Baskakov S.I. Radio circuits and signals

The textbook outlines the fundamentals of the theory of deterministic and random signals, linear and nonlinear circuits with constant parameters, optimal and discrete signal filtering, as well as self-oscillators. Besides theoretical material control questions are given. detailed examples of problem solving, as well as problems for independent decision(with answers).
Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association of Universities Russian Federation on education in the field of radio engineering, electronics, biomedical engineering and automation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction 210400 “Radio engineering”.

Trigonometric Fourier series.
The trigonometric harmonic series, which is most often called simply the Fourier series, occupies a special place among radio engineering applications of functional series: the importance of decomposing a signal in an orthogonal harmonic system of functions is determined, in particular, by the nature of the transformation that the signal undergoes when passing through a stationary linear circuit.

The output signal in this case is a harmonic signal with the same angular frequency с, which differs from the input in amplitude and phase shift. If decomposition input signal according to the system trigonometric functions It is known that the output signal can be obtained as the sum of the input harmonics independently converted by the circuit. In addition, it is possible to use in calculations the so-called symbolic method (method of complex amplitudes), well known from the circuit theory course.

Table of contents
1. Main characteristics of deterministic signals
1.1. Signals, signal models
1.2. Generalized Fourier series
1.3. Trigonometric Fourier series
1.4. Spectra of some periodic signals
1.5. Fourier transform and its properties
1.6. Fourier transform of some signals
1.7. Theorems about spectra
1.8. Spectral functions of product and convolution of signals
1.9. Fourier transform of some absolutely non-integrable signals
1.10. Energy relationships in spectral analysis
1.11. Correlation analysis deterministic signals
1.12. Signal convolution
1.13. Correlation-spectral analysis of deterministic signals
2. Modulated radio signals
2.1. Modulation. Basic Concepts
2.2. Radio signals from amplitude modulation
2.3. Angle modulated radio signals
2.4. Fourier analysis of modulated radio signals
2.5. Pulse amplitude modulation
2.6. Intrapulse modulation
2.7. Complex envelope of a radio signal. Cross correlation function of modulated signals
2.8. Analytical signal and Hilbert transform
Control questions and tasks
3. Fundamentals of the theory of random processes
3.1. Ensemble of implementations
3.2. Probabilistic characteristics of random processes
3.3. Correlation functions of random processes
3.4. Stationary and ergodic random processes
3.5. Spectral characteristics of random processes
3.6. Wiener-Khinchin theorem
3.7. Narrowband random process
Test questions and assignments
4. Linear circuits with constant parameters
4.1. Frequency and time characteristics of linear circuits. Methods for analyzing the passage of deterministic signals
4.2. Calculation of transient and impulse characteristics of a linear circuit
4.3. Transformation of characteristics of a random process in a linear chain
4.4. RC low- and high-pass filters and their characteristics
4.5. Passing signals through the simplest RC circuits
4.6. Single oscillatory circuit and its main characteristics
4.7. Linear circuits with feedback
4.8. Stability conditions for a linear chain
Test questions and assignments
5. Principles of optimal linear filtering of signals against a background of interference
5.1. Consistent filtering of deterministic signals
5.2. Signal-to-noise ratio at the input and output of the matched filter
5.3. Applying Matched Filters
5.4. Optimal filtering for non-white noise
5.5. Quasi-optimal filtering of deterministic signals
5.6. Optimal filtering of random signals
Test questions and assignments
6. Basics of discrete signal filtering
6.1. Analog, discrete and digital signals
6.2. Quantization noise
6.3. Kotelnikov's theorem
6.4. Spectrum of the sampled signal
6.5. Discrete Fourier transform
6.6. Fast Fourier Transform
6.7. z-transform method
6.8. Discrete filtering algorithm
6.9. System function discrete filter
6.10. Recursive and non-recursive discrete filters
6.11. Forms of implementation of digital filters
6.12. Methods for synthesizing discrete filters
6.13. Examples of digital filter synthesis
6.14. Discrete random signals
Test questions and assignments
7. Conversion of radio signals in nonlinear radio circuits
7.1. Nonlinear elements
7.2. Approximation of nonlinear characteristics
7.3. Impact of a harmonic kick on an inertia-free nonlinear element
7.4. Bi- and polyharmonic influence on an inertia-free nonlinear element. Signal frequency conversion
7.5. Nonlinear resonant amplification and frequency multiplication
7.6. Obtaining amplitude-modulated oscillations
7.7. Amplitude detection
7.8. Frequency and phase detection
7.9. Impact of a random stationary signal on an inertia-free nonlinear element
Test questions and assignments
8. Generation harmonic vibrations
8.1. Self-oscillating system
8.2. Amplitude balance and phase balance
8.3. The occurrence of oscillations in a self-oscillator
8.4. Stationary mode autogenerator operation
8.5. Soft and hard modes self-excitation
8.6. Nonlinear equation of a self-oscillator
8.7. Analysis of LC oscillator circuits
8.8. RC oscillators and oscillators with internal feedback
Test questions and assignments
Application. Answers to problems
Answers to problems in Chapter 1
Answers to problems in Chapter 2
Answers to problems in Chapter 3
Answers to problems in Chapter 4
Answers to problems in Chapter 5
Answers to problems in Chapter 6
Answers to problems in Chapter 7
Answers to problems in Chapter 8
Alphabetical index.

