How to remove pink background. How to remove background in Word when copying from the Internet

Selecting individual page elements, or in other words color background in a text editor Microsoft Word is a tool that is designed to draw attention to a document and emphasize details. However, excessive use of this tool can seriously irritate you when working or reading. Many users today are interested in the question of how to remove the color background in Microsoft Word. This can be done using several fairly simple methods. It is also worth noting that the method chosen will depend on the version of the text editor used.

How to remove colored background in Microsoft Word?

The color background itself simple case used to highlight the text part of a document. To solve this problem, you can try to use the most simple means. This is the fill button, which is located on the main toolbar. In early versions of the text editor, this button was designated by a symbol with a tilted paint bucket; in later versions of the program, a marker with a pencil and a combination of the Latin letters ab are used to designate this tool. To solve the problem you just need to select a piece of text, click on the button and select from context menu no fill point. To select the entire document, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A.

How to remove a colored background when copying in Word?

Quite often, users have to create their own documents based on existing ones. In such documents, there may also be the presence of fill and colored background, not only in relation to the text, but also to an entire section or the entire document. How in Word program remove colored background of this type? You can, of course, delve into the toolbox, but it will take a lot of time. The easiest way would be to completely remove the formatting, since sometimes it is impossible to perform these operations using other methods. IN Microsoft program Word 2013 for this, when you go to the main tab, you need to find a button with an image Latin letter A and eraser. Again, it must be used when selecting the entire document or a specific part of it. Another simple, but longer method is to initial copy the searched text into the Notepad editor. After this, you need to re-copy this fragment into Word application. The result will be the same.

How to remove colored backgrounds in tables

Background removal operations can also be used on tabular data. Depending on what exactly needs to be removed, you can select the text in the cells, the cells themselves, and the entire table. In the most simple version you just need to select the cells you want and then use the fill removal button.

Microsoft Word 2003

Now let's talk a little about using this version of the program. Let's first figure out how to remove the color background in Microsoft Word 2003. From more later versions programs this modification slightly different. However, there is also standard tool to fill text. Here, as usual, you need to select the desired piece of text, and then go to the format menu and select the “Borders and Fill” section there. In the window that appears, on the fill tab, you can remove the background.

Word 2007 and 2010

Now let's see how you can remove the color background in Microsoft Word 2010. This method will also work for the 2007 version of the program. The final menu used will be the same, only it can be accessed by first going to the page layout menu, and then make a sequential transition to the page background and borders.

Microsoft Word 2013 and 2016

These two versions of the text editor are different from the previous ones. To perform the background removal operation here, you must first use the design tab located in the main panel. After this, you move to the background section of the page, which contains special button. If you click on it, a drop-down menu will appear in which you will need to select “No background”.


Latest versions of text Microsoft editor Word is more convenient in the sense that there are more advanced tips. There are also pop-up panels. They appear when certain pieces of text or certain elements are selected. You just need to select cells in the table or part of the text, and the panel will immediately appear quick access to the main functions. There are also buttons that are responsible for calling the context menu and working with the background. It is worth noting that in any version of the text editor necessary buttons, intended for access to such functions, are placed on the main panel.

Very often, novice writers, and just users, wonder: how to remove the background behind text in Word? In this article we will look at the simplest options for removing backgrounds in the word editor.

A few words about the popularity of Word

Most popular text editor is Word, if you don’t take Notepad into account, of course. The reason for its popularity lies not only in functionality, simplicity and stability of operation. Do not forget that the program comes as a complex Microsoft Office, and already this - best advertising, for students and office workers. A wide audience learned about similar editors after the widespread distribution of smartphones and tablets on other operating systems.

But, in truth, the capabilities of these applications are significantly limited compared to the editor discussed today.

You can continue to criticize Word, talking about regular formatting problems and periodic crashes. But in fact, this is the program that most users use. Some of them, unfortunately, are not even aware of all the capabilities of the editor, using it no more than five percent.

