How to make money on YouTube from scratch. Full instructions. How to start making money from scratch on YouTube. Instructions from "A" to "Z". What language are the videos filmed in?

A “subsidiary” of Google, the video hosting site Youtube, has more than a billion subscribers, which is a huge base of potential clients for advertisers. YouTube visitors are modern people who are familiar with the Internet, active consumers of goods and services. In other words, it’s a great target audience for advertising anything.

This is the fundamental difference between Youtube and review sites that pay fixed amounts for each review view. YouTube does not redistribute the income of small creators. So, how to create a channel on YouTube and make money?

A beginner’s earnings will not go beyond 1-5 dollars per 1000 views. But the more useful videos you add, the more interesting they are, the higher your income will be.

Experienced bloggers say that you can talk about more tangible earnings when the channel has gained several tens of thousands of subscribers. But if you consider YouTube as additional income from doing what you love, this is very nice money.

What should you do before registering on YouTube?

  1. Decide on a topic and think ahead about what videos you can post in the future on this topic. Perhaps this will be completing levels of popular games, or a video blog about beauty, or a channel dedicated to your hobby.
  2. Create your own website. This can be done on any free hosting or blog services. Firstly, this is necessary to enable video monetization, and secondly, it will help in the future in promoting the channel.
  3. Read general information about SEO website promotion and the Yandex.Wordstat service.

You can find out how to become an Internet provider and how much you can earn on Internet providing in Russia

What should you do after registering on YouTube?

  1. Register with Google AdSense. This is an advertising network also owned by Google. This service will place advertisements in your videos. This is exactly why you need your own website. Here you will need to enable monetization.
  2. Add several interesting videos, combine similar videos into playlists. For example, if you have a culinary channel, then it makes sense to make separate playlists with videos on baking, desserts, first courses, etc.
  3. Start promoting your channel:
  • correctly compose the title and description of the video with the addition of keywords;
  • invite subscribers (the first subscribers can be obtained for money on content exchanges);
  • Constantly promote your channel online, that is, add videos and links to them wherever possible: on social pages. networks, in your blogs, on your website, on thematic forums.

The greater the link mass, the higher the video will appear in search engine results.

  • Multi-part videos. For example, managing pregnancy, growing plants, doing school homework throughout the year.
  • Walkthroughs of games (let's plays). Such videos quickly gain a lot of views if the game is new.

How to make money on YouTube on your channel from scratch? Watch the following detailed video:

YouTube video hosting service, founded in early 2005, currently has over 1 billion active users. A considerable part of them have one or more of their own accounts, and some even make quite a good profit from this. What is their secret? How can views be turned into money? How to make money on YouTube? How do bloggers make money on YouTube? And in general, is it possible to make money on YouTube? And most importantly: how to create your own account, effectively promote it and start making money from it? All this is definitely worth looking into.

Generally speaking, to make money with YouTube you only need one thing: a bright and unique idea that can attract the attention of users of the global network. But one idea for generating income on YouTube is not enough - it must be properly implemented and promoted, and then the profit will not be long in coming. In fact, making money on videos on the Internet is very simple.

General scheme of how to make money on YouTube

So, how do you make money on YouTube on videos? Before we get down to practical steps, let's look at how to make money on YouTube. It is quite simple and can be understood the first time. How to make money on YT:

  1. You create your account on YouTube, this can be done literally in a few minutes;
  2. Next, you need to come up with a topic; entertaining videos are very good on the Internet. But, still, for the first time, I recommend that you focus on a topic that is close and interesting to you, so that you can create unique content without much effort. We will talk about the uniqueness of the content below;
  3. After the channel is created, you need to post a video on it, the more the better;
  4. When your account has at least five to ten videos, you can enable monetization; this is also done in semi-automatic mode - you will find detailed instructions in the corresponding section of this article;
  5. Now that monetization is activated, YouTube will automatically insert advertisements into your videos, for which you will be awarded money.

Let's illustrate the process clearly:

What does YouTube pay money for?

If we talk about the general scheme of how bloggers make money on YouTube, it looks like this: how to make money on YT:
  • Search for an idea.
  • Recording content within the framework of the found idea and designing it to attract the attention of the audience.
  • Creating and advertising your channel.
  • Working with affiliate programs and monetization.
  • Development and further promotion of the channel.

