RAM. How to find out the maximum amount of RAM on your computer

My respects dear site visitors. In the last article I wrote about. Now, having learned what it is and what and how it serves, many of you are probably thinking about purchasing a more powerful and productive RAM for your computer. After all, increasing computer performance with additional memory RAM is the simplest and cheapest (unlike, for example, a video card) method of upgrading your pet.

And... Here you are standing at the display case with packages of RAMs. There are many of them and they are all different. Questions arise: Which RAM should I choose?How to choose the right RAM and not make a mistake?What if I buy a RAM and then it doesn’t work? These are completely reasonable questions. In this article I will try to answer all these questions. As you already understand, this article will take its rightful place in the series of articles in which I wrote about how to choose the right individual computer components, i.e. iron. If you haven't forgotten, it included the following articles:

This cycle will continue, and in the end you will be able to assemble for yourself a super computer that is perfect in every sense :) (if finances allow, of course :))
In the meantime learning how to choose the right RAM for your computer.

RAM and its main characteristics.

When choosing RAM for your computer, you must take into account your motherboard and processor because RAM modules are installed on the motherboard and it also supports certain types of RAM. This creates a relationship between the motherboard, processor and RAM.

Find out about what RAM does your motherboard and processor support? You can go to the manufacturer’s website, where you need to find the model of your motherboard, as well as find out which processors and RAM it supports. If you don’t do this, it will turn out that you bought a super modern RAM, but it is not compatible with your motherboard and will gather dust somewhere in your closet. Now let's move directly to the main technical characteristics of RAM, which will serve as unique criteria when choosing RAM. These include:

Here I have listed the main characteristics of RAM that you should pay attention to first when purchasing it. Now we will reveal each of them in turn.

Type of RAM.

Today, the most preferred type of memory in the world is memory modules DDR(double data rate). They differ in release time and, of course, technical parameters.

  • DDR or DDR SDRAM(translated from English: Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory - synchronous dynamic memory with random access and double data transfer rate). Modules of this type have 184 contacts on the strip, are powered by a voltage of 2.5 V and have a clock frequency of up to 400 megahertz. This type of RAM is already obsolete and is used only in old motherboards.
  • DDR2- a type of memory that is widespread at this time. It has 240 contacts on the printed circuit board (120 on each side). Consumption, unlike DDR1, is reduced to 1.8 V. The clock frequency ranges from 400 MHz to 800 MHz.
  • DDR3- the leader in performance at the time of writing this article. It is no less common than DDR2 and consumes 30-40% less voltage compared to its predecessor (1.5 V). Has a clock frequency of up to 1800 MHz.
  • DDR4- a new, super modern type of RAM, ahead of its counterparts both in performance (clock frequency) and voltage consumption (and therefore characterized by lower heat generation). Support for frequencies from 2133 to 4266 MHz is announced. At the moment, these modules have not yet entered mass production (they promise to release them into mass production in mid-2012). Officially, fourth generation modules operating in DDR4-2133 at a voltage of 1.2 V were presented at CES by Samsung on January 4, 2011.

Amount of RAM.

I won’t write much about memory capacity. Let me just say that it is in this case that size matters :)
Just a few years ago, RAM of 256-512 MB satisfied all the needs of even cool gaming computers. Currently, for normal functioning of the Windows 7 operating system alone, 1 GB of memory is required, not to mention applications and games. There will never be too much RAM, but I’ll tell you a secret that 32-bit Windows uses only 3.25 GB of RAM, even if you install all 8 GB of RAM. You can read more about this.

Dimensions of the planks or the so-called Form factor.

Form - factor- these are the standard sizes of RAM modules, the type of design of the RAM strips themselves.
DIMM(Dual InLine Memory Module - a double-sided type of module with contacts on both sides) - mainly intended for desktop desktop computers, and SO-DIMM used in laptops.

Clock frequency.

This is a fairly important technical parameter of RAM. But the motherboard also has a clock frequency, and it is important to know the operating bus frequency of this board, since if you bought, for example, a RAM module DDR3-1800, and the motherboard slot (connector) supports the maximum clock frequency DDR3-1600, then the RAM module will eventually operate at a clock frequency of 1600 MHz. In this case, all sorts of failures, errors in the operation of the system, etc. are possible.

Note: Memory bus frequency and processor frequency are completely different concepts.

From the tables above, you can understand that the bus frequency, multiplied by 2, gives the effective memory frequency (indicated in the “chip” column), i.e. gives us the data transfer speed. The name tells us the same thing. DDR(Double Data Rate) - which means double the data transfer rate.
For clarity, I will give an example of decoding in the name of the RAM module - Kingston/PC2-9600/DDR3(DIMM)/2Gb/1200MHz, Where:
—Kingston- manufacturer;
- PC2-9600— name of the module and its capacity;
- DDR3(DIMM)— memory type (form factor in which the module is made);
— 2Gb— module volume;
- 1200MHz— effective frequency, 1200 MHz.


Bandwidth- a memory characteristic on which system performance depends. It is expressed as the product of the system bus frequency and the amount of data transferred per clock cycle. Throughput (peak data rate) is a comprehensive measure of capability RAM, it takes into account transmission frequency, bus width and the number of memory channels. The frequency indicates the potential of the memory bus per clock cycle - at a higher frequency, more data can be transferred.
The peak indicator is calculated using the formula: B=f*c, Where:
B is the bandwidth, f is the transmission frequency, c is the bus width. If you use two channels to transmit data, we multiply everything received by 2. To get a figure in bytes/s, you need to divide the result by 8 (since there are 8 bits in 1 byte).
For better performance RAM bus bandwidth And processor bus bandwidth must match. For example, for an Intel core 2 duo E6850 processor with a system bus of 1333 MHz and a bandwidth of 10600 Mb/s, you can install two modules with a bandwidth of 5300 Mb/s each (PC2-5300), in total they will have the system bus bandwidth (FSB) equal to 10600 Mb/s.
Bus frequency and bandwidth are denoted as follows: “ DDR2-XXXX" And " PC2-YYYY". Here "XXXX" denotes the effective memory frequency, and "YYYY" the peak bandwidth.

Timings (latency).

Timings (or latency)- these are time delays of the signal, which, in the technical characteristics of the RAM, are written in the form “ 2-2-2 " or " 3-3-3 " etc. Each number here expresses a parameter. In order it is always " CAS Latency"(working cycle time), " RAS to CAS Delay"(full access time) and " RAS Precharge Time» (pre-charge time).


So that you can better understand the concept of timings, imagine a book, it will be our RAM that we access. Information (data) in a book (RAM) is distributed among chapters, and chapters consist of pages, which in turn contain tables with cells (like in Excel tables, for example). Each cell with data on the page has its own vertical (columns) and horizontal (rows) coordinates. To select a row, the RAS (Raw Address Strobe) signal is used, and to read a word (data) from the selected row (i.e., to select a column), the CAS (Column Address Strobe) signal is used. The full reading cycle begins with the opening of the “page” and ends with its closing and recharging, because otherwise the cells will be discharged and the data will be lost. This is what the algorithm for reading data from memory looks like:

  1. the selected "page" is activated by applying the RAS signal;
  2. data from the selected line on the page is transmitted to the amplifier, and a delay is required for data transmission (it is called RAS-to-CAS);
  3. a CAS signal is given to select a (column) word from that row;
  4. data is transferred to the bus (from where it goes to the memory controller), and a delay also occurs (CAS Latency);
  5. the next word comes without delay, since it is contained in the prepared line;
  6. after access to the row is completed, the page is closed, the data is returned to the cells and the page is recharged (the delay is called RAS Precharge).

Each number in the designation indicates how many bus cycles the signal will be delayed. Timings are measured in nanoseconds. The numbers can have values ​​from 2 to 9. But sometimes a fourth one is added to these three parameters (for example: 2-3-3-8), called “ DRAM Cycle Time Tras/Trc” (characterizes the performance of the entire memory chip as a whole).
It happens that sometimes a cunning manufacturer indicates only one value in the RAM characteristics, for example “ CL2"(CAS Latency), the first timing is equal to two clock cycles. But the first parameter does not have to be equal to all timings, and may be less than others, so keep this in mind and do not fall for the manufacturer’s marketing ploy.
An example to illustrate the impact of timings on performance: a system with memory at 100 MHz with 2-2-2 timings has approximately the same performance as the same system at 112 MHz, but with 3-3-3 timings. In other words, depending on latency, the performance difference can be as much as 10%.
So, when choosing, it is better to buy memory with the lowest timings, and if you want to add a module to an already installed one, then the timings of the purchased memory must match the timings of the installed memory.

Memory operating modes.

