Brief theoretical information. The “Directory” configuration object is an application object and is designed to work with lists of data. Main types of configuration objects The directory configuration object is intended for

Now we will briefly get acquainted with the main configuration objects in 1C:Enterprise 8.2.

Configuration Objects- these are the constituent elements, the “details” that make up any application solution.
They are custom objects (objects with custom properties) supported at the technology platform level. By and large, the developer’s task is to assemble from these objects, as from a constructor, the necessary structure of an application solution and then describe specific algorithms for the functioning and interaction of these objects, which differ from their typical behavior.

The composition of objects supported by the technology platform is the result of an analysis of the subject areas of 1C:Enterprise use, and the identification and classification of business entities used in these areas. As a result of this analysis, the developer can operate with such objects as directories, documents, information registers, charts of accounts, etc.

In order to standardize and simplify the process of developing and modifying application solutions, the developer is provided with a graphical interface with which he can describe the composition of the objects used in a specific application solution.

Based on this description, the technology platform will create appropriate information structures in the database and work in a certain way with the data stored in these structures. The developer does not need to worry about which tables, for example, the data should be placed in, how it will be modified or presented to the user. The platform will perform all these actions automatically, based on the typical behavior of the objects used.

Thus, the developer operates with metadata - “data about data”, or configuration objects. By adding another configuration object to the structure of the application solution, the developer, in essence, adds a description of how the corresponding data will be placed and how it will interact with other data stored in the information base.

The set of objects that a developer can use is fixed and defined at the platform level. The developer cannot create his own types of objects; he can only operate with the set of objects that is available. Such an approach to the development of application solutions allows, firstly, to standardize the development process, and secondly, to ensure simple and quick modification of application solutions by other developers or users.

The composition of the main configuration objects used in 1C:Enterprise 8.2 is as follows:

Commands are actions that the user can perform. In addition to the commands generated by the platform, the developer can create his own commands that belong to the entire application solution or individual configuration objects.

Constants are designed to store permanent or conditionally permanent information. For example, a constant can store the name of the organization, last name, first name and patronymic of the manager or chief accountant, etc.

Enumerations are designed to describe a list of values ​​that a variable can take. For example, an enumeration might store values ​​that describe a customer's status: "wholesale" and "retail."

Directories are used to describe such entities as goods, counterparties, currencies, warehouses, etc. All these entities have common properties: internal identification of an object in the system, the need to support hierarchy and grouping of elements, the need to support nested tables, etc.

Document, Document Journal
They are used to describe entities such as accounts, invoices, orders, etc. These entities record various events occurring in the life of the organization, they are time-bound, contain nested tables, must be reflected in accounting mechanisms, etc.

Processing, Report
Processing and reporting are used to process information accumulated in the system and obtain summary data in a form convenient for viewing and analysis. They describe information processing algorithms and contain various forms and algorithms for presenting this information to the user. Allows you to use tables and various types of charts to visually display data.

Accumulation register
Accumulation registers are “responsible” for accounting for movements of resources (finance, goods, materials, etc.). They allow you to automate such areas as warehouse accounting, mutual settlements, and planning. Accumulation registers store information about the receipt and consumption of certain resources, and the functionality of these objects provides the ability to obtain balances at a certain point in time, calculate totals, cache totals, etc.

Register of information
Information registers are designed to store multidimensional information about the values ​​of various quantities. Such values ​​could be, for example, exchange rates or prices for competitors' products as of a certain date. This information can be either static or changing over time - in this case, it is provided for storing a history of changes.

With the help of subsystems, the application solution is visually divided into large and small functional blocks. Subsystems form the basis for the formation of the program command interface.

General details
Common details are used to store data of the same type in different configuration objects and as an integral part of the data separation mechanism.

Task, Business process
Tasks and business processes allow you to create formalized descriptions of typical sequences of work performed in an organization, and on their basis, create lists of tasks that need to be performed by a particular employee of the organization at a given moment. For example, the process of selling a product can be represented as a sequence of issuing an invoice, approving it, receiving cash payment and shipping the product from the warehouse. Different employees may be responsible for completing each stage, so at any given time you can determine the state of the product sales process and which employee currently needs to perform any actions.

Chart of accounts, Accounting register
Charts of accounts and accounting registers are intended to build a model that implements a double-entry bookkeeping system. They implement multi-level charts of accounts with fixed or variable codes, multi-level and multidimensional analytical accounting, accounting for several charts of accounts, accounting for several organizations, optional maintenance of quantitative, total and currency accounting for individual analytical sections, etc.

Calculation types plan, Calculation register
Payroll type plans and payroll registers serve to implement payroll models. They allow you to describe various types of calculation (for example, salary, personal surcharge, alimony, fine, etc.), set rules according to which some types of calculation can influence the results of other types of calculation, and store intermediate data and final results of calculations. With the help of these objects, the calculation of basic accruals, the calculation of personal income tax, the distribution of payroll results for the purposes of reflection in accounting, etc. can be organized.

Plan of characteristics types
Characteristic type plans are designed to store information about the characteristics of various objects. They allow the user to create all kinds of characteristics, describe the type of these characteristics and set their values. The characteristic type plan can be used, for example, to allow the user to describe products with an arbitrary number of arbitrary characteristics (color, size, smell, etc.). It allows you to create and store the name of a characteristic and the data type that the values ​​of this characteristic should take.

