Living classics international competition registration. Extension of registration of participants in the “Living Classics” competition

Registration in an international competition young readers « Living classics» 30.01.2018 19:58

Due to numerous applications and requests, we have prepared for you the most detailed instructions about registration to participate in competition! Therefore, read, put it into practice, and we are sure that you will succeed! You can ask your national supervisor for further questions.

Go to the competition website and on home page Click on the “Participate!” button.

In the registration window, provide all the required information:
- what competition do you want to take part in (all children from Russia need to register in the all-Russian competition)
- in what role do you want to register (participant or curator of one of the stages)
- your address Email. It is important that this email address has not been previously used by anyone to register on our website (if you registered in previous years, you do not need to do this again).
- check the box “I agree to the processing of personal data”
- click “Register!”

Your login and password have been sent to the email specified during registration; copy and paste them into the window that opens on the site. If a new window does not open on its own, then in the left menu of the main page of the site you need to select “Personal Account” and perform the same steps.

Hooray! You are on your personal account page! In it you need to click the “profile” button and fill it out completely. Please note that some data must be checked before saving, otherwise this information will always be lost. Be sure to confirm your phone number, otherwise your profile will not be completely filled out. Don't forget to click the "save" button.

If there are no empty windows left in your profile, then you can move on. Now in your personal account a button “I want to take part in the competition”/“I want to become the curator of the competition” appeared. Don't hesitate to click on it.

Now you have access to the page in your personal account school stage the educational institution that you indicated in your profile. Here you can find out the details of the competition curator/participants and the date of the school stage!

PROFIT! You are great and now you are definitely a participant/curator of the competition. If you have any difficulties at any stage, be sure to contact the competition email for help. [email protected] Here they will help you solve everything technical issues registration.

We hope that these instructions will help you cope with everything! Therefore, go to our website and register to participate in the “Living Classics” competition for young readers, we are looking forward to seeing you! - official website of the international competition for young readers “Living Classics”. Here you can meet other participants and their work. Get answers to all questions about the organization and conditions of competitions. View webinars held as part of the project, photos and videos taken at previous competitions. Acquainted with the most interesting reviews books and biographies of writers in the “Knowledge Base” section.

In 2013, the “Living Classics” project was awarded the First National Prize “Civil Initiative” in the “Spiritual Heritage” category. And in 2014, he received the title “Best Project to Promote Books and Reading” at the open skill competition “Inspector”.


To register for the project, follow these instructions:

3. In shape on new page enter last name, first name, patronymic. Please enter a valid mailbox.

4. Create a password of at least 10 characters (use a mixture of Latin letters and numbers).

5. Check the “I agree to receive...” checkbox if you want to connect the site’s newsletter to email.

6. Click “Register”.

Profile design

1. Once registration is complete, click on the “Edit Profile” option in your account.

2. On the right side of your personal profile, click “Upload” to upload your photo to your profile from your computer.

3. In “I am…” indicate your status (student, teacher, parents).

4. Provide your address: set the required values ​​in the drop-down fields “Country”, “Region”, “City”.

5. “School”: click the name of your educational institution in the list (it will display all the schools in your region).

Attention! If your school is not on the list, open the additional field next to it and enter its name.

6. Tell us your age, favorite genre and the author whose work you are most interested in.

7. In the field " Short description... "concisely and meaningfully describe your creative activity, personal achievements in the field of art.

9. To upload a video of your performance to your profile, in the “My Video” section, click “Add new...”.

10. Your own poems, prose, articles and other text information can be placed in the “My stories...” field. After entering the data, click “Publish”.

Wishing you brilliant victories at the “Living Classics” competition!

Due to a huge amount Those wishing to take part in the competition this year and due to the huge number of questions regarding the operation of the site, the organizers of the competition are extending registration until February 15, 2016!

Now you can see which schools in your area have registered and which are lagging behind! To do this, you need to click on 2016 on the main page ( and select the region you need, divided into districts and schools. All registered schools will be reflected in the list. Schools not on the list need to be reminded to register URGENTLY.

We remind you: EVERYONE must register - both students and those responsible for the competition.

If the educational institution is not on the website:

1. You need to register.

Within 3 days from the moment the letter is sent, the technical specialist will add your school to the list, and you will be able to indicate your educational institution in your profile (Section “Edit Profile”).

All-Russian competition young readers “Living Classics” is a unique event in its scale to promote reading among children. As part of the competition, teenagers aged 10-13 years recite excerpts from their favorite prose works. The competition was established in 2011. 20,000 sixth-graders from 7 Russian cities (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tver, Tomsk, Kirov, Gavrilov-Yam) took part in the pilot project. The jury of the competition included famous Russian writers M. Weller, A. Korolev, V. Popov and others. In 2012, the First All-Russian competition for young readers “Living Classics” received the patronage of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, Minis...

The All-Russian competition for young readers “Living Classics” is a unique event in its scale to promote reading among children. As part of the competition, teenagers aged 10-13 years recite excerpts from their favorite prose works. The competition was established in 2011. 20,000 sixth-graders from 7 Russian cities (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tver, Tomsk, Kirov, Gavrilov-Yam) took part in the pilot project. The jury of the competition included famous Russian writers M. Weller, A. Korolev, V. Popov and others. In 2012, the First All-Russian competition for young readers “Living Classics” received the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for printing and mass communications and was supported by the heads of all regions of the Russian Federation. From February 1 to June 1, 2012, sixth-graders across the country read aloud their favorite prose literary texts, trying to reveal their meaning and figurative structure as fully as possible. In 2013, the reading competition became international. IN total In 2013, about 2.5 million teenagers from 83 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the competition, as well as Russian-speaking children from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Poland and Turkey.