Random number generator online from a list. Excel Random Number Generator in Functions and Data Analysis

An online number generator is a convenient tool that allows you to get the required number of numbers of a given bit depth and the widest range. Our random number generator has many uses! For example, you can hold a competition on VKontakte and play there for a teddy bear in a group of bikers for a riposte :)) We will also be very flattered if, with the help of it, you decide to determine the winning number in any lottery or decide what number to bet on in a casino . We really hope that someone will find their lucky number online with us!

Random number range:


Eliminate repetition?

Generate numbers

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Random | random number online in 1 click

Numbers surround us from birth and play an important role in life. For many people, their work itself is connected with numbers; some rely on luck, filling out lottery tickets with numbers, while others attach even mystical meaning to them. One way or another, sometimes we cannot do without using a program such as random number generator.

For example, you need to organize a prize draw among your group’s subscribers. Our online random number generator will help you quickly and honestly select winners. You just need, for example, to set the required number of random numbers (based on the number of winners) and the maximum range (based on the number of participants, if numbers are assigned to them). Fraud in this case is completely excluded.

This program can also serve as a random number generator for lotto. For example, you bought a ticket and want to rely entirely on chance and luck in choosing the numbers. Then our number randomizer will help you fill out your lottery ticket.

How to generate a random number: instructions

Random number program It works very simply. You don't even need to download it to your computer - everything is done in the browser window where this page is open. Random numbers are generated in accordance with the specified number of numbers and their range - from 0 to 999999999. To generate a number online, you must:

  1. Select the range in which you want the result. Perhaps you want to cut off numbers up to 10 or, say, 10,000;
  2. Eliminate repetitions - by selecting this item, you will force number randomizer offer you only unique combinations within a certain range;
  3. Select the number of numbers – from 1 to 99999;
  4. Click the “Generate numbers” button.

No matter how many numbers you want to get as a result, the prime number generator will produce the entire result at once and you can see it on this page by scrolling through the field with numbers using the mouse or touchpad.

Now you can use the ready-made numbers the way you need. From the number field, you can copy the result to publish in a group or send by mail. And so that the result does not raise any doubts, take a screenshot of this page, on which the parameters of the number randomizer and the results of the program will be clearly visible. It is impossible to change the numbers in the field, so the possibility of manipulation is excluded. We hope our website and random number generator helped you.

A clear and convenient online number generator, which has recently become popular. It became most widespread during prize draws on social networks among users.

It is also popular in other areas. We also have either passwords and numbers.

Our online random number generator.

Our randomizer generator does not require downloading it to your personal PC. Everything happens in online number generator mode. Just specify parameters such as: online number range in which numbers will be randomly selected. Also indicate the number of numbers that will be selected.

For example, you have a VKontakte group. In the group you will win 5 prizes among the number of participants who repost the post. Using a special application, we received a list of participants. Each was assigned its own serial number for online numbers.

Now we go to our online generator and indicate the range of numbers (number of participants). For example, we set that 5 numbers are needed online, since we have 5 prizes. Now click the generate button. Then we get 5 random numbers online, ranging from 1 to 112 inclusive. The 5 numbers generated online will correspond to the serial number of the five participants who became the winners of the drawing. Everything is simple and convenient.

Another advantage of the random number generator is that all numbers online are issued randomly. That is, it is not possible to influence it, or to calculate what number will be next. What does it mean to say, honest and reliable, and the administration, which gives away prizes using our free generator, is honest and decent in the person of the competition participants. And if you are in doubt about any decision, then you can use our

Why is the random number generator the best?

The fact is that number generator online available on any device and always online. You can quite honestly generate any number for any idea you have. And use the same for the project random number generator online. Especially if you need to determine the winner of a game or for another number online. The fact is that random number generator generates any numbers completely randomly without algorithms. It's essentially the same as for numbers.

Random number generator online for free!

Random number generator online free for everyone. You don't need to download or buy any random number generator online for the draw. You just need to go to our website and get the random result you need. We not only have random number generator but also needed by many and will definitely help you win the lottery. A true online random number generator for lotteries is absolute randomness. Which our site is able to provide you with.

Random number online

If you are looking for a random number online, then we have created this resource just for you. We are constantly improving our algorithms. You will get the real one here random number generator. It will provide any needs like the random generator you need completely free of charge and at any time. Generate random numbers online with us. Always be sure that every number generated is completely random.

Random number generator

Our random number generator randomly selects numbers completely at random. It doesn't matter what day or hour you have on your computer. This is a real blind choice. The random generator simply shuffles all the numbers in a random order. And then it randomly selects the number of random numbers you specify from them. Sometimes numbers can be repeated, which proves the complete randomness of the random number generator.

Random online

Random is the surest option for a draw. The online generator is truly a random choice. You are protected from any influence on the selection of a random number. By filming the process of random online selection of the winner on video. That's all you need. Organize fair draws online with our online number generator. You get winners and satisfied players. And we are glad that we were able to please you with our random generator.

What is randomness in a computer? How are random numbers generated? In this article we have tried to provide simple answers to these questions.

In software, and in technology in general, there is a need for reproducible randomness: numbers and pictures that appear random are actually generated by a specific algorithm. This is called pseudorandomness, and we'll look at simple ways to create pseudorandom numbers. At the end of the article, we will formulate a simple theorem for generating these seemingly random numbers.

