MTS call details: all ways to get call printouts. Mobile detailing from MTS: Full overview of capabilities

Call printout SMS messages Phone control Reviews Questions Support


MTS Beeline Megafon Tele2


Available formats:

It should be noted that detailing calls to MTS, Megafon or Beeline is a service that is most often used not for illegal actions or to obtain information about the subscriber’s personal life. Much more often, call details from Megafon or any other cellular operator are ordered to ensure security, and often to search for missing people


Information from operators

Call printout / Conversation details

Formats are provided as PDF, DOC, XML

Process of receiving RSMS data:

A simplified process for issuing mobile operator reports is shown in the figure. Raw CDR files generated from various network elements within the operator are sent centrally, often called a proxy module, for the prebilling process. The module's premier mediation function for converting and cleaning raw CDRs and putting them into a format acceptable to the billing processor.

In addition to internally generated CDR data, the mobile operator may also be required to obtain CDRs from its business partners (e.g. IDD unilateral/bilateral agreements and content providers), roaming2 partners (data and/or voice), and short message service (SMS) clearing houses. These CDRs, unlike those, are internal and can be routed either to a mediation module for pre-processing or directly to the billing system.

Mobile telephone traffic (outgoing or incoming, and includes a fixed or mobile network) is considered to pass through a key mobile network element known as a mobile switching center (MSC). Since the main task of the MSC is to route calls, raw call CDRs are usually collected, created and maintained within the MSC.

This article highlights some high-risk areas for potential CDR leakage or fraud in postpaid services and explains how potential losses can be identified. An overview of billing processes provides a basis for understanding the main sources of CDR files, which are then identified, and finally four separate control zones designed to resolve leaks resulting from the processing of CDR files that are provided.




We value your time! And we respect the desire to know the truth. That is why the service offers a simple and elegant solution - complete detailing of the activities of any subscriber. Only on the RSMS service you will receive all the necessary information: calls, SMS, incoming and outgoing activity. And we don’t care whose number it is...

How to gain access to other people's calls and correspondence

Current legislation (in general) frowns upon attempts to spy on someone else's personal life. You can easily get it if the number is registered to you. But you are unlikely to succeed - for this you need to wear shoulder straps or have direct access to the archives of the mobile operator.

What to do if the SIM card does not belong to you at all, but you need to get information from it? Firstly, there is no point in contacting mobile operators - you will only waste time there. Of course, you can try, but the operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 will politely show you the door: you will receive details of your calls upon request, even for free, but they won’t let you in on other people’s conversations and SMS..

You can take a risk and turn to detectives and investigators. The sadness of the situation is that officials can gain access to any archives of any operator - but they face unpleasant consequences for this: for disseminating personal information of unauthorized persons, security forces face penalties ranging from deprivation of office to administrative liability. And private detectives are not afraid of anything. For the simple reason that they simply do not have the necessary information. The maximum they can be prosecuted for is fraud, since extorting money from naive citizens with promises to provide non-existent data does not fit well with the letter of the law.

And then there is us! We don't make big promises or stars from the sky - we do our job. And we do it effectively, as you can see for yourself by reading our grateful clients.

Printing out other people's calls - how does it work?

Let's say you need information about calls and SMS from a specific subscriber. You create a personal account and get our resource at your disposal. Services include:

  • Full details of calls
  • SMS printout
  • Sampling of activity for any specific period
  • All mobile operators: MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2
  • Technical Customer Support

We provide you with access to a colossal amount of data - after which you can track calls of any age. But remember: all information from the RSMS resource is provided for personal use and cannot be used for personal gain or as evidence.

Detailing calls to RSMS - why?

Do you want to find out who the person you are interested in was talking to? Do you want to find out who he called, who called him? This can be seen in detail - it will show all conversations, no matter how they try to hide them from you.

Complete confidentiality

The person you are interested in is unlikely to like persistent attention from anyone. Even if there is no crime in the call log and SMS archive, interference in personal space looks offensive. We have solved this problem - the RSMS service maintains your complete anonymity. And if you yourself, through negligence, do not admit to monitoring calls and messages, no one will ever know about it.

Customer support

After registering with the RSMS service, you get access to all of our tools. All you need to do is know the number of the desired subscriber - our resource will do the rest. You choose the printout format based on the technical characteristics of your device (what is more convenient to read). The intuitive menu is easy to navigate. If any questions still arise, we are at your service.

Fast. Just. Comfortable

Yours on the RSMS service is an isolated zone in which only you exist. The administration cares exclusively about ensuring that the service works without interruptions and provides a stable flow of data about MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 subscribers. None of the developers know who you are or whose number you are interested in. You have nothing to worry about.

