Information resources of society. Educational information resources. Working with software. Definition of a branching program. Drawing up simple programs


Key Features

The encyclopedia in the form in which we know it now appeared in the 18th century. The dictionary served as a model for it. The dictionary contains only words and their definitions, giving the reader a minimum of information and often not allowing him to understand the meaning and applicability of the term or how this term refers to a wider range of knowledge. To eliminate these shortcomings, the encyclopedia goes deeper into each subject it covers and provides an overview of the knowledge accumulated about it. The encyclopedia often contains many geographical maps and illustrations, as well as bibliography and statistics.

Field of knowledge

Main article: Encyclopedia list by branches of knowledge

Encyclopedias are divided into universal (for example, "Britannica", "Wikipedia"), sectoral ("Mathematical Encyclopedia"), regional, problem, personal.

Universal encyclopedias

Main article: Encyclopedia list by branches of knowledge# Universal encyclopedia

Universal Encyclopedia - an encyclopedia that covers the entire range of knowledge about the world and man. The prototype of such an encyclopedia can be the “Natural History” compiled by Pliny the Elder for Emperor Titus.

The target audience

Depending on the background of the reader to whom the encyclopedia is addressed, it may not only contain information about a specific field of knowledge, for example, medicine, philosophy, or jurisprudence, but also present the material in a more or less special language.

Persian Encyclopedia

Method of organization

The way the encyclopedia is organized is important for its ease of use as reference literature. Historically, there have been two main ways of organizing an encyclopedia: alphabetical and hierarchical.

Alphabetical (or alphabetic-dictionary, or simply dictionary) organization based on the arrangement of individual unrelated articles in alphabetical order names of their subject. Encyclopedias in which information is divided into words and phrases are called encyclopedic dictionaries, for example, the 82-volume Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, the 58-volume Encyclopedic Dictionary Garnet, Wikipedia. Encyclopedic reference books are also a type of encyclopedia, in which articles are presented in an extremely condensed form.

Systemic (or logical-thematic, hierarchical) organization In addition, there are encyclopedias in which information is divided into branches of knowledge, for example, the 12-volume Children's Encyclopedia.

There are also encyclopedias of a mixed type, for example, most of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia is built as an encyclopedic dictionary, but the volume “USSR” is built on a logical-thematic (hierarchical) principle.

New opportunities for organizing an encyclopedia are created by electronic devices, allowing, for example, to search by keywords.

Compilation method

Modern means of storing and exchanging information are creating ever new ways to collect, verify, process and present information. Projects such as Wikipedia are an example of new forms of encyclopedia in which adding and retrieving information is extremely simplified.


The first encyclopedias

Although the term “encyclopedia” itself came into use only in the 16th century, encyclopedic works have been known since ancient times. Terminological dictionaries were compiled already in Ancient Egypt during the Middle Kingdom (2nd millennium BC). Codes of knowledge were also compiled in Ancient China (XII-X centuries BC). Encyclopedias were popular in the Christian world during the early Middle Ages: in the West, an example is the works of Isidore of Seville, in the East - the Byzantine dictionary “Judgment”.

In the mature period of the Middle Ages in Western Europe, several types of encyclopedic works developed: mirrors (lat. speculum), compendiums (compedium), sums (summae), which served mainly as teaching aids for students of “lower” general education faculties of universities. An example is the work of the Dominican monk Vincent of Beauvais (mid-13th century) “Bibliotheca Mundi” (“World Library”), otherwise “The Great Mirror” (lat. Speculum majus) - in 80 volumes and three parts. Until the 13th century, all such publications were published in Latin, but glossaries are gradually appearing - dictionaries of less commonly used words and expressions.

Encyclopedic culture received a big boost during the Renaissance in the 14th-16th centuries, including thanks to the invention of printing by Johannes Gutenberg. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the term “encyclopedia” (as well as “cyclopedia”) appeared in its modern meaning.

