Welcome 07 beeline description. Where the service operates. Cost of international calls

Not all Beeline tariffs, as well as the tariff plans of other Russian mobile operators, include all mobile services. For example, if a tariff plan has unlimited calls on the network, then, most likely, the cost of minutes for long-distance communication on it is not cheap. However, this was the case before the advent of the new “Welcome Everyone” tariff plan on Beeline. We bring to your attention a review of the “Welcome everyone” tariff Beeline 2017 with full description.

Tariff description

The new tariff from Beeline allows users to communicate in international roaming at affordable prices, gives unlimited calls on the network, and also includes a package of minutes for communication with subscribers of other cellular companies.

If you plan to use the “Welcome Everyone” TP to communicate with the CIS countries or in your home region, then best tariff You won't find Beeline. Don't believe me? You can check.

The TP includes:

  • unlimited calls within the Beeline tariff and network in your home region;
  • 50 min. for conversations with subscribers of other cellular providers;
  • daily subscription fee – 4 rubles.

We’ll talk about the cost within the “Welcome Everyone” tariff plan from Beeline above the package a little lower, but now let’s find out how you can activate the tariff.


You can switch to the “Welcome Everyone” tariff either independently or with the help of the salon Beeline communications. And also when connecting to a TP you have the right to get a new one subscriber number, and leave the old combination of numbers. We will look at all the ways you can switch to the tariff.

Call to operator

To connect the TP, call single number 0674001144 and using tips voice assistant contact the operator. After connecting with a company employee, inform us of your decision, and within a few minutes your current tariff plan on Beeline will become the “Welcome” tariff. IN home network calls are free.

If it is fundamentally important for you to keep your old phone number, then a replacement can be made through the official website http://beeline.ru/customers/products/mobile/services/details/mnp/. After going to the site, just press the “Order SIM card” button. Here you can get acquainted with all the information you are interested in in more detail.


If it is not difficult for you to get to the nearest office mobile operator, then purchase new SIM card possible in the Beeline salon. When going to the office, do not forget to take your passport with you.

You can also enable TP in your personal account. To do this, go to your page and select the “My number” column. Next “My current TP”. After this, the entire list will open in front of you. available connections, select “Welcome” from the list of packages and press the “Connect” button.

The “Welcome Everyone” TP is available for connection in all directions of the Russian Federation. This is a kind of variation of the capital’s “Welcome” TP. Connection to the package is provided on free of charge, provided that the user has not changed his tariff plan in the next month. Otherwise, the connection cost will be 200 rubles.

Services in addition to the TP package are as follows:

  • calls to subscribers of other cellular companies in the home region – 1.5 rubles per minute;
  • long-distance calls to any network – 3 rubles/min.;
  • SMS in home region – 1.5 per unit;
  • SMS within Russia – 3 rubles. per unit

Rates for calls with CIS countries:

  • Tajikistan, Uzbekistan – 2.5 rubles/min.;
  • Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan – 3.5 rubles/minute;
  • Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia – 8 rubles/min.;
  • Turkmenistan – 10 rubles/min.;
  • Moldova – 15 rubles/minute;
  • Azerbaijan – 20 rubles/min.;
  • Belarus – 25 rubles/minute.

You can view prices for other CIS countries on the mobile operator’s website.

This TP does not provide an Internet package, so 1 MB will be charged at standard rates of 9.95 rubles. However, on the TP it is possible to activate the “Highway 1.5 GB” service, which is launched through a call to 067407172 or after sending the system command * 115 * 03 #.

You can also turn off the Internet function at any time. To do this, just call 067117410 or send USSD * 115 * 030 #.

There are three ways to disable a package:

  • in the first case, you can simply block your current SIM card by calling 88007000611;
  • You can disable the package directly at the mobile operator’s office;
  • and also tariffication is deactivated after switching to another tariff plan.

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Cellular service providers regularly offer subscribers favorable rates, whose goal is to optimize communication not only in the home region, but throughout the world. Exist Special offers, designed for people who frequently make international calls. Beeline tariff “Welcome” belongs to this category. Here you can make outgoing calls to the CIS countries at minimal rates.

Hospitality tariff plan

The advantage of this offer is that you can make international and long-distance calls via minimum price. In addition, there are additional options (connected separately) that can significantly reduce the cost of cellular communication. For subscribers who frequently make calls to other countries, this is the best option.

