Lenovo laptop battery calibration. Proper use and calibration of a laptop battery

There are a huge number of different recommendations and other tales circulating among users that can extend the life of the battery. But what is most interesting is that a lot of this is based on the source of OBS - one grandmother said :), that is, advice that is not substantiated in any way, as a rule, is not effective and even dangerous. At the same time, such recommendations often begin to contradict each other and are still passed on, articles are written, and others are written from them...

But in fact, there are no secrets that scientists were silent about and there is no secret in the operation of batteries, so dancing with a tambourine is cancelled. Battery operation is based on the most common laws of physics and chemistry. In order for this element to work stably and last as long as possible, you need it calibrate correctly and adhere to basic rules during operation, depending on the battery type.

What types of batteries are there in laptops?

There are several main types of batteries you can find in everyday life. Depending on the type, they are marked with the following designations:

  • NiCd– stands for nickel-cadmium battery;
  • NiMH– common nickel-metal hydroid batteries;
  • LiIon– even more popular lithium-ion batteries;
  • LiPol– lithium polymer batteries.

They all differ in both their properties and characteristics. At the moment, most often you can stumble upon lithium-ion batteries. They are used everywhere, including in laptops.

The main advantages of such batteries are their compact size, relatively light weight and lack of memory effect. Everything is great, but unfortunately, improper use of such batteries can ruin them very quickly. Especially often, people use operating methods intended for NiMH batteries, which generally differ in every way from lithium-ion batteries. As a result, an expensive battery soon turns into useless garbage and the laptop owner begins to ask the question:

It is very important to understand that different types of batteries require different approaches, even if they are just going to sit on a shelf and collect dust samples.

Battery calibration

What is it and why is it needed? Everything is very simple, and most likely many have already heard something about this method - we fully charge the battery and then completely discharge it

There is a misconception that in this way the battery is “trained” or its capacity is increased. But the reality looks a little different: the battery controller records the minimum and maximum charge values ​​and corrects the statistical measurement error. This is necessary to ensure that the data on the battery charge level is as objective as possible.

So, after such a procedure, the battery wear indicator can move either for the better or for the worse. But this does not mean at all that the battery has worsened or become better, just that the data on its charge has become more accurate.

It should be taken into account that the error can still reach up to 10%. Because in reality there is no charge level inside the battery, all these indicators are calculated purely statistically and with a certain percentage of inaccuracy.

When the laptop battery is brand new

You have a new device, a laptop or a phone - it doesn’t really matter, the main thing is that it has a lithium battery. Most likely, it will already be partially charged and the device can operate from it.

To begin, fully charge and then fully discharge. But already at this stage, most users make a grave mistake: they completely discharge the battery from the beginning, and then only begin to fully charge it. This is the battery's first step towards recycling, so don't do it.

Why is that bad? Because the controller has not yet been calibrated properly and there is a risk of overdischarge, which worsens the properties of the new battery. So, first of all, start charging it fully and only then, let the device discharge until it turns off, and then charge again. After such a basic procedure, charging can be done at your convenience.

Usually, equipment sellers, after purchase, begin to give a ton of recommendations on how to “activate” the battery with long-term charging, how to “boost” it. But they are wrong about everything. There is no need for the so-called “activation” (even this term is not used by anyone except sellers), because when purchased, it already has a charge and is ready for use.

“Rocking up” will also not bring anything good. If someone enthusiastically tells you how they “boosted” the battery and it began to work longer, then just silently listen to this person, but don’t do this yourself. Even if the battery really began to hold a charge longer, this only indicates that it was previously used incorrectly.

Any battery will hold exactly as much charge as it is physically (and chemically) capable of holding. There is no way it can be expanded, stretched and enlarged; it is not capable of that.

But the charge controller is capable of storing incorrect values, as well as a bunch of different errors, after experiments with “swings”. In general, even the battery manufacturers themselves prohibit doing such things with their products.

But do not forget, we are now talking only about lithium batteries, if you use a metal-hydroid battery, then the build-up will really make some sense.

What is a battery controller?

