Increasing the number of subscribers in the VKontakte group. How to get more VKontakte subscribers: five effective ways

A group on social networks, primarily on VKontakte, is an effective and not as difficult to implement tool as your own website for positioning yourself (your goods and services) on the network. When deciding on the goals and objectives of your community, you need to clearly develop a strategy for its promotion - in this article, I will tell you about all known methods and the secrets of promoting a group on VKontakte. All options for promoting a group are divided into two main types: prohibited and permitted by the VKontakte administration, as well as paid and free. But this does not mean at all that black methods cannot be used at all - you can, but only carefully, since there is a high risk that your group will be frozen for a certain period, and if there are many violations, then forever, and all progress will be in vain.

You must also understand that group promotion is actually an advertising campaign that has a certain budget, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s in rubles or your time. That is, one subscriber of your community can cost 1 ruble, or maybe 10 rubles, or 15 minutes of your expenses, etc.

There are only four options:

  1. You promote your products and services through a social network.
  2. You have a viral idea, as you yourself think about it, and you want to convey it to the masses, especially since you can earn millions from it.
  3. You don’t have your own idea, but there are a million similar ideas and you want to make money on it or be no worse than the creators of these ideas.
  4. You need a public page because you are either a famous person or are planning to become one.

For whatever purpose you would like to promote a group on VKontakte, you have one task - to collect target audience, which will be interested in your posts and nothing else. Of course, you can get thousands and tens of thousands of bot subscribers or those who simply subscribe to everything and then don’t read anything, but such an audience is needed only for better search Your group, but not for you, not for your sales, and not for advertisers who can subsequently generate income for you. For example, you are the owner of a regular grocery store, You don’t just want people who come in to warm up or look at shop windows and not buy anything, do you? You need buyers, or, translating to social networks, subscribers who will like, repost and comment on community posts, and therefore see your advertising and product.

Methods and secrets of promoting groups on VKontakte

Interesting, high quality and unique content. This is the most important condition for successful online promotion, and for absolutely any page and site! And no matter how you increase the number of subscribers, if they are not interested in the information in your group - it’s all pointless - in best case scenario, people will simply join the group and unsubscribe from the news, in the worst case, they will subsequently unsubscribe from you.

Create a group menu using wiki markup and optimize the group name for search. There are thousands of unfortunate names on VKontakte - it’s impossible to even find groups, I’ll explain as an example: if you are delivering pizza in Ryazan, then the following words must be in the name: “Ryazan”, “food delivery”, “pizza”, because these are the users the words will be written in the search.

You need to invite friends to your group every day, and to do this you need to upgrade your or your accounts. VKontakte has a limit of 40 invitations per day from one account, so ask your friends and acquaintances to also invite friends to your group. This is the most effective allowed free ways promotion. At the same time, your group must be an “open group” - you cannot invite friends to a public page! Depending on the group's goals, I recommend translating open group to public if there are from 5,000 to 9,000 subscribers, since the main advantage of a public page is display in the menu “ interesting pages» from users, which is essential advertising for your community. Once you reach 10,000 subscribers, this opportunity will not exist!

Ask your friends to invite their friends to your group. This method You can take it further - arrange a competition among members of your community to invite their friends to your group.

Inviting artist friends to your group for payment - although this is prohibited, nevertheless, I believe that users themselves determine whether to join your group or not, since they are invited by friends - this is not the usual set of bot subscribers, but directly your target audience . I recommend the following sites: PROSPERO, ADVEGO, QComment, SocialTools, ProfitTask - you create a task “invite 40 of your friends”, and any criteria by age, city, etc. The cost of a subscriber will cost you between 1-5 rubles.

Write private messages users with a request to join your group and only those people who will be interested in your information. Important: from one account per day you can write no more than 20 messages to non-friends, and the messages must have different texts - otherwise there is a risk that your page will be frozen for spam.

Using hashtags is also in an important way promotion of the group. A hashtag is a tag by which users can find your community, but do not overdo it - I believe that one or maximum three hashtags per post is enough, since they are very clearly visible on the page and this clearly does not decorate your group.

Holding a repost competition! Effective promotion, especially if you offer goods and services, potential buyers are recruited into your group. The key factor This promotion is the cost of the prize - the higher its value, the more new subscribers, plus, the overall coverage immediately noticeably increases in the group’s statistics.

Interaction with administrators of other groups – mutual reposts and competitions. Many times I have come across the fact that small groups willingly agree to free mutual reposts - this is a fairly effective tool for initial promotion. Look for groups with the same target audience, preferably not competitors, and just write letters of cooperation to the administrators - a positive result will not be long in coming, you will see.

Reposts and joint competitions in other groups on on a paid basis– the same as in point 9, but for money. The cost of a repost ranges on average from 500 rubles to 3,000 rubles in medium-popular communities and more than 10,000 rubles in million-plus communities.