XVII-XIX centuries

Lexicon Technical School Harris, Title page second edition, 1708

Although the very idea of ​​a universal and publicly accessible encyclopedia appeared before the 18th century, Cyclopedia or universal dictionary of sciences and arts Chambers (1728), Encyclopedia Diderot and d'Alembert (production began in 1751), as well as Encyclopedia Britannica, Brockhaus Encyclopedia and other encyclopedias of that time were the first among those that had a completely modern appearance, familiar to us. Their articles were both accessible in style and insightful in content, systematically arranged in a predictable order. However, even the earliest of these, Chambers' Encyclopedia of 1728, had a predecessor, Lexicon Technical School John Harris (1704), which also in content and title was “A universal English dictionary of the arts and sciences, expounding not only the terms of the arts, but the arts themselves.”

XX century

The most famous encyclopedia of the 20th century was the Encyclopedia Britannica, the rights to which belong to American publishers. In 1985, the 16th edition was published, including 32 volumes.

Along with traditional encyclopedias, schoolchildren's encyclopedic dictionaries are appearing.

In the 90s of the XX century with the development multimedia technologies electronic encyclopedias appeared on CDs. Computer techologies significantly changed the nature of access to encyclopedic information - searching for articles became almost instantaneous, it became possible to insert into articles not only high-quality photographs, but also sound fragments, videos, and animations. The most significant was the publication in Microsoft and the electronic version of Britannica.

In Russia, the most significant project of this kind since the year has been the “Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius” (BEKM), published annually in an updated version by the company “Cyril and Methodius”. In mid-2004, the organizers of the Around the World project made a similar attempt (the publication was released on CD and appeared on the Internet), but in terms of volume this encyclopedia cannot compete with BEKM.

One of the most major projects for the publication of encyclopedic publications on the Internet in Russian - the portal “Rubrikon”, opened in 2000, where texts and illustrations of 62 encyclopedias and dictionaries are posted. Many project materials are available for a fee.

Free encyclopedia

With the development of Internet technology, the emergence of Wikipedia, an encyclopedia compiled and edited by everyone, became possible. Despite its apparent universal accessibility, including for destructive influences, in terms of coverage, Wikipedia (English version, more than 2.356 million articles as of April 2, 2008) is at least not inferior to world-famous publications.

The main disadvantage generated by the method of creating Wikipedia, however, is not its accessibility to destructive influences, but its internal inconsistency; therefore, at the present stage, Wikipedia cannot be fully considered a “systematic overview of the branches of human knowledge” - bringing accumulated material into the system is one of the constant goals of Wikipedia.

Encyclopedias in Russia

The first encyclopedic work in Russia should be considered the “Dictionary of Foreign Words” in the “Helmsman’s Book” by the Novgorod Bishop Clement, which has come down to us in copies.

Among other Russian encyclopedias of the 19th century, the “Desktop Dictionary for Reference in All Branches of Knowledge” (vol. 1-3, 1863-64), edited by F. G. Toll, deserves attention.

Since 1890, the famous “Encyclopedic Dictionary” by F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron has been published, which, despite its German origin, was created with the participation of leading Russian scientists. In - gg. 82 main volumes were published, as well as 4 additional ones. The circulation ranged, according to various sources, from 30 to 75 thousand copies. In 1911, the company Brockhaus and Efron initiated the publication of the New Encyclopedic Dictionary, ed. K.K. Arsenyev, but in 1911, out of 50 volumes, only 29 were published.

Since 1891, the “Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary” has been published. From the 4th volume, the publication of the dictionary was continued by the partnership “A. Garnet and Co. The first 6 editions of the dictionary were published in 8-9 volumes. (1891-1903). The 7th edition, completely revised, was published in 1910-48 under the title “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Pomegranates”, in 58 volumes.

After the revolution in Russia, already in the difficult 20s, industry encyclopedias were published: Peasant Agricultural, Trade, Pedagogical. The main universal encyclopedia for many years was the “Great Soviet Encyclopedia” (BSE), the decision to publish it was made in the city of V - the 1st edition was published (the so-called “Stalinist”, 66 volumes), in - the years. - 2nd edition (51 volumes) and - - 3rd edition (30 volumes). And although none of the publications managed to avoid an ideological touch, TSB is still considered one of the best encyclopedic works of our time.

