Earn votes for tasks. How to make money - get votes on VK for free. Ways and types of earnings. Why are votes needed?

Most advanced sites introduce virtual currency for commercial purposes. VKontakte is no exception. Users strive to get the maximum number of votes, as this allows them to have certain advantages:

expand your sticker collection and much more.

Recently, this question has been so popular that the Internet has developed a whole industry of various services ready, under certain conditions, to help users earn the desired votes.

Ways to earn votes on VKontakte

  • buying votes for money;
  • getting votes is free.

The first method involves officially receiving votes. In order to use it, go to the “my settings” section, then click “balance” and “get votes”. This way you can buy votes using a bank card, sending paid messages or using electronic currency.

In the same menu, you can get votes for free using special offers. This method can be classified as the second. By selecting a specific task from the list and completing it, votes will appear on your virtual account. Here's a simple way to earn virtual currency.

Users have another opportunity to get free votes by taking part in the competition. Some public places often host similar events. By fulfilling the specified conditions, you receive votes.

The last three methods are more attractive to social network members. Next, you can familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail and understand which one will be more acceptable to you.

Earning money on third-party sites

There are a large number of services on the Internet through which you can get votes for free. You can see the ranking of the most popular sites:

You need to register on the site and then you will be able to familiarize yourself with an extensive list of tasks for which you can earn points and later exchange them for votes. For example, you need to join a group or repost.

– the resource appeared on the network more than 4 years ago and during this period it has established itself as a reliable project. On this site you can get virtual currency for almost any service by completing simple tasks.

VK votes are a kind of money that circulates on the VKontakte social network. You may need them in games, applications, or to buy gifts on VK (). You may also want to pay a person through a social network by simply transferring votes to him.

In fact, they are bought for money in any way convenient for you. There is nothing complicated, if you have money on your card or mobile phone account, you can easily turn it into votes. However, if you don’t want to spend money, there are some ways to get it for free. This is what will be discussed in this article.

I want to say right away that most methods of obtaining involve time costs. If time is valuable to you, then don’t bother with nonsense, it’s easier to buy them and that’s it. If you are experiencing difficulties with money, and you need votes, then you will have to work a little and waste your precious time.


Dear friends. I warn you that no programs for obtaining votes exist and cannot exist. If you come across these on the Internet, then they probably want to deceive you and steal your data.

The most common method of receiving is thought out and approved by the social network itself.

Go to your page and click on the top menu in the right corner. From the drop-down list, select “Settings”:

We display the status of your personal account, that is, the number of votes you have, as well as the “Top up balance” button. This is what we click on.

Now a window opens where we are offered to top up our account in any way convenient for us. But we won’t pay for anything, because we are going to get everything for free.

We are interested in the last item “Special offers”. Click on it:

We upload tasks, completing which we can get a certain number of votes. The tasks will mainly concern games. For example, you need to reach such and such a level in such and such a game.

If you don’t find enough offers, you can click on the “Show more” button:

As you can see, even more special offers have been loaded:

Getting votes from friends

Looking for in communities

There are some communities on VK that host various competitions and sweepstakes, in which you can get votes for participating or winning. In order to find such communities, you can try using the search.

At the top in the search bar we write the request “Free votes on VK”. A link “Show all results” pops up. We click on it:

We display the results. On the right side, click on the “Communities” link to indicate which ones we are interested in:

We look through all the communities that offer us and study what kind of tasks or competitions they provide:

That's basically it. There are also third-party services on the Internet that pay for certain, simple work using voices on VK. Only in my opinion, these are no longer free, but honestly earned. It’s easier to do much higher-paying work and buy social network currency for real money.

  • Conclusion

Probably, there is no need to even say that the social network VKontakte is the most popular in the entire CIS. But for 99.9% of all users, this is only a way to communicate with friends, a service for watching videos or listening to music. This social network has a fairly wide functionality with which you can carry out a wide variety of activities. Therefore, the remaining 0.1% use this social network to earn votes and even finance. How to earn votes on VK, as well as the types of earnings on VKontatka, will be discussed further in our article.

