How to set a Wi-Fi modem password. Reliable authentication algorithm. Changing the name of your wireless network

Each of us probably knows that if there is a house Wi-Fi hotspot, there must be a password on it in order to protect your network from third party connections or even break-ins. But since most users do not know how to set a password for Wi-Fi, many points remain simply free and publicly accessible, which is a tasty morsel for lovers of free Internet.

Why set a password for Wi-FI and what can be the impact of not having one? First of all, by setting a password for Wi-Fi, you will protect your network from hacking. But, since in most cases users do not store anything important on their computer except photos, it is unlikely that such a local network will have any value for a hacker. True, you still don’t need to leave your network unprotected.

Why? Give at least in order to block access to our Internet to various hunters free WI-FI signals that strive to catch and connect to it. Yes, your Internet traffic may be unlimited, but this does not mean that you have to pay and everyone else can use it.

What will such connections affect? The first thing you will notice when large quantities connections to your wireless network, this is a deterioration in the quality of the Internet. Then, when downloading or watching movies online, the speed may be very low. Well, in the end, no stable work connections ( Internet keeps disconnecting and connecting).

Therefore, in order to save yourself from unexpected problems, I recommend that you be sure to set the password in . But, if you forgot to do this, or the wizard did not set it for you, then read on and you will learn how to set a password for WI-FI, spending a minimum of time on it and without messing up the rest of the router settings.

Setting a Network Password on D-Link

In order to set a password for Wi-Fi, you need, as always, to log into the router using the standard IP address that is indicated on a piece of paper stuck on the device.

So, by writing in the IP address line ( By default in D-Link it is, and in TP-Link, Zyxel, Asus: .1.1), press “Enter" and try to enter the router settings using standard user"admin". Well, the password is either similar account, or just empty line. If you changed your password to your own and forgot it, then this article will help you correct this misunderstanding.

In the left menu click on “ WiFi", since we will set a password specifically for the Wi-Fi network. Then, in the tabs that open, find the third item “” and click on it. After which, we will be taken to the wireless network security settings window.

Now everything is in order. In the security certificate field, select “WPA2-PSK”, since this certificate is the most reliable and more advanced in terms of security. If you don’t have WPA2, then look for “WPA/WPA2 mixed”, this certificate is also considered good. And only in case complete absence WPA2 certificate, I recommend installing “WPA-PSK”.

  • The password must be at least eight characters long;
  • It is recommended to use capital and small letters;
  • Use numbers in your password;
  • Come up with a word that will remember you;

What not to use when changing the password for a Wi-Fi network:

  • Do not under any circumstances use your date of birth, room number, or telephone number in your password;
  • Do not use the most popular and simple passwords (Qwerty, qwerty123,12345678,1q2w3e4r5t, etc..);
  • Do not create a password with the names of yourself or family members, or with the names of pets;
  • Do not set your Wi-Fi password using the same or repeated characters ( 1111111, 118822773366, aaaaaa, etc..);

In the encryption settings, mark “TKIP” and click the “Change” button.

In order to set a password for Wi-Fi, we have last step- this is to save and restart the router. To do this, look to the right top corner and point the bear at “System” where a drop-down menu will appear in which we select “Save and reload”.

By clicking “OK” in the notification window that appears, we wait for the device to reboot.

Please note that after you have set a password for Wi-Fi, you will need to reconnect to it with all devices ( phones and laptops) first, introducing a new one already New Password. I also recommend reading the article “ , if such a problem suddenly appears after you set a new password for Wi-Fi.

In the article offered to you we will talk about very important component any computer networks– safety. All networks (except the simplest ones, consisting of two computers) are controlled by routers, which are complex network hardware, which can be configured, programmed, set access restrictions, as on certain computers local network, and to certain sites.

And, of course, although these features were designed for good, an attacker can configure the router for selfish purposes. And to prevent this, we will learn how to set a password on the router, which will simply block access to the settings for uninvited guests.

In the second part of the article we will talk about another network security, namely setting a password for connecting to a wireless Wi-Fi networks. This password will not allow you to connect to our wireless router and use someone else’s Internet for free.