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Download the book Radio engineering circuits and signals, Ivanov M.T., Sergienko A.B., Ushakov V.N., 2014 -, fast and free download.

Third edition, revised and expanded

Approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR as a textbook for students of radio engineering specialties at universities


The book is a textbook for the course " Radio circuits and signals" for universities specializing in radio engineering. In connection with the introduction of a new program for this course, this publication has been radically revised and supplemented with the following new sections: discrete and digital signal processing; approximation of processes and characteristics by Walsh functions; synthesis of radio circuits.

Particular attention is paid to sections devoted to statistical phenomena in radio circuits. The sections on spectral and correlation analysis of deterministic and random signals, as well as on the theory of their transformation in linear, parametric and nonlinear devices, have been methodically revised.

Although the book is intended for students of radio engineering departments of universities, it can also be useful to a wide range of specialists working in the field of radio electronics and related fields of science and technology.

Gonorovsky I. S. Radio engineering circuits and signals. Textbook for universities. Ed. 3rd, revised and additional M., “Sov. radio", 1977, 608 p.

Preface to the third edition

1.1. Main areas of application of radio engineering
1.2. Transmitting signals over a distance. Features of radio wave propagation and frequencies used in radio engineering
1.3. Basic radio engineering processes
1.4. Analog, discrete and digital signals and circuits
1.5. Radio circuits and methods for their analysis
1.6. The problem of communication channel noise immunity
1.7. Objectives and content of the course

Chapter 2. SIGNALS
2.1. General remarks
2.2. Decomposition of an arbitrary signal into given system functions
2.3. Harmonic analysis of periodic oscillations
2.4. Spectra of the simplest periodic oscillations
2.5. Power distribution in the spectrum of periodic oscillations
2.6. Harmonic analysis of non-periodic oscillations
2.7. Some properties of the Fourier transform
2.8. Energy distribution in the spectrum of non-periodic oscillations
2.9. Examples of determining spectra of non-periodic oscillations
2.10. The relationship between the duration of a signal and the width of its spectrum
2.11. Infinitely short pulse with unit area (delta function)
2.12. Spectra of some non-integrable functions
2.13. Representation of signals on the complex variable plane
2.14. Representation of signals with a limited frequency band in the form of a Kotelnikov series
2.15. Frequency domain sampling theorem
2.16. Correlation analysis of deterministic signals
2.17. Relationship between the correlation function and the spectral characteristic of the signal
2.18. Coherence

3.1. General definitions
3.2. Amplitude modulated radio signals
3.3. Frequency spectrum of an amplitude-modulated signal
3.4. Angle modulation. Phase and instantaneous frequency of oscillation
3.5. Oscillation spectrum during angular modulation. General relationships
3.6. Oscillation spectrum with harmonic angular modulation
3.7. Spectrum of a radio pulse with frequency-modulated filling
3.8. Oscillation spectrum with mixed amplitude-frequency modulation
3.9. Envelope, phase and frequency of a narrowband signal
3.10. Analytical signal
3.11. Correlation function of modulated oscillation
3.12. Narrowband signal sampling

4.1. General definitions of random processes
4.2. Types of random processes. Examples
4.3. Power spectral density of a random process
4.4. Relation between the energy spectrum and the correlation function of a random process
4.5. Cross-correlation function and mutual energy spectrum of two random processes
4.6. Narrowband random process
4.7. Oscillation modulated in amplitude by a random process
4.8. An oscillation modulated in phase by a random process. Probability Density