Below, I will try to cover each of these issues in as much detail as possible. This is the answer to the question - how do video bloggers make money from their videos?

Where to begin

So how to start earning money from scratch? Are you ready and serious about making money from YouTube videos, let's start from the very beginning:

You can check out the lesson on this topic.

The preparatory stage is over, now we move on to creating videos; creating videos is not difficult, fortunately there are a very large number of different programs and services for this.

What videos to create

There are many video formats, below I have listed the main ones that any beginning YouTuber can master with ease and without much expense.

  1. Voiceover slideshow. One of the most popular video formats on YouTube. If you have at least once highlighted various videos with TOPs on YouTube, then know that they are all made in slideshow format. Great, to create a slide show, the Microsoft Photo Story program is suitable;
  2. Screencasts are videos taken from a monitor screen with voice-over comments, for example, some kind of educational lesson. This format is also very popular on YT. One of the best programs for creating skincasts is Camtasia Studio;
  3. Let's play - everything is simple here, you play games, record this process on video, for example using the BandiCam program, then post it on your channel;
  4. Vlogs are simple videos about your daily life, ideas, insights or reflections. It is also a very popular video format on YouTube, but may not be suitable for a beginner.

I would advise you, if you are a beginner, to start making money on YT by creating slideshows.

Monetization options

The last and most important step in preparing to make money on YouTube is content monetization. It is possible if:

  1. the content of the videos does not violate the rights and interests of advertisers;
  2. the video is unique or the user has permission to use it for commercial purposes;
  3. the user can confirm the commercial rights to the video and audio content he publishes with documents;
  4. The content of the video complies with the terms and principles of video hosting.

The following are examples of content that is subject to monetization:

  1. The user filmed his pet using the built-in phone camera without sound.
  2. The user video contains free audio material with a direct link to the conditions corresponding to this content status.
  3. The video content posted by the user was filmed by his acquaintance, who confirmed in writing the right of the channel owner to earn money on YouTube by publishing this material.
  4. The user posted an original composition without entering into a contract with a recording studio.

You cannot monetize content that contains, for example, audio material purchased on iTunes, fragments of TV shows or other people's videos, as well as overly explicit footage, including nudity, which may shock the viewer, etc.

Below we will look at various monetization options.

Manual monetization

Manual monetization means that you have to do it yourself, i.e. manually insert advertisements into videos or in the video description. The following manual monetization options exist:

This is what concerns manual monetization, but it only makes sense to enable it when you already have subscribers and a sufficient number of views per day. I recommend starting with automatic monetization.

Automatic monetization

This is monetization that connects to your channel through your personal account, through AdSense or through a media network. The process of connecting this monetization format is very simple and will not take much time. I publish detailed instructions for connecting below, in the advice section of this article.

Types of advertising

Automatic monetization is divided into several types of advertising, these are the formats:

  1. Banner advertising on the side. This advertising is not placed in the content itself, but on the page, mainly in the right column. Money is awarded if the viewer clicks on such an advertisement.
  2. Video advertising in the video itself. If you are a viewer on YouTube, you have probably seen such advertising, it appears before the video, in the middle or at the end. You can skip these ads. Money is awarded if the viewer watched the entire advertisement or the first 30 seconds.
  3. Banners in videos. Another popular type of automatic advertising. A regular advertising banner is inserted into the video. Money is awarded if the viewer clicks on such a banner.

You and I will use all these types of advertising, because... together they bring more profit.

Connecting monetization to the channel

There are two ways to connect automatic monetization to your channel: using the Google AdSense service or using a media network. In fact, there is little difference in these options. The differences are only in two main points:

  1. If you connect through AdSense, then you receive 100% of the money you earn. If you connect through a media network, then you will have to give it 30% of the money you earn;
  2. AdSense has a minimum withdrawal threshold of $100; media networks do not have a minimum withdrawal threshold.

If you are serious about making money on YouTube, then I recommend choosing the monetization option through AdSesne so as not to pay money to intermediaries.


Connecting your account to AdSense is very simple, to do this, follow all the steps below:

Important: when registering an account, you MUST indicate your real data, because... AdSense will send you a regular (not email) email with your account activation code. You don't have to specify payment information for now because... we'll set them up a little later.

