The file is not deleted. Proper removal of “non-deletable” files

Quite often, users are faced with the inability to delete a file, folder or program. When trying to delete, the user receives this: message:

Always like this error due to the fact that the file or folder busy another program. For example, a folder contains a document that is currently open. Accordingly, it will not be possible to delete the folder until the document is closed.

The same goes for programs, which for one reason or another are currently working.

But there are more complex cases when nothing is running on the PC, but it is not possible to delete the necessary element. We will consider such cases.

Basic removal methods

Before resorting to “heavy artillery” in the role of specialized software, you can try simple methods eliminating non-removable elements:

If none of the methods listed above helped, move on to the next section.

No access rights

Sometimes it happens that a local user simply does not have enough rights to the object being deleted.

To change permissions for the file you need:

At this point the setup is complete, you can try deleting it.

Unlocker for removal

If none of the methods help, then move on to using programs. The most popular application is Unlocker. It can be found on the developer's website. Complete software for free.

The application allows unlock non-deletable file and get rid of it.

There are two versions of the program - installable And portable.

Portable version allows you to use the program without installation, which is quite convenient if you don’t plan to use it in the future.

The operating algorithm is quite simple:

In cases where the file is occupied by a system process, the program will offer reboot computer. We agree and wait for removal.

Other software

There are several analogues the program described above, although there are quite a few of them.

One of the most popular is iObitUnlocker. It is included in the iObit application package. All actions in it are similar to Unlocker.

Another application - Deadlock. It's also easy to use.

Let's launch program and look for the element needed to remove.

Then right-click on the element in the list and select UnlockRemove.

No further actions are required.

How to remove uninstallable programs

Programs may also refuse to be removed. You come across software that simply no delete function from a computer. In this case, you can use the following utilities:

Even users who are not very familiar with computers know such a simple operation as deleting files and folders.

As a rule, it is done very simply, and the unnecessary object is instantly moved to the trash or deleted permanently.

However, in some situations, pressing the Delete button or using the Shift+Delete key combination does not lead to anything - the Windows 7 system refuses to delete the file. What to do in such a situation?

How to delete files that won't delete in Windows 7

Causes of the problem

A file or folder may not be deleted for various reasons. Typically, the problem is that the object is busy with some process. Because of this, you cannot erase:

  • executive files (.exe) of running games and other programs;
  • system files responsible for the functioning of Windows and hardware resources - drivers, etc.;
  • editable and viewable text and graphic files;
  • playable audio and video files;
  • files that are downloaded from the Internet or uploaded to the network using download managers, browsers, and torrent clients.

The solution to this problem is very simple - the active process using the file to be deleted must be closed. This can be done in several ways, which will be discussed below.

Another reason is the user's lack of rights. Some files - for example, system and read-only files - can only be deleted by the system administrator. You can get access rights through the file properties, the “Security” menu - in it you need to give yourself full access.

It is important to consider that Windows 7 does not simply give the user rights to delete certain files - without them, the computer may stop working normally. Therefore, if you do not have access to this feature, you should make sure that deletion will not cause harm before trying the methods below.

To delete undeletable files and folders, you can use:

  • system tools;
  • command line;
  • third party programs;
  • another system.

Closing an active process

If a file is not deleted because some process is using it, the system will throw an error when you try to delete it. The error window will indicate the name of the interfering process and information about the file being deleted. Windows 7 will prompt you to close the program and try the operation again.

The easiest way to “kill” an interfering process is to use the task manager. It opens in Windows 7 like this: press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Del and select Task Manager from the screen that appears.

The main manager window will show all currently active processes. Find the one that was indicated in the error message, highlight it and click the “End task” button.

If the required process is not found, simply restart your computer and try deleting the file immediately after the system starts. If this does not work, start the computer in safe mode, in which only system processes can run, and delete the file in it.

If the explorer.exe process is interfering

Explorer.exe is the process responsible for displaying the desktop along with all the shortcuts, as well as the taskbar, start menu, and tray. Therefore, if you simply close it, you may not be able to delete the file - the folder containing it will be impossible to open. There are several solutions to this problem:

  • Open the desired folder in advance.
  • After closing the process, press Win+R, enter cmd. A command line will open in which you need to write the command “del file_address” (for example, del C:\Users\Public\document.txt).

