Functionality of the central management system cms. Organization of document flow during publication. Possibility of opting out of the system

Content management system

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Example of a site management system (administration panel Joomla! 1.6)

Content management system(English) Content management system, CMS) - an information system or computer program used to support and organize the collaborative process of creating, editing and managing content, otherwise known as content (from English content) .

Basic CMS functions :

  • Providing tools for content creation, organization collaboration above the content
  • Content management: storage, version control, access compliance, document flow management, etc.
  • Publishing content,
  • Presentation of information in a form convenient for navigation and search.

A content management system can contain a variety of data: documents, films, photographs, phone numbers, scientific data, and so on. Such a system is often used to store, manage, review and publish documentation. Version control is one of its main advantages when content is changed by a group of people.

  • 1 Varieties
  • 2 Features
  • 3 See also
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Literature
  • 6 Links


IN general case Content management systems are divided into:

  • Enterprise content management system Enterprise Content Management System)
  • Web content management system Web Content Management System)

Due to the fact that ECMS have a deep internal classification according to subject areas(HRM, DMS, CRM, ERP, etc.) [ source not specified 2322 days], the term CMS replaced WCMS, becoming a synonym site management systems. Such CMSs allow you to manage the text and graphic content of a website, providing the user with an interface for working with the site’s content, convenient tools for storing and publishing information, automating the processes of placing information in databases and issuing it in HTML.

There are many ready-made systems site content management, including free ones. They can be divided into three types according to the way they work:

  1. Generation of pages on request. Systems of this type operate on the basis of the “Editing module → Database → Presentation module” combination. The view module generates a page of content when it is requested, based on information from the database. Information in the database is changed using the editing module. Pages are re-created by the server with each request, which in turn creates additional load on system resources. The load can be reduced many times over using caching tools that are available in modern web servers.
  2. Generation of pages while editing. Systems of this type are used for editing pages, which, when changes are made to the content of the site, create a set of static pages. This method sacrifices interactivity between the visitor and the site's content.
  3. Mixed type. As the name implies, it combines the advantages of the first two. It can be implemented by caching - the presentation module generates the page once, and then it is loaded several times faster from the cache. The cache can be updated either automatically, after a certain period of time or when changes are made to certain sections of the site, or manually at the command of the administrator. Another approach is to save certain information blocks at the site editing stage and assemble a page from these blocks when the user requests the corresponding page.


Management system - a program that provides tools for adding, editing, deleting information on the site.

Most modern CMSs have a modular architecture, which allows the administrator to choose and configure the components he needs.

Typical modules:

  • dynamic menu,
  • blog,
  • news,
  • polls,
  • Site search,
  • visit statistics,
  • guest book, etc.

Websites organized through a content management system are based on the following technologies: web server, data storage (often a DBMS, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, but there are also noSQL CMS), web application to ensure the operation of the system itself, visual (WYSIWYG) page editor, file manager with a web interface for managing site files, a system for managing the rights of users and site editors.

There are a variety of content management systems, including paid and free ones, built using different technologies. Each site has a control panel, which is only part of the entire program, sufficient to manage the site.

The most common are the following technology platforms, used as the basis of a web application that implements the CMS: PHP, Perl, .NET.

There is a term content manager that denotes a type of professional activity - Site Editor or an employee working with the CMS.

Most of modern systems content management is implemented in the form of a visual (WYSIWYG) editor - a program that creates HTML code from special simplified markup that allows the user to more easily format text.

see also

  • Metadata
  • Content Management Framework


  1. Due to the cacophony of the Russian-language abbreviations of the expressions “content management system” (CMS) and “content management system” (CMS), the English abbreviation CMS is usually used in the computer press and literature.
  2. Typically, this content is viewed as unstructured data of the problem at hand, as opposed to structured data, often managed by a DBMS.
  3. Savelyeva, 2004.


  • Nirav Mehta. Choosing an Open Source CMS. Beginner's Guide. - Packt (English) Russian, April 2009. - 340 p. - ISBN 978-1-847196-22-4.
  • Martin Brampton. PHP5 CMS Framework Development. - PACKT publishing, June 2008. - 328 p. - ISBN 978-1-847193-57-5.
  • Denis Kolisnichenko. Engine for your website. CMS Joomla!, Slaed, PHP-Nuke. - St. Petersburg: BHV, 2008. - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-9775-0258-0.
  • Savelyeva N. Content management systems (Russian) // Open systems. - 2004. - № 4.
  • Content management systems for sites in the Open Directory Project (dmoz) link directory

Content Management Systems

  • Keywords:
  • Applications
  • Content Management

The phrase “content management system” is on everyone’s lips today. The market for such products is growing, but there are still no uniform standards in this area, including for terminology. What are such systems and what functionality do they provide?

Registration for the conference

Category systems market CMS (content management system) is developing quite rapidly, but there are still no uniform standards in this area, including terminology. The English word content means “something contained inside” and, when applied to written works, is usually included in the phrase table of contents - content, list of sections (say, a book). The distinctive feature of content is that it is constructed from individual pieces. However, when translating the term content into Russian, a funny incident occurred. The fact is that the English version of this word means “content” only in cases where the stress is placed on its first syllable. Otherwise (and we usually pronounce it this way), the word content is a verb meaning “to satisfy.”

There is an opinion that in IT this term began to be used to summarize in the concept of “document” such previously unusual data as video, audio and multimedia. This statement does not seem entirely correct: a document is a form of information transfer, and content is information itself, so putting them on the same level is not entirely correct.

The history of content management began with document management in the traditional sense of the word, i.e. text files. As the concept of “document” evolved, document management systems began to be called content management systems. Why? It is believed that this allows us to emphasize the ability of such systems to manage information regardless of the form of its presentation, as well as to separate the information-content from the document-form. However, it is impossible to manage information abstractly - it must be presented in some form. When we try to manage content, we inevitably end up managing documents. Content management systems have indeed “learned” to separate document management (storage, modification, etc.) and their presentation to the end user. But they still manage documents in some form, not information.

The very concept of “content management” was initially strongly associated with the process of publishing and updating information on Web sites - technology was required to ensure that it was up to date. Therefore, the term Web content management is often used as a synonym for content management. In relation to organizations that operate with a huge amount of information, it is appropriate to talk about management systems information resources enterprise (enterprise content management, ECM). As a result, the term content management expanded: it began to mean the management of not only information on the site, but also all the disparate and varied fragments corporate information. There are other definitions. For example, in the Wikipedia encyclopedia, a content management system is a system used to organize and simplify the collaborative creation of content.

