What does the page file do? Correct configuration of the paging file. How to find page FP

Essentially, the page file is a “continuation” random access memory computer. All programs that run on a computer take up some amount of RAM: some require very little memory, while others require a significant amount of it.

If you simultaneously run applications that require a large amount of memory, it may not be enough. In such cases, virtual memory is used: Windows “moves” inactive applications from RAM to the page file.

Many of you will be indignant that working with a hard drive is slower than with RAM, they will say that you can’t do that, but everything is in order, nothing criminal has happened: when using a previously inactive program, data about it will first move back to RAM , and only then the program will be executed further. This operation is integral to all operating systems.

You can also find the paging file on the disk itself: this is the win386.swp file in the Windows directory for systems Windows series 9x/ME and the pagefile.sys file, which is located in the root of the disk where the system is installed, for WinNT/2000/XP.

Note: before searching for this file, you must set the system parameter - display hidden files and folders. One more attribute this file– systemic. As a rule, files that are necessary for proper operation systems. This attribute is most often received boot files, drivers and configuration files.

So, we know where the swap file is and what it is needed for. Now you need to understand the optimal size of this file and how to configure it.

Initially, the size of the paging file depends on the tasks that the computer performs, but this is not the only parameter that affects its size. The amount also depends on the installed RAM in the computer.

Nowadays RAM has become cheaper, and many can boast at least four or eight gigabytes of RAM. Today, the role of the paging file is not as significant as it used to be, when the computer had 512 megabytes of memory, but we still talk about it - after all, not everyone has large volume random access memory.

The size of the paging file should not be set very large, since there is a threshold after which the paging file simply takes up extra space on the hard drive, but does not increase the speed of the computer.

For example, if you still use applications written under DOS, then it is advisable to make the page file larger, since DOS applications often have to use a large number of random access memory.

It is best to place the swap file on a fast hard drive (solid-state media is ideal for this task). If the hard drive is divided into several partitions, but the swap file is best placed on the first one.

Historically, the Win9x/ME family made heavy use of the page file, thus unloading RAM (which was expensive in those days). Also the roads were small hard disks computers.

In this regard, Microsoft made the paging file dynamic (the file size increases according to the needs of Windows itself, and does not occupy a large volume constantly), but you can make the file occupy a static volume - in this case, the system will work with it faster due to the fact that you won’t have to constantly change the size of this file, and there will be no fragmentation on the disk.

Many people recommend that the page file size be equal to the amount of RAM. No one can tell you the exact size. Everyone acts at their own discretion. If the system has 512 megabytes of RAM, then the swap file should be at least a gigabyte in size. In this case it will be ensured best performance for everyday tasks.

If the memory capacity is more than a gigabyte, the swap size should be set to 1.5-2 times the size of the RAM. But there is an option when the page file does not need to be used so much: for example, a computer with eight gigabytes of RAM. The paging file size is usually a gigabyte, two at most.

So, let's measure the size of our swap file and add swap memory if necessary. In order to change the paging file, you need to go to “Computer”, click on empty space right click and select "Properties".

The “System” window will appear, where in the left top corner you need to find the link " Extra options systems." System Properties will appear. In this window, you need to go to the “Advanced” tab and find the “Performance” section there.

When opening “Performance” the user will be presented with “Performance Options”. In the window you need to go to the “Advanced” tab. This tab has two parameters: “CPU time distribution” and “Virtual memory” - this is what we need now. Click on the “Change” button and, first, look at the parameters that are available to us.

To configure the paging file size manually, you must uncheck the “Automatically select paging file size” checkbox. Then the user will need to select the disk partition on which the swap file will be located, and move the switches below to manually select this size (the default is “System-selected size”).

And at the very end indicate the minimum ( Original size) and the maximum size that the paging file will occupy on disk. For the system, at the very bottom of the window, it is displayed minimum size file, recommended and current size.

Many, after setting it up, will think: “How can I properly and optimally configure the paging file?” There are several tricks that experienced users use:

  1. Let's imagine that you have several hard drives (not partitions) on your computer. IN in this case It is best to install the swap file on a different drive than the one on which the system is located. In this case, performance will speed up.
  2. Important Note: The minimum size of the paging file must be limited to at least one gigabyte. In this case, it will be possible to avoid fragmentation on the hard drive and, as a result, slowdown of the entire system.
  3. After any paging file adjustments, you must restart your computer to apply the changes and to start the defragmenter.

