What to buy a tablet or smartphone. Which is better, a smartphone or a tablet? Screen size and overall dimensions: technical specifications

Smartphones and tablets are similar to each other both in appearance and in technical characteristics. Therefore, when going to the store, users cannot decide which is better: a smartphone or a tablet. This article was created just for them.

The essence of the problem

These two types of devices are similar in appearance, technical characteristics and purpose. The fundamental difference is this:

  • A smartphone is, first of all, a gadget for mobile communications, and only after that – a pocket mini-PC;
  • A tablet is a mobile computer, and only then a means of communication.

Dimensions and screen size

The main difference between the devices is the screen size and dimensions. The display diagonal of an average smartphone is 5 inches. In the case of tablets, the minimum screen diagonal is 6 inches, but for comfortable use it is better to use models with a screen diagonal of 9.7-10.11 inches.


Manufacturers use the same components when creating smartphones and tablets. The market offers models with initial, medium and high technical characteristics, so every user can find a suitable option for themselves. But there are differences.

Smartphones mainly use Qualcomm Snapdragon and MediaTek processors. Recently, Exynos series chips have become popular. The tablets are equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon, MediaTek and Intel processors.

Apple uses its own A-series chips for both types of devices.

As for the number of cores or clock speed, there are no advantages for any type of gadget.

operating system

Tablets and smartphones run Android, Windows or iOS. The difference lies in the prevalence and popularity of these operating systems among users.

Google's Android OS is the most widespread because it is simple, affordable and distributed almost free of charge to manufacturers. The main advantage is the large range of applications available on Google Play. They make your Android device multifunctional.

The Windows OS with the release of Windows 10 has gained great popularity in the tablet segment, because the user receives a full-fledged computer in a compact case. In turn, Windows Phone smartphones did not become popular for a number of reasons.

Interesting! Recently, Chinese companies have been releasing tablets with two pre-installed OS: Android 5.1 and Windows 10.

iOS is installed exclusively on Apple devices, so tablets and smartphones running it are equally popular.


Modern tablets are equipped with a GSM module for connecting SIM cards. But making voice calls using them is inconvenient. This is due, first of all, to the dimensions of the device, since their screen diagonal starts from 6 inches and above.

Even if you connect a headset, the tablet still weighs much more than the average smartphone. Therefore, for everyday communication via mobile communications, it is better to use a smartphone.

Surfing the Internet

For searching information on the Internet, communicating on social networks and viewing media files, a tablet is more suitable due to the large screen diagonal.

A larger device displays more information, makes it easier to manage search and website settings, view pictures, videos, etc.

Taking photos and videos

Smartphones are better suited for taking photos and videos because manufacturers install better cameras on them. The fact is that a person always has a smartphone at hand, so he can capture any moment of his life. And to make excellent pictures and videos, you need a high-quality camera.

Tablets are not intended for these purposes at all. Due to their size, they are difficult to put in a pocket or quickly take out when necessary. Therefore, the quality of their cameras is minimal. The main thing for a tablet is the front camera, which is used for video communication.

Working with programs

Tablets are more suitable for working with several programs simultaneously. This is due, again, to the dimensions. Moreover, tablets running Windows 10 are a full-fledged computer in a compact body, which is not inferior in performance to a laptop or desktop PC.

With Android, things are more complicated, because this OS is less adapted for parallel work with several programs.

Just like when working with programs, it is better to use a tablet for games. But this time he prevails over his opponent due to the diagonal of the screen. This allows the player to enjoy a high-quality picture, and the gameplay itself becomes easier.


The cost of tablets is on average lower than smartphones. But repairing these devices is more expensive.


To replace the battery in your smartphone, just remove the back cover and install a new one. In the case of a tablet, everything is more complicated: they use a built-in battery, so it is impossible to replace it without disassembling the device. If the user does not have the skills to disassemble digital equipment, he will have to contact a service center. This will incur additional costs.

Some manufacturers offer smartphones with a built-in battery, but so far there are very few such models. These are mainly flagship devices.

Interesting! In the case of Apple products, it will not be possible to do without contacting a service center. The battery in their smartphones and tablets is built into the case and replacing it yourself is problematic.


It's theoretically easier to break a tablet display due to its size. The screen itself is also more expensive due to its size. In addition, smartphones are often equipped with glass that is resistant to mechanical damage, reducing the risk of damage.

Battery capacity

Due to their large dimensions and display size, tablets are equipped with a more capacious battery. Thanks to this, their operating life without recharging is longer than that of smartphones. But this increases the weight of the device.

comparison table

A comparison table will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of gadgets in different areas.

