Where can I sell my old TV and monitor? Reception of old TVs. Promotions when purchasing new equipment

Nowadays, household appliances quickly become obsolete, as manufacturers constantly offer consumers new, improved models. It's hard for anyone to resist buying modern TV, especially if it can be purchased at a low price during a sale or promotion. But before you acquire the next “miracle of technology,” you need to decide where to take it old TV for money. We will discuss in this article what to do with an item that has expired.

For parts

Owners of non-working TVs, not understanding their value, often throw unnecessary equipment into a landfill. But “antediluvian” models contain materials that can be sold for money. Therefore, if you are looking for options where to hand over an old TV, contact a specialized company or individuals who accept old household appliances behind certain reward. They will come to the address you specified, pick up the TV themselves and pay the money. As a result, you will make a profit and get rid of unnecessary things.

Scrap metal

Most affordable option For those who are interested in where to sell the TV, take it to a scrap metal collection point. Older models contain small quantities non-ferrous metals, so you may pay little money for a TV.

Reception points operate in almost every yard. To obtain more money, you can visit several points and compare prices. It is most profitable to hand over equipment at the nearest collection point so as not to spend money on its transportation. By the way, if you disassemble the TV yourself, you can get 2-3 kg of copper.


If you want to sell your old TV, it is advisable that it is working. It happens that the device does not look presentable, but at the same time it can work for many more years. As you know, every product has its own buyer, so you can advertise for sale in local media and thereby ensure yourself a good income from old things. Students who live in dormitories are happy to buy such equipment. Sales advertisements can also be posted on in social networks, on forums or on message boards on the Internet. There are entire communities whose members will offer good prices for used equipment.


Household appliances are not considered to be antiques, since many older models were produced during Soviet Union, that is, 30-40 years ago. But some devices were produced in small batches, so they turn from a pile of unwanted parts into a rare find for collectors.

Having your own collection of rare items is quite an expensive pleasure, which is available only to wealthy people, so you can get good money for your grandmother’s old equipment. This is the most profitable option where to sell your old TV. Collectors will be happy to pay decent money for a unique item. They know for sure that after a while they can get a good profit from them.

Repair shops

If your equipment is not very outdated, but at the same time cannot be repaired, you can ask where to take the TV for spare parts. As a rule, such goods are purchased by repair centers and workshops. It is enough to call several organizations, and you will definitely find a buyer.

In theory, repair shops can only use new parts purchased from suppliers. But many service centers They try to save money, so they buy used parts. Of course, they are dishonest about their work, but this, as they say, is on their conscience.


In large cities there are specialized companies that deal with the disposal of unnecessary household appliances. They are located in different areas, so finding such an organization will not be difficult.

But you will not receive any money for recycling unnecessary household appliances. In addition, you will have to pay workers who will remove the TV or refrigerator. Therefore, if you are looking for where you can sell your old TV for money, you should not consider this option.

We exchange old for new

Nowadays, many stores offer the exchange of an old TV for a new one with an additional charge. In this case, the buyer receives good discount to a completely new device. In addition, he is given an excellent opportunity to get rid of unnecessary junk without any problems.

If you want to trade in your old TV for a new one, it doesn't have to be working. Another important advantage is that you can get a discount on any household appliance, for example, an air conditioner or washing machine. To do this, just come to the store, arrange delivery of the goods and pay the missing amount. They will bring it to you specified address a new device and take away unnecessary equipment.

Stores that conduct such promotions act as an intermediary between consumers and companies that recycle such items. Metal and plastic from old equipment are used to make wiring and housings, and old circuits, after melting down, are used to make new ones. Materials that cannot be recycled are disposed of correctly and safely.

Making money on unnecessary things

Internet users often ask the question, ? But everyone in the house has a lot of unnecessary things that you haven’t used for a long time. Since it’s a shame to throw them away, this trash is constantly moving from one room to another.