The functions of content management systems can be divided into several main categories.

  • Creation- providing authors with convenient and familiar tools
  • content creation.
  • Control- storing content in a single repository. This allows you to track document versions, control who changed them and when, and make sure that each user can only change the section for which he is responsible. In addition, integration with existing information sources and IT systems is ensured. CMS supports control over the document workflow, i.e. control over the approval process. In short, content management includes storage, version tracking, access control, integration with other information systems, and document flow management.
  • Publication- automatic placement of content on the user terminal. The corresponding tools automatically “tailor” the appearance of the page to the design of the entire site.
  • Performance - additional functions, allowing to improve the form of data presentation; for example, you can build navigation through the repository structure.

CMS systems manage small interconnected units of information, and in this context, a document takes on the meaning of hypertext. Since CMS systems manage information, and information has its own life cycle, then, naturally, these systems must have adequate means of managing content at each stage of its life (creation, modification, publication, transfer to archive, etc.). In this sense, CMS can be considered as part of the ILM (information lifecycle management) complex.

Among CMS systems, so-called content management frameworks (CMF) are often distinguished - tools for creating a system. As already mentioned, a natural extension of CMS are ECM systems that manage all the disparate information of an enterprise, interacting with other applications such as ERP and CRM. Perhaps the most famous manufacturer of ECM systems is Documentum. Many companies are involved in the development of content management systems, including IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and Macromedia. IN Lately organizations began to appear trying to unite CMS developers, create a single information environment for potential users of such systems, promote and approve common standards. First of all, these are the associations OSCOM (Open Source Content Management) and CMSWatch.

OSCOM has adopted standards such as WebDav, RSS, ATOM and JSR-170. One of her interesting projects, CMSML, involves creating an XML-based language to describe content management systems, a list of CMS properties, a dictionary to describe them, and corresponding names for each property in XML markup. Properties are divided into three large classes - creation, management and delivery of content to the end user.

In turn, CMSWatch annually releases a report that includes an overview of the CMS systems market, a comparison of some of them, a description life cycle content and its management in CMS systems.

In this article we will adhere to a classification based on a data representation model - object, network or modular.

Object Model

The object model of data representation operates with such concepts as class and object. Classes define the data structure and represent a set of attributes ( text string, integer, image, etc.). Representatives of a class (objects) have a specific structure and can contain other objects, forming an arbitrary hierarchical structure. Objects can inherit the properties, content, and behavior of the objects they contain. Examples of objects are documents, pictures, folders and Accounts users. The content class does not store real data - such information is contained in objects (instances of the class). Having defined one class, you can create many of its representatives (object content).

In CMS systems, data is usually stored in a relational or object database. In the first case, the object data model is mapped to the relational database model. Relationships between objects are created, for example, using tables like id, from_object, from_object_version, to_object. In Fig. Figure 1 shows the possible structure of the “Article” class and its representative.

Among object-oriented CMS systems you can find frameworks. A classic example is Zope CMF. In general, Zope is a leading open-source application server specializing in content management for portals and user applications. Zope lets you collaborate to create and manage dynamic Web-based business applications. Based on this application server, the Zope CMF content management framework was built, with the help of which, in turn, a number of CMS systems were created, in particular, Plone.

Another very common CMS of this class is eZ Publish. It is classified as both frames and ECM. The eZ family of systems is based on the freely distributed eZ Publish product. The presence of two licenses - GPL and professional - allows you to create commercial products based on the eZ Publish framework, providing this system with support from both the Open Source community and professional developers.

This class also includes the APC ActionApps system, which allows registered users to update the content of their site using only a browser. The special feature of this system is that it has a customizable output. APC ActionApps integrates into existing systems, allowing you to simplify the structure and automate the operation of complex portals and Web sites. In addition, the content pooling mechanism and the availability of editing tools make this system suitable for distributed teams working together to publish content.

Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) is a Web content management system that enables you to create, deploy, and maintain dynamic Web sites. With tight integration with Visual Studio .NET and support for source code management features, MCMS allows developers to create sites that can be managed and maintained by both IT and business users. The former can centrally manage branding, document workflow and security, while the latter can create, manage and publish their own content using familiar applications such as Word or Internet Explorer.

The object model supports development in Visual Studio .Net and .Net Framework. It can be combined via the Microsoft Solutions for Internet Business (MSIB) Content Connector with the Microsoft Commerce Server to create e-commerce solutions.

As a rule, systems based on an object-oriented data model are the most functional, flexible, but at the same time the most complex.

Network model

This data representation model is based on graph theory: the structure of information is represented in the form of nodes with labeled connections between them. The foundation of the system can be either a network or a traditional relational DBMS, onto which a network data description model is mapped. Relational tables store information about nodes, their attributes, and the relationships between them. A relationship differs from an attribute in that it stores a reference to another node, and the attribute stores the actual value. To extract data from a directed graph, recursive processing procedures are usually used, such as compiling lists of nodes, determining node attributes from parent attributes, etc. rice. 2 a variant of organizing the site data structure in the form of a graph is presented.

Rice. 2. An example of organizing content using a network data model

An example of this type of system is Communiware. This system is a new generation of tools for creating vertical Web sites and portals.

Modular model

In such systems, content is divided into separate modules based on content types. The data structure depends on the module, and all work with the content is concentrated within the module. The modules are independent and are fully responsible for working with documents of this type. Documents are described using fixed dial characteristics - document types are strictly fixed. You can expand functionality by adding a new module, replacing or editing existing code. Most often, there is no system of connections between documents of different modules and between documents of the same module. The standard set of content types (modules) is as follows: links, articles, files, news, sections, forum.

Despite the obvious limitations of the data model, systems based on it are most popular due to their simplicity. Examples include systems such as PHPNuke, Mambo and Xoops.

Modular CMS systems have one common drawback - the content structure is strictly fixed within the module. However, to expand their functionality, you can use external modules, of which there are many on the Internet. The obvious advantage of these systems is the ability to obtain an almost completely ready-to-use portal in a short time.

04/21/2004 Nina Savelyeva

The phrase “content management system” is on everyone’s lips today. The market for such products is growing, but there are still no uniform standards in this area, including for terminology. What are such systems and what functionality do they provide?