Screen diagonalup to 7 inchesfrom 6 inches
Specificationsentry/mid/premium segment
operating systemAndroid/Windows/iOSAndroid/Windows/iOS
GSM communicationThere isoptional
Battery capacity1000 – 5000 mAhfrom 3000 mAh
Service maintenanceinexpensiveexpensive
Scope of application (degree of comfort of use)
Surfing the Internetaveragehigh
Multimedia creationhighlow
View medialowhigh


It’s impossible to say which is better – a smartphone or a tablet. Each device has advantages in a particular area of ​​use. Therefore, the buyer must decide what he is primarily buying a gadget for: for mobile communications, surfing the Internet, working with programs or playing games. Although the author of the video below has a slightly different opinion.

It is difficult for a modern person to do without a smartphone or. When deciding to purchase the necessary gadget, a potential buyer invariably faces a dilemma: what to choose, a smartphone or a tablet?

What is the difference between a smartphone and a tablet?

Let's try to answer the question of what to buy, a tablet or a smartphone, by comparing a tablet and a smartphone.

Let's start the analysis by finding out what unites the two devices:

  • both devices have the same format and common functions (the ability to work with texts, images; play music and HD video);
  • identical operating system, making a significant part of mobile applications compatible with both devices;
  • Both smartphones and tablets have access to advanced functions: Internet connection, support for multimedia files, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, navigation on geographic maps.

Now let’s note what is the difference between a tablet and a smartphone:

  • The main difference between a tablet and a smartphone is the features. The smartphone is primarily used as a mobile phone, has a connection to a cellular network, and supports 3G. Tablets cannot be connected to 2G networks, and the 3G module is only an additional option;
  • dimensions and weight. Tablets are larger than smartphones and have a larger display diagonal, although some tablets are miniature in size. In general, a small-sized smartphone is more convenient to carry with you, putting it in your pocket or handbag;
  • screen orientation. Typically, a tablet screen is oriented horizontally, while a smartphone screen is oriented vertically. Although almost all models provide the ability to rotate the image, the hardware control is ergonomically oriented;
  • Tablet platforms are more powerful than smartphones; therefore, downloads of programs, videos, graphic images, etc. are faster and their memory capacity is wider;
  • battery power. Smartphones are equipped with low-capacity chargers, tablets require more powerful batteries. Accordingly, the power consumption of the smartphone is less;
  • display sizes. The tablet's larger display has higher technical characteristics, in particular resolution. This ensures the ability to work with any software. The small display of a smartphone is not convenient for typing long texts, processing videos, or creating presentations;
  • camera operation. Smartphones have better cameras that allow you to take great pictures;
  • A significant number of applications have been created for tablets, which increases their work and gaming capabilities.

Thus, deciding which is better, a smartphone or a tablet, should be done individually, taking into account the main purposes of using a portable device. For those who need to communicate quite a lot via mobile communications and access the Internet for a short time, a smartphone is ideal.

If you constantly need a laptop computer, then it is better to purchase a tablet, since the large screen allows you to view and edit documents. Also thanks to the excellent display, It is convenient to use the tablet for entertainment purposes (watching movies, listening to music, etc.)

Recently, the difference in smartphones and tablets has become increasingly blurred: some tablet models are very miniature, while smartphones have increased sizes. Hybrids of tablet and smartphone have appeared. This tablet has a niche in which a smartphone can be placed. All information available on the smartphone is displayed on the tablet display. In addition, by connecting an additional keyboard, the device turns into a netbook.

Sometimes we may be faced with the question of whether it is better to choose a tablet or a smartphone.

In fact, both devices, both a tablet and a smartphone, are very similar to each other, but according to the original intention of the manufacturers, they are intended for slightly different (albeit very similar) tasks. Due to this similarity, we often ask the question: is it better to buy a smartphone or a tablet? In order to understand this, we need to understand the differences between both devices. The very first difference that we can see is the size, because a smartphone is smaller and a tablet is larger; these differences in size also apply to the screens of both gadgets. The differences are also in the parameters; in a smartphone they are often higher and more productive, while tablets have simpler characteristics. A smartphone is essentially a phone for calls and communications, and a tablet is a device for the Internet, watching videos, and so on.

Screen size and overall dimensions: technical specifications

If we talk about the screen sizes of the two devices, then it is worth understanding that the tablet can have a screen of up to 10 inches, and in some cases even 12 inches or more. But, despite this, a tablet remains a mobile device, because it is convenient for us to take it with us on the road or travel. In view of this, developers are trying to make even the largest tablets compact. There are no frameless displays in this type of device yet, but the frames around the screens are becoming smaller.

