Is it possible to charge the tablet more than necessary? How to properly charge a new tablet for the first time

Good battery- this is nothing more than an element that is directly responsible for time battery life Your device. The type and capacity of the power source determines the amount of charge that you can expend while in offline mode. Currently, two types of batteries are used: lithium-ion and newer and more advanced lithium-polymer. Therefore, from the very beginning of the purchase, you need to know how much to charge the tablet for the first time so that it works as long and stably as possible.

Charge indicator

The most technologically advanced batteries include lithium-polymer batteries. This technology It has whole line features that are a short time brought this type of energy storage to a leading position:

  1. The ratio of battery size to energy density is the most compact. That is, more energy can be stored per unit volume of the battery;
  2. Lowest self-discharge and energy loss compared to other types;
  3. The battery cell has high voltage, as well as size. This allows the device’s battery to be made from one element (cell), which reduces its cost;
  4. Low maintenance costs and long term operation.

From technological innovations and use modern technologies depends on how much to charge new tablet. There are also small disadvantages that are being eliminated by engineers who are improving both the technology and the scope of application:

  1. Availability of built-in protection circuit. It is designed to control charge different cells and preventing overcharge/discharge;
  2. Batteries cannot be stored for a long time, since the aging process occurs, which destroys the cathode in the cells.

How long do you need to charge new devices?

The most common question among buyers who have just purchased a new device is: “How to properly charge a new tablet?” According to the technology of new batteries, you can charge your gadget as you wish, if this does not contradict the operating rules, although you need to pay attention to such a note as: “During the first full discharge the minimum is set, and during maximum charge the maximum is determined." This means that in order to calibrate the power controller, you need to completely discharge the battery, and then charge your gadget at one time to the maximum value. These steps will correctly set the initial standard values, ensuring correct and correct power control.

The charging time of the gadget depends primarily on the rated current and voltage that the charger produces. If there is insufficient power of the charging current, you risk failure of the charger and constant “undercharging” of the battery. Therefore, how much you need to charge the tablet will be determined by the charge controller, which will turn off battery charging when all capacities have the maximum value of the permissible charge current.

Based on statistics and average values, we can give a clear answer to the question of how to charge a new tablet. As practice has shown, the time for a full charge occurs five to six hours after connecting a completely discharged battery.

Quantity and quality of charging

The operating time of the battery and its period of operation depend not only on the quality of manufacture, but also on the operating conditions. The buyer can’t do anything with the first one, but know how long the tablet needs to be charged and how it should be charged. To reliably charge your gadget, you must follow these rules:

  1. Appropriate temperature conditions;
  2. Permissible charge current and charging device used;
  3. Reliable connection of wires and cables to your gadget.

Charger mobile gadgets can be carried out in different conditions, but it is worth considering some natural factors that are often overlooked:

  1. What do you charge from (car charger and USB can provide a maximum of 500 mAh to all devices);
  2. The voltage drop depends on the resistance of the charging cable (the longer the charging cable and the greater its resistance, the lower the voltage and current you will receive at the output of the connector);

In most cases, it depends on them how long it takes to charge the tablet.

Do not forget that a completely dead battery requires almost the entire potential of standard charging, since it consumes a large number of energy, therefore non-native and low power devices the charge may not be able to cope or even fail. So how long does it take to charge the tablet? This depends on all of the above factors that shape the charging conditions, and they, in turn, determine the time fully charged your gadget.

How to properly charge a gadget

In order for your device to work long and stably, you need to know how to properly charge your tablet battery. To do this you need to do correct connection and comply with charging requirements:

  1. Make sure the network is operational and meets technical requirements;
  2. Determine the compatibility of the charger and charging (220V/110V);
  3. Connect first Charger to the device (smartphone);
  4. After this, connect the charger to a stationary network.

It is recommended to charge the gadget at one time, since it is in this case that the charge controller experiences the least load. If you actively manipulate the device during charging, and even more so subject it to heavy resource loads, this will directly affect both the performance and premature failure of both the controller itself and the increase in charging time of the gadget. So how long should you charge your tablet? This depends on the capacity of the battery, the controller on the battery itself and the power of the charging current.

How to properly charge the battery during subsequent use in order to maximize its lifespan

Modern rechargeable batteries have virtually no memory effect, that is, the charge and discharge schedules are almost identical. Despite this, batteries are subject to aging and wear. Two types of wear can be distinguished:

  1. Natural;
  2. Active use.

Natural wear is the gradual oxidation of mainly the cathode, as a result of which part of the capacity and voltage of the element are lost. This type of wear cannot be stopped. Average term The battery life is about two years, after which it may fail due to natural reasons. Natural causes also include overcharging or severe discharge of the battery. To prevent this, a power management circuit is installed. It is she who determines how long the tablet needs to be charged.