How to remove the background behind text in Word: an easy way

From time to time, precisely because of ignorance, when working with text, users encounter problems that seem insoluble at first glance. This mainly has to do with text formatting. One way or another, everyone has learned to change the font and size, and the same is true with text color. Even a novice user knows how to remove underlining, italics or bold. But only a few can answer the question of how to remove the background in Word when copying. Most people try to solve the problem by manipulating the font, but this is not the most effective option. Surely, you have encountered a problem when, after saving information from a third-party site, the text inserted into the editor window acquires in the background. This is due to the specific markup of the selected text. Perhaps the site owner has inserted some codes to highlight the text you are interested in in a separate color and change its background.

The simplest solution to the problem is to sequentially paste and copy text into Notepad. This built-in editor does not have the same massive set of functions as Word. Therefore, when storing materials in it, the original markings are lost.

Considering that it was precisely this that led to the appearance of the background, we can say that the problem has been successfully resolved. But only if you did not need to preserve the original formatting. Sometimes, it can take too much time to restore and “bring to mind” the text.

Preserving the original formatting by removing the text background

In most cases, it is important to save original form. Let's use the capabilities of Word itself to solve the problem with an inappropriate background. To do this, just open the tab "Page layout". There you will see a sub-item "Page Background", further actions- intuitive. If the described manipulation does not help, return to the main tab and find the button in the font menu « ab» , with a drawn pen. Click on it and select an option "no color". After this, your cursor will change and become similar to the same drawn pen. Any text you select after this will lose its background.

This universal method, if it does not help, open the adjacent menu "Styles" and select "Clear all". Before doing this, you will need to select the piece of text in which you want to remove the background. This method will also remove formatting, but only on the section of material you have selected. And this is much more convenient than fiddling with the built-in text editor.

The described procedures are suitable for the 2007 version and newer modifications. If you have installed on your computer Word 2003 , go to the menu " Format", then select "Styles and Formatting". If that doesn't help, try adjusting the fill. But we strongly recommend that you update the editor version to a newer one - over the past years, the degree of reliability and level of capabilities have increased significantly.

Additional points when working with documents copied from the Internet

Sometimes it happens that when copying material, the entire color of the page changes, and not just the background of the text. In this case, just go to the category again "Page layout" and select item "Page Color"- the problem will be solved guaranteed.

Works downloaded from the network are sometimes designed using background images- headers, footers, color fill title page. Emblem images will immediately indicate someone else's authorship, and filling with color may violate the requirements within a company or educational institution.

There are several ways to get rid of these unnecessary little things. Go to the “Markup” section that we already love and select the “Background” option. This way, you can remove any background image from the entire page.

With headers and footers things are a little different. Select menu "Insert" and find the sub-item of the same name there. If the intrusive image is displayed on top - « Page header» , if below - "lower". In the same way, remove page numbers if you don’t need them.

When working with programs that have hidden potential and a wide range of capabilities, it is useful to obtain new information, to improve the level of qualifications. Thanks to this article, you learned how to remove the background in Word when copying. And even a few additional points that will help you when working with the editor. But we would advise you to attend thematic courses, which will tell you much more. The acquired skills will help you cope with the tasks assigned to you faster and more efficiently, and in the end, you will only save your time and money. And the likelihood of promotion increases sharply.

Video lesson

If you still don’t quite understand how to remove the background in Word behind text when copying, then watch this short and informative video lesson:

In Word this is a rather voluminous topic. We can talk about it for a very long time, but in this article we won’t do that; we’ll talk about the background for the text.

Word has many tools that can in a certain way select text or the entire page. This is done to attract the reader's attention to specific area text. But what to do if you downloaded a document from the Internet, and various kinds of highlighting in it only bother you?

In this article we will talk about how to remove the background from text in Word. We will look at the most popular ways to do this. Let's talk about how to remove the background of the entire page and text in particular. We’ll also tell you about a tool in the program that can save a document from being formatted by another user in a matter of seconds.

