Windows xp recovery east. Windows xp restore point

Windows XP Restore Point it is created very simply, it is also easy to roll back with it, if you want to delete all restore points, to free up more space on your hard drive, you just need to disable system restore. In order to remove all points except the last one, you need to read our article to the end. I promise everything will be simple, clear and interesting.

Windows XP Restore Point

Write an article about how simple recovery works Windows systems XP and what might come with it interesting points, unknown to beginners and not only, our regular reader has been asking me for a long time. We have a lot of articles about how to restore Windows XP in the most hopeless cases and with various little-known methods, for example, but here are articles about how to create a simple Windows XP restore point and there is no way to roll back with it, which means we are correcting ourselves.

When you work in an operating system, the function and the Windows XP restore point created with its help can be very useful to you. It works on the principle of a time machine and does not take up much computer resources, especially when it comes to modern powerful computers.

Let's look at the application XP restore points on specific example. Let's say you installed some program or driver package, and then found out that your operating system is not stable, deleting everything you installed will most likely not solve the issue, this is where our restore point comes in handy. Before creating it, let's make sure that System Restore is enabled on our computer. Click right click mouse on icon My computer and select from the drop-down menu Properties->System Restore.

Please note that disk monitoring is enabled on my computer (C:),

this means that I have System Restore enabled for of this disk and so-called recovery points or system snapshots are created, and many also call them snapshots of the operating system, that is, everything that is done on your computer is remembered. Is it important when it is remembered?

  1. An XP restore point is created automatically every 24 hours.
  2. Before installing many programs and drivers without a digital signature.
  3. And you yourself, before any serious action, can create a restore point.

So we have System Restore enabled for the drive (C:), according to Windows default XP reserves 12% for restore points disk space. In the Settings window, you can use the slider to increase the space on your hard drive for storing recovery points, then even old system snapshots will be stored for a long time and you can roll back to them at any time.

You also need to know that system recovery mainly affects only important system files, but not your data, for example, it will not be possible to return it by accident deleted file by applying a restore point.

If you wish, you can enable monitoring of any other disk in the system. Click on the desired volume with the mouse, then the Options button and uncheck the Disable system recovery option.

Now let's imagine that we are installing unfamiliar program on computer. Naturally, before installation we will create a restore point Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Restore. In this dialog box, you can restore your computer to an earlier state, create a new restore point, or undo the last restore.
Create Windows XP restore point and onwards

The description of the recovery point should contain information about why it was created. given point, today is Wednesday, so let’s call it, for example, let’s call it, for example, Program Installation Environment Total Commander, then Create and we can safely install our program.

Now imagine the situation that after installing our program, the computer began to behave unstable and we decided to roll back using the restore point we created. We launch system recovery. Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools->System Restore. Recovery more early state computer.

Choose our control point recovery.

The procedure is reversible and will not affect our current data. Next, the recovery process will begin with a reboot of the computer, then you can make sure that there are no traces of the program that caused your computer to behave unstable.

From time to time, in the course of a wide variety of actions, failures occur in the system: this may be viral infection the user's computer, and incorrect installation drivers and utilities. This may be a failure when updating drivers and programs, when the update is unfinished, or contains some kind of error. May happen software glitch when the computer is turned off incorrectly, when the plug is pulled out of the socket, or when the power goes out unexpectedly if the computer is not connected to a source uninterruptible power supply. Inept actions of the user himself can lead to critical errors OS when trying to optimize or configure Windows XP. And there are a lot of other options in which the operating system either stops loading altogether, or loads but does not work correctly. In these cases, restoration is required Windows systems XP.

How to do a system restore on Windows XP

If the system boots, Windows XP has a special built-in recovery tool.

  • Let's go to Start.
  • Opening All programs.
  • Next, in the drop-down list we look for Service.
  • In the next drop-down list, select System Restore.

There are two items on the right side of the window: Select a point to restore to an earlier state And Create a restore point.

Here you can select one of the available points to restore an earlier working condition computer. In this case, the state of the computer will be returned to the moment when the problem did not yet exist. All installed programs, as well as some files downloaded to your computer after this period will be deleted.

How to create an XP restore point

And here you can manually create your own recovery point by clicking on the second item. It's very easy to do.

  • We mark the second point Create a restore point and click Further.
  • We enter a description for our new point and click Create.

Everything is ready, now, when installing some suspicious software, we have a guaranteed rollback point if something goes wrong during installation.

We return to the window for selecting a task to restore and mark the first item. In the next window, select the day to which you want to roll back from the selected ones in bold. Not all days can be selected, but only those on which such points were created; this happens automatically when installing many programs, drivers and updates. Select a day and click Further.

The system recovery process is completely reversible and you can cancel the rollback at any time, returning to its original state.

If, for example, such manipulation did not bring the desired result.

