Unlimited for 300 rubles per month. Calling Crimea is now also easy. User's personal account

Comprehensive offers of communication services that are easy to find on the website mobile operator Beeline, they use in great demand and attract more and more more clients. In addition to the fact that they imply a certain volume of services, which may vary depending on the size of the subscription fee, this is also a great opportunity to share all this wealth with other Beeline subscribers. Thus, all minutes and messages, as well as Internet traffic, can be shared on several numbers.

This is quite beneficial if we're talking about about members of the same family or numbers of the same subscriber (for example, one is used in a smartphone, and the other is used in a tablet PC). By replenishing the balance of one account, you can forget about replenishing the balance of other numbers. The main thing is to maintain a positive balance so that communication services are not blocked. One of these offers is “All for 300” (Beeline tariff). A description of this tariff plan will be given in this article. We will also tell you what the terms of use are and how you can switch to it.

“All for 300” (Beeline tariff): description

Beeline tariff “All for 300”: details

You can activate it by first topping up your account with more than 110 rubles. One hundred rubles will be immediately deducted from it for connecting to a tariff plan. You can find out more about the possibility of switching to the Beeline “All for 300” tariff by calling the contact center 0611 or on the mobile operator’s website (more precisely, in the “Personal Account”: if the tariff is displayed in the list of those available for connection, it is possible to switch to it; otherwise, you should abandon the idea of ​​​​changing the tariff plan to the chosen one). The provided subscription fee is debited every day in the amount of 10 rubles (per month, on average, you will have to spend about 300 rubles on communications, excluding additional options). The tariff plan includes packages of SMS messages, calls and Internet traffic. Depending on the region of the country, their volume may vary. For example, in the Tula region 500 minutes are offered and the same text messages per month, while in Leningradskaya - only 200 for the same subscription fee.

Package of services included in the subscription fee

You can find information about “All for 300” (Beeline tariff), which we described earlier, at official portal cellular company. Make sure that you have selected the region correctly when viewing the information: at the top of the site form there is an opportunity to install it yourself if automatic mode this could not be done. You can also find out how to connect “All for 300” (“Beeline”) on the portal. Combinations that should be dialed to a number or sent a message to service department, also differ by region of the country. For example, residents Leningrad region who are already subscribers of the Beeline company, just dial the combination on their mobile 0674000300 and make a call.

Tariffing of communication services after exceeding the limit

If, nevertheless, subscribers fail to meet the included volume of minutes and messages during the billing period, then until the start of the new month, all SMS and calls will be charged. The only exception is calls to Beeline numbers. Even after the main limit has been exhausted (if the number is not blocked due to insufficient Money) you can communicate with people using mobile operator numbers throughout the country for free. This rule is relevant even when you are in intranet roaming- outgoing calls to Beeline are not charged (however, do not forget that when you are outside your home region, the terms of the tariff plan change - all incoming calls become paid). The corresponding service will help you get rid of tariffs for incoming calls in roaming. “All for 300” (Beeline) can be successfully used when traveling abroad, if suitable options are activated in advance.

Terms of use of the tariff plan

The offer from Beeline - the “All for 300” tariff (postpaid) - can only be used by visiting the office in person. This must be done by the current owner of the number, who should have an identification card with him. You can switch to the prepaid payment system for this TP yourself. In particular, through your personal web account. It is available to all Beeline subscribers on the company’s website. If this method seems inconvenient to you, download mobile app, which is successfully installed on both smartphones and tablet PCs. Through it you can also perform a number of operations with the number: change the tariff plan, activate/deactivate additional packages and options. At the same time, if you want to connect or purchase a Beeline number, the “All for 300” (postpaid) tariff is activated only when you contact the company’s office.

Internet on a tariff plan

As mentioned earlier, in addition to packages of SMS messages and minutes, the “All for 300” tariff plan also includes a certain amount of traffic provided for one month. Since such a subscription fee provides a small amount of megabytes, for those subscribers who require more web space, there is no need to think about how to connect “All for 300” (Beeline). According to its terms, depending on the region of the country, the number of megabytes can range from 1 to 4. Of course, the ability to activate additional options for the Internet, including the Highway package. However, in the end, you may end up with a much more impressive amount of expenses for communication services than if you had chosen a tariff plan with the required amount of traffic. In addition, the tariff plan has an “Auto-renewal speed” option.

