Installing a slider on WordPress. How to make a slider in WordPress using Meta Slider. Benefits of using sliders

This WordPress theme boasts a lot of settings, adaptive design And full translation into Russian.

One more example . Everything is in place: adaptability, theme settings, individual settings by slider output for each page or post, ability to customize color scheme, sidebar settings and many other goodies this template has in store for you.

Setting up a theme slider for WordPress

The theme has built-in very powerful slider customization options. Now we will talk about them.

First of all, to Add your slider, go to the admin panel and go to Media Files - Library and click on Edit for the image you want to add to the slider.

Next, when editing a media file, we are interested in the “Slider Settings” item. It is located at the very bottom, as a rule. There, the “Add to slider” toggle switch must be set to YES. Thus allowing the withdrawal this picture in the slider.

Next, fill out the fields, such as title, description, etc. until you get to the “Select Slider” option. If you have not created a slider, then you need to enter its name and click on the “Add Slider” button. Next, you can select a slider for the image from the drop-down list.

Now let's figure out how to enable a slider on a separate post or page. Go to post/page editing and find the “Slider Settings” item. Again, you need to turn it on and select the slider to display. That's it, now the slider will be displayed on this post. Cool!

The slider for WordPress that I'm about to tell you about is the coolest among all the sliders I've seen. It has so many settings and so many possibilities that you can achieve almost any goal you set. The most important thing is that it is free. He has only one drawback - he is English language. And that's no problem.

Slider for WordPress with Smart Slider 3 plugin

The Smart Slider 3 plugin allows you to create a slider for a site of any complexity and with any elements. You can download this plugin from the link below.

A slider is a site element in which images alternate automatically or based on user action. These images can be just pictures, link pictures, or video previews. The slider helps to demonstrate a lot of information in a small area of ​​the site. Plus, it looks modern and attractive.

After installing the slider plugin on the site and activating it, your console will display new item"Smart Slider". Go to it.

Here we have three tabs:

  • Slider. List of all created sliders. There is already one sample slider created by the plugin developers.
  • Settings. Plugin settings. There are a lot of settings, and the best thing is that they can all be left as default. Those who are interested can climb there, but I will not consider this point in detail.
  • Go Pro! You can buy it here paid version plugin. But who needs it when we are given so many opportunities for free! You will learn about them below.

Let's create a slider for WordPress and see the capabilities of this plugin. Go to the "Sliders" tab and click green button"Create slider".

In the window that opens, give your slider a name in the “Slider name” field. I will write “My pictures” there. Select the size in the “Width” and “Height” fields, define one of three options display in "Preset". In principle, you can leave everything as default if you don’t want to mess around. Finally, click the “Create” button.

So, a slider for WordPress is created and after that we see a page with settings.

The first block of settings is “Publish slider”. Here is information on how to then publish the finished slider. In the “Shortcode” column you can get a shortcode that can be placed in a post or on a page. In the column “Page or Post editor” we are shown that in the post and page reactor a new button, which allows you to publish a slider. And in the “PHP code” column you can get php code to install the slider in template files.

The first two publishing methods are the most convenient.

In the “General” tab, the main options are configured: name (Name), position on the site (Align), control (Controls), animation (Animation), etc.

The "Size" tab is used to adjust the sizes. You can define the width and height (Slider size), margins (Margin), position of the slider on the screen (Default slide background fill mode), adaptability (Responsive mode) and more.

In the “Autoplay” tab, you can configure the auto-switching of the slider.

"Other" tab for more fine settings, you don't have to touch it.

Let's go a little lower and see another settings block, which has six tabs. The “Arrows” tab provides enormous opportunities for customizing slider control arrows for WordPress.

"Bullets" controls bullets. Bullets are small circles on the slider that you can use to toggle it.

The “Autoplay” tab controls the autoplay of the slider.

In “Bar” you can enable the bar next to the slider. Very convenient if you need to show a description, for example.

The “Thumbnail” tab manages the thumbnail images of the WordPress slider.

So, if you have already played with the settings, then let’s add images to our slider for WordPress. To do this, click on the arrow next to green button"Add Image Slider". A menu will open.

To add an image to the slider, you need to click on the “Add images” item in this menu. A standard media library will open, where you need to select a picture. After selecting a picture, its thumbnail immediately becomes visible in the slider. If you click on it, you can make certain settings.

I won’t tell you the settings in detail. In short, there you can give the image a name, a description, and assign a link to it. But the best thing is, you can create layers with text, images, buttons and overlay them on the loaded image, just like in Photoshop.

To create layers, use the block that I showed in the screenshot below.

After all the image settings, do not forget to click “Save”.

If you now click “Add video” on the add slide button, you can attach a video from YouTube or Vimeo to the slider. To do this, you just need to paste the video link into the field and click “Add Video”.

The video immediately appears in the list of slides and when you click on it, individual settings open, the same as in the case of a picture.

Yesterday, a buyer of my auto-filled blog about world news contacted me in a letter. computer games with a question about how to configure the slider in a website template made on WordPress.

I'll try to clarify the situation a little. Nowadays there are quite a lot of resources on the Internet that distribute free topics for WordPress, among these themes, a certain number of them do not contain sliders (such topics are quite “ancient” in age), a certain number of themes contain sliders and depend directly on the messages published on the blog or website (the themes are new, but are already beginning to become outdated) , and there are so-called premium themes whose sliders are relatively constant and do not depend on incoming blog posts (the themes are quite new and modern).

