How to type single quotes on the keyboard. MY adept travel notes

For some time now, TheBat's built-in certificate database for SSL has stopped working correctly (it is not clear for what reason).

When checking the post, an error appears:

Unknown CA certificate
The server did not present a root certificate in the session and the corresponding root certificate was not found in the address book.
This connection cannot be secret. Please
contact your server administrator.

And you are offered a choice of answers - YES / NO. And so every time you remove mail.


In this case, you need to replace the S/MIME and TLS implementation standard with Microsoft CryptoAPI in the TheBat settings!

Since I needed to combine all the files into one, I first converted everything doc files into a single pdf file(by using Acrobat programs), and then transferred it to fb2 through an online converter. You can also convert files individually. The formats can be absolutely any (source) - doc, jpg, and even a zip archive!

The name of the site corresponds to the essence :) Online Photoshop.

Update May 2015

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In my life I came across the problem of repairing an electric stove. I’ve already done a lot, learned a lot, but somehow had little to do with tiles. It was necessary to replace the contacts on the regulators and burners. The question arose - how to determine the diameter of the burner on an electric stove?

The answer turned out to be simple. You don’t need to measure anything, you can easily determine by eye what size you need.

Smallest burner- this is 145 millimeters (14.5 centimeters)

Middle burner- this is 180 millimeters (18 centimeters).

And finally, the most large burner- this is 225 millimeters (22.5 centimeters).

It is enough to determine the size by eye and understand what diameter you need the burner. When I didn’t know this, I was worried about these dimensions, I didn’t know how to measure, which edge to navigate, etc. Now I'm wise :) I hope I helped you too!

In my life I faced such a problem. I think I'm not the only one.

Paired punctuation is primarily used to convey ironic meaning or to highlight quotations, direct speech, and references. It happens that the author puts words or phrases in quotation marks because the term he uses is not known to everyone, or tries to emphasize the meaning of the phrase in an unusual sense, thereby probably ridiculing some character from his story. In the variations below, the user will be able to choose the appropriate way to write a punctuation mark and easily put quotation marks in Word. There are several types that have individual names and can be found in any text document.

Types of quotation marks

These types of paired signs are the main ones:

  • “French” - also called “Triangular”, best known under the term “Christmas trees”, sometimes called “Angle quotes”;
  • “English Doubles” or “Singles” are known as “feet” located at the top.
  • “German” - have a second name - “spread paws”;

Sometimes the "word" is enclosed in the upper even symbols.

Single and double sign - “Herringbone”

Working with text editor, often you have to put different symbols and punctuation marks. It is believed that the documentation in mandatory Printed quotation marks should be used, and in a handwritten document, in the form of double commas. It is not always possible to put quotation marks in Word the first time, although if you remember the key combination correctly once, then the next time, for example, inserting a herringbone quotation mark will not be so difficult.

Option 1: Single corner quotes

Set using the key combination Shift + “B” and “U”. To make it open:

  1. Change to English layout keyboard “Shift+Alt”;
  2. While holding down the “Shift” button, click on the letter “B”;
  3. Write the required word.

To add a private one:

  1. Change the keyboard layout to English;
  2. Hold down the “Shift” button and click on the letter “Y”;
  3. Added single corner signs.
  4. Change the layout to Russian and continue working.

Option 2: Paired punctuation mark “Herringbone”

You can put up a “Christmas tree” in the following ways:

Method 1

The easiest and most quickly remembered method is the key combination “Shift+2”. Need to:

  1. Place the mouse pointer at the desired location;
  2. Switch the letter input method to the Russian keyboard (if necessary) using the combination “Shift + Alt”;
  3. Hold down the "Shift" key and click on the number "2" on the top numeric pad of the keyboard.
  4. Enter the corresponding word and repeat points 2 and 3.

Note! Pay attention to the cursor, it must be separated from the previous word by a space, otherwise the result will not be an opening herringbone quotation mark, but a closing one.

It is mandatory to include spaces and check for their presence.

Method 2

Paired herringbone quotes can be placed using code. Be sure to enable the “Num lock” button.

1) To open a double quote you need to:

“ - hold down the “Alt” button and dial four numbers “0171”. Use the numeric keypad, which is located to the right of the alphabetic keypad.

Attention! Don't forget to activate the "Num LOCK" button.

2) To close the sign:

" - also hold down "Alt" and type "0187".

The only difference is in the codes, the main thing is not to confuse them and then double Christmas trees can be easily printed.