It is connected automatically to all subscribers who have or have purchased new number with the tariff plan of the “Everything!” line, or switched to it from some other tariff plan.

Another success story. I read it on the Internet.

The main character's name is Mikhail and he is 27 years old. He himself lives in Ukraine.

After school I went to college when I was only 16 years old. This was in 2004
Even then I began to think about how to make money. I was living in a dorm and it was at that time that I came across the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad.”

I really liked it and most of all I remember one phrase:

“You need to look for business opportunities where you live now”

It was forbidden to engage in any business in the hostel, otherwise if they found out, they would immediately be kicked out. And no one will worry about where and how you will live. But I didn’t have the money to rent an apartment or even a room.

But, despite all this, I decided to take a risk and began doing essays for students. I also bought a copier and made photocopies.
I admit it was very scary, I was very afraid of any checks, steps in the corridors.
I will never forget how I made my first money - by selling my first essay. I was in 7th heaven.

After a couple of months, I began to earn very well, earning much more than the scholarship and even the salary of my teachers at the university.
But I also had to work a lot. I developed friendly relations with the commandant of the hostel and he warned me about any inspections.

At times it was like this: I came to the room after classes, I was hungry and very tired, and there was already a big line outside the door, and everyone had to make photocopies of various books.

It was a long way from the nearest photocopier. Therefore, everyone who knew in the area made photocopies from me, and even at night a lot of people came.

I did the abstracts at night computer club, which was located in a neighboring area.

At night it was cheaper to rent a computer. This way I saved money. I came home after 3 and wrote abstracts until six. I slept a little until they started waking me up with knocks on the door. I got up, handed in my essays and ran to classes.
It was the only place where I was able to rest properly.

I haven't dated any girls in 4 years. There just wasn't time. Only work.
At some point I thought about another year of study and that’s it... what to do next? I will no longer be able to sell abstracts or make photocopiers. I needed to think about something.

And then this is what happened. Internet was installed in the hostel. I bought a computer and connected the Internet. I started looking for information on how to make money on the Internet. I used to be interested in websites and began to study this information little by little. I created my first website about computers. Then, I began to engage in information business.

I created a number of courses and began selling them online.

The prices for my courses were approximately from 40 to 90 dollars. Behind Last year During my studies, I managed to earn 15 thousand dollars from the sale of courses.

I also started doing network marketing.

It was an American company, at that time it did not work in Ukraine, its products did not have certification. They brought me food through Poland, while the turnover was small, there were no problems at the border.

But when the trade turnover crossed the $150 thousand mark, a problem arose. The largest batch was taken and confiscated. And so in one day I lost all my money. It was very disappointing. But what can you do? To this day I have not received the product back. No goods, no money.

After training, I did not start working in my specialty. I rented an apartment, connected to the Internet and began to continue selling my original video courses via the Internet.

I was also lucky enough to meet a representative of a brokerage company. From communication, I realized that you can make good money on investments. I began to study this topic and eventually came up with my own investment business.

Namely: I was going to attract clients to a brokerage company, and for this I would receive a percentage of successful transactions. At the same time, there was zero risk on my part.

For this idea, I created another website and started working. Over the course of a year, I reached an income of 300 to 500 thousand rubles per month.

Today I have 2 sources of income:

1. Your own business – selling training courses.

2. And attracting clients to the brokerage company.

The Internet is cool in my opinion!

P.S. I would like to express my gratitude to Robert Kiyosaki, because it was thanks to his books that I was able to write you the story of my success. I still have many different ideas, now I’m working, or rather, collecting information to create two more new businesses.

This tariff plan is the cheapest of the “All for...” tariffs. It gives subscribers the opportunity to fully enjoy mobile communication services. To get a large quantity useful services, you just need to deposit 300 rubles into your number account every month.

Let's take a closer look at what the Beeline all for 300 tariff is, what features it has and underwater rocks?