Wear from active use determined by the number of charge and discharge cycles, as well as the state of the battery cells themselves. After each time connected to the charger, all battery cells are tested for fault tolerance and performance, after which they begin charging. The performance of each device depends on the operation of the power management circuit. Because of this, there is absolutely no difference in how to properly charge an Android tablet or with any other operating system.

To maximize the life of the battery, you need to periodically (no more than once a month) carry out a preventive discharge and a full charge in one go. These steps are intended to ensure that the power controller can be continually calibrated as the battery's capacity decreases over time. Therefore, every user of this brand should know how to properly charge a Samsung tablet, since this directly affects the operating time of the device not from a landline network.

The approximate standard time to fully charge a new device battery can be found in your user manual. From it you should also find out how long to charge a Samsung tablet from a standard charger. But despite this, over time you can clearly see deviations and roughly determine the degree of wear battery tablet device. I hope our article was useful to you. You can find many more interesting and useful information on our website.

Charging a smartphone or tablet is a common procedure that users do every day without thinking about it. Meanwhile, if you charge the battery incorrectly, it will quickly fail. To extend the life of the battery, you must follow certain rules.

  • nickel metal hydride;
  • nickel-cadmium;
  • lithium polymer;
  • lithium-ion.
  • Nickel-cadmium

    Batteries that were equipped with the first phones back in the nineties. They were highly resistant to temperature changes, withstanding cold down to -40° and heat up to +60°. The number of charging cycles was 2000. The batteries were not widely used due to the toxicity of cadmium and the “memory effect”, which reduced capacity.

    The “memory effect” occurs when the battery is not fully charged/discharged. For example, if the user regularly charges the phone at 30%, the device “remembers” this figure as a zero charge. Accordingly, 30% of the battery capacity is lost.

    U nickel-cadmium batteries predominantly cylindrical in shape

    Nickel metal hydride

    High-capacity batteries that do not contain toxic cadmium. They also have a “memory effect” and are large in size. Used in cheap phones of old models.

    Nickel-metal hydride batteries continue to be used in the production of cheap old-model phones


    They replaced nickel-cadmium batteries and are used in modern smartphones and tablets. They are more susceptible to temperature changes - it is not recommended to use lithium-ion batteries at -20° and below. Compact, capacious, plate-shaped or cylindrical. Advantages:

  • high capacity;
  • low level of self-discharge;
  • do not require special maintenance.
  • Lithium-ion batteries are used in most modern smartphones

    Lithium polymer

    Modern polymer-based batteries. They can come in various shapes and sizes. Used in curved and flexible devices. Advantages of such batteries:

  • capacity is greater than that of lithium-ion;
  • minimum thickness - 1 mm;
  • resistance to temperature changes (from -20° to +40°).
  • Disadvantages - danger of battery explosion, increased charging time for devices.

    Flexible lithium polymer battery can take any form

    How to properly charge a new smartphone/tablet on Android

    Modern smartphones and tablets are most often equipped with lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries.

    Charging your smartphone faster when turned off

    There is a myth that a new phone/tablet needs to be charged overnight (6-8 hours), otherwise the battery life will be reduced. In fact, it is enough to charge the device to 100% for correct calibration batteries.

    The second myth is the need to disconnect the battery immediately after the device is fully charged, otherwise overcharging will shorten its service life. In fact, lithium-ion batteries have built-in chips that automatically turn off the charger at 100 percent.

    A new smartphone needs to be charged in a special way only if it has a nickel-metal hydride battery. Such a battery should be fully charged and discharged three times to avoid the “memory effect”.

    Video - why a smartphone discharges quickly

    Rules for charging devices that have already been used before

    Users charge Android devices as they run out of power.

    During the cold season, smartphones and tablets discharge more intensely, and in hot weather they can overheat when charging.

    General rules for charging the battery

  • Nickel batteries must be completely discharged and charged to 100% at least three times a month.

    Nickel batteries need to be fully discharged to 0%

  • Only use for charging original devices from manufacturers.
  • Lithium batteries, on the contrary, should be recharged as often as possible without letting the charge level reach zero.
  • Do not leave a charged device plugged in. When the battery is saturated, the charger automatically turns off, but this creates an additional load on the battery, which leads to a decrease in its service life.
  • When the phone is turned off, it does not consume energy, so it charges faster.

