How to easily reset the BIOS password on a laptop. How to remove or reset a password on a computer or laptop

It is no secret that the Internet is teeming with viruses, so users must be able to get rid of these programs that are harmful to the device. Some virus programs may block login access. The sending prompt appears on the screen paid SMS to a three- or four-digit number to receive a code to unlock access. You shouldn’t fall for it.” profitable proposition" You must unlock your laptop yourself.

The simplest banners are easy to remove; all you have to do is manually enter different combinations on the laptop keyboard.

First, we try using the mouse, moving the arrow to “Activate” or “Submit”, and clicking on this button on the screen. And you don’t need to enter any codes, sometimes it helps: the window closes, the lock is removed. We also press “ESK”, but it didn’t work – “ALT” – “F4”. These buttons don’t work either, click the mouse on the banners on the screen, there are often hidden buttons there. If Windows XP is installed on your laptop, then Live disk CD will get rid of the hated virus. To do this, insert it into the drive, when loading the device, click on “F2”. In the window that appears, select “ DVD Rom ”, then click on “Startup Repair” or “System”. After pressing the “System Restore” button, make a choice: which control point you want to restore. For Windows 7 you need to carry out the same steps as for XP. The difference is that you need to use

installation disk this "Windows". And when the window with the “Install” button pops up, click on “System Restore” and then select “Startup Repair”. With absence required disks To fix problems you will have to look for an unlock code. Requires internet and more

computer device . There are special sites for this, for example:, here you can determine the code from the banner image. Then you paste it into the window - and you are free to log in. There are many options to protect data on your computer or laptop. You can password protect your computer using account to your user accounts to prevent others from accessing your data. The windows login password is a good idea, but it may not prevent you from booting to the login screen and using workarounds, special programs to find out the password. Even more important is if anyone manages to boot from the CD Linux Live or boot disk Windows and instantly copy all data to an external drive.

Since all of the above passwords can be reset and found out using workarounds, some users prefer to use the BIOS password. The BIOS password is relatively more secure than the user account password, since no one will be able to boot from the boot disk or pre-boot Windows login without entering correct password BIOS.

Again, the BIOS password can be reset by removing the CMOS battery on motherboard on your computer, but then it's not simple work, especially on laptops and tablets from hp, dell, acer, asus, lenovo, samsung, toshiba. Based on this, we’ll figure out how to find out or reset BIOS password on laptops and tablets if you forgot it and don’t remember it. I wonder how it works? A unique master password is set in the BIOS from the OEM. Using this master password, you can reset the password and gain access to the BIOS.

Reset BIOS password

Note: This method should work on most modern laptops and computers. I tried on Acer laptop and everything worked great.

  1. Turn on your laptop, computer and enter the BIOS password several times until you are locked out.
  2. Now you should immediately see a technical code or number, as in the figure below, or select Enter Unlock Password (enter a password to unlock). In other versions of BIOS, the code may be designated differently (System Disbled Service Tag), but the essence does not change.
  3. Write down all the codes on a piece of paper or on your mobile phone.

  • On your smartphone or other laptop, visit BIOS password website , enter the code you saw on BIOS screen, and then click the Get password button. Knowing the laptop manufacturer, write down the password, if there are several of them, then write down several one after the other.

  • Now log in again before entering the password in the BIOS and enter the code that you wrote down from the site. Next you can go to BIOS settings and remove or change the password by entering the same code.


Let's consider the option of removing the password in general. The password entry window appears at the initial stage of booting the device even before Windows boot. If you know this and just want it, then press Del or F2 (depending on the motherboard version) at startup, enter the password and enter the BIOS. Select “Change Password” or Change Password, enter Old Password, and save the changes.

You can also reset your password mechanically. Remove the bottom cover laptop by unscrewing a few screws. Find a small coin cell battery. Remove it from the socket and close the contacts. This can be done with the screwdriver you used to disassemble. Reinstall the battery in its original place and turn on the laptop.

If we're talking about about the password set to enter the operating system, then you need to perform a certain series of actions. It is worth immediately noting that this method intended only for Windows XP and above earlier versions OS, because while creating Windows Vista And Windows Seven this “hole” was. Restart your computer by pressing Reset buttons. A window will appear in front of you with a choice of system boot options. Select "Secure" Windows mode».

When the operating system boots into safe mode, a window with accounts will open in front of you, among which there will be a new one with the name “Administrator”. There should be no password set for this user. Log in to the operating system using this account.

Open Control Panel and find User Accounts. Select "Manage another account". Select your account and click Remove Password. Restart your computer in normal mode and login using your old account.

Each laptop and desktop personal computer has a kind of BIOS battery that plays the role of backup power and settings storage. If necessary, it can be easily and simply replaced with a new one.

BIOS battery in laptop

As you might guess, the BIOS battery, first of all, acts as an additional power reserve for the computer. Secondly, it maintains the functionality of its CMOS memory. This memory stores the configuration personal computer, that is, various kinds of system settings made in the BIOS. It is worth noting that the manufacturer of the BIOS battery plays literally no role. The thing is that they are almost all the same in quality. Typically, one such battery lasts for a period of 2 to 5 years. As for its cost, it is very cheap - about 50 rubles.

Replacing the battery

Each user can independently find out whether the BIOS battery needs to be replaced. This usually needs to be done if: the time and date are regularly lost, and also if the clock lags behind the current one, when expired certificates appear (usually this message appears when you try to launch a browser), if the antivirus indicates that its databases are outdated and do not work any programs, etc. In order to replace the BIOS battery, you first need to go to the store and buy a new one. After this, you need to restart the computer and enter the BIOS using the Del button. All settings should be written down on paper. This is done because after it is delivered new battery, then all settings will automatically be reset to factory settings.