In this publication, I will describe in detail the process of creating and setting up sliders in topics where they depend directly on the published material in the site or blog posts and their images.

I’ll say right away that I don’t quite like these topics, and I’m trying to Lately refuse them. But this is purely my opinion, and I will not impose it on anyone.

And so... A slider is a changing picture in a certain part of a website or blog (most often somewhere in the upper part or header), which can have a title and a preview with active link to a published message (news). In our example, the slider looks like this.

Its main feature and distinctive feature is that it depends on the content of the text and the presence of a thumbnail image in messages (publications) classified under a certain category. The disadvantage of such a slider and the theme in general is that if all the publications of the selected category, or at least some of the last five published ones, do not contain thumbnails, then the slider will not work.

How to configure the operation of such a slider? To do this, we must go to the admin panel of our site (See publication). In the left menu of the admin panel, select the section “ Appearance " and in the submenu that drops down from this option, select the subsection " Setting up the TopGame theme"(This is for our example, but in your case, see the name of the theme that you have installed).

After left-clicking on the subsection name " Setting up the TopGame theme", a settings sheet for this theme opens in front of us. We are interested in the section “ Section for slideshow", it looks something like this (to enlarge the image, left-click on it):

IN top line using the arrow and right mouse button, select one of the headings on your blog, from latest messages which you would like to broadcast your slides. In our example, the category “ Online Games ", which, as we see, contains five posts (publications). Don't forget to click right click mouse on the button " Save changes" in the lower left corner of the theme settings sheet. We've completed the first part of setting up the slider!

Next, we’ll look at how a slide for a slider is formed directly when a message is published in this category of our choice. For example, I will publish a new message " Economic browser mmorpg - Anno Online", which I will refer to the heading " Online Games" by checking the category section in the right menu of the editor.

Next, we need to find an image somewhere for the slider with dimensions of at least 610 by 320 pixels ( optimal size slide in our example, in yours there will be other parameters). If the image is smaller, the slider will work ugly with black fields compensating for the missing size of the image. I do not recommend choosing an image that is too large in size, since only a fragment of it will be used as a slide.

In the right menu of the editor at the very bottom, find the section “ Post thumbnail" and click on the option " Set thumbnail» with the left mouse button, after which the usual image loader opens, through which you load the picture (image) we have chosen for the slide.

While loading the image, copy the image address, it will look like this, Where– Your website, and anno.png– the name of the image you uploaded.

After successful download thumbnails, its preview will appear in your window in the “ Post thumbnail" For example, like this in our case.

In the upper right part of the editor, open the option “ Screen settings».

In the form that opens, put a checkmark in the box “ Custom fields "(in some cases it is already set by default, if so, then make sure of it).

After this, a form for setting up custom fields will open at the bottom of the editor.

Of all the other things that have opened, Wamiya and I will only be interested in the option “ Add a new field:»

Where in the section " Name» we select the selector featured or if it is not there, then through the option “ Enter new» We write it manually (this is necessary for the style sheet). In the column " Meaning» paste the image address copied earlier, which will be used as a slider.

After these manipulations, we publish our message as a whole. As you can see, in our example the slide was added successfully and the slider works fine.

That's basically it! I hope I have outlined the process of creating a slider in detail and not too abstrusely, and most importantly, it is understandable for novice webmasters. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer!

Agree that having an image slider on a website looks pretty nice. Slider on home page website is not only a stylish appearance, but also a good information content of the subject of your website for visitors.

We will create a slider using a popular plugin Meta Slider, and test its work on the Twenty Sixteen theme.

Creating a Slider

So, after installing and activating the plugin, a new menu item will appear in the admin panel Meta Slider, when clicked you will be taken to the main slider window.

Since no slides have been created, there is only one single button labeled “ Create your first slideshow" After clicking it, your first slider window will open.

So, you have created an empty slider, which by default has a name New slider. If you need to rename it, you can do this by clicking on the tab at the top left and entering a new name.

So, the slider has been created, now you need to add slides to it, which can be done by clicking the button on the right Add a slide. After adding all the photos, the window will have next view:

Before publishing the slider on the site, you can familiarize yourself with the parameters that the plugin offers.

The first thing to talk about is deleting any slide. To do this, you need to hover your cursor over the slide image, where the red trash can icon will appear, and click on it.

On the slider editor page you can also specify its size, switching effect, and appearance.

In addition, you have access to additional settings: stretch the slider to the full width, align to the center, auto play slides, smart photo cropping, slide show in reverse order, slide switching time, display time, etc.

So, after adding all the necessary slides and settings, you need to click the button Save. Thus you have created a photo slider.

Slider display on the website

Now it needs to be displayed on the website. To do this, the plugin offers two options: show the slider on separate page or paste special code to the theme template.

To show on a separate page, the first step is to create a page ( Pages -> Add new), in which insert the special shortcode that the plugin offers you. It can be seen in the slider editing window (in our case it is ).

After publishing the page, you will be able to see your slider on it.

To insert a slider into the theme of your site (remember that we use the theme Twenty Sixteen) you need to make changes to the theme files. To do this you should go Appearance -> Editor, select a topic Twenty Sixteen and on the list available files find topics Header header.php.

Now find the line in the code