Interesting note: the page file contains a lot of information. When the computer is turned off, it may remain on the computer’s hard drive - this is no secret. But did you know that this file stores different passwords, logins and confidential information that should not be shared? At a time when MS-DOS was more cost-effective, hackers could boot from this same DOS and, rummaging through the remains of the swap file, could find a lot of important (for you) information.

Thus, by following simple instructions, you can correctly configure not only the paging file, but also speed up your computer, saving yourself nerves and making the system work more stable.

A client contacted us with the following problem: The computer often writes “virtual memory is running out,” especially after I work in Photoshop, and there are very voluminous works. How to increase this memory?

Solution: Sometimes there may not be enough random access memory (RAM) to launch and operate the program. In this case, Windows uses virtual memory. The physical embodiment of the swap file is the file win386.swp in the Windows directory for Win9x/ME and the file pagefile.sys in the root of the disk where it is installed operating system, for WinNT, 2000, XP? Vista, 7 and 8.

What is virtual memory and how does it work?

Virtual memory or swap file (swap file) is a combination of RAM and temporary file storage on a hard drive or hard drive. If there is not enough RAM memory, the data is moved to temporary storage called the page file. Such data movement (both to and from the paging file) allows you to free up enough RAM to perform the necessary operations.

The computer's performance depends on the amount of RAM; the more of it, the faster programs run. If there is not enough RAM, you can increase it by changing the virtual memory size in big side. However, here it is necessary to take into account the fact that all data from RAM is read much faster than from a hard drive. That's why the best option in this situation there will be an addition of RAM.

Sometimes error messages may pop up due to insufficient virtual memory. To ensure proper operation software applications, you must do one of next steps: or .

Out of Virtual Memory Error Messages

If you receive error messages due to insufficient virtual memory, you must either add more RAM or increase the page file size to ensure your applications run properly. Typically the operating system Windows automatically controls the page file size, but if the default size is not sufficient to meet the user's needs, it can be changed manually.

How to determine the required size of the paging file?

When determining the size of a virtual memory file, it is better to proceed not from the amount of RAM, but from the tasks performed on a given computer. To do this, you need to run some kind of monitoring program that can record the volume of the swap file (for example, built into Windows " System Monitor") and do the typical of this computer work. The maximum size of the swap file registered during this session will be the required size.

Where to store the swap file?

If there are several hard drives in the system, then use the fastest one. If the hard drive is divided into several partitions, then on the partition located at the beginning of the disk, however, this may not work for laptops whose hard drives can arrange data not “on cylinders”, but “on surfaces”.

How to defragment the page file?

Standard Windows defragmenter does not know how to move the swap file. Therefore, you need to use utilities from other companies. For example, you can use Speed ​​Disk from Norton Utilities, of course, the latest versions possible.

Constant swap file size

Windows actively uses the page file, significantly relieving the computer's RAM. Microsoft made the paging file dynamic, i.e. The file size varies depending on Windows needs, although best performance system is achieved with a static file. There are many reasons for this - Windows is not required every time change swap file size, fragmentation disappears, etc. In order for its volume not to change, you need to set the minimum and maximum memory- the same. To do this, use the instructions below.

Add virtual memory?

This procedure is most often needed by people who have little physical RAM on their computer, and buy new RAM, but most likely new computer there is no possibility or desire.

Sequence of actions to increase the paging file:

  1. Right click on “Computer”
  2. Next to “Properties”
  3. On the left, find and click: “Advanced system settings”
  4. Find and click: “Performance: Options”
  5. Click "Advanced"
  6. Find and click: “Virtual memory: Change”
  7. Select a disk that has a lot of free space.
  8. Select "Specify Size" below
  9. In “Original size” put a number in the size of the RAM
  10. In “Maximum” - 1.5 times larger size random access memory
  11. Click "Set" and then OK.

This way you will increase the computer's virtual memory to improve system performance. Perhaps this will help when the computer slows down and freezes while watching a video. It also treats computer slowdown due to the load of computer games.

Add virtual memory in Windows 7

If you receive low virtual memory warnings, you must increase the minimum page file size. Windows sets the initial minimum paging file size to the amount of installed RAM, and the maximum paging file size to three times the amount of RAM on the computer. If warnings occur when using these recommended values, you will need to increase the minimum and maximum sizes.