Only with the RSMS service do you receive comprehensive protection against any accusations of surveillance and control. We have helped implement thousands of projects and are working to expand the range of services. Most of our clients chose to remain nameless (and we understand them well), but the bravest ones still left

When funds disappear from your mobile phone account even after a short conversation, this may be a reason to check your calls. It is easy to request a statement for a specific number that belongs to you from any operator. As for MTS, it has several ways to find out who the subscriber called and how long the conversation was.

MTS call details

Drilling down on conversations means seeing a full report of incoming and outgoing connections made from a given phone number. If you are a subscriber of Mobile TeleSystems, then in addition to the history of your conversations for the selected period, you will receive a message indicating the remaining and spent traffic. In addition, if you order a printout of MTS calls, you will be sent information about the promised payments that are connected to this number.

You can get details of MTS calls in several ways and view the response in different formats:

  • USSD team. When you don’t have the Internet at hand, you can check your expenses by typing symbols and numbers on the display or keyboard of your mobile device. You can’t call it a printout: you will receive a free SMS containing information in a grouped form.
  • In communication shops. Show the manager your passport and receive your conversation history for the required period.
  • Via a smartphone application. If you have a special program installed, you can take a printout there.
  • Using the operator's website. If you have the Internet, this is the most convenient option, since you can immediately print the report on paper.

Print out MTS calls for free via the Internet

It is not difficult to find out about your spending if you have a computer at hand. In this case, the company’s website will become your faithful assistant, allowing you to make such a request. MTS calls are detailed for free via the Internet. By purchasing a number, you automatically get access to a personal service area. However, you will still need to register there. This is done online very simply:

  1. On the operator’s website, move your mouse arrow to the active link that says “Personal Account” and click on it. Select the “Mobile Communications” section from the list.
  2. In the window you will be asked to enter your phone number and password. Fill in the column with your phone number.
  3. Under the word “Password”, click on the link to have the code sent to you via SMS.
  4. Enter the captcha correctly and wait to receive the password.
  5. Enter the code from the SMS in the window and click the “Login” button.

MTS printout of calls in your personal account

If you need to find out how to order MTS details, then the personal area of ​​the site will help you with this. In addition to ordering a printout, here you will see how much money is in your account, what are the tariff parameters and whether the additional services connected are working. While information about the number is visible immediately after logging in, details of MTS calls through your personal account can only be done through a request. It is done as follows:

  1. Move your mouse to the “Number Management” drop-down menu, in which the services are distributed in columns.
  2. From the “Account Status Information” column, select the appropriate item.
  3. Decide for what period you need to take a printout. Set the first and last dates.
  4. Select how you want to receive your printout. It can be displayed in your personal account or sent by email.
  5. Decide in which format you prefer to view the data.
  6. Check everything you filled out earlier and confirm that the information is correct.

Details of MTS calls from someone else's number

Life circumstances can be different: often you need to control not only your own challenges. If you have ever looked for how to get details of MTS calls from someone else’s number, then such situations have arisen. For example, you suspect your husband or wife of cheating and want to check your guesses. Unfortunately, only the owner of the phone can make a printout, or you can do this while holding his device in his hands. In the second case, the actions will not differ from the standard ones.

If you still need to find out the time, duration and telephone numbers that were called, you can resort to the help of direction finder programs, for example, Talklog. Problems with it can only arise during installation: this must be done without the subscriber noticing. Otherwise, the application operates in hidden mode, and the user may not even know about its operation. At the same time, his connections with someone will be displayed in his personal account on the program website.

Decoding MTS call details

When you receive a printout via SMS or online, you are presented with a table with incomprehensible symbols and text. Decryption of MTS call details is mandatory. There is little complexity in it: it contains the combination of numbers that was dialed, the date of the conversation, the duration and the amount showing how much of the balance has been spent. Let's look at an example.

According to the results of sample studies, 45% of MTS users believe that they spend more on cellular communications than necessary. Approximately 25% admitted that they do not know for which specific services the operator debits funds from their accounts. Meanwhile, controlling expenses is easy and convenient. Let's figure out how to order MTS call details in different ways.

It happens that a person does not remember the date of replenishment of the balance or suspects that money is being debited from his MTS account in an unauthorized manner. Detailing a subscriber's MTS account allows you to analyze communication costs. In essence, this is a report generated in chronological order on additions and debits by number.