Advertising on official exchange VKontakte- a guaranteed way to post or repost your group, but the VKontakte commission is high - 48%, and if you have time, then negotiate with the group administrators yourself.

Targeted advertising on VKontakte (the “community advertising” button) is an expensive promotion tool, especially in non- in capable hands, as a result, the cost of a subscriber can reach 10 rubles or more. However, bots are practically excluded - only real subscribers. The effect can be achieved if you have really interesting content and carefully set up your targeting, otherwise advertising budget just add salt. For sales through groups, with a customized target audience, this method is the most effective compared to all others.

For the initial promotion of the group, it is necessary to give an impetus, and this is quite possible by pumping the community with bots and non-target subscribers through paid services VKtarget, v-like, Liked, ProfitTask, VKserfing, and for free (in return you will need to actively like, repost and join communities) on the sites: like4,, TURBOLIKER, or VKSTORM.

Just follow Precautionary methods against ban:

      • if the group is small (up to 2000 subscribers), then limit the number of entries per day to 100, or better yet, even less;
      • remove blocked users from your subscribers every day;
      • Never choose performers with less than 100 friends! If you attract few subscribers, target 200-300 friends for a successful start;
      • To reduce the number of blocks of users you attracted to a group, carefully consider targeting when opening advertising campaign: the VKserfing service even has a filter based on the life of the account and the number of photos and posts on the page - and this is in automatic mode.

Try it now!

Creating artificial interest in your group with the help of your friends and the services listed in paragraph 13 to increase loyalty to your group. Ask your friends and performers to like and repost - but again, don’t overdo it until you yourself understand the line that you can’t cross so that your group doesn’t get banned. Again, do not forget that your main task is to recruit your target audience.

Promotion of groups on VKontakte, using other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and, of course, through your own and attracted ones Youtube channels.

Be sure, if you have your own website, place social buttons, including the VKontakte community widget.

Advertising on forums is a labor-intensive process, but it is effective in the right approach to the choice of forums.

Any available advertising on third-party sites with similar topics, including the purchase of perpetual links, thereby also promotes the group to the TOP of Google and Yandex.

Usage software, such as VkInviter, VK Group Invite, FvCheat, VKBot and dozens and hundreds of other programs. In principle, these are the same promotion methods given above, only more or less automatically. I don’t recommend using it for beginners - you need to clearly understand for what actions you can be banned, so first you still need to develop the group manually.

Exchange of links with communities and sites - I’m talking about those links on the right of the page. This method of promotion on VKontakte is considered ineffective, but it’s still stupid to leave an empty field there, so exchange links with groups with your target audience.

The services of promotion companies (SIMM agencies) and individuals (freelancers) are the most expensive, fastest and, as a rule, effective way to promote a group on VKontakte. But they don’t do anything secret - they bring into reality all the 20 promotion methods I listed, only competently and, I hope, without mistakes.

To sum up, I can note that the group cannot get promoted on its own; it is necessary to invest effort and money in creating content and directly in advertising the community. Due to enormous competition, this moment the new community does not gain subscribers on its own, as it did in the beginning. Hundreds and thousands of groups of similar topics have appeared on the Internet - now it has turned into a business, and the more and more correctly invested in advertising the group, the more effective the return will be. Don’t waste time and money on attracting non-targeted subscribers, they will cost you about the same, but there will be no benefit at all, regardless of the topic and focus of your community.

Hello dear blog readers website!

Promotion of the VKontakte group, channels on Youtube And Twitch, quite a difficult matter. Moreover, you need to constantly monitor, analyze and change something on your resource. It takes away great amount forces and may not have the expected effect. But there is an opportunity to promote your resource for free in social network, naturally the service is not fully automated, the last word After you.

I would like to offer, for your consideration, a service SMOFAST.COM.

The service saves your time and money. This free promotion subscribers, likes, views on all social networks and boost retweets, reposts, widgets and votes.

It is generally accepted that cheating is bad, and all subscribers are fakes and not the target audience. These are misconceptions. If you use the service capabilities wisely SMOFAST.COM then you will have enormous potential and get a target audience that you never even dreamed of. First, I’ll tell you about the possibilities and for what purposes it can be effectively used.

I'll tell you in order:

Let’s say you have already earned a sufficient number of coins and are going to create a task to get subscribers to VKontakte groups, Youtube or Twitch channels (by the way, if you want to get an affiliate program there, then this service is a good thing), etc., then we do the following:

If you suddenly get tired of completing tasks and earning coins, you can buy them. The purchase makes sense if you have a customer and he needs it faster, so he pays a little more. It’s for these “a little more” that you can buy coins. I'm attaching the price, just in case.