  1. Open the System component. To do this, click the Start button, right-click Computer, and select Properties.
  2. In the left pane, select Advanced system settings. If you are prompted to enter or confirm an administrator password, enter the password or provide confirmation.
  3. On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.
  4. Click the Advanced tab and in the Virtual Memory section, click Change.
  5. Uncheck Automatically select paging file size.
  6. In the Disk [volume label] list, select the disk that contains the paging file that you want to resize.
  7. Select the Specify size radio button, enter Initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB) in the field new size in megabytes, click Install, and then click OK.


Typically, a reboot is not required after increasing the size. However, if you reduce the page file size, you must restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Microsoft recommends that you do not disable or delete the page file.

Tips for setting up virtual memory and paging file

  • If you have several hard drives, then installing the paging file on a different HDD than the operating system is installed on usually significantly speeds up performance.
  • If you have several hard drives, then the paging file is placed on the fastest one.
  • If you have several partitions on your hard drive, then the paging file should be placed on the very first one - physically located first, since access to these areas of the hard drive is the fastest.
  • It is best to limit the minimum size of the paging file to prevent excessive fragmentation, approximately 1-1.5 times the size of your RAM. However, if you use graphics or the computer works as a database server, then you can install 2-3 volumes of RAM.
  • There is practically no point in limiting the maximum volume, since this can lead to program failures due to lack of memory, and if you do limit it, then no less than 4 volumes of RAM.
  • After these settings, you need to restart the computer and run some kind of defragmenter (such as Norton Speed ​​Disk) to completely defragment the page file and place it at the beginning of the partition.
  • Please note that after turning off the computer, the paging file may contain your passwords, logins, the remains of your confidential information and so on. This opportunity is sometimes used by people from the competent authorities and hackers, who boot into DOS and rummage through the remnants of your programs in the swap file, can find interesting things.

Good day, dear friends, acquaintances, readers and other individuals. Today, as you understand from the title, we will talk about what it is swap file . If you are looking for text about setting it up and .

It would seem that what’s wrong with it, because everything is simple there? That’s how it is, but not always. This is a rather useful and convenient thing that lives in the operating system precisely in order to optimize work and somehow speed it up.

Anyway, let's get to the point.

Page file - terminology

Swap file- this is a kind of addition to (which deals with temporary storage of data for fast delivery them for processing) of your computer. Not so much an addition as its expansion or, one might say, continuation.

The fact is that when there is not enough RAM, the system has nowhere to go, and, of course, no one wants to freeze (and the computer is no exception), and therefore a kind of additional memory as a file. It would seem, why then have RAM if you can use it?

The speed of the hard drive, namely reading/loading data there and searching for it there, is much lower than the speed of RAM, and therefore the page file can only be used as an aid, but cannot be a replacement for RAM due to its lower bandwidth.

Principle of operation

The principle of the paging file itself is aimed at unloading RAM, i.e., if you simultaneously run many heavily loaded programs RAM(RAM), then one way or another, some of these programs will be inactive (minimized or simply not used in this moment) and, as a consequence, their data will be uploaded to a less fast area, i.e. to the swap file, and the data of currently active programs (say current game) will be located directly in RAM.

When you access an inactive program (i.e., for example, expand it), the data from it will go directly into RAM in order to speed up work. IN general outline it all looks something like this.

If there is an acute shortage of memory in the system, the paging file is used directly and data is also unloaded into it active programs. In case of absence\too small file(of course, taking into account the lack of RAM), a lot of problems can begin in the system, from the latter’s complaints about the lack of memory to program/system failures.

Where should the swap file be located?

In itself, this is a delicate thing and it is possible to distribute it out of the blue, but it is pointless, because by properly configuring it you can significantly speed up the speed of work.

We remind you that we have a detailed article on sizes. Here are the basic principles for placing it on disk:

  • If you have several physical(i.e., not one broken into parts, but several devices in general) hard drives, then locate the swap file;
  • If you have one hard drive divided into partitions, then place the page file on the disk C:/ or where the system is installed. If you partitioned the disk, then on any partition other than the system one;
  • After you have set the size or position, you actually need reboot(however, the system will warn you about this Windows and by itself);
  • How to see it position? Either using the task manager, or directly on the disk, but the page file itself can be hidden (it can be seen by turning on the display of hidden files and folders on systems) and is called pagefile.sys(so as not to be deleted inadvertently).