Category systems market CMS (content management system) is developing quite rapidly, but there are still no uniform standards in this area, including terminology. The English word content means “something contained inside” and, when applied to written works, is usually included in the phrase table of contents - content, list of sections (say, a book). The distinctive feature of content is that it is constructed from individual pieces. However, when translating the term content into Russian, a funny incident occurred. The fact is that the English version of this word means “content” only in cases where the stress is placed on its first syllable. Otherwise (and we usually pronounce it this way), the word content is a verb meaning “to satisfy.”

There is an opinion that in IT they began to use this term to generalize in the concept of “document” such previously atypical data as video, audio and multimedia. This statement does not seem entirely correct: a document is a form of information transfer, and content is information itself, so putting them on the same level is not entirely correct.

The history of content management began with document management in the traditional sense of the word, i.e. text files. As the concept of “document” evolved, document management systems began to be called content management systems. Why? It is believed that this allows us to emphasize the ability of such systems to manage information regardless of the form of its presentation, as well as to separate the information-content from the document-form. However, it is impossible to manage information abstractly - it must be presented in some form. When we try to manage content, we inevitably end up managing documents. Content management systems have indeed “learned” to separate document management (storage, modification, etc.) and their presentation to the end user. But they still manage documents in some form, not information.

The very concept of “content management” was initially strongly associated with the process of publishing and updating information on Web sites - technology was required to ensure that it was up to date. Therefore, the term Web content management is often used as a synonym for content management. In relation to organizations that operate with a huge amount of information, it is appropriate to talk about enterprise information resource management systems (enterprise content management, ECM). As a result, the term content management has expanded: it has come to mean the management not only of information on a website, but also of all the disparate and varied pieces of corporate information. There are other definitions. For example, in the Wikipedia encyclopedia, a content management system is a system used to organize and simplify the collaborative creation of content.

The functions of content management systems can be divided into several main categories.

  • Creation- providing authors with convenient and familiar means of creating content.
  • Control- storing content in a single repository. This allows you to track document versions, control who changed them and when, and make sure that each user can only change the section for which he is responsible. In addition, integration with existing information sources and IT systems is ensured. CMS supports control over the document workflow, i.e. control over the approval process. In short, content management includes storage, version tracking, access control, integration with other information systems, and document flow management.
  • Publication- automatic placement of content on the user terminal. The corresponding tools automatically “tailor” the appearance of the page to the design of the entire site.
  • Performance- additional functions to improve the form of data presentation; for example, you can build navigation through the repository structure.

CMS systems manage small interconnected units of information, and in this context, a document takes on the meaning of hypertext. Since CMS systems manage information, and information has its own life cycle, then, naturally, these systems must have adequate means of managing content at each stage of its life (creation, modification, publication, transfer to archive, etc.). In this sense, CMS can be considered as part of the ILM (information lifecycle management) complex.

Among CMS systems, so-called content management frameworks (CMF) are often distinguished - tools for creating a system. As already mentioned, a natural extension of CMS are ECM systems that manage all the disparate information of an enterprise, interacting with other applications such as ERP and CRM. Perhaps the most famous manufacturer of ECM systems is Documentum. Many companies are involved in the development of content management systems, including IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and Macromedia. Recently, organizations have begun to appear that are trying to unite CMS developers, create a unified information environment for potential users of such systems, and promote and approve common standards. First of all, these are the associations OSCOM (Open Source Content Management) and CMSWatch.

OSCOM has adopted standards such as WebDav, RSS, ATOM, and JSR-170. One of her interesting projects, CMSML, involves creating an XML-based language to describe content management systems, a list of CMS properties, a dictionary to describe them, and corresponding names for each property in XML markup. Properties are divided into three large classes - creation, management and delivery of content to the end user.

In turn, CMSWatch annually releases a report that includes an overview of the CMS systems market, a comparison of some of them, a description of the life cycle of content and its management in CMS systems.

In this article we will adhere to a classification based on a data representation model - object, network or modular.

Object Model

The object model of data representation operates with such concepts as class and object. Classes define the data structure and represent a set of attributes (text string, integer, image, etc.). Representatives of a class (objects) have a specific structure and can contain other objects, forming an arbitrary hierarchical structure. Objects can inherit the properties, content, and behavior of the objects they contain. Examples of objects include documents, pictures, folders, and user accounts. The content class does not store real data - such information is contained in objects (instances of the class). Having defined one class, you can create many of its representatives (object content).

In CMS systems, data is usually stored in a relational or object database. In the first case, the object data model is mapped to the relational database model. Relationships between objects are created, for example, using tables like id, from_object, from_object_version, to_object. In Fig. Figure 1 shows the possible structure of the “Article” class and its representative.

Among object-oriented CMS systems you can find frameworks. A classic example is Zope CMF. In general, Zope is a leading open-source application server specializing in content management for portals and user applications. Zope lets you collaborate to create and manage dynamic Web-based business applications. Based on this application server, the Zope CMF content management framework was built, with the help of which, in turn, a number of CMS systems were created, in particular, Plone.

Another very common CMS of this class is eZ Publish. It is classified as both frames and ECM. The eZ family of systems is based on the freely distributed eZ Publish product. The presence of two licenses - GPL and professional - allows you to create commercial products based on the eZ Publish framework, providing this system with support from both the Open Source community and professional developers.

This class also includes the APC ActionApps system, which allows registered users to update the content of their site using only a browser. The special feature of this system is that it has a customizable output. APC ActionApps integrates into existing systems, allowing you to simplify the structure and automate the operation of complex portals and Web sites. In addition, the content pooling mechanism and the availability of editing tools make this system suitable for distributed teams working together to publish content.

Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) is a Web content management system that enables you to create, deploy, and maintain dynamic Web sites. With tight integration with Visual Studio .NET and support for source code management features, MCMS allows developers to create sites that can be managed and maintained by both IT and business users. The former can centrally manage branding, document workflow and security, while the latter can create, manage and publish their own content using familiar applications such as Word or Internet Explorer.

The object model supports development in Visual Studio .Net and .Net Framework. It can be combined via the Microsoft Solutions for Internet Business (MSIB) Content Connector with the Microsoft Commerce Server to create e-commerce solutions.

As a rule, systems based on an object-oriented data model are the most functional, flexible, but at the same time the most complex.