Determining what exactly constitutes an accident can be quite challenging. There are tests (like Kolmogorov complexity) that can give you an exact value for how random a particular sequence is. But we won't bother, we'll just try to create a sequence of numbers that will seem unrelated to each other.

Often what is needed is not just one number, but several random numbers generated continuously. Therefore, given the seed value, we need to create other random numbers. This initial value is called seed, and we'll see how to get it later. For now, let's focus on creating other random values.

Generating Random Numbers from a Seed

One approach might be to apply some crazy math formula to the seed, then twist it so much that the output number seems unpredictable, and then take that as the seed for the next iteration. The only question is what this distortion function should look like.

Let's experiment with this idea and see where it takes us.

The distortion function will take one value and return another. Let's call it R.

R(Input) -> Output

If the value of our seed is 1, then R will create a series of 1, 2, 3, 4,... This doesn't look random at all, but we'll get there. Let R now add a constant instead of 1.

R(x) = x + c

If c equals, for example, 7, then we get the series 1, 8, 15, 22, ... Still not the same. Obviously, what we are missing is that the numbers should not only increase, they should be spread out over some range. We need our sequence to return to the beginning - a circle of numbers!

Number circle

Let's look at the clock face: our row starts at 1 and goes around in a circle until 12. But since we are working with a computer, let's let there be 0 instead of 12.

Now starting from 1 we will again add 7. Progress! We see that after 12 our series begins to repeat, no matter what number we start with.

Here we get a very important property: if our loop consists of n elements, then the maximum number of elements that we can get before they start repeating is n.

Now let's rewrite the R function to match our logic. You can limit the length of a loop using the modulus operator or the remainder operator.

R(x) = (x + c) % m

R (x) = (x + c) % m

At this point you may notice that some numbers do not fit into c. If c = 4 and we started at 1, our sequence would be 1, 5, 9, 1, 5, 9, 1, 5, 9, ... which of course doesn't work for us, because this sequence is absolutely not random. It becomes clear that the numbers we choose for the loop length and the jump length must be related in a special way.

If you try several different values, you can see one property: m and c must be coprime.

So far we've been making leaps by adding, but what if we use multiplication? Let's multiply X to a constant a.

R(x) = (ax + c) % m

R (x) = (ax + c) % m

The properties that a must obey in order for a complete cycle to form are a little more specific. To create a valid loop:

  1. (a - 1) must be divisible by all prime factors m
  2. (a - 1) must be divisible by 4 if m is divisible by 4

These properties, together with the rule that m and c must be relatively prime, constitute the Hull-Dobell theorem. We won't go through its proof, but if you took a bunch of different values ​​for different constants, you could come to the same conclusion.

Seed selection

Now it's time to talk about the fun part: choosing the initial seed. We could make it a constant. This can be useful in cases where you need random numbers, but you want them to be the same every time you run the program. For example, creating the same map for each game.

Another way is to get a seed from a new source every time the program is started, like a system clock. This is useful when you need a total random number, as in a dice rolling program.

Final result

When we apply a function to its result several times, we get a recurrence relation. Let's write our formula using recursion.

The presented online random number generator operates on the basis of a pseudo-random number generator with a uniform distribution built into JavaScript. Integers are generated. By default, 10 random numbers are output in the range 100...999, the numbers separated by spaces.

Basic settings of the random number generator:

  • Amount of numbers
  • Number range
  • Separator type
  • Turn on/off the function of removing repetitions (duplicates of numbers)

The total number is formally limited to 1000, with a maximum of 1 billion. Delimiter options: space, comma, semicolon.

Now you know exactly where and how to get a free sequence of random numbers in a given range on the Internet.

Application options for a random number generator

A random number generator (RNG in JS with uniform distribution) will be useful for SMM specialists and owners of groups and communities on the social networks Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki to determine the winners of lotteries, competitions and prize draws.

A random number generator allows you to draw prizes among an arbitrary number of participants with a specified number of winners. Contests can be held without reposts and comments - you yourself set the number of participants and the interval for generating random numbers. You can get a set of random numbers online and for free on this site, and you do not need to install any application on your smartphone or program on your computer.

Also, an online random number generator can be used to simulate tossing a coin or dice. However, we have separate specialized services for these cases.

With this generator you can create random numbers in any range. This generator will also allow you to randomly select or determine a number from a list. Or create an array of random numbers from 2 to 70 elements. This online tool will not only allow you to create one (1), two (2) or three (3) digit random numbers, but also five and seven. Easy to set up. Everyone can master it. You will also be able to select random numbers for online or offline lotteries or contests. And it will be convenient. You can easily create entire tables or series of random numbers. In a split second you will receive a random number or a sequence of them (set) on your screen. If you take a sequence of your numbers, then the algorithm will choose a random one or random ones, any one can fall out. You yourself can use this tool to conduct sweepstakes. By choosing, for example, the same range and number of numbers in the result, you can generate a random sequence (combination). You can also choose random letter combinations and words. This tool, like everything on our site, is completely free to use (no exceptions).

Enter range numbers


Changing the range to generate a random number

1..10 1..100 1..1000 1..10000 for lottery 5 out of 36 for lottery 6 out of 45 for lottery 6 out of 49 for lottery 6 out of 59

Number of random numbers (1)

Eliminate repetitions

Select random values ​​from the list (separate by commas or spaces, if commas are found, division will be done by them, otherwise by spaces)