The process of accruing money, you can now track in your account analytics and it looks something like this.

Media networks

The registration process in the media network is even simpler than when connecting to Adsense. The two most popular media networks are AIR and YOOLA. Go to the website of one of these networks, click the “Connect” button and follow the simple instructions.

How to organize work

To earn money effectively and work productively, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Post regularly. This is a very important point, because... This will allow you to gain, over time, an increasingly large audience. It is also advisable to post your work on a schedule, for example, on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
  2. Connect with your audience. This is also a very important aspect of effective activities on YouTube. The audience should see that you are a living person, and not a soulless robot.
  3. Look for new formats. Over time, your audience will begin to get bored with your format, so you always need to come up with something new.

Channel promotion

Before answering the question of how to make money on YouTube from scratch, you should understand the principles of the resource’s operation. In addition, it is imperative to understand the reasons why content gains popularity and becomes interesting to the user audience.

Making money on YouTube is based on three main principles:

  1. Honesty. The dynamics of the popularity of an account newly opened on video hosting directly depends on how viewers react to the content of the published content. If the material initially demonstrates the purpose of profiting from visitors or is an obvious deception, a negative reaction will follow immediately.
  2. Respect for the viewer. You can do anything for money, including promoting a website that advertises low-quality goods or services at a completely inadequate cost to the top of the search engine. But if we are talking about how to make money on YouTube from scratch, with a video hosting audience, such a trick can have the most unpleasant consequences. Even if users believe the beautiful design of the video, after watching it it will not be at all difficult for them to express their indignation with a dislike. In addition, you can always complain about the content of a particular channel using the feedback system with the YouTube administration. Thus, in the best case scenario, the author or owner of the offensive content will lose subscribers and hope of popularity. Well, in the worst case, an account containing unscrupulous materials faces complete blocking.
  3. Interest and benefit. A lot has been written about how to make money on YT, including using the resource as a commercial platform. However, no matter what idea is promoted on a particular project, the principle of benefit or interest will always remain the most relevant. This means that deep study of promotion methods or paying the video hosting administration for it are not prerequisites for success. It is enough to fill the created channel with original, useful and interesting materials for users. In this case, the number of subscribers and the popularity of the content will grow without any promotion.

Free methods

If you want to promote your channel without using money, you can use the following methods:

  1. Seeding videos on social networks;
  2. Posting the video on thematic websites;
  3. Use of forums;
  4. SEO optimization of a video – to optimize a video for a search engine, you need to select a keyword, this can be done using the Wordstat.Yandex service. Use selected words in the video title, video description, and video tags.

Selection of keywords for videos in WordStat

Paid methods

Among the paid methods, several of the most effective ones can be noted:

  1. Buying advertising from video bloggers. The simplest and most effective method of channel promotion.
  2. Buying advertising in AdWords. The method is suitable if you already understand YouTube and are very serious about the work. The method is not for a beginner.
  3. Services. There are many services on the Internet for channel promotion, but many of them simply deceive customers.

Other methods

When discussing how to make money on YouTube from scratch, it is impossible to ignore the issue of promotion. But first, we should remember that the basis for generating income on the largest video hosting site in the English-speaking segment of the global network is nothing more than advertising. It works best on well-promoted channels. And we managed to make them like this with the help of:

  1. Annotations. A simple and effective method of attracting visitors and subscribers is subscription buttons that appear at the end of the video and lead directly to the channel or specific videos posted by the user.
  2. Contextual calls. Voice, text, animated, etc. calls to subscribe or go to the Youtube channel can be unobtrusively placed along the video.
  3. Mutual advertising. Hidden advertising from well-known hosting content authors is one of the most effective ways to promote a new YouTube channel.

The YouTube service is one of the largest projects from Day by day, it is only gaining momentum along with its popularity, offering advertisers many effective tools for promoting their business, and opening up vast opportunities for webmasters to earn money.

Let's try to figure out what YouTube charges for views and whether this is possible. The question is extremely relevant and requires a detailed explanation along with specific steps described step by step. The only thing worth mentioning right away is that there is no such thing as easy money, as soap advertising promises, and before you get any income, you need to put in a lot of effort.