Exchange plan
Exchange plans are intended to describe the structure of a distributed information system and specify a list of data that will be exchanged within this distributed system. Allows you to create geographically distributed information systems both based on 1C:Enterprise information bases and using arbitrary information systems not based on 1C:Enterprise.

Selection bias
Selection criteria are used to select information in directories, documents, etc. They allow you to define rules according to which not all information existing in the database will be selected, but only that which meets the specified conditions. For example, using the selection criteria, you can organize the selection of documents related only to a specific counterparty.

Roles allow you to describe various user access rights to data stored in the information base and determine the range of possible user actions. For example, the head of an organization can have full access to any information stored in the information base, while a storekeeper must operate only with warehouse documents and not have access to other information.

Event Subscription
Event subscriptions allow you to assign handlers for non-interactive events of one or more application objects.

Scheduled task
Scheduled tasks allow you to organize automatic execution of procedures of common modules according to a schedule.

External data source
External data sources allow you to use data obtained from external databases in your application solution. Including from databases not based on 1C:Enterprise.

These configuration objects are used to create application solution interfaces in various languages. Thanks to the use of languages, it becomes possible to create multilingual application solutions in which the user can choose his own language to work with the application solution.

Session parameter
Session parameters are primarily intended for use in queries and to restrict data access for the current session.

Functional option, Functional option parameter
Functional options allow the developer to describe configuration capabilities that can be quickly turned on or off at the implementation stage and/or during system operation. For example, the ability to work with additional product properties can be separated into a separate functional option. Then if you disable this feature, all related (with additional product properties) features will “disappear” in the configuration interface.

The 1C:Enterprise system has basic configuration objects that were created by 1C developers in order to provide a solution to any accounting automation task. Thus, any office activity is associated with lists of data, documents, reports, quantitative accounting mechanisms, etc. In order for the developer to effectively and standardized provide a solution to an applied problem in the 1C: Enterprise system, there are basic configuration objects. There are many of them, let’s list a number of objects:




accumulation register;

information register.

These configuration objects can be conventionally called “blanks” or “parts”, on the basis of which application objects of a specific configuration are built. So, using the base configuration object directory, you can develop a specific directory “Nomenclature” (or another directory “Employees”) in configurator mode. In this case, the "Nomenclature" directory will include both the functionality of the main configuration object directory, as well as new features (for directories, the uniqueness, as a rule, lies in their referral visits). It is also possible based on the main configuration object document develop an application document "Invoice". It is important to note: in words develop or create involves the formation of the structure and provision of the necessary functionality of the configuration object.

Next, the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, based on the created configuration, forms an information base with which the user can work (add specific elements to directories, generate documents with filled fields, etc.).

It should be noted that in addition to the listed types of “complex” configuration objects (directory, document, etc.) in the 1C:Enterprise system there are also simpler objects that are part of complex ones. For example, each directory attribute is, in turn, also a configuration object. Most documents and a number of directories (directory elements) have tabular parts, which also represent configuration objects.

Thus, in general, any configuration can be represented as a collection of standard components. This is very convenient for supporting development by programmers who did not participate in the creation of application solutions.


Among the basic configuration objects, one can distinguish a category characterized by high complexity. These objects are main configuration objects. The first of them we will meet will be transfer. User-created enumerations are built on the basis of the main configuration object transfer. In general, enumerations are static lists of data. These lists are created at the development stage (in the configurator) and are subsequently simply used without the possibility of changing or supplementing them when working in 1C:Enterprise mode.

In configuration, enumerations, as a rule, are not used independently, but in conjunction with other data types. Thus, enumerations are used to enter a limited number of values ​​for the details of directories and documents. For example, in the “Clients” directory there is a Status field, in which, according to the operating logic, you can enter only one of several fixed values. In this case, there should not be any new or arbitrary data in this field (the system will not allow the user to do this). As a result, a pre-created and value-filled Status enumeration is best suited for this situation.


To work with lists of data that can be generated and edited by users in 1C:Enterprise mode, the system has a main configuration object called directory. Based on this object, the developer can create his own configuration objects - directories of a specific application focus.

The 1C:Enterprise system, based on the description of the configuration object (a specific directory), creates an information structure into which the user in 1C:Enterprise mode can enter data. This structure is also called directory.Next, depending on the context, it should be clear what we are talking about: a configuration object or an information structure with data.

Simplified, a directory can be considered a collection of lines, with each line containing several columns (the number of columns is the same for each line). The strings are nothing more than those available in the directory records(or, more precisely, directory elements), and the columns determine the structure of these records. Unlike enumerations, the user can enter information into directories when working in 1C:Enterprise mode. Thus, you can add new directory elements, delete unnecessary ones and edit existing ones.

As already mentioned, directories are used in situations where it is necessary to eliminate ambiguous information input. Moreover, unlike enumerations, the user can enter (and change) data into directories. An analogue of a directory is a list of data that can be adjusted and supplemented during work. For example, these could be lists of items, organizations or employees.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.2 system allows you to create almost any number of directories.

Directory of Positions

Let's continue the development of our configuration by creating a simple directory "Positions", which will contain the names of the positions of specialists of the conditional training center (as positions we will add: system administrator, teacher, etc.). Instead of the informal word “columns” (reflecting the presentation of the directory in the form of a table), the 1C:Enterprise system uses a more general term - requisites(there are as many columns as there are in the details directory).