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Today there is a huge demand for mobile technology in the market. If previously a laptop was purchased as a replacement for a home computer, today the laptop itself is increasingly replacing the tablet. And for some, a smartphone is all they need.

Not all users know the difference between a smartphone and a tablet, so let's talk about the differences.

Definition of smartphone and tablet

First, let's define each of the devices.

A smartphone (from the English smartphone, which can be translated as a smart phone) is formally a mobile phone that is complemented by the functionality of a computer. In fact, this is the computer that it can replace for the most part.

A tablet or tablet computer (from the English tablet computer) is a mobile computer, which at a stretch can be called one of the varieties of a laptop. At the same time, the tablet does not use a mouse or keyboard, although today many models support these devices.

What is the difference between a tablet and a smartphone?

It's definitely worth starting with the main differences.

  • The first and most important difference is that the tablet is a computer that cannot be used to call landline numbers, that is, it does not support a SIM card for calls. However, you can still make calls from your tablet, for example, using the Internet and special applications like . However, since there is no speaker, a headset is required for conversation. It is worth noting that today some tablets support the ability to make calls using a SIM card, but such devices are usually called tablet phones. As a rule, they are only slightly larger than smartphones (usually the screen diagonal is no more than 7 inches).
  • The second important difference is the screen size. Remember when the very first iPhone came out and changed the world? So, the diagonal of its screen was 3.5 inches, which then seemed incredible. But only a few years have passed and what do we see? Today, smartphones with a screen diagonal of up to 5 inches often have a mini prefix, and the flagship smartphones of many companies have a screen with a diagonal of at least 5.5 inches. The screen diagonal of tablets usually ranges from 7 to 10-11 inches. Larger devices are still rare.
  • The tablet is heavier and less mobile, which, in general, is understandable. If the smartphone can still be put in your pocket, and even then not always, then the tablet will have to be put in a bag or backpack if you want to take it with you.
  • Due to the large screen, rare tablets have the same autonomy as smartphones. For example, 8-10 hours of surfing the Internet for a tablet is an excellent indicator, while most smartphones reach these numbers without any problems.
  • The functionality of tablets is significantly higher due to the screen size. For example, it is convenient to draw on a tablet, even by touching the screen. Another example is watching videos. Frankly speaking, watching videos on a 5-inch screen is quite an exercise. Whether it's a 10-inch tablet.
  • Oddly enough, manufacturers are in no hurry to equip tablets with powerful processors and gigabytes of memory, which cannot be said about the latest smartphones - their characteristics are more powerful than many laptops or PCs, although in fact all this power is often excessive.
  • The majority of tablets do not have a SIM card slot, that is, they do not have a 3G module.

Here are a few images that clearly show the difference between the devices:

What should I buy?

It all depends solely on your needs. If you want to always be in touch, then, of course, you need to buy a smartphone.

If you want to stay connected and have a device on which you can watch videos, turn your attention to large smartphones () with a screen diagonal of 5.5-6 inches.

If you need a device for entertainment, that is, playing games, watching videos, surfing social networks, etc., then it is better to take a tablet.

In a good way, it is better to have both devices. You can use your tablet at home, and use your smartphone outside your apartment.

Some tips for those who can’t decide between buying a smartphone or a tablet.


The 21st century is the century of computer technology, and almost every modern person cannot cope in everyday life without gadgets, the range of capabilities of which is expanding every day. Technology does not stand still and new models of smartphones and tablets are released at an amazing speed. It would seem that only yesterday a person purchased a brand new phone with a full set of functions, but today its more advanced version appeared on store shelves.

In connection with the above, more and more people are trying to keep up with technological progress and acquire the latest innovations. However, many cannot decide what is better to buy: a smartphone or a tablet. The difficulty of choosing is due to the fact that these two types of gadgets are almost equal in technical characteristics and capabilities, but in our article you will find some tips on how to make a choice and select a device to suit your needs.

  • It is no secret that the main difference between a phone (smartphone) and a tablet is the presence of a GSM module, which provides the ability to make regular calls to mobile and landline phones, as well as send SMS and MMS messages. However, this module is also present in some modern models of tablet computers, which complicates the user’s choice.
  • Despite the fact that smartphones and tablets today are capable of performing almost the same functions, it is worth understanding that a smartphone is, first of all, a personal device, providing GSM communication to its owner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Image 2. Family use of the gadget.