At the end of the 90s, preparation began for the first edition of the Great Russian Encyclopedia (BRE) (the publishing house of the same name - the successor to the TSB), which was supposed to replace the TSB. By various reasons publication was delayed, and the first volume (“Russia”) of the 30 planned BDTs appeared only in 2004. Moreover, a year before this, the “New Russian Encyclopedia” (NRE) appeared, which is published by the publishing house “Infra-M” and “Encyclopedia”. NRE is a more compact project, providing 12 volumes (the first is also “Russia”). In 2005, the second (first alphabetical) volumes of BRE and NRE were published. Announced in 2005, the release of the full edition of the 62-volume “Big Encyclopedia”, prepared by the Terra publishing house, claimed to be a “breakthrough in the encyclopedic business.” Sales began in 2006. The Encyclopedia's general vocabulary contains over 200,000 words, including reference entries and explained terms. Of these, over 160,000 are keywords of review, conceptual and biographical articles, which are accompanied by more than 60,000 color and black and white illustrations, 340 general geographical and political maps.

Paper encyclopedias

Main article: List of encyclopedias by branches of knowledge#Printed works

Russia, USSR

  • encyclopedic Dictionary. St. Petersburg: F. A. Brockhaus, I. A. Efron, 1890-1907. 82 + 4 vols.
    • 5000 articles (These articles were placed on the CD encyclopedia of Autopan (Moscow).)
  • Great Encyclopedia: Dictionary of publicly available information on all branches of knowledge/ Ed. S. N. Yuzhakova. St. Petersburg: Education, 1900-1909.
    • 1st - 4th ed. (stereotypical). 1900-1907. 20 vols. + 2 additional.
    • 5th ed. 1907-1909. 22 vols.
  • Pomegranate: Encyclopedic Dictionary. 58 vols. 1910-1948.
  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia(TSB). Moscow.
    • 1st ed. 65 vols. 1926-1947.
    • 2nd ed. 50 vols. 1950-1960.
    • 3rd ed. 30 vols. 1969-1978.
  • Holy Rus': Encyclopedic Dictionary of Russian Civilization. comp. O. A. Platonov 2000 Hardcover, 1040 pp. ISBN 5-901364-01-5
  • Technical encyclopedia. 26 vols. 1927-1934
  • Encyclopedic reference book "Mechanical Engineering" M.: Mashgiz, 1946-1951. 16 vols.
  • Kazakh Soviet Encyclopedia. 12 vols. -

Other countries

  • Brockhaus (German) Brockhaus). 1805-
  • Bertelsmann (German) Bertelsmann). 1835-

Society Information Resource (IRO)

Informational resources– this is knowledge prepared for appropriate social use.

IRO is knowledge that is already ready for appropriate social use

IRO in in a broad sense- knowledge alienated from its carriers and included in information exchange, existing both in oral and in materialized form.

Global informatization of society is the reason for the increasing role of information.

Classification of information resources:

      subject of information;

      form of ownership - state, private, etc.;

      availability of information – open, closed, confidential;

      belonging to a certain information system– library, archival, scientific and technical;

      The source of information - official information, publications in the media, etc.;

      purpose and nature of information use – mass regional, departmental;

      form of information presentation – text, digital, graphic, multimedia;

      media type

      information – paper, electronic.

Educational information resource - text, graphic and multimedia information created specifically for use in the learning process.

Subjects and objects of these resources.

Subjects are classified as follows:

      the subject creating objects (all users of the educational system - teacher, student);

      the subject using the objects (all users of the educational system);

      a subject administering objects, that is, providing an environment for working with objects of other subjects (network administrators);

      a subject that controls the use of objects by subjects (engineers).

Educational electronic resources include:

      educational materials ( electronic textbooks, textbooks, abstracts, diplomas),

      educational materials ( electronic techniques, learning programs),

      scientific and methodological (dissertations, candidate's works),

      additional text and illustrative materials ( laboratory works, lectures),

      testing systems (tests - electronic testing of knowledge),

      electronic full-text libraries;

      electronic periodicals in the field of education;

      electronic tables of contents and annotations of articles from periodicals in the field of education,

      electronic archives of issues.

2. Assignments for students’ independent work

Exercise 1. Give examples:

    reliable but biased information;

Petya got a D, somewhere around 2 o’clock in the afternoon

    objective but unreliable information;

The earth has always been flat

    complete, reliable, but useless information;

I ate borscht today

    irrelevant information;

The Soviet Union collapsed

    relevant but unclear information.