The “All for 300” tariff plan is suitable for active users mobile communications. It literally makes life easier, because you can easily make a large number of calls every day for almost no cost.

You will be given 200 minutes every day to make calls within the network, 1 GB of traffic monthly, sending free messages within the network. Agree, this is a tempting offer, especially considering that for all this you will pay only 300 rubles or 10 rubles per day.

When connecting to a tariff, the subscriber will be provided with the following package services:

  1. Free calls within the network across Russia. If you make calls while outside the country, they will be charged at 10 rubles per minute of conversation.
  2. For calls to numbers of other telecom operators, 300 is provided free minutes. They can also be used to call landline phone numbers. This service is active both in hometown, and throughout Russia. To find out detailed information about tariffs, we suggest going to the Beeline website, “personal account” tab.
  3. Package for each city accessible internet traffic varies, so it’s worth clarifying this nuance when activating a tariff plan. Information is also located in the “personal account”. There you can find out everything necessary information about your tariff plan.
  4. 100 free messages throughout Russia. In some cases, these messages are only available to send within an area. One tariff plan may have different conditions depending on the area where you live.
Before connecting to the “All for 300” tariff plan, we advise you to carefully read all the services provided so that no questions arise later.

When connecting a tariff to service center, you may be offered a booklet that describes in detail all the conditions of the tariff plan. Don't give up on it as it can be very beneficial for you.

International phone calls:

To call abroad for more favorable tariff, you will have to connect Additional services. Such a high cost of calls abroad is one of the disadvantages of this tariff plan.

Features of the “All for 300” tariff plan

To take a “sober” look at the “All for 300” tariff plan, it’s worth knowing all its features and pitfalls. Below is a table detailing features that may seem minor to some people, but to others may be significant reasons to choose a different plan.

The “All for 300” tariff has following features:

If the Internet runs out, its speed will automatically drop to 64 kbit/sec. It is also worth noting that after the provided “meters” have completely expired, the “Auto-renewal speed” service will be activated. The peculiarity is that the service is paid and in many cases you do not even know that you are already paying for it.

The service provides daily payment 20 rubles for 70 MB of traffic. Agree, quite expensive, because Beeline has more profitable terms Internet use.

If the service is not necessary, it can be disabled by contacting the operator at mobile phone.

The provided 300 minutes, which are intended for calls to numbers of other operators, are valid even for calls within the network. After these minutes are over, you will be given the following options: unlimited within the network, per-minute charging for calls to numbers of other telecom operators.

Despite the fact that the features of the tariff plan are specific, in any case it remains very profitable. For 300 rubles it is difficult to find a high-quality tariff plan that we will provide to our subscribers unlimited calls. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with other tariff plans in the “All for...” line.

How to activate the “All for 300” tariff plan

Many subscribers cellular communications from Beeline they are wondering how to switch to the all-for-300 tariff plan? If you have such a desire, then you can do this in several very in simple ways.

Ways to switch to a tariff plan:

  • The easiest way is to contact the Beeline office; consultants will be happy to help you connect the tariff and also explain its features, if necessary;
  • To activate the tariff, simply dial the combination of numbers on your mobile device - 0781;
  • Go to the official website of the Beeline company, using the visual indicators, select the tariff you like and activate it. To do this, you don’t even need to go anywhere or call, everything is very simple and fast.
In this simple way you can connect to any tariff plan. Hurry, profitable promotions and tariff plans are already waiting for you! We wish you pleasant communication.

Disabling the “All for 300” tariff plan

Disabling any tariff follows the same scheme, so you can disable any tariff plan as follows...

Tariff deactivation can occur in several scenarios:

  • First, we note that disabling the current tariff plan may only be possible by connecting to another tariff. This can be done without unnecessary problems, simply by contacting the Beeline office, where consultants will be happy to replace the tariff.
  • By contacting the operator, you can connect to another tariff in just a few minutes;
  • By going to the official Beeline website in your “personal account”, you can change the tariff plan to any of the proposed ones. There will also be detailed description each of them, which will help you take a more intelligent approach to choosing the next tariff.