To delete an entire folder, you need to write rmdir instead of del. If you supplement this command with the /s operator, the folder will be deleted regardless of problems with the individual files it contains.

After the problem is resolved, you need to return the desktop. To do this, restart your PC or press Win+R and write in the line explorer.exe.

Using a different system

If you cannot delete a file from inside Windows 7, you can temporarily run another operating system - for example, Linux. For this, LiveCD is used - an OS distribution that runs from a CD and does not require installation on a hard drive. Additionally, a bootable USB flash drive can help.

To boot from external media, when the computer starts booting (before the system starts), you need to press the Del key or Shift+F12 - you will be taken to the boot menu. By default, the hard disk drive (HDD) has first priority; other devices are used if problems arise with it. By changing the priority to CD or USB, you will force the computer to start the system from a disk or flash drive, respectively.

There are two ways to work with external OS distributions:

  • via graphical interface;
  • via the command line.

In the first case, the system from the Live CD will boot in exactly the same way as regular Windows 7. To delete the file, you just need to find the desired folder and use the standard move to the trash.

The command line is used when starting the Windows installation disk. At any time during installation you need to press Shift+F10. The commands used are the same - del and rmdir.

It should be taken into account that during the installation process, the drives may have different designations - the system drive C:\ will remain the same, but additional local drives may change letters. To make sure that you are in the right directory, you need to use the command dir.

Using a third party program

To unlock the deletion function, the DeadLock program is suitable. It's easy to use:

  • From the File menu, add the object to be deleted to the list.
  • Right-click on it, select Unlock, then Remove.

You can also use it to move non-movable files. An additional feature is changing the owner.

Analog of the program - Unlocker. Its disadvantage is that it clogs up the computer with unnecessary additional applications and adds itself to the context menu.

In this article we looked at how to delete files that are not deleted by Windows 7, we hope that you liked it, if we missed something or forgot to write about it, please indicate it in the comments.

The inability to delete a folder or a separate application file is a common problem in OS Windows, from the old XP version to the new “ten”. If you're trying to delete a file without closing the program, that's one thing. In this case, it is enough to close the running application, for example, a game, and the issue will be resolved. Well, in other cases, you will need to apply certain actions to solve the problem, using system or software methods.

You often encounter these errors when trying to delete a file or an entire folder:

  • the file cannot be deleted because it hangs in the task manager (occupied by a process);
  • the file cannot be deleted because it is open in some program;
  • Administrator permission is required to perform the action.
There are a number of ways you can delete an unnecessary file or folder. This can be done both using system tools and special utilities and programs.

Before starting the process, make sure that the deleted file will not cause instability in the operating system. When cleaning your computer from unnecessary “garbage”, do not delete system files, without which its stable operation is impossible.

Files occupied by the process can be deleted both by the system itself and by third-party programs. In the article we will tell you and show with screenshots how such files can be deleted in Unlocker, DeadLock and Live CD. The first two programs are free and suitable for untrained users.

If you are trying to remove files such as hiberfil.sys, the methods discussed in this article will not apply to them. In this case, you need to read the instructions for disabling hibernation, the energy-saving mode of the PC operating system, or setting up the hidden system swap file pagefile.sys. Deleting the Windows.old folder may also help.

Deleting a file without additional programs

If a file cannot be deleted because it is occupied by a process, the system will notify you about this. In this case, the notification will contain the name of the process due to which deletion is impossible. Most often, the files are “occupied” by the main process of the Windows Explorer program. And if the file is “freed”, it will be easy to delete.

You can close the process in the task manager. To run it, do the following:
  • If you have Windows XP or Windows 7, press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del.
  • If you have "eight" or "ten", press Win+X and select task manager.
See what process is occupied by the desired file. By deleting the task, you can easily delete it.

But to delete a file occupied by the main process of the Explorer program, it is not enough to simply cancel the task. You will only have to remove it using the command line. First, run it, remove the explorer.exe task, and then delete it by typing the del command full_path_to_your file.