IN basic version this offer from Beeline looks like this:

  1. Incoming calls – 0 rub.
  2. Outgoing on-net calls – 1.7 rub/min.
  3. Outgoing calls to other operators – 1.7 rub/min.
  4. Calls throughout the territory Russian Federation– 2.5 rub/min.
  5. SMS in your home region – 2 rubles.
  6. SMS within Russia and CIS countries – 2.95 rubles.

Important! Tariffication of outgoing calls to the Republic of Crimea is calculated according to a different scheme. Here the cost per minute of conversation is 7 rubles.

However, the peculiarity of this tariff plan is the relatively cheap calls within the CIS and some countries that are covered by the package. In this case, tariffing is carried out as follows:

  • Tajikistan, Turkmenistan – 7 rubles/min.;
  • Moldova – 9 rubles/min.;
  • Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Georgia – 8 rubles/min.;
  • Uzbekistan – 4 rubles/min.;
  • Vietnam – 3.5 rub/min;
  • China – 2 rubles/min.;
  • Türkiye – 6 rubles/min.

It is worth noting that the cost of outgoing calls may vary depending on the cellular operator.

Key Features

Beeline has options designed for profitable international calls at any tariff. For example, the “Neighbors” service. Here, calls are billed according to the above scheme; the option is activated free of charge. However, unlike basic package, calls are charged from the first second. The “Welcome Everyone” offer is available for subscribers in other regions of the country. This tariff plan does not apply to residents of the capital and region.

Call costs

It is worth noting that all variations of “Welcome” are characterized by one feature: it is not possible to connect services aimed at reducing the cost of Internet traffic. It is noteworthy that if this option was activated on a different tariff, it is automatically disabled upon switching.

Important! If the subscriber needs unlimited access online and sends frequently multimedia messages, the “Welcome” offer ceases to be profitable!

Additional features

To further reduce communication costs, you can use one of the operator’s additional features. It is worth considering that these options are connected additionally and are provided for subscription fee.

This includes the following services:

  1. "Calls within the network." When connecting, the subscriber is given 50 minutes, which can be spent on outgoing calls within the home network in the region of connection. Cost – 3.95 rubles/day.
  2. "Highway 1GB". The option provides access to the network for 7 rubles per day. When the traffic limit is exhausted, the cost of the service will be 10 kopecks/1 MB.
  3. "Stay in touch". The proposal will report missed calls if the subscriber is offline. Subscription fee for using the service is 0.5 rubles/day.

You can select the connected function “My SMS”. The connection cost is 25 rubles. After activating the service, the subscriber can send free messages in your home region, SMS sent to other regions cost 2.95 rubles.

Important! Regardless of the region of connection and activated options the cost of MMS remains unchanged - 9.95 rubles.


Before switching to the entire “Welcome” tariff plan, you need to weigh the feasibility of such a decision. The cost of the transition is 150 rubles, there is no subscription fee, with the exception of additionally connected services.

To activate the offer, you can use the following methods:

  • contact the nearest sales department;
  • use the mobile offer “My Beeline”;
  • make the transition online using your personal account on the provider’s official website;
  • contact support by calling toll free number 0611;
  • dial from phone 0674001144.

How to disable the tariff? To do this, you need to select another offer from Beeline and switch to it. You cannot simply refuse to use the services: the SIM card does not work without a tariff plan.

Important! If the number is not used for more than 3 months, the operator will charge cash in the amount of 5 rubles/day. The debit occurs before the first action performed with the SIM card or the balance expires.

Package nuances

For any tariff plan, typical underwater rocks, which are written in the contract in small print. Accordingly, the subscriber may not be aware of additionally connected services, or changes in the tariffs for outgoing calls depending on the connection time. Therefore, many people, having purchased a tariff that is advantageous at first glance, soon refuse the operator’s services or write angry reviews on the Internet.

