Founder of the social network Facebook. Facebook History

The brilliant guy was born into a large family of a dentist and a psychiatrist. Growing up who was only interested in computers and programming, one might say, from the cradle.

He created his first network at the age of 11, of course, it was elementary programming, but still... Mark amazed everyone with his abilities and creative approach to creating innovative programs. He has many achievements under his belt since school age: board games, Winamp, etc.

All his first discoveries were made at the institute; he devoted himself greedily and passionately to his work. Surprisingly, in addition to programming, he managed to play sports, study foreign languages ​​and psychology - the creator of Facebook is truly a genius!

As a student, Mark allocated the highest priority subjects; he did not have enough time for everything else. I prepared for the exams in a couple of days. In general, I graduated from the university with average academic performance.

The creator of Facebook started a new life in 2003 when he came up with the world. The story began with the fact that he decided to take revenge on his ex-girlfriend. He created a website with a photo of her with the caption “stupid.” You could vote for the participant. Already in the first hours of operation, the site was visited by about twenty thousand people.

Another talented programmer, Divya Narendra, studied at the same university. He had been nurturing the idea of ​​a social network for a long time and even decided to open a website. The appearance of Mark Zuckerberg’s website immediately interested Nerendra, so they began to work together.

But the whole story of the union of these young businessmen did not end as optimistically as it began. The creator of Facebook received and his companions filed a lawsuit. Zuckerberg had to pay $65 million, and $7 billion is his capital. Rather, this did not bother the accused much, because if we compare his condition and development prospects, then this amount is like a “drop in the bucket.”

Despite the stunning success, enormous fortune and popularity of the Facebook network, its creator does not flaunt the most expensive cars and does not have a dissolute lifestyle. His daily transport is a bicycle. Likes to wear regular flip-flops, sleep on the floor and buy clothes in the mid-price segment.

They say “money spoils people,” but not in Mark’s case. The creator of Facebook is actively involved in charity work, and in the coming year he will donate $3.5 billion to it.

The young tycoon recently got married. The newlyweds dated for nine years, starting from their student days. In a word, it lasted for years. The ceremony took place secretly in the home of the creator of Facebook.

The same day became a grandiose event for the entire company - on the stock exchange the social network was valued at $124 billion, which is higher than even the large oil company Gazprom.

The creator of Facebook is now experiencing his happiest moments - success in his personal life and business. It looks like this is just the beginning for the twenty-eight-year-old talent. I think we should wish him good luck, because such a “simple and personal” billionaire evokes only sympathy among most people.

Probably, now few people do not know about the existence of the popular social network Facebook. But few people know about the history of creation and who created Facebook.

Facebook is one of the most powerful social networks in the world. In just a few years, it managed to transform from a service for communicating with a few friends into a huge Internet platform. Almost everyone is talking about Facebook now and many cannot imagine life without it, especially for the progressive younger generation.

Who invented Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg is the creator of Facebook. This is a young man who has an unconventional view of how people communicate with each other. Some believe that Zuckerberg is a selfless genius who managed to make all of humanity happy. Others are convinced that he is a thief who has no principles and only thinks about getting his hands on more money. Well, someone thinks that the guy is just lucky, who managed to create a service for himself, and in the end promoted it, reaching heights. As they say: “How many people, so many opinions.”

History of Facebook creation

Those who are interested in the history of Facebook need, first of all, to find out in what year it was created - in 2004 on February 4th. Then Mark Zuckerberg studied at Harvard University, lived in a dormitory and created the website It was created specifically for students studying at Harvard and was a . In a few hours, the site gained several hundred users who could register, create their own pages, post information on them, exchange it with other users, and leave comments. At that time, the young man gave people the opportunity to communicate, and today Facebook has become an important part of a third of the world's population.

We learned about the name of the creator of Facebook, but there are some facts about the history of the social network that will be interesting to know.

