard drive or Internet acceleration, this is just a trick designed to show the user the imaginary quality of the utility being used, so it is better to simply disable unnecessary Windows 7 services without resorting to the help of third-party applications, which, by the way, sometimes cannot do anything like that, although it is claimed the opposite. However, by applying all the methods shown above, you can achieve a significant improvement in the performance of any Windows system. And, of course, it is not at all necessary to disable absolutely all components and services.

None of the currently available operating systems Windows family is not 100% productive. They offer the user a large number of unnecessary processes, services and components that run in background. Let's try to figure out how to disable unnecessary services in the Windows 7 operating system. The seventh version of the operating system will be taken solely as an example. Similar operations can be performed in the eighth and tenth modifications of the operating system.

Disabling unnecessary services in Windows 7: basic rules

To begin with, it is necessary to say that some services are disabled not by ending processes in the Task Manager, but only through special system editors. The fact is that working with the “Task Manager” only facilitates a one-time stop of the selected component. There are several basic methods for deactivating services. Roughly speaking, they can all be divided into explicit and implicit. For example, the user can see processes that are displayed in the startup menu or in the tree of executing background services. Such processes are called explicit. Components such as the Hyper-V module, which requires activation in the BIOS, are not needed at all by the user, but he does not even know about it. They are not in the process tree. Disabling services in Windows 7 and using them must be done using special settings. But we will talk about this later. For now, let's focus on the point that everyone knows. "Update Center" is perhaps the most big problem for users of operating systems of the Windows family. This service works as she pleases. The user cannot independently determine the time of exit and loading next update. Therefore, you can disable Update Center, especially considering that major updates only affect the security service of the Windows operating system itself. If the user is enabled to receive updates for other products from Microsoft, for example, Office, you can generally notice almost daily component updates. Internet traffic will be involved here. If the system functions normally without this, then you can disable Update Center. All this is done quite simply, you just need to use the settings of the standard “Control Panel”.


In principle, access to service management can be obtained through computer administration, which is called up by the corresponding line in the properties menu by right-clicking on the icon. Unnecessary processes are disabled through a utility built into the Windows operating system. Here you need to select the services section and change the parameters required for launch. But it’s too early to rejoice. First, we need to consider the theoretical issues associated with switchable components.

Services Section

You can get to the services management section by entering the services.msc command in the “Run” management console (Win + R). Most services are disabled here. But in this case, special care must be taken. The thing is that disabling some processes can negatively affect the functioning of the entire system as a whole. In the simplest case, you can simply change the automatic start type to manual. What services are better to disable in Windows7? Let's talk specifically about processes that can be deactivated. Below is the list:

— analysis of offline files;

— remote access to the registry and calling remote procedures;

— IPSec key exchange;

— error logging client;

— printing system;

— tracking of changing connections;

- Parental Control service, which came to Windows 7 from Vista;

— unused devices and their drivers;

— virtual Hyper-V machine;

— video chip control consoles.

Using startup

Startup applications can be classified as programs that are loaded with the operating system when it starts. But not all users use system configuration settings to disable unnecessary services. From here you can disable Windows 7 services at startup. To do this, you need to use the msconfig access command, which is entered into the Run menu. Next, you need to look at the startup menu, which presents services that can be disabled. In principle, there is nothing wrong with unchecking all processes. You can even deactivate the video card control consoles that start with the system. Depending on the modification of the operating system, you can leave control of switching the language bar to ctfmon, if this process is present in the list.

Deactivating system components

However, not all processes can be deactivated in the Task Manager menu. To find some components, you will have to use additional settings the system itself. First you need to pay attention to the hardware components. Many users use smart cards, which have the ability to connect to modern terminals and identify mobile or computer programs. Even card terminals can sometimes produce errors without installing the accompanying drivers. Additionally, not all smart cards are compatible with operating systems or devices. The same banking system that runs under Windows makes absolutely no difference which card is used. The main thing is that the information is read via the magnetic line. Windows 7 does not provide this feature, nor does it provide fingerprint recognition. For this reason, disabling this function is out of the question. Another important aspect The question of how to disable unnecessary services in Windows 7 is to eliminate system load problems by deactivating additional components. If you go to the “Control Panel” section and select the Programs and Features menu, you will notice that some services here are in an active state. There are checkboxes next to the names of such services. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in any system the “Print Manager” service is active. This applies even to those cases where the system was installed from scratch and without a connected printer in the system. This is not surprising, since it was initially assumed that the user would print some documents. However, it is not. Therefore, you can disable the PrintSpooler component without any doubt. Also here you can find many more unnecessary things that Windows systems turn on without notifying the user. Most of the above components can at least be disabled without seriously affecting the system.

Additional BIOS settings

In addition to all of the above, it can be noted separately that not all components that are associated with the operating system can be deactivated using settings and software. So, for example, to disable unnecessary services of the Windows 7 operating system, such as the same Hyper-V module or camera, you can use changing the corresponding parameters of the primary input/output system. To access the parameters, you can use the key combination that the system itself offers when starting your computer or laptop. As a rule, these are the keys Del, F12, F2, and so on. Here you can also deactivate support for HyperThreadingTechnology. For processors from the company Intel given technology is responsible for creating and using a virtual machine.

Services that are best not to be disabled

Are there services that should not be disabled? You should not disable the services of DHCP servers and DNS clients, as this may lead to communication failures. It is also not recommended to disable the Superfetch service, which is responsible for the correct operation of applications after exiting hibernation mode. Although, if you do not use sleep mode when working with your computer, nothing bad will happen if you disable this service.


This article presented a far from complete list of components that can be disabled in the Windows operating system. You can disable the geolocation system in browsers, background volume copy services, and so on. If you dig deeper, you can conclude that most processes that are in no way related to ensuring the operation of the operating system can be isolated without much damage. Optimizing any version of the Windows operating system may involve disabling unused components Windows, startup elements, as well as network services that are not related to the functioning of the operating system. IN this review Only the main components of the system that can be disabled were considered. The use of special optimizer programs in this case will not be the best the best solution, since they are not always able to interfere with the structure of background services of the operating system. Those obvious signs, such as increasing the speed of access to the hard drive or accelerated work on the Internet are a simple ploy that is used to show the imaginary advantage of using such utilities. It would be better to simply disable unnecessary operating system services. It is not necessary to use third party applications, which, by the way, do not know how to do anything like that, although their developers claim the opposite. However, if you apply all the methods described above, you can achieve a significant improvement in the performance of the Windows operating system.