Network model

This data representation model is based on graph theory: the structure of information is represented in the form of nodes with labeled connections between them. The foundation of the system can be either a network or a traditional relational DBMS, onto which a network data description model is mapped. Relational tables store information about nodes, their attributes, and the relationships between them. A relationship differs from an attribute in that it stores a reference to another node, and the attribute stores the actual value. To extract data from a directed graph, recursive processing procedures are usually used, such as compiling lists of nodes, determining node attributes from parent attributes, etc. rice. 2 a variant of organizing the site data structure in the form of a graph is presented.

Rice. 2. An example of organizing content using a network data model

An example of this type of system is Communiware. This system is a new generation of tools for creating vertical Web sites and portals.

Modular model

In such systems, content is divided into separate modules based on content types. The data structure depends on the module, and all work with the content is concentrated within the module. The modules are independent and are fully responsible for working with documents of this type. Documents are described using a fixed set of characteristics - document types are strictly fixed. You can expand functionality by adding a new module, replacing or editing existing code. Most often, there is no system of connections between documents of different modules and between documents of the same module. The standard set of content types (modules) is as follows: links, articles, files, news, sections, forum.

Despite the obvious limitations of the data model, systems based on it are most popular due to their simplicity. Examples include systems such as PHPNuke, Mambo and Xoops.

Modular CMS systems have one common drawback - the content structure is strictly fixed within the module. However, to expand their functionality, you can use external modules, of which there are many on the Internet. The obvious advantage of these systems is the ability to obtain an almost completely ready-to-use portal in a short time.

Freely available CMS systems

Consider the following CMS systems: eZ Publish 3.2, APC ActionApps, Mambo 4.0.14 and Xoops (versions 2.0.5 and 2.0.6). Each of them is positioned by the developers as a system for creating any website (from a corporate portal to a home page) and managing its content. The eZ Publish system is also designed for creating and managing the content of an Internet store, news site, photo gallery or forum. APC ActionApps has the unique ability to add dynamic sections to an existing site and is capable of managing the content of many sites. But it’s still more correct to say that CMS systems are designed for creating, modifying, publishing and exchanging information.

Before you start using any CMS, you need to decide what types of content you want to work with - will there be articles, films, news, forums, etc. on your site. Typically, CMS systems come with a number of ready-to-use built-in content types, and some of them allow you to edit built-in content types or create new ones (eZ Publish, APC ActionApps). But there are also systems in which all types of content are strictly fixed (Xoops, Mambo).

Each user of the system must be assigned a role, according to which he can perform certain actions. At the same time, users can be united into different groups with assigned rights. Some systems allow you to create new groups and give them different rights than existing groups (eZ Publish, ActionApps, Xoops), and this feature is sometimes very useful.

When choosing a CMS system, you always want to get maximum functionality at a minimum cost, and you also want to spend as little time and effort as possible on support. In order to get any closer to this ideal, you first need to determine minimum required problems that the system must solve. When created, a document is endowed with a set of characteristics that determine the current stage of its life cycle, so it is worth paying attention to the following: how flexible is the content structure of a particular system, how simple is the process of creating content, how is it organized, how is the document workflow managed, and is it possible to use the content? together with other information systems.

The advantages of systems with flexible content structure are obvious. They allow you to expand and add new types of content as needed using the systems themselves, without, for example, searching for suitable functionality on the side. On the other hand, if there are many freely distributed modules (content types), you can also work with systems that have a fixed content structure. However, in this case you need to be prepared to dig into the code, since the implementation of some modules may not be complete.

The main tool for creating content for CMS systems is a Web browser. Some systems also allow you to use a standalone client (for example, ActionApps) or a Windows client. When creating content, it is important how simple and intuitive the process is. From this point of view, it is worth understanding what document markup capabilities a specific CMS tool provides. You need to find out whether it has built-in markup tools that are specific only to it, or whether you can use standard means HTML type; Content is created using regular HTML forms or built-in editors like WordPad, etc.

eZ Publish, Mambo, and ActionApps offer HTML to mark up documents, while Xoops has its own markup tools. To simplify content creation, you can use a built-in text editor, similar to Word Pad, only in Mambo. Most often, documents are created using tools familiar to their authors and stored as files on local machines, so when entering a document into a content management system, it is useful to be able to load files from the local machine. Among the CMS systems under consideration, none fully possesses this property. Mambo and ActionApps can be uploaded to the server text files and drawings in some formats, but in Xoops and eZ Publish - only drawings.

Next important point- cataloging and organizing content. In eZ Publish, all site content is represented as a tree of nodes (nodes are encapsulations of content objects). Content within the tree is organized using containers (folders), under which corresponding objects are placed (as in a file system). To specify the location of an object (defining the nodes that are associated with it), the location property is used. With its help, when creating or editing an object, you can determine where in addition the object will be displayed other than the place where it was created. In addition to the hierarchical structure, the tree of content nodes can be divided into logical sections (sections).

To organize content, ActionApps uses an extensible category system: the system initially has a set of categories, and the administrator can change them or add his own. For this purpose, a special built-in editor is used, which allows you to model a hierarchical structure (a category can have one or more subcategories). Mambo and Xoops also use category systems, but since these products are built on a modular basis, the presence or absence of a category system depends on the module. Let's say there are categories for the “articles” module, but not for the “forum” module. But no matter what category you create in the “articles” module, the document structure in it will be the same as in all other categories of this module, - the division into categories is purely semantic. If the module uses a category system, you can create new categories, delete or change the access type for existing ones.

The eZ Publish cataloging engine seems more functional and advanced, but is too complex to understand. Using categories for these purposes, as in other systems, is much more familiar and understandable, but does not allow solving, for example, the problem of displaying a document in two categories simultaneously.

eZ Publish and ActionApps now support national alphabets. The ActionApps admin interface is configurable in multiple languages. Each version of the content can exist in different languages, but sometimes minor problems arise when working with the Russian language. The fact is that the code of these systems contains the ISO-8859-1 encoding, and to create documents in Russian it has to be changed to KOI8-R or WIN-1251. In the Mambo and Xoops systems, Russian language support is quite satisfactory, but these systems themselves do not include multilingual support. In Mambo, the language is generally hard-coded into the system, and translations only apply to what is stored in the database, so you still have to look for untranslated phrases and change them yourself. It is more convenient for a Russian-speaking user to work with Xoops, but one must prepare for the fact that with the advent of new, untranslated modules, words in English will appear in the system.

Now let's pay attention to how CMS systems manage the flow of documents, whether they allow you to create different versions one document and whether they allow administrators to monitor the process of document publication.