Now, to return the standard view of the Desktop, you need to restart the main Windows Explorer process. This is done in the task manager. On the “File” tab, select “Run a new task” and in the window that opens, specify “explorer.exe”.

The process is running again, and the desktop looks standard.

Removing a locked file using a bootable USB flash drive or disk

Boot the operating system from any Live CD, such as a bootable USB flash drive, USB drive, or OS recovery disk. When booting from a Live CD, either the command line or the standard operating system GUI can be used. When you boot the OS from any USB drive, the hard drive partitions may have different letters. To avoid mistakes when deleting a file, it is better to use the dir command. For example, the command "dir d" will show all folders stored on that drive.

If you boot the system from a flash drive or installation disk for “seven” and “eight”, after loading the language selection window or at another stage, launch the command line using the Shift and F10 key combination. But you can also use System Restore. Here you can see a similar situation with changing drive letters, so don't forget to use the dir command as well.

Using DeadLock to Unlock and Delete Files

Many users who previously resorted to using the free Unlocker program are gradually switching to an alternative option - DeadLock. Over the past year, along with the Unlocker distribution, unnecessary programs have been downloaded and installed on the computer without the user’s knowledge. The program is also perceived ambiguously by antivirus programs and browsers.

The free DeadLock utility works on the same principle: it removes the lock and deletes files. The declared functions also include the ability to change the owner of a file, but we have not tested this.

So, how does the program work? If a file cannot be deleted because it is occupied by a program process, launch DeadLock and select File. Now add your file to the program list and click the mouse. Now you have three actions available to you: Unlock, Remove and Move.

The peculiarity of DeadLock is that after unlocking the file, it does not add this action to the Explorer program.

Free Unlocker to unlock files that won't be deleted

Until some time, as we already wrote above, the Unlocker program enjoyed great love from users. It easily, without problems and quickly deleted any file occupied by the process.

Using the program is easy: click on the file you want to delete and unlock it.

The program works the same way as DeadLock: it kills the process and then deletes the file. But it also has distinctive advantages: the program is able to record even those processes that are not shown by the dispatcher.

Why is the file or folder not being deleted?

The official website of the operating system developer corporation provides little information about why it is sometimes impossible to delete certain folders and files.

What may be preventing you from deleting a file or folder?

You may not have enough rights to edit the file and folder and then delete it. The file may not be deleted due to certain PC administrator settings.

Another option is also relevant - when the file works in a specific program. The problem may be resolved if you close all running applications.

Why when I try to delete a file does Windows say the file is in use?

If, when deleting a file, the system gives an error about its use by the program, you need to close it. For example, you want to delete a folder with Word, but you can’t because you are currently working with a document from this program. Therefore, if you close the document, the folder will be deleted. Or you are trying to delete files while someone else is working on them (if you have a home network).

After deleting all files, an empty folder remains

The solution to the problem is closing all programs or restarting the PC.

Usually there are no problems with deleting on your computer. Selected it, pressed the Delete key, emptied the Trash - done. But sometimes the deleted information clings to life on your hard drive so much that it cannot be erased. This is where an interesting question arises: how to delete undeletable files.

It would seem that the paradox is insoluble. If the data is undeletable, then it seems like you won’t be able to get rid of it. But this is only an appearance: in fact, everything can be destroyed, the only question is how much effort will be required to complete the task. Sometimes you even have to resort to the help of special software.

How to delete undeletable files

Why is he still here?

If you are not interested in the reasons why data is not deleted, then you can immediately move on to methods of destruction. For the more curious, below are the most common reasons:

  • Blocking by antivirus.
  • Use by another application.
  • Use of data by another user over a local network.
  • File usage by the system.
  • Lack of administrator rights.

Depending on the reason, the methods for deleting stubborn data differ. If they are used by the system, rebooting or starting Windows in safe mode will help.

If you do not have administrator rights, you need to log in under the appropriate account. In general, let's look at the available methods in detail - one or two will definitely save you.

Search for connections

The first method is to restart the computer. In any unclear situation, the first thing to do is reboot the system. If after a reboot the information still remains unavailable for deletion, then try starting the system in safe mode. I’ve already told you how it’s simpler on the “seven” - there’s a cool F8 key that launches the boot mode selection menu.

