How to open a business page on Facebook. Facebook profile picture. How to create a Facebook page for a company

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will continue to speak for Facebook. Working with this social network is quite a promising activity for expanding the sales market, or attracting readers to your information resource.

Another thing is that you need to know how to cook this delicious dish, which is why I started writing a series of articles on the topic. In the previous article we reviewed the capabilities of this social network and considered those for whom this environment is quite suitable for promotion. We also found out, after which we came to the conclusion that only business pages are one hundred percent suitable for us to promote in this social network.

We have also already discussed the general ones and outlined in large strokes those and how in this matter. However, before directly start creating a BS(and we will definitely do this in this publication), I would like to dwell in more detail on preparatory stage to create a page, already having a clear plan for its construction and development in mind.

Tasks facing your BS and aspects of their implementation

Probably worth it general outline understand what The goal will be to create your business page (BP) on Facebook. Try to decide what your BS will be about. You can do this by trying to answer the following questions about the purpose of creating a business page:

  1. You just need to indicate your presence on Facebook - “let it be.” Everyone else has it, but you have no representation in this social network. It’s not in order, we’re behind, we need to fix it.
  2. You want to have another channel through which you can notify your target audience about some news (new products, discounts, promotions, preferential conditions, or simply the release of a new article, if the BS is created for an information resource)
  3. Want to increase your brand awareness
  4. Do you want to increase sales through additional target audience from Facebook, or just want to get an additional flow of interested visitors to your website (it doesn’t matter whether it’s commercial or informational)
  5. Maybe you want to collect a database of email addresses using this social network, so that you can then use it to increase sales (often used in information business and other commercial schemes)
  6. It is possible that you need to implement several of the goals stated above at once.

Having some experience (I hope that after reading all the articles in the “” series, you will have this experience) and based on your goals, you can decide on some aspects of the implementation of your BS:

  1. Understand what approximate design your BS should have, based on the tasks it solves
  2. You can now understand approximately what applications you will need to implement your plans.
  3. Decide on the type of content and the approximate frequency of its publication (make a publication plan and think about where you can get them). Very comfortably .
  4. Estimate how much you are willing to spend on advertising per day and whether you are willing to spend money on it at all, and if you are, then you can estimate which tabs of your business page will have links from advertisements.
  5. You will also be able to evaluate whether they are suitable in your case. free methods promoting BS on Facebook (read about them in the article “”) or not
  6. Based on the specified goals for creating a business page, you will be able to identify key parameters that can be tracked in statistics to evaluate the effectiveness of promotion. These could be, for example:
    1. Number of fans who clicked the “Like” button
    2. Clicks on links from posts on BS or, in other words, the amount of traffic of visitors from Facebook to your website
    3. Traffic to the BS page itself (if, for example, conversion actions are carried out directly on it)
    4. Number of email subscribers
    5. Number of likes or comments on a business page

After you have set goals for yourself and outlined ways to implement them using a business page on Facebook, it would be nice to decide on that same target audience. What is it for? Well, to understand what kind of content you will need to publish on the BS in order to arouse interest among your potential target audience.

Those. you need to understand for whom this very BS is being created. Sometimes this process called creating an avatar target user . For example, in the case of an online store, you will have to create an approximate profile of the buyer. In general, it's quite standard set data:

  1. Sex and age indicators
  2. Location
  3. Family status
  4. Place of work
  5. Hobby
  6. Do they have an education?
  7. How much money do they earn
  8. Which sites they visit indicates their interests, based on which you can set up targeted advertising to promote your business page

Analysis of your competitors' Facebook business pages

It is also worth taking a closer look what exactly do your real or potential competitors use on their BS?. Of course, you shouldn’t copy one to another, but you can borrow some ideas.

  1. In order to find the pages of your competitors on Facebook, the easiest way is to use the built-in search (its line is at the very top) by entering the same keywords, along which you plan to advance. After entering the phrase (it is better to use broader options consisting of one or two words), in the drop-down window that appears, you will need to click on the “Show more results” button located below:

    On the page that opens with Facebook search results, you can use the filter on the left to select only business pages, and in the resulting list, first of all, pay attention and study the pages of those competitors who have many fans (from a thousand and above).

    By the way, by selecting the “Groups” filter in the left menu, you can see what issues your target audience is discussing and understand what they are interested in, so that you can then offer it to them on your business page.