Entering the router settings menu

To set a password to enter the settings menu, you must first log in and change the password in the settings. If the router is new, then all necessary information to enter is located either under the bottom of the router or in the quick setup instructions.

Label under the bottom of the router

We need the following data:

  1. Router address. This network address, looks like an IP address, or in the form of a domain name. They are absolutely equivalent, you can enter any;
  2. Username (Username, Login);
  3. User password (Password).

The router address is necessary because the configuration is done through the web interface built into the router. That is, the device is connected to desktop computer wired or wireless Wi-Fi connection, any web browser is launched, and in it address bar write the router address. Similar actions we produce when you go to the website.

Authorization when entering the settings menu

So, we connected to the computer, entered the router address, and pressed the “Enter” key. The router will immediately begin to require authorization.

The manufacturer installs for all routers same name user and password. Traditionally, the name is admin, the password is either admin or 1234. Enter them in the appropriate fields and enter the settings.

If an error is displayed and the login/password is not accepted, then it is likely that they have already been changed earlier. You need to reset your device to factory defaults by pressing and holding the reset button for at least 10 seconds.

Router reset button

Usually the button is called “Reset”.

Attention! When resetting, not only the username/password will be canceled, but all other settings! The router will turn into a new device, fresh off the manufacturer's assembly line.

Go to the settings again, enter the factory name/password again, and find yourself in the router settings.

Router settings menu

Although the menu for each manufacturer is slightly different in appearance, the structure is the same for all - select the settings item, and then configure this section.

We are interested in the password to enter the settings menu; this section is usually located in “Administration”, “ System settings" and so on. Let's look at the example of a TP-Link router.

Setting a new password to enter settings

The first two lines are used to enter the current username/password. Enter “admin” and “admin” there (or what you entered when logging in). Next, in the third line “New User Name” we enter a new user name, in the fourth line “New Password” - a new password, and in the fifth line a new password again, thereby confirming it. Next, click “Save” so that the changes are saved and applied. The router will immediately reboot and prompt you to enter the settings with a new username/password.

That’s it, an attacker will no longer be able to enter the settings using the factory password, which he knows, the router is safe.

Some manufacturers only provide for changing the password, the user name is unchanged, and always “admin”. But you can change your password anytime, anywhere.

Wireless Security

Next, let's look at protection from amateurs free internet. As you know, Wi-Fi is transmitted over the air, and anyone can connect to it, even from the street (if the signal strength is sufficient). We will also set a password for these freeloaders.

Settings Wi-Fi password is also done in the settings menu, so first of all we return to the settings.

Let's take as an example again TP-Link router. Having entered the settings, look for the “Wireless” menu item.

Setting up a Wi-Fi password

In the drop-down list, select the “Wireless Setting” submenu. The first part of the window is intended for the main Wi-Fi settings– network name, region, channel and mode. But we are interested in security - it is in the lower half of the screen.

So, check the box next to “Enable Wireless Security” wireless security). Next, in the “Security Type” list, select the encryption standard. The most difficult to crack is WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. Select it from the list.

Next, in the “PSK Password” field, we come up with and enter the same password. There are certain requirements for it - it should not be shorter than eight characters, and consist only of letters of the English alphabet and numbers. For greater reliability, it is better to mix everything, taking into account the case of letters (w and W are different).

Click “Save”.

Connect to a wireless network

That's it, now when you try to connect to our network, the computer will require you to enter a password.

Connecting to a Wi-Fi network

If the user does not know the password, access to the Internet is blocked for free.

You can clearly learn how to set a password on a router using the video lesson:

Many people, having installed a router at home on their own, ask the question “how to set or change the password?” or “where to change the wifi password.” This can happen by various reasons. The technician who installed the router forgot to set the password for the WiFi or simply didn’t tell you it. Some simply didn’t even set up the router. And now evil neighbors are using your Wi-Fi for free and ruining your Internet connection speed. To prevent this from happening, I will further tell you how to set the Wifi password. You can set a password for wifi in several steps. First you need to go to the working interface of the router(), then to the menu , you need to find the “Wireless network” setting item in English, it’s called (Wireless or WLAN), then look for the fields labeled “Network name” (SSID) and the “Wireless network key” (PSK) fields, and then save all the settings. These 4 steps are suitable for all models wifi routers. I will try to tell you in more detail about changing the password on WiFi, on all popular routers and 3/4 g modems from providers. Also, if you are interested in how to set a password on a computer, I recommend an excellent article.

