The best text editor for programmers. Inspect six text editors with code highlighting

So do those who have been involved in web development for a long time. After all, something new always appears, customer requirements change, your own skills improve, you want to automate routine processes for large projects and get as many opportunities “out of the box” as possible. In this article, we have collected the best text editors for web developers at the moment.

Sublime Text (Windows, Linux, Mac)

It is a text editor for web developers, written in C++ and Python. It looks the same on all supported platforms thanks to the use of its own UI framework. The developers provide a free version for evaluation, but for long-term use you will need to purchase a license. The bonus is that the license is provided per user, and not per device. Discounts are also available for purchasing multiple licenses for a company.

Main advantages Sublime Text:

  1. Ease of use - Once you open Sublime Text, you can start working in it almost immediately.
  2. Fast and flexible search using fuzzy matches.
  3. Possibility of multiple selection for entering the same text in several lines at once. To set the cursor position, press Ctrl + left key mouse or Ctrl + triple left-click to select an entire paragraph.
  4. The presence of a visual mini-map of the code - it is useful when working with large files, as it allows you to quickly find the necessary fragments:
  5. The ability to use snippets to speed up work and a large number of plugins for the most different tasks. The main one can be considered Package Control, with which you can search and install the necessary plugins directly from the editor.

Here are some examples of plugins:

Emmet is an excellent plugin that allows you to use shortcuts to enter certain tags, for example:

Ul#nav>li.item$*3>a(Item $)

Emmet converts the shortcut above into a list with three elements: