Detailed report on calls to Beeline. How to find out incoming and outgoing calls and SMS on billine

Now we would like to draw your attention to some popular questions regarding viewing various information and data in the interface personal account on the operator's website cellular communication Beeline.

How to view SMS in your Beeline personal account

Basically, when subscribers raise a similar question to the company’s call center employees or directly search engine, they are trying to find up-to-date information on how to read messages received at a specific phone number directly in your personal account. It is worth noting that in this context, such a service is not provided by, perhaps, any, at least not a Russian, telecom operator. That is, through the personal account interface, view text messages you won't succeed.

But sometimes this question concerns receiving information about incoming SMS messages, as well as outgoing messages. In these cases, bill detailing can help subscribers. And now this service, as you know, is available in your personal account.

In order to obtain details, in the LC interface you need to go to the section of the same name. It has two options for choosing to receive information:

  1. Cost structure.
  2. Detailing.

It is quite obvious that we are interested in the second option, so we choose it. Next, you need to specify the appropriate settings: dates for withdrawal accurate information in the report, there are checkmarks next to the services of interest.

When the report is grouped, you will be able to see not only information about calls, but also current data regarding incoming/outgoing SMS.

How to view MMS in your Beeline personal account

As for receiving multimedia messages and viewing them through your personal account, then this service is also unavailable. But don’t be upset, because this service is not available in your personal account, but, fortunately, Beeline has launched separate service to view MMS messages. It is called MMS Portal and is available to any subscriber. To use the portal, you must register on it.

The registration procedure is extremely simple and is performed as follows:

  1. Go to the portal at
  2. Under the password entry field, find a hyperlink with the phrase “Registration”. Click on it.
  3. Enter your phone number in the appropriate field.
  4. Enter the verification code in the field below.
  5. Click on the "Get password" button.
  6. The login password will be sent to specified number phone. It will need to be entered in the appropriate field.
  7. Done, you have entered the MMS portal interface.

In just a few minutes you will understand how to configure the interface and will be able to receive and even send messages to different numbers phones and email.

Where can you view the owner in your Beeline account?

Not everyone knows about this, but the Beeline personal account interface has a separate section that stores information about the owner of the number. Of course, you don’t have to fill in this information and leave the fields blank. We'll tell you how to get into this section and what fields there are to fill in.

In order to get to the section with information about the owner, you must complete the following actions:

  1. In the main menu of your personal account, go to the “Settings” section.
  2. Just below, select “Subscriber Profile”.
  3. Ready.

As for the fields that are available on this page for filling out, they are provided for entering:

  • Phone numbers;
  • Email addresses;
  • Paula;
  • Dates of birth;
  • Cities, streets, houses and apartments of residence;
  • Postal code;
  • Social status, presence of children, marital status, language of communication;
  • Information regarding the use and payment of cellular communication services.

Sometimes it is very necessary to find out who was called and sent SMS from some specific phone(phone numbers) with a tariff plan from billine. Or who called and how long they talked.
I want to say right away that all this is advertising on the Internet, like: “Read other people’s SMS, listen to calls, etc.” - a real scam. As a rule, you will be asked to send a supposedly free SMS and will be provided with a program to download to your phone. But sms It will turn out to be not free at all and the program that you download will be completely useless, with a set of phrases hammered into it: “Where will we meet?”, “Come there then,” and so on. Don't be fooled by this!

Of course there is an option. Let's say your best friend or a relative works as an operator at Billine. But the likelihood that you have such a friend is very small.

There is another way, but it requires that you and the person whose calls and SMS you need to track have a smartphone or communicator with an operating system Windows Mobile, Android or similar. There are programs for smartphones and communicators for this purpose. To carry out this entire operation, you need to be experienced user smartphones and PDAs.

The only one the right way get information about calls and SMS of some kind specific number Billine— using the official website of everyone’s favorite operator mobile communications. Naturally, for this you will need a phone with a working Billine SIM card. If this is your phone, then there is no problem. But there is a situation when you want to follow someone. If you live with this person in the same apartment, then borrowing his phone number for a few minutes will not be difficult for you. After simple manipulations with the phone and the Internet, a person will not even know that his phone is being monitored. Of course, this is not a very good thing to do. Let's just find out information about calls and SMS from our personal phone. And in general, everyone will decide for themselves how to behave, life situations there are different ones.

Everyone's favorite mobile operator Billine allows its subscribers to find out the call details of their tariff plan. To do this, go to the website: Call from your phone to toll free number*110*9# and receive sms with a password to the system. After the SMS arrives, you need to enter your login (the phone number without the number eight from which the SMS was sent) and the password sent in the SMS.

Click login and you will be taken to the service management system. On the right side of the screen, in the column: Table of contents, click on the link: view call details.

On the financial information page you can order call details for certain period. Select the number of days, the end date of the period and the file format (it is better to choose the format: txt). After a couple of minutes, return to the page with financial information, where the finished report will be waiting for you.

The cost of the report is only 1 ruble per day. I think there is not much to find out who called and wrote SMS to whom and when.