How to change the password for wifi “d-link dir-300”

Setting a password for Wi-Fi, on routers ( d- link dir-300, d-link dir-320, d-link dir-615, d-link dir-620, d link dsl 2640u ) is the same. First, let's log into the router, to do this you need to open any of the browsers

In the address bar enter 192.168.0 .1 and press Enter. An authorization window will open in front of you. Enter the username and password that the wizard left for you after setup. If he didn’t leave anything, then most likely the settings are standard, enter admin and admin.

The router security settings window has opened in front of you, here we will change the WiFi password. Opposite the “authentication” inscription, select “WP2A-PSK” - this is the most safe method encryption of your router. In the "Key" field PSK encryption» Enter a new password of at least 8 characters. That’s it, click the “Change” button.

Now you need to reconnect to the router. And that’s it, the answer to the question of how to password protect the Wi-Fi router d link dir 615 and other models has been solved.

How to change the password for wifi “asus rt-g32”

Password-protecting routers from Asus is also easy. This description is suitable for asus rt-g32, asus rt-n10, asus dsl-n10. Let's go to the router, open the browser, enter If you haven't changed your login and password, the default is Admin / Admin .

Then go to the “Wireless Network” menu item. This is where we will set the password.

Fill in the “Authentication Method” fields, set WPA2-Personal, and in “ WPA encryption“Select “AES” from the list. Then put your password (at least 8 characters) in the preliminary field WPA key.

For new firmware versions of routers from Asus companies 3.x.x.x. The entry rules are the same. And the Wi-Fi setup is similar. After you enter the settings panel, from the left to side menu select “Wireless network” then fill in the fields SSID - network name, you can specify any word in Latin. “Authentication method” – be sure to set WPA2-Personal, “WPA Pre-Shared Key” – the password of your network, specify any at least 8 characters. Click the “accept” button.

You now have a new Wifi password.

How to change the password on wifi tp-link

So, in this point we will find out where to change the wifi password on routers ( tp link tl wr841nd, tp-link tl-wr741nd, tp-link tl-wr740n, tp-link tl-wr340gd). Open the browser, enter into the authorization fields, enter the data that you entered during setup (the default is Login: Adnim and Password: Admin).

If you have entered the correct data, the main settings window will open in front of you. Select the “Wireless” section from the list on the right, and then the “Wireless Security” subsection.

After entering the settings, click on “Save”.

When you see the red inscription below, do not be alarmed, the router simply asks you to reboot. To do this, follow the link “click here”.

and then click on the Reboot button

We wait for some time and the answer to the question “how to password protect a tp link router” has been received.

How to change the password on a zyxel wifi router

Quite a popular router in our open spaces, and as many may have already noticed the quality this router is not inferior, and in some cases even surpasses other popular sections. And so on this moment There are two versions of firmware from this zyxel companies. And I'll explain how to change the password on two, so this manual Suitable for all routers such as: zyxel keenetic, zyxel keenetic ii (2), zyxel keenetic lite 2, zyxel keenetic start and many others.

So the process of logging into the router interface is the same for all firmwares. In the address bar of any browser (this is Opera, Google Chrome, Yandex, etc.) we type, Login is usually admin by default, and password is 1234. BUT given information written on the authorization window. After entering the data, click the “Login” button.

Now, if you need to set or change the name of your Wi-Fi network, go to the “Wi-Fi Network” section and select “Connection”. Here, in the “Network name (SSID)” field, set the name of your wireless network. It can be anything you like. Save the setting by clicking on the “Accept” button.

The next action will be why you came here - setting a password, in the “Wi-Fi Network” section we select the “Security” item. In the "Authentication" field, the option is "WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK". The network key format must be “ASCII”. In field " Network key(ASCII)” – we come up with and enter a password, it must consist of 8 characters. After that, save the settings by clicking on the “Accept” button.