  2. What to pay attention to when analyzing competitors' pages?
  3. Facebook's built-in internal search doesn't allow you to filter effectively enough regional business pages(if your business is regional), but there is a way to still carry out such a search. The fact is that in ordinary search engines ah, it is possible to search for something on only one or several sites using special operators, or advanced search (read about that, or).

    Thus, we can search on Facebook using Yandex or Google (in the first article we said that business pages are completely open to indexing by any search engines). Just insert at the beginning of the query in the search line:

    And after a space, write one or two keywords that define the subject of the search, and a word that specifies the region. For example, the request might look like this:

Before creating a business page, you need to prepare

So, summing up all of the above, as well as what we talked about in the previous article, we can say that before creating your Facebook business page you will need to decide on a number of questions:

  1. . Firstly, it would be great to include in it the keywords for which you want to promote, because this will be taken into account in the ranking by both internal Facebook search and Yandex with Google (very similar to the high importance when ranking for pages of ordinary sites, which we at one time they devoted an entire article). Although, if you are creating a page for a brand, then, in fact, the name of this brand should be used in the title. If you are creating a BS for an online store whose name is not yet well-known, then you can use keywords along with its name.
  2. Based on studying the pages of competitors and groups on Facebook with your target audience, you could create a range of issues that are of interest to your potential clients and which you could cover on your BS pages. In general, you should at least understand in general terms. The following may also help you with this:
    1. Created avatars (portraits) of users from your target audience (we talked about this a little higher)
    2. Understand what user problems your BS will solve. To do this, it would be good to understand the fears (for example, losing a job or health) and aspirations (for example, gaining a sense of confidence in the future, security, etc.) of your target audience. If you talk about this on your business page, then users attracted through advertising will become your subscribers and regular readers with a high degree of probability, which will greatly increase the conversion of the entire enterprise. In general, you need to understand what your target audience wants to talk and read about.
    3. It is possible that after analyzing other BS on your same topic, some unique idea came to your mind (something still unknown to the general public or having no analogues), which could become your competitive advantage. This will encourage users to subscribe to your page, and not to the pages of your competitors.
    4. Well, once again you need to carefully review all the BS of the found competitors, and try to use them yourself strengths, and not repeat their mistakes.

Creating a Facebook Business Page

Well, it’s time to start practicing after such extensive theoretical training. Creation new page, as well as many other actions on Facebook, can, of course, be illustrated using screenshots or descriptions of menu items that need to be selected.

However, the developers of this social network constantly (about a couple of times a year) change the interface (the location and name of these same points may change tomorrow), so it will be easier to provide specific hyperlinks that should not be subject to these changes (in theory). So you can get to the pages section on Facebook using this link: Although its content and presentation method may change constantly, you will always find a button somewhere at the top "Create a page " .

Choosing a category for your future Facebook page

This is where the fun begins. They offer you six categories (groups) of BS, one of which you will need to choose. Options available:

As I already mentioned, the “Brand or Product” category is most often chosen, so we won’t be original and choose it (for example, the general subcategory “Product/Service”). Let it be some kind of information product, especially since I plan to start writing a series of articles about their creation and making money on affiliate programs of other people’s information products (subscribe if this topic is interesting to you).

In the title of the business page It is advisable to use the name of your product or service (name of an online store, restaurant or other business). Moreover, the shorter you can do it, the better. If your brand is not very well known, then you can also add keywords by which people from your target audience can search for it on Facebook (for example, “Horns and Hooves” - interior design).

If you are creating a thematic page (without reference to a brand or trademark), then you should use keywords that will clearly allow the user who visits it to immediately understand what is being discussed here. It is also desirable that these keywords are often used in queries to search engines by users from your potential audience (you can use the service to understand how most of your potential buyers formulate their queries when contacting search engines). For example, “Handicraft, handmade, handmade.”

In my case, this will be an information product:

Business Page Wizard Steps

After clicking on the “Start” button, the Facebook Business Page Creation Wizard window with four steps you will have to take on the path to your bright future.

  1. At the second step of the BS creation wizard, you will be asked upload avatar, which again will be displayed on the page, and it would be great if after one glance at it the user understood what this BS would be about. In general, you will still have time to work on the picture, and you can add an avatar later, skipping this step of the wizard now. Personally, I’ll do that for now, although you can temporarily put some kind of placeholder as an avatar photo, replacing it over time.