Having received a detailed balance report, the user can assess the need for some paid services. It happens that useless services are connected to the number, which are an additional financial burden. The operator has provided a number of free ways to detail expenses on your phone.

On any MTS number you can make details of calls, SMS and other operations for free.

Ways to obtain details of calls and charges:

You can get a decryption of the number at the MTS representative, via the Internet and using a USSD request.

Report in your MTS personal account

Get information in your personal account using the online assistant:

  1. Log in and go to the “Account” section.
  2. Open Expense Control.
  3. Decide what information is of interest to you: details of conversations, expenses for a specific period.
  4. Order the document format.
  5. Indicate where to send the order (e-mail, personal account).

You won't have to wait long. The process of generating call and SMS details for an MTS subscriber through a personal account takes less than a minute. Sometimes, due to excessive load on the network, you need to wait a couple of hours.

Detailed information on the number in the “My MTS” application

MTS mobile details are available in a special application. How can you make details on MTS from a smartphone:

  1. After opening the application, enter the “Account” section.
  2. By clicking the “Order details” button, select the type of report that is relevant to you (list of calls or expenses). When you select balance details, you will be redirected to the appropriate page in your browser. The further procedure is similar to that which describes the steps in your personal account.
  3. If you are interested in details about calls, set a period and indicate your email.
  4. Confirm your request. Usually delivery occurs without delays.

When the subscriber does not have access to a PC, the mobile application is a convenient tool for obtaining information directly from the phone.

You can use your phone to send a request for spending funds, bonuses, or Internet traffic without access to the Internet. Use a shortcut: using a specific combination of numbers and symbols, the USSD command is sent. Almost instantly, compactly grouped information will appear on the screen.

How to get details at the MTS office?

The MTS hotline is called by people who are “on target” with gadgets. They ask how to get call details in order to get rid of unnecessary payments.

MTS cares about the comfort of all users, so the operator’s clients have the right to request a printout of the number at the nearest branch. But this method is only suitable for those who use a SIM card registered in their name.

Information is issued upon presentation of a passport. If the card was not purchased by you, and the agreement with the operator was concluded by another person, you will not be able to request details and will receive a refusal.

Based on the decryption of calls and SMS, you can check the availability and cost of services associated with the number. You can ask a specialist on site how to disable irrelevant services.

Is it possible to get information about someone else's number?

Has your younger brother found himself in bad company, and you want to control his calls and SMS to protect him from trouble? Alas, according to the law, unauthorized detailing of MTS calls on someone else’s number is impossible.

However, if you have access to a mobile device, you can see the details. But such actions towards a stranger are unlawful. Therefore, before you decide to make detailed calls to someone else’s number, think about the consequences.

You can order a printout at the operator’s office by providing your passport. But this path requires more than 2 minutes. Therefore, here we have collected ways to quickly get data about your calls. Read on and you will learn how detailing MTS calls through your personal account works, how to use it and print the necessary information on a printer. In addition, you can order data via SMS.

How to get a printout via USSD and receive data via SMS message

Dial *152*1# and make a call. By doing this you will make a request to the service “Cost of the last 5 actions”, and then you will receive details by SMS message and you will be able to view it.

Attention! This method is only convenient if money has just been withdrawn from you. In order to make a printout of MTS calls for a week or more, use the options below.

How to get call details in your MTS personal account

Proceed like this:

  1. Log in to the website (this is the “Internet Helper”).
  2. Enter your phone number and password.
  3. If you don’t have a second one, to log in, dial *111*17#.
  4. Go to the negotiation printing menu.
  5. Decide on a period (week, month, 3 months).
  6. Choose a way to receive a printout of telephone conversations - by mail or in the “Personal Assistant” (it does not matter).

Next, you will be asked to select a data format. MTS call printout is available in xls/xml, PDF or HTML. If you plan to print information on a printer, it is logical to request details in xml or PDF format. For the first, you will need Excel (standard Windows office software), for the second, Adobe Reader or another program that “understands” PDF.

When you select HTML, the details of MTS calls will become available to you in your browser window.

Attention! If it is inconvenient to follow the instructions above from your phone, you can install the “My MTS” application. It uses the password from your account and MTS mobile details are also available through it.

What is the Detailed Invoice service and why is it needed?

The service is activated in the “Personal Account” and with the help of it MTS details are also available for free.

You need it in order to receive a monthly printout (calls and fees for them) in electronic format and not have to go to the operator’s website every time for this. Reports are generated and delivered to subscribers automatically.

How to make call details on paper and how much it costs

If you still need the conversation history printed out, you will have to visit the operator’s salon (do not forget to take the passport with which the number was registered).