The second version of the firmware is, in my opinion, a little more complicated. But the manufacturers left the login process the same. To go to the wireless network settings, select the Wi-Fi icon in the bottom panel.

Now in the access point section, fill in the fields: “Network name (SSID)” enter the network name. This is the network name that will be displayed when connecting to Wi-Fi. In the “Network Security” field, select WPA2-PSK from the list.. In the “Network Key” field, enter any password. Which must consist of eight characters and numbers. Then save the settings by clicking on the “Apply” button.


How to change the password on wifi byfly

Changing the Wi-Fi password on byfly means changing the password on routers often used with the Internet from byfly companies. These are models such as zte, huawei, Promsvyaz. Below we will analyze each of these routers separately.

Set a password for wifi routers Zte

This method of changing the Wi-Fi password is suitable for the entire line of Zte routers: zte mf90, zte mf30, zte e5501, zte e5502, zte zxhn h208n, zxv10 h201l. And many more, so read carefully. To begin, you must make sure that you are connected to the zte router. Then open any browser, and write in the address bar, the login and password authorization window will open, the default is admin and admin. We bring them in and click Login.

Then if you want to change your network name. Go to the WLAN section and select the Multi-SSID Settings item, and in the SSID Name field write any name with Latin letters. Then save the settings by clicking on the Submit button.

Now let's move on to the most important thing, let's set a password for our Wi-Fi zte router. To do this, in the same WLAN section, go to the Security menu item. Here we need to select the encryption type in the Authentication Typr field. I advise everyone to choose WPA2-Personal, it is the most secure. In the WPA Passphrase field, set the password for our Wi-Fi network. Save the settings and click Submit.


Set a password for wifi routers Huawei

Let's proceed to changing the password, just like on other routers, we will enter the router interface. To do this, open any browser and write the address of our router in the address bar; by default it is A window will open asking you to enter your login and password. Reading the login and password can be different (login/password): telecomadmin \ admintelecom | telecomadmin\NWTF5x%RaK8mVbD | telecomadmin\NWTF5x% | telecomadmin\nE7jA%5m | root\admin. But most often they use the combination telecomadmin\admintelecom. Let's go in.

After logging in, go to the WLAN tab.

Here we need to fill in the fields with the correct images. In the SSID Name field, enter the network name, come up with it yourself. Then in the Authentication Mode field we select WPA2Pre-SharedKey, now in the WPAPreShareKey field we set our password, it can be anything but not less than 8 characters. Then click the Apply button.

Attention: This is the most important part; after any changes to the settings of Huawei routers, you need to save the router settings on another page. To do this, go to the System Tools tab, select Configuration File in the menu on the left, and click on Save button Configuration.


Set a password for wifi routers Promsvyaz

I would like to immediately note that the byfly company installs industrial communications firmware on various models routers and this firmware has a white-green interface personal account router. It is absolutely identical to the modem interface zte only the inscription in the left corner “Promsvyaz”. So we will look at the white-yellow interface of the Promsvyaz m200a modem.

Let's get started, as always, open the browser on your computer and write in the address bar. The default Login and Password are admin\admin. And click the “Login” button.

Now in the Interface Setup section, select Wireless. Here, in the Authentication Type field, select WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. Then in the Pre-Shared Key field we enter the password we created, which must be at least 8 characters.


How to change the password for wifi Rostelecom

Yes, Rostelecom is one of the most popular companies in the Russian Federation. Internet users from this company use a great variety of routers. But the most popular of them is sagemcom which is a router from Rostelecom companies. So let’s consider changing or setting a password on this particular model, if you have a different one and you didn’t find it in this article, write in the comments, I’ll definitely tell you about it.

How to change the password on wifi sagemcom

Let's get started, open any browser, and in the address bar write, Username - admin, Password - admin. And click on the “Login” button.

Then everything is simple in the window that opens, in the left menu in the item “ WLAN setup", in order to set the name of the Wi-Fi network, select the "Main" item. Here in the “SSID” field we set the name. Then emote to the “Accept/Save” button.

Now to set a password for WiFi, in the “WLAN Settings” section, select “Security”. Now let’s check that the “Select SSID” field contains the name that we specified. In the “Authentication” field, select “Mixed WPA2/WPA-PSK”, then in the “WPA/WPAI password” field, enter any password you came up with (it must be at least 8 characters). Then save the settings by clicking on the “Accept/Save” button.


