Speech modules for call centers. All call centers: prices, services, reviews, addresses

It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about processing incoming leads or technical support for existing customers - the call center is the special forces of your business that works on the front line. A lot depends on the approach and technology of work of this department, for example, loyalty of the target audience and, of course, sales.

Paradoxically, the interaction of customers with your call center (here should be understood as technical support) is most likely very standardized, despite the fact that the call center bears the main burden of communicating with users.

Everyone is familiar with this dialogue:

- I have a problem!
- Now let's try to deal with her.

At the same time, by letting the client understand that he is not “another whiner number 100500” in the system, and his appeal to your employee is truly important, you can significantly exceed consumer expectations, increasing their loyalty. In telephone and remote communication, the tone and ability of the support employee to choose the right words play an extremely important role.

Try some reliable call script formulas and you will immediately feel the difference in increasing your sales.

“Is there anything else I can help you with?”

A call center operator who listens to customer dissatisfaction every day has no idea how he can be embarrassed to say something, and this is exactly how 96% of those calling the support service behave when they hush up the details of a problem that worries them. Many people don't want to seem intrusive or don't believe that someone really wants to help them figure things out.

The conversation with the client ends only when his problem is completely resolved and he is satisfied. Closing a call is similar to closing a sale, meaning if you don't close, you haven't sold. Always strive to ask a question like this: “Is there anything else I can do to help you?”

Bad idea: The worst type of “closure” is no closure. Even a simple phrase, “Is everything okay now?” better than nothing.

“I apologize for the inconvenience caused.”

A very controversial way to express your sympathy is to imagine your client is furious and not just “inconvenienced.” Let's say that money was debited from his account twice, the delivery of the goods was late and, to top it off, the delivery address was mixed up, so can the emotions with which he calls be called an inconvenience?

It is important to take a balanced approach to the form of expressing an apology, and if we are talking about the delivery of a gift, for example, call the situation as it is, the phrase “Allow me to apologize on behalf of the company for ruining the holiday” is suitable here.

Bad idea: When calling the situation as it is, adhere to normative vocabulary. There are people who can take it personally.

“This is beyond my area of ​​expertise.”

Some customers perceive technical support as online consultation and may require exceptional attention. In some cases, it is necessary to cool their ardor and... refuse help, but how appropriate is this to be done?

A short “No” may seem too harsh. It is necessary to firmly and confidently reorient the person to work independently with online directories or suggest turning to a search engine. Ideal option: “As much as I want to help, your request is beyond my competence. You can refer to the manual on our website and find answers to your questions.”

Bad idea: The worst option is to say “Honestly...” in a rejection situation. You run the risk of hearing “Wait, did you lie to me the entire previous hour?” Equally, you should not refer to the fact that by responding to a person’s request, you are violating company policy; this is close to corporate slang.

“Thank you for your question, are you willing to wait on the line while I clarify the relevant information?”

Not knowing the answer does not exempt you from working in the support service, and answering the user “I don’t know” is perhaps the most common operator nightmare. The most important thing here is not to make excuses, but to direct the conversation in a constructive direction. It's the rare type of person who won't give you a couple of minutes to find the right answer for them, and believe me, this rare type of person will never be completely satisfied with your work.

Bad idea: You should not use words that symbolize uncertainty, for example, “if I remember correctly,” “maybe,” “I’m almost sure.” Don't speculate, just help the client, even if it takes more time.

"Very nice"

Not a phrase for a call center, but a normal practice of talking with people, unless you are a malicious misanthrope or a robot. It can be very difficult to suspect a person in a support service operator; there are no more such guys than fingers on a hand, so whenever the buyer initially uses an informal tone of communication, support him.

For example, a client calls you and says:

— Good afternoon, my name is Sergey. Guys, I read your blog and I think what you do is wonderful! I wanted to know more about the possibility of integration with your portal.

In most cases you will hear this answer.

— Sergey, regarding integration, we offer the following solutions...

What does it cost to engage a loyal customer in a conversation about your products? Just a couple of phrases that for some reason seem superfluous to many.