The actual eZ Publish content that is stored within content objects can exist in one or more versions. Every time content is edited, a new version is created while the old one remains untouched. This versioning system allows users to revert/revert changes, and to prevent the database from becoming flooded with old, unused versions, the administrator can set a version limit for a content class. The actual version of the document in eZ Publish is described using the following characteristics: version number, document status (draft, published, archived), language, creator, modification date. The authorship of documents is automatically controlled: you cannot edit other people's documents, you can only create copies of them and edit them. The status of the document is also controlled; Several versions of a document cannot be published at the same time, since only one of them has the published status. It is possible to create different versions of a document for different languages. Documents with the “archive” status cannot be edited or published (for editing, a copy of them is created - a draft).

The ActionApps system supports a basic approval process: the author of a document has the right to publish it. The difference from eZ Publish is that the document is published immediately after it is added to the system. In this case, the status of the ActionApps document can change as follows: active, pending, expired, in the process of writing (hold bin), awaiting deletion (trash bin). Each document, once created, immediately becomes active (published). Then you can move it to another category, but to do this you must have at least slice editor rights. The concept of document version is not used in ActionApps, however, as in Xoops and Mambo.

Not available on Xoops or Mambo systems. common system categories and a unified way of describing documents. The description depends on the module (content type) to which the document belongs. But there is no such thing as a document version. Xoops does not apply the concept of document status, but some documents (depending on the module) can be archived. In the Mambo system, a document has the status of published, archived, approved, or in the process of being edited. Archived articles can be edited. Articles added by users must be approved by the administrator. In general, the description of documents in the Mambo and Xoops systems is not complete enough and does not even satisfy the basics of the Dublin Core standard (one of the most common sets of elements for describing the structure and meaning of documents, which has been created for several years by the international group The Dublin Core Initiative, ). Thus, for these systems one of the ways to solve the problems of sharing and reusing content, organizing distributed storage data.

The most advanced document management system, in my opinion, is provided by eZ Publish. Version 3.2 of this system supports the basic approval process (only its author has the right to publish a document), working with versions and translations of documents, and simple revision tracking.

It is also important how the systems in question use content in conjunction with other information systems. ActionApps has the most advanced capabilities in this regard: it provides information exchange within the system itself and with other APC ActionApps sites (in terms of this system, this property is called content pooling). Information exchange is carried out by editors or administrators. It also supports displaying categories and fields for shared content, and importing and exporting content from other databases. All this is impressive, but a little complicated. Finally, ActionApps (like eZ Publish and Xoops) supports the use of RSS headers.

Finally, let’s summarize how content lifecycle management is carried out in CMS systems. When a document is created, it is endowed with a set of characteristics (status, author, obsolescence date, etc.) corresponding to the current stage of its life cycle. The document can then be modified, as well as its description, using CMS tools. If the author of the document does not have sufficient rights, the document goes through an approval process and can then be published. Under certain conditions (for example, the date of obsolescence of the document has been established or it is rarely read), the document can be archived. Generally speaking, such documents are archived to facilitate and speed up access to current documents, but some systems (for example, Mambo) simply duplicate information in the archive. Archived documents are stored separately, but can be read and edited (depending on the system). Both archival and current documents can be exported to other sites, to other information systems, converted to other formats, etc.

Commercial systems

The products discussed in this section are aimed primarily at solving enterprise problems, and therefore can be classified as ECM systems. Since these systems are commercial, it is not always possible to find out what data models are used to build them. In addition, ECMs are in principle difficult to classify according to our proposed scenario, since they typically consist of sets of different services and applications, each of which can use a different data model.


Documentum is a leading provider of integrated document and content management software. In document management its closest competitors are Open Text, IBM and FileNet, and in content management its closest competitors are Vignette, Stellent and Interwoven.

In document management, Documentum solutions are the most reliable, thanks to their ability to replicate and manage content at very high speeds. high level granularity (for reuse and repurposing), as well as support for transformations of complexly structured documents, repository extensibility, and XML support. The implementation of Collaboration Edition in Documentum 5 and the acquisition of eRoom by this company made Documentum considered a direct competitor to Open Text and Interwoven. Important advantages of Documentum are its deep knowledge of document flow management, version control and archive management. However, Documentum solutions may be less efficient than some competing solutions when handling document presentation on large Web sites.

The Documentum system has an object-relational architecture (that is, the object data model is mapped onto relational base data), therefore in our classification it can be classified as an object-based CMS system.


This ECM-focused vendor has long been a market leader and has entered the WCM market with its acquisition of eGail FileNet. This has allowed FileNet to offer a wide range of services to organizations implementing content management solutions. Until now, the company has focused primarily on process management and transactional content support. In 2003, FileNet introduced the P8 architecture, which supports Microsoft environment and Java. The following packages are offered: Business Process Manager - automation of complex business processes; Content Manager - manage, share and access documents or other forms of content; Web Content Manager - automation of creation, approval and publication of content on Web sites; Image Manager - manages fixed content types, including images, faxes, etc.


IBM Content Manager enables organizations to capture, store, manage and distribute all forms of digital content, including scanned text documents, XML, HTML and multimedia. IBM recently redesigned the software to include document management features, including version control and ODMA support. This has positioned Content Manager as a complete, integrated document management solution for consumers who want a one-stop, single-vendor product.

Another key point is WCM capabilities. The corporation announced the combination of Content Manager with WebSphere Portal, which provides Web publishing capabilities. Content Manager will now be a repository for the WebSphere portal. Content Manager is also integrated with WebSphere Portal through portlets that allow the user to access all types of content. With the acquisition of records management solutions provider Tarian Software, IBM expanded its ECM tools to include content lifecycle management.

The Content Manager data model is object-oriented.

Open Text

Open Text Livelink is a document-centric product that, in addition to document management services, provides a powerful set of collaboration tools, including group schedules, calendars and workflow management capabilities. Livelink supports Java, ActiveX, PDF and HTML. This system was designed for corporate intranet environments, does not support integration with Microsoft Exchange repositories, and its integration with Lotus Notes/Domino is only possible in one direction. Livelink supports search queries in natural language and clustering of results by topic, document flow management tools and real-time interaction modules.

The system architecture is modular, which allows Open Text Livelink to be classified as a modular system.