Unfortunately, replacing the battery is a little more complicated than on a desktop personal computer, but this procedure will still not cause any serious problems even for novice users. The method of replacing the BIOS battery primarily depends on the design of the installed motherboard, the structure of the laptop case, as well as the method of installing the battery. The owner of the device will have to disassemble the laptop: open the removable cover located at the bottom of the device and remove the battery. Usually it is located under the tape or foil. This is done so that it does not come into contact with other components and. The battery may be soldered to the motherboard and this may cause some difficulties. In order to get it out, you will first have to unsolder one of its ends and only then take it out. A new one is installed in the same place, and its ends are installed in the same grooves where the old ones were. All that remains is to put the laptop back together and start it up. System testing will begin, after which you can install again own settings BIOS and use your computer as before.

Many users set a password on their PC so that others cannot access the information. But sometimes Secret word or the phrase is forgotten, and as a result the person himself cannot log into the system. However, there is no need to despair, everything can be fixed.

This article talks about how to remove the password from a laptop.

Removing the password from the laptop

If you remember the password, but just don't want to use it in the future, you can disable it. To do this, at the initial stage of booting the PC, you need to click Del button or F2, enter the password and enter the BIOS. Then select the “Change Password” item, enter the old password and save the changes.

If the password has been forgotten, you can reset it mechanically. To do this, you will need to remove the bottom cover of the laptop by unscrewing several screws. Then you need to find a tablet-shaped battery, remove it from the socket and close the contacts using a screwdriver. Then you should install the battery in its original place and turn on the laptop.

Removing the password from Windows 8

  1. Open the Start screen by pressing the Win key and typing the word Netplwiz. Thanks to this, you will be able to call the “User Accounts” program, which will help you set up login.
  2. Uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox. You will be asked to provide the password that is used to log into the OS on this moment. This condition must be met for the changes to take effect.
  3. Now you need to restart your laptop. When the OS boots, the “Sign in to your Microsoft account” window will appear, in which you must enter the password for your account Microsoft records. If you still don’t have it, then you should register, this will give you access to many applications that will help make your work with Windows 8 easier.

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In the operating room Windows system 8, and also after updating it to Windows versions 8.1, after a long period of inactivity, blocking occurs Windows screen. In this case, the user will have to enter the password for his account in order to log back into the operating system and continue using it.

It is clear that the screen Windows locks 8 is run for security reasons. If a computer user is absent for a long time, other users will not be able to log in to the system, because to do this they will need to enter the computer administrator account information - the user password.

In many cases, this order is not always convenient, nor is it necessary. For example, a computer is used by only one user at home. It will be inconvenient to re-enter the password each time you are temporarily away from the computer while it is on.

You won't be able to disable the lock screen directly from Windows. user settings there is no such function. To disable the lock screen, you will need to use the Local Group Policy Editor.

The lock screen in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems is the same. You will be able to remove the screen lock if you need it.

How to disable screen lock in Windows 8 Pro

In the Windows 8 Pro operating system, on " home screen"(Modern UI interface) of the operating system you will need to click on the button with an arrow, which is located in the lower left corner.

This will open the Applications screen with a list of installed programs. On the right top corner, in the “Search” field you should enter the expression “gpedit.msc”, and then run the found program.

In Windows 8.1, you don't have to switch to the tiled interface. Since the system already has a Start button, you can use this button to enable the Local Group Policy Editor.

To do this, click right click mouse on the "Start" button. In the context menu that opens, select “Run”.

In the “Run” window, in the “Open” field, enter the expression “gpedit.msc”, and then click on the “OK” button.

After launching the application, the “Local Group Policy Editor” window will open. On the left side of the window, in the “Policies” section local computer”” you will need to select the “Computer Configuration” item.

After that, in the window that opens, open the “Control Panel” folder.

Then, in a new window, open the Personalization folder.

In the “Personalization” folder, you will need to double-click on the “Prohibit display of the lock screen” item.

After this, the “Prohibit the display of the lock screen” window will open. In this window, you will see that “Not Configured” is enabled by default.

To disable the lock screen, you will need to activate the “Enabled” item, and then click on the “OK” button.

That's it, now after a long period of inactivity, after some time, Windows already will not turn on the lock screen.

Using the Local Group Policy Editor in Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8.1 Pro, you can disable the lock screen.

How to disable screen lock in Windows 8 Core

In editions of operating systems simply Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 without the endings Pro and Enterprise are missing group policies. These editions are also called Windows 8 Core or Windows 8.1 Core.

To launch the Registry Editor, you will need to press the “Win” + “R” keys on your keyboard. In the Run window that opens, enter the expression “regedit” and then click on the OK button.

This will open the Registry Editor window. In the Registry Editor you will need to follow this path:


If your computer does not have a “Personalization” section, then you will need to create it. To do this, select the “Windows” section, and then right-click in the “Registry Editor” window. In the context menu, select “Create” => “Section”.

Then highlight the “Personalization” section, and then right-click in the Registry Editor window. From the context menu, select New => DWORD Value (32 bits).

Now you need to give the new parameter a name - “NoLockScreen”. Next, double-click on the created parameter.

This will open the “Change DWORD (32-bit) Value” window. In the “Value” field you will need to set the value “1”, and then click on the “OK” button.

You can now close the Registry Editor, and after that you will need to restart your computer.

Conclusions of the article

After removing the screen lock operating system, the user will not have to enter a password to log in again and continue the interrupted work.

How to disable screen lock in Windows 8.1 (video)