5.1. Introductory Notes
5.2. Definitions and basic properties of the active circuit
5.3. Active quadripole as linear amplifier
5.4. Transistor amplifier
5.5. Amplifier on vacuum tube
5.6. Aperiodic amplifier
5.7. Resonant amplifier
5.8. Feedback in an active quadripole
5.9. Using Negative Feedback to Improve Amplifier Performance
5.10. Stability of linear active circuits with feedback. Algebraic stability criterion
5.11. Frequency stability criteria

6.1. Introductory Notes
6.2. Spectral method
6.3. Superposition integral method
6.4. Passing discrete signals through an aperiodic amplifier
6.5. Signal differentiation and integration
6.6. Features of the analysis of radio signals in election circuits. Approximate spectral method
6.7. Simplification of the superposition integral method (envelope method)
6.8. Passage of a radio pulse through a resonant amplifier
6.9. Linear distortion of oscillations with continuous amplitude modulation
6.10. Passage of a phase-shifted oscillation through a resonant circuit
6.11. Passing a Frequency Shift Keyed Oscillation through a Selective Circuit
6.12. Passage of frequency-modulated oscillations through selective circuits

7.1. Transformation of characteristics of a random process
7.2. Characteristics of self-noise in radio-electronic circuits
7.3. Differentiation random function
7.4. Integrating a random function
7.5. Normalization of random processes in narrowband linear circuits
7.6. Distribution of the sum of harmonic oscillations with random phases

8.1. Nonlinear elements
8.2. Approximation of nonlinear characteristics
8.3. Impact of harmonic oscillations on circuits with inertia-free nonlinear elements
8.4. Nonlinear resonant gain
8.5. Frequency multiplication
8.6. Amplitude limitation
8.7. Nonlinear circuit with filtering direct current(straightening)
8.8. Amplitude detection
8.9. Frequency and phase detection
8.10. Signal frequency conversion
8.11. Synchronous detection
8.12. Obtaining amplitude-modulated oscillations

9.1. Self-oscillating system
9.2. Occurrence of oscillations in a self-oscillator
9.3. Stationary mode of the autogenerator. Phase balance
9.4. Soft and hard self-excitation modes
9.5. Examples of self-oscillator circuits
9.6. Nonlinear equation of a self-oscillator
9.7. Approximate solution of the nonlinear equation of a self-oscillator
9.8. Autogenerators with internal feedback
9.9. Self-oscillator with a delay line in the feedback circuit
9.10. The action of harmonic EMF on a circuit with positive feedback. Regeneration
9.11. The action of harmonic EMF on a self-oscillator. Frequency locking
9.12. Angular modulation in a self-oscillator
9.13. JS generators

10.1. General characteristics chains with variable parameters
10.2. Passage of oscillations through linear circuits with variable parameters. Transmission function
10.3. Modulation as a parametric process
10.4. Determination of the impulse response of a parametric circuit
10.5. Energy relationships in a circuit with a nonlinear reactive element during harmonic oscillations
10.6. The principle of parametric amplification of oscillations
10.7. Equivalent circuit of capacitance or inductance varying according to a harmonic law
10.8. Single-circuit parametric amplifier
10.9. Dual frequency parametric amplifier
10.10. Frequency conversion using a nonlinear reactive element
10.11. Free vibrations in a circuit with periodically changing capacitance
10.12. Parametric generators

11.1. General remarks
11.2. Transformation of a normal process in inertia-free nonlinear circuits
11.3. Transformation of the energy spectrum in an inertia-free nonlinear element
11.4. Impact of narrowband noise on an amplitude detector
11.5. Combined effect of harmonic oscillation and normal noise on the amplitude detector
11.6. The combined effect of harmonic vibration and normal noise on frequency detector
11.7. Interaction of harmonic oscillation and normal noise in an amplitude limiter with a resonant load
11.8. Correlation function and energy spectrum of a random process in a parametric chain
11.9. The influence of multiplicative noise on the signal distribution law

12.1. Introductory Notes
12.2. Matched filtering of a given signal
12.3. Impulse response of a matched filter. Physical feasibility
12.4. Signal and noise at the output of a matched filter
12.5. Examples of building matched filters
12.6. Formation of a signal coupled with a given filter
12.7. Matched filtering of a given signal with non-white noise
12.8. Filtering a signal with an unknown initial phase
12.9. Matched complex signal filtering