Today, many people talk about how to make money by watching videos on YouTube, but most of their statements reflect only bare theory with little experience (their own or others), without touching on the very essence and without revealing the principles of this earnings.

As an example, we can cite several YouTube flagships that reveal the basic concepts of popularizing video content - these are the Gangnam Style videos and the no less scandalous viral video of Van Damme advertising a Volvo truck. These two examples most clearly characterize how you can make money on YouTube from views.

The secret to making a profit is not even in who the main actor is or what topic the video was filmed on, but in proper account promotion and competent marketing. It is viral marketing that underlies the earnings on the channel, and not half-naked girls and scandalous revelations.

Making a thematic video is only a small part of the work that needs to be done to popularize it. You need daily views, at least 1000 per day, otherwise it will simply get lost somewhere in the search depths.

It is imperative to take into account that the YouTube search engine works on the same principle as Google, so the video host weighs and evaluates many factors along with the characteristics of the content before returning it to the user. And again we come down to marketing, that is, promoting your video. After all, the profit of the promoted project depends on this.

First of all, we’ll answer the questions: “How much money does a video hoster pay, what exactly can you earn money from, what is traffic monetization, and is it possible to make money on YouTube from views?”

Ways to earn money

So, how can you make money on YouTube video hosting? The main point of earning money is placing advertiser links on your videos. In order to start advertising something, you need to either agree with an intermediary company, or directly become a YouTube partner. In the first case, the intermediary party will look for advertisers for you and charge an agreed percentage for their services. Naturally, it is much more profitable to choose the second option, that is, to work directly with the video host, but the partnership includes a number of requirements that your video must meet.

First of all, let's look at how to make money on YouTube for views directly, excluding paying interest to a third-party intermediary. This is important for future prospects and for earning more.

Author's videos

The ideal option would be for you to be the author of all video content that you host with the hoster. And it doesn’t matter how you got it - you filmed it on a video camera or through a mobile phone. But this option is not always feasible, so YouTube offers the opportunity to earn money on third-party videos, but the amount of earnings in this case will be much less.

The hoster’s main rule regarding how to make money on YouTube through views is: always focus on the main topic of your account, and all subsequent video materials should be tied to a specific category. By doing so, you will clearly show future advertisers your position and identify yourself in a certain category to further promote your profile.

If your experience allows you to establish yourself as a competent specialist in any field and talk about your knowledge and skills, or even moreover, teach those in need, then the opportunity to monetize your profile will increase significantly.


Before you make money on YouTube with views, you need to decide on the frequency of publishing your video. The most successful option is to post materials at least once every three days. There’s no point in rushing and “rushing deadlines.” It’s better that the content be properly prepared and edited, otherwise, instead of views, you’ll get chaos in the comments and dislikes.

Choose a topic that is close to you, but preferably with a focus that would be popular and often requested online, this will increase your chances of attracting advertisers for the chosen specificity.


One of the conditions for how to make money on YouTube for views is the subscriber base. Your account must be followed by at least 1000 people. In principle, it is not so difficult to collect such a number. To do this, as mentioned above, you need to clearly formulate and identify all your video materials.

If the user is interested in the topic you propose, then he will probably subscribe to news from your channel. But when you rush from one topic to another, finding your audience of subscribers will be extremely problematic in such diversity. Therefore, it is better to be an expert in one or two areas, having established yourself as an intelligent and knowledgeable specialist, and not to tug at all the topics a little bit, without really understanding each one.


The next condition for how to make money on YouTube from views is the number of visitors to each page with your video. If you get more than 1000 views for each video, then a certain barrier will be removed from your account, after overcoming it, you will be able to submit an affiliate application to YouTube and start earning money directly.

After crossing the threshold for views on a special form from the video host, you confirm that you have rights to your channel and additionally fill out all the necessary authorship items.

What does YouTube pay for?

Above, we looked at how to make money on YouTube for views, now let’s figure out how much and for what exactly the video host pays the authors of the videos.

As already mentioned, to maximize your earnings, your channel must fully cover a certain topic and category that may be of interest to a potential advertiser and user. This will lead to clicks on links that will be placed in your videos, and, accordingly, money.

Below we will look at how to make money by watching videos on YouTube using different methods.