If rebooting and safe mode do not help, look for information about the file in the antivirus quarantine. This happens: an antivirus utility blocks malicious data, preventing the system from accessing it. Accordingly, they cannot be deleted either, which is somewhat illogical. But if you take 10 minutes, you can easily erase non-deletable data. The listed actions, of course, must be performed from an administrator account, otherwise nothing will work.

If you have problems uninstalling the application, then look at the list of running processes and the startup list. How to do it:

Everything can be done in one window only on Windows 10. If you have the eternal “seven”, then open the startup list through “System Configuration” (Win + R – msconfig).

The task manager on Windows 7 is launched in the same way as on other versions of the Microsoft OS - with the combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

Unlock and Destroy

If you have tried the above methods and are already going down to the comments to write something like “difficult” or “doesn’t help,” then give me the opportunity to correct myself. Removing non-deletable files is not limited to using Windows tools. In difficult cases, you cannot do without third-party software - a file manager or an unlocking program.

Let's start with the Total Commander file manager. It is good because it can bypass some Windows restrictions and show hidden data (however, FAR Manager can also do this).

Install Total Commander and find the file or folder that does not want to leave your computer. Highlight and press F8.

If the folder is not deleted, open it through Total Commander and see what's inside. If there is some hidden file, look for it by name in the task manager on the “Processes” tab. If you find it, complete the process and try again to erase the directory through Total Commander.

Instead of Unlocker, you can use other programs: LockHunter, IObit Unlocker or Free File Unlocker. These are proven utilities that will help you deal with system messages like “Access Denied” when uninstalling.

Any computer user has at least once encountered a situation where a seemingly simple procedure, such as deleting a file, ended in failure. If this has not happened to you, then either you know how to prevent this situation, or you still have it ahead. That’s why today we’ll talk about how to delete a file or folder that cannot be deleted, and we’ll give several methods for solving this problem. We will help those who are faced with such a situation to solve it; for those who are new to this, they will be fully armed and ready to deal with undeletable files.

Reasons why a folder or file is not deleted

The inability to delete a file can be explained by several reasons:

  • Insufficient rights to perform the delete operation.
  • The file is being used by another user or program.
  • The folder or file is damaged.
  • The media on which the file of interest is located is protected from writing, and therefore from deletion.

You can solve the problem that has arisen in different ways: use the capabilities that exist in the operating system, or resort to the help of third-party utilities that are designed to perform similar actions. Let's look at all the methods for getting rid of unnecessary files.

You just need to make one caveat - are you sure that the file intended for deletion is really unnecessary? Windows OS protects the folders and files necessary for its stable functioning, and attempts to insist on one’s own way can lead to the “crash” of the system and the need to solve completely different problems. Before you start deleting files, make sure that they are truly “garbage”. You should be especially careful when disposing of objects in system folders.

Checking write protection

Before you start any drastic methods, you should make sure that you have the right to delete files. If they are located on flash drives or memory cards, then you need to start with the simplest thing - make sure that the mechanical switch that prevents writing/erasing is not set to the appropriate position that blocks such actions.

Virus check

The file may be a virus, some kind of malicious program, or part of it that cannot be removed. If you haven't scanned your computer for viruses in a while, you should do so. If suspicious programs have been found and neutralized, you should try to delete this file.

Checking file access

A helpful way to delete a file in some cases is to restart the computer. It is quite possible that the object that needs to be gotten rid of is the result of a particular program that was uninstalled incorrectly, or it was not done completely, and there are some program modules (DLLs, processes) left in the system that are still running and do not allow deletion. It is quite possible that after restarting the system, unnecessary processes will not work and the file will be freed from unnecessary care. Delete.

Another point is the prohibition on performing write/erase operations in this folder, set by the computer administrator. You need to go to the folder properties, and on the “Security” tab check the granted rights.

If read-only is allowed, then you should give full access to this folder, after which it will be possible to perform any actions with all the files located in it. You should be especially careful with system folders.

Using Task Manager

If, when trying to delete, a message is displayed that the file is open in another program, and a specific process (program) is indicated, then the situation is somewhat simplified, since it is known what exactly is preventing us from getting rid of the file that has become unnecessary.