To form the correct opinion about the “Welcome” tariff, you need to familiarize yourself with all hidden nuances of this proposal. Here are the following points:

  • The cost of outgoing calls to Tajikistan from the second minute costs 1 ruble. It is noteworthy that 1 and 22 minutes of a call cost 7 rubles. It is worth noting that this feature does not apply when connecting to other CIS countries specified in the agreement. Preferential communication tariffs are only relevant for intranet connections.
  • The Highway service is connected to the number automatically if the subscriber has used more than 1 MB of traffic in a calendar month. The option provides 500 MB or 1 GB of traffic monthly. If the limit is exceeded, the subscriber is offered additional packages designed to increase traffic. If there are no funds in the account, the connection speed drops to 64 kb/sec. You can disable the service by calling *115*030#. In this case, the subscription fee ceases to be charged, however, the price of 1 MB of traffic increases to 12.5 rubles.
  • The cost of the call may vary depending on the receiving operator. For example, a call to Ukraine to the Kyivstar number will cost 3.5 rubles, if the connection is provided by another provider, the cost increases to 15 rubles.
  • If there are no funds in the subscriber's account, the ability to make international calls is suspended until the balance is replenished. It is worth noting that the tariff plan supports the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service. To do this, you need to dial the command 05050, enter the subscriber number without the eight and press the call key. The option is only available in the home region.

Separately, we can note outgoing calls to Europe, the USA, Canada, as well as countries that are not covered by the agreement. In the first case, the price for a minute of connection will be 50 rubles, in the second - 80. Billing is per minute, a call lasting less than 3 seconds is not taken into account.

Benefits of the package

Advantages and disadvantages

Switching to the “Welcome” tariff means significantly reducing your mobile communications costs. The offer makes it possible to make calls in your home region and any areas of the country at a single price, regardless of the communication service provider. People who are used to communicating daily will be able to appreciate the benefits a lot. Judging by user reviews, monthly communication costs rarely exceed 100 rubles.

The Beeline company created a “Welcome” tariff plan primarily for users who came to Russia for a short period of time. This is due to the fact that the offer includes calls within the country, within the network, and also to other countries. With this offer, subscribers will not need to activate additional services, since everything is already included in the tariff. In addition, each user can customize the experience to suit their needs by disabling services that are already included in the plan.


Before you buy from the Welcome company, you will need to study its features and conditions. The main advantage of the proposal is complete absence subscription fee. Clients can use the connection until the balance is exhausted. When the money in the account runs out, it will be impossible to make calls or send messages. Access to the use of communications is resumed immediately after replenishing the balance.

Customers who already use communications from the Beeline operator can switch to a tariff, but to do this they will need to pay an amount of 150 rubles. Prices for the “Welcome” tariff plan for outgoing destinations to the CIS countries can be clarified on the operator’s official website. Below you will find the cost of calls within Russia.

Calls within Russia

Those who use the “Welcome” tariff plan from Beeline want to know how much they will need to pay for services if they use the offer in Russia. The prices will look like this:

  • When using the package on a home network, a minute of conversation to numbers of Beeline and other operators in the country will be 1.7 rubles.
  • Price text messages sent in the home region will be 1.7 rubles.

The Beeline company has equipped the “Welcome” tariff plan with an additional service called “Calls within the tariff”, with which customers will be able to call other telecom operator numbers for 0 kopecks per minute. With this option you get 50 free minutes every day. The cost of the service is 3.95 rubles. in a day. If the offer is deactivated, the prices will be according to the data described above.

Connection through a corporate communication salon

When a decision is made to switch or purchase a tariff plan, you should study in detail the cost for a specific region, since the price of connection and communication services may differ in different regions countries. To connect, you need to buy a SIM card at the Beeline branded communication store, on which the tariff plan will already be activated.

In addition, if the client is already using the services of this operator, then you can simply change the tariff. Salon employees will be able to do this, but only after confirming the identity of the owner of the number. For this purpose, a citizen's passport is used. The transition is paid and amounts to 150 rubles.

Connection number

The fastest and most convenient connection method is to use your mobile phone and number to activate the plan. For a Beeline client, the “Welcome” tariff plan can be activated by dialing the number 0674102013. When the connection occurs, an automatic informant will speak. The subscriber just needs to follow his recommendations and activate the offer. After activation on mobile number You should receive a message confirming a successful connection. Subscribers can also check the transition themselves by checking their balance, where the name of the active tariff is indicated.

Connect via app

The "Welcome" tariff plan on Beeline can be activated through a mobile application called "My Beeline". This service makes it easy to switch to tariff plans. In addition, clients can additionally control their number, balance, enable and disable additional options and much more.