How to change the password on wifi altel 4g

And when we connect to our modem, in the browser, in the address bar we type or https://m.home, the modem will ask you to enter a password, if you have not changed it, then it is password. Enter the password and click “Login”.

We look at the menu at the top and go to the Settings section, in the left menu you need to select “Wi-Fi Settings”, after which in the “Wi-Fi network name (SSID)” field you can set the network name to your taste. And save the settings by clicking on the “Apply” button.

Now in the same section, select the “Security Settings” item. We select the same security mode as in the picture, in the “Password” field we write what we consider necessary, the main thing is that it be at least 8 characters.

Set a password for Wi-Fi recommended for every user wireless internet, because many people prefer not to spend money on network equipment and the neighbor’s unprotected one is enough for them wi-fi connections. In this case, your Internet speed will drop significantly. Well, this is certainly not the only reason why you need to install strong password on Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi) net.

By unsecured network can get into the settings of your router, set a password, and then you will have to reset the settings and re-establish the Internet connection. Well, if you don’t know how to do this, you’ll have to call computer technician, who needs to be paid for the work, so you will remain in the red. And of course without password protection, your data is vulnerable to experienced scammers, this also needs to be kept in mind.

Set a password for Wi-Fi.

The Wi-Fi password will be set on the router TP-link model tl-wr740n. Basically on all devices wireless equipment, the setup process is similar, with minor changes, so this example you can try to configure other models network devices. In case you have forgotten your password and cannot remember it, check out the article.

First you need to get into the settings of our router. There are special IP addresses for this. or that work on any wi-fi equipment and provide access to settings. They can also be viewed at back side router. Now open any browser, enter the IP address in the address bar, in my case it is and press enter. Now you need to specify a login and password to access the settings, by default this is admin, they can also be seen on the back of the router.

In the window that opens, go through the tabs wireless mode -> protection wireless mode . Place a marker opposite the item WPA/WPA2 -personal This is the recommended mode. In the tab version set the protection mode wpa2-psk, in the encryption section, select the type AES usage TKIP It is recommended to select in case of problems with aes and in line wireless network password assign a password.

Scroll down the page and press the button save. The router will now reboot with the changes applied.

After a minute, you can connect to the Wi-Fi connection again. By clicking on the antenna icon in the lower right corner of the monitor and selecting your network, click connect.

You will be asked to enter your network security key, so enter our password accordingly.

And as we can see, our connection is now connected and secure.

Let's see how many users use our Wi-Fi connection.

You can also see the number of connected devices in the router settings; to do this, go to the tab safe mode-> wireless mode statistics. The window on the right shows the number of devices connected to our Wi-Fi. You can block access for any user by clicking the button prohibit. Identification of connected devices occurs thanks to the MAC address, this unique identificator which is assigned to each device on the network.

And one more way, by going to the tab DHCP -> List of DHCP clients, we can see the connected devices, where the names of these devices are also present. This is how we understand what equipment is connected to our network, a telephone or a computer.

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Content from the Internet to end devices, be it a computer, laptop or smartphone. It distributes the signal over approximately 20-60 meters, so your closest neighbor can use it. At the same time, your traffic will decrease several times, depending on how many devices will be “powered” by your router.

It's good if the password was set during the router setup. If not, you can enter it at any time. Let's take a closer look at how you can set or change your wifi password.

Secure Password Requirements

It should be sophisticated enough to protect your connection from being hacked. Can be consumed english letters and numbers, auxiliary symbols (dashes, underscores). It is recommended to write at least 12-15 characters. All characters are entered without spaces. You can replace spaces with underscores (_). The same requirements apply to...

Some interfaces allow the use of uppercase (capital) letters, others accept only lowercase (small) letters. No need to use password recognizable dates and names (birthdays, surnames, etc.), such passwords are calculated quite simply. A simple trick helps to accurately reproduce a password: first write down the sequence of letters and numbers on paper or in text editor, and then copy it into the input field.

Now let's try to complete our immediate task - set a password for Wi-Fi.