— Sergey, hello, we are also very pleased. We are glad to hear your positive feedback about our blog, we try to be useful to our readers. I will tell you more about the product you are interested in. Our immediate integration plans will concern...

Bad idea: don't be silent and don't be sullen. Characters like Sergei from our example are not so rare.

If a person is going to cooperate with your company, take the time to once again demonstrate that it employs competent professionals interested in their business.

“Please tell us in more detail why you think so”

The opportunity to give feedback attracts many people who are critical of literally everything. Support services sometimes have to respond to such critics, and here it is important not to turn communication into a scandal, maintaining a professional attitude. The most neutral option would be “Please, tell us in more detail why you think so.”

No matter how perfect your company’s product is, there will always be those who are dissatisfied with it, but the right words will help increase the loyalty of any customers and the professional level of your support service.

Never, hear, never let managers talk! Just read! Creatively, with emotions, intonations and other differences from the answering machine, but, read! Why? Yes, any head of the telemarketing department (TM) and the sales department (SP) takes his head in hand, listening to calls or real conversations of his subordinates. They stammer, select words and phrases based on their own vocabulary who remembered what during the training. At best, they speak nonsense confidently. What about the worst? Adopt communication style from more experienced colleagues. And this experience is not always successful. Colleagues, accordingly, also do not always shine with knowledge and eloquence. And one more nuance. Can a person who is not a genius of rhetoric, whose talent periodically requires rest and creative emotions, which in no way fits into the modern working rhythm, of which there are few, well, they cannot work from 9 to 18, work in the mode of persuasion, psychological pressure and resistance of active sales or service, generate intelligent answers, objections and arguments all day long. Difficult to navigate through answer options and jump from one client emotion to another. Identify the right marker in the conversation, get hooked, direct the conversation in the right direction, do not lose the thought and thread of the conversation, find the right argument, do not forget anything important, do not miss the main aspects and advantages of the product or service. All this must be taken into account because we work with the human factor on both ends of the telephone wire. Someone is not in the mood, someone is not cheerful today, someone today is either too lazy to listen to the client, understand what is important and work out excuses. And if we add this to poor quality training and control, then we have chaos and do not have the desired profit in the TM and OP departments.

It's trivial, but the script helps and works- Well, you can’t ignore the necessary answer-question. Following the script also requires control, but this is a topic for another conversation.

Modern scripts will even delight you with analytics, and your machine will work, sell and service.

Theory? Example:

I started my activity with the incoming line of a large provider, but in a CC (call-center) outsourced. SS opened according to the principle “let’s quickly put them on line, because the customer pays for each call, and the quality will improve...”.

The result is that no one used the settings assistants, well, they didn’t show them so that they wouldn’t be afraid of the volume of information, and the assistant and the script were correctly connected. And we diligently, instead of switching to technical support, on the advice of colleagues who knew the computer settings, changed the subscriber settings ourselves, Google to the rescue. And the subscribers are happy - the Internet immediately appeared, and they gave good ratings to the operators, and this is part of the salary. Well, still buzzing?

Only the “know-it-alls” got lost in the SS turnover, and those who stayed to work for more than 3 months received a return - the same subscribers started calling, they received unauthorized settings, and the customer had already reined us in - everyone worked according to the script. Subscribers remember that they set everything up right away, and then, bam, either wait for a connection with technical support (you understand), or wait for a call the next day to set it up. And the process began - negativity, low ratings from subscribers, downward salaries, complaints, dissatisfaction with newcomers - they are trying to follow the script, and subscribers are vilifying them, like before they set everything up for me in two minutes.

No comments…

It’s even worse with cold calling, because incorrect work will not lead to attracting new clients, but to banal dissatisfaction with existing ones.

Project for filling out application forms for obtaining credit cards. The specialist’s task is to competently persuade and fill out the form correctly. You don’t need to be a financier or a lawyer, all the answers, practice and necessary questions, conversation tactics - everything is spelled out and compliance was required by a competent customer even at the certification stage. And do you know who worked and earned the most? People without experience in SS and TM, they are cold in the market or do not take anywhere else (as long as the speech apparatus is dynamic).