Today I explained to him what I talked about yesterday

Task 2. Fill out the table “Formation of information culture”

Changes in education

Changing people's lifestyles

Dangers information society

With the advent of computer networks, schoolchildren and teachers acquired new opportunity quickly receive information from anywhere globe. Through the global telecommunications network Internet, instant access to world information resources is possible ( electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.). In the most popular Internet resource - the world WWW several billion multimedia documents published

With the advent of new data compression algorithms, available for transmission over computer network The sound quality has improved significantly and has begun to approach the sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, relatively new technology- Internet telephony.

Using special equipment and software, you can conduct audio and video conferences via the Internet.

A certain danger is fraught with the external superficial use of ICT tools and information resources to carry out group and individual projects of little significance in general educational terms. Task 3.

Using the Universal Encyclopedia Reference, find answers to the following questions:

1)What is WWW? The World Wide Web (English World Wide Web) is a distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on different computers connected to the Internet. To indicate World Wide Web also use the word web (English web “web”) and abbreviation.



Who was the developer of the first computer?


    One of the first mechanical computing devices was invented by Pascal in 1642. He added and subtracted large numbers. Three decades later, Leibniz created a more powerful calculator with division and multiplication.

When is World Information Day celebrated? November 26 marks World Information Day, which has been held annually since 1994 on the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization (IAI), which has general consultative status in the Economic and Social councils

    UN, and the World Information Parliament (WIP). On this day in 1992, the first International Informatization Forum took place. Today World Information Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. Source

When did the world's first multimedia personal computer appear?


    The world's first multimedia computer - Amiga 1000 (1985)

In 1673 in London, at a meeting of the Royal Society, who demonstrates an adding machine that could perform multiplication, division and extraction of roots?


    Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

When is World Programmer's Day celebrated?- a professional holiday of programmers, celebrated on the 256th day of the year. The number 256 (2 8) was chosen because it is the number of different values ​​that can be expressed using an eight-bit byte. It is also the maximum integer power of 2 that does not exceed the number of days in a year (365).


7) When was Blaise Pascal born?

Online reference books and encyclopedias

In some cases, it may be necessary to find not just a document containing a keyword, but the interpretation of a certain word. When searching for an unfamiliar term using search engine you risk getting whole line articles in which this term is used, and at the same time never find out what it really means.

In some cases, you can use a search with keywords like “what is (unknown term)”, “(unknown term) is” or “(unknown term) is”, etc.

However, if it is not a new term, it is preferable to start similar search in the online encyclopedia.


One of the largest online encyclopedias is the resource "Yandex. Encyclopedia" ( - this project contains 14 encyclopedias, including articles from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia. The largest ones include the Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, which can be found at

· Universal encyclopedias:
Brockhaus online, The world around us, Universal Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, All-in-one: Encyclopedic reference book. Specialized: Great Russian Legal Encyclopedia, Medical and Biological Encyclopedia, Peoples and Religions of the World, Theater Encyclopedia, Economic dictionary(Cyril and Methodius), Encyclopedia of Religions,

· Regional:
Americana. English-Russian linguistic and cultural dictionary, Bashkortostan: Brief encyclopedia, Odessica - encyclopedia about Odessa, Omsk region: Encyclopedic reference, Pskov encyclopedic dictionary, Traditional culture of the peoples of the European north-east of Russia, Encyclopedia of the Ivanovo region, Japan from A to Z: (Popular encyclopedia)

· Special:
Aviation from A to Z: Encyclopedia of World Aviation, Automotive Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, Palaces of St. Petersburg, Internet. Your way out, Culinary Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, Komi Mythology (Ural Mythology. Vol. 1), Extelopedia of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economic Terms, Encyclopedia of Arms of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of Pets of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of Health of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of Cinema of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of Moscow University (1755-1917), Encyclopedia of Vegetables, Encyclopedia personal computer Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of rock, jazz and pop music Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, Encyclopedia of fiction (Yu. Vitkovskaya), Encyclopedia of fiction (Vl. Gakov), Encyclopedia of miracles, riddles and secrets, Encyclopedia of etiquette of Cyril and Methodius, This day in history, GraphInfo - encyclopedic dictionary of computer graphics, multimedia and CAD, World Wide Coins-Encyclopedia: 20th century on world coins.