Moreover, in any directory there are always two mandatory details (present in any directory regardless of our actions), which are Code and Name. In other words, in each line of any directory there is always a code field and a name field.

The initial technical steps in developing directories are similar to those we previously performed when creating enumerations. To create a new directory, you need to right-click on the Directories item in the configuration object tree, and then select Add from the context menu that appears. As a result, a window for editing the configuration object will open on the screen, only this time not an enumeration, but a directory. Here, on the Basic tab, you should enter the name that we are going to give to the directory being created - Positions.

Some of the parameters (Object View, Enhanced Object View, etc.) in the configuration object editing window are not significant when developing training configurations (that is, for those that we are just learning from). Of course, when you engage in professional development, the specified parameters should be used.

Here, to give an idea of ​​the purpose of these parameters, we will comment only on the Object Representation field. This parameter specifies the singular representation of the object and is used in the name of the standard command. For example, for the Position object we created, it could be Position: create. If we do not set a value in the Object Representation field, then the command option for this case will look like this: Positions: create. It is clear that while this is quite acceptable for training examples, when developing real projects such commands will look a little pretentious. Thus, we can say that the Object Representation should be specified when the configuration object synonym is specified in the plural.

To sum it up, to date, without performing any particularly complex actions, we have nevertheless created a new configuration object - the “Positions” directory, which can already be worked with, since no additional details are required in this directory.

The next new technical point is filling out the created directory when working in 1C:Enterprise mode. To do this, in the Debugging menu, select Start debugging, which will allow us to switch to 1C:Enterprise mode (or, one might say, into the working environment for users of the 1C:Enterprise system). In this case, we can work with the information base, which is built by the system based on the created configuration.

The application window itself and its elements, of course, require commentary, but we will not dwell on this for now and will check the created “Positions” directory

at work. So, on the left side of the application window there is navigation bar, which contains a hyperlink corresponding to the only “Positions” directory created to date. After clicking on this hyperlink, the list form for this directory will open.

To the right of the navigation bar is work area of ​​the main application window.The work area is designed to display forms of representation of stored information. As a rule, there is one form in the working area of ​​the window. The directory form itself is also a configuration object. It is an important link between the information base and the user. Thus, the user can use forms to view and correct the data available in the information base. Users also use forms to add new information to the database. We will talk about the forms in detail later, but now you need to fill out the “Positions” directory with the names of several positions. In addition to developing the necessary practical skills, we will need the “Positions” directory filled with information for further work.

When filling out the directory, you should use the Create icon, which is located in the icon menu of the command panel of the directory list form. After this, a form will open on the screen for adding a new item to the directory. This is the so-called element shape. Please note that you do not need to fill out the Code field (it is filled in automatically by the system), and after entering the position name in the Name field, you should simply click on the Write and Close button. As a result, in the list form of the “Positions” directory we will see a new line (in the directory itself a new element will be recorded - information about the new position). In the same way, you should add a few more titles to the “Positions” directory. Thus, in the configurator mode for any directory in the configuration object editing window, you can enter only the name on the Basic tab, after which you can immediately switch to 1C:Enterprise mode and begin work on entering information into the database.

Let's return to the forms we encountered in this section. While working in 1C:Enterprise mode, users view and enter information into directories using electronic forms (this is true not only for directories). Moreover, if we do not take any actions in the configurator to create a directory form or any other object, then the platform automatically generates standard forms (this happens in 1C:Enterprise mode, when the platform needs to generate a form) . In particular, screen list form directory, generated by the system by default. Same as automatically by the platform

an element form is created with the help of which new elements are entered into the directory.

The technology for generating default forms can significantly speed up the development process when the application solution does not require the inclusion of additional service functions beyond those found in the forms generated by the system by default.

Directory of Specialists

After creating a somewhat symbolic directory “Positions” (it will be used in the future to substitute job titles), we will begin developing another directory, “Specialists,” that is more important for the task under consideration.

Having filled in the Basic tab in the configuration object editing window, let's move on to the Hierarchy tab. The fact is that in most cases it is more convenient to store data in certain categories. For example, if we are talking about goods, then the categories of goods can be the following groups:

And within each of these groups, goods are already located, indicating their cost and other properties. The Hierarchy tab is precisely intended for such organization of directories.

Let's return to our task, in which we will classify the training center specialists into groups (according to their specialization profile). To do this, on the Hierarchy tab, select the Hierarchical directory checkbox

Hierarchy in directories can be of two types:

hierarchy of groups and elements;

The case described above with product categories is just an example hierarchies of groups and elements.In this case, any element representing a group is parent for all elements and groups included in this group. In the example above, the Shoes group is the parent of all shoe names (models), as well as the groups within it (for example, shoes can be further grouped by country of origin). Another type of hierarchy is element hierarchy. In this case, as parent acts as one of the elements of the directory. For example, the "Employees" directory can be organized in a hierarchical form. Then this directory will provide information about which employees report to whom.

In our created directory "Specialists" we will set the Type of hierarchy - Hierarchy of groups and elements. The Place groups on top checkbox allows you to provide traditional grouping of information in the directory (and, as a rule, it is always checked).

