How to delete VKontakte contact information. How to hide personal information on VKontakte

) we created with you account V social network In contact with. Over time, we fill it out, make new friends, acquaintances, relatives, and join various communities of interests. More and more visitors are coming to your page. Everything seems to be fine. But you don’t want to show your personal information to everyone who visits your page. How to hide personal data from strangers? This is exactly what we will look at in today's article.

I’ll say right away: it won’t be possible to completely close your page from everyone, but you can hide some of your personal data.

To do this, go to “ My settings" to the tab " Privacy»

And in the settings group " My page" and for separate settings set your parameters. Let's say you don't want everyone to see your basic information. Click opposite this setting “All users” and select from the list, for example, “ Only friends» « Just me" Changes to settings are automatically saved. Now strangers who visit your page will not be able to see your information. It will only be available to your friends. When setting the last parameter ( Just me), your page will not be available even to your friends.

If you wish not to be found using search engines(Google or Yandex), then in the settings group “ Other" set the appropriate setting for " Who will have access to your Internet page?»

After all the parameters have been changed, you can look at your page from the outside. What will it look like if a stranger walked in on it? How to do it? Very simple.

Viewing your VKontakte page from the outside.

In order to view from the side your page at the bottom under the settings block " Other» click on the given link

Your page will open for viewing according to set values. If something needs to be corrected, you can always go to the settings and change one or another privacy parameter.

That's all for today. We learned how you can hide some data from your VKontakte page. Good luck to everyone and see you again.

If you quit without achieving your goal, then most likely you are just lazy. A lazy person will never win, and a winner cannot be lazy.

    Become invisible to others on VKontakte, like this no function only if you are logged in using your username. Users will see you.

    To avoid being seen online, you can, of course, not log in and log in to your page as a guest.

    If you want to hide your page from other users, you need to do this in the settings in the privacy option.

    If you don’t want to see some users on your VKontakte page, then just add them to the blacklist. And this can also be done in the settings. You can come up with a nickname and be under it on this network, no one will know who it really is in fact.

    There is no way to hide yourself; if you log in with your username or password, then you will be selected as online and nothing can be done about it. You can hide yourself only in Odnoklassniki by purchasing an invisibility feature, this function lasts for several days and you can purchase it for money or by winning it at an auction, after giving five stars different people via the application. But it’s easier to buy it for a long time, although I don’t see much point. On VKontakte, you can make another profile and log in through it, then your main account will be inactive and will not appear online. IN general functions Unfortunately this is not available on this site.

    In order to hide yourself on VKontakte, you need to bookmark the page in your browser.


    • My photos
    • my news
    • My videos

    Due to this, you will be able to view news, notes, groups, photos and videos of people while remaining hidden offline.

    But there is one caveat: you won’t be able to access the pages of other users so that you are not online!

    If you need to hide your presence on the site, then unfortunately this will not work, but if you need to hide your page from all users or from some specific ones, you can go to the settings and open the privacy tab, there you will figure out what’s what

    It is possible to hide your presence on the site, I know only one way. On android phones There is an application Kate mobile. In it you can set the settings to be offline if possible and that’s it. It’s true that if you write something on your wall, you will appear online for a minute.

    The best decision is not to go to the VKontakte page. My brother is such an amateur that he has several pages on different social networks, so he doesn’t appear on his main one for a long time. And they don’t see that he’s online too. all events. He's still a troller. This, as an option, may also be suitable). In any case, no one has canceled the settings yet. If you surf well, you can find a lot of interesting things there, and not only answers to the question you are interested in. My settings - Privacy and change whatever is most convenient for you.

    It is impossible to be invisible on the VKontakte social network. A user who logs into his page using his username and password immediately becomes Online, everyone can see him. You can hide from several users by using privacy or blacklist in the settings. If you want to wander through other people's pages and leave dislikes, for example, then get yourself a second account, the site rules allow this.

    Perhaps such a function will appear later, but in this moment VKontakte is the most open and free space than even Odnoklassniki.

    • We go to the social network VKontakte
    • We are looking for a position on the left SETTINGS
    • Finding the tab PRIVACY
  • To hide yourself in a contact, you just need to change your first and last name and photo, then no one will recognize you. And if you don’t want to be online, then you just need to not go to the my page tab, that’s all. I wish you success.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to hide your presence on VKontakte. Once a notification appears on a social site that the user is ONLINE, it will be impossible to remain unnoticed.

