What is an EVE API key and what is it for? Setting key usage restrictions. I gave my API keys to other people, but now I want them to stop using them

Last update:14/01/15

What is this Akismet plugin and how to get Akismet API key for free

Now I will tell you what this Akismet plugin is and how to get an Akismet API key for free, and at the same time install it on your blog.

To protect a website from spam, perhaps the most commonly used plugin is Akismet. This is explained by the fact that it does not need to be installed: it is installed on the site along with . All that remains is to activate and... enjoy it to your health!

True, there is one difficulty here. After activating it, you receive the following message:

“Akismet is almost on. To work with it, you need to enter the Akismet API key."

For novice bloggers, these words are like Chinese letters. I remember that for a long time I didn’t even try to get this key, because I didn’t understand what the API was. But having become a little more experienced and bolder, I clicked on this link (if you noticed, the words “enter Akismet API key” are a link) and it turned out that everything is very simple, and you don’t even need to know about these APIs :).

So, click on this link, on next page we are asked to enter a key or receive one. Press simultaneously Ctrl key and the “Get key” link (to open new page in a new tab), and we get to the plugin website. Everything is there English language, but we will figure it out without a translator.

Click on the “Get an Akismet” button API key» → we are asked to register. Need to enter email, come up with a username and password. On the next page, select account type → Personal. Then we are asked how much we will pay. Since I’m not going to pay, I move the slider on the scale to the left of the smiling face to zero. Notice how the expression on the face changes :).

In the form on the left, write your (or fictitious) first and last name and click Continue. After a while, a page with the API key opens. We copy this key and return to our blog, to the page from which we went to the plugin site. Insert the key into the frame, check both boxes below and click on Update settings. That's it, Akismet starts working immediately.

Today we learned what this Akismet plugin is and how to get an Akismet API key for free.

And at the end, as you may have guessed, a video:

Webmasters who have recently started using Divi often have questions when connecting the map module to their resources.
The Divi theme comes with a great Map module that it uses Google Maps API. For the module to function correctly, you need to create an API key and register it in the theme settings. If such a key is missing or entered with errors, instead of a map on the site we will receive this:

1. Login to Google Cloud Platform.

First we enter Google console Cloud Platform under your Google account. Don't have a Google account yet? We are creating it urgently!

2. Create a new project.

If you haven't created a project before, Google will prompt you to do so when you sign in. If you already have projects, you can use an existing one or create a new one, as shown below.

Click the project selection button and create a new one in the pop-up window with a plus sign.
We come up with a name for our project. Based on the name, Google automatically generates a project identifier (sometimes completely different from the name).

3. Enabling the API in the control panel.

Here we click on “Enable API and services”.

4. Activation of “Google Maps JavaScript API” and “Google Maps Geocoding API”.

After clicking on the link from the previous step, we will be transferred to the library. Here we need to find and connect two modules - “Google Maps JavaScript API” and “Google Maps Geocoding API”. They are in the Maps section. The first of them is responsible for actually inserting the map onto the site, and the other is for converting actual addresses into coordinates and vice versa.
In the Maps section, click “Show all”...

We sequentially select the necessary modules...

And we activate (turn on) them.

5. Create credentials.

When activating the "Google Maps JavaScript API", Google will require you to create credentials to use this API. We agree with it by clicking on the “Create” button...

... move on to the next page, where we select the type of credentials we need...

...and we get our key.

6. Setting restrictions on key use.

A good practice would be to set restrictions on the use of the key on the same page. You can enter a list of sites where you allow the key to be used in the restrictions section.

No one else will be able to use your key without your consent.

7. Copy and paste the key into Divi.

Let's copy the newly created key. Next, go to the management console of our site. Go to the theme settings: Divi-> Theme Settings. Here, on the General tab, scroll down the list of parameters to the item “ Google API Key", where we paste the copied key.

Make sure you haven't entered the field by mistake extra spaces. Don't forget to save the settings.


If everything is done correctly, the Map module will show the desired map.

Installing and launching MoonBot

1) Download the archive from the site.

2) Create an empty folder on your PC and send the contents of the archive to it.
Attention, recommendations for installation and folder location with MoonBot:
a) do not launch the bot from the archive;
b) do not unpack the bot to the desktop, temporary or system windows folders, such as windows, temp, users, etc.;
c) do not use Russian letters in the names of folders in the path to the bot;
d) place the folder with the bot onNot system disk D, E, etc., if there are no other drives except system C, place the package with the bot in root directory From disk (C:\MoonBot).

3) Launch the MoonBot.exe file from the folder. It is recommended to launch the terminal as Administrator; this will increase the priority of the application on your PC and improve the connection to the exchange. For weak PCs, it is recommended that after starting the bot, go to - Task Manager - Details - RMB on MoonBot.exe - Set priority - Real time.

4) Select the desired exchange and enter into bot API keys to the exchange account and wait for the connection. Receipt procedure API keys described below. There is no need to re-enter the keys during subsequent starts.

API keys

The Moon Bot application (hereinafter referred to as the “Bot”) interacts with the exchange via the exchange API; keys (API KEYS) are required to gain access to the API. When you launch the Bot for the first time, you are required to enter API keys. Keys consist of a pair Key, Secret. Key is a public key, it is used to register your copy of the Bot. Secret - private key, used to sign orders. The private key is stored locally on your computer in encrypted form in the BotConfig.bcfg file, which the Bot creates automatically. Both keys must be entered into the appropriate fields in the bot on the Login tab. The private key is not transmitted to the Internet! For additional protection You should set a password for your keys; this password will be requested every time you start the Bot. The password is also used only locally.