  2. At the third step of the wizard, Facebook offers you to add your page to “Favorites” so that it can be easily found later. In fact, it’s quite convenient and I don’t think it’s worth giving up. These top favorites will appear at the top of the left column on home page under your avatar.

    To activate this option, just click on the “Add” button, and then click on the “Next” button to proceed to the final step of the wizard.

  3. At the fourth step of the wizard, Facebook quite reasonably assumes that without advertising you will not be able to advance in this social network (in fact, free promotion is also possible, but for this you need to be able to be creative “not childishly”, so that in our quite call infantile RuNet viral effect increasing the popularity of your business page). And if this is so, then why not immediately make the appropriate settings.

    However, it is still too early for us, so this step You can skip it for now. And I’m thinking of writing a separate article or a series of articles about working with advertising on Facebook. We'll see how it goes.

Everything, having passed last step Wizard, you will find yourself on your brand new business page, where Facebook will immediately try to teach you how to navigate it by showing you pop-up tips. Among other things, she will offer you to become the first fan (subscriber) of this page by clicking on the “Like” button there.

Although it's not worth doing this, because your existing friends on Facebook will see this event in their news feeds, and when they go to the newly created page, they will experience some disappointment due to wasted time, because it does not yet contain any information. In the next article we will deal with the design of our business page and bringing it to its proper form.

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Step one. Registration

Most likely, you already have your own profile on the social network. If you are a beginner, then before you create a page on Facebook, you will have to register. The fields are standard, so you should not have any difficulties filling them out. The main rule is to write reliable information.

Having remembered (or even written down) your password, feel free to click the “Register” button. The system will inform you to confirm your desire to register on Facebook. To do this, to the address you specified Email you will receive an email with a link. All you have to do is go through it and follow further instructions.

The system will prompt you to take 4 steps:

  1. Find friends on Facebook with whom you communicate on other social networks;
  2. fill personal information, incl. number of the school and university you attended;
  3. select from a list of pages that might interest you;
  4. put an avatar.

This is all optional, so you can simply use the “Skip this step” button and go straight to creating a community page.

Step two. Create a page

The most difficult thing is to find that treasured “Create” button (here is a direct link to it - It is hidden under the mysterious word “More”, clicking on which you will get a list additional functions. Select “Create a page” and get ready for the most important part of the process.

On the page that appears, you will see six categories from which you have to choose the appropriate one. It could be Official page company, brand or famous person. However, the community page is considered the most popular. This is exactly what we will create in our training. One click on the picture in the lower right corner - and a blank line appears in front of you, in which you need to enter the name of the future community. Let's call it " Brief excursion across the expanses of Facebook."

Important: It will no longer be possible to change the name in the future, so choose the final version right away!

Be sure to check the “magic” box (have you read the Terms of Use for Facebook Pages? :)) and launch the page using the “Get Started” button.

Step three. Creative

Now comes the fun part - filling new page. Your goal is to attract maximum amount visitors, so it should be informative, entertaining and beautiful.

When filling out the “Page Description” field, try to immediately captivate visitors and reveal the main idea of ​​the community as much as possible. Choose a memorable avatar that will be easy to find among the photos of other pages. Next, you are asked to choose a payment method in case you ever decide to engage in paid promotion of your community. Facebook provides three options:

We are not interested in this proposal yet, so we skip this point and immediately find ourselves on the community page, where we are warned that all posts will be published under the name “A short excursion through the expanses of Facebook.” At the same time, it is possible to post on your own behalf.

A good helper Tips will pop up from time to time telling you about sections of the page. Everything else is a figment of your imagination, which can be realized in the form interesting posts, bright photos, exciting videos, etc.

So, in just 15 minutes you were able to create a Facebook page, which you now have to actively promote and constantly update interesting material. It remains to wish you creative success and massive user recognition. Good luck!

Facebook for business - you will learn how to create a business page on Facebook and set it up to attract new clients, without outside help.

You will also learn: how to properly design a business page on Facebook so that it sells, how to use the capabilities of Facebook to generate profit. I will answer these and other questions related to business promotion through Facebook in this article.

How to use Facebook for business and how to set up a business page on Facebook:

The topic is very broad, but I will try to very briefly break everything down so that after reading, you can put everything into practice.

First of all, you need to understand– we promote business only through<Business Page > (Fan Page), not through the profile page, as many do.