Interwoven is one of the leading suppliers of WCM tools. Interwoven 5 content management platform is aimed at large companies Fortune 500 and organizations needing control over critical business processes. The platform manages all forms of content throughout its entire lifecycle. The core of Interwoven 5 consists of the TeamSite (content management), MetaTagger (categorization) and OpenDeploy (content distribution) modules. Additional components allow you to develop a variety of Web services. The system has a “hybrid” architecture, which means it can store content both in databases and in the file system. In this case, an object data model is used.


Like Documentum, Stellent entered the WCM application market from the area of ​​document-oriented products. This company's CMS solution consists of a content server (Stellent Content Server), batch application for content management and application modules. The latter includes Stellent Content Publisher (publishing content on Web sites) and Stellent Dynamic Converter (converting, if necessary, from source business content into formats that can be viewed over the Internet). Stellent Content Publisher and Stellent Dynamic Converter are closely related to Stellent Content Server; when used together they provide comprehensive solution for content management and website creation automation. This solution implements seven main functions: Contribution, Native Source Management, Conversion, Web Source Management, Publishing, Deployment and Personalization. Influenced by its document-centric roots, Stellent Content Server isn't as good at building family-of-component sites as the TeamSite and Vignette Content Server products, which were designed specifically for building dynamic sites.

The Stellent solution is a modular model.


Vignette is one of Documentum's main competitors in the WCM space and will also compete with the firm in the Smart Enterprise Suite space. Vignette offers a variety of Web site creation tools integrated with e-commerce technologies and business process administration. The Vignette solution includes WCM functionality, personalization tools, a portal, and application integration tools. Its architecture is service-oriented, and in our classification this solution is closest to a modular type.

The future of CMS

This is achieved, most often, by merging development companies and purchasing smaller specialized companies. As they address the growing needs of enterprises, ECM leaders are naturally moving beyond Web site content management and document management.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that user demand for Web site automation tools will not only remain unchanged, but even increase. Freely available modular or object-based products must fill this niche if developers are to make them easier to use. Network-type systems will probably not become widespread. In Russia, content management systems are not yet very popular, and their market is small.


    Stanislav Makarov, Director information service, № 4, 2003.

    E. Zharikova, Selecting a content management system for an Internet resource.

    B. Lloyd, Introduction to Zope Technology.

    Valery Korzhov, Using a network data model to manage content. .

    Andrey Akopyants, Web content management systems. eCommerce World, No. 2, 2000.

Nina Savelyeva ([email protected]) - programmer of the Institute computing technologies SB RAS (Novosibirsk).

A modern website is no longer just a set of pages with links between them (as it was ten years ago), but a full-fledged software product that tracks user actions, allows them to communicate with each other and offers a variety of useful services depending on the tasks set by the site owner. Significant amounts of money are invested in the development of such a system. Often the budget of a large corporate website is comparable to the budget of a small company. The tasks of administration, management and functionality are solved by the so-called “Content Management Systems” (CMS). There are already plenty of both paid and free systems written. In this article, we will look at the most popular of them in terms of functionality, ease of use for users and administrators, and also pay attention to the load on the server when operating these CMSs.

Data Life Engine (DLE)

The commercial CMS Data Life Engine has undeservedly earned a bad reputation. At the same time, the developers are absolutely not to blame for this. They have created an optimal system for publishing news and articles.

Let's look at the main features of DLE:

  • creation of an unlimited number of categories and sections for news
  • differentiation of access rights between users
  • simplicity and convenience of publishing materials
  • convenient panel administrator
  • technically competent Russification
  • small database size
  • convenient connection of design templates
  • ability to backup and restore the database from the admin panel
  • built-in CNC page addresses in several formats

From a website developer's point of view, DLE is somewhat clumsy. There are a sufficient number of modules that expand the functionality of the system, but they are all aimed at developing the main task, that is, publishing news materials. At the same time, installing a module is not an easy task. A person who does not know the basics of layout and web programming is unlikely to cope with this task. Many developers manage to create quite complex non-news projects using Data Life Engine. However, if you think logically, it is better for such purposes not to take DLE, but something more flexible in functional terms. For example, Joomla or Drupal.

Why does Data Life Engine get such a bad reputation? Everything is very simple. The engine's protection was broken long ago, and 99% of its functionality is used by careless webmasters on sites with pirated software and portals for adults. Although, in fact, the engine is very stable and of high quality. With proper configuration and optimization, the load on the server is minimal.

Drupal is not only a content management system in the classical sense of the term. This is more of a core, on the basis of which you can build almost unlimited functionality of the site. Need a news portal? No problem! We collect the necessary modules and get a portal with news. Need a file directory? We follow the same principle and get a fully functional catalog.

Thousands of websites are built on this system. Here are the main areas of development in Drupal:

  • blogs
  • social media
  • personal sites
  • corporate websites
  • community portals
  • forums
  • the shops
  • directory sites

Drupal is considered one of the most reliable systems today. At the same time, a huge advantage of this CMS is that it is absolutely free to use. There is a Russian-speaking Drupal community, where you will always receive the necessary technical assistance and tell you how to solve problems using this content management system.

The disadvantages of using Drupal include a slight complexity in operation. A person without basic knowledge of web programming is unlikely to be able to use the most powerful functionality of the system. The load on the server depends on the functionality that you create yourself. But it is no different from similar CMS.

This core contains several CMS of the same type, which are called the “Nuke family”. All these systems are no different in terms of functionality from Drupal, only their development and expansion capabilities are somewhat limited.

The author is Francisco Bursi, the system is distributed completely free of charge, but subject to copyright. From a historical point of view, Php-Nuke has become a pioneer among CMS developed. This is the only reason why it can be respected, but today dictates completely different requirements for the security and stability of the system. Nuke adapts poorly to these changes.

Php-Nuke loads the server quite heavily and is not optimized for database queries, so it is better not to create projects with high traffic on this CMS: either the server or the server owners will not be able to handle it.

Php-Nuke has holes through which your site can easily be broken. Developers offer patches from time to time, but they are unlikely to cover all existing gaps.

Despite all the shortcomings, Php-Nuke may well be useful for novice developers to learn skills in working with a CMS. Installation, configuration and administration are very simple, even the average school student can understand them.


Several years ago this system made a powerful statement. Many webmasters have switched to using e107 in their projects. It cannot be said that the transition was justified. Let's take a closer look at this system.

The first thing that catches your eye is the abundance of possibilities of the E107. You can build almost anything on this CMS: from a personal blog to a corporate website. But this functionality hides the main problem: the assembly of the e107 most often does not require the installation of additional components to expand the functionality. All of them are already available in the distribution. And with a distribution size of 4.5 megabytes, what are the developers neglecting? Right! Safety and ease of use.