Connecting to a computer

Setting a password means changing the router settings. To do this, the device must be connected to the computer. An Ethernet cable is used to connect your computer to the router.

On the back panel of the computer, connect it to a suitable connector (they are all different), on the router, as a rule, LAN 1. Plug the device into the network. Before connecting to the Internet, read the instructions for the device. Some manufacturers do not recommend setting it up with working internet. If nothing is said, connect the Internet cable to the connection socket. It is usually highlighted and labeled Internet or WAN.

Opening Settings Pages

Access to the configuration interface is opened in the browser. In the address bar, enter the router's address and press Enter. Most often this without spaces, numbers separated by dots). is standard IP address local network, which is used in almost all routers in order to access " home page"router, on which you can set everything necessary settings, including the password.

If a device is assigned a different address, it can be found in the manual, on the device case, on the box, or from your provider.

Login to the router panel

Here you will need a login and password to log in.

To do this, you need to know the login and password for entering the router’s configuration sheet. This is not the password that protects your Wi-Fi connection.

Usually they put the pair admin - admin in more earlier versions. In modern ones, where the number of characters in the password must be at least eight, they traditionally write admin – password. Sometimes words are written with capital letters. Let's say you're unlucky and the password is set differently, and not by you. You have a choice of two options:

  • Find out the password from the person who set up your device
  • Reset all settings to factory settings.

After logging in, you need to get to the Wi-fi password setting page.

Router Interfaces different brands differ from each other, so then you need to either read the instructions, or use our tips below if you own a router from one of the brands listed below.

D-Link DIR-300/A/C1

  • Click on the “Quick setup” button
  • Select “Wireless Network Setup Wizard” in the left column
  • Then, double-click on the “Next” button and go to the “Security Settings” tab.

Here you set the necessary parameters:

  • Use the toggle buttons to the right of the field to select “WPA2-PSK”
  • Enter password.
  • Don't check the box
  • Select "AES"
  • Leave unchanged
  • Once you have completed filling out all the fields, click the “Next” button to go to the next window.

Check the entered data, if everything is ok, click “Save”.


The side menu includes a tree of tabs. By clicking on the cross, you expand the underlying level.

  • Wi-fi Network / Security will open the desired page.
  • “Authentication” line – select WPA2-PSK from the drop-down list
  • In the “Protection type” line you need to select AES
  • “Network key” is the password entry line

Leave the rest as is.

Clicking the "Apply" button will save the changes made.

TP-Link TL-WR841N

Setting a password for Wi-Fi is more difficult here, since all the inscriptions are on English language. True, it’s easier to get to desired page thanks to the presence of a side menu.

  • Select "Wireless". You will immediately find yourself in the desired window. You need the "Wireless Security" section
  • Place a dot to the left of “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”
  • “PSK Password” – password entry line.
  • “No Change” – leave the radio button inactive
  • Click Next

Here, read the congratulations and click Reboot.

Menu Feature:

  • Click on Wireless
  • A submenu opens, click on the “Security” line
  • Use the drop-down button to call up the list, click “WPA2”
  • Activate PSK and AES radio buttons
  • Enter your password twice
  • Click Apply

After changing the settings, you need to reboot the router and on all your existing devices that use the Internet, create a new connection or change the Wi-Fi password.

  • enter the network name in the SSID field;
  • set the verification method again to “WPA2-Personal”;
  • enter a new password of at least 8 characters;
  • Click the “accept” button.

How to set a password for a Wi-Fi network

You have already disabled the ability to connect directly to the device; all that remains is to figure out how to secure the Wi-Fi password from strangers. After installing the router, there is no code to access the network; anyone within the coverage area can connect to the Internet. If you agree with this, then you don’t need to do anything. If you need to password-protect your Wi-Fi so as not to lose speed (especially in the evenings) and not “feed” your neighbors with free Internet, you should do the following:

  1. Open the “Wireless Setting” tab. It may be called "Security Settings" or "Wi-Fi" depending on the model.
  2. In the “AuthenticationType” line, select the “WPA2-PSK” type (considered the best for connection security).
  3. A window will appear asking you to enter a password.
  4. Save your data and reconnect to the network.