This is a small microcircuit that controls the charge (or discharge) level, voltage and temperature values, and determines when to turn off battery charging. A fairly reliable part that almost never fails. So you can’t blame the controller too much; it is rarely the culprit of malfunctions. Sometimes, some “good” craftsmen use such an “excuse”, saying that the controller has flown. Although this may not be true at all.

We calibrate the battery correctly

As mentioned above, the essence of battery calibration is to fully charge, then fully discharge and then fully charge again. There is nothing complicated here. Many laptops have a battery calibration function in the BIOS settings. In principle, it is no different from the manual process. But when setting up the controller manually, you need to monitor the discharge of the laptop, because most laptops, when the charge is low, do not turn off, but simply go into hibernation mode and in this case a complete discharge does not occur. To prevent this from happening, you need to disable hibernation, then the battery will be discharged to the bare minimum.

Calibration in the BIOS occurs using a parameter (this name may differ for laptops of different models, but the essence is the same). This item can usually be found on the tab power(power management). Sometimes it comes across in other sections, for example, boot or advanced.But if you couldn’t find such an option in the BIOS, then this won’t be a big problem. Because you can easily and simply do everything manually. We do it this way:

  1. We put the laptop on charge and fully charge it.
  2. After charging, unplug it from the network.
  3. We use the laptop until it is completely discharged, until it turns off.
  4. We put it on charge and fully charge it.

And it's all! You no longer need to make any body movements. After this procedure, you can continue to use your laptop as usual.

How often should calibration be done?

There are some users who generally calibrate the battery every week. But you shouldn’t follow their example, this will only reduce the life of your battery. If the battery is working quite normally and your screen displays quite adequate charge values, then there is no particular need for calibration. The battery life is limited by the number of charges and discharges, so such frequent procedures will only wear it out in vain. In some cases, recalibration may be required no more than once every six months, and this will be quite sufficient. If the laptop battery rarely charges to the very end, then you can do this a little more often. But still, no more than once every two months; it’s not worth driving the battery again and wasting its resource.

There is no such need at all. If the battery is only slightly discharged, it can still be safely charged. It is only NiMH batteries that need to be completely discharged and charged, otherwise they reduce their capacity. But you don’t have to do this for LiIon batteries. Here, on the contrary, it is not the duration of the charges that is important, but their quantity. Whether full charging or partial charging, they have the same effect on the battery. The battery lives stably for from five hundred to a thousand charge-discharge cycles, then it begins to significantly lose its capacity.

In general, lithium batteries do not like complete, deep discharge. So try to avoid this. If you don’t even charge a completely discharged battery for at least a week, it will begin to age, lose its capacity and even completely fail. And then you will have to take everything for repairs.

In the figure below, you can see a graph that shows the change in battery capacity (in this case for mobile phones), depending on the number of cycles.

As we can see, after five hundred cycles, the battery already has only 80% of its original capacity. It happens that this value occurs much earlier. In general, the calculation is that the battery should serve the device consistently for the first year, and then whatever happens.

By the way, the ambient temperature plays an even bigger role here. The colder it is, the less current the battery produces, and self-discharge increases. In such cases, it is best to bring the battery temperature to room temperature. And in the cold, condensation can form and lead to failure of the charge controller.

Take a look at the graph below to see how temperature affects the current output of a battery.

Please note that when the temperature begins to exceed +20 degrees, the capacity also begins to decrease. From this graph you can determine that it is best to use the battery in the range from 0 to +30. Within these limits, the change in capacity is practically not felt. At the same time, if few people will work on a laptop in cold weather, then in hot weather this is a common thing, and when it also heats up under load... In general, think about additional cooling on hot days.

Is it worth removing the battery if the laptop is always running on mains power?

This also makes no sense. In addition, the battery will always serve as an uninterruptible power source and in the event of a power outage, you will not lose unsaved documents and can safely continue working. When a fully charged battery is in a laptop, it is not constantly charged, and there is no constant resource consumption.

The battery's capacity is still lost, even if it is not used. With active use - to a greater extent, with constant operation from the network - to a lesser extent. But in any case, the capacity goes away.