How to get votes on VK for free

How to make money on VKontakte

How to earn free votes on VK

Let's take a closer look at how you can earn votes on VKontakte.

  • likes;
  • joining groups;
  • by writing a comment;
  • adding as friends and others.

All these actions are needed to promote a group that promotes goods or services. The owner of the group is interested in getting as many likes and reposts as possible under his posts.

After all, if people like a product, it spreads much faster throughout the network. It cannot be said that you can make good money from these VK actions. On most services, the average payment for all of the above actions is 30-40 kopecks. And the number of such tasks is limited, so you cannot earn votes on VK endlessly.

To earn money on VK you can use the following services:

  1. SMMOK. This is one of the best services of its type. It gives you the opportunity to earn about 300 rubles per month. The minimum for withdrawal is 100 rubles, and the average price is 20 kopecks.
  2. VPRka. There are quite a few options for earning money here. The minimum wage is only 50 rubles, and the average price is 20 kopecks.
  3. PROSPERO. Its peculiarity is that there is no minimum requirement for withdrawal, the average price is 40 kopecks. Also, this service has tasks for placing advertisements on a VK wall for 10 rubles.
  4. VKTarget. You can earn money here on your page and in your own group. The minimum wage is 50 rubles, the average price is 30 kopecks.
  5. Blogger. This is a pretty serious service where you can receive money from your page, group and even blog. The minimum wage here is 1,000 rubles, but this is quite a bit, because you can earn up to 5,000 rubles a month here.
  6. SEOZAVR. Here you can also earn money on a page or group, the minimum wage is 500 rubles.

But earning money from a variety of VK activities is not a single way. You can make good money from your group. In the group you can sell your products or services. This is quite easy to do, because creating a VK group is not the same as writing an online store. Here you just need to competently create a product catalog, upload high-quality photos and descriptions. Also, it is necessary to advertise the group in other popular communities. Yes, you will have to pay money for this, but it is advertising that will bring you potential buyers.

You can simply create a group on a topic that interests you. For example, create a group about fishing, update it every day with interesting articles, photographs, notes, videos, and so on. If users start joining the group, then you can launch interesting competitions with prizes. If you have a large number of members in your group, you will definitely receive advertising offers from other users. Advertising, of course, is paid.

And you can make money from a promoted group not only in the previous ways:

  1. Sociate. Using this service, you can place advertising posts in your group. The average price per post is 30 rubles, but if there are more than 100 thousand people in the group, then you can get 300 rubles for one such post. It’s easy to calculate how much you can earn in a month without doing practically anything. The good thing about the service is that here you can order automatic placement of advertising in a group, without your participation. The minimum wage is 100 rubles.
  2. Plibber. This service also gives you the opportunity to earn money from your group. Prices for posts depend on activity in your group. There is no minimum wage here.

How to earn votes on VK for free - video


Thus, on VKontakte you can make money both on your page and on your own group. Of course, having a well-promoted group with thousands of members, you can earn much more than on a simple page. Now you know how to earn votes on VK, we have indicated the most common ways where you can get votes for your work with a guarantee.

Voices on the social network VKontakte are a kind of currency that can be received for free, earned, and then cashed out. These local rubles can be used as you wish, spent on certain purchases, gifts, applications, and purchased valuable bonuses that you may always need in the future. It is not surprising that many are interested in how to earn votes on VK for free and quickly. Today we will tell you how this can be done, and you will also learn how to sell votes on VKontakte for money.

Voices in contact are extremely in demand, since for some it is a good opportunity to increase their social status. Others are interested in them as universal money, with which they can advertise their products and services, purchase original stickers, and realize themselves in gaming programs.

One vote can be obtained for a fixed price of 7 rubles, which upon sale is deposited into the user’s account in his profile. To do this, you need to find the item “Top up balance” in the settings of your page, and select the payment method - by bank card, from an electronic payment system account, through a terminal, from your mobile phone account. According to the rules, you can buy at least 10-20 votes, so it’s worth thinking about whether it might be easier to earn them? It turns out that many are willing to pay for this, but if you look into it, you can simply get this internal currency by reading how to earn votes in VK for free. There are several effective ways to do this, which we will discuss below.