13.1. Introductory Notes
13.2. Discrete convolution algorithm (time domain)
13.3. Discrete Fourier transforms
13.4. Sampling error for finite duration signals
13.5. Discrete Laplace transforms
13.6. Discrete filter transfer function
13.7. Recursive filter transfer function
13.8. Application of the r-transform method for the analysis of discrete signals and circuits
13.9. z-transform of time functions
13.10. z-transformation of transfer functions of discrete circuits
13.11. Examples of analysis of discrete filters based on the z-transform method
13.12. Analogue - digital conversion. Quantization noise
13.13. Digital-to-analog conversion and continuum signal restoration
13.14. Performance of the arithmetic device of the digital filter. Rounding noise

14.1. Introduction
14.2. Orthogonal polynomials and functions of continuous type
14.3. Examples of using continuous functions
14.4. Definition of Walsh functions
14.5. Examples of using Walsh functions
14.6 Cross spectrum of basis functions of two different orthogonal systems
14.7. Discrete Walsh functions

15.1. Introductory Notes
15.2. Some properties of the transfer function of a quadripole
15.3. Relationship between the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of a quadripole
15.4. Representation of a quadripole general view cascade connection of elementary quadripoles
15.5. Implementation of a typical second-order link
15.6. Implementation of a phase correction circuit
15.7. Features of the synthesis of a four-port network according to a given amplitude-frequency characteristic
15.8. Synthesis of a low-pass filter. Butterworg filter
15.9. Chebyshev filter (low pass)
15.10. Synthesis of various filters based on the original low-pass filter
15.11. Sensitivity of circuit characteristics to changes in element parameters
15.12. Simulation of inductance using an active DO circuit. Gyrator
15.13. Some features of digital filter synthesis

Appendix 1. Signal with a minimum product of duration and frequency band
Appendix 2. Correlation function of the signal on the time-frequency plane
Subject index


The general focus of the textbook on the course “Radio Engineering Circuits and Signals”, which formed the basis of the first two editions, is retained in this edition. However, the book has been radically revised due to the need to introduce new sections reflecting modern development radio circuit and signal technology.

The widespread use of discrete and digital radio-electronic systems no longer allows the RTCiS course to be limited to only analog circuits and signals.

Development of technology integrated circuits, based on the widespread use of circuit synthesis methods, does not allow the RTCiS course to be limited to the study of only circuit analysis methods.

Finally, rapid penetration statistical methods in all branches of radio engineering and electronics requires a more thorough study of the properties of random signals and the transformation of their radio circuits.

In light of these requirements and in accordance with new program course of the RTTSiS, the textbook includes new chapters: “Basic characteristics of random signals” (Chapter 4), “Passage of random oscillations through linear circuits with constant parameters” (Chapter 7), “ Discrete processing signals. Digital filters" (chapter 13), "Representation of oscillations by some special functions", including Walsh functions (Chapter 14), "Elements of synthesis of linear radio circuits" (Chapter 15). Ch. re-written. 5, devoted to the theory of linear active circuits with feedback.

All other chapters of the previous edition have undergone methodological revision, taking into account the experience of teaching the RTCiS course and numerous comments made by teachers of radio engineering specialties at universities, as well as many radio specialists.

It is generally accepted that, along with g assimilation necessary knowledge Of paramount importance is the development of students' skills for independent creative work. In accordance with the decisions of the XXV Congress of the CPSU on the development of research work in higher education educational institutions students are increasingly being introduced to scientific work. Therefore, the author sought to combine the presentation of basic information intended for initial study and mandatory for all students of the radio engineering specialty, with the presentation of some additional, more complex materials designed for students with advanced training. Such sections are highlighted with petit. Minor reductions, which may be required depending on the level of general theoretical preparation of students, are not difficult to implement without violating the sequence and integrity of the study of this course.

The author expresses sincere gratitude to the teachers of the ORT department of the Moscow Energy Institute, prof. Fedorov N.N., associate professors Baskakov S.I., Belousova I.V., assistant Bogatkin V.I., associate professor Zhukov V.P., senior teacher Ivanova N.N., associate professors Kartashev V.G., Nikolaev A. M., Pollak B.P., senior teacher Shtykov V.V. for highly qualified and detailed review of the manuscript of this book. Big number critical comments and valuable advice helped to significantly improve the presentation of all chapters of the textbook.

Invaluable assistance in working on the manuscript was provided by teachers, staff and graduate students of the Department of Radio Engineering of the Moscow Aviation Institute. The author expresses deep gratitude to all of them.