Google Adsense

If you are the author of all the videos presented on your channel, you shoot interesting clips, advertisements or films, and they are of good quality with expected views of more than 10 thousand, it may make sense to enter into a partnership agreement with the largest advertising agency from Google. - Adsense.

The result of such a partnership will be that Adsense searches for advertisers based on the topic of your content, and not vice versa, as is the case with a simple cooperation program. And the more often users click on the ads in your video, the more money you will earn.

Other ways of cooperation with the company include either independently searching for advertisers, or concluding an agreement with a video hosting intermediary partner.

Someone else's video content

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to make money on YouTube by watching someone else's video. It's no secret that many authors upload third-party content to their accounts in order to increase traffic and views. In principle, if you upload someone else’s video about how to train kittens in the Far North, and under the video you leave an advertising link to your pet store, then nothing terrible or illegal will happen.

But if you want to use for your own purposes, for example, any piece of music whose rights belong to another author, then you must place an active link to the source.

Before you make money on YouTube from views using someone else’s video, it is important to know that this is far from the best option for monetizing your profile, since all material published on your account is strictly checked by YouTube moderators. When using non-unique content on your account, remember: the risk that your profile will be blocked is very high.

Such measures are very often applied to spammers, and the process of profile monetization itself is built on the same principle as SEO promotion of ordinary sites: the higher the uniqueness and demand of the topic, the greater the chance of being at the top of search results. YouTube's policy works on the same principle as regular search engines.

Advertising of external resources

This method talks about how to make money on YouTube from views using an external website and content posted on a video hosting site. For example, you made a detailed training video about the promotion of Internet projects, and in the content of this content you placed a link to a company engaged in this business, or, for example, to the same courses telling what and how to do in order to achieve success in your undertakings.

Based on the results, you are paid a percentage from the direct advertiser (company or course owner). This type of earnings is a little similar to the principle of Google Adwords: the more user clicks on an advertisement, the higher the chances that the product or service will be ordered.

But before you post anything on your channel, you need to decide whether you will search for advertisers yourself or contact an intermediary company.

How much can you earn with YouTube?

This is probably the most exciting question for all beginners. The video hoster’s policy is structured in such a way that the webmaster’s earnings are influenced by many factors: the type of advertisement, the topic being promoted, the number of links and many other nuances.

The top topics that are always in demand by Google are cars, Forex and construction. Advertisers are willing to pay very good money for these areas, and in some cases they themselves are looking for more or less well-promoted channels for possible cooperation.

Therefore, it makes sense to select a more popular topic for your YouTube profile, and if it also coincides with your hobby or life profile, then, as they say, the money will flow into your hands.


It’s not enough to know how to make money on YouTube from views; you need to be able to calculate your profits. The majority of advertisers pay their webmasters 50% of the realized income.

Thus, we can see that if you promote your channel and have 30,000 views per month, then you can earn $90 dollars. Therefore, to make a significant profit, you need to increase views, and therefore the quality and usefulness of your videos.

Video hosting YouTube opened in 2005. Many years of developing and promoting your channels on YouTube leads to a stable income, which can amount to several thousand dollars a week. You won’t be able to immediately start making big money just by opening your channel. There are several ways to make money on YouTube from scratch.

How much money can you make on YouTube?

Earning money on YouTube depends on views. 1000 views of a video costs about 65 cents, but everything greatly depends on the topic of the video and the promotion of the channel. A well-timed incident or prepared review of a popular game, movie or event can bring in millions of views in just a couple of days. Many popular bloggers receive a million video views - this brings them up to 650-700 dollars.

You shouldn’t expect good results right away: to achieve a stable income, you will need to work hard for a year and a half. But this work will pay off.

7 main factors for a successful start

To open a successful YouTube channel from scratch, you just need to immediately take into account several important factors.

1 Money niches

What primarily affects the income from the channel? The main thing is the thematic niche that needs to be occupied. The most viewed videos are on financial, medical, construction, and travel topics. If any of this sounds right to you, don't hesitate to take it.

Good content is created on the most popular topics. Study the top views for the last day, week and month: which topics are the most profitable and most viewed.

You should only start a video blog on a money topic that can bring in a lot of views. This will form a permanent audience of subscribers.