So, instead of a resume.

When, after the position of supervisor, having had enough of complaints from the customer for the non-use of the script by some employees, I moved to the position of a universal trainer and product trainer, the training began like this:

The 1st rule of a salesperson is to believe in the product!

The first rule of working in the CC is that the subscriber always lies!

AND…. The basic rule for everyone who serves and sells over the phone is that we work according to the customer’s rules - he pays the money - according to the script!

And our customers were competent - they ran the script! And they controlled its compliance!

Now, working in the internal CC as the head of the TM department and a business coach, I write scripts myself, and the main KPI for my employees is – guess what.

Scripts decide everything, and what they don't solve is decided by management.

P.S. My first script was developed in a banal Microsoft PowerPoint with dives and colored buttons:

Nice, works, but:

Does not integrate into CRM;

You can’t take down the report;

Edit only as a result of constant wiretapping;

There is not enough space on the sheets.

For cold calls for sales in a specific market for truck tires, this seemed to me not enough.

Now my script is tested in . It is constantly in the mode of refinement and improvement.

And this is just the beginning!

In this article, we will generally look at the operator’s work with external telephone calls, both incoming and outgoing using. The possibility of exchanging text and voice messages with other operators and/or company employees will be discussed in one of the following publications.

Handling incoming calls

Some of the clients calling the call center receive the information they need independently using IVR. The rest are placed in one of the queues, which are formed depending on the types of requests. While waiting for the operator to respond, the client may play music, advertising audio clips or other information. In addition, the subscriber is informed about the time remaining until the connection is made at a specified frequency.

By launching the Naumen SoftPhone softphone and logging in to the call center server, the operator can immediately begin processing incoming phone calls. At the same time, the system provides him with basic information about the call:

  • the reason for which the client applied;
  • old or new client;
  • information on the number and subject of requests, etc.

Scenario of conversation with a client during an incoming call

One of the key advantages of Naumen Contact Center is the automatic display on the operator’s monitor of an indicative conversation scenario with an inquiring client. At the same time, the system provides the most optimal answers from a conversion point of view. In addition, during the conversation, the operator can immediately enter/change information about the subscriber and his answers to questions in the appropriate forms.

If a situation arises when the client’s questions require communication with a more competent specialist, the call center operator can connect an expert to the call in one of two modes: prompter or conference, and also switch the call directly to a specialist with a return or put operators in the second queue, and then accept the next call from your queue.

Outgoing call processing

The Naumen SoftPhone allows you to make outgoing calls in five ways. To do this, you can dial the desired number:

  • on a regular computer keyboard;
  • on the virtual keyboard, using the mouse;
  • on a DECT dialer, Wi-Fi or USB phone connected to a computer;
  • from the address book;
  • copy from a file or another program.

After performing any of the manipulations, the operator will hear the subscriber's call buzzer. If at a particular moment it is impossible to contact the client for any reason, the operator can make a second call after a while or enable the “Auto redial” function.

Questionnaire with questions when calling clients

Similar to the scenario of a conversation with a client, during various telephone surveys, it displays on the operator’s monitor questions that need to be asked to the subscriber. In this case, various options for the respondent’s answers are already taken into account, up to and including interrupting the call.

At the end of the conversation with the subscriber, information about him is recorded or updated, the time the call was received, when it was received, when the connection ended, and the total duration of the conversation. This data allows you to monitor the operator’s work process and his workload at different times of the day. Additionally, the operator can make an audio recording of a conversation with a client in order to subsequently study and analyze mistakes or positive aspects of the conversation.

Natalia Molina,
sales specialist

We are launching a series of articles that will help call center operators and sales managers properly structure conversations with clients. In this article we will tell you how to tune in to dialogue, what you can say and what you cannot say.

During a conversation with a client, a call center operator or sales manager must achieve the goal of the conversation: help the client solve his problem or close a deal. If the operator fails, it will be bad for everyone: the client will be upset that his problem was not solved, or the company will lose a potentially interested client.