Windows XP recovery via console

If the OS refuses to boot, in general, you can try to restore it through the console. To do this, you will need a system image recorded on a disk or USB flash drive. Only the image must be the same version and bit size as installed on the computer.

  • To execute Windows recovery XP with installation disk you need to boot the computer from the disk, and in the installation program window, press ( R) to load the console.
  • Next, you will be asked to select the system that we will restore, if you have only one system, press the number 1 on the keyboard, if more, then 1 or 2, respectively, most often there is only one system installed on the computer, so select (1) and confirm your choice key Enter.
  • If Account is protected by a password, enter it and confirm your action again with the key Enter. If there is no password, then immediately press Enter.
  • will appear command line, in which you need to type the command – ( fixmbr) (small with Latin letters). And we confirm again - Enter.
  • Next, a warning will appear, here you need to confirm your actions by pressing the key ( y).
  • The boot record has been successfully restored, now you need to write a new boot sector.
  • We are recruiting a team ( fixboot ) – confirm the action with the key ( y) and then - Enter.
  • Now you need to exit the console by typing the command ( Exit ) and confirm Enter.

The computer should boot normally, provided, of course, that everything was done correctly.

A fully functioning function to restore one of the previous saved system states appeared in Windows XP. This is very useful and the right opportunity An OS that allows you to bring it back to life after problems with software. The user himself is to blame for some of these situations, but most conflicts are related to imperfections in the operating system and the software products used in it. It often happens that the operating system throws an error while loading the desktop or launching an application after installing or uninstalling some software product(application, new device driver), deletion or modification of a system file, or infection malicious files. In addition to messages about Windows error may slow down, constantly drop to the desktop or display notifications in the system tray.

For the most part, such things cannot be solved by deleting problematic driver, application or system file recovery. What remains besides reinstalling the operating system? Her recovery. Today we’ll look at how to do it Windows rollback XP without using a disk with installation files.

Implementation of Windows XP recovery

After installation Windows service System Restore Application runs automatically and creates a rollback or restore point when performing most actions that can harm the system (modifying or replacing system files, working with the registry in write mode):

  • installation of programs via Windows Installer and other installers that support system recovery;
  • before installing updates and drivers;
  • every day with default settings;
  • at the user's request.

The restore point is a hidden system directory called System Volume Information. It stores copies of records Windows registry, installed applications And system components. To do this on system volume free disk space is allocated, up to 12% of overall size section.

Due to the imperfection of system recovery in XP (reservation of the entire registry, backup of only certain types of files from a clearly limited list of directories), often after an OS rollback to previous state After updating a driver or program, they may not completely return to their previous state. As a result, you have to reinstall the product manually.

Working with the Windows XP recovery feature

To make sure that the System Restore Application is active, call “Properties” of the “My Computer” directory and go to the “System Restore” tab.

  • In order to view system restore points and roll back XP, call the “System Restore” window using one of the proposed methods.
  • Enter “rstui” or “rstui.exe” in the “Run” line and press “Enter”.

  • We go to the address:
  • Select the first option, as shown in the screenshot, in order to be able to view all the created and operating system Windows XP restore point and roll back its state to the selected point.

  • Select a rollback point from the list or using the calendar.

This will provide greater convenience when there are multiple restore points scattered over a significant time period. The days when retracement points were created are highlighted in bold.

  • Click “Next”.

  • We close all running applications, as the recovery program warns, and click “Next”.

  • We are waiting for the completion of copying operations for more than earlier versions system files.

  • We restart the computer after a window appears with information about the completion of the system rollback procedure.

Problem solving

It happens that recovery fails due to a number of reasons. In such cases, you need to run the system rollback process again, but in the second step select cancel last recovery, as in the screenshot. Then you can try to roll back again, but select a different point (preferably one created immediately before the one used).

Possibly service files located in System Volume Information damaged, preventing attempts to access them.

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Discussion: 8 comments

    Yes, system restore. Tomorrow is a very busy day. Thanks for the very useful articles.
    Sincerely, Ludmila.

    Good evening, Lyudmila!
    Thank you very much for the advice. Of course, I understand that it is better to replace less powerful modules (I have two of them, 128 MB each) with one more powerful one. Will try. In the meantime, I'll listen to your advice.
    All the best, Yuri.

    Good afternoon, Yuri! You really need to increase your memory. For such a memory you have a lot powerful antivirus. Even with 4 GB it sometimes slows down for me. It is better to replace the memory with one module rather than adding to the old one. It seems that your memory is acting up. If this is not yet possible, then remove your memory module from the slot, thoroughly blow out the slot itself, and clean the memory contacts with a simple school eraser (eraser), blow everything out again (you can use a pharmaceutical blower), and carefully insert the memory into place. Just don’t forget to remove static electricity from yourself before working with memory, because memory is very sensitive to discharges that are invisible to us.