The second mandatory requirement for a good channel is quality content. Even if you start with simple videos made with enthusiasm, in the future you still need to improve the quality of the material and increase the level of its elaboration. Viewers are attracted only to interesting, high-quality videos with a clear, logical scenario and clear examples. The better the quality of the video, the more enjoyable it is to watch and share with others. One video can gain popularity for several years to come, providing the channel owner with a constant income.

A short list of rules for creating quality video content is as follows:

  1. Make a video with your soul: if you don’t have fresh ideas and funds for filming, it’s better not to take it on yet.
  2. Don’t make the video long: the shorter and clearer it is, the larger the audience it will attract.
  3. Quality is more important than quantity: it is better to edit one video well than to film 10 mediocre ones.
  4. Always think through the logic and structure of the video so that it is interesting to watch from beginning to end.

Working on a video is similar to writing an article: the author will never write in such a way that his text is uninteresting to the reader and brings minimal benefit.

Search keywords are words or phrases in the video description. Using them, users search for the information they need on video hosting. The main thing is that the keywords in the description are relevant, i.e. corresponded to the content of the video itself. Otherwise, both viewers and potential advertisers will be confused and may exclude your channel from being watched.

Be careful when selecting a title and describing content responsibly. Let the channel become as convenient as possible for viewers who will want to constantly turn to it for new information.

Look at your work through the eyes of the user: what queries should he submit to the search engine in order to reach your video and subsequently subscribe to your channel? you can select keywords based on the logic of the video or use the services of special SEO services.

To ensure that users’ interest does not disappear, the content of the channel must be regularly updated and updated. Remember with what interest viewers await the release of a new episode of their favorite series. A clearly organized update of the content of the YouTube channel will have the same effect. Post your videos in doses, but regularly: at least once, and preferably 2-3 times a week.

If you have prepared a series of several videos, do not rush to post them all at once. Let them come out once a week, like a series. The result of this work is a formed channel audience that will watch your videos and recommend them to their friends.

5 Number of video views

The profitability of a channel directly depends on its traffic. Regular income is determined by the number of views per month. Using it, you can determine the popularity of a particular video or channel and even predict possible profits and development prospects.

The most common way to make money on YouTube is through advertising. In addition to this, there are a number of possible monetization options for a beginner to start making money on their own videos:

  1. Educational videos.
  2. Affiliate programs: reviews with links to the affiliate product.
  3. Remote work as a manager via YouTube.
  4. Selling links in video descriptions or annotations.
  5. Rent a YouTube channel.
  6. Cost-per-Action (“price per action”).
  7. Monetizing videos through a sales funnel.
  8. Sale of homemade goods.

7 Quality of monetization

This factor is simultaneously the result of the competent implementation of all previous factors. In addition, it is important to properly place monetization tools on your channel. They need to fit organically into the overall picture and not cause an intrusive impression or rejection. The main condition for stable earnings on YouTube is consistency in creating new video content and its creative presentation.

Ways to make money on YouTube: Top 6

Not all of the above methods for monetizing your YouTube channel are equally effective. Among them there are the most effective ones, which, with proper control, will bring considerable income.

1 Direct advertising in videos

This is a direct mention in videos of the goods or services of their sponsors or customers. It can act as a promotional video about a product or service. Directly depends on the theme of the channel: on a channel dedicated to active sports, advertising equipment for such recreation will be the most popular and organic.

2 Google AdSense Advertising

In second place is contextual advertising related to the topic of your videos. It is selected by YouTube itself when you choose this monetization method. For each click on an ad posted on your channel, you will be paid. This is not the most profitable, but the most constant income even for beginner YouTubers.

Since 2018, monetization rules have changed. If previously it was enough to just get 10,000 views, now your channel over the last 12 months must gain at least 4,000 hours of viewing and have at least 1,000 subscribers.

3 Selling your goods or services

The most profitable way to earn money. At the same time, you don’t even have to open your own channel—it’s enough to advertise your products or services on someone else’s channel. The type and method of advertising must be agreed upon with the channel owner. It is equally important that the product is advertised in the right context and by the right blogger.

4 Advertising affiliate products

This type of earnings is suitable only for narrowly targeted channels with high traffic. Affiliate programs have a narrow target audience, so the channel should be focused on the advertised product.

It is considered one of the most profitable, because commissions in most affiliate programs range from 10% to 70% of the cost of the product.