To achieve the goal, the operator must maintain the initiative during the conversation. His job is to guide the client politely but firmly. To do this, the operator keeps the skeleton of the conversation in his head: what to say and how to behave at different stages.

We tell you how to properly structure a conversation with a client.


Sometimes service is the only thing that sets a company apart from its competitors. The client is more likely to turn to a nice person for help than to an indifferent boor. Kindness and politeness help to win over the client.

To ensure a successful conversation, always keep these factors in mind:

Psychological mood. If you are in active sales, prepare for the call. Open the client’s card and go through all the key points: what the client knows about the company’s services, what he doesn’t know what to offer him. Communication will be easier if you have a conversation plan in your head.


I'm calling a client to offer him a new filter. He probably used our filters, since his phone number is in the database. The card is at hand, I’ll get my bearings as I go.


Client Vasily Kasatkin → 6 months ago bought a filter for hard water → find out if he is satisfied with the quality of the water → offer a replacement filter.

Unfortunately, the call center operator never knows who will call him and with what question. In this case, learn how to quickly work with the CRM system. Then you can quickly find the client card and navigate the situation.

Fatigue. The client always hears when you are tired. It's good if he treats this with understanding. But most likely he will not be able to get rid of the unpleasant feeling that he is distracting you from something important.



If you're tired, take a break from work. Go outside or stand near an open window to get some air. Do a five-minute meditation: close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Stretch your neck and shoulders, make a cup of tea or chat with a colleague - do something that shifts your attention.

Smile. During a conversation, the client does not see your face, so he does not know whether it is calm or annoyed. But he will unmistakably sense whether you are smiling or not. Smile before you start a conversation. A smile is attractive.




All employees of the call center or sales department greet the same way so that the client immediately understands where he is and who he is talking to. At the beginning of the conversation, introduce yourself, name your company and say hello. Depending on the situation, offer help to the client or ask if he is comfortable talking.


Horns and Hooves Company. I'm hearing you.

This is Andrey Vladimirovich. I want to talk to you about spare parts for the boiler.


Meteor store, Ivan Petrov, good evening! How can I help you?

Good morning! My name is Anna Ivanova, Klyukva company. Are you comfortable talking?

Create your own card in CRM for each client. Note in it what the problem was, how it was solved and what to do next. The card will help another operator if the client calls during your vacation or illness.

If they call you, answer no later than the third ring. A long wait will further anger an already dissatisfied customer.

Be sure to ask for a name if the client does not introduce himself. This is common courtesy and an opportunity to immediately create a card for him in the CRM. During the conversation, call the client by name at least once, because people like to be called by name.

If you are calling, wait four to five beeps for an answer. Feel free to hang up if the client does not answer. It is better to call back later than to distract the client from a meeting or driving.


In an ideal world, the client tells the call center operator about the problem in a calm tone and agrees to any solution. In reality, the client may become upset, embarrassed, angry, yell at the operator, or even hang up, promising to go to court. In general, deliberately or accidentally sabotaging the solution to a problem.

The operator’s task is to bring the conversation to its logical conclusion: solve the client’s problem or close the deal. To do this, you consistently guide the client through the conversation plan. If the client is emotional, you must calm them down.

Adapt to the client by the pace of speech, timbre of voice and manner of speaking. The client may feel uncomfortable if you are not emotionally aligned with him.

If the client speaks quietly and you speak loudly, the client may feel like they are being shouted at. He will become uncomfortable, so he may become nervous, start shouting, or try to quickly end the unpleasant conversation.

If the client speaks slowly and you speak quickly, it will be difficult for him to perceive information. The client will ask again all the time or, conversely, will be embarrassed to ask an extra question. At best, the communication will drag on, at worst, the client will prefer to politely end the conversation and leave dissatisfied.


The operator jabbers and hangs up too early


The operator speaks measuredly, like the client himself

Don't interrupt. It is impolite to interrupt, especially when a client calls with a problem. He's in pain - let him speak out. When he throws out his negativity, it will be easier for the operator to understand the problem in a calm environment.