Obtaining API keys for Bittrex

Keys need to be created in your Bittrex account, section "Settings->API Keys":

The keys must have the following rights: READ INFO, TRADE LIMIT, TRADE MARKET. For security reasons, WITHDRAW rights must be disabled!

Obtaining API keys forBinance

To register keys, you need to go to the User Center - API Settings section on the exchange website

Enter any name for the new keys, click Create New Key

Enter the 2FA authorization code. After receiving the API KEY and API SECRET, it is recommended to save them in separate file(For security reasons, Binance will not allow you to view API Secrets if they are lost) You also have the opportunity to limit the use of keys to specified IP addresses.

After launching MoonBot, first of all, select the exchange and enter the received API Key and API secret.

To enter new keys into Moon Bot, you need to:

Select the Binance/Bittrex Exchange and click Apply.

Enter "API KEY"

Enter "API Secret"

Click "Register API keys"

If the keys are entered correctly, the Bot will establish a connection to the exchange server, and your settings window will display your registration number, the status “Connection OK” will appear in the main window in the lower left corner.

If the connection could not be established, an error code will appear in the log window. In this case, double-check the API keys; make sure that the ssleay32.dll, libeay32.dll.* libraries are present in the system, check the stability of your Internet, check whether the Anti-Virus is blocking the bot’s access to the Internet, go to Settings-Special in the bot and try other connection methods.

When you subsequently launch the Bot, you do not need to re-enter the keys; the connection to the exchange will be established automatically.

If you plan to launch bots for different exchanges at the same time; you can register keys in the same bot without copying it, and switch between exchanges using the exchange selection drop-down list. However, it is better to copy the bot, select another exchange there and register API keys from another exchange.

* The bot can be stored on a flash drive and launched from other PCs.

* Free version The bot can only be launched in 1 copy.

* PRO owners versions can make an unlimited number of API keys from the same exchange account with PRO support for free. To do this you need: 1) Copy PRO version bot in separate folder 2) Launch the bot from this folder and in the section Settings - Login choose Register other keys, enter new keys and press Register API keys. After this, the bot with the new keys will also become PRO.

Receipt Google+ API allows you to expand the reach of the site’s audience and increase targeted visitors, while spending a minimum of time on it. It should be understood that Google Plus is a fairly large authoritative information platform that influences search results - you should not miss this advantage.

How to get Google API?

First of all, I would like to note that this

a well-known social network from Google in narrow circles. Relatively recently, it has undergone quite major changes, which has led to complete change interface and design. However, no one is forcing those who remember it from the old days to update, and the capabilities of the service remain the same.

Google+ serves as added value in the search engine Google system, since publications in its account not only available inside social network, but are also quite actively used in search results, and they are often highly valued. Moreover, the snippet will pleasantly surprise you - it has a large icon that is imported from your avatar into Google Plus.

It looks something like this:

To implement this kind of snippet, you just need to publish your articles and news in Google account+. Considering that you probably use more than one

n only Google Plus, this task can and will become completely inconvenient and dreary - the way out of this situation is to using Google API. Using the API, you can automatically obtain the rights to use your account and have customization options various functions. We will only consider what we need - automatic publication of a link to a site on Google+ as soon as a new post appears.

In fact, you can come across many opinions that Google+ does not distribute free licenses, but sells them. Moreover, judging by the price tags of intermediaries, this pleasure costs about $70, which, you see, is quite a lot. Contrary to this belief, I received Google+ API Key without special problems and difficulties, absolutely free. I admit honestly, when I was looking for any information about this, there was quite a bit of it and many of the articles were simply outdated, but the main problem was to understand the entire sequence.

How to get Google+ API Key

So, I will try to show and tell everything as clearly and in detail as possible, so that you do not have any questions or possible problems.

  • First of all, register an account with Google, or log into it if you haven’t already;
  • After this we go to;
  • Select in the “Social API” block;

Hello my dear blog readers. I would like to devote today’s article to obtaining an Api id number from VKontakte. Maybe someone will ask, why do we need it at all and how is it useful for the blog?

The plan for today's article is not big.

Why does a blog need an API id?

How to get it?

Why do you need an api id for a VKontakte blog on WordPress?

API id number may be needed for social plugins. People leaving likes and comments through VKontakte buttons and widgets must contact the server so that VK.COM knows on which site its registered users leave comments or likes.

This number is also needed so that people do not need to enter their data. But the basis of this issue is the work of social plugins on a site running WordPress

How to get it?

Now we come to the main thing. How to get api id on VKontakte?

To do this you need to go to developers section, Next, click create an application, in the window that appears, select the Website tab, also enter the name of your application, the address of your site and the base domain.

The address will be - http://mysite.ru

Base domain - mysite.ru

mysite - your website address

After confirming your phone number, you will be taken to a page with information about your application, you need to click the settings tab and we will get to the page where our VKontakte api id is located.

Enjoy it for your health. I hope you got it for yourself useful information. Before see you soon dear readers.

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Sincerely, S. Vasiliev