    As before, you can only hide some information about yourself, photographs or something else. However, as soon as you log in with your username and password, it will immediately be clear that you are online. And you can even see it from a computer or phone/tablet.

    Here an additional question immediately arises: from whom exactly and how to hide it?

    If a VKontakte user wants to visit someone’s page, then he is hidden by the site’s capabilities, which are still unchanged.

    If the user wants to hide from prying eyes information from his page, then the following path will help him: My page - Settings - Privacy.

    If you want to protect yourself from one or more specific people and close yourself off from them, then you need to go to the menu: My page - Settings - Black list.

    Among other things, you can create a page with a name, for example: Striped tigernok, and write on VKontakte on behalf of Tiger.

    But you can’t hide your Online, from which we are writing at the moment.

There is a whole ocean of varied information on VK.COM. But it can be difficult to look for something specific there. Reposts on every corner funny pictures, selfies, advertising for sushi delivery, prize draws and other spam. But there are simple, but not obvious, search techniques that will help resist evil.

1. We are looking for photos of a specific place on the user’s wall

Just a couple of days ago I came across a situation where a person posted photos from vacation on his wall (without creating an album) and generously diluted them with reposts of quotes about the meaning of life. It was very tiring to watch. What saved me was the ability to filter only posts with photos based on the location on the wall.

On the wall of a user or community (as in the example in the picture) you can enter geographical coordinates the desired city and only get photos taken there. For example:


Unfortunately, the standard “Geolocation” and other advanced search functions do not work on the walls of users and communities.

2. We look for all mentions of a person

You can find posts where there are mentions of a person’s page and responses to his comments using the following link:§ion=mentions

Instead of the number 1, you need to substitute the user or community id.

3. How to find mutual friends of two users?

Very convenient service to search for mutual friends and subscriptions. You can find colleagues, classmates, classmates, or a cutting and sewing club that both subjects under study attend. Do you see a new person among your friends? Try to figure out who brought them together or where they could have met.

There you can also find out: the registration date of the page and who is hiding the user in the friends list. If the site asks for your profile information, I recommend logging in under a fake page.

4. How to quickly find old correspondence with a user?

Suppose you need to remember what a conversation was about with a person several months or years ago. To do this you need:

1. Open the page with messages, type the name in the search the right person and click on it.
2. After that, press Search by conversation.
3. The calendar icon is now visible. It allows you to select messages up to a certain date.

5. We look for all links to the site

If you add this operator to a news search query, you can find all posts that contain a link to a specific site:


Surprisingly, if you just enter website or in the advanced search field Link mention and set the setting Search any pages from this site, then there are only 404 posts, and with the operator 37,625. And if you just type in the search website, then the results will contain a bunch of illegal iPhone pranks.

Sometimes operators work better than regular advanced search. It is unknown why this happens, but this is confirmed by experiments similar to the example above.

It is convenient to use this operator to obtain a list of articles from a specific site that have been reposted by the person or community being studied. To do this you just need to dial domain:website in the search field on the wall.

6. Looking for posts with a specific type of content

And these operators help filter out the most interesting things on a user’s or community’s wall. For example, funny polls from 2006-2009 or tracks in a person’s statuses with hidden audio recordings:

has:poll- surveys;
has:album- photo albums;
has:note- notes;
has:photo- photos;
has:audio- audio recordings;
has:video- video;
has:doc- Attached files.

When using the last operator, the feed is filled with posts with GIF files attached. If you need passport scans ready test papers, samples of completed official documents, you should look for them on the page document search.

There is also an operator has:graffiti, which works rather incorrectly, but allows you to find nostalgic greetings from seven years ago.

7. Search only among comments

This is how we find mentions of links or words in discussions:

domain:site type:reply

And so you can search for the most interesting comments that have collected =>10. =>100, =>1000 likes.


“Likes” are effective not only for comments, but also for posts, photos, etc. But, unfortunately, they don’t work on the walls of people and communities.

8. Looking for copies of photographs

If you are an artist or photographer, you can look for cases of theft of your work like this:

9. Looking for photos with filters

And this will be useful for content creators for public pages. Need a cute darkened photo for a quote? This is how you can search only for images that have been processed with a specific filter:


VK.COM has a lot of features and tricks. How to find a person’s page by email or address Email, to know hidden date birth of the user, look at old posts on the wall and calculate chain mutual acquaintances between two people can be read.

If you use this article to find information about specific person, then you might find it useful.

How to hide your VKontakte page from prying eyes?