Remove extraneous sounds. During a conversation, the client perfectly hears everything that is happening. You are chewing a pie - you can hear it. You drum your fingers on the table - you can also hear it. Your colleagues are swearing in the background - and you can hear it too. All these sounds are annoying.

Be polite. Don't become familiar with the client. You are not his friend, not a good acquaintance, and not a close relative. You are an expert who can competently help. Be polite and correct. Use business language.


The operator communicates rudely with the client


The operator is polite and professional

Client Questions

The operator is an expert, so he is obliged to answer all the client’s questions. Even those that seem obvious. The client must feel that his requests are being taken seriously.

If you don't know the answer to a question, be sure to check with your boss or someone who knows the answer. The main thing is to provide correct information. It’s better to get distracted and re-specify than to deceive the client.

Before you leave, ask the client for permission. If the client agrees, turn on music or silence so that he does not hear your conversation with the boss. The client may get the impression that you are incompetent if you ask your boss so many questions.

If the client does not want to wait, offer him a call back. Be sure to clarify exactly when it is convenient for him to talk. And most importantly, call back on time.

If the customer's problem is not resolved within five minutes, apologize, explain the situation and ask permission to call back at a time convenient for the client. Be sure to call back exactly at the appointed time.

If you were unable to resolve the client's problem by the appointed time, call him anyway. Tell us what happened and the reason for the delay. This way the client will feel that his problem is being addressed. Be sure to agree on when to call him back with the news.

Questions for the client

When the client has voiced a problem, the operator asks clarifying questions to reveal some non-obvious nuances. Questions also help ensure that the operator and the client have the same understanding of the situation.

Ask open-ended questions. These are questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no. On the contrary, they encourage the client to talk about his problem.


Do you have hard water?

Is this green scarf exactly what you need?


What water problems would you like to solve with a purification filter?

Tell us what you choose accessories for? Perhaps I can offer you other interesting options.

Paraphrase the client's answers. To make sure you understand the client correctly, paraphrase his answer. If the client agrees with your interpretation of the problem, then everything is fine.


Get a hard water filter.

Place a new order, since you didn’t get it right.


Did I understand correctly that you are worried about scale in the kettle? The client must clearly understand what will happen after he hangs up. This shapes his expectations from working with the company. If the expectations are correct, he will be satisfied.

We have placed your order. You ordered construction set A for 2,000 rubles with delivery to the address...... Is that so?
- Yes.
- We deliver on Friday between 15:00 and 18:00. Right?
- Yes.
- Your phone number......... ?
- Yes, that's right.
- Agreed. On Friday we will send a courier at the appointed time. If you have any other questions, please call me directly. My extra.....

Ask clarifying questions. If you seem to have agreed on everything, but the client does not hang up, ask what else you can do for him or how satisfied he is with the service. This will help end the conversation gently or reveal some pain that the client forgot to talk about.

Say goodbye. According to the rules of etiquette, the one who called is the first to hang up. If a client calls, do not hang up first. Perhaps he didn’t finish saying something, and you will impolitely interrupt the conversation. If you called first, you can hang up first.

Remember: how to conduct a conversation with a client

  1. Maintain initiative during the conversation to guide the client.
  2. Keep a step-by-step conversation plan in mind.
  3. Smile, behave politely and kindly.
  4. Take a break from work for 5–10 minutes if you are tired.
  5. Introduce yourself when you call or when someone calls you: say hello, state your name and company name.
  6. Answer no later than the third ring. Wait 4-5 rings if you are calling.
  7. Adapt to the client: tone of speech, timbre of voice and manner of speaking.
  8. Let the client speak without interrupting.
  9. Call back at a strictly agreed time, even if the client’s problem has not yet been resolved.
  10. Ask open-ended questions to gain a full understanding of the situation or identify the client's needs.
  11. Paraphrase and summarize the client's responses to ensure you understand them correctly.
  12. Summarize the conversation to set the client's expectations.
  13. Only hang up first if you called. If a client called, wait for him to hang up.

If 10-15 years ago not every business owner knew about the need to use scripts in the work of call center operators, today any serious work with a client over the phone includes following a pre-prepared script.