RAM can operate in several modes, if of course such modes are supported by the motherboard. This single channel, two-channel, three-channel and even four-channel modes. Therefore, when choosing RAM, you should pay attention to this module parameter.
Theoretically, the speed of operation of the memory subsystem in dual-channel mode increases by 2 times, in three-channel mode – by 3 times, respectively, etc., but in practice, in dual-channel mode, the performance increase, unlike single-channel mode, is 10-70%.
Let's take a closer look at the types of modes:

  • Single channel mode(single-channel or asymmetric) – this mode is activated when only one memory module is installed in the system or all modules differ from each other in memory capacity, operating frequency or manufacturer. It doesn’t matter here which slots and what memory to install. All memory will run at the speed of the slowest memory installed.
  • Dual Mode(dual-channel or symmetrical) - the same amount of RAM is installed in each channel (and theoretically the maximum data transfer rate is doubled). In dual-channel mode, memory modules work in pairs: 1st with 3rd and 2nd with 4th.
  • Triple Mode(three-channel) – the same amount of RAM is installed in each of the three channels. Modules are selected according to speed and volume. To enable this mode, modules must be installed in slots 1, 3 and 5/or 2, 4 and 6. In practice, by the way, this mode is not always more productive than the two-channel one, and sometimes even loses to it in data transfer speed.
  • Flex Mode(flexible) – allows you to increase the performance of RAM when installing two modules of different sizes, but the same operating frequency. As in dual-channel mode, memory cards are installed in the same connectors of different channels.

Generally, the most common option is dual-channel memory mode.
To operate in multi-channel modes, there are special sets of memory modules - the so-called Kit memory(Kit set) - this set includes two (three) modules, from the same manufacturer, with the same frequency, timings and memory type.
Appearance of KIT kits:
for dual channel mode

for three-channel mode

But the most important thing is that such modules are carefully selected and tested by the manufacturer itself to work in pairs (triples) in two- (three-) channel modes and do not imply any surprises in operation and configuration.

Manufacturer of modules.

Now on the market RAM Such manufacturers as have proven themselves well: Hynix, amsung, Corsair, Kingmax, Transcend, Kingston, OCZ
Each company has its own for each product marking number, from which, if deciphered correctly, you can find out a lot of useful information about the product. Let's try to decipher the module marking as an example Kingston families ValueRAM(see image):


  • KVR– Kingston ValueRAM i.e. manufacturer
  • 1066/1333 – operating/effective frequency (Mhz)
  • D3- memory type (DDR3)
  • D (Dual) – rank/rank. A dual-rank module is two logical modules wired onto one physical channel and alternately using the same physical channel (needed to achieve the maximum amount of RAM with a limited number of slots)
  • 4 – 4 DRAM memory chips
  • R – Registered, indicates stable operation without failures or errors for as long a continuous period of time as possible
  • 7 – signal delay (CAS=7)
  • S– temperature sensor on the module
  • K2– set (kit) of two modules
  • 4G– the total volume of the kit (both strips) is 4 GB.

Let me give you another example of marking CM2X1024-6400C5:
From the labeling it is clear that this is DDR2 module volume 1024 MB standard PC2-6400 and delays CL=5.
Stamps OCZ, Kingston And Corsair recommended for overclocking, i.e. have the potential for overclocking. They will have small timings and a clock frequency reserve, plus they are equipped with radiators, and some even coolers for heat removal, because When overclocking, the amount of heat increases significantly. The price for them will naturally be much higher.
I advise you not to forget about fakes (there are a lot of them on the shelves) and buy RAM modules only in serious stores that will give you a guarantee.

That's all. With the help of this article, I think you will no longer be mistaken when choosing RAM for your computer. Now you can choose the right RAM for the system and increase its performance without any problems. Well, for those who will buy RAM (or have already bought it), I will dedicate the following article, in which I will describe in detail how to install RAM correctly into the system. Do not miss…

RAM is one of the most important components of a personal computer. The speed of the PC, as well as the speed of processing various requests by the central processor, depends on its quantity. If RAM becomes too small, then virtual memory can partially solve the problem.

Maximum supported amount of RAM

When choosing and purchasing a certain amount of RAM, the user should take into account the maximum amount that the operating system and motherboard can support. Usually the problem lies with the OS. For example, Windows XP only supports up to 4 gigabytes of RAM (assuming the 32-bit version is installed). If there is more of it, the OS simply will not read it, and accordingly, the rest of it will not be used. As for the 64-bit versions, they are capable of supporting up to 128 GB of RAM. Unfortunately, the maximum number of supported ones is also limited by the version of the operating system, and not just by its bit capacity.

In addition, a small part of the RAM is also consumed by the devices used. That is, if the user has a 32-bit Windows XP operating system and 4 gigabytes of RAM installed, then approximately 400-500 MB will be spent on ensuring the functionality of other devices.

As for modern operating systems of the Windows family, they are capable of operating with 192 gigabytes of RAM, and Windows Server 2008 supports up to 2 terabytes. This expansion was made possible through the use of a virtual address space. Every personal computer user can learn in more detail about the maximum supported amount of RAM for each version of Windows OS on their official website. In general, for good performance of a personal computer today, at least 4 gigabytes of RAM are required (provided that the computer will be used as a kind of multimedia station). If only office tasks are performed on a personal computer and only office applications are used, then 1-2 gigabytes of RAM will be enough. Of course, if the user will use the PC for both games and office applications, then it is better to increase the amount of RAM to the possible maximum.

Hello friends, today I want to talk about how to find out the maximum amount of RAM on a computer or laptop. So, it’s quite easy to find out, the first thing you can do is go to the official website of the motherboard installed on your computer, most likely you will find the information you need. If you have a laptop, then it is more complicated, since they usually write the already installed amount of RAM, but there is no word about the maximum amount.

In any case, you can download a utility called AIDA64, which will tell you almost everything about your computer: memory types, what kind of memory, and much more. If the program does not help, then you should write to the website of your laptop manufacturer.

So, you can look at information, for example, about the motherboard on the official website. I won’t go into details here.

The processor on my laptop Intel Core i5-4200U, I go to the official website and look at the maximum amount of RAM that I can install.

If you could not find information on the laptop on official websites or on the Internet in general, then we will use the AIDA64 program.

Find out the maximum amount of RAM using AIDA64

You can download the program from the official website; the trial period is 30 days, but this is more than enough for us. Choosing a version Extreme and press Download.

And then press again.

We extract the program somewhere and install it, then launch it.

As you can see, the program launched successfully. Go to the tab "Motherboard".

After “Chipset”.

What do we see? And we see the properties of the north bridge, where memory information is stored, as we see, the maximum amount of RAM we have is 16 GB.

Below you can see the amount of memory already installed.

That's actually all I wanted to tell you today. If you decide to expand your RAM capacity, but do not know the maximum amount, then these instructions should help you.
Just in case, I would recommend that you contact the technical support of your laptop and find out the necessary memory information from them. They may not answer right away, but they will definitely answer in the near future.

How much RAM is there? - the question is not entirely correct, because the required quantity depends on many indicators - the available processor, motherboard and other components that make up a single integrated system.

In light of the latest reviews of Chinese smartphones with up to 6GB of RAM, which even now is not so common on modern computers, the question of expanding the capabilities of your machine naturally arises.

In this review, we will highlight all the nuances that will help you choose the right RAM for your computer.

Determining appetites

How much RAM is required?

1-2Gb. The required minimum for running office applications and viewing pages in a browser.

4Gb. A budget home version that allows you not only to work in a text editor and the Internet, but also to watch movies in high quality and work in a graphics editor.

8Gb. Advanced configuration - supports many modern games in basic settings, allows you to easily work with video files, test applications during programming, and much more.

Above 8Gb. Option for powerful PCs and laptops - allows you to run all modern games in high quality. The average user does not need this amount.

As you can see, there is no clear answer to the question “how much RAM do you need?” - it all depends on the operating mode you choose.

If you really don’t have enough RAM, we will tell you how to choose the right RAM.

More memory!

If you decide to increase the amount of RAM, carefully consider the parameters of your computer: Windows system configuration, type of RAM slots, processor clock speed and motherboard voltage. These parameters are displayed in the specific CPU Z program - all parameters and system components are displayed in one window.

  1. Windows configuration. The system you are using also consumes some amount of RAM. If you have the WinXP version, adding modules is almost useless. 32-bit systems simply do not see more than 3 gigabytes. With later versions it is more difficult - starting from Win8.1 you will already need 8GB.
  2. The type of RAM slots installed on your motherboard is an important aspect when choosing a module. It would be a shame to purchase the latest DDR4 and realize that the motherboard does not support this type of bracket and categorically refuses to work with it. Any board supports only one type of RAM. If you have DDR2, then only DDR2 can be used and nothing else.
    Only the latest generation motherboards can support DDR4 memory, and if you really want to, you can take the opportunity and build a new computer.
  3. CPU. Processor manufacturers take care of their users - on official websites there are usually compatibility tables with models and types of RAM sticks. For example, you can easily find the answer to which types are compatible and suitable for the Intel i5 processor - a list of models and configurations that it should support and that will keep the computer running like a clockwork, well-synchronized mechanism.

Market and assortment - the name matters

The main manufacturers of RAM modules at the moment are several leading companies:

  • Corsair
  • Crucial
  • Samsung

When purchasing, you will overpay for the name, but at the same time you will receive a high-quality, proven product without unnecessary risks.

Types of RAM, fundamental differences

Today there are four generations of RAM. The most common modules are DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L and DDR4. So, how are RAM modules different?


The very first models of RAM. They were characterized by low performance (volume up to 512Mb and frequency up to 400MHz), high voltage (2.2 - 2.4V). Still used in very old computer models.


The second generation, also gradually becoming a thing of the past. Motherboards that support this type of RAM sticks are no longer in production, as are the modules themselves. Compared to its predecessor, this type consumes an order of magnitude less energy (1.8-2.1V), and the frequency and volume have increased significantly: 800-1000 MHz and 1-8 GB, respectively. The number of contacts also increased from 184 to 240.

This is what a DDR2 bar looks like


The most popular memory module today is DDR3, which is used by many modern machines. The frequency of the RAM module reaches 2800 MHz, but the number of timings in these types has also increased. But still, DDR3 has higher performance compared to its predecessors. There is also another type of this platform - DDR3L gives a more interesting energy saving indicator (1.35V compared to 1.5V in the basic configuration).


If you decide to build a new computer, it is advisable to put it on a more modern platform with DDR4 RAM slots. With each generation of modules, the voltage decreases (for DDR4 this parameter has a value of 1.2V, which affects the overall power consumption of the computer), the frequency increases (this configuration has a maximum frequency of 4200 MHz) and data transfer speed. The latest generation of RAM operates at speeds of up to 3200Mbps, while for DDR3 the limit is 2133. At the moment, DDR4 has the fastest data transfer speed and maximum performance indicators, at the same time, due to its low voltage requirement, it is practically warming up.

For comparison, one DDR4 2133 MHz CL 15 stick is enough to replace two new identical DDR3 2400 MHz sticks with the same amount of processor-related data transferred.

Types of RAM

RAM is a recording device designed to store and read data when a PC is running. RAM modules, differing in external and internal characteristics, are also classified according to other parameters.

RDIMM - register memory. This marking indicates that buffer registers are installed between the data bus and memory, which perform an additional function of monitoring data integrity.

LRDIMM is non-buffered memory. These are DIMM modules with reduced bus load due to an additional chip.

UDIMM is the type most commonly used in desktop and laptop computers. Unlike the previous two, it is less stable, since it is neither register nor buffered. However, on the scale of one PC this circumstance does not play a special role.

SODIMM is a compact version used in laptops and some types of office equipment. The fundamental difference is the form factor. The length of the SODIM bar is only 67.6 mm, while the other configurations measure 133.35 mm.

Main characteristics of RAM - what to look for

RAM voltage is a parameter that characterizes the RAM's need for electricity for normal, stable operation.

Many advanced users manually change the voltage supplied from the motherboard in the BIOS in order to increase performance. Without knowing some aspects, it is not recommended to perform this technique - you risk burning the module without achieving anything. Without knowledge of the BIOS, it is better not to touch it - the voltage will be set when installing the appropriate drivers. If you are in doubt, visit the manufacturer’s website and get parameters and recommendations for your device type.

The frequency of RAM is an indicator on the value of which the data transfer speed directly depends. It is important to note that the operating frequency of the RAM stick must match or be less than the clock frequency of the motherboard. Otherwise, you will observe a sad result - the system will fail. Also, the optimized operation of the computer is facilitated by the ideal match of the data transfer speed between the processor and the RAM strip.

The main factor when choosing RAM is frequency, but you shouldn’t chase numbers. The clock speed of the board should not exceed the processor frequency. The main mistake of users is that very often, in pursuit of hertz, they completely ignore this parameter. As a result, this nonsense threatens not only a bad mood, but also damage to the entire system as a whole.

RAM capacity is a characteristic that shows the amount of data that the module can hold. When choosing this indicator, you should focus on the type of activity you perform at the computer.

I hope this article was useful and you figured out whether it’s worth upgrading your RAM and how to do it correctly.

I think it’s no secret to anyone that RAM is an important component of a gaming system, and the performance in games is affected by several RAM parameters. For example, not long ago the 3DNews laboratory found that AMD Ryzen central processors are very sensitive to DDR4 frequency. Testing has shown that using fast DDR4-3200 memory compared to standard DDR4-2133 with the same timings increases FPS in games by 12-16%, depending on the application. Therefore, if you want to get the most out of your system, buying a fast RAM kit is one of the most powerful options.

Performance is affected not only by frequency, but also by latency. And yet the most important parameter of RAM is capacity. If, in the case of using a slow kit, we lose units of FPS, then if a certain number of gigabytes is missing, the game will either slow down or not start at all. Therefore, we decided to find out how much RAM a gaming computer needs in 2017. Obviously, the main “battle” will take place between 8 and 16 GB kits.

A good example is that a user upgraded his computer, adding a GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB video card to the existing configuration. Now its system unit fully complies with the recommended requirements of Watch_Dogs 2, which I so wanted to play. However, even without using the maximum graphics quality settings, spending time in your favorite “sandbox” was marred by microfreezes that appeared every now and then. And the GeForce GTX 1060 seems to do its job perfectly, since the average figure stays around 50 FPS, but the whole impression is spoiled by these drawdowns! It turns out that the lack of RAM was involved in the visually noticeable drop in frame rate, because adding another 8 GB partly solved this problem - with the same settings and with the same video card, it became more comfortable to play.

The main topic has been outlined, but, in my opinion, it is no less important to answer one more question: will using a fast page file correct the situation with the lack of RAM in games?

⇡ Modern gaming platforms

A very large number of configurations fall under the definition of “gaming computer”. For example, the monthly column “” discusses ten different systems. The most inexpensive one includes a Pentium G4560, GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB and 8 GB DDR4. Using this amount of RAM is the most common option, according to the official statistics of the Steam game client. But modern platforms allow you to install 64 and even 128 GB of RAM.

Current gaming platforms
Intel AMD
Socket LGA1155 LGA2011 LGA1150 LGA2011-v3 LGA1151 AM3+ FM2/2+ AM4
Year of sale 2011 2011 year 2013 year 2014 2015 2011 year 2012 2017
Supported processors Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge Sandy Bridge-E,
Ivy Bridge-E
Haswell, Haswell Refresh and Devil's Canyon, Broadwell Haswell-E, Broadwell-E Skylake, Kaby Lake Zambezi, Vishera Trinity, Richland, Kaveri, Godavari (Kaveri Refresh) Ryzen, AMD 7th Generation A-series/Athlon
Memory controller DDR3-1066/1333 DDR3-1066/1333
DDR3-1333/1600 DDR4-2133/2400 DDR4-1866/2133/
2400, DDR3L-1333/1600
Built-in, two-channel Built-in, four-channel Built-in, two-channel Built-in, four-channel Built-in, two-
Built-in, two-channel Built-in, two-channel Built-in, two-channel
Maximum amount of RAM 32 GB 64 GB 32 GB Haswell-E— 64 GB Broadwell-E — 128 GB 64 GB 32 GB 64 GB 64 GB

Even now, without testing, we can safely say: the specified maximum amount of RAM is excessive for gaming configurations, although the entertainment sector has recently been the most active driver of computer progress. As already mentioned, most users install 8 or 16 GB in their systems. The table lists both the most modern (LGA1151, LGA2011-v3, AM4) and time-tested platforms, which can easily be classified as gaming in 2017. In most cases, AMD and Intel CPUs use dual-channel RAM controllers. This means that motherboards for the corresponding platform use either two DIMM slots or four. And boards with LGA2011 and LGA2011-v3 sockets have four or eight slots for installing RAM, respectively. For Haswell-E and Broadwell-E processors there is an “exotic” exception to the rule - ASRock X99E-ITX/ac.

The dual-channel mode of the memory controller built into the central processor implies the use of an even number of modules. In order to easily increase the amount of RAM over time, it is better to use a motherboard with four DIMM slots. So, we can purchase a 16 GB memory kit, consisting of two 8 GB modules, and over time, purchase two more modules with similar characteristics. Some motherboards have only a couple of slots for installing RAM - these are either very budget boards (for example, based on H110, B250 and A320 chipsets for Kaby Lake and Ryzen processors), or devices of the mini-ITX form factor, or exclusive overclocking solutions, such as ASUS Maximus IX Apex. These devices support half the amount of RAM: 32 GB for Skylake, Kaby Lake and Ryzen processors; 16 GB for Haswell, Broadwell, Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Vishera processors. Take this point into account when upgrading or when assembling a system unit from scratch.

⇡ Test bench

During all tests, the LGA1151 platform was used along with a Core i7-7700K processor overclocked to 4.5 GHz. Video cards, RAM and storage drives were changed. A complete list of components is presented in the table.

Test bench configuration
CPU Intel Core i7-7700K @4.5 GHz
Motherboard ASUS MAXIMUS IX Hero
RAM Kingston HyperX Predator HX430C15PB3K4/64, DDR4-3000, 4 × 16 GB
Kingston HyperX Fury HX421C14FB2K2/16, DDR4-2133, 2 × 8 GB
Drives Western Digital WD1003FZEX, 1 TB
Samsung 850 Pro
Video cards ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 (DUAL-GTX1060-3G), 3 GB
ASUS Radeon RX 480 (DUAL-RX480-O4G), 4 GB
power unit Corsair AX1500i, 1500 W
CPU cooler Noctua NH-D9DX
Frame Lian Li PC-T60A
Monitor NEC EA244UHD
operating system Windows 10 Pro x64
Software for video cards
AMD Crimson ReLive Edition 17.4.2
NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Driver 381.65
Additional software
Removing drivers Display Driver Uninstaller
FPS measurement Fraps 3.5.99
FRAFS Bench Viewer
Action! 2.3.0
Overclocking and monitoring GPU-Z 1.19.0
MSI Afterburner 4.3.0
Optional equipment
Thermal imager Fluke Ti400
Sound level meter Mastech MS6708
Wattmeter watts up? PRO