Experts recommend selling or throwing away things that you have not used for 1-1.5 years. This rule applies to 90% of the items in the house. You don't have to throw away what you've accumulated over the years. All these things can be sold. If they are of any value, this can be done without any problems. It is enough to simply place relevant advertisements on the Internet or in the media. This is a great option that you can spend on your needs or gifts for loved ones. In addition, you will be able to tidy up your home and free up space for other, more useful things.

Crafts from unnecessary things

If your child strives to financial independence and is looking for options, teach him to make various crafts from old unnecessary things. Author's works are always enjoyed in great demand. On foreign websites you can get good money for unique handmade products. If your son or daughter has creative abilities, they can earn a good income from it. Perhaps when they grow up, this activity will develop into a large, highly profitable business.


If you decide to sell your old equipment for money, you should not expect a large reward. Each item has a certain service life, after which it loses its value. Sometimes it's much more convenient to just give unnecessary thing those in need for free and hear “thank you” for it.

These words from another post on the social network are very correct. Within a minute, 82 public subscribers liked it. Not bad, right?

Just what's next? The person reads, agrees, then scrolls a little more on the news on the social network and goes to watch some show on TV. Well, just like that, relax and unwind after a hard day, or maybe just turn it on in the background and go about your business.

What's the matter? They liked it, they liked it, which means they agreed. Why do people still waste time watching TV?

Here's why.

You grew up with TV. He was for you good friend. He taught, entertained and comforted in times of stress. Like many others on this planet. It’s hard to get rid of what surrounds you since childhood (by the way, food for thought for parents of future entrepreneurs).

Why does an entrepreneur need to get rid of the TV?

It’s like with the environment - if you want to climb a new mountain, look for someone who has already been there. A change in environment forces you to move your comfort zone.

TV is another piece of our comfort zone. Even small movements of this wall will produce significant results.

Of course, TV is not an omnipotent evil, sometimes it can be very useful, but in most cases it draws you into illusions: active activity, communication.

This, of course, can be said about a computer. You need to train yourself with him, After all, you can’t just take and throw away a tool for generating income. Are you an internet entrepreneur? (If not yet, you should )

If you don’t have enough arguments, here are 6 good reasons to throw away your TV:

1. Time.

You turn on the TV only because you are used to having something playing in the background in your apartment. Sometimes you can stop and look “with one eye” at what kind of program or news there is. Let “one eye” a day take no more than 2 hours. This is already 730 hours a year, which means you spend a little more than a month a year watching TV.

One month of the year is:

1. precious time of your life;

2. a website made from scratch and even the first profit;

3. - 3 kg of excess weight;

4. written book;

5. new skill;

We can go on and on. You get the point.

2. The illusion of communication.

It is human nature to be social, surrounded by other people. With the development of television, people began to communicate less. And all because live communication replaced by on-screen characters. This illusion is one of the most detrimental to a person.

You are not looking for new acquaintances, like the air an entrepreneur needs, because screen characters give you new impressions.

It’s clear that now the Internet has taken over this role to a greater extent, but TV cannot be written off either, since even an extra minute turns into hours over time.

3. One-sided reality.

When does an entrepreneur die? No, not at 70, 80 or earlier, but then, when he starts to think in stereotypes - like everyone else.

Over time, television distorts the map of reality and draws its own standards. The less you allow yourself to be thought for, the more flexible your thinking and the brighter your ideas will be.

Unlike the Internet, where you can get acquainted with different points of view on one situation, TV dictates its own prism of perception of the world around you.

4. Negative.

How many times have you independently searched through Google or Yandex for the number of murders that occurred over the past week? I think not even once.

Even if you don’t watch the news or any other programs full of negativity, you still won’t be able to protect yourself from it, but you need to. You need strength and energy to constantly move forward.

5. Energy.

Have you noticed that watching TV on the couch is also hard work? You get tired, but you do nothing. My eyes hurt, my concentration deteriorates, but there is no result. But the entertainment programs have been revised. There is no longer any energy left to create a website and promote the product.