This approach has many advantages, and it’s not just that the operator’s work is significantly simplified and accelerated. Using scripts and corresponding services, we obtain visual statistics - instead of listening to hundreds of hours of conversations between operators and clients, identifying weak points and subsequently making adjustments to the script, it is enough to see what kind of conversion certain script options provide. By using specialized services instead of regular spreadsheets/wiki-like pages (not to mention pen and paper), optimizing agent-customer communication becomes quick and enjoyable.

Online services for creating a telephone conversation script

There are many services that allow you to create and improve scripts for specific tasks. Most ask for a certain fee for their services, although there are quite simple free solutions.

A full-fledged service for creating scripts of any complexity and for any task. Meets the needs of any call center. There are no restrictions on the number of scripts or the number of connected employees. The service is cross-platform - you can fully use it on any device with any OS.

The interface is quite intuitive, and the created scripts can work without access to the Internet. In addition, for a quick start, templates are provided, by optimizing which you can get your own unique script.

The free period provided by ScriptON is 10 days. It is noteworthy that after termination of payment for the service, the created unique scripts remain the property of the client. The most economical tariff plan offered by the service is 5-day access for 990 rubles.

A distinctive feature of CallHelper is that the service is available not only in stand-alone form, but also as an integral part of such CRMs as Bitrix24, amoCRM and Megaplan. Like any full-fledged script designer, CallHelper automates the process of working with a client, accessing CRM databases at the right moments and providing detailed statistics on all stages of the call.

The trial period of CallHelper is 15 days. Tariff plans are flexible and allow you to work with the service either independently (using the manuals provided) or with the direct support of company specialists, which will cost more. The minimum cost of access to the service is 650 rubles for 1 month.

Completely free script creation service. An extremely simple interface, the absence of additional functionality typical of “adult” products, and most importantly – it is free – make this service an excellent choice for small companies that do not have enough budget to implement full-fledged systems.

The service performs its main task, namely generating scripts, without any complaints. The developer continues to improve the product, insisting that, despite the development of the project, SaleScript will remain free. In essence, this is the only free script generator that adequately copes with its main function.

A good product that allows you to quickly create and optimize scripts, as well as collect statistical information about the conversion and performance of each operator. The big advantage of HyperScript is a whole month of free use, after which individual tariffs are developed.

A flexible script designer with the ability to identify problem areas in conversations between operators and clients. Integration with CRM systems and ready-made scripts for various types of calls are provided. ScriptDesigner is one of the most financially accessible products - access to full functionality starts from 500 rubles per month.

Basic principles of writing a conversation script for a call center operator

Let us immediately note that there cannot be universal scripts - everything depends entirely on the needs of the company, and most importantly, on what the target audience is. If you have a good idea of ​​your target audience and know who the decision maker (decision maker) is, then you should not have any problems with the preparation and subsequent optimization of the script.

The basic framework of any script looks like this:

1. Greeting

“Hello”, “Good afternoon”, etc.

2. Presentation

“My name is Nikolay, companyX».

3. Reason for calling

“You contacted us a year ago,” “You tried to place an order on the website,” “Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov recommended that we contact you,” etc.

4. Description of how your conversation will proceed

“I propose to do this ...” - then you should explain what exactly the client will receive during the conversation. It is also important to make it clear to the interlocutor that no one will insist on selling and your business is to simply ask if he needs a certain service or product.

5. Questions

Ask your client questions that will help you better understand what exactly he really needs. Such questions may concern the size of the budget, the timing of a project, and so on.

6. Forks

One of the key elements of any script. You need to calculate all possible answers to customer questions and objections, maximizing the chances of a successful outcome of the conversation. This can be done by having relevant experience in communicating with your target audience. A script optimized in this way can significantly increase conversion.

Drawing conclusions

The choice of script creation method is directly related to the needs of a particular company. In cases where the operator’s work is really extremely simple and monotonous, he can easily get by with a piece of paper and a pen. In all other cases, you need to choose a service of a scale that meets the needs of the call center.