Video: how to make a password for Wi-Fi

The article we offer you will discuss a very important component of any computer networks - security. All networks (except for the simplest ones, consisting of two computers) are controlled by routers, which are complex network equipment that can be configured, programmed, and access denied both to certain computers on the local network and to certain sites.

And, of course, although these features were designed for good, an attacker can configure the router for selfish purposes. And to prevent this, we will learn how to set a password on the router, which will simply block access to the settings for uninvited guests.

The second part of the article will talk about other network security, namely setting a password for connecting to a wireless Wi-Fi network. This password will not allow you to connect to ours and use someone else’s Internet for free.

Entering the router settings menu

To set a password to enter the settings menu, you must first log in and change the password in the settings. If the router is new, then all the necessary login information is located either under the bottom of the router or in the quick setup instructions.

Label under the bottom of the router

We need the following data:

  1. Router address. This is a network address, looks like an IP address, or in the form of a domain name. They are absolutely equivalent, you can enter any;
  2. Username (Username, Login);
  3. User password (Password).

The router address is necessary because the configuration is done through the web interface built into the router. That is, the device is connected to a desktop computer via a wired or wireless Wi-Fi connection, any web browser is launched, and the address of the router is written in its address bar. We perform similar actions when going to a website.

Authorization when entering the settings menu

So, we connected to the computer, entered the router address, and pressed the “Enter” key. The router will immediately begin to require authorization.

The manufacturer sets the same username and password for all routers. Traditionally, the name is admin, the password is either admin or 1234. Enter them in the appropriate fields and enter the settings.

If an error is displayed and the login/password is not accepted, then it is likely that they have already been changed earlier. You need to reset your device to factory defaults by pressing and holding the reset button for at least 10 seconds.

Router reset button

Usually the button is called “Reset”.

Attention! When resetting, not only the username/password will be canceled, but all other settings! The router will turn into a new device, fresh off the manufacturer's assembly line.

Go to the settings again, enter the factory name/password again, and find yourself in the router settings.

Router settings menu

Although the menu for each manufacturer is slightly different in appearance, the structure is the same for all - select the settings item, and then configure this section.

We are interested in the password to enter the settings menu; this section is usually located in “Administration”, “System Settings”, etc. Let's look at the example of a TP-Link router.

Setting a new password to enter settings

The first two lines are used to enter the current username/password. Enter “admin” and “admin” there (or what you entered when logging in). Next, in the third line “New User Name” we enter a new user name, in the fourth line “New Password” - a new password, and in the fifth line again a new password, thereby confirming it. Next, click “Save” so that the changes are saved and applied. The router will immediately reboot and prompt you to enter the settings with a new username/password.

That’s it, an attacker will no longer be able to enter the settings using the factory password, which he knows, the router is safe.

Some manufacturers only provide for changing the password, the user name is unchanged, and always “admin”. But you can change your password anytime, anywhere.

Wireless Security

Next, we’ll look at protection from fans of the free Internet. As you know, Wi-Fi is transmitted over the air, and anyone can connect to it, even from the street (if the signal strength is sufficient). We will also set a password for these freeloaders.

Setting up a Wi-Fi password is also done in the settings menu, so the first thing we do is go back to settings.

Let's take the TP-Link router again as an example. Having entered the settings, look for the “Wireless” menu item.

Setting up a Wi-Fi password

In the drop-down list, select the “Wireless Setting” submenu. The first part of the window is for basic Wi-Fi settings - network name, region, channel and mode. But we are interested in security - it is in the lower half of the screen.

So, check the box next to “Enable Wireless Security”. Next, in the “Security Type” list, select the encryption standard. The most difficult to crack is WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. Select it from the list.

Next, in the “PSK Password” field, we come up with and enter the same password. There are certain requirements for it - it should not be shorter than eight characters, and consist only of letters of the English alphabet and numbers. For greater reliability, it is better to mix everything, taking into account the case of letters (w and W are different).

Click “Save”.

Connect to a wireless network

That's it, now when you try to connect to our network, the computer will require you to enter a password.

Connecting to a Wi-Fi network

If the user does not know the password, access to the Internet is blocked for free.