The conclusion is obvious.

6. Just because you have one life.

P.S. I wanted to throw out my box right now ? Great. Like if this post helped you and start working on reducing the time you spend aimlessly on social networks.

Where can you dispose of your old TV when it is no longer needed in your home? If large devices are quickly snapped up for spare parts, then there are not many options for such devices. And before choosing one of them, evaluate the condition of your equipment: is it in working order, is there any external damage, is everything working.

A few words about the environment

Few of us realize that a TV thrown in the trash is a source of harmful substances that enter the air and pollute the atmosphere. Among them are barium, lead and mercury - and this is not the entire list of toxic chemical elements.

Russia even adopted Law No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998 on classifying waste from television equipment as hazardous and subject to a fine for failure to comply with disposal rules. Therefore, when buying a new TV, first take care of where to put the old one.

Sell ​​by ad

Most best option Where to put an old TV is to place an ad on the Internet or in a newspaper. There are many options for this, such as Avito websites and the like, groups on social networks, the newspaper “From Hand to Hand” and many others.

To quickly find a buyer for your product, add photos to your ad good quality And detailed description model, as well as service life and existing problems, if any. Even an old, but still working TV, someone will want to buy. Amateurs often buy this type of equipment. game consoles, students renting apartments or summer residents.

Give it to a pawnshop

Many pawnshops accept household appliances as collateral, but there are a number of conditions for this:

  • The TV model should not be outdated;
  • the device must be in good working order;
  • Availability of documents for equipment.

If your TV meets all the requirements, feel free to contact the pawnshop. You won’t be able to sell it for as much as if you advertised it, but this option also has advantages. Firstly, it won’t take as much time as waiting for a buyer to call, and secondly, you won’t be bothered with telephone questions.

Before taking your TV to a pawn shop, call those organizations that are located near your home. Then you won’t have to carry the device with you and look for places where you can sell your old TV for money. Phone numbers of such companies can be easily found on the Internet and in the yellow pages of your city.

Hand over to the workshop

This option allows you to get rid of even non-working equipment if it has some value for the craftsmen. Some spare parts will be used to repair other TVs, and the rest will be sold for scrap. Few people know, but some of the parts are coated with quite expensive metals, even such as gold and silver.

As is the case with pawn shops, it is worth discussing all the details of the transaction with the master in advance: do they need your model, how much will they give for it, when is the best time to return the old TV and come for the money.

Give at a discount

In Europe, it has long been common practice in household appliance stores to exchange old devices for new ones, providing a small discount or with the condition of purchasing from a domestic manufacturer. This not only makes recycling of old devices convenient, but also boosts the country's economy.

In Russia, such promotions operate a little differently. Firstly, not all stores support them, but only large networks, for example: Eldorado, M-video or Media Markt. Here you can both hand over old equipment and buy new ones. Secondly, the choice is not in favor of Russian manufacturers, but models for which the price has been significantly inflated or which are not in demand.

In any case, the benefits of such a purchase are obvious. The store's delivery service will pick up the unwanted TV at its own expense., and you will be warmed by the thought of the benefits received. To avoid falling into the trap, compare the prices of the models offered by the store with prices in other retail outlets. If it is really profitable, feel free to agree to the exchange.

Contact recycling companies

If you live in a large city, then there are probably companies that take on the responsibility of handing over your old TV for recycling. Only now they won’t pay you, but vice versa. You will have to pay the company's transportation costs, as well as the work of specialists. But in any case, this option is much better than taking the TV to a landfill.

During recycling, televisions are disassembled, their parts are separated into plastic, metal and glass, crushed, washed and transported to production facilities. Only 10% of your strictly TV waste is not recyclable.. They are taken to special isolated storage facilities, where they become absolutely safe for environment.

Give away for free

You can't make a lot of money from an old TV, but you can use it to benefit those in need. Give a working but unnecessary TV to an orphanage, shelter, nursing home or low-income families.