Method 3

This way of writing double triangle quotes is quite simple. Using the “Symbol” function in Word, you insert great amount symbols and the triangular punctuation mark is no exception. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the “Insert” section in the main menu, click on the “Symbol” button and “Other symbols”;
  2. In the “Symbol” pop-up window, specify in the “Set” field - “Additional Latin-1”;
  3. Select the desired double quote and click on “Insert”;
  4. Ready!

Method 4

If you want to surprise others, then this method is definitely for you. Necessary:

  1. Switch to English layout (Shift+Alt);
  2. Type the letters “ab” and press the “Alt” and “X” buttons simultaneously - the result will be an opening character (“);
  3. The closing symbol is placed like this: “bb” and pressing the “Alt” and “X” buttons - as a result () the symbol is ready.

Uppercase single and double quotes “Paws”

Traditional quotation marks in Russian writing are considered to be paired punctuation marks similar to “paws”. If you need to indicate the meaning of a word, a translation from another language, or an excerpt from a quote, use upper and lower commas to help. We’ll look at how to place such signs a little below. There are two ways to make quotation marks with commas in Word:

Option 1: ‘Single feet’

Single 'quote commas' are done as follows:

  1. Place the mouse pointer where you need a single character;
  2. Switch to English letter input (Shift+Alt);
  3. Turn on “Num LOCK”;
  4. Hold “Alt” and enter the numbers (0145) - open the quote, and close (0146). Use digital panel to dial numbers.
  5. The result is in the picture below.

Option 2: “Double”

This can be done in several ways:

Method 1.

You need to know the character code and add just a little manipulation with the key combination. Follow the steps:

  1. Hold down the "Alt" key and type to open "0147" and close "0148".
  2. You will get the upper “comma quotes”.

Attention! You need to work with the numeric keyboard, which is located to the right of the alphabetic one.

Method 2.

Let's learn how to insert quotation marks with commas using the letter "E". To do this you need:

  1. Place the mouse cursor in the desired location;
  2. Enable English layout using the combination (Shift+Alt);
  3. Hold "Shift" and click on the letter "E". Clicking the letter “E” again will add a closing quotation mark in the form of commas.
  4. Ready! Compare the result with the picture below.

Option 3. Expanded

There is one more easy way How to make quotation marks with commas in Word. They will only turn out in a position turned away from each other. The symbol will open from the bottom and close from the top. Here's what you need for this.

In Russian, when typing text, there are different ways show quotes. This punctuation mark is paired and serves to highlight quotes and various titles. In another way, the “herringbone” quotes are also called “French”, since it is assumed that they were invented by the Frenchman Guillaume Le Be.

How to put Christmas tree quotes

IMPORTANT! Methods for printing Christmas tree quotes in popular programs:

Word: In order for the Christmas tree quotes to appear in the text of the document, you need to check whether the layout for the Russian language is enabled in the lower right corner of the screen, and with this layout press and hold SHIFT button; then press the number 2 button - the sign “ should be displayed. After this, a word is written that will be displayed in quotation marks. Next, press and hold the SHIFT key again and press button 2.
REFERENCE! SHIFT key you must hold, rather than press, one or more times, and simultaneously press SHIFT 2 (SHIFT + 2).

Excel: Since this editor is not a text editor, the method for Word will not work. The simplest method in in this case- copy the quotation mark “herringbone” from Word and paste it into Excel. If the document already has quotes of another type (English double quotes, for example), then you need to hold CTRL, press H (CTRL + H) and replace the character with the one copied from Word symbol"or ".
Photoshop: similar to Excel - copy the desired character (" or ") from Word.

Other ways to print Christmas tree quotes

IMPORTANT! To display Christmas tree quotes in the program you need, there are other methods:

Using keyboard shortcuts (ALT+0171). In any editor (Word, Excel, Photoshop, etc.) hold down ALT and on the keyboard on the right press the numbers 0171 one by one.
HELP!The NumLock indicator should light up. ALT + 0171 - for the „ sign, and ALT + 0187 - for the “ sign.

Using HTML code: If you are writing HTML code, then for the Christmas tree quotes, use the codes " and " respectively.
Using symbols without a keyboard: in Word and Excel, click “Insert” - “Symbol”; select the desired sign.

What other quotes are there?

Herringbone quotation marks are far from the only type of quotation marks; there are also:

“German quotation marks” (“paws”);
"English double";
‘English singles’;
"Polish quotes";
"Swedish reverse"
REFERENCE! For the " sign you can use the combination ALT keys+ 34 on NumLock keyboard.