    Most modern models on Android there are provided for charging micro-USB connectors. Accordingly, a cable from a smartphone will be suitable for a tablet, but the process will be slower due to reduced current conductivity.

    Battery calibration

    It happens that a smartphone or tablet starts to turn off at 20% or even at 50% charge. Reason - software glitch which can be resolved by calibrating the battery.

    To perform calibration:

  • Charge the device to 100% while it is turned on.
  • Disconnect the charger plug.
  • Turn off your smartphone/tablet.
  • Charge the switched off device to 100%. The indicator light will turn green.
  • Unplug the charger, turn on the smartphone and set the screen so that it does not turn off. Bring the charge level to maximum.
  • Leave the phone with the display on until it is completely discharged.
  • Charge the battery to 100%.
  • Calibrate your battery once a month. For convenience, you can download it at Play Market calibrator application.

    Calibration can also be used to restore the battery after a deep (heavy) discharge.

    Battery app Doctor allows you to calibrate the battery

    If you stop using your phone, remember: even when the device is turned off, it eats up battery power, and staying in a low state for a long time is harmful to it. Therefore, before turning off the device, long term Charge the battery to about 60%, and then take it out and put it separately.

    Video - How to extend battery life using Battery doctor

    Through which connectors can you charge a tablet/phone?

    When standard charging cable not at hand, users are wondering how else to charge a smartphone/tablet. Can I use a USB port, headphone jack or HDMI output?

    It is not possible to charge an Android device through the headphone jack. This technology is being developed by Apple

    Charging a smartphone using a headphone jack is currently a myth. The only company conducting developments in this direction is Apple.

    Apple plans to use the principle of electromagnetic induction to charge gadgets. To charge your iPhone, you just need to insert the plug from the headphones into the jack and place them on contact device. An electromagnetic field will be created around, affecting the battery charge level. However, the technology has not yet been tested.

    USB port of a computer or laptop

    The device for charging via USB can be made in the form of a wireless adapter

    Devices can be charged not only from a power outlet, but also from a computer or laptop. Together with modern devices There are USB cables for connecting to a PC.

    Some laptops (Samsung, Toshiba) have a sleep-and-charge function that allows you to charge devices from USB even when the computer is turned off.

    To charge, just connect one end of the cable to your phone/tablet, and the other to the USB input of your computer.

    HDMI input

    HDMI is an interface that allows you to transfer graphic and audio information to high quality. It is not possible to charge a smartphone or tablet directly through this input. However, there are micro-USB to HDMI adapters that allow you to do this.

    Car cigarette lighter

    If the battery runs out, you can charge it from the car cigarette lighter

    In the car, the smartphone/tablet is charged via the cigarette lighter socket.

    When buying a car charger, pay attention to the plug and wire length. Before charging your phone, clean the cigarette lighter socket from dust using a car vacuum cleaner.

    It is also possible to charge the device from a radio with a USB port. This is done by analogy with connecting to a PC.

    Household appliances with USB port

    You can charge your smartphone from any device with a USB output: TV, DVD player, router, audio system. When leaving the device on charge, remember that the current supplied to USB is several times less than on a computer. This means that the phone/tablet will take longer to charge than usual.

    External batteries

    External battery must be larger than the battery of your device

    An external battery is a portable power source for a smartphone or tablet that allows you to charge devices in any conditions. Models removable batteries differ in capacity, current strength and number of ports for connection.

    When choosing a battery, focus on capacity. So, if the smartphone battery capacity is 3500 mAh, and the charger capacity is 2000 mAh, charging will be incomplete, which means you should choose a more powerful battery.

    Disposable batteries

    Manufacturers offer devices that allow you to charge a smartphone or tablet from AA batteries. The plug is connected to the device, and the batteries are installed in a special box - charging occurs, after which the batteries are thrown away. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost, so it is suitable only for extreme cases.

    Unusual devices

    Other methods of charging devices are based on receiving energy and transferring it to the USB input:

  • mechanical generators;
  • natural energy converters;
  • fuel generators.
  • Quick Charge technology

    External battery that supports fast charging technology

    Technology fast charging (Quick Charge) developed Qualcomm company. It allows you to charge tablets and smartphones faster by increasing the amount of current received from 5 to 12 V. To enable this feature on Android:

  • Go to your device settings.
  • Select the System tab.
  • Find the "Energy Saving" item.
  • Check the box next to “Fast charging”.
  • Connect the charger. In the status bar you will see a message about the connected “fast charger”.
  • To disable the function, uncheck the box in the device settings.