We create a business page on Facebook in 5 minutes, there is nothing complicated, just fill out all the fields.

How to create a business page on Facebook:

It is very important to correctly design the cover of your page so that visitors understand where they are, what the page is about and what they need to do; there must be a call to action.

Click on this picture and you will see how I did it, how I designed everything:

You see, on the page there is an arrow that points to the “More details” button, these buttons are a very important element, they should direct to your selling sites or.

Hover over the button and edit it to suit your needs.

IN this moment this button on my page looks like this:

The visitor clicked on the button and woke up on a page with your business offer or, in my case, on a page with feedback, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!

Remember: A business page on Facebook starts with the cover!

This is what my cover looks like now, at the time of editing (01/14/2018)

Don’t forget to fill out the “Information” section, it should contain your data, page description, your sites - NECESSARILY!

I wrote a separate article: open it, read it.

I advise you to develop a publishing schedule so that filling your page with content goes smoothly, without spamming!

Now, don’t be lazy, create a business page for yourself and start designing it.

How to create a cover photo for your Facebook business page [technical tips]:– use this service to edit your cover.

Create an account for yourself and use it to create high-quality covers for your facebook pages(Business Page cover size: 820 x 312 pixels, if you use Photoshop and other editors):

You can use this service to create covers for YouTube channel, create high-quality images for posts on Facebook, etc.

In the end, I can say - use Facebook wisely in your business, don’t spam, don’t force your profile page and you will notice how you will begin to form an audience that will respond to everything you write!

Roman Ganenko was with you

I tried to convey to you:

There is nothing complicated, just press the “buttons” correctly and get the desired result!

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Beginning entrepreneurs who independently engage in advertising and promotion of their company or products are often interested in how to create a business account on Facebook so that it brings real benefits and contributes to the development of a commercial project.

Constantly growing interest in social networks as effective tools for advertising and promoting a company or its products, as well as unique way communication with representatives of the target audience is explained very simply: the majority of the inhabitants of our planet have their active accounts in at least one of popular social networks. networks. Detailed Study This topic showed that in our country Facebook is of particular interest to business entities.

This is explained not only by the specifics of this social network and the enormous opportunities for advertisers and marketers, which are constantly being improved by the company’s employees, but also by the fact that Facebook users are mainly adults, accomplished people with a certain social status, permanent job and stable income.

That is, they form the foundation of the consumer society, which is the focus of almost all business entities involved in the production and sale of all kinds of products, from toothpicks to luxury cars and expensive yachts. Therefore, creating your own business account on Facebook is not just a marketing ploy, but also a matter of prestige for every self-respecting entrepreneur.

Business account functions

Quite often, business entities who are interested in how to make a business account on Facebook, at the time of creating a profile, cannot even clearly explain why they need it. They are guided by well-known stereotypes - it’s fashionable, prestigious, a social media page. networks attracts new clients, etc. But what do professional marketers, experienced businessmen, and also people who create these tools for business think about this? First of all, a Facebook account representing any commercial organization is effective method promoting your products/services on social networks. It helps bring new products to the market, makes them recognizable, and later popular, for potential buyers.

Next important function Company pages on Facebook are the formation and maintenance of a positive image of your company and the products it produces. Representatives of the target audience, visiting the manufacturer’s profile on social networks, can receive any information they are interested in about a product or service. This fact contributes to the formation high level consumer confidence in both the company and all its products.

Thanks to your social media page, you can establish a constructive and fruitful dialogue with potential clients. This is very important both for the current activities of the company and for the creation of new products. By conducting a survey of representatives of the target audience, you will find out what the client wants to see, what characteristics and functionality of a new product play a decisive role for the buyer, etc. The presented opportunity allows you to significantly reduce the cost of marketing research and virtually eliminates the possibility that new products will be unclaimed.

Regardless of the scale and direction of your activity, the account of a company, brand or commercial project will help you form a group of people who will be interested in your offer. In the future, you can create a community of representatives of the target audience, which will allow you to receive minimal costs time and financial resources, additional tool advertising your business and effective channel connections with potential clients.

Algorithm for creating a business page

Before you start creating an account for your business, pay attention to the fact that Facebook personal profile(which most users have world wide web) differs from the page for representatives of commercial organizations. Even if you work as an individual entrepreneur, that is individual, You need a page, not a personal profile. This is due to the fact that to create an account for a business entity, it is provided great amount functions and settings that are not available for a regular profile.