    Good evening, Lyudmila!
    — Before replacing the battery, I never set up the BIOS (I was advised not to go there at all).
    — I have a permanent antivirus program — Kaspersky Internet Stcurity.
    -contact is the contact of the battery itself. I first removed the old one, installed a new one, and set the date and time. Everything went fine. Then I made a reverse replacement, everything remained in normal condition. That's how it works.
    Tomorrow I'll try to look at the memory card that I removed in order to write data from it, because... My computer has a total memory of 256 MB, but I want to increase it.
    I have never checked the video card settings because I don’t know how to do it yet.
    That's it.

    Thank you for your time. In general, I have been experimenting all my life and achieving my goal. I think not right away, but everything will work out.

    Regards, Yuri.

    Good afternoon, Yuri! The behavior of your computer is quite strange. I have a question for you? Have you ever set up the BIOS before replacing the battery? If yes, then after replacing the battery it must be configured again. The first thing you need to do is check your video card settings. And another question. Do you have any antivirus software? The fact is that the behavior of your system looks like it is infected with viruses, or, even worse, the hardware is faulty. Maybe some part just doesn’t fit well in the slot. What contact are you talking about? Where is he located? It is very difficult to make a diagnosis from a distance.

    Dear Lyudmila!

    I noticed that my computer does not support time and date. Knowing that this function can be supported using the built-in battery, I decided to replace it. It turned out that the element was working properly, the problem was in the contact. For some reason, after turning on the computer, it froze at the startup stage. In the last line of the text I gave an affirmative answer and the computer seemed to come to life. I made a few movements with the mouse and the computer continued to start up.
    After a full startup, miracles began to happen to the computer:
    — when you click the Internet icon on the desktop, the adjacent “My Computer” icon flashes simultaneously,
    — when the computer is turned off, in addition to the “shutdown” button, “standby mode” blinks,
    — after pressing the “standby” button, the computer does not return to working condition,
    — when working on the Internet, texts jump up and down.
    After reading your article about creating a system restore point (in my case it’s XP), there seems to be hope. I found out that system recovery on disks is not disabled (unchecked). I didn’t dare experiment further.
    Why then didn’t my system recover automatically after my mistake?
    Please help if you can.
    Sorry for the clunky text.
    Thank you in advance.
    Regards, Yuri.

    Valentin, you need to check HDD and system files. To do this, you need to boot from the system installation disk and select system recovery (R key), then type the command “CHKDSK /R”, or you can do the same check as described in my article “Checking disks for errors”. Try it, maybe it will help you.

    Dear Lyudmila!
    I read your articles with pleasure, learn in some ways, and test my knowledge in others. I decided to ask this article a question to which I have not yet found an answer. I have Acer laptop 8920 G with Vista Home Premium. I have had no complaints with either the laptop or the system for the 3rd year now (I’m used to it, despite its experimental nature). The question arose when I decided to create a system restore checkpoint. I created a point and made sure that it exists. I reboot the computer, but there is no point. This has never happened before. I suspect that a year ago I actively cleaned the registry, after which I had to restore it through a checkpoint, but at the same time, I either damaged some system file, or something in the registry. I didn’t pay attention right away, but now I’m afraid to do anything serious. There seem to be no viruses in the system (control by two programs). I have not yet found an answer from literary sources. I'll look on the forums, although I've never seen anything like this before. Maybe you can tell me what to pay attention to. Thank you in advance.

A restore point is a representation of the saved state of a computer's system files. You can use a restore point to restore your computer's system files to a point in time in the past. Restore points are automatically created by System Restore on a weekly basis and when System Restore detects that your computer has changed its configuration, such as installing a program or driver.

Stored on hard drives backups The system image can be used to restore the system in the same way as restore points created by System Protection. Although system image backups contain both system files and personal data, system recovery will not affect user files data.

How to create a restore point?

You can create a restore point manually at any time. What is this for? If you are a fan of installing different programs and utilities, then eventually the system will start to slow down, then by creating restore points, you can always return the system to its original state. Installing new drivers or software updates, cleaning the registry or disk, all this can lead to irreversible consequences. So let's get started by doing the following:

Restore points are retained until the disk space reserved for system recovery is full. As new restore points are created, old ones will be deleted. If you disable system protection (the feature that creates restore points) for the disk, then hard drive All restore points will be deleted. After re-enabling system protection, new restore points are created

To select a restore point in the window System protection click on the button Recovery. In the window that opens System Restore click Further and select a restore point. and click Further

Deleting a restore point

You cannot delete an individual restore point. You can delete either all restore points or all but the last one. Deleting recovery points frees up disk space. When new restore points are created, disk space is reused

Amount of disk space required for system recovery

Storing recovery points requires at least 300 MB of disk space on each drive that is 500 MB or larger. System Restore can use three to five percent of the space on each drive. As the space fills with recovery point data, the " System Restore» deletes old restore points to make room for new ones.