    How to speed up smartphone charging

    If you need to quickly charge your smartphone or tablet, use the recommendations below:

  • turn off the device to reduce energy consumption;
  • charge from a power outlet;
  • when charging from a laptop, select a USB port with the maximum current (for example, USB3.0 - up to 900 mAh);
  • Share with your friends!

    The battery is one of the most important parts tablet computer. And how long you can use the device during the day, and its service life as a whole, depends on its correct operation. Especially considering that in many modern tablets Replacing the battery is not provided at all by the design of the case. Is it possible to damage a tablet battery by improper charging, and how to charge it correctly, read on.

    I think many still remember how before, when buying a mobile phone, you had to “overclock” the battery with several full charge cycles, and how undesirable it was to recharge it with short charges during the day. Today, nickel batteries are a thing of the past, and most (if not all) mobile devices run on lithium batteries, but some continue to follow by inertia outdated instructions, although this is not only unnecessary, but sometimes it can even do harm. Well, let’s skip the intricacies of the design of nickel and lithium batteries, and move directly to the main features of charging and operating the tablet battery. Follow the rules described below and you can be sure that your battery will last a long time and be trouble-free.

    • There is no need to put a new tablet through several full charging cycles. Lithium batteries do not have a “memory effect”, and therefore the benefit from such a procedure will be zero.
    • Try not to let your tablet run out of battery when it turns off on its own. If this happens, put it on charge as quickly as possible. Remember, a full discharge significantly reduces the battery life.
    • Try not to use the tablet in the cold for a long time, this will reduce battery life.
    • Remember that short and partial recharging of the tablet does not harm the battery at all, so you can safely charge the tablet whenever possible or necessary (see note!).
    • Do not use a fully charged tablet with excessive high temperatures. Because the battery's capacity increases at high temperatures, you risk overcharging the battery, which is harmful for lithium batteries.
    • If you do not plan to use the tablet for a long time, charge the battery to 40% and turn off the device. At this charge level, you can store the tablet for quite a long time without harming the battery.
    • And lastly, don’t be afraid to exhaust the battery life with frequent charging, lithium batteries lose their capacity over time, regardless of whether they are used or not.

    How to charge a tablet from a computer

    Tablets, like phones, have the unpleasant property of running out of charge at the most crucial moment. If you often have similar situations, try to carry with you USB cable for synchronization, most tablets can be charged from a computer or laptop via USB. However, do not forget that charging from USB port lasts much slower than from a charger. Also keep in mind that if your tablet has too much low charge, or is completely discharged, then there may not be enough power from the USB and charging the battery will not be able to start.

    Users of modern gadgets have more than once encountered the problem of a dead battery. Moreover, often this situation arises at the most inopportune moment. Of course, this also applies to tablets. In this regard, we will consider ways to charge a Tablet PC.

    Ideally, the gadget user should monitor the charger’s vitality level in order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation. To do this, it is advisable to follow simple rules:

    1. do not allow complete discharge;
    2. do not leave the gadget turned on while inactive.

    It is also important to have information on how to properly charge the tablet - this will increase the useful life of the device.

    To “renew the strength” of your tablet, just follow these recommendations:

    1. After purchasing a gadget, its battery must be fully charged before first use;
    2. It is better to constantly recharge the battery rather than allowing it to completely discharge - this way the tablet will last longer;
    3. Carry an adapter with you that will allow you to constantly recharge the device.

    How to quickly charge your tablet

    The gadget often includes USB cord, which allows you to recharge the battery outside the home. This method is suitable for an office, visiting, or other premises where computer equipment is available.

    Often the battery runs out while traveling in transport. If the user travels in a personal car, he should not have problems with recharging - just connect the tablet to car cigarette lighter. The so-called car charging for the gadget can be purchased at an electronic equipment sales point.

    How to charge a tablet via USB

    Charging a tablet via USB is identical to charging the device from a desktop computer. Namely, the cord is connected from both sides - one end into the tablet, the other into the port connector. It should be taken into account that the charging capacity of the outlet is greater than that of a USB port, and therefore much more time will be spent charging through the cord.

    Charging the tablet via a computer, as in the previous case, is very simple - just connect the cord connector to the laptop (desktop computer) and the device itself.