In everyday life, Christmas tree quotation marks are often called “Russian”, meaning their use with the Russian language layout. SHIFT + 2 - the most simple combination keys for typing these quotes in text editors.

There are several types of quotation marks: single, double and double, or as they are also called “herringbone quotation marks.” In this article we will look at ways to help you put the necessary quotes in Word.

First way

Let's use the keyboard. Enable English keyboard layout. To insert single quotes, click on the corresponding button on the keyboard, usually the letter E is located on the same button. To insert double quotes into the text, press Shift and the same button.

Now turn on the Russian-language layout. You can put Christmas tree quotes using the key combination Shift+2, use 2, which is on top panel with numbers.

If you put a herringbone quotation mark and press the key combination Ctrl+Z, you will get double straight quotation marks.

Second way

Let's use the codes. To do this, hold down the Alt button, enter the numbers that are located on numeric keypad, and release Alt. After this, it will immediately appear the right type quotes. Please note that NumLock mode must be enabled. The first four digits are the opening quote, the second are the closing quote.

Single quotes: Alt, 0145 and 0146 – ‘ and ’.
Double quotes: Alt, 0147 and 0148 – “and”.
Paired quotation marks: Alt, 0171 and 0187 - “and”.

Third way

Let's use insertion. Go to the “Insert” tab, click on the “Symbol” button and select from the menu "Other symbols".

In the next window, in the “Font” field, select from the drop-down menu "(plain text)", in the "Set" field, select "punctuation marks". Here you will find different kinds quotes. Click on the one you need and click “Insert”.

Also look in this window for the keyboard shortcut for a specific quote. We discussed this method above. If the field says “012Y, Alt+X”, type 012Y on your keyboard and press Alt+X (use Alt to the left of the spacebar).

Now you know how to insert single, double or herringbone quotes into a Word document.

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This page contains quotes of all kinds, pulled from different sections of Unicode.

This punctuation mark is paired. It denotes direct speech, or a word that is used in a meaning that does not correspond to the usual one - for example, in the opposite. There are several types. The names came from the country where they were invented and from the similarity of the outline with certain objects.

Used in different scripts different quotes according to... Probably tradition. Yes, there are rules for punctuation, but they do not specify the type. There are standards for typographical typesetting for which, ordinary people they can give a damn. So, according to tradition, we (in Russia) use “Christmas tree” quotes. If you need to put them inside an already quoted part of the text, the external and internal characters must be different. The nested ones are the “legs” (““…”). In addition, when writing by hand and in print, the appearance may be different. In the good old days, when I still wrote by hand, the so-called Polish ones were always used (see below). However, fonts are not drawn entirely uniformly.

Konstantin the Philosopher was the first to try to introduce rules for placing quotation marks for Slavic scripts. In the 15th century, he wrote a treatise “On Writing”. It was proposed to highlight special characters quotes from church texts. The images of these symbols were very similar to modern herringbone quotes.

English doubles.

English singles.

Christmas tree quotes. HTML code (mnemonic): " " ( " " )

German "paws".


Swedish reverse.

Double universal. HTML code (mnemonic): " (")

The use of quotation marks in different languages.

The rules are not strict (if any), don't be surprised if they are loosely enforced.

Main and spare (placed inside the main ones, if necessary):

Albanian "..." ‹…›

English "…" '…'

Arabic "..." ‹…›

African „…” ‚…’

Belarusian “...” “...”

Bulgarian “…“ ‚…‘

Hungarian "..."

Greek "..." ‹…›

Danish »…« ›…‹

Hebrew "..." / "..." "..." /<<…>>

Irish “…” ‘…’

Icelandic “…“ ‚…‘

Spanish "..." "..."

Italian "..."

Chinese "…" '…'

Latvian „…“ „…“

Lithuanian “…“ ‚…‘

Dutch „…” ‚…’

German "…" ,…'

Norwegian "..."

Polish "..." "..."

Portuguese “…” ‘…’

Romanian "..." "..."

Russian "…" "…"

Serbian “…“ ‚…‘

Slovak “…“ ‚…‘

Slovenian “…“ ‚…‘

Turkish “…” ‘…’

Ukrainian "..." „…“

Finnish “…” ’…’

French " … " < … >

Croatian »…« ›…‹

Czech „…“ ‚…‘

Swedish “…” ’…’

Estonian „…” „…”

Japanese 「…」 『…』

Many of these icons are symmetrical in the horizontal plane. Even if all of them are, they will remain unchanged.