⇡ RAM consumption in modern games

Determining how much RAM modern games consume is not that difficult. There are a large number of diagnostic utilities. But it is important to understand that the amount of RAM used depends on several parameters, and therefore may differ significantly on different systems. So, along with the launch of games, various software does not stop working.

For example, opening just ten Chrome tabs increases RAM consumption by 1.5 GB. The appetites of the Google browser have long become a “meme,” but let’s not forget about the constantly active messengers, antiviruses, drivers and other utilities that are loaded along with the operating system.

I recently conducted comparative testing of the GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB and the Radeon RX 470 4 GB. There is an opinion among users that an additional gigabyte of video memory is another argument in favor of an AMD graphics adapter. A small experiment showed that out of twelve games, exactly half consume more than four gigabytes of video memory in Full HD resolution. The stand used a GeForce GTX 1080 accelerator with 8 GB GDDR5. It turns out that if there is not enough video memory, all data that does not fit into the GDDR5 cells will be placed in RAM. Some games immediately inform the user that the video memory limit has been exceeded. Some - GTA V, HITMAN, Battlefield 1 - will simply not allow you to set a higher graphics quality until the user himself removes the special “fuse” in the settings menu. Therefore, to study the issue in more detail, it is necessary to use several video cards. My choice was made on three popular NVIDIA models: GeForce GTX 1060 with 3 and 6 GB GDDR5, as well as GeForce GTX 1080.

Graphics settings in games
API Quality Full screen anti-aliasing
1920 × 1080 / 2560 × 1440 / 3840 × 2160
1 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Novigrad and surroundings DirectX 11 Max. quality, NVIDIA HairWorks incl. A.A.
2 Mass Effect Andromeda, first mission Max. quality Temporal smoothing
3 Ghost Recon Wildlands, built-in benchmark Max. quality SMAA + FXAA
4 GTA V, city and surroundings Max. quality 4 × MSAA + FXAA
5 Rise of the Tomb Raider, Soviet base Max. quality SMAA
6 Watch_Dogs 2, city and surroundings Ultra, HBAO+ Temporal Anti-Aliasing 2×MSAA
7 Fallout 4, Diamond City and surrounding area Max. quality, high resolution textures, bullet fragments off. TAA
8 HITMAN, built-in benchmark DirectX 12 Max. quality SMAA
9 Total War: WARHAMMER, built-in benchmark Max. quality 4xMSAA
10 Battlefield 1, mission "Job for the Young" Ultra TAA
11 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Utulek complex Max. quality 2 × MSAA
12 Sid Meier's Civilization VI, built-in benchmark Ultra 8×MSAA
13 Star Wars Battlefront, Battle of Endor map Max. quality TAA
14 Tom Clancy's The Division, built-in benchmark Max. quality SMAA
15 DOOM, OIC mission Vulkan Ultra TSSAA 8TX

RAM consumption was measured in fifteen applications. The graphs show the maximum load rate, which was recorded after 10 minutes of random gameplay. For clarity, results have been rounded. RAM load indicators were recorded using the MSI Afterburner program with a polling rate of 100 ms. Among other programs, only Steam, Origin and Uplay clients were active when launching games, as well as Windows Defender, FRAPS and MSI Afterburner.

The assumption made earlier has become a fact - already in Full HD resolution we see that using the 3 GB version of the GeForce GTX 1060, nine out of fifteen games exceeded the 8 GB RAM bar. That is more than half. The same games run on stands with GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB and GeForce GTX 1080 turned out to be less RAM-hungry.

With increasing resolution, the trend continued - already thirteen out of fifteen games consumed more than 8 GB of RAM in a stand with a GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB installed. Seven projects consistently consumed more than 10 GB of RAM. The RAM load also increased noticeably when using the GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB in the test bench. This means that six gigabytes of video memory are no longer enough for games at the graphics quality settings we have specified.

Testing in Ultra HD resolution was carried out only with the GeForce GTX 1080, because there is no point in using versions of the GeForce GTX 1060 in this resolution - the GPUs of these video cards simply cannot cope with the increased load.