The admin panel is poorly thought out; you often have to think about what this or that option, this or that module is responsible for. And it is sometimes extremely difficult to understand all this without communicating on thematic forums.

A few words should be said about the design of your website, built on e107. Exists big number ready-made templates, both paid and free, which you can safely use in the design of your project. But in most cases, site owners want to see a unique design, right? This is where a huge disappointment awaits: developing a template for the E107 is a difficult and thankless task. Information is displayed separately from each module, which makes it very difficult to change the design of the site. Open any module file with information output and you will be simply shocked by the readability of the code. The code is absolutely unreadable! It simply confuses a beginner, but an experienced developer begins to think about the advisability of choosing e107 as a content management system for the task at hand.


Commercial content management system Slaed has captured a significant segment of the market and has no intention of letting it go. As with all commercial systems, functionality and safety are put first. Classical system expanding functionality by installing modules also works here.

Turns out, paid version different from free Open version Slaed is not very much (and does not differ from similar CMS at all). The authors include in the price the removal of copyrights, expansion of functionality through paid modules, optimization of system operation, as well as a change in graphic design. On top of all this wealth, it offers free updates and technical support for one year, as well as the ability to install Slaed on four domains. Don't you think that this is not enough for the user to shell out 200 euros from his pocket? Especially considering that all this can be obtained for free from other developers.

In my subjective opinion, it is the leader among CMS. A huge number of different websites have been created on Joomla. The system allows you to create business card sites, online stores, portals, communities, blog systems, bulletin boards, corporate multilingual sites and many, many other sites.

Completely free, has many modules for expanding functionality (they have different names“modules”, “components”, “mambots” and are aimed at solving various problems). Using these modules, you can add an online store to your company’s website in just a few minutes! At the same time, you get a reliable store that will work stably.

Changing the design for Joomla is not a problem. A huge number of ready-made templates have been created that are suitable for almost any website. And for lovers of unique design, everything here is also well thought out: a template for CMS Joomla is created very simply. To be fair, it is worth noting that a person who is far from web technologies and does not have knowledge of layout and programming cannot cope with this.

The convenience of Joomla is that there are practically no non-standard modules and components in the standard distribution. Developers' entire focus is on convenience and safety.

It’s very difficult to come up with a task that Joomla can’t handle!

And finally, a few words about blogs. Probably all of us know about the existence of Live Journals, and many actively use them. The Live Journal service has both its advantages (the ability to read friends’ feeds, exchange messages, etc.) and disadvantages: loaded with advertising, insufficient functionality, inability to earn money from maintaining your journal. Now there is a solution for all the disadvantages!

Free CMS for blogging, considered the best in the world. The functionality is not inferior to, and often superior to, the famous Live Journals. With WordPress you can easily publish video files from various resources, create a photographer’s blog with a demonstration of work, a musician’s blog with online audio examples. Or you can simply write down your thoughts and feelings in a kind of online diary. By the way, many famous people Lately people have been choosing to blog. This is believed to contribute to their popularity.

The functionality, as in all other CMSs, is expanded by installing additional plugins. This is extremely easy to do, just like working with the WordPress system. It’s worth mentioning the famous “three-step” WordPress installation. Blogging isn't the only thing WordPress is used for. You can build portals and photo galleries, article catalogs and product showcases on it.

To summarize this short review, I would like to advise you to choose exactly the content management system that can best suit a specific task. Then you will save both time and money on website development.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about what a CMS (Content Management System) is, what CMS there are, and which one to choose to create your own website.

So, let's try to formulate a definition. CMS or Content Management System- This shell, allowing users not knowledgeable HTML, CSS and PHP to place your materials on the site and subsequently manage them. All CMS have a user-friendly interface, so anyone who is at least a little familiar with a computer can learn to fill a website with content (materials) in a few hours, and even create their own websites in a few days!

Now let's talk about what types of content management systems there are. All CMS can be divided into paid And free. The main and most important advantage of paid CMS is full technical support. This means that at any time you can call or write to the specialists who were involved in the development of the CMS and ask all the questions you are interested in, to which you should subsequently receive competent and detailed answers. Another very important advantage of paid CMS is that you buy a fully configured and ready-to-use product that does not require any outside intervention in the settings, which cannot be said about free content management systems. In other words, after installing this CMS on the server, you can immediately begin creating a site, and this site will correctly perform its functions. For example, if you create an online store, then all purchasing, payment and delivery functions will definitely work correctly, and you will not need to change anything in the settings, much less in the source code.

The main advantage of free content management systems is that they are free. Plus, there are a large number of free plugins, modules and templates for these CMS, with which you can create a website of absolutely any complexity. But there is one BUT. You will have to deal with all this variety of add-ons yourself. And if you are going to make a more or less serious website on a free CMS, then you cannot do without basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and maybe PHP.

If we take the same online store as an example, its development on a paid CMS will take a novice user about a week. The same store on a free content management system will have to be developed in at least three weeks (read how to set up a website traffic counter).

Thus, if you have a lot of free time, have computer skills, the desire and interest to work hard, then there is every chance to create a website that will not be inferior in beauty and functionality to projects created on paid CMS.

Now let’s look at the main types of paid and free CMS. I’ll say right away that this is not a list of all content management systems, but only the most popular and frequently used ones.


  1. Joomla! Perhaps the most popular free content management system today. It has many modules, plugins and add-ons. There are a lot of lessons, articles and documentation in Russian on the Internet on working in this system. Everything would be fine, but Joomla! too “heavy” - has a lot of unnecessary things that load the system. Plus, Joomla! creates a lot of duplicate pages, which is not very good for promotion.
  2. WordPress. Another equally popular system. Initially, it was developed for creating blogs. But as practice has shown, with using WordPress you can create corporate websites, including online stores. Many free plugins have also been created for WordPress, and you can find documentation in Russian on the Internet.
  3. Drupal. Another free content management system. To a large extent, it is a news engine. Suitable for creating online communities, forums or blogs. But if you wish, you can create absolutely any website on it.
  4. Ucoz. Everything is quite simple here. To create a website, you just need to register on the official Ucoz website. You don't even need to know HTML. Ucoz is a website builder in the truest sense of the word. In addition, you don’t even have to spend money on hosting, ucoz will provide it. Is it true Domain name will be next –
  5. PHPShop. CMSFree. Fully free engine open source. On the developer's website you can find templates and modules that are attached to the CMS. Suitable for creating commercial corporate websites, and the most interesting thing is that you can create online stores. Technical support is organized in the form of a forum.
  6. WolfCMS. An actively developing CMS, distributed under Free Software terms and published under the GNU General Public License v.3. It is written, like most modern engines, in PHP. The main advantage of this system is that it does not require resources and is very lightweight. Those who like to experiment will like it, because source the site is visible directly in the admin panel. True, to work normally with it you will need some knowledge of HTML and PHP.
  7. OpenCMS. A free engine created by a group of European developers that is suitable for professional website development. Like Wolf CMS, there are not many ready-made modules and templates, so, for the most part, you will have to do everything yourself. Quite fast and secure system.