There will be no point in disconnecting the battery in this way only if you really don’t use it for a very long time. When you don't need protection from sudden power outages.

In other cases, it’s better not to even bother. Nothing lasts forever in this world, and one day the battery in your laptop will also stop holding a charge. And there is no way to fix this; here you can only install a new battery.

How to properly store a laptop battery?

If you still decide to keep your battery, then it should be stored at room temperature (even a lower temperature will do, just don’t try to put the battery in the freezer). In this case, the charge level should be within 35-40%. In this way, you can preserve your battery for as long as possible (as far as possible) with minimal loss of capacity. In any case, when it sits for a long time, its capacity will decrease. This phenomenon is called “self-discharge”. For a molded battery it can be approximately 5-10% per year.

As you can see, the battery will not last indefinitely. The main thing is that the battery is not fully charged or, on the contrary, discharged. The latter is especially dangerous. If over-discharge occurs, there is a high probability of losing the battery forever. Remember that we are only talking about lithium batteries here.

Maximum capacity at 65% - how bad is that?

There's really nothing terrible here. Although it all depends on the newness of this battery. For example, if the capacity drops below 80% during warranty, then this is a warranty case, and you can replace yours with a new one. Nowadays, the warranty period for batteries is almost always within one year. So don’t drag your feet if something is wrong and rush to replace the faulty part.

Moreover, services also have very tricky rules. If you do not have a warranty card for the battery, then the warranty starts from the date of manufacture. Who knows how long it was lying on the warehouse shelf? In general, there is no need to drag out time here.

Do programs work to increase laptop battery life?

There are no programs that can physically extend the life of batteries. As a rule, such utilities simply reduce the power consumption of the laptop by turning off everything that seems unnecessary to the program. For example, USB ports will be disabled, the screen backlight will become dimmer, the system design will become simpler, and much more in this spirit.

Yes, it’s true that the operating time on a single charge can extend. But you can achieve this yourself by turning off all unnecessary things yourself.

The developers of such software love to advertise it with loud words, about how this miracle program revives batteries, makes them work in a way that they didn’t even work when new, and much more. But there is nothing so true here that one could really install such a program. All these are fictions and enthusiastic fantasies of developers, whose goal is to attract new users. Here even a negative effect is possible, because it is unknown what else can be installed with this program.

This situation often began to occur when users began to switch en masse from Windows XP to Windows 7. This does not happen on new laptops, and in general this problem gradually disappeared and now practically does not occur.

Users blame Windows 7 for the reduced battery capacity. But the problem here lies not in the system, but in the battery itself. Most likely, such a low capacity already existed and the new system simply displayed real wear indicators.

There is another version - the system itself displays the level incorrectly and wastes resources. However, Microsoft denies such statements. And this problem has practically ceased to appear. Perhaps, if there was a bug, it was fixed, but just in case, still regularly receive the latest system updates so that there are no problems.

A little about the safety of lithium batteries

There is a huge amount of information floating around the Internet about the dangers of lithium batteries, whole stories are posted about how they ignited and even exploded. But you shouldn’t be afraid of batteries; all of the above happens extremely rarely and not without reason. Currently, batteries are manufactured using normal, modern technologies, which are designed to reduce this to a minimum, unless, of course, they are cheap Chinese products.

When working with batteries, follow simple safety rules. They should not be overheated and contacts should not be shorted; they are afraid of moisture. Don’t even think about taking anything apart, much less piercing it!

If you use the battery for its intended purpose, it is in the laptop all the time, no one picks it or does any experiments - then you can rest assured that there will be no problems here.

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The latest Battery Care allows you to view detailed information regarding your laptop battery and adjust its parameters (perform calibration for Acer, HP, Asus, etc. laptop models) to ensure maximum efficiency while maintaining minimal power consumption.

Any user can download Battery Care for free. This software works on almost all laptop models with the Windows operating system.