Let's now turn to the Data tab, where the directory details are defined. Here we see a form containing several controls. The upper right part of this form indicates the size of the fields allocated for the code and name. These values ​​are set by default by the system when creating a new directory, but they can be changed if necessary. As for the length of the code, in our case it is enough to leave the default value, and for the name (in fact, for the surname, first name and patronymic of a specialist), you can increase the number of characters to 50. The Code field is used to identify directory elements (directory entries). The content of this field must be unique for each directory element. In principle, the user does not have to think about filling out the Code - system field when working in 1C:Enterprise mode itself provides automatic entry of unique codes when creating new elements in the directory. However, if you wish, you can fill out the code field yourself, based on certain considerations. For example, when using some systematization, the contents of the code field help the user quickly identify records (if desired, you can put the necessary information about the directory elements in the code field).

The Name field reflects basic information about the directory element (for example, if a city directory is being considered, then the Name field is intended for the name of the city). A different number of characters can be allocated for it, however, there are recommendations from 1C (or, one might even say, a standard) for the number of characters in the name.

In the center of the Data tab of the configuration object editing window there is a Details field in which you can add additional details to the directory. This is done using the leftmost button of the icon menu located above. As a result, the already familiar properties palette opens on the screen, where you should set the name of the attribute - Phones. It is intended to store information about contact numbers where you can contact a specialist.

For each attribute, a data type must be defined, or, in other words, a value type that can be entered into the attribute when working in 1C:Enterprise mode. This option should also be set to properties palette. You can specify a string of no more than 50 characters as the data type for the Phones attribute, since there can be several phone numbers.

Let's add one more attribute to the "Specialists" directory - Rating (data type - Number) to characterize the specialist's qualifications. In this way, if necessary, you can add various details to the created directories, making them more informative.

It should be noted that, unlike the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system, software products versions starting from 1C:Enterprise 8.0 allow you to create tabular parts for directory elements.

Thus, for each directory element you can create one or more subordinate tabular parts (tables). Here we will immediately take advantage of this opportunity and add a tabular part with the name to the “Specialists” directory

Places of Work

The fact is that teachers (especially highly qualified ones) often work in several places at the same time. At the same time, one specialist may have three additional places of work, and another even five. The tabular part of the directory is ideal for storing information of this kind in this case. Otherwise, we would have to create several details outside the tabular part, and it is quite difficult to foresee their number in advance.

Next, in the tabular part of the Place of Work attribute, we will create the Organization attribute (this is done using the second left button of the pictographic menu related to the tabular parts), as the data type of which you should specify a string of no more than 50 characters. In addition, we will add the Position attribute (data type – Directory Link. Positions). In this case, when the user works in 1C:Enterprise mode, to fill out the Position field, the “Positions” directory selection form will automatically open.

Thus, we have developed the structure of a new configuration object - the “Specialists” directory, and now we need to take care of how the user will work with it. As already mentioned, the 1C:Enterprise system has various forms of directories generated by the platform by default. In addition, the tools easily allow the user to create convenient forms themselves.

The default method of creating a form is very convenient when, after developing a configuration object, you need to start working on entering data into the information base as quickly as possible (or continue working in the configurator to create other objects). The directory has the most frequently used list form, in which information is presented in the form of a table, with one line allocated for each entry (this is the standard view of any directory). The main advantage of this form is that in this case several elements of the directory are visible on the screen at once.

On the other hand, the disadvantage of the list form is revealed when there are many columns in the directory (a large number of details), and it would be desirable for all of them to be visible to the user at the same time. In this case, the list form often requires scrolling to see the information you need. The solution in this situation is to use another standard form - element shape, which allows you to display information on the screen only in one element of the directory. Moreover, even if there are many details in the directory, they are all visible on the screen.

The shape of the element has another significant advantage. If the directory contains a tabular part (as in the newly created “Specialists” directory), then it is not displayed in the list form, but, on the contrary, is visible in the element form.

Let's now see what the described directory forms look like in 1C:Enterprise mode. To do this, go to this mode (via the Debug menu) and open the “Specialists” reference book.

Earlier during development, we indicated that the “Specialists” directory would be hierarchical, and now we will create two groups in it: Technical direction and Humanitarian direction. These groups will house specialists from different fields.

Next, in the Technical direction group, we will create three additional groups in accordance with the detailing of this category of specialists. At the same time, the Parent attribute is present in the group form (as well as in the element form). It defines the initial group, which will include the created group or the created directory element. In this case, when creating an additional group in the Technical direction group, the Parent attribute takes on the value Technical direction.

Please note that when editing the form of a directory element, the tabular part of the directory also becomes available for work. In the form of a directory list, the tabular part of the elements is not displayed on the screen.

It is important to note that when using a hierarchy in a directory (as in our case), an additional attribute Parent is automatically generated, which contains an indication of the group in which the current element is located. In the element we created, the Parent attribute contains an indication of the Programming group.

An important practical technique concerns the transfer of elements from one group to another. To do this, you can use the Move to group item, which is included in the All actions section. In this case, a new window opens on the screen for selecting a group to which the selected element (or the entire group, if a group is selected) should be moved.