· Personal:
Large Russian Biographical Dictionary, Orenburg Pushkin Encyclopedia, Orenburg Tolstoy Encyclopedia, Orenburg Shevchenko Encyclopedia

· Universal encyclopedias: Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Illustrated Dictionary, Russian Encyclopedia. Dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron “Rubricon”

· Dictionaries: New dictionary Russian language, Dictionary Dalia, American English, Medicine and health, Minor medical, First aid, Dictionary of medical terms

· Story: " The World History", "History of the Fatherland", America - Russia, Encyclopedia of Ships

· Biographies: Biographical Dictionary, Political figures. 1917

· Russia: “Constitution of the Russian Federation”, “Moscow”, “St. Petersburg”, “Cities of Russia” “Geography of Russia”

· Countries, peoples, religions: “Peoples and Religions of the World”, Biblical Encyclopedia “Latin America”, “Americana”, “Australia and New Zealand", "Great Britain"

· Art: Popular fiction, “Great Masters”, Rock Encyclopedia “Cinema”

· Economy: Information Technology, Mutual investment funds, Largest banks, “Enterprise economics”, “Finance and debts”

· Statistics: Countries of the World 2000, Countries and Regions 2000, OECD Countries 2000

· Agriculture: Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Miscellaneous, “Animals in the House”




Brockhaus on-line
The basis of the encyclopedia was the “Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron” St. Petersburg 1907. The dictionary also uses pre-revolutionary dictionaries of foreign words by Pavlenkov, Mikhelson, and “Starchevsky’s Dictionary”. Contains more than 46,000 articles.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Cyril and Methodius
Multiportal: Knowledge about everything. One of the sections of the site is a megaencyclopedia. Contains 130,000 articles, 30,000 illustrations, more than 1,400 tables and much more. You can also search by industry sections of the encyclopedia.

Information Please
The Information Please project provides the ability to select reference resources by topic.

Britannica Online
Encyclopedia Britannica. A 30-day free trial is available. Without registration, it is possible to conduct a search, the result is several sentences from the beginning of the article with the searched word.

Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia
Free option famous encyclopedia of a universal nature, published annually by Microsoft on CD-ROM. Contains more than 16 thousand articles and 2 thousand illustrations (photos, maps). You can search using keywords to clarify your area of ​​knowledge. The texts of the articles include hypertext links to other sections of the encyclopedia.
Presented by Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., contains 14 thousand articles

Online dictionaries and encyclopedias
Modern Encyclopedia, Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary, Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia, English-Russian dictionary Muller, Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, Financial Dictionary, Economic Dictionary, English-Russian Dictionary of Financial Terms, Dictionary of Depository Terms, Historical Dictionary, 1000 biographies, Encyclopedist.

Edic - Encyclopedic dictionaries

· Dictionaries: Big Encyclopedic, Historical, Myths of the Peoples of the World

· Encyclopedias on Musical Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Animals, Encyclopedia of Plants, Encyclopedia of Fashion, Culinary Encyclopedia, Catalog of Coins of the 20th Century, Encyclopedia “People on Coins”, Numismatic Dictionary, Dictionary of Education on Economics

Universal explanatory dictionaries. Dictionaries of abbreviations

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Russian dictionaries
The website presents a joint project of the Russian Language Institute. V.V. Vinogradov of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the publishing house "Azbukovnik".

· Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova

· Russian spelling dictionary

· Popular dictionary foreign words

· Dictionary of foreign words

· Russian semantic dictionary

· Dictionary of Pushkin's language

· Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions

· Dictionary of Russian argot

· Dictionary of Russian personal names

Oxford Reference Online
Access to more than 100 different dictionaries across a full range of disciplines.

WWW Webster Dictionary
Webster's Complete Dictionary in electronic form.

Roger's Thesaurus
Well-known source in electronic form. In response to the entered English term, it produces a list of words related to it in meaning.