Laptop uptime can be increased if the battery is properly monitored (sometimes calibrated) and the preferred power plan is used correctly. The Battery Care app was created for this purpose, and its functions are aimed at monitoring and optimizing battery usage. If you want to take better care of your laptop battery, use this software with confidence. This useful tool helps you monitor your battery and set the right settings to help it last longer.

By tracking discharge cycles, the application allows you to calibrate the battery, thereby significantly protecting her. The Battery Care program installs an icon in the system tray. One click and you can instantly change the power plan you are currently using to a balanced, high-performance or energy-saving one. In the main window you can see several battery parameters (current capacity, remaining time, status) or other information (model, declared/total/current power, wear level and others).

Advanced settings can be calibrated in the Settings window, where you can set Aero to turn off when the laptop is running on battery, or even pause high power usage. In the Notifications section, you can configure Battery Care to recommend calibration when a set number of discharge cycles have passed, notify you when the battery is low, or when it is in critical condition (with a certain capacity remaining).

It should be noted that these notifications are not related to those issued by Windows. In addition, power plans can be configured to automatically select based on your current energy source. Other settings allow you to run the application in administrator mode or configure usage statistics.

In general, the laptop battery program represented by Battery Care acts as a full-fledged assistant for your hardware device. This application monitors the condition and health of the battery constantly, thereby extending its service life.

At one time, laptops gained immense popularity due to the ability to run on a battery, which made it possible not to be confined to one place and to do the necessary work almost everywhere. The first models could last only a short time without a charge, and the nickel-metal hydride batteries used had a lot of disadvantages. But manufacturers did not sit idly by, and over several decades, battery manufacturing technologies have undergone dramatic changes. Today, the vast majority of laptops use lithium-ion batteries. They can last quite a long time and lack many of the disadvantages of their predecessors.

However, they are not perfect and may also become unusable over time. A battery malfunction means that it discharges very quickly, or the laptop does not display the charge level correctly. In this case, manufacturers and equipment sellers recommend purchasing a new battery. But, since the cost of the original component is quite high, you can try to correct its operation yourself. Depending on the degree of damage, it is necessary to either replace the battery cells, or it will be enough to reset the laptop battery controller.

It is the latter possibility that we want to talk about in more detail in today’s material. You can find out in what cases you need to reset the controller, and we will also tell you about possible ways to do this yourself at home.

First, it's worth finding out what a battery controller is. This is a small microcircuit built into the battery itself that controls its operating condition, as well as the charging and discharging process. It interacts with the power controller on the motherboard of the laptop itself, and also transmits the necessary system information to the operating system. We hope the diagram is clear to you. We tried to describe everything in simple words, but if you want to know the technical details, search the Internet.

When this small chip stops working correctly, you may need to reset the controller. This procedure is also popularly known as battery calibration. By and large, there are only two situations when this may be required: incorrect charge display and replacement of battery cells.

An incorrect charge display means a situation where the laptop’s operating system, even after a long charge, shows that the charge level is less than 100%, or the charge drops sharply, and the laptop turns off not after a few hours, as it should, but much faster. Many people begin to think that the battery has become unusable, but this is not always the case. The problem very often lies in its controller, which simply does not display the charge correctly.

By replacing battery elements, we mean that some workshops and service centers may offer so-called battery repacking, that is, replacing internal units that have become unusable. After this, the controller must be reset so that all new elements are recognized and can be used correctly. Although, if after replacing the blocks something does not work correctly, you have every right to make a claim and demand that the defects be corrected.

Now let's look at how to reset a laptop's battery controller. Let's touch on the software and manual methods.

Controller soft reset

On some sites you may see a recommendation to use the Battery EEPROM Works program. This is truly a very powerful and advanced utility that can, in some cases, literally revive the battery. But there is one big BUT! To use it, you need to know a lot and be able to understand electrical circuits, as well as have the necessary adapters, which are not always easy to get on the open market. We will not recommend this program for use in home devices, as it is very easy to permanently damage the battery. What then is right for you?