Interesting Facts

The creator of the Facebook network, Mark Zuckerberg, did not think about the name for a very long time. The fact is that at the school where the young man studied, high school students were given directories with addresses, phone numbers and photos of other students. The guys called this directory “The Facebook”. Only a year later, Zuckerberg decided to remove the article “the” as well, when the opportunity arose to buy the domain name, which cost 200 thousand. Those who are interested in why Zuckerberg chose blue as the main color of the website should know that the young man is deutanopic (he can’t distinguish between green and red colors well, blue – well). The young man not only created Facebook, but also became its first user. On September 26, 2006, Facebook became a public social network. From that moment on, each person can register and create their own page, indicating their email address when registering.

It would seem like an ordinary student prank - creating a website for students to communicate. But this is what led to the fact that an ordinary American guy became the youngest billionaire in history. In 2010, Zuckerberg was featured in the March issue of Forbes magazine, where he was recognized as the richest person in the world. Zuckerberg's capital was estimated at $4 billion, despite the fact that the young man was then a 25-year-old guy. Just six months after this, the publication’s experts estimated Mark’s fortune at $7 billion.

Today, the guy’s fortune has grown three times more than when Facebook was created - $13.3 billion. What’s most interesting is that the guy still continues to wear jeans and a T-shirt, sneakers or flip-flops. What the guy is trying to show by this remains a mystery. Either that he is just an ordinary student or that they mean nothing to him.

"All in your hands!"

It is under this motto that I would like to begin the story about the largest social network - Facebook. Like any well-known Internet project, Facebook has a more than interesting history of its founding and further development, which ultimately led the network to global popularity and a billion user pages!

Where did Facebook start?

The date of creation of the Internet project is considered to be February 4, 2004, and the original goal was much narrower than the current situation. We can say with confidence that Facebook was born in the student years of the constant project leader, Mark Zuckerberg (according to Forbes, the youngest billionaire in the world!). Mark takes his first steps in the dormitory at Harvard University, and there are disagreements between the leadership of the educational institution. And in the future, there will also be lawsuits from former partners in the previous project...

Until September 2005, Facebook existed only as a student service, which for almost a year and a half united all major universities in the United States and Canada. The turning point was June 2006, when the project became open to professional communities. And by September of the same year, free registration becomes available...

The social network Facebook was and is a large platform for developers from all over the world. Having opened to third-party developers in May 2007, it has about 400 thousand programmers! Currently, several dozen applications have been created for Facebook for various devices, including functionality that is actively integrated with other software solutions and finds the most unexpected solutions! So, on April 12, 2013, its own mobile platform on Android called Facebook-Home was presented.

Social network growth in all directions

Throughout its existence, the Facebook network has had positive trends in the growth of traffic and registration of new users. Thus, about 140 registered user pages are recorded daily. The first achievement, which also becomes a record, was achieved in 2008, when the service had 90 million users. After this, ACEBOOK IS CONSIDERED THE LARGEST SOCIAL NETWORK IN THE WORLD!

2008 is becoming the busiest year for web services. At the beginning of the year, a large-scale translation of the interface into 20 languages ​​began, and by June 20, 2008, the Russian version of Facebook appeared.

The development also affected the internal staff of the project, which today numbers more than two hundred employees. The social network has a large office in Silicon Valley AND its OWN MODERN DATA CENTER.

Thanks to positive growth trends, the project has constant investments from large corporations, and also cooperates with many companies, thereby receiving income from sponsorship and partnership programs. The largest partners of the service are Apple, which implements applications for its platform, and Microsoft, which is actively advertised on the pages of the web project.

If you have only 0.1% of Facebook shares, then after the company's initial public offering on the stock exchange, your fortune could potentially be valued at $100 million. Therefore, many people are interested in the Facebook IPO from this point of view - how many new billionaires and multimillionaires will appear.

The biggest winner will be founder Mark Zuckerberg, who owns 28.2% of Facebook. Is it a lot or a little? Bill Gates controlled 49.2% of Microsoft shares when it went public in 1986, and Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin had about 15% of the search engine when their company went public in 2004.

Facebook in numbers

When Google went public, hundreds of people became millionaires, including secretaries. With Facebook, this will take on an even larger scale - about 250 employees in the early years of the company received decent options, this club of employees has a very decent share of the Internet giant in total.