    How to charge a tablet without charging

    The tablet connector is designed so that the user can charge the device in any way convenient for him. Car recharging is the best option for quickly achieving the effect if the user does not have access to desktop computer or there is no cord available.

    To charge a tablet in a car, the user must know the current strength in the cigarette lighter - this way it will be possible to calculate the period of time sufficient to “restore strength” of the battery. The ends of the cable are connected to the tablet connector and to the car. For a device with a completely dead battery this method not entirely appropriate.

    How long to charge the tablet

    The time it takes to fully charge a gadget is determined by the type of device. The instructions for it often contain similar information. If there is no way to track it, it is enough to know the battery capacity on the tablet. It is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the number of milliamps in the charger and relate it to the battery power. Time maximum charge equals the charging current divided by the battery consumption. On average, this period of time ranges from 4 to 8 hours - depending on technical parameters product.

    You can learn a lot about using tablets in the section.

    All modern electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops) mainly use lithium-ion batteries. Exist different opinions about how to charge them correctly. Some people think that the device should always be 40-80% charged and need to be recharged regularly, while others think that you should wait until the battery is completely discharged and then charge it to 100%.
    This confusion is due to the fact that previously nickel batteries were often used, which had a “memory effect”. Such devices had to be discharged to zero. Lithium-ion batteries they don’t have such a problem, but still their service life is measured in years, and in order to extend their life as much as possible, you need to know how to use them correctly.

    1. Charge your device regularly

    Do not allow the device to discharge to 0%. It's better to recharge it regularly. Below you can see a table of the dependence of the number of charging cycles (battery life) on the depth of discharge. Having examined this table, we will see that it is better not to even lower the charge to 50%, but to recharge every time the battery is discharged by 10-20%.

    2. Don't leave your device charging

    Lithium-ion batteries do not require constant charging to 100%. It is better if your device is charged between 40-80%. So keep the charge within these limits if possible. If you have charged your device to 100%, do not leave it connected to the charger! Many people do this, but this is what leads to shorter battery life. If you charge your device overnight, use special energy-saving sockets that turn off your charger after a set number of hours. NB: Normal (non-Chinese non-name) laptops and phones have a built-in charge controller and automatically turn off charging when they reach 100% - some even report the end of charging with a signal. Such devices can be kept connected to the network constantly.

    3. Once a month, completely discharge the battery, and then charge it to 100%

    This statement may seem contradictory, given what we said at the beginning. But now we will explain everything. A full discharge-charge cycle once a month is needed to calibrate the device. On your phone or laptop, the remaining charge is usually indicated in percentage or hours and minutes before the device is completely drained. After a large number of small charges, this function begins to work incorrectly, and therefore the device should be calibrated once a month (a full discharge-charge cycle) so that the readings remain accurate.

    4. Avoid overheating the device

    High temperatures negatively affect the life of your battery. In the table below you can see the dependence of the loss of battery charge on the temperature in which it was located. So, protect your devices from overheating and do not work with your laptop on your lap.

    Using these recommendations, you can significantly extend the life of your battery. However, don't get too hung up on it. If it happens that you don’t have a charger at hand, then it’s okay that your gadget will be discharged to zero. And there's nothing wrong with charging it fully if you're going on a long trip.

    A lithium-ion battery will still last no more than 2-3 years, no matter how much you take care of it, even if your device just sits on the shelf all this time. In general, don't overdo it, use the device in a way that suits you. But if you have the opportunity to apply these recommendations, then do not neglect them.

    A good battery is nothing more than an element that is directly responsible for the battery life of your device. The type and capacity of the power source determines the amount of charge that you can expend while offline. Currently, two types of batteries are used: lithium-ion and newer and more advanced lithium-polymer. Therefore, from the very beginning of the purchase, you need to know how much to charge the tablet for the first time so that it works as long and stably as possible.

    Charge indicator

    The most technologically advanced batteries include lithium-polymer batteries. This technology has a number of features that in a short time brought this type of energy storage to a leading position:

    1. The ratio of battery size to energy density is the most compact. That is, more energy can be stored per unit volume of the battery;
    2. Lowest self-discharge and energy loss compared to other types;
    3. The battery cell has high voltage as well as size. This allows the device’s battery to be made from one element (cell), which reduces its cost;
    4. Low maintenance costs and long service life.

    How much to charge a new tablet depends on technological innovations and the use of modern technologies. There are also small disadvantages that are being eliminated by engineers who are improving both the technology and the scope of application:

    1. Availability of built-in protection circuit. It is designed to control the charge of different cells and prevent overcharge/discharge;
    2. Batteries cannot be stored for a long time, as the aging process occurs, which destroys the cathode in the cells.