To do this, simply close this program (if possible), or stop the running process. To do this, you need to open the “Task Manager”, which can be done by pressing the key combination “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Esc”. After this, on the “Processes” tab, you need to find the process blocking access to the file and terminate it.

After this, you can try to delete the file. Most likely it will work out.

Using the Command Line

The file may be held by the “explorer” system process, which is responsible for the operation of the taskbar, desktop, etc. If you simply kill this process, deleting the file may be problematic. At the same time, the command line will allow you to deal with those objects that cannot be deleted using Windows Explorer.

In order to use this tool, you need to launch the command line, for which, after clicking the “Start” button, enter “cmd” in the search field, right-click and select run mode with administrative rights. A window will open in which you must enter commands to delete the file or folder.

You can try to delete the damaged file using this method.

Deleting a file

The "Del" command is used. You need to enter the line:

Del /F /Q /S<Путь_к_файлу> ,

/F – Forces deletion of files marked as read-only.

/Q – do not issue a confirmation request for the delete operation.

/S – delete subfolders and files in them.

The screenshot shows an example. Naturally, your path will be different.

Deleting a folder

To delete an entire folder, use another command:

Rd/S/Q<Путь_к_папке> ,

/S – delete subfolders and files.

/Q - do not issue a confirmation request for the delete operation.

An example is shown in the following screenshot.

Using Safe Mode

If you cannot stop a process blocking access to a file for one reason or another, or it is not clear what process is interfering, then this method can help, in which the system boots in safe mode. In this case, the required minimum of processes starts, and the one that “held” the file will remain in an inactive state. You can try deleting the file.

Using a boot disk

It happens that even safe mode does not allow you to get rid of an unnecessary folder or file. Then booting from an external boot drive may help. Alternatively, the hard drive on which you want to delete files can be connected to another computer. Then, after booting from another media, your disk will be connected as a second (third, etc.) disk, the OS on which will not be running. Now all that remains is to find the desired file and delete it.

Using third party programs

In order to solve all problems with access to files and be able to delete them, regardless of whether they are in use or not, there are a number of utilities specifically designed to unlock objects that need to be destroyed.


A free utility that you can download from this link. Among the advantages of the program are a simple interface, the ability to launch from the command line, unlock and (if such a mode is specified) delete a file.

To get rid of an unnecessary file, you need to specify the path to it, check the “Delete file” box and click the “Execute” button. That's all that needs to be done. If you don’t want to work with the command line, and also don’t want to delve into processes and running programs, then this method is an opportunity to quickly and effectively solve all problems with locked files.


Perhaps the most famous program, known for a long time and often used. You can find it at this link, where there are the necessary versions for 32 and 64-bit OS. There is also a portable version for those who do not like to install many programs on the system, but prefer to run the necessary tools to maintain the system autonomously.

There is one more advantage to using portable versions: when installing such programs, you often install several more utilities, browser extensions, etc., which you don’t need at all, which will annoy you with advertising, and from which, sometimes, you don’t really care. just get rid of it. You have to be careful when installing such software. As a rule, this does not happen with portable versions.

The program itself is extremely simple. When launched, a window will open where you need to specify the location of the file that needs to be deleted.

You just need to click the “Ok” button, after which a new window will appear in which you will need to confirm the action that needs to be performed on the file. If no file locks are found, the following window will appear:

You need to indicate what to do with the file - delete, leave as is, move, etc.

Other programs

In addition to those listed, there are other utilities that perform the same job. As an example, we can cite: Delete Doctor, Free File Unlocker, MoveOnBoot, Tizer UnLocker, Wize Force Deleter. Their operating principle is similar, so you can choose the one you liked and which helped solve problems with undeletable files or folders.


How to delete files or folders, which method to choose - it all depends on the specific situation. Some people prefer to use specialized “software”, others do not like to clutter the system with many highly specialized utilities and prefer to use all the built-in capabilities of the OS.

The main thing is to have an understanding of different ways to solve problems and the ability to apply them in practice. We hope that at least one of the methods we suggested helped you.