Contests and promotions for winning votes on VKontakte

You can win votes by participating in promotions and competitions held by the network. This is one of the easy ways, although, of course, you will need at least a little luck. Sometimes getting the coveted vote may depend on the leader of a particular group or public. As a rule, winnings are determined by random numbers chosen by admins.

To do this, you will need to search - in the news, manually, or by clicking on “Communities” and entering “competitions, votes” in the search bar. Usually after this a list of groups holding similar events appears. Next, you will need to find out the conditions, fulfill them (like, repost the post) and wait for contact with the administration if you win. Most often, such promotions are carried out by well-known groups “Voices of VK”, “Voices of VK”, one or two votes are offered as a reward.

Special offers from VK

Completing special offers on a social network is perhaps the easiest method to earn rewards in the form of votes. Such requests can be found in “Settings” when going to the payments section, and then in “Balance replenishment”. At the same time, at the bottom of the page you can see “Special Offers”.

There is no need to rush here - first you need to study the nature of the offers, familiarize yourself with the conditions, and to do this follow the following instructions:

  • the most profitable offers are received if a large city is indicated, or better yet, a capital, although in some cases such information may be checked by the administration, and until the application is moderated, access to this function may not be available;
  • quest updates occur every day, so it is useful to check them periodically. If you do this rarely, you may miss a lucky opportunity, and instead of a simple one, you will come across a more complex mission that will need to be completed;
  • and one more important point - the more friends there are in the VK network, the more options will be offered.

For your information, the option may not be available to those who have recently created their own public page - in this situation, you will have to wait several months until it appears.

When choosing a method for acquiring votes, you should not rely on special applications that supposedly can collect such bonuses in batches - this is a rather dangerous activity. Firstly, you can “catch” a virus, and secondly, such techniques in VK do not go unpunished - your account can be frozen for this.

How to get VKontakte votes for free: video

In the video lesson posted below, you can clearly see one of the ways you can get VKontakte votes for free and legally and without breaking the rules in 5 minutes, without using various programs to cheat votes. Using this method you can earn 1 vote, 10 votes, 100 VKontakte votes and more for free.

How to earn votes in VK for free on third-party sites

Help in gaining votes is mainly from administrators and advertisers pursuing their own goals - promoting business or interesting ideas. They need reposts and likes, completing game levels or watching videos.

The main advantage of this method of earning money is the absence of cash investments; in addition, for completing one generally simple task, you can get up to 30 votes. It is only important to carry out the technical task exactly, without missing a single specified nuance. Some prefer to recruit votes through purchases or ordering services - there are such options, but then you will have to invest material resources. It’s true that the votes will number not in tens, but in hundreds, but everyone chooses what is closest to them.

There are certain popular advertising-based sites that pay a few points for such work, which are later converted into votes. To do this, you need to register on these services using your VK account details and you can get to work.

The most famous are:

  1. Vkway– the resource positions itself as a site for making money online. There are two main ways - inviting new participants using your affiliate link and completing mini-tasks. I must say, there is always enough work on the service, and you can get money or votes for joining communities, adding friends and liking. But it should be borne in mind that adding to friends and different groups should not be too frequent. In VK this is called spam and is punishable by blocking the page.
  2. Roboliker- this is the most popular site, relatively young, but has already managed to please everyone who is keenly interested in gaining votes. Users are rewarded in local currency for various active actions on the social network, but if they wish, they can also receive real money in their WebMoney electronic wallet. The popularity of the resource is deserved, since the project has many advantages, including simple registration, which only requires a link to your account, regular payments, and always a lot of tasks. Three types of tasks are approximately equal in pay - that's 1-2 likes. For registration you can get 10 likes. In order to get one vote you need to earn 300 likes. By the way, by referring one friend, the user receives 100 likes.
  3. CoinsUP is an interesting project that gives you the opportunity to earn local currency by participating in online games. This is a great way to get votes on VKontakte for free and, at the same time, have a good time. The service supports a huge number of favorite applications, including World Of Tanks, Warface, Lineage and others. Here you can earn votes by completing tasks and attracting new users, receiving passive income.