Mobile communications are an integral part of life modern man, allowing you to establish contacts and conduct around the world, at any time of the day. But in all this turmoil, subscribers often pay little attention to monitoring their communications and do not notice when and how the funds in the account have evaporated. It is for these cases that Beeline call detailing is used - an extended report on all incoming/outgoing calls, their duration, direction, cost.

Report methods and forms

Detailed information about all connections made during the reporting period can be used both for and for several third parties (family members, children whose expenses need to be controlled). In practice, about five different approaches are used to obtain detail:

  1. Features of the “Personal Account” service on the official Beeline website;
  2. Order a report to be sent to your own email;
  3. Connection to the “Easy Control” service;
  4. View your account status via ;
  5. Order a report on paper at any of the operator’s offices.

Now let's look at each of the methods in more detail.

Through your personal account

This software is available free of charge on the operator’s official website and is available to each of its subscribers. Here you can get the most full details calls, SMS messages, Internet connections, as well as distribution of costs for each type of service. In addition, “Personal Account” allows you to control the expenses of all connected numbers, top up your balance if necessary, and also carry out:

Access to the service, as well as details, is provided by the company for free. First, you need to go to in your browser. Next, you will have to enter a valid login and password, or use the option of logging in through your account. in social networks Facebook or VKontakte.

Order a report by email

This is a somewhat less informative method, which, however, frees the subscriber from the need to study the intricacies of its work. To receive the report you need to send SMS message with a personal e-mail address to short number 1401. Within a few minutes the application will be processed at the specified Mailbox the report will be sent to Microsoft format Excel, and a notification to your mobile phone number.

The service is available free of charge to individuals and legal entities-subscribers. Maximum amount requests per day is limited to 10. You can also set a ban on receiving such notifications using service team *110*0221# .

Service "Easy control"

Get a report on five latest write-offs You can withdraw from your account using the combination “*122#”. In addition to the displayed operations, the SMS message will contain a link to tariff plan subscriber

Application "My Beeline"

On smartphones running operating systems Android systems or iOS, details of expenses can be ordered by e-mail through the My Beeline application. This is a convenient mobile alternative to the “Personal Account” service, which can be found in SIM menu apparatus.

For smartphones on Android based approximate algorithm search looks like this:

Owners of gadgets from Apple can look for the service in the phone settings:

Visually, the application for Android and iOS (iPhone) looks like this:

Download it to your mobile phone you can use it completely free of charge AppStore services or Google Play.

Request at company offices

» » Detailed report on calls to Beeline

There are several ways to detail Beeline calls, but now we will only talk about the simplest and most functional method - detailing calls through your Beeline personal account; other methods are discussed in a separate article.

To get details, you need to log into your Beeline personal account. If you haven't registered yet, go ahead. simple procedure registration, we will not dwell on it.

After logging into your personal account, you will have access to functions for managing your account and Beeline services.

To get details of Beeline calls, you can either go to the link “Finance and details” (block A, it is shown below in the screenshot of the page), or order details in the right block (block B).

To make a printout of calls, SMS, charges and debits from your account directly from home page personal account (block B) in the drop-down list, select the period for which you want to receive details, or, if necessary, you can specify your time range. After that, click on the “Generate report” button.

Beeline finances and call details

To make it easier to understand, let’s take a look at the screenshots of the “Finance and Detailing” page; we have marked the main functional blocks on it:

  1. Selecting the detail period. Here, as well as in block B described above, you can select a period (or enter a date range yourself) for which the details of expenses and calls will be made.
  2. Ordered details. By clicking on this link you will be taken to the “Application History” page, which we have already discussed above, where you can view and download the previously ordered details of Beeline calls and expenses.
  3. The “Download” button launches a dialog box (see screenshot below) through which you can save to “history”, send it to yourself by email and download the details displayed in this moment to the screen.

  1. Your balance and bonuses. This block shows the balance at the beginning and end of the selected period, as well as accrued bonuses.
  2. Button-switch of the display mode “Cost Structure / Detailing”. When moving it from one position to another, blocks 6 or 7 and 8 will be shown to you.
  3. Table "Cost structure". This table displays a graph of your expenses by group: how much and on what exactly you spent during the specified period.

In the example given, the call details are almost empty, because SIM card is new.

  1. Expense table. Contains data on funds spent by day.
  2. Details of calls and SMS messages. This table will present the very “printout” you were looking for - full information about when, what kind of outgoing and incoming calls and SMS messages there were, and how much money was spent on them - all accurate to the second and penny, “like in a pharmacy.”
  3. The “Payments” block displays information about when and for what amounts payments were made to or from the subscriber account.

In conclusion, we note two small features:

  • One detail request allows you to generate a report for no more than 31 days
  • You can order details of invoices and expenses for any period not exceeding the last 8 months.

Video guide to the service Details of calls and Beeline accounts through your Personal Account

That's all functionality Beeline's personal account details are running out. We hope this article was useful to you and helped you figure out how to detail Beeline calls.

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