    How long do you need to charge new devices?

    The most common question among buyers who have just purchased a new device is: “How to properly charge a new tablet?” According to the technology of new batteries, you can charge your gadget as you wish, if this does not contradict the operating rules, although you need to pay attention to such a note as: “During the first full discharge, the minimum is set, and during the maximum charge, the maximum is determined.” This means that in order to calibrate the power controller, you need to completely discharge the battery, and then charge your gadget at one time to the maximum value. These steps will correctly set the initial standard values, ensuring correct and correct power control.

    The charging time of the gadget depends primarily on the rated current and voltage that the charger produces. If there is insufficient power of the charging current, you risk failure of the charger and constant “undercharging” of the battery. Therefore, how much you need to charge the tablet will be determined by the charge controller, which will turn off battery charging when all capacities have the maximum value of the permissible charge current.

    Based on statistics and average values, we can give a clear answer to the question of how to charge a new tablet. As practice has shown, the time for a full charge occurs five to six hours after connecting a completely discharged battery.

    Quantity and quality of charging

    The operating time of the battery and its period of operation depend not only on the quality of manufacture, but also on the operating conditions. The buyer can’t do anything with the first one, but know how long the tablet needs to be charged and how it should be charged. To reliably charge your gadget, you must follow these rules:

    1. Appropriate temperature conditions;
    2. Permissible charge current and charging device used;
    3. Reliable connection of wires and cables to your gadget.

    Charging mobile gadgets can be carried out in various conditions, but it is worth considering some natural factors that are often not paid attention to:

    1. What do you charge from (car charger and USB can provide a maximum of 500 mAh to all devices);
    2. The voltage drop depends on the resistance of the charging cable (the longer the charging cable and the greater its resistance, the lower the voltage and current you will receive at the output of the connector);

    In most cases, it depends on them how long it takes to charge the tablet.

    Do not forget that a completely dead battery requires almost the entire potential of standard charging, since a large amount of energy is consumed to charge it, so non-original and low-power charging devices may not cope or even fail. So how long does it take to charge the tablet? This depends on all of the above factors that determine the charging conditions, and they, in turn, determine the time to fully charge your gadget.

    How to properly charge a gadget

    In order for your device to work long and stably, you need to know how to properly charge your tablet battery. To do this, you need to make the correct connection and follow the charging requirements:

    1. Make sure the network is operational and meets technical requirements;
    2. Determine the compatibility of the charger and charging (220V/110V);
    3. First connect the charger to the device (smartphone);
    4. After this, connect the charger to a stationary network.

    It is recommended to charge the gadget at one time, since it is in this case that the charge controller experiences the least load. If you actively manipulate the device during charging, and even more so subject it to heavy resource loads, this will directly affect both the performance and premature failure of both the controller itself and the increase in charging time of the gadget. So how long should you charge your tablet? This depends on the capacity of the battery, the controller on the battery itself and the power of the charging current.

    How to properly charge the battery during subsequent use in order to maximize its lifespan

    Modern rechargeable batteries have virtually no memory effect, that is, the charge and discharge schedules are almost identical. Despite this, batteries are subject to aging and wear. Two types of wear can be distinguished:

    1. Natural;
    2. Active use.

    Natural wear is the gradual oxidation of mainly the cathode, as a result of which part of the capacity and voltage of the element are lost. This type of wear cannot be stopped. The average life of a battery is about two years, after which it can fail due to natural reasons. Natural causes also include overcharging or severe discharge of the battery. To prevent this, a power management circuit is installed. It is she who determines how long the tablet needs to be charged.

    Wear from active use is determined by the number of charge and discharge cycles, as well as the condition of the battery cells themselves. After each time connected to the charger, all battery cells are tested for fault tolerance and performance, after which they begin charging. The performance of each device depends on the operation of the power management circuit. Because of this, there is absolutely no difference in how to properly charge an Android tablet or with any other operating system.

    To maximize the life of the battery, you need to periodically (no more than once a month) carry out a preventive discharge and a full charge in one go. These steps are intended to ensure that the power controller can be continually calibrated as the battery's capacity decreases over time. Therefore, every user of this brand should know how to properly charge a Samsung tablet, since this directly affects the operating time of the device not from a landline network.