The mobile app only works over the Internet, so you will need a connection to use it.

Internet connection

Subscribers can use their personal account to switch to the tariff, which contains all the same functionality, as in mobile application. To use the account, you will need to go to the company’s website, go to the account and register. After receiving a password and authorization in the system, access to the number and mobile services. In the tariffs section you need to find “Welcome” and click on the connect button.

International calls

International calls look very attractive to many people. True, it is necessary to take into account which operator the call will be made to ( we're talking about about operators in other countries). For example, if a subscriber calls a person in Ukraine, the minute of communication will be different. A call to the Kyivstar number will be charged at 3.5 rubles/min, but calls to other numbers in the country will be 20 rubles/min.

Paying for outgoing calls to other countries to Beeline numbers looks very attractive, so before using the offer and making calls, you will need to clarify all the nuances.

Recently there have been changes. The Beeline operator has adjusted the “Welcome Smile” tariff plan and some other types of offers by changing the prices for calls to certain countries. All cost details are presented on the company’s official website.

Additional options

Anyone who has just started using the tariff plan should know that it immediately includes 3 additional options:

  • “In-network calls” with a monthly fee of 3.95 rubles per day. According to the terms, clients receive 50 minutes daily for free communication across the country with Beeline clients in the home region.
  • Internet option called "Highway 1 GB". This service allows you to use the Internet; the optional subscription fee is 7 rubles per day.
  • Last additional service- “Stay informed +.” The service is also paid, and its cost is 50 kopecks/day. With its help, clients will be able to determine the numbers of people who tried to call when the network was not available.

All described services can be disabled to save money.

Beeline tariff “Welcome” - 4.1 out of 5 based on 391 votes

One of the tariffs that was developed for guests from neighboring countries. In it, the user makes outgoing calls using reasonable price, both in Russia and in neighboring countries. This way he won't need to connect additional services and options, since the tariffs and cost of services are quite comparable with additional options. As for the connection, here

Who is this tariff plan designed for? First of all, this offer was designed for people who visited Russia for a short period of time, since this tariff is designed both for within-network calls and for calls to other countries at the same time.

In this case, you do not need to connect additional options, since everything necessary services already connected to it. Also, Beeline tariff "Welcome" You can customize it for yourself by disabling those services that have been connected to it since the moment of sale or transition, so to speak by default. All this can be done with ease.

Description of the Beeline “Welcome” tariff

Before you buy Current Package, you should familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions for the provision of communication services therein. One of the main advantages of this offer is that there is no subscription fee. The user uses the services as long as his account has a positive balance.

As soon as the balance becomes negative, communication services will cease to be provided. More precisely, their provision will be temporarily suspended until your account is replenished.

Cost of calls within Russia

As for calls within the country, the situation is as follows. The tariff automatically includes the option “Calls within the tariff”; under its terms, the subscriber is given the opportunity to call Beeline numbers at 0 rubles per minute of conversation for 50 minutes per day for a 3.95 ruble subscription fee.

If you disable this option, then the cost of one minute of conversation will be 1.7 rubles. Calls to numbers of other operators and landline numbers will also be provided at 1.7 rubles per minute of conversation. Therefore, without additional options cost of one minute of conversation to all numbers home region A single tariff of 1.7 rubles will apply.

Connect tariff

As soon as you decide to change your tariff plan, do not forget to first familiarize yourself with the provision of all services, and only then proceed to this step. To make the transition, you can use any of the convenient methods provided below. The cost of the transition is 150 rubles.

Number to change tariff

One of the simplest and quick ways change your tariff plan to another - use a special service number. To do this, you need to dial on your mobile phone number 067 410 2013 . Once connected, you will hear an answering machine voice, follow the voice prompts. You can check the success of the transition by simply checking your account and seeing below whether the name of the tariff plan has changed.

Transfer through My Beeline

A mobile application for managing services and number allows you to migrate a subscriber to another tariff offer. To do this, you need to install the “My Beeline” application on your smartphone, or use online version single cabinet user. And through the system itself, apply to change your package. This method requires access to the Internet, so it cannot be used by everyone.

International calls

As for international calls, the tariffs are quite attractive. But here it is necessary to take into account which operator in another country the call is being made to. For example, in Ukraine you can call by different prices, since one price applies for calls to Kyivstar Ukraine numbers - 3.5 rubles per minute of conversation, and a completely different price for other operators - 20 rubles per minute of conversation.