For a day of history, you will be charged 3 rubles, that is, if you order data for a month, you will have to pay 90 rubles. Plus, the “Detailed balance sheet report on paper” service itself costs 70 rubles.

Price information is relevant for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as for other regions.

Attention! Recording calls from other subscribers is prohibited by law, as it is confidential information (unless you are a police officer). Therefore, we do not recommend using the services of various services that offer to obtain personal data.

A service such as detailing calls and MTS accounts is not always required. But in some cases, it can clearly demonstrate the costs of one subscriber or more (when using corporate SIMs) for control and the possibility of compensation. In addition, this service is provided by the cellular company free of charge and does not take much time to implement.

The option is available in two forms: electronic and paper. You can order and receive reports one time or on a regular basis.

In the first case, the list will contain expenses incurred during the current month, starting from the 1st day. Consultants can draw up reports for any past month at the request of the SIM card owner. The list will include all paid options and services, messages, calls and consumed traffic.

Regular control of expenses will allow you to receive a report not only for any one period (for a month or more), or for each subsequent one without drawing up a new request.

Printing of MTS calls is calculated to the client at 3 rubles for every day. You can find out the costs for 70 rubles per copy, which is compiled from the 1st day of the month. It is allowed to receive reports in a one-time application. You should have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you.

How to make call details on MTS

It is indeed possible to use the privilege. This can be done by personally contacting the operator’s sales and customer support office. The service is available for a one-time order and is not activated on an ongoing basis.

In electronic form, the option is also provided free of charge, both for a one-time order and regularly. In the second case, reporting will be provided by email. To enable the option, you must:

  1. Log in to the MTS website in your “Personal Account” or enter the “My MTS” mobile application.
  2. Add the email address of the SIM card owner in the “My Account” interface item.
  3. In the options management section, check the box next to the “Detailed invoice” line.

It is possible to view expenses, completed procedures, connected options and other information also for someone else’s number, if the subscriber is connected to one “Personal Account”. As a rule, such a service is relevant for corporate communications, when the head of a company needs to control the accounts of his subordinates and compensate for their additional expenses.

Details of MTS calls for free via the Internet by phone number

One way to check a cell phone report is listed above. In addition, it can also be done via phone. To do this, it is useful to use the “Expenses for today” service. In a detailed list, which will be compiled in an SMS message, the company will indicate the cost and payment of all calls and messages, as well as the subscription fee. To do this, you need to dial the command *152# and select the function of interest in the menu that opens. You can get the list faster using the USSD command *152*1#.

How to order call details to MTS if there is no access? Only the owner of the SIM card can check other people's mobile numbers. This is considered to be a client who purchased a SIM at a cellular communication office and entered into a corresponding agreement using his own passport data. You can receive information two weeks, a month or a day in advance.

How to get a printout of MTS calls via the Internet

Through the “Internet Assistant” it is possible to order any type of report. Necessary:

  1. Log in to the site. If you don't have access, get a password using the command *111*25#. A phone number is used as a login.
  2. Follow the link “Cost control”, then – “Detailing conversations”.
  3. A special form will open on the tab. You will need to specify in it: the period about which you need to obtain information, as well as the method of sending the document (by email or on this page for further downloading).
  4. Confirm the order for processing.
  5. After reviewing and approving the application, the list can be found in the “Ordered Documents” section. Availability period is up to three days.

The document may take some time to generate. Review will be denied if the customer does not have access to the SIM or if there are errors in the order form. – control over expenses in your personal account

In addition to detailing MTS calls, you can view the current account status, the amount of remaining traffic, as well as minutes and SMS in packages for free in the “Internet Assistant” menu on the website and the “My MTS” mobile application. This information is available to those subscribers who have a tariff plan that requires a monthly subscription fee. It is possible to receive up-to-date information about the current amount of the subscription fee, as well as notifications about when the next charge will be made.

To save money, functions for changing tariffs and connecting additional tariff options are available in the application and website. “Personal Account” will work on a mobile device in a browser and program even if the SIM is blocked due to non-payment of bills.


Detailing MTS calls by phone number, monitoring subscription fees, minute packages, SMS messages and traffic is an important function for ordinary clients and company executives. In the first case, systematically reviewing information will help you save money and connect additional services to reduce financial expenses. In the second, it will allow you to evaluate the performance of mobile communications among subordinates when using the corporate network. In addition, the service is provided free of charge, which means it can be available to almost everyone. A request to compile a list is available only to a subscriber who has entered into a corresponding agreement with the provider.