Download Gonorovsky I. S. Radio engineering circuits and signals. Textbook for universities. Third edition revised and expanded. Moscow, Soviet Radio Publishing House, 1977

Textbook. - M.: graduate School, 1983. - 536 pp.: illus. The textbook contains a systematic presentation of the sections theoretical radio engineering included in the course program "Radio Engineering Circuits and Signals".
Issues being considered general theory signals and their spectral representations. Elements of statistical radio engineering and methods for analyzing the passage of signals through linear, nonlinear and parametric systems are presented. The theories of feedback circuits and self-oscillating systems of devices are presented. digital processing signals, optimal linear filters.
For students of radio engineering specialties at universities. Can be used by radio engineers and persons improving their qualifications in the field of theoretical radio engineering. Preface
Radio signals
Elements of the general theory of radio signals
Classification of radio signals.
Dynamic presentation of signals.
Geometric methods of signal theory.
Theory of orthogonal signals.
Spectral representations of signals
Periodic signals and Fourier series.
Spectral analysis of non-periodic signals. Fourier transform.
Basic properties of the Fourier transform.
Spectral densities of non-integrable signals.
Laplace transform.
Basic properties of the Laplace transform.
Energy spectra of signals. Principles of correlation analysis
Mutual spectral density of signals. Energy spectrum.
Correlation analysis of signals.
Autocorrelation function of discrete signals.
Cross correlation function of two signals.
Modulated signals
L Signals with amplitude modulation.
Angle modulated signals.
Signals with intrapulse frequency modulation.
Limited Spectrum Signals
Some mathematical models signals with limited spectrum and their properties.
Kotelnikov's theorem.
Narrowband signals.
Analytical signal and Hilbert transform.
Basics of the theory of random signals
Random variables and their characteristics.
Statistical characteristics of systems of random variables.
Random processes.
Correlation theory of random processes
Spectral representations of stationary random processes.
Differentiation and integration of random processes.
Narrowband random processes. Radio circuits, devices and systems
Impact of deterministic signals on linear stationary systems
Physical systems and their mathematical models.
Pulse, transient and frequency characteristics of linear stationary systems.
Linear dynamic systems.
Spectral method.
Operator method.
Impact of deterministic signals on frequency-selective systems
Models of frequency-selective circuits.
Frequency-selective circuits under broadband input influences.
Frequency-selective circuits for narrow-band input influences.
Impact of random signals in linear stationary circuits
Spectral method for analyzing the passage of random signals through linear stationary circuits.
Sources of fluctuation noise in radio engineering devices.
Signal conversion in nonlinear radio circuits
Inertia-free nonlinear transformations.
Spectral composition of the current in an inertia-free nonlinear element under harmonic external influence.
Nonlinear resonant amplifiers and frequency multipliers.
Inertia-free nonlinear transformations of the sum of harmonic signals.
Amplitude modulation. Detection of AM signals.
Impact of stationary random signals on inertia-free nonlinear circuits.
Signal conversions in linear parametric circuits
Passage of signals through resistive parametric circuits.
Energy relationships in parametric reactive circuit elements.
Principles of parametric amplification.
Non-stationary dynamic systems.
Impact of harmonic signals on parametric systems with random characteristics.
Basic theory of synthesis of linear radio circuits
Analytical properties of the input resistance of a linear passive two-terminal network.
Synthesis of passive two-terminal networks.
Frequency characteristics of quadripoles.
Low pass filters.
Implementation of filters.
Active feedback circuits and self-oscillating systems
Transmission function linear system with feedback.
Stability of feedback circuits.
Active RC filters.
Autogenerators of harmonic oscillations. Small signal mode.
Autogenerators of harmonic oscillations. Large signal mode.
Discrete signals. Principles of digital filtering
Discrete pulse sequences.
Sampling of periodic signals.
Z-transform theory.
Digital filters.
Implementation of digital filtering algorithms.
Synthesis of linear digital filters.
Optimal linear signal filtering
Optimal linear filtering of signals of known shape.
Implementation of matched filters.
Optimal filtering of random signals. Applications
Recommended reading
Subject index

Textbooks and tutorials

1. I.S. Gonorovsky. Radio engineering circuits and signals. – M.: Radio and Communications, 1986.
    Download:    DjVu (10.8 M)