Now you can decide whether to subscribe to the “All for 300” tariff. For such a low cost you get a large number of services that will be very useful active users mobile network. If you have any questions, we advise you to contact the operator to receive qualified advice.

We hope you like this tariff plan. We wish you pleasant communication from Beeline.

Beeline treats network subscribers with care and attention, constantly delighting them with various beneficial tariff packages, which includes the Beeline “All for 300” tariff. This tariff will help you save significantly on calls, and not only on conversations with friends and family living in Russian regions. populated areas, but also on communicating with those who are outside the country. Besides Current Package includes high-speed but cheap mobile Internet.

Description of the Beeline tariff “All for 300”

Service packages for this tariff:

InternetMinutes of communicationSMS messagesPackage cost
2 GB300 min.100 SMS300 rub. per month
  • The cost of the transition is 100 rubles.
  • Connection cost - 200 rubles.

Internet on the “All for 300” tariff plan

Subscribers who subscribe to this package have access to 2 GB of traffic every month, which allows them to communicate at any time in social networks, correspond with e-mail, view information of interest, etc. Maximum speed driven by opportunities mobile device accept connection. If the specified amount of traffic is used up before the end of the month, the Internet will continue to be available, but it will not be as fast - no more than 64 Kbps. If you connect to the “Highway” or “Extend speed” option, you can maintain high-speed Internet.

How to activate the “All for 300” tariff?

Mobile Internet is included in the price of the “All for 300” package, connection to which is free, with the exception of cases when the gap between the previous package change and the current one is less than a month. In such situations, you will have to pay 50 rubles to activate the service.

To switch to this tariff, you can use several methods:

  • Contact any branch of the mobile operator;
  • Dial ;
  • Make a call to the number. Changing your tariff will only take a few minutes;
  • Log into your Beeline Personal Account on the company’s official website and use the “My Beeline” application.

General impression

Many Beeline subscribers have already appreciated all the benefits that come from joining the “All for 300” package. Of course, such conditions are not suitable for everyone, but that is another question. If for some people 500 minutes a month is quite enough to talk “on business,” then for those who like to chat, this turns out to be not enough. But if you fit into the limits provided, then this package is really very profitable.

If the limits are not enough, then, according to subscribers, conversations are expensive. However, if we face the truth, the Beeline operator offers quite adequate tariffs for calls, SMS and Internet. If the “All for 300” package is not suitable, then you should try to choose some other tariff from the “Everything” line. But in general, none of the subscribers expresses obvious dissatisfaction with the “All for 300” package. The main thing is to learn how to use limits correctly, that is, rationally distribute the provided minutes and SMS for the current period.

Other similar rates:

Video about the “All for 300” tariff

Tariff All for 300 from Beeline - connect and disconnect

Information about the new offer

Every month, a person who purchases a Beeline tariff all for 300 receives certain options that allow him to save on communication costs. The ability to use a variety of options is determined by your place of residence in Russia. As a rule, the full standard set functions, and according to the location of the SIM card registration, only the package size will change.

Subscriber privileges after switching to Beeline all for 300:

  1. No restrictions on Beeline numbers. This principle is spreading throughout Russia, which is beneficial for people who often visit various cities. If the user of the service leaves the state, the roaming fee will be 10 rubles/minute;
  2. Availability of 300 minutes telephone conversations with city numbers or other operators. The package depends on the specific region, and you can find out whether it is valid in your part of the region through the official Moscow Beeline website;
  3. Beeline Internet within the state or in the area where the SIM card is registered. The volume of traffic varies in all localities;
  4. Pack of 100 messages. Connecting the package and sending sms available throughout the country, but in certain cities only messages sent within the region are free.

To find out everything on Beeline for 300 and messages, you can call 06745, after which the package characteristics will become available. Also, the Beeline tariff is all for 300, you can find out a detailed description by visiting your personal account, special application“My Beeline” or from service specialists at 0611(.