    The approximate standard time to fully charge a new device battery can be found in your user manual. From it you should also find out how long to charge a Samsung tablet from a standard charger. But despite this, over time you can clearly see deviations and roughly determine the degree of wear of the tablet device’s battery. I hope our article was useful to you. You can find a lot more interesting and useful information on our website.

    Tablet computers or tablets today, without exaggeration, can be called the most popular portable electronic devices. First of all, the popularity of these devices is due to their compactness and mobility. It is quite natural that one of the most important characteristics The main advantage of such computers is their battery life, which directly depends on the battery charge level. Many tablet owners are concerned about the question of how to properly charge the tablet so that it works as long as possible? In this article we will try to answer it.

    There is an opinion that for proper charging it is necessary to wait until the device is completely discharged. However, it is not. The above opinion among users arose from the experience of operating devices equipped with nickel batteries. U of this type In power supplies, there is a so-called “memory effect” and therefore, before charging a device with nickel batteries, it is advisable to wait until it is completely discharged. Lithium-ion batteries, which are equipped with most models of modern tablets, do not have this drawback. And now, in order, how to properly charge.

    Charge your device regularly

    Contrary to popular belief stated above, do not wait until your tablet is completely discharged. It is best if you charge the device regularly. If we compare the dependence of the battery life on the number of charge-discharge cycles, we will see the following. When fully discharged, the battery can withstand up to 500 battery charge cycles; when discharged to 50 percent, the battery life increases to 1500 cycles; the battery can withstand 2500 charge cycles at a 25 percent discharge level and 4700 cycles at a 10 percent discharge level. Thus, we can conclude that to properly charge the gadget, you should not lower the battery charge level below 50 percent, and it will be best if you charge the computer when its batteries are discharged by 10-25 percent.

    Don't leave your tablet charging

    Lithium-ion batteries used in modern tablets do not require 100 percent charging. The most optimal charge level is from 70 to 80 percent. If you do charge the device to 100 percent, then you should not leave it plugged in. Many owners tablet computers That's exactly what they do. They charge the device overnight and end up unknowingly reducing the battery life. Modern gadgets are equipped with a built-in battery charge controller that automatically turns off charging when the battery level reaches 100 percent.

    Once a month, carry out a full charge and discharge cycle of the battery

    This statement will probably seem contradictory to the above. Let's try to explain everything. Once a month, you need to charge and discharge the tablet battery in order to calibrate the device. As a rule, the charge level is displayed on the screen in the form of symbols, scales, and so on. This indication may not display information correctly after many discharge and charge cycles and therefore it is recommended to calibrate once a month. As a result, the readings will be more accurate.

    Avoid overheating the device

    Ambient temperature significantly affects the life of your tablet's battery. For example, at an air temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, the battery can lose up to 15 percent of its charge level. Therefore, you should avoid overheating the device, for example, do not hold the computer on your lap for a long time. In any case, try to always have a charger for your tablet with you and recharge it whenever possible. We hope that this note will help you charge your gadget correctly and use the device for a long time. On our website you can also find out what to do if the tablet does not turn on and other information useful to you.

    In general, this topic is not very popular - it will appear anyway new model tablet, you will get tired of your device and throw it away. And no matter how hard you try, sooner or later he will come (battery-powered). Unless your tablet is connected to a homemade perpetual motion machine.

    But for prudent people who are used to saving money and taking care of things, our recommendations will help them “win” a certain battery life. Please note that this article is not intended to solve the problem if your tablet does not charge or loses charge very quickly.

    Tip 1: No matter how strange it may sound, it is not advisable to allow your tablet battery to completely discharge.

    Every time the charge drops to zero and the tablet turns off, this negatively affects the battery life, in other words, it wears out. The thing is that devices used to have nickel batteries. So they had to be discharged all the way, and then charged again. Lithium-ion batteries, which are used in almost all modern devices, have a different structure, and do not have such a disadvantage.

    Therefore, it is customary to maintain the charge at a level of 50 to 80 percent. If the charge drops to 40%, connect the tablet to a power outlet. The exception is when you purchase a new device - according to the instructions, you need to completely discharge it, and then charge it for a certain time, and repeat this several times. Also, we must not forget about the cases when you are eating somewhere for a long time. There is nothing criminal in the fact that the battery goes out completely once.

    And one more thing: do not think that if you charge the battery less often, it will last longer.

    Tip 2: Leaving the tablet to charge all night is harmful.

    The optimal charge, as already stated, is 50-80%, long charging when the level does not drop below 100%, reduces battery performance. “I have to work tomorrow, and I wanted to put the tablet on for the night!” - you say. I would recommend installing energy efficient outlets. Those that can be programmed to turn off after a certain time.