Battery EEPROM Works window

Almost every manufacturer has built-in power management utilities. It can be downloaded from the support site, on the driver download page for your device, and in some cases the utility can be either pre-installed or recorded on the included driver disk. Select the reset or calibration option and follow the on-screen instructions exactly. Most often, the utility discharges the battery to zero, after which it charges up to 100%. The controller will remember the extreme charge level indicators and will work as it did immediately upon purchase.

Manual controller reset

If for some reason you cannot find or install the power management utility, you can reset or calibrate the battery manually. How?

  1. Disconnect the laptop from the electrical outlet, and then switch it to BIOS mode. You can read more in the article how to start BIOS mode.
  2. Leave the laptop and do not touch it until it is completely discharged. Take care that it does not overheat.
  3. Without turning on the laptop, put it on charge. Wait until it is fully charged; to do this, you can leave it overnight.

In 99% of cases, such simple steps will help bring the battery back to life. Well, if this doesn’t help, buy a new battery, or connect the laptop directly to the outlet, removing the battery.

  • If you only use your laptop at home, then to reduce wear on its battery, it would be better to remove it. But before that, charge it to about 80% and also check the charge level from time to time as it is prone to self-discharge. After removing, connect the laptop to the power supply and use it like a desktop computer. This option is suitable for those who have a laptop in only one place, since with this use you can lose data if you disconnect the laptop from the power source while working.
  • To increase the operating time of your device, set the appropriate parameters in the power plan settings. If necessary, use the power saving mode.


Friends, today we talked about how to reset a laptop charge controller. We learned that sometimes the problem lies not only in the computer hardware, but also in the software. Therefore, there is no need to rush to order a new battery right away. We hope everything worked out for you and there are no questions left. Don't forget to share your opinion in the comments.

How to properly calibrate the battery on a laptop: tips for device models.

Thanks to the ability to calibrate the laptop battery, you can correct operating errors of the controller, which manifest themselves in the display of incorrect readings. An uncalibrated charger negatively affects the battery life of the laptop. For a more accurate understanding of the problem and its solution, a clear example should be given.

The actual battery percentage is 80%, but the controller displays data in which this parameter is 50%. After the controller reduces the indicator to 10%, the computerized device enters sleep mode. Although the actual battery capacity has only reached 40%. It turns out that the user cannot fully use the resources of his device.

Today, there are several ways to calibrate laptops. Now we will look at each of them separately using examples from various laptop companies. To perform this type of calibration, you must fully charge and discharge the device's battery. The operation time can take from 1 to 5 hours. During the laptop calibration process, you are temporarily prohibited from using the device.

Step-by-step instructions on how to calibrate a laptop battery:

  1. Turn off computerized equipment.
  2. Connect the charger cord to the laptop and wait until the battery is fully charged. This is indicated by the green light of the indicator.
  3. Turn on the machine using the "Start" button.
  4. As soon as the hp logo appears on the screen, you must press the F8 key several times.
  5. In the additional boot options window that appears, use the arrows to select “Safe Mode” and press the Enter button.
  6. When the boot menu appears on the screen, select “Start in Safe Mode.”
  7. Now disconnect the cable from the laptop and let the battery drain until the device turns off.

This is how you can easily make the controller and battery work correctly. The course of the proposed actions clearly demonstrates how to calibrate the battery of a dexp and hp laptop.

How to calibrate an Acer laptop battery - quick calibration

If you have an Acer laptop on your desk, then you can very quickly perform a battery calibration, which is similar in type to HP calibration. A prerequisite for this operation is the presence of a sleep mode. Therefore, first you should do the following:

  • Control Panel;
  • Power supply;
  • Setting up power supply;
  • Change power settings;
  • At the very bottom there is a “battery” tab;
  • The effect of almost complete discharge of the battery;
  • In the battery sub-item, select the “Sleep” option.

We disconnect the device from the network and work until it goes into sleep mode, then charge it to 100% without turning on the laptop. We disconnect the cord again and start the system in safe mode. It is recommended to set the monitor brightness to minimum. We wait until the battery discharges and turns off. We connect the cord again, without turning on the laptop itself, and wait for the battery to be 100% charged.

After a cycle of such manipulations, you can start the computerized device in normal mode and continue working. Your battery is calibrated.