Facebook's top management owns less than 1% of the shares. Shareholders include Microsoft, Elevation Partners, La-Ka Shing, Founders Fund, Goldman Sachs and Meritech. In addition, a small number of shares (1.2 million shares) are owned by twins Tyler and Cameron Winklevos, who received them as part of a legal settlement with Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, who also received 5% as part of the settlement of the litigation, and Sean Parker.


Mark Zuckerberg

Share: 28.2%

Founder of Facebook. According to documents filed for the IPO, in addition to his shares, he has a power of attorney to vote for a number of other shareholders, with a total vote of 57% of the shares.

Accel Partners
and James Breuer

Share: 11.4%

The foundation became a stakeholder in Facebook in 2005, and James Breuer is a director of the foundation. The profit from Accel Partners' early investment in Facebook will be a thousandfold.

Dustin Moskowitz

Share: 7.6%

He lived in the same room with Zuckerberg and became one of his first partners. Currently not employed by the company.


Share: 5.4%

Yuri Milner bought shares of the company from 2009 to 2011, increasing its capitalization from $10 billion to $50 billion with his transactions.

Peter Thiel

Share: 2.5%

Well-known venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. He became the first investor in Facebook, investing $500 thousand. Subsequently, he partially sold his stake.

Since Facebook's value is estimated at up to $100 billion, owners of even a very small number of shares automatically become very wealthy people. For example, graffiti artist David Cho painted walls in the Facebook office in Palo Alto in 2005, and as payment for his work, then-president of the company Sean Parker offered him the choice of “thousands” of dollars or shares of the same amount. Although the artist considered the idea of ​​Facebook pointless, he chose shares. Now they are pulling for more than $200 million.

For some, Facebook shares will be nice compensation. Thus, the famous musician Bono from U2, through his venture capital firm Elevation Partners, paid $120 million in 2010 for shares of an Internet company. Since then, they have grown significantly, which cannot be said about his investment in Palm.

Today, most Internet users have an account on some social network. The most popular social networks in the post-Soviet space are Vk (Vkontakte) and Odnoklassniki. These are powerful networks that have millions of users, not only in the CIS countries.

But today we will talk about the social network - Facebook (Facebook, FB). Of course, you may be thinking: - “ Who doesn’t know about this social network?” But believe me, quite a lot of people not only don’t use, but also frankly don’t know about Facebook. Even many of my friends who are over 30, naturally know, have accounts in popular networks, instagram, even on Facebook itself, but they don’t use it. But they don’t do this for a number of simple reasons:

  • very complex interface;
  • the idea that this is a foreign network and there is nothing to do there;
  • all the most interesting and convenient things in Vk;
  • For older people, the most interesting thing about Ok.

In fact, these are not all the reasons, but it seems to me that they are the main ones.

Facebook is a social network, website and service where users can leave messages and comments, share photos and links to news or other interesting content from the Internet, play games and even go live, filming the most interesting things that happen in your life. Shared content may be available (open) to the public, or may be shared only among a select group of friends or family, or with one person at all.

The history of the creation and growth of Facebook.

The social network Facebook was founded in February 2004, based on a local social network at Harvard University. She was created Mark Zuckerberg together with Edward Saverin who were students there. One of the reasons that has helped the network grow in popularity is its uniqueness and exclusivity. Originally, to join Facebook you had to be a Harvard student and have an email address. Soon, social the network spread beyond Harvard to other universities in Boston, and then conquered all universities Ivy League. The full version for all universities was released in September 2005. In October, the network expanded to include UK universities, and in December Facebook became available to students in Australia and New Zealand.

In 2007 Facebook launched the “Facebook Platform,” which allowed developers to create applications on the network. These apps allowed friends to interact with each other even more by giving gifts and playing games.

In 2008"Facebook Connect" was launched - " Login via Facebook", which allowed users to log into any site using their account. This innovation competed with OpenSocial And Google+ as a universal authentication service.

The success of the network may be due to the fact that it allows not only ordinary people, but also businesses to interact with each other.

In August 2011 the company presented its messenger - Facebook Messenger. It is an instant messaging service and software application that provides text and voice communication. Integrated with Facebook web chat. Installed as a separate application on smartphones or for Windows.

Main characteristics of Facebook.