All attractive prices for Beeline numbers in other countries. For example, calls to Kazakhstan to Beeline numbers will cost only 3.5 rubles per minute of conversation. Therefore, please read the tariff conditions first.

Additional paid services

As for the connected paid services in the tariff, there are only three of them. The first is “on-net calls”, under the terms of this option, 3.95 will be charged from your account per day, and 50 minutes will be provided for calls to Beeline numbers in your home region.

The second is the Internet option “Highway 1 GB”, under the terms of this, while using the Internet you will be charged 7 rubles per day, for which you will get access to mobile internet. And the last one is “stay informed +”. This payable service. which allows you to determine the numbers of those users who called you while there was no network. The subscription fee for it is 0.5 rubles per day.

The day has finally come when the operator mobile communications Beeline has launched its new tariff plan - “Welcome” in the edition for 2015. It turned out, so to speak, rather not bad and in most cases profitable, especially for guests of Moscow and the Moscow region from neighboring countries. It is worth noting that everything previous versions This tariff plan was also aimed specifically at such a contingent of the population.

The whole point is that all visitors would like to make calls home to friends and relatives more often, and communication in the current home region would be carried out insofar as possible.

The 2015 “Welcome” tariff plan has a subscription fee of 150 rubles on a monthly basis and for this money offers its users the following main tariff features:

  1. Calls to all operators in your home region will cost 1.7 rubles. in a minute.
  2. SMS to numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region 2 rubles. for one message.
  3. And the most important thing - International calls from 1 rub. in a minute!

It is important to know that if you are just connecting to the Beeline operator, then new SIM card The additional option “Calls within the tariff” is already activated. It is there even if you switch or change your old tariff to a new “Welcome”. This service provides for a package of 50 minutes daily for calls with subscribers of the same tariff plan for 3.95 rubles. per day. If the limit is exceeded, the tariff will become standard - 1.7 rubles. in a minute.

You can disable “Calls within a tariff” using the command 0674113310 , activate and connect - 0674113311 . If you don’t quite understand everything, then call 060611 . And the remaining minutes for today can be checked by command 06743 .

Now more about tariffs

  • incoming calls - 0 rub. in a minute;
  • calls to Beeline numbers and numbers of other operators in your home region - 1.7 rubles. in a minute;
  • calls to Beeline numbers and numbers of other Russian operators - 2.5 rubles. in a minute;
  • calls to others' numbers Ukrainian operators Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol - 7 rubles. in a minute;
  • to Beeline numbers in Tajikistan, 1st minute - 7 rubles. in a minute;
  • to Beeline numbers in Tajikistan, from the 2nd minute of conversation - 1 rub. in a minute;
  • to other numbers in Tajikistan - 7 rubles. in a minute;
  • to Kyivstar of Ukraine - 2.5 rubles;
  • calls to other numbers in Armenia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan - 7 rubles. in a minute;
  • calls to Beeline numbers in Uzbekistan - 3 rubles;
  • calls to other numbers in Uzbekistan - 4 rubles. in a minute;
  • to any numbers in Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia - 8 rubles. in a minute;
  • calls to any numbers in Turkmenistan - from 7 rubles. per minute;
  • calls to Moldova - 9 rubles. in a minute;
  • calls to any numbers in Belarus, Azerbaijan - 13 rubles. in a minute;
  • to any numbers in Vietnam - 3.5 rubles. in a minute;
  • Calling China is very cheap - only 2 rubles. in a minute;
  • calls to Turkey - only 6 rubles. per minute;
  • to any numbers in India and South Korea— 2.5 rubles per minute of conversation.

Internet without connecting additional options will cost 12.5 rubles per 1 Megabyte. If you need more internet or you want to reduce its cost, then you need to connect yourself to one of the Highway options. Local SMS will cost 2 rubles per message. And SMS to any numbers in Russia, CIS countries, Abkhazia, Georgia and South Ossetia - 2.95 rubles.

If you are already a Beeline subscriber and just want to change your current tariff to the new “Welcome”, then you just need to dial the combination 0674102013 and press the send call button. If you cannot change your tariff plan, try contacting your operator or the nearest Beeline office for help.