The principle itself is quite simple: the product and its advantages are described in the video, and the referral link is left under the description of the video.

5 Earning money from other people's videos

An option for those who do not have their own video content. Take a good video from someone else, post it on your channel and monetize it: add a good catchy description, add advertising and affiliate links.

This method has both its advantages and disadvantages, and there are more disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • channel filling speed;
  • no need to edit your video.

But they can quickly be overcome by significant disadvantages:

  • there are no regular visitors due to the lack of your own brand;
  • copyright infringement;
  • blocking by YouTube due to non-uniqueness of the video;
  • You cannot edit the video.

This method of earning money is suitable at the initial stage of mastering YouTube tools, and then you can promote your own projects.

6 Combined earnings: your own YouTube blog channel

The words “combined earnings” mean maintaining your own blog and channel on this video hosting site. This “bundle” will increase the number of views, as well as create several additional opportunities for earning money.

Example: you can make money by running a blog using the Word Press engine, and directing traffic from it to your YouTube channel. Traffic from YouTube is then directed to your Word Press blog. This significantly increases the amount of traffic.

How to start making money on YouTube: step-by-step instructions

So, before you start making money on YouTube, you need to register and enable monetization. Follow the instructions carefully:

  1. Register in the system: create a Google account, log into your profile and select the YouTube icon from the menu.
  2. Create a YouTube channel. Read the terms of use of the resource and click “Create a channel”. Now you can set the channel design and start adding videos. You can choose from the available designs or order an original one from the designer - this will only add interest to the audience.
  3. Connect monetization. On the “My Channel” tab, click on the “Video Manager” window. From the list, select “Channel”, then “Status and Features” - from this page you can apply for monetization. Since 2018, Youtube has introduced a minimum threshold for enabling monetization. It amounts to 4000 hours of viewing. That is, you will not be able to enable monetization until all your videos on the channel reach 4000 hours of viewing.
  4. Check the “Status and Features” tab: next to the “Monetization” line, the “Enable” button should appear. Click it and follow the system instructions.

Notes and Tips:

  1. Use high-quality equipment: camera, microphone, lighting. Content quality is an important element in vlogging.
  2. Use good video editors. Even the simplest shots need to be edited. Some simple and functional programs are Sony Vegas and VideoMONTAZH.
  3. In the description of your videos, add hashtags - keywords or phrases marked with a hash symbol (#beauty-what-a-blindness). This will allow other users to quickly find your videos.
  4. The approximate duration of one video is from 1 to 5 minutes. Any more than that and you might bore your viewers. If there is too much information, try dividing it into two issues.


In order for a channel to generate constant income, it is necessary not only to retain regular viewers, but also to invite new ones. The following ways will help you increase your number of subscribers:

  1. Annotation. Live buttons that appear in videos encouraging viewers to become subscribers. You can add them in the “Video Manager” section. They have a positive effect on the number of subscriptions: a person perceives information better visually.
  2. Verbal call. You can pin the popup button effect and ask viewers to subscribe to your channel. Don't be too intrusive, as this will scare away potential subscribers.
  3. Recommendations. If you have friends channels, agree on mutual advertising through mentions in your videos.
  4. Personal invitations. Long, but effective. You need to send invitations to people who are expected to be interested in the content of your channel.

    Hello dears.

    Due to the economic situation in the country, more and more people are interested in the question of how to make money on YouTube. This is confirmed by the query statistics for this phrase:

    This is not surprising, because most people want to make money on the Internet. There are a huge number of advantages to this:

    You can work from home

    You can work at any time

    Earnings depend on your efforts

    Aren't these the main reasons why people are looking for ways to make money on the Internet? More and more active.

    In 2015, the social network YouTube is gaining popularity. And along with it, more and more questions arise about how to make money on YouTube. I decided to help interested people and present all the material in the form of complete instructions “from start to finish” so that a general vision of this type of earnings is immediately created in your head.

    How to start making money on YouTube from scratch

    1) Decide on the theme of the channel

    Probably the most important point. The success of your channel and, consequently, earnings on the channel depend on it.

    Your YouTube channel is a business project. Therefore, like any project, it will not bring you money at the start. Therefore, in order to maintain motivation and interest in the project, you need to choose a direction and topic that interests you.