The results turned out to be quite predictable. We can safely say: many modern AAA projects at close to maximum graphics quality settings consume more than 8 GB of RAM. In addition, measurements in Rise of the Tomb Raider, Watch_Dogs 2, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Mass Effect Andromeda demonstrate the lack of a serious safety margin when the system has 16 GB of RAM. In addition, testing was carried out with a minimum of active applications in Windows 10. In my opinion, there are all the prerequisites for the fact that projects will soon appear for which 16 GB of RAM will not be enough at maximum or close to maximum graphics quality settings.

I think many have already noticed the fact that I considered only one scenario - games at maximum (or close to them) graphics quality settings. However, most gamers use less powerful video cards, and therefore use different quality modes.

The good thing about computer games is that, as a rule, they have a large number of settings that worsen or improve the quality of the output picture. For example, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has five pre-programmed modes: Low, Medium, High, Very High and Ultra. Many developers use similar categories. Please note that it is quite difficult (sometimes even impossible) to determine by eye where the quality is high and where the quality is very high. Thus, there is no point in turning the sliders to the maximum in some games. And significantly less video memory and RAM are used.

From the list of games that consumed the most RAM at maximum (or close to them) quality settings, I selected five applications: Watch_Dogs 2, Mass Effect Andromeda, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Ghost Recon Wildlands. Using the same NVIDIA video cards, I measured the RAM consumption when activating modes prepared in advance by the developers. In some games (Watch_Dogs 2 and Ghost Recon Wildlands), when the overall graphics quality changes, the anti-aliasing automatically changes. In other applications, the antialiasing setting must be set separately. As a matter of fact, in Mass Effect Andromeda, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, anti-aliasing was not used at all for this part of the experiment. The results are entered into a summary table.

Areas in which the encouraging fact is recorded are highlighted in green - when a certain graphics quality mode is activated, games consume less than 8 GB of RAM. The table clearly shows that setting the “High” and “Medium” parameters is suitable for video cards with 4 GB or less video memory, and even more so for graphics adapters with 6+ GB GDDR5.

A sharp drop in RAM consumption in Rise of the Tomb Raider is also noticeable when using the 3 GB version of the GeForce GTX 1060. We see logical confirmation of the fact that when using the “High” picture quality mode, the game requires less video memory than at “maximum settings”.

Of course, the consumption of video RAM and system memory is also affected by disabling anti-aliasing, which should eliminate irregularities (ladders) along the edges of objects. Anti-aliasing is one of the parameters that is critical to the amount of video memory. Therefore, on a gaming system with 8 GB of RAM and a graphics accelerator with 2, 3 or 4 GB of video memory, it makes sense to turn off anti-aliasing or use “light” modes, if these are supported by the application.

Textures are the second parameter that is critical to the amount of video memory, and therefore RAM. The use of low-resolution textures noticeably spoils the image, but at the same time, there is no particular difference between the “High” and “Very High” modes in Rise of the Tomb Raider (in other games too). Therefore, if there is a lack of video memory and RAM, this parameter can be sacrificed in order to achieve a comfortable frame rate.

Maximum RAM consumption (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB), MB
Texture quality
Rise of the Tomb Raider (general quality settings - maximum, but no anti-aliasing) Watch_Dogs 2 (general quality settings - "Ultra" mode, but without anti-aliasing) Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (general quality settings - maximum, but no anti-aliasing)
Very high 11600 Ultra 11000 Ultra 11000
High 6900 High 9700 Very high 9600
Average 6400 Average 8800 High 7800
Low 6200 Low 7800 Average 7100
Low 6900
Very high 10700 HFTS 11600 Very high 11000
High 10500 PCSS 11000 High 10900
Average 10300 Ultra 11000 Average 10800
Off 10300 Very high 11000
High 10400
Average 10400
Low 10300

There are a lot of image settings in computer games. The developers work closely with hardware manufacturers - AMD, NVIDIA and Intel, and therefore the applications are replete with a different number of various options. For example, Rise of the Tomb Raider features a PureHair mode that significantly transforms the hairstyles of the characters in this game. They also use various ambient light blocking technologies (SSAO, HBAO, HBAO+, VXAO, etc.) that darken cavities and corners, adding visual depth to them.

All these settings to one degree or another affect the consumption of video memory and RAM. However, not as much as anti-aliasing, shadows and texture size.

It seems that the answer to the main question has been received: measurements of RAM consumption show that 16 GB is our everything if you plan to play with maximum graphics quality settings. On the other hand, there is evidence that 8 GB of RAM is still enough for any modern project - you just need to reduce the image quality. Most often, it is enough to set the mode to “High” or “Medium”. According to the author, the picture will still be of a completely acceptable level. However, it is interesting to know how typical gaming systems behave when there is a lack of RAM? The second part of the experiment is devoted to this issue.