We will not separately consider the question of how to calibrate the battery of a Lenovo laptop, because the principle of action is exactly the same as in the above options.

How to calibrate an asus laptop battery via bios: quickly and efficiently

Calibration of laptops of this brand is often carried out using a special program, which is installed by default on the device’s motherboard. So, in order to start working with the application while turning on the computer, you need to press the F2 key. Next, launch the BIOS program and use the arrows to select Boot.

Now the Calibration sub-item, after which a warning message will appear on the monitor. It needs to be confirmed. The entire process is running and it will take from two to three hours to complete, it all depends on the degree of incorrect operation of the battery. We hope it has now become extremely clear how to calibrate the battery of an asus laptop through the BIOS.

This program can be installed on other computerized devices. If the application is not available by default, you can download it from the Internet. The question of how to calibrate the battery of a Samsung laptop disappears by itself. After all, here you can use not only the manual, but also the software method.

The time has come to summarize all of the above. Calibrating the charger of any laptop is a necessary measure that allows you to establish interaction between the corrector and the battery. Thanks to this feature, you can significantly increase the operating time of computerized equipment in offline mode. There are several effective ways to accomplish this option. Moreover, certain brands of laptops require the use of different methods.

A reliable BIOS program helps calibrate the laptop battery within three hours. While manual setup can take about 5 hours. Regardless of the method of performing the action, the laptop battery must be 100% charged. Otherwise, the desired positive result may not be achieved.

Calibration is not a complicated process that can be done by the most ordinary user. There is no need to learn new skills to complete the corrective process. It’s enough to read this article and it becomes clear that it couldn’t be simpler.
Here you will find all the answers to questions about how to calibrate the battery of a laptop from Asus, Samsung, Acer and other brands.

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Modern laptops are equipped with Li ion batteries of different capacities. Thanks to this, for each specific device the required battery volume is calculated to maintain long-term battery life. Autonomous operation is one of the reasons why users prefer laptops.

During the operation of the device, the battery loses its original capacity, charge/discharge cycles decrease, this is especially noticeable in demanding programs and games. If you follow all the requirements for proper operation of the device, then such a problem may not arise. To preserve the capacity and restore the functionality of the laptop battery, calibration will come to the rescue.

When is it necessary to calibrate a laptop battery?

Battery calibration is primarily necessary when problems are observed fast battery consumption in undemanding applications: browser, text editors, etc. In such situations, the charge may drop to 0 in a few minutes. It will also be useful when the system shows incorrect charge percentage or its level remains within one value, i.e. When connecting a charger, the percentage does not increase.

We also recommend that you perform calibration immediately after purchasing your laptop. This is necessary for the initial setup of the power controller, otherwise after a while failures may occur: The charge display is incorrect or the charging process starts after a while. Calibration will also help increase the battery life.

How to determine battery capacity

To determine the battery capacity we will use standard means Windows operating system. For this method you will need to use the command line:

powercfg.exe -energy -output c:\report.html

Manual calibration

You can perform calibration and boost the battery manually, without resorting to additional software. In this case, we will use standard operating system tools.

Before you begin, you need to configure your energy saving settings:

The manual calibration process is as follows:

  • First, put the laptop on charge and charge it to 100%;
  • Further discharge to 0% by disconnecting it from the power supply;

Important! When the laptop is discharged to 0%, you should not use it or run any programs, otherwise you will not be able to reset the controller.

  • After the charge level reaches the minimum value, put the computer on charge again and charge it to 100%. At the same time, it is not recommended to use a PC during the process; this will disrupt the battery reanimation process.

Important! Calibration cannot increase the battery capacity; it does not eliminate physical wear of the battery. Thanks to this operation, the controller begins to work correctly: failures are eliminated, the charge level is displayed correctly, charging proceeds without delay.

Calibration programs

Next, we’ll look at specialized utilities that will help you calibrate your laptop battery. It is best to use the software offered by the device manufacturer, because... they have a specification that allows you to work correctly with the battery.