Among the features of a business account on the social network Facebook, the following points can be highlighted::

    Several people can manage the information on the page; you can provide administrative access to your deputy, heads of departments, chief accountant, etc., at your discretion;

    immediately after creating a profile, it is included in general work social network search engines, according to the criteria you specify (this allows you to quickly find potential clients);

    Users can join your company page independently, without confirming the profile owner;

After studying the information presented, you can safely move on to implementing the practical part of the question, how to create a business account on Facebook.

On the website of the social network we are interested in, that is, Facebook, it is necessary to activate the function of creating a business/corporate page. First of all, you will be asked to identify the type of business activity that best suits your business. Options include entertainment, local businesses, community and musical group, as well as other directions. For example, if you decide to create a profile for a regular store, choose the direction - local company. Next step– choosing a business category. Take your time, study all the options presented several times. When entering your information, be very careful. For the store you will find the appropriate category, and after its approval you need to select a name for the company.

This step is very important, since this criterion will be key for representatives of the target audience. Sometimes, some “smart guys” try to outwit everyone, they choose a name for the search engine, for example, “ grocery store in the center of Volgograd." Thus, they expect to intercept all members of the target audience who need to buy groceries in the center of Volgograd. But as a result, they only lose, since after studying all the proposed options, the potential client will simply “lose” the store without a specific name.

The next step is well known to all users of the World Wide Web, as the most ignored stage of any registration in our country - signing User Agreement. But in in this case, it is recommended that you carefully review what you will be agreeing to. It is possible that certain conditions will contradict your goals and make the entire procedure of creating a business account completely meaningless. After signing the agreement, click on the “Start” button. At this point, the first part of your task to create a business account is considered completed.

Further actions are aimed at filling out and setting up the page. You need to prepare a description of the business category, write a text (focused on the work of search engines) about your page, insert a link to the site (if it exists), and also select a beautiful thematic picture for your profile. Then, add the page to “Favorites” and proceed to work with representatives of the target audience. The main criteria that the program requests from you are: age, gender, place of residence and interests of potential clients.

In this matter you need to act very carefully; if you install too many filters, some potential clients, who do not indicate any information about themselves in their profile will be “cut off” from your page. To finish the job, create or find beautiful cover for a business account (it should not take up a lot of memory so that it doesn’t take a long time to “load”). The final “touch” is to invite your friends to give them the first “likes” as a real confirmation that the page is functioning.

As you can see, the entire process of creating a standard business account on social media facebook networks does not require special knowledge and skills; if desired, each user will perform this task, which allows with minimal effort get real results for your existing business.

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But don't know where to start? In this article, we will try to capture all the relevant aspects that should help you achieve your goal.

Sample created in Canva editor


Be sure to visit "Settings", which is located on the cover of your page.

The Settings section is very important because this is where you can specify various parameters your page, set age restrictions, install filter obscene language in comments, enable or disable reviews, set up notifications that you will receive if someone interacts with your page, and much more. It’s very easy to understand the settings because Facebook independently describes what each item is responsible for and what you will get by using this or that option.

There you can add moderators, authors, basically anyone, and assign a special level of access to your business page.

How to link Instagram account to Facebook?

There's really nothing complicated here. All you need to do is go to the same “Settings” and select the item - “Advertising on Instagram”. IN open window Click “Add”, enter your Instagram username and password and that’s it. (See screenshot):

If you have created an account on Instagram for your brand, company, etc., and not your personal one, then we advise you to switch to business Instagram account, with which you can start promoting on Instagram, for example your website, articles with active links through which your subscribers can go to your resource.

To do this you need to do the following:

1. Go to “Settings” (these are the three dots at the top right).

2. Scroll to the section "Account" and find there "Switch to company profile". Yours may be a little different, like “Create Company Profile”, since we have already created it. Follow the instructions and in 30 seconds you will have a business account on Instagram.

Pros of a business account.

We already mentioned a little higher that you can grow a real audience for your account using paid promotion, with the subsequent transition of the user, for example, to your website. As you know, Instagram does not have active links, hashtags only. This type account and will give you the opportunity to go to your resource directly from Instagram.

Of course you can use various services to increase subscribers, but they will not always be active and interested. In this case, we mean the promotion that Instagram itself offers, you will be able to recruit an audience that will really be interested in what you do.