There are other well-known sites that allow you to use the money you receive to buy votes. Smmok.ru is a well-known service that allows you to promote yourself on VKontakte, get reposts, likes, and add friends. By completing simple tasks, the user earns money and can spend real money on buying votes. They go to your internal account in your personal account, and then to your WebMoney wallet. The system of earning money on websites is considered similar. SocialTools.ru, Forumok.com, V-like.ru and many others.

How to sell VKontakte votes for money

A very pressing question is how to cash out votes on VKontakte, without offering them to all your friends in a row? Unfortunately, the official price is too high for some, but for 5-6 rubles this “product” can quickly go away, but, of course, not on a social network.

This can be done through the SeoSprint or wmmail.ru platform. After registering on these resources, it is easy to see that there are often tasks there that involve “transferring” votes. You can advertise the sale there and indicate the price, but no more than 3 rubles per vote. There is another option - try to offer votes in groups like “Voices of VK”; of course, your own page should not look like a fake.

By imagining how to earn votes on VK for free and quickly, you can significantly increase your status and advance online, spend them on interesting programs, goods and services, exchange them for coins, or simply make a pleasant surprise for your friends.

Earning VKontakte votes is the best alternative to buying them. Today on the Internet there are a huge number of opportunities for making money on a social network. We talk in detail about how to earn votes on VK in 2018, as well as how to start doing this with minimal loss of time.

Where to quickly earn votes in contact

Along with a scholarship and basic income. Young people, and even schoolchildren, collect free votes, which can be earned in several ways. There are not so many of them, and any of them still requires some work.

How and where you can earn votes in contact for free, read below.

First of all, do not fall for buggies and advertisements like “Free votes for a contact or quickly earn votes in a contact,” because such services have not existed for a long time and all groups have ceased to exist forever.

If there are still not enough votes, then the best option would be to create the next account and register on special platforms, where the people to whom you will give the votes will give you votes. Such a beneficial exchange and very convenient.

You can also earn VK votes by completing various types of tasks. Some people need a repost, others need a like or a review. All this is sold and bought for mere pennies if you decide to earn 1 vote in a contact and no longer act. But if you are full of determination and perseverance, then making money on social networks can bring you a lot of pleasure and additional benefits from an overflowing wallet.

website is the most popular platform related to contact. When registering, you will be asked to link your account to your workplace, and you can start immediately. Trying to complete tasks and getting votes in contact for your work is no different from daily viewing the news feed, only in this case you definitely need to complete the task that you took on. And it's all.

Some groups hold special competitions where you can also earn free votes in contact if you take some place.

Http://vk.com/votes4all ;

These are the groups that exist and thrive. Thanks to them, you will learn how easy it is to make money in contact while sitting at home at your computer.

If you need votes immediately and don’t want to join any groups to get them, then just ask one of your friends. Surely there are some acquaintances who will be happy to share one or two voices with you in contact completely free of charge, i.e. for nothing.

You can also write a status - a cry for help, in which you simply ask to receive votes in contact for free or list your capabilities for which you would be happy to exchange other people’s votes. For example, you write poetry well or have some Photoshop skills. Surely there will be people in a huge network who will need your services. Of course, this is considered earnings, but it is also a pleasant way to earn free votes in contact, since you are doing a hobby - something you love and getting the votes you want - everything is fair and fun.

To be honest, it is almost impossible to get free voices in contact. As you already understood from the text, everywhere there is a return. In any case, you have to work hard. In some places it’s minimal, in others it’s not much of a pleasure. However, while there are such opportunities as getting a free vote for a like or repost, you can and should use this and be able to survive in a situation where it is not possible to buy votes for a very necessary cause or for a gift to a loved one.