For Lenovo laptops there is a special utility that allows you to find out the status, restore the battery and perform calibration. The utility is equipped with all Lenovo IdeaPad series laptops.

Battery operation process:

  • After launch, click on the “ gears» located at the bottom of the utility window;
  • then a reset warning will appear in a new window, click “ Start» to start calibration. You must first close all running programs and connect the computer to the power supply;
  • then click " Continue»;
  • The battery optimization process will begin. It is worth saying that it will take quite a long time. The battery will be charged first and then discharged. The process cannot be interrupted; it is not advisable to use a laptop.

Smart Battery Calibration in Phoenix BIOS

This utility is built into the Phoenix BIOS on HP laptops and devices from other companies. The Smart Battery Calibration utility allows you to check the battery status, run diagnostics and calibrate it.

  • First, turn off the computer;
  • then we start the laptop and on the start screen press the key combination to enter the BIOS. The most common combinations are “Delete”, “Esc” and “F2”. The required command to enter is usually displayed on the start screen;
  • when entering the BIOS, to navigate, use the arrow keys and the “Enter” key to open the desired section;
  • move the pointer using the arrow keys to the " tab Boot»;
  • Next in the list, look for the “Smart Battery Calibration” utility and click “ Enter»;
  • In the window that appears, click “ Yes” and wait for completion, which may take quite a long time.

Functional utility for HP laptops. With her help you can check the status all hardware and software elements of a computer. It also carries out a battery diagnostic process and calibrates it if malfunctions in the controller are detected.

  • launch the program from the desktop;
  • After starting the utility, in the main window, select the section “ My Computer»;
  • then we start testing the battery " BatteryTest»;
  • After this, a window with test results will be displayed. The results may be as follows:
    • « Passed» — battery replacement is not required.
    • « Perform calibration"—automatic battery optimization starts.

Important! Battery calibration using HP Support Assistant may take several hours and is recommended during periods when the computer will not be used for an extended period of time.

A small program that will allow you to effectively diagnose the battery on any laptop, including Asus, Acer or Samsung. With its help, it is possible to optimize charge consumption, obtain detailed information about the state of the battery, quickly switch between power management schemes, set charge/discharge cycles, and find out the battery life. After installation, the utility is located in the system tray. BatteryCare can successfully replace the Battery Doctor or Battery Calibration utility for a laptop on Windows 7/8/10.

Instructions for working with:

  • go to “Settings” and to the folder “ Notifications»;
  • in the block " Miscellaneous Event» check the “Recommend battery calibration after” checkbox and set the required charging cycle, in our case 25 cycles;
  • After the recommended cycle has been exhausted, the application will offer to perform automatic calibration.

This utility will allow you to track the battery charge level, assess battery wear, find out the voltage, restore the battery and conduct tests. It will also allow you to find out the equipment manufacturer. During operation, the utility automatically generates a schedule of battery operation and charge/discharge cycles, saving it in a special folder on the hard drive.

Important! The utility is paid, the trial version is available for 14 days. Calibration can only be performed if the program has been purchased.


  • launch the program and in the main window click on the battery icon;
  • then several blocks will appear in a new window “ Battery", which displays information about the current state of the battery and "Calibration";
  • in this section you need to activate the parameter “ PerformCalibration" and "Battery Calibration" to start the process. The operation will be performed automatically.

How to save your battery

  • for proper battery calibration it is best use special utilities, which are designed for specific device models;
  • if autonomous operation is not expected, then it is best remove the battery from the device and work from the network. In this case, the battery must be charged at least half to prevent it from entering a deep discharge state. But you shouldn’t constantly use the power supply; you need to use the battery at least once every 5 days;
  • to extend battery life, it is recommended to connect to the network when the charge level reaches 15-20%;
  • frequent calibration may cause harm The battery has simply used up extra charge/discharge cycles. It is important to know that cycles are limited and cannot be restored;
  • If the battery wear is more than 65%, then optimization is recommended to be carried out once a month. This will help extend the service life a little;
  • In order to save the laptop battery, you need to control the temperature value. The optimal temperature is from +5 to +45, values ​​higher may adversely affect the device.