Any concern on your part will not go unnoticed, and the joy of an unexpected gift will warm your heart for a long time.

And finally, watch an exciting video about how household appliances, and in particular TV, are recycled according to all the rules:

Your old device won't become a burden to you if you know where to take your old TV after purchasing a new one. Follow these tips and you'll quickly find a new use for your old equipment.

In contact with

In the century high technology Models of equipment such as televisions change very quickly. Today, almost everyone is eager to acquire a new “miracle of technology,” after which the happy owners begin to think about where to sell their old TV.

IN in this case There are several options for the development of events:

  • give it to “good” hands or give it to friends;
  • throw old equipment into the trash bin;
  • hand over to a specialized company or private buyers of non-working household appliances.

Give it to good hands

Of course, if a person has friends, relatives or just acquaintances who show interest in an old TV, then this option is the most optimal. If there are no such people, and the equipment itself is in good condition, then you can try to sell it using an ad. Today there are many low-income families and students who do not have the opportunity to purchase an expensive model. They will happily buy an old TV at a low cost, and they will come and pick up the equipment themselves. In addition, in almost any city there is a a large number of charitable foundations, created to help refugees, orphans, families affected by various disasters, etc. Helping your neighbor is a good thing, especially since practically nothing is required from the owner himself.

Throw it in the trash

Most often, when the thought arises about where to put the old TV, its owner very quickly realizes that the best option- throw it in the trash. Especially if the equipment is already out of order. It should be noted here that this option can be discarded immediately. Of course, today you can increasingly see huge warehouses of old household appliances near city garbage cans, but this is an unacceptable option to part with unnecessary TV. Such decisions lead to very serious environmental problems. Thus, old picture tubes contain many toxic substances (lead, barium, strontium). Their entry into the soil can have a detrimental effect on the health of people and animals. These metals lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, vascular system etc. Therefore, picture tubes require specialized disposal.

In addition, plastic poses a great danger to the environment. The casings of old TVs are made of special polymers that do not pose a threat, but during combustion they release a huge amount of toxic substances, including strong carcinogens (chlorine, dioxides). Chlorine atoms dramatically increase the harmfulness of plastic when burned, which poses a huge danger to the digestive and respiratory systems.

The wires of an old TV, containing phenol formaldehyde, polyvinyl chloride, etc., are also dangerous. Also, many elements of these devices include mercury, arsenic, lead, antimony, which do not need any introduction. Therefore, if you don’t know what to do with your old equipment, you can forget about this method.

Moreover, it is illegal to send your TV to the trash. Legislation Russian Federation prohibits the disposal of household appliances that have reached the end of their service life, including televisions. Most of our compatriots neglect this law, hoping that their crime will go unpunished. In reality, very often vigilant neighbors can find out about an offense and report it to the appropriate authorities. The result of such a situation will be a lot of problems and banal shame in front of the neighbors for what they have done. Also, for such actions you can pay a serious fine. Therefore, the option of throwing the old TV into the trash can is simply unacceptable.

Video: where to sell your old TV

Donate a “valuable” TV

Often, owners of old non-working TVs take wrong decision- throw away equipment because they do not understand its value. In fact, even an “antediluvian”, seemingly useless TV contains elements and materials that cost some money and can be used to produce other products. When a person realizes the value of old equipment, he gives up his intentions to throw away the TV and begins to think about where to donate the old TV.

Exists whole line materials that are found in the products described above and are of some value. TVs are almost half made of metal. In addition to the previously mentioned metals (lead, cadmium, antimony), which are part of electronics, modern liquid crystal models contain indium. All these materials are of some value. Also, there are elements on which silver, gold, and other precious metals are applied in a minimal amount. Therefore, if you find a specialized company or individual who accepts old household appliances, you can get a small reward. Such entrepreneurs come, take out the equipment themselves and immediately pay the money. As a result, the owner is completely freed from big problem and receives a small amount of money.

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