Removing the page background

First, let's talk about how to remove the selection of an entire sheet in Word. This problem less common than what will be given below, but still occurs. Sometimes, after downloading a document from the Internet and opening it, you may find that behind a wall of text the entire sheet is painted a different color. It’s unlikely that anyone will like this, especially if you were going to use this document for work. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently eliminate this nuance. Now we will talk about how to do this.

Initially you need to go to the desired tab. It's called "Design". Please note that this article uses the 2016 version of Word, so there may be differences compared to more recent versions. earlier versions programs. In the "Design" tab, you need to find an icon called "Page Color". It is located on the very right side of the toolbar. More exact location you can see in the image.

Click on the icon and select "No color" from the drop-down menu. After these manipulations, the color of the sheet behind the text should change to the usual white. You can also change the color to whatever you want, but this is optional.

Removing the text background

As mentioned above, now we will find out how to remove the background from the text in Word. This problem is quite widespread. The fact is that such formatting is used when they want to draw the reader’s attention to a certain passage in the text. But sometimes people go overboard with this, and the text becomes simply impossible to read. This problem also often occurs when copying text from a website. Therefore, you should learn how to remove the background from text in Word in order to quickly correct this nuance in the future.

And this is done quite simply. You just need to initially select the text that is highlighted and click on the "Text Highlight Color" icon. It's located on the Home tab in the Font area.

In the drop-down menu, as in the previous example, you need to click on “No color” so that the entire selection disappears. So you have learned how to remove the background of text in Word. But this is not the last way.

Clear all formatting

If the previous methods seemed complicated to you or you think that they are quite time-consuming, now we will tell you how to remove the background from text in Word in just a couple of seconds.

This is done using the "Clear all formatting" button. You must first select the text in which you want to remove formatting, and then click this button.

You can see the exact location of this button in the image.

It is worth noting that, in addition to the background, the specified font, size and all formatting attributes will be removed from the text, so think about whether this is worth it.

Many users find it very convenient when working with documents to highlight important words, sentences, and maybe even entire paragraphs in the text. But when you receive such a document, the question immediately arises: how can you remove unnecessary background for text in Word.

A similar situation may occur if you copy something printed from the Internet. This may change the color of all pages in Word document. It may be that even one short phrase copied from the Internet will be written in gray. Of course, it’s easy to rewrite it manually, but what if there are a lot of such pieces?!

Now let’s take a look at this article and figure out how to remove the text background and page fill in Word.

Behind the text

If you do not have the entire page painted over, but only the part where the text is typed, then to remove such a background, select the desired fragment with the mouse and go to the tab "Page layout" and in the “Page Background” group, click on the “Borders...” button.

A dialog box will open as shown in the screenshot below. In it, go to the “Fill” tab and in the field of the same name from the drop-down list, select “No color”. Click OK.

Deleting a marker

Everything typed in a document can be highlighted using a marker. Look at the picture below. The green fragment is highlighting with a marker, the lilac fragment is using a fill. In this case, the discharge is no different. Therefore, if in the previous method, the field we needed already had “No color”, let’s look at how to remove the text selection made with a marker.

Select the part for which you want to remove the fill, and on the “Home” tab, in the “Font” group, click the black arrow next to the button on which the underlined letters A and B are drawn.

From the drop-down list, select No Color. The selection will immediately disappear.

Removing a page background

If the entire sheet of your document is filled with color, let's remove the page background in Word. To do this, go to the tab "Page layout" and in the “Page Background” group, click on the “Color...” button.

From the drop-down menu, select No Color. After this, the color we don’t need will be removed and all the sheets will become familiar – white.

If none of the things described solved the problem, then select the required fragment, and on the “Home” tab, find the button "Clear all formatting" and click on it (the button has a letter with an eraser on it). In this case, both the size and font will become default, but the fill may also disappear.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Select either the entire text or only those words for which you want to remove the fill. But you already know how to remove shading from text or pages in Word.