Tariff connection conditions

If you want to change current plan and have no idea how to connect everything for 300 Beeline, then by calling the customer service number 0781( , you will receive a detailed description. For a comfortable transition to Beeline everything for 300, personal account or cellular program will help you with this task. Also, many users prefer connecting to company tariffs using special teams USSD or via network. This also applies to the Beeline tariff plan all for 300. To do this, you need to dial the number 067400030(, press “call” and wait for an answer.

Important. Now you know how to switch to the all-for-300 Beeline tariff. But if you are not a user of the corresponding operator, then you can switch to the tariff by purchasing another SIM card, the tariff is all for 300 or you can transfer from current tariff to an operator in a nearby office.

Features of the Internet of the current tariff plan

The service for 300 rubles contains: 3 GB of Internet with high speed, the highest rate of which depends on the reception ability of your phone. If before the end of the month you use up the provided amount of Internet Beeline for 300, then access to the World Wide Web will be provided with a lower connection speed of 64 Kbps. If you need to save high-speed Internet, you can implement the “ Automatic renewal speed”, offering packages of 70 MB at a price of 20 rubles per package.

Attention. In the most remote parts of the country, located in the north, Beeline tariffs for 300 rubles are not valid.

Price for using services after using a given tariff limit

  1. Prices for outgoing calls Beeline all for 300 roaming in Russia to Beeline numbers will be free;
  2. The subsequent price of outgoing dialogues with other operators in your region will be 1.5 rubles/minute;
  3. Outgoing conversations with others Russian operators, without taking into account home region, will cost 3 rubles/minute;
  4. SMS sent to Beeline numbers in Russia will cost 2 rubles.

You can check the balance of your prepaid package data via “ Personal Area» or sending USSD request to number *102#.

Installed package abroad

When traveling abroad, the price of the Beeline package all for 300 roaming changes. Calls and sending SMS to local numbers will be 1.5 rubles, and the cost worldwide network will be more expensive. For 150 MB you will have to pay 25 rubles. Calls within Russia will also cost the user 1.5 rubles. This is a rather positive feature, because after the expiration of the 300 package minutes, you will be able to spend less money. To the CIS countries, the price of calls will be 2 rubles, to Canada, Europe, the USA - 50. This monetary rate is slightly unprofitable, however, subscribers rarely express their dissatisfaction with this matter, since calls to the countries of Europe, Canada and the USA are made infrequently.

Refusal of the offer

You now know how to connect to the package. But you also need to be able to disable Beeline all for 300 postpaid. You can disable the entire plan by calling the instructor - 0611. After waiting for an answer, notify the specialist that you no longer need current service and want to know how to turn it off. The operator will list you several others tariff plans, from which you can choose the one most suitable for you and make a connection. The price for switching all for 300 postpaid will be free of charge if more than 30 days have passed since connecting to “All for 300 2016”.

You also have the opportunity to cancel Beeline for 300 in detail Moscow by replacing the SIM card, but then you will have to change your cell phone number.

General idea of ​​the accepted tariff

In general, we can say about the innovation that the tariff is all for 300 Beeline description 2016 - quite accurately talks about the benefits for active and sociable subscribers. However, sometimes in Beeline all over 300 customer reviews regarding of this tariff are negative. On the one hand, providing 300 minutes of monthly communication is very little. But on the other hand, this is quite enough for business negotiations, conversations with family, and to agree on an upcoming meeting. If you spend Beeline tariffs economically and fit into established restrictions, then in the future there will be no problems with insufficient batch volume. For 300 rubles per month you can get the best deals.

In cases where the limit provided is insufficient, users report significantly increased communication costs. And this is despite the establishment of a completely acceptable cost for the 300 tariff for calls, Internet and SMS. In such circumstances it is important to take into account other existing packages"ALL". Perhaps among them you will be able to find something special with the required functions. Regardless of this, subscribers who read the description of the tariff and tried it did not express direct hostility to “All for Three Hundred.”

The average user often gets by with a given monthly fee. If you have the ability to correctly distribute available messages/calls, then extra costs definitely won't be an obstacle. A large number of subscribers who used the newly developed service in practice were satisfied with the offer and recommend it for use. After reading the Beeline official website, the tariff is all for 300, most likely this service you will not be upset, and you will not refuse to experience the innovation firsthand.