  1. 1C-Bitrix. Very popular, probably the most popular paid content management system today. If a basic license can be purchased for 1,990 rubles, then the “fattest configuration” will cost as much as 249,900 rubles! The difference in the cost of versions lies in the presence of certain modules. So, with a basic license you can create, at most, a business card website. And in order to create an online store you will need a license of about fifty thousand. But this is not a lot of money for an organization, so professional website developers actively use this CMS.
  2. NetCat. Another popular paid Russian engine. To use it, you do not require any special knowledge of programming languages ​​or markup. The system implements various functionalities, for example, interactive communication with site visitors. This CMS costs much less than Bitrix. Full version Netcat systems will cost you 32,200 rubles.
  3. UMI. CMS. A “boxed” CMS that allows you to manage your site and content without logging into the administrative interface. Thus, according to the developers, even a child can administer the site. In reality, everything turns out to be not so simple. Problems begin already at the stage of installation on hosting - you will have to suffer a little to install this system. And the interface is not very friendly. The most expensive license for such a content management system will cost 29,900 rubles.
  4. DataLifeEngine. Not a bad news engine. It's cheap - $59 basic and $78 advanced version. You can find enough extension modules to create a feature-rich website. Very well optimized for promotion - SEO specialists can take note. True, there are some security problems. You can use the free demo version, only with some restrictions - the source code is closed, there is a limit on the number of news and comments.
  5. HostCMS. A commercial content management system that has several licensing options, including a free version. Not available in the free version following modules: site search, forms, backup, site users, file manager, forums, advertising and several others. But there is an online store module! In my opinion, it is worth taking a closer look at this CMS. By the way, the most expensive license will cost 29,900 rubles.
  6. Amiro. CMS. The developers position this system as the fastest CMS on the RuNet. The system allows you to create and maintain websites of any level of complexity. One of the features of this CMS can be considered quick setup. Yes, with ready-made template you can build a website in a few hours. The most expensive edition costs 23,990 rubles.

OK it's all over Now. I specifically did not single out any one CMS from the list, considering it the best. Any system has its advantages and disadvantages, and for different people they are different meaning. If you are interested in public opinion, you can use statistical data. Yes, the most popular free system is Joomla(see how to change the logo in Joomla), and paid - 1C-Bitrix. But maybe for someone the determining factor is the page loading speed, and he can write modules with extensions himself. Then Joomla definitely won’t suit him.

Therefore, this article is just food for thought. I hope that after reading it, you will better navigate the huge variety of CMS.

Also read on this topic:

How to check a website for viruses? How to change logo in Joomla?
CCleaner 4.14 – optimization of system operation without problems
How to recover or reset Joomla admin password How to create correct file robots.txt for a WordPress site

CMS - this abbreviation is so often found on the Internet in different information portals, blogs and forums. But not every person knows the meaning of this abbreviation, as well as all its importance and significance in some areas of activity.

The abbreviation CMS stands for Content Management Software ( system), which translated from English means software designed for content management, i.e. site management system. In our country, most webmasters simply change the last word from the abbreviation from Software to System, which is why the meaning of the term changes to a content management system.

What is CMS

As mentioned above, a CMS is a content management system. To put it more in simple words- This is the site engine. Thanks to the presence of a content management system, the site owner will be able to fill it with information, accept applications and payments, even without any programming skills. Today there are quite a lot of such systems. Each of them has its own positive and negative sides, by analyzing which you can easily select the most suitable CMS for your website, depending on its field of activity.

In addition to content management, the CMS includes many more functions.

Main functions of CMS

One of the most basic functions is considered to be data display, creating on the fly the entire image of pages according to a previously specified template. It’s just important to understand in advance that the structure of the site itself includes a complexly formed page. This would not be enough. The entire site is divided into several parts:

design(front end) – special files, responsible for the appearance of the site, as well as the events involved (during transitions, scrolling, or simply hovering the mouse);
site logic(back end) – this part includes all the files responsible for building all processes during the operation of the site. For example, having visited an online store thanks to a special design, we see the store’s equipment - display cases with goods, top sales, and also a shopping cart. Thanks to the back-end, all these functions are involved (by navigating through the pages of the site, clicking on products and making purchases - we work with the back-end, that is, with the logic of the site, using visual manipulations).

Having big set pages with various purposes - their generation and display is determined by the control system.

For example, there are certain types of pages that can only be displayed certain users, for example, your personal account on the website, or a shopping cart in an online store.

Types of control systems

Each type of management system has its own pros and cons, which helps you choose the most appropriate CMS for your future website. Therefore - to the question choosing a CMS– you need to take it extremely carefully and seriously. The best way to choose the most suitable system is to first decide what kind of website you will create.

There are two types of management systems - paid and free. Initially, it would be best to familiarize yourself with the appearance of the selected control system, and then study the reviews of people who have already used this system for the purposes you are planning. And only then begin planning and developing the resource.

The most common control systems

Today there are quite a large number of different management systems, both paid and free. The most popular CMS are: Joomla, Drupal, 1C, NetCat, UMI, MODx, Amiro, Cotonti and many others.

CMS and promotion

Considering the fact that all functions for checking and generating displayed information are performed by our management system, based on passing certain algorithms for checking and comparing data, it becomes clear that the chosen CMS will depend site page loading speed. In just a few seconds, the control system goes through a whole list of various procedures, during which dozens or even hundreds of different scripts are used.

Therefore, when choosing a system, it is also worth initially assessing the speed at which it processes requests from the site, under different database loads. The higher the loading speed, the easier it will be to promote the site using this management system, since it will be convenient for users to use this site.