  • A tablet computer can be classified as a device on which it is convenient to watch movies, listen to music, surf the Internet and do certain types of work. This device has a number of advantages over a desktop computer or laptop, but is not yet able to completely replace it.
  • In addition, tablet computers are often used by several family members, while a smartphone is intended for individual use. Therefore, before making the final choice between a smartphone or a tablet, first decide whether you are buying a device just for yourself or for the whole family.
  • Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a tablet is perfect for general use, watching movies, games, Internet surfing and other entertainment, while a smartphone is more of a personal gadget and is primarily intended to provide its owner with communications. However, as mentioned earlier, there are tablet models with the full range of functions and capabilities of a smartphone. Therefore, to make a choice between a phone and a tablet with a GSM module, you need to pay attention to some details.

Image 3. Dimensions of smartphones and tablets.

  • The main differences in the appearance of the gadget are its width, thickness, weight and screen diagonal, which is usually measured in inches. The average modern phone is equipped with a 5-inch screen, which can satisfy the needs of users who like to play games or watch a movie on the go. For those who like larger screens, there are models with a diagonal of 6 inches. Devices with a screen diagonal of 4 inches are most often used exclusively for communication, since playing games, watching movies and surfing the Internet on them is not very convenient.
  • Modern tablet computers are usually equipped with screens with a diagonal of 7 inches or larger. However, if desired, you can find models with a 5-inch screen. For lovers of high resolution and good image quality, there are screens with a diagonal of 10 and 12 inches. Dimensions do not affect the characteristics of the device in any way, so it all depends on the user’s preferences. Therefore, when coming to the store, think carefully about what size device will suit you best.
  • The most important criterion in choosing a smartphone or tablet is its technical characteristics. If you do not pay attention to the processor and its clock frequency, the amount of RAM and internal memory, battery capacity and any additional modules like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, external and front cameras, and so on, then in the end the purchased device may turn out to be unsuitable for those purposes in which you are going to use it.
  • Particular attention, of course, should be paid to the processor and its clock frequency. The clock speed of the processor is responsible for the speed of the operating system and active applications, and the number of its cores allows you to simultaneously use several programs without having to close them.
    RAM also affects the performance of applications running on the device. If it is insufficient, the speed of opening folders, menu sections and tabs in the browser may drop sharply, and running programs and games may close automatically.

  • Another important parameter is the amount of built-in memory of the device. It stores all system files and it is in the internal memory of the phone that mobile application developers recommend installing various software. As a rule, most modern models of smartphones and tablets are equipped with an SD card slot on which you can store photos, videos, music, text documents, etc. Most applications installed and transferred to the external memory of the device may not work correctly or will not launch at all. It is recommended to choose a device with 16 GB of internal memory and above.

The operating system of a smartphone or tablet is the most important factor after characteristics when choosing a device. Today, there are three mobile operating systems, devices with which are in demand on the market: iOS, Android and Windows 10 Mobile. Each of these operating systems has its own advantages and disadvantages, but describing them all would require a separate article. Here we will give only a brief description of their main differences from each other:

  • iOS– an operating system developed by Apple and installed exclusively on their products (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch). This software is famous for its high level of protection, thanks to its closed code and the absence of the ability to install mobile applications from unofficial sources and from a computer. Using a device running iOS gives you a 100% guarantee of protection from viruses and the safety of all your personal data, including contacts, passwords, bank account numbers and more.
  • Android is an operating system for mobile devices developed by Google, which is considered the main competitor of iOS and is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. Its distinctive feature is that the system code is completely open for editing, which allows users not only to install applications from any source, but also to edit and delete system files, changing the appearance and functionality of the system to suit themselves. If you are a fan of playing games and entertaining yourself with a variety of interesting applications, which number in the millions in the Google Play store, then an Android device is perfect for you.
  • Windows 10 Mobile is an operating system from Microsoft, which does not have a very good reputation among mobile device users, but is still in good demand. The uniqueness of this “OS” lies in its wide synchronization capabilities with desktop Windows-based computers, the presence of “unique” applications (for example, Microsoft Word), as well as the ability to connect the device to an external display (monitor) and use it as a desktop computer with keyboard support and mice. Devices with this operating system are perfect for people who often have to work with texts and other documents while traveling.

  • As has been said many times, a smartphone is best for making traditional calls and sending SMS and MMS messages. Despite the fact that some tablet models are equipped with GSM modules, talking on them like on a regular phone is not very convenient due to their large size. From the outside it even looks comical.
  • However, today many people prefer to keep in touch with their family and friends through numerous instant messengers, social networking applications and special video communication programs like Skype, completely or partially abandoning traditional phone calls. For this type of communication, both a smartphone and a tablet are suitable. It all depends on the user’s preferences for the dimensions of the device.

VIDEO: Which is better, a smartphone or a tablet?