For a hierarchical directory, the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform offers several viewing options. If you perform the described actions on your computer in parallel, the form of the directory list that you see may differ from the option. This is due to the fact that there are several modes for viewing a hierarchical directory: These modes can be set if you use the View mode item from the All actions drop-down list

Thus, at this stage we got acquainted with the technology for developing the structure of directories (configuration objects) in configurator mode, and also learned how to fill directories with data using electronic forms created by the system by default. At the stage of developing and debugging application solutions, this option (using default forms) is used quite often.

Let's now take a little critical look at the form of the list of the "Specialists" directory. Thus, information about telephone numbers and ratings is not used often and it is better to limit its viewing to the form of an element when we refer to information on a specific specialist. Besides, these group details don't make sense at all. Therefore, it is better to develop another form of the list, which we will use instead of the default one generated by the system.

To create a list form, return to the editing window for the “Specialists” directory and go to the Forms tab. Here, in the frame of the same name, the types of forms that can be created for the directory are listed. Our task is to create a list form, so let’s click on the magnifying glass image opposite the corresponding inscription (List). As a result, we will move on to working with the form designer. In this designer window, all settings have already been made by the system by default (the main option is setting the Directory List Form switch) and we don’t need to change anything, so just click on the Next button.

In the next window, leave only Code and Name as details for the list form, and then click on the Finish button. As a result, we will see on the screen the result of the designer's work - a list form in the form editor window. Form editor is a very complex tool, and later in the book we will work with it quite actively. Now we just need to switch to 1C:Enterprise mode and see the result of the actions performed.

Directory Courses

The next practical task is to create a directory that will store information about the training courses offered to students at our training center. In the same directory, in the category of additional details, we will place information about the cost of courses and their duration. In functional terms, using the example of this reference book, we will get acquainted with a number of new development resources. Thus, we will provide automatic control of the correctness of the entered data from the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 system. Let's return to the configurator and start creating another directory. The technical work will be largely similar to the previously described actions, and therefore we will emphasize only the essential information for performing practical steps in the configurator.

Let's call the created directory "Courses", and in addition to the required details (Code and Name), on the Data tab of the configuration object editing window we will add four more details. Start Date - to record the start date of classes for this course (obviously, you should select Date as the data type);

Duration - to determine the duration of classes in days (data type - Number);

Cost - to indicate the cost of training (data type - Number);

Teacher - to determine the specialist who will teach this discipline (data type - Directory Link. Specialists).

Now our task is to set the acceptable interval (by day) for the duration of courses. For this purpose, the numeric details of the directory have the following properties:

Minimum value;

Maximum value.

Setting the properties of configuration objects, as we already know, is done using the properties palette. Thus, you need to double-click on the Duration attribute in the window. As a result, the properties palette for this attribute will open on the screen. Here you need to set the values ​​of the above-mentioned properties so that the system independently controls the duration of each course from 3 to 12 days. Now let's switch to 1C:Enterprise mode and try to enter "Courses" into the directory. In this case, the system automatically blocks the user's work when entering a value outside the permissible range in the duration field.

To work on creating an application solution within the framework of this chapter, we will need several course titles, which should be added to the created reference book in 1C:Enterprise mode. Let's make one more change in the directory. The names of the courses are reflected in the Title column. Our task is to replace this stereotypical column name with a more meaningful one - Course Name. To do this, you first need to select an object in the configuration object tree - the Courses directory. Then, using the right mouse button, you should call up the context menu, where you can use the Standard details section. As a result, a window with the same name will open on the screen. Here you need to use the right mouse button to open the properties palette of the Name attribute. In this window, all that remains is to enter the required text in the Synonym field. Let's select the Course Name option, after which you can switch to 1C:Enterprise mode and look at the result of the changes made. As a result of the steps taken, the appearance of the directory list form has changed, namely, the signature for the Name attribute has changed. At the same time, the name of this attribute itself remains the same. Printing and customizing the directory list form

In addition to the electronic form of the directory list, in actual work a printed form is often required. The 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform makes this easy to implement. Let's look at the printing options for the "Courses" directory. So, let's use the All actions button in the list form of the "Courses" directory. As a result, a drop-down list with a list of possible commands will open in front of us.

In this case, we are interested in the Display list item, which opens the list configuration form on the screen. Let's choose to display information in a spreadsheet document and check the boxes next to all available details. After this, by clicking on the OK button, you can create spreadsheet document, containing information about the available elements of the "Courses" directory

Now if you want to print this spreadsheet document, you should use main application menu, which opens by clicking on the button with an arrow located at the top of the window. After that, in the File section, select Print

Directory clients

Directory clients

Let's add another directory to our information base, which we'll call "Clients". It will reflect students or course participants. To continue practical actions, let’s return to the configurator and begin in the already known way the creation of a new directory (a new configuration object).

First, on the Data tab of the configuration object editing window, you need to enter information about the directory details. For the address and telephone directory details, we will specify a string of no more than 50 characters as the data type.

Secondly, using the corresponding button of the icon menu located at the bottom of the configuration object editing window, we will create a tabular part in the directory element with the name Studied Courses. Thirdly, in the created table section we will place two details:

Course (data type - Directory Link. Courses) and Student Status (data type - Enumeration Link. Status). In this case, when filling out these fields in 1C:Enterprise mode, the “Courses” directory selection form and the Status transfer selection form will open, respectively. Let's now create a form for the directory item "Clients". This is necessary due to the fact that we are going to further expand the functionality of the form compared to what is available in the form generated by default.