VKontakte there are two ways to hide information on your wall. The first method: involves hiding other people's posts on your page and prohibiting commenting on your posts.
For this:

  1. Go to "My Settings".
  2. Review the Posts on Page section. In this section you can select the circle of people who are prohibited from viewing the above information.

Second method: blacklisting the user. In this case, the person will not be able to write to you and will not see all the data on your page: friends, basic information and posts on the wall. Only the date of birth, city and website (if they are publicly visible) are displayed.

How to hide your friends in VKontakte?

If you have a lot of friends, then you won’t be able to hide them all. VKontakte has a limited number of this function, so it is possible to hide only 30 people from prying eyes.
For this:

  1. Go to the "My Settings" section.
  2. Click on the "Privacy" tab.
  3. In the “My Page” section, find the “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” field.
  4. In the window that appears, enter the names of the people from the list.

Moreover, you can hide your friends from the eyes of just a few people, not full list all your subscriptions.

How to make a link with a word on VKontakte?

Making a link using a word in a contact is very simple. To do this, follow the following recording rule [link | word], where link is the full site address copied from address bar browser, and the word is a description of this link in your words.

How to tag a person in a contact on a video?

Unfortunately, the VKontakte administration has removed this option. But, you can send the video to several friends. To do this, click on the “Share” button, select “Send” personal message» and tag the people for whom this video file is intended.

Videos in contact and their sorting.

VKontakte developers came up with a surprisingly convenient thing - sorting videos into folders. Now contact users no longer need to scroll through hundreds of videos in search of the one they need. To break the video into categories:

  1. Go to the “My Videos” section.
  2. At the top right, find the inscription “New Album”.

By clicking on it, you will need to enter the name of the album and in the future, add your videos to it. To sort existing videos into new folders, hover over the video thumbnail and click on the pencil that appears. In the new window, select the album in which the specified video will be located.

Searching for any user and information about him is quite urgent task on the social network VKontakte. However, the situation becomes much simpler if you partially or completely know the ID of the desired account.

The full version of the VK site allows you to search for users various methods, described by us in a separate article. In addition, information about a person can be found by his ID number.

This instruction will allow you to find out information about the owner of the page, based on the data specified by the VKontakte user - no more, no less. Calculate any more personal information through the resource in question is impossible.

Method 1: Direct transition

As you may know, the ID is an integral part of the direct link to the user's page. Thanks to this, you can instantly go to the desired profile by adding the required characters to the address bar.

Note: Many pages may be hidden from the eyes of unauthorized users.

At this point, the method can be completed, since the user information has been successfully found.

Method 2: Database

Each VKontakte ID is a unique number that cannot be reused even if the page is deleted. In this case, each of the numbers is automatically recorded in the site’s database, which you can access via a special link.

  1. After clicking on the link we provided, check the first three digits in your ID. For example, in the case of the number "id203966592" you need to click on the link "203,000,001 - 204,000,000".
  2. In the next step, make a similar comparison with the next three numbers in the ID number. For "id203966592" we click on the link "203 960 001 - 203 970 000".
  3. Again, select a value based on the last three numbers in the identifier. For example, in the case of "id203966592" select a line "203 966 501 - 203 966 600".
  4. To complete the user calculation process, on the last page presented, find exact match with ID. The names of all owners of specific IDs are immediately displayed.
  5. To make your search easier, press the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+F" and insert the identifier into the field that appears. At the same time, do not forget to divide it into groups of three numbers.
  6. After clicking on the found link, as in the previous method, you will be presented with basic information about the user.

We hope the methods discussed above helped you calculate the right people according to existing ID numbers.

Mobile app

Official mobile app VK does not contain an address bar or any special sections. As a result, to calculate a person by ID, you will need to download and install the application.

The only one available method is a direct alternative to the first method from the previous section of this article, requiring a minimum number of actions from you. In this case, you need to accurately know the identifier of the desired page.

  1. After launching the application, through the main menu, open one of the standard sections and go to top panel Click on the icon with three vertical dots. To open the desired menu, there must be a signature on the top panel « Kate Mobile» .
  2. From the presented list of sections, select "Open link".
  3. In the text field that appears, insert your ID or login the desired user, maintaining its correct shape.
  4. After that, click the button "OK" to open the user page.
  5. At the next stage, you can familiarize yourself with all the information you are interested in about the owner of the page. Note here that, unlike official application, Kate Mobile provides significantly more data.
  6. For getting detailed information you will need to open a tab "Interests".

You can find out other information yourself by studying in detail other sections in the person’s profile. We are finishing the description of this method and the article as a whole.