    Of course, in Lately Some devices are equipped with a system that controls the charge and automatically turns off the power if necessary. If you find this in the tablet’s characteristics, you can rest assured.

    Due to the fact that you do not allow the battery to completely discharge, the “calibrator” - a system that calculates the likely operating time of the tablet without recharging - may go wrong. And then you will begin to wonder why the tablet lied so much. We return normal work calibrator in a simple way - we discharge the tablet until it turns off, and then charge it exactly to 100%. And so once a month.

    P.S.: I myself never load up on things that I forgot to charge, or charged for a long time, or the battery ran out more than 40%. A few months later, a few months earlier, the battery will still wear out. The only thing is that you need to “overclock” the battery if you bought new device, complete discharges and chargers.

    The instructions are suitable for all brands, operating systems(Android, Windows, IOS) and models of tablets and smartphones that are less than five years old. This way you can charge both Chinese and branded tablets.

    Algorithm for how to properly charge and discharge a tablet:

    1. We charge at a level of 5-20% charge, do not allow complete discharge.
    2. When it shows 100% satiety, keep it for another 1-2 hours.

    How to properly charge a new tablet or smartphone for the first time?

    The first time after purchase, we charge it to 100% so that the battery works at full capacity.
    In the future, we charge as long and often as is convenient.
    We use a charger of suitable voltage.

    What myths are there about how to properly charge and discharge a tablet?

    The battery must be discharged and charged to 100%

    Discharge until the device turns off.
    Charge until the charge indicator shows 100%.

    This information has remained since the days of the first batteries.
    They had a “memory effect”. If we charge it to 100%, then it will work for these 100. If we undercharge it, we keep it at 60-70%, after some time the battery “remembers” such incomplete power. And it keeps 60%, not 100.
    This was the case 10 years ago. Not relevant now.

    Note:“preservative chemicals” are added to batteries, which reduces capacity. Thanks to it, the battery is better stored. It breaks down after a few charging cycles.
    Therefore, a new device should be fully charged and discharged for the first two or three cycles.

    The battery should be kept between 50-90% charge

    It should not sit down and should not be charged to the maximum.
    Otherwise the battery will be stressed.

    The battery must be discharged to zero

    No. If you discharge the battery until the tablet is dead, you risk a drop in capacity.
    The battery operates normally at 4.2 volts. Some models do not turn off even at 3.6 (this is the minimum limit)
    This causes the battery to stop charging itself. And it needs to be “pushed” at the service center.
    Start charging with 20% charge.

    Once a month you need to “calibrate” the battery controller - fully charge and discharge

    It won't hurt. It is worth doing 1-2 times a month.

    You cannot “overexpose” a fully charged battery - turn it off immediately

    In fact, when the battery shows 100% charge, it is not the end.
    The battery consumes electricity for some time after.
    Leave it calmly. Once the limit is reached, the tablet stops “eating too much.”
    And it will hold the charge longer.

    You only need to charge via a charger, via USB or from the cigarette lighter somehow wrong

    It will take a long time to charge via a laptop or PC.

    “Short” charging several times a day harms the battery

    “Short and frequent” charging does not affect the quality and life of the battery: from charging 20%, 25% and 50%, the “brain” of the battery will “assemble” 100% - one cycle.
    Charge as much and as often as you like.

    For the first time (after being picked up from the store), the battery needs to be charged and discharged to the maximum so that it “remembers” the indicators

    Yes, it's worth doing. See point 1.

    You cannot use the tablet while charging!

    Can. If you want, look at the pictures, if you want, play games. The only thing is that it will take longer to charge.

    If you use a charger of a different brand, the battery will perform worse

    It will work the same as on the “native” charger.

    The tablet needs to be turned off at night every time / you can leave it on for at least months

    The tablet can work well even if you leave it turned on for six months.
    Or maybe not very much.
    It is best to turn it off at night once or twice a week. This way it “rests”, and the battery works better and longer.

    Heat and cold destroy the battery

    Heat and cold both destroy the battery and reduce its capacity.
    If you keep the tablet in the cold for several hours, the capacity drops by 20-40%.
    And it is not restored.
    Take care of your tablet: Carry it close to your body, in a case, bag, backpack.

    The battery loses capacity during operation - this must be taken into account:
    The battery heats up under load, which shortens its life and efficiency.

    Conclusion: correct charging The tablet battery prolongs its life and improves operating efficiency.