Practical steps for this should be performed on the Forms tab, where in the frame with the same name we turn to the field for the element’s form. Here you need to click on the icon with a magnifying glass, which will allow you to move on to working with the form designer. In the first designer window that opens, you need to use the appropriate switch to confirm that we are going to create a directory element form, after which you should click the Next button. As a result, the following form designer window will open on the screen where you need to check the boxes to include the corresponding details in the directory element form.

Now all that remains is to click the Finish button at the bottom of the window, after which the created form of the directory element will open on the screen in the form editor window. The form editor includes many tool resources, which we will talk about in later chapters of the book.

Now you should switch to 1C:Enterprise mode and add several students to the “Clients” directory using the created element form. One of the options for filling out the element form is shown in Fig.

The creation of a custom form for a directory element is due to the fact that now we are going to place a Print button on the form to generate a printed form for the directory element. If you use a form generated by the system by default, such an addition is not possible.

1.2.3 Documents

From a practical point of view, a document can be considered an applied object, the purpose of which is to enter and record information about events occurring in the organization. These events, as a rule, affect quantitative indicators in the subject area under consideration (most often accounting is associated with the movement of cash and material assets). As examples, we can offer the fact of issuing sums of money to employees, transferring goods and materials from one warehouse to another, etc. It is in order to reflect such facts in the accounting system that the configuration object "document" and was developed.

Almost all events occurring in an organization are time-bound, and therefore the parameter characterizing the exact time is a mandatory requisite of any document. We have already seen that actions when developing documents begin in the configurator with the creation of a document structure - a set of fields indicating their data types. In addition, with the help of software procedures, the necessary actions are implemented when the user works with the document. The result of developing a document (configuration object) in the configurator is the formation of an information structure that allows the user in 1C:Enterprise mode to work with documents of this type (create, enter information into them, change, delete).

The main feature that distinguishes documents from other objects is their ability carrying out(the ability to generate transactions that are the result of information present in documents). This is a very important feature and needs to be explained. The 1C:Enterprise information system has data structures (these include the accumulation registers discussed in this chapter) that describe the quantitative state of affairs in the organization (for example, cost and quantitative accounting of various goods). Posting documents means the fact of making changes to these structures (the reason for the changes, of course, is related to the information contained in the documents). For example, the receipt of a certain product according to a specific document changes the total quantity of this product in the warehouse.

Until the document is posted, the accounting status remains unchanged. In this case, the functionality of the document is not implemented, but the document itself is nevertheless registered in the database.

On the other hand, in the information system, if necessary, there must be the possibility of canceling the transaction (returning information to its original state). For example, when canceling the “Goods Receipt” document, the information in the register, which is used to record the number of goods in warehouses, must be adjusted. Similar opportunity cancellation of the documents in the 1C:Enterprise system has also been implemented.

It is important to emphasize that the documents developed for various standard configurations of the 1C:Enterprise system are analogues of real documents that are used in the work of most organizations.

Numerous dock

I rarely write, but that’s okay. I keep fighting, chapters 7 and 8.

What is the purpose of the Report configuration object?
The report configuration object is used to describe the algorithms with which the user can obtain the output data he needs.

How to create a report using the Data Composition Schema Designer?
In the configurator, select the “Reports” option, right-click the mouse and select the “Add” command. On the "Basic" tab, select the "Open data composition diagram" button

Next, click the “Add Data Set” button. Here you can select a query, object, or union as a data set.
The request goes through the request console. On the “Settings” tab, you control the output of report data; here you need to check the “selected fields” box.

In fact, I’ll be honest, I don’t like this “data composition system” at all. It’s much easier to work with code, simpler and clearer, honestly.

How to display a report in sections of an application solution?
Right click on the report - "Subsystems" tab

Lesson 8

What is the purpose of the layout configuration object?
The layout configuration object is designed to store various forms of data representation that may be required by some configuration objects or the entire application solution as a whole; One of the purposes of a sub-layout is to create a printed form of that object;

What is a print designer?
The print designer is a tool for creating printable forms (although it is actually more convenient not to use the designer)

How to create a layout using the print designer?
Select the configuration object that needs a layout (this can be a document, a report, external processing), right-click on it, the “Edit” command, the “Layouts” tab, the “Print Designer” button.

We determine what details will be in the header;

We determine which details of the table parts will be displayed;

There will also be an opportunity to fill out the basement of the printed form.

How to change a spreadsheet document?
Resizing cells occurs similarly to Excel, and other properties - right click on the cell, properties, the properties palette will slide out on the right.

What's the difference between filling a spreadsheet document cell with text, a parameter, or a template?
The text is what will be shown on the screen in any case;
Parameter - will be replaced with some value that can be assigned to it (the parameter) using the built-in language. For example, a query can fill a table with an item column. When printing, the table will be displayed line by line, and the Nomenclature column will be unloaded in the place where the Nomenclature parameter was. Naturally, this requires additional work, but I’m too lazy to describe it now.
Template is a text string in which parameter values ​​will be inserted in certain places.

How can I display a new area in a spreadsheet document using the built-in language?
Using the following construction:
RegionAreaName = Layout.GetArea("AreaName");
Before this, you need to create this area on the layout. Select a column or row, right-click, “Properties” command and name the desired area.