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Webmaster. Higher education with a degree in Information Security. Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

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    Discussion: 7 comments

    Troublemaker Plague, I didn’t quite understand what you needed: change the background of the text so that it also becomes peach; or make the page fill white. If the first option, then create a table of two cells and change the borders in it, then copy and paste the text into it. The second option is to copy the entire table, create new document and insert the table there (the page background will be white).


While working in Word, you may encounter a problem when, along with the copied text from a web page, its formatting is also transferred. This problem is quite common, so there are many ways to get rid of it. In this article we will look at five ways to remove the background in Word when copying from Internet resources. They are all different from each other. It should also be taken into account that some of the methods may not work in older versions of the program, for example, such as Word 2003. But more on all this further in order.

Using a built-in function

It is necessary to immediately indicate that the background of a page in Word is not only the color of the page itself, but also various types of highlighting, such as text highlighting, font color and various types of formatting. So, let's look at the first way to remove the background in Word when copying from a website. It will involve using standard function in the program itself. But it’s worth noting right away that this method does not work in Word 2003. And in the article, examples will be given on the 2016 version.

Do not rush to use the hotkeys CTRL+C and CTRL+V. This will copy all the formatting of the selected text. First, place the text from the site on the clipboard, that is, copy it in a way convenient for you. After that, in Word, right-click in the place where you want to paste the selected text. In the menu that appears, there is a line “Insert Options”, under it there will be three images. You need to click on "Save text only". Most often it is displayed as a tablet with the letter "A" next to it. After these manipulations, text will be inserted into the document without unnecessary formatting. The page background and font color will be those that are set in the program itself, and not on the website of the web page.

Using Notepad

If for some reason the previous way If you can’t use it, then the next one will be given now. I would like to say right away that it is universal. When used in Word, it will be specified by the basic formatting of the program, not the site. And this method is suitable for absolutely any version of the program. The essence of the method is incredibly simple. Before pasting text into Word, paste it into a simple Notepad, which is available in all Windows versions. After that, copy it from notepad and paste it into Word. This method works because the notepad itself has no formatting options.

Using the eraser

On the Home tab, you may have noticed a tool called Clear All Formatting. It appears as an eraser with the letter "A" next to it. This tool also great for removing unnecessary formatting.

It is very easy to use. First, you need to select the area in the document that you want to remove formatting from. Once you've done this, simply click on the eraser.

Removing font and fill color

Above were simple ways, how to remove the background in Word when copying from a website. However, it is worth noting that after using them, the formatting disappears completely, and if you wanted to leave the structure of the text and font, then you will not succeed. Now let's talk about how to remove the background in Word when copying, but leave the font formatting. If you want to remove the font color in Word, you need to use the appropriate tool, which is located on the panel at the top. It's called "Font Color". You can see its exact location in the picture below.

All you have to do is select the part of the text that you want to remove color from and click on the above tool. Then in the drop-down menu you need to select either “Auto” or some other color as desired.

Now let's look at copying. This is done in a similar way, only a different tool is used. It's called "Text Highlight Color". You can also see its location in the picture below. Select part of the text, click on the tool and select "No color" from the menu. After this, the fill will disappear, and the text will remain the same as it was.

Removing a page background color

Now let's consider a situation where, after copying text from a website, the entire background of the page was copied. You can fix this problem in a couple of seconds. You just need to use the appropriate tool.

This time it is not located on the main tab. You should go to the "Design" tab. On the toolbar you need to find "Page Color". This component located on the very right side of the ribbon. After clicking on the tool, a drop-down menu will open, similar to the one when using the Text Highlight Color tool. In it you need to select "No color". After this, the page background will disappear.

By the way, please pay attention to the tools located on the sides: “Underlay” and “Page Borders”. Most often, when copied from a website, they are not inserted into the document. But if you downloaded it with these elements and want to remove them, then use the tools provided. Working with them proceeds in a similar way.