2. Popov V.P. Basics of circuit theory. – M.: Higher School, 1985.
    Download:    DjVu (3.9 M)

3. Baskakov S.I. Radio engineering circuits and signals. – M.: Higher School, 1998.
    Download:    DjVu (5.7 M)

4. Siebert W.M. Circuits, signals, systems. In two parts. – M.: Mir, 1988.
    Download:    Volume 1. DjVu (2.2 M)     Volume 2. DjVu (2.6 M)

5. Kuznetsov Yu.V., Tronin Yu.V. Fundamentals of analysis of linear radio-electronic circuits (timing analysis). Textbook, - M.: MAI, 1992.
    Download:    PDF (1.8 M)     DjVu (672 K)

6. Kuznetsov Yu.V., Tronin Yu.V. Fundamentals of analysis of linear radio-electronic circuits (frequency analysis). Tutorial. – M.: MAI, 1992.
    Download:    PDF (1.5 M)     DjVu (680 K)

7. Kuznetsov Yu.V., Tronin Yu.V. Linear radio-electronic circuits and signals. Exercises and tasks ( tutorial). – M.: MAI, 1994.
    Download:    PDF (3.3 M)     DjVu (487 K)

9. Latyshev V.V. Ruchev M.K., Selin V.Ya., Sotskov B.M. Transient processes in linear circuits. – M.: MAI, 1992.

10. Latyshev V.V. Ruchev M.K., Selin V.Ya., Sotskov B.M. Spectral analysis of signals (textbook). – M.: MAI, 1988.

11. Latyshev V.V. Ruchev M.K., Selin V.Ya., Sotskov B.M. Spectral analysis of narrowband signals (textbook). – M.: MAI, 1989.

12. Latyshev V.V. Ruchev M.K., Selin V.Ya., Sotskov B.M., Methods for analyzing the passage of signals through radio devices (textbook). – M.: MAI, 1991.

13. Latyshev V.V., Ruchev M.K., Selin V.Ya., Sotskov B.M., Signal conversion in nonlinear circuits (textbook). – M.: MAI, 1994.

Exercise 1. Analysis of time and frequency characteristics of pulse signals.
PDF (243 K)     DjVu (53 K)

Task 2. Analysis of time and frequency characteristics periodic signals.
    Download:    PDF (257 K)     DjVu (54 K)

Task 3. Analysis of the passage of pulsed and periodic signals through linear circuits.
    Download:    PDF (256 K)     DjVu (56 K)

Methodological materials

1. Synthesis and analysis of digital filters using software package MatLab
    Download:    PDF (457 K)     DjVu (248 K)

The offered materials contain a course of lectures, a set of homework and course work on the synthesis of frequency-selective filters.
Compiled by: associate professor of department 405
Ruchev Mikhail Konstantinovich.

Lecture 1 . Active linear circuits. Basic equivalent circuits of linear, active circuits. Basic methods of analysis of linear circuits.  PDF

Lecture 2 . Amplifier low frequencies. Main characteristics of ULF.  PDF

Lecture 3 . Resonant amplifier. Passage of radio signals. Demodulation effect.  PDF

Lecture 4 . Feedback in linear circuits. Positive and negative OS.  PDF

Lecture 5 . Concept nonlinear distortion. Stability of circuits with feedback.  PDF

Lecture 6 . Matched and frequency selective filters (FSF). Statement of the problem of synthesis of CIF.  PDF

Lecture 7 . Chebyshev filters. Synthesis of filters of other types.  PDF

Lecture 8 . Implementation of CHIF: ladder, cascade, ARC implementation.  PDF

Lecture 9 . 9. Statement of the problem of analysis of nonlinear circuits. Approximation of nonlinear current-voltage characteristic: polynomial, linearly broken.  PDF

Lecture 10 . Spectral analysis of the output current in cutoff mode.  PDF

Lecture 11 . Amplitude modulator and amplitude detector.  PDF

Lecture 12 . Diode detector. Frequency, phase detectors.  PDF

Lecture 13 . Nonlinear resonant amplification. Frequency multiplication. Frequency conversion.  PDF

Lecture 14 . Discrete signals and their processing. Kotelnikov's theorem.  PDF

Lecture 15 . Mathematical description of discrete signals.  PDF

Lecture 16 . Discrete Fourier transform. Direct Z-transform.  PDF

Lecture 17 . Inverse Z-transform. Digital filters.  PDF

Lecture 18 . Analysis of digital filters.  PDF

Compiled by: associate professor of department 405 Ruchev Mikhail Konstantinovich.

Lesson plan