How can I change the appearance and behavior of a form?
The appearance of the form changes directly when editing the form, and the behavior of the form - right click on the open form, the properties command. There are a whole bunch of behavior settings in the properties palette

Continuation of the single topic, answers to Radchenko’s book, lesson 2 and 3.

What is the "Subsystem" configuration object used for?
A subsystem is the main element for building the 1C:Enterprise interface. Subsystems distinguish functional parts in the configuration into which the application solution is logically divided.

How to describe a logical structure using Subsystems?
By dividing it into functional parts, which represent separate subject areas.

How to control the order of output and display of subsystems in the configuration?
Right-click on the configuration, select the command “Open configuration command interface”, you can change positions using the arrows.

What is the configuration object editing window and how does it differ from the properties panel?

Edit window - mainly used for creating new objects.
Properties palette - not tied to a specific configuration object.

Lesson 3.

What is the purpose of the Directory configuration object?
The reference book is intended for working with lists of data, describing their properties and structure.

What are the characteristic features of the Directory configuration object?
The directory consists of elements; Each element represents a separate record in a table that stores information from this directory;
An element may also contain additional information that describes this element in more detail - attributes that are the same for all elements of the directory; Props are also a configuration object;

What are the details and tabular parts of the directory used for?
Details are used to describe additional information describing a directory element;
The tabular part is used to describe the information of a directory element, the same in structure, but different in quantity.

Why are hierarchical directories needed and what is a Parent?
Hierarchical directories are needed to group directory elements according to any criteria or principles. There are several types of hierarchies: hierarchy of groups and elements- a directory element representing a group - the parent for all elements and groups included in this group;
Hierarchy of elements- the parent is not a group of directory elements, but the element itself.

Why are subordinate directories needed and what is an Owner?
Elements of one directory can be subordinated to elements of another directory, and in this case a one-to-many relationship is established. A one-to-one relationship can also be used, when each element of a subordinate directory is associated with one of the elements of the owner directory.

What are the main forms of a directory?
Element form - for editing or creating a directory element;
Group form - for editing or creating a directory group;
List form - to display a list of elements in the directory;
Group selection form - for selecting one of the directory groups;

What are predefined directory elements?
Directory elements created in the configurator cannot be deleted by the user; Serve to store information always, regardless of user actions;

In terms of configuration, what is the difference between a regular element and a predefined element?
Configuration algorithms can be tied to predefined elements; therefore, the system adds these elements to the database structure itself, without user intervention.

How can a user distinguish a regular element from a predefined one?
Via pictogram

How to create a directory configuration object and describe its structure?
Create a new directory - structure - on the tabs hierarchy, data, pictures here

How to add a new element to the directory?
Through 1C:Enterprise mode.

How to create a directory group?
Via 1C:Enterprise mode

How to move an element from one group to another?
Right click on the element, "move to group"

Why do we need basic and database configuration?
The main configuration is the developer configuration. Database configuration - for working with users.

How to change the Database configuration?
No way. You can only update to the main configuration state.

How are configuration objects and database objects related?
Configuration objects describe storages and tables. And Database objects are the records that are contained in these tables.

What are configuration subobjects?
Details, tabular parts, etc.

Why do you need to check the details of the directory?
So that the user cannot enter empty or incorrect records.

What is Quick Select and when to use it?
To select elements not from a separate form, but from a drop-down list filled with elements of this directory.

How to display a directory and define its presentation in various sections of the application interface?
To display - right click on the directory, "Edit" tab, "Subsystems" tab.
Directory view - "Main" tab, then General - subsystems - all subsystems. pictures here

How to display commands for creating a new directory item in the subsystems interface?
General - subsystems - all subsystems - checkbox "Nomenclature: create"

How to edit the command interface of a subsystem?
General - subsystems - all subsystems. At the top is the "Command Interface" field

What standard panels are used in the application interface, and how to configure the location of these panels in the configurator and in 1C:Enterprise mode?

Section panel; the command panel of the current section (if they are specified; contains commands corresponding to the selected section; at the beginning of the panel there are commands that allow you to open any lists, and then commands that allow you to create new data elements, generate a report, or perform processing); toolbar and information panel (favorites panel, history panel, open panel...).
Setting up the location of these panels in the configurator is done as follows:
Let's select the root of the object tree of our configuration, right-click to call up the context menu and select "Open client application interface". In the window that appears on the right there is a list of all standard panels of the application solution. By dragging them to the left side of the window or removing them from there, we will configure the desired display of panels.
Setting up the location of these panels in 1C:Enterprise mode is done as follows:
Main menu -> View -> Panel settings -> By selecting and dragging with the mouse, we will configure the desired display of panels.


What is a directory

The Directory configuration object is designed to work with data lists.

The properties and structure of these lists are described in the Directory configuration objects, based on which the platform creates tables in the database to store information from these directories.The directory consists of elements. The user can independently add new elements to the directory while working.

In the database, each directory element is a separate record in the main table that stores information from this directory. Each directory element usually contains some additional information that describes this element in more detail. Because these configuration objects are logically related to the Directory object, they are said to be subordinate to that object.

The directory is stored in the database in table form, V lines which are located list items, and to everyone props(standard or created by the developer) in this table corresponds to a separate column.

The system hides from the developer the entire “technical” part related to data storage: several tables are created in the database for the directory, these tables are linked by a unique field (Link), table fields have specific types, etc. The system does all this itself. We just need will addь into the configuration object Directory subordinate object « Tabular part."