Dictionaries for translation

Internet translators of the PROMT company
English-Russian and Russian-English online translator
German-Russian and French-Russian online translator
Russian-German and Russian-French online translator
On English version The site contains an English-French, German-French, French-English and French-German online translator

English-Russian Dictionary MultiLex™

English-Russian/Russian-English dictionary
Electronic translator. In response to the entered term, it returns not only its translation in another language, but also the most common expressions using this word.

French-English Dictionary
ARTFL Project - English-French and French-English dictionary.

OneLook Dictionnaries
Its database has indexed more than 2,800,000 words from 585 different dictionaries operating on the network. The answer to the request is presented in the form of a list of links to dictionaries (both explanatory and multilingual), which contain the searched word.

Biographical reference books

Russian who's who

Biography Find
Biographical database on the Biography company server. Contained brief information about more than 20 thousand people, starting with heroes Ancient world and ending with contemporary figures from different countries.

Biographical Dictionary
Contains information about more than 25 thousand inhabitants of the Earth who left their mark on various areas life, from the Ancient World to the present. You can search by name, keywords and dates. There is an in-depth request form.

International Biographical Center (IBC)

Who's Who Online

WIC - Biography Index
Biographies of women

Search for reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias Information
AU!: Help Desk
Sections of the Russian Internet catalog @Rus (AU!):

Yahoo!: Reference
Yahoo Internet resource catalog sections:
Dictionaries Encyclopedia

The world of encyclopedias. Encyclopedias on the Internet
Search for dictionaries by thematic sections.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries
Collection of links on the server "Electronic and traditional dictionaries" (ETS)
The site presents more than 100 dictionaries of various fields.

A collection of links to various dictionaries (for translation, thematic, explanatory).

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books

Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica. You can search through encyclopedia articles.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia
Electronic version of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Convenient search by alphabet and words.

Large encyclopedic dictionary
About 90,000 articles from all spheres of life and society. Search only by the title of a dictionary entry.

A free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. On this moment Wikipedia contains over 187,000 articles in Russian.

Service of thematic explanatory dictionaries.

World of encyclopedias
Search in Russian-language encyclopedic and pseudo-encyclopedic publications (encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries, encyclopedic reference books). Thematic search is possible.

The largest encyclopedic resource on the Internet. Encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries and reference books: Great Soviet, illustrated dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron, Dahl's dictionary, dictionaries "History of the Fatherland" and "World History", Small Medical Encyclopedia, World Encyclopedia of Classical Art, etc. Search is provided. Access to full electronic versions the most important encyclopedias and dictionaries published over the last hundred years in Russia.

Russian biographical dictionary
The Internet version of the Russian biographical dictionary is prepared on the basis of the CD-ROM “Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary. Biographies. Russia". It is based on a selection of articles from the 86-volume Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (1890-1907) and the New Encyclopedic Dictionary (1911-1916), unfinished by the publishers. All articles are adapted to the modern Russian language. Alphabetical search. Free access.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias On-line
A large resource of a wide variety of dictionaries and encyclopedias (Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, BES, Financial, Economic, Historical, Geological Dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia, 1000 biographies, Ozhegov and Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary). Allows you to search by word in the title and content of a dictionary entry.

Dictionaries on the Russian server information network
Large Encyclopedic Dictionary, medical, linguistic and other dictionaries. Several dictionaries of terms by industry, bilingual dictionaries.

ABBYY Lingvo electronic dictionaries
The Lingvo electronic dictionary was created by specialists Russian company ABBYY is one of the world's leading software developers in the field of applied linguistics. Offers multilingual electronic dictionaries: English-Russian, Russian-English, German-Russian, Russian-German, French-Russian, Russian-French, Italian-Russian, Russian-Italian, etc.

Encyclopedias and reference books on the RNL server
Provides links and annotations to encyclopedias and reference books of universal content, translation dictionaries, abbreviations dictionaries, biographical reference books, search reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias. Information about all directories of the Russian Internet.

Encyclopedias and reference books on the Yandex server
Encyclopedias of universal content, in particular the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, encyclopedias on economics, law, history, and medicine.

Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius
The collection of 10 online encyclopedias was initially based on the two-volume Big Encyclopedic Dictionary of the 1996 edition, which was then expanded big amount author's articles. Currently contains 130,000 articles and 30,000 illustrations.