That's all, we can move on to the afterword.

The swap file or swap file (from the original swap-file) is a hidden file virtual memory.

It is used by the system in case lack of physical RAM(aka RAM).

For example, a running application does not have enough memory, installed RAM. Then the swap file is used.

The application can write its data to it and also read it if necessary.

Located virtual storage on the computer's hard drive.

If there is insufficient physical RAM, swap is forced to be used constantly.

At the same time, the process of data exchange with hard drive It takes a lot of time and there is a significant loss of productivity.

If you don't have enough RAM and the system constantly uses the page file as additional storage, buy additional RAM.

If there is not another place (slot) to install it, purchase one bar, but with an increased volume.

The device will work more efficiently.

Optimal paging file size

Exist different sizes and the ratio of physical and virtual memory.

For acceptable performance The minimum size of the paging file must be equal to the size of the RAM.

Maximum permissible value- twice as much.

For example, your computer has 2 GB physical memory, which means the RAM should be 2GB or 4GB, respectively.

It's best to ask same values and make it static.

In this case, the system file is less subject to fragmentation.

Why was this done? It's simple.

This reduces the overall load on the system, which means increased performance.

Is it possible to improve performance if the swap remains dynamic? Certainly.

To do this, you simply need to run file cleanup after the operating system shuts down. Below we will tell you how to do this.

Clearing the swap file

To clear the paging file you need to command line register the command secpol.msc.

To do this we open Start→ in the command line enter secpol.msc→ press Enter.

After all the manipulations, it should open before us local politics security.

Click on it with the left mouse button. Additional items will open, as in the screenshot:

From the menu that appears, select "Security Options" and press the same left button.

If everything is done correctly, a list of tasks will appear in front of you.

Looking for a string "Shutdown: Clearing the virtual memory page file".

By using double click open it.

Changing the status "Disconnected" on "Included" and click Apply.

From this moment on, the changes you have made will take effect.

After these actions, the swap will be cleared of excess garbage every time you turn off your computer.

It only took five minutes of time, and my productivity has already improved.

Selecting a file location

On some operating systems, you can store the paging file on multiple disks at the same time.

This has a detrimental effect on the performance level of the entire computer.

It is believed that it is best to place one swap in any segment hard drive, except for the system one.

To do this, we need to change the location of the swap file.

To perform this action, we first need to delete the existing swap file, and then re-create it, but in a new location.

We follow the path: StartMy computer→ right-click to open Properties→ a new window will appear, in it click on the tab Advanced System Settings.

In the new window we look for the tab "Additionally", then click on it.

An area opens before us called "Performance", click on the Settings button (the red arrow points to it).

Go to the section "Virtual Memory" and click on the Change button.

Next, a tab will appear that will allow us to change the location and volume of the paging file and place them in any available partition hard drives.

Here you can enable or disable the swap file if necessary.

By default, the operating system places hidden virtual memory on the system disk.

This is indicated by the selected item "Size according to system choice".

We want to correct the situation and move it to a place convenient for us.

To change the location of the paging file, select it using the left mouse button.

Then activate the field "No swap file" , and then click the Set button.

After this, the parameters you entered will take effect.

However, this is not the end.

We just removed the swap from its original location.

Now let's restore it to a new one.

After these steps, you may receive a message warning you that hidden virtual memory has been disabled.

Another system error is too little memory. Don't worry.

Eliminate this system error by simply clicking on the Yes button.

Now we can move on to creating a file in a new location.

To do this, select the disk partition that interests us (except the system one).

Click on it with the left mouse button.

Opposite the point "Specify size" check the box to activate the input field.

We have two active fields with a minimum (initial) and maximum dimensions respectively.

IN top margin indicate the minimum acceptable value.

The bottom line is either equal to it or twice as high.

In the above example, the ratio of virtual and physical memory is 1:2, i.e. the modified file will be dynamic.

To create a static swap, we must set equal values ​​- 1:1.

The size of the paging file can be adjusted without changing its location.

To do this, we will need to perform the same steps, but without replacing the hard drive partition.

For example, if it was on drive C (opposite it there will be an inscription “by system choice”), then we do not change anything, but only indicate the values ​​we need.