    For example, if you work in a car service center, then it would be logical to make a channel on the topic of car repair. And in the future, develop the topic of reviewing and buying a car. You don’t need to invent something, you just take a camera with you to work and shoot and tell something interesting. I think the example is clear.

    2) Create a YouTube channel, name it (personal or thematic name)

    3) Record and post videos

    Now we start recording videos and posting them on our channel.

    Some tips for recording video:

    The content (material, content) of the videos must be original, made entirely by you. You cannot use fragments from videos that do not belong to you in your videos. This may result in “strikes” and warnings. If your channel accumulates three “strikes”, it will be blocked. Therefore, it is extremely important to use only original content in videos.

    Try to make videos no more than 3-5 minutes. Of course, if you can do it for 15-20 minutes and they will also watch it to the end. Here you will need to figure it out individually.

    Post videos periodically, for example 1 video per day or 1 video every 2-3 days. And do this for a period of time (2-4 months). Firstly, so that the search engine begins to index (find) them faster and subscribers get used to you. The secret to the success of any business is stability and consistency. If you post a video a day, your subscribers will know that you will also record it tomorrow and will be waiting for it. This is a psychological trigger, it is one of the important ones on YouTube.

    Optimize your video. Write the name correctly, make a description and, of course, relevant tags. I have many articles on this topic on my blog, you can then go to the general section and look at other articles.

    At the end of the video, tell viewers to like it and ask them to subscribe to your channel.

    4) Channel promotion

    Now the most interesting stage begins. You are promoting your videos on YouTube.

    There are several types of promotion:

    Organic YouTube Search

    Mutual PR with other channels

    Through websites and forums

    You can also find a more detailed article on promotion on my blog.

    5) Affiliate program (media network)

    Here it is, hour X. After your channel has accumulated 500-1000 subscribers and you generate an average of 3000-5000 views/month, you need to connect to the media network. This is a contractor with whom you will work together, it will supply advertising on your videos and pay you earnings.

    It is very important to choose the right media network. For information on which cedi network to choose, look for an article on the blog.

    Earning money on YouTube

    Now we come to what interests every person. But it was possible to talk about this only now, having first told about the five mandatory steps. After all, without them you won’t be able to make money on YouTube. And now you know what you need to do in order to just get to the step of making money.

    6) Types of earnings on YouTube

    Friends, you can make money on YouTube in several ways. Of course, it’s up to you to choose the method of earning money; you can use it in combination.

    I did the calculations in one of the videos, and I can give you the estimated income from this type of advertising: 200,000 views = $100. Yes, that’s exactly the guideline. You won't be able to become a millionaire in a week. But I said from the very beginning that this is a business project.

    For example, when there are 100 videos on your channel, and they get at least 2,000 views per month, a total of 200,000 views will come out, and this is the coveted $100 per month. The only thing is to increase the number of views per video and the number of videos themselves. And the further you go, the more it will be, it’s like a snowball. It’s hard at first, but if you stand it, you roll and no one can stop you.

    - Advertising from partners(you make it yourself). When your channel gains weight, advertisers begin to contact you, or you find them yourself (by preparing a commercial offer, of course). Advertising from advertisers can be of several types: advertising the advertiser’s products/services for 10 seconds at the beginning of the video (in the middle, end, link under the video), or making it a sponsor of the entire issue.

    Income from this type of advertising, of course, depends on the channel’s statistics and your ambitions. For a short advertisement before the video you can charge from 500 rubles. and up to several thousand. You understand, the main thing is to present the channel (number of subscribers, their quality, number of views, place of viewing and other parameters). And of course, prices should be adequate to the current state of the channel.

    - Selling your status(selling your likes, comments under the video). When you already have a certain status on YouTube, you can sell your likes and comments under the customer’s video. It’s more like an additional type of income; you won’t get much income from it. Although, who knows)

    - Earning money from affiliate programs. For example, you register in an online store as a partner, and through your videos you bring customers to the store’s products. Of course, after the purchase you receive a certain percentage. This is also a very good way to make money on YouTube.

    I think I answered your question on how to make money on YouTube from scratch. Of course, each type of earnings on YouTube can be described in more detail, but I think this will be in the following articles.

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel to always stay up to date with fresh and relevant information. And follow the blog.