For ease of use, the directory elements can be grouped according to some principle. The grouping is called hierarchy, distinguished two types of hierarchy:

    hierarchy of groups and elements(asparent standsgroup of elements reference book)

    element hierarchy(parentone of the elements reference book)

Elements of one directory can be subordinated to elements or groups of another directory. In the 1C: Enterprise system this is achieved by specifying the list of directory owners for each Directory configuration object.

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary that the directorysome elements have always existed , regardless of user actions.The Directory configuration object allows you to describe any number of such directory elements. They're calledpredeterminedelements of the directory.Predefined elements differ from ordinary ones in that they are created in the configurator and that the usercan't remove them . He can do all other actions with them, including renaming them. In the interface predetermined directory elements marked with a special pictogram .

Predefined elements

The following are distinguished: peculiarities predefined elements:

    configuration algorithms can rely on predefined elements(since it is possible to access them from the built-in language by name);

    predefined elements are database objects that cannot be deleted in 1C Enterprise mode.

Regular elements are "non-persistent" for configuration. As the user works, they may appear or disappear. Therefore, although the configuration can distinguish them from each other, it cannot count on them to perform any algorithms due to their “inconsistency.” Predetermined elements, on the other hand, are “fixed.” While the user is working, they are always in their place and cannot disappear.

Basic and Database Configuration

Configuration intendedFordeveloper , called Basic configuration. Configuration to work with users, called Database configuration.

The main configuration can be edited.

The database configuration cannot be edited, only the database configuration can be updated based on the main configuration.

The configuration repository contains configuration intended for group development. It is stored not in the form of a single configuration, but in the form of separate objects in the context of configuration versions. Thus, we can get the configuration of any version from the repository - for this, it is “assembled” from objects of the required version.

Now imagine that there is the ability to compare and update between all these kinds of configurations. In this case, it is very easy to get confused, and the name Basic Configuration perfectly reflects the ultimate goal of all the changes.

If these changes do not affect the structure of the database (for example, if there is no need to change tables, if only the program code in some module has changed), then you can update the database configuration without interrupting the work of users - dynamic update.

But if the changes concern the structure of the database, for example, a new attribute has been added to the directory or the type of an existing attribute has changed, then all users need to be terminated.

The developer can always compare the main configuration and the database configuration, and can return to the original state of the main configuration using the database configuration.

Directory forms:

Depending on what actions we want to perform with the directory, we need to display the directory in “different forms.” The system can independently generate all the forms that are needed to present the data contained in the directory. Moreover the system “knows” which forms should be used in what situations.

Generally speaking, to display the directory in various situations A maximum of five forms are required for the directory.

Table 3.1. Directory forms

In the context menu and in the properties palette (Fig. 3.3)

In the form designer (Fig. 3.2)

On the form tab (Forms…) (Fig.3.1)

Object Shape

Directory element form


Group form

Directory group form

List form

Directory list form

Selection form

Directory selection form

Group selection form

Directory group selection form

Group selection

Please note that in different places in the configurator the same forms are called slightly differently. The fact is that the context menu and properties palette display the properties of configuration objects. They are the same for all configuration objects. And in the form designer and on the form tab, representations of these properties are displayed in a more understandable form.

Fig.3.1 Forms

Fig.3.2 Directory element form

Fig.3.3 Basic shape of the object

"Element Shape" used to edit or create a directory item.

"Group Form" used to edit or create a directory group. A group typically contains much less information than the directory element itself. Therefore, it requires a separate form, different from the element form.

"List Form" used to display a list of directory items.

"Selection Form" is used to select one of the directory elements in a field of some form. At the same time, the selection form is simpler than the list form, since many details can be displayed in the list form. And when selecting an element (in a document, for example), we only need to know the name. Therefore, you can use a separate, simpler form for selection.

"Group selection form" is used when in a field of some form you need to select not just a directory element, but one of its groups. At the same time, the group selection form is simpler than the element selection form, since the group, as a rule, contains much less information than the directory element itself.

Any form can be described in the configurator. To create such a description, there is a subordinate configuration object, Form; it is subordinate to one of the application objects, but can exist independently.

The form serves to “visualize” the data in the database. It presents this data in a user-friendly form and allows you to describe the algorithms that will accompany the user’s work with the data shown in the form.

Control questions

    What is the purpose of the Directory configuration object?

    What are the characteristic features of the directory?

    What are the details and tabular parts of the directory used for?

    Why are hierarchical directories needed and what is a parent?

    Why are subordinate directories needed and what is an owner?

    What are the main forms of the directory?

    What are predefined elements?

    From a configuration point of view, how do regular directory elements differ from predefined elements?

    How the user can distinguish regular directory elements from predefined elements.

    How to create a Directory configuration object and describe its structure.

    How to add new items to the directory.

    How to create a directory group.

    How to move elements from one directory group to another.

    Why is the main configuration and database configuration needed.

    How to change database configuration.

    How configuration objects and database objects are related.

    What are subordinate configuration objects?

    Why do you need to check the completion of directory details?

    What is Quick Select and when to use it.

    How to display the directory and define its presentation in various sections of the application interface.

    How to display commands for creating a new directory item in the subsystems interface.

    How to edit the command interface of subsystems.