Enter the volumes and click the Set button. Then confirm the changes by clicking on OK.

If we change the dimensions downward, the changes take effect immediately.

Otherwise, the system will ask for permission to reboot.

Clicks the OK button.

How to properly configure the paging file?

Video instruction

Enabling or disabling the swap file

The shutdown function is also available to any user.

This is a justified action if you do not want to lose performance and the physical RAM is enough for you.

Swap takes a lot of time, and for some users it is much easier to insert additional strips RAM.

Before Additional slots that expand RAM are guaranteed to speed up work Windows and increase productivity significantly.

Currently you can find necessary components quite low prices, which won’t hurt your wallet at all.

This is especially true for relatively weak computers.

The paging file is disabled as follows:

In the virtual memory section (how to access it is indicated above), put a tick next to the inscription "No swap file" .

You can enable the hidden virtual memory we need in the same section.

To do this, uncheck the box "No swap file" and put it opposite "Size according to system choice" .

If you wish, you can install eigenvalues by activating the field "Specify size" .

Exactly what values ​​will be optimal for you are described above.

Windows - Page File

Video instruction

Optimizing the paging file on one hard drive

Microsoft has made the swap file dynamic by default, but we have found that the best performance is achieved with a static file.

If you have two or more hard drives, then move the swap file to any one other than the system one.

But what if there is only one hard drive? This method is suitable for such cases.

First you need to “break” HDD, creating on it additional section 2-3GB in size.

For this you can use special programs like PartitionMagic (PowerQuest Corporation), which allow you to partition a disk without losing data.

You can, of course, use the built-in Windows program to divide a disk into segments - Fdisk, but it has many disadvantages.

Including a rather complex interface, so it will not be easy for beginners.

Our advice is to use the fast and relatively convenient PartitionMagic (PowerQuest Corporation).

We simply follow the specified algorithm. Download and install the program.

Let's open it.

In the upper right corner, left-click and select required disk(in this case, there is only one).

For English version

IN top line choose "Tasks"(at the very top under the name) –> Create New Partition…–> click on the dialog box "Create New Partition"–> click Next –> select After C: (Recommended)–>Next again –> Partition Properties–> in parameter "Size" write down the size the disk being created in MB (as written above: 2-3GB, which is equal to 2048MB and 3072MB, respectively) –> tab “ Create as" –> Logical (Recommended)–> click on « File system type"(you need to select exactly FAT32) –> click on tab "Drive Letter"–> select a letter to designate the disk (any Latin capital letter, except C. For example E, D, K and others) -> then click Next -> then Finish -> and finally Apply.

For Russian version

Select from the top menu "Tasks" –> "Create new section…» –> dialog box Create a new partition –> Next button –> select After C: (Recommended) –> Next –> "Section Properties"–> in parameter "Chapter" enter the size of the created disk in MB (as written above: 2-3GB, which is equal to 2048MB and 3072MB, respectively) –> in the window "Create As" –> Logical (Recommended)–> when selecting a type file system Be sure to specify FAT32 -> select a letter to designate the drive (any capital letter except C. For example, E, D, K and others) -> Next -> click on Finish -> and then Apply.

Partitioning a hard drive using Partition Magic

Video instruction

When creating a new section, it is important to pay attention to a number of important parameters:

  • size created size(from 2 to 3GB),
  • type of file system (we need FAT32),
  • the purpose of the disk we created.

It can be main, logical, or have boot status.

Our new disk partition will have the following parameters: volume 2GB (3GB), file system type must be converted to FAT32, destination - logical.

If everything is correct, then proceed to the next steps.

Next up is defragmentation of our new partition.

With its help, we combine files that are fragmented on the hard drive. It is needed to unload the hard drive.

File fragmentation makes it do a lot additional actions, which significantly slows down its work.

Disk Defragmenter

A new window will open in which we select the Defragmentation button and click on it.

All that remains is to wait for the defragmentation to finish. Now everything is ready for the next stage.

After creating a new disk and fragmenting it, select it as the location for storing the paging file.

Use all its space for swap needs.

Exactly how to do this is described above.

In the list of disks, the partition you just created will appear on which you can place the hidden virtual memory.

Once completed, your computer will be fully optimized.

We have described in detail for you the process of optimizing a PC using swap file manipulations. We hope you found the information you need!