Effective strategy. We received an order for 6,000 rubles, usually this is a volume of 7-8 thousand coins to complete. That’s why we buy 5,000 coins at a price of $9, while the purchased coins are spent, you earn coins at the same time.

Regarding how to attract the target audience to the VKontakte group, through of this service, write by mail.

That's all. I hope you found what you were looking for.

Social networks are becoming effective tools for promoting goods and services. Among the most popular resources of this format is VKontakte, which Almost 60 million users visit daily.

Marketers, analyzing these statistical data, tirelessly find out: what part of this audience is theirs, the target one, and, most importantly, how to attract their attention to the page dedicated to the “product”.

How to increase the number of subscribers to a VKontakte group?

If tomorrow a logo of any product appears on the dial of the Kremlin’s Spasskaya Tower clock along with the address of a link sending to a page on the social network VKontakte, then, it’s not difficult to guess, the number of people joining the group will be measured in tens, if not hundreds of thousands of users. Moreover, the profile wall of the account will be completely empty.

The “carrier” of advertising information given as an example is, of course, conditional. Moreover, even if we assume that it is possible to implement such a daring plan, then carrying out such an action will not be within the budget of many.

Promotion by friends

Who has ever acquired personal account on a social network, blog, knows that everyone’s first readers and subscribers were friends or work colleagues. The list of “friends” was then replenished with people based on the principles of “taste” - beautiful, writes interestingly, funny photographs.

At the initial stage of promoting a page informing about a product or service, this audience will also be suitable; without any extra persuasion, they will click on the heart, comment on the post to the point, and share it with their readers. As you can see, there are absolutely no material costs.

The effectiveness of this method will decrease in proportion to the number of notified comrades. And it’s one thing if universal human values ​​like iPhone cases, women’s jewelry or salon services, say, nail extensions, are promoted. It’s completely different if a group about mining dump trucks or a hostel in a small provincial town needs promotion.

How can a person who is given (by superiors or personal ambitions) the task of promoting a group look for subscribers? Today global network offers a solution.

How to get VKontakte subscribers

We work with subscriber exchanges

More precisely, the owners of the so-called exchanges viral marketing, advertising on social networks. Of course, to use these services, financial investments are required.

The size of the budget for investment in inviting users is determined not only by the choice of the intermediary providing the service ( Some are more expensive, others are cheaper), but also the tasks that social network users recruited for page promotion must solve, and their number.

It should be noted here important aspect: recruited subscribers can often only improve the statistics on the number of participants in the group. Nothing more, since the overwhelming majority are, let's call them, “like-hunters,” that is, regulars of advertising exchanges who enter into everything and receive a small reward.

However, each applicant for inclusion in the group, before paying him a fee, can be checked by looking at what his account represents, which posts predominate - advertising or personal, are there any photographs? The procedure will allow us to cut off the social network users who are most unsuitable for the role of subscribers.

To be more convincing, you can “complicate” the task for future subscribers: order comments on a community topic for a specific post. Of course, such work should be accepted after moderation, manually checking how comprehensive and meaningful the response is.

When promoting a group, you need to invest not only in increasing the number of subscribers. No matter who they turn out to be, no matter what conditions they enter into the community, without interesting content describing the product, many efforts to promote it will be in vain.

Creating a group on the social network VKontakte is a task that even inexperienced user resource. However, not everyone can come up with an original and catchy name, attract many users and promote the created public.

So, let's find out how to make a newly formed group popular and increase the number of its subscribers.

Total information

First of all, think about the name. We do not recommend that you include several keywords. Promotion of your public page will go much faster if there is only one keyword in its name.

Remember, to promote a group to the TOP, you should use a word that fully corresponds key query the topic you have chosen. Monitoring your competitors will also be a good idea. So, enter the query you are interested in into a search engine and see how many public pages match given parameters search.

After you decide on a capacious and intriguing name for the group, move on to its description. Remember, it must contain exact information about the group, thereby telling users about the benefits they can get by subscribing to your public. Also indicate the advantages of your group over its peers.

As for the subsequent promotion of the group on the VKontakte social network, there are several ways you can go. You can artificially increase subscribers, or you can attract real people. However, all these activities are meaningless if you subsequently do not fill the public you created.

Increasing the number of group subscribers

So, most effective way is to optimize for search on a social network. As mentioned above, a catchy title and a laconic description indicating all the benefits of the group will come to your aid. Over time, the number of subscribers to your public page will increase several times.

Another good method of attracting subscribers is using hashtags in publications. Not long ago, support for hashtags appeared on the social network VKontakte, which made all those who are interested in promoting their groups incredibly happy.

The advantage of using this function is that all publications with a given hashtag appear in the news of social network users. However, there is one caveat - users need to enter the search bar word with a “#” sign.

Currently, only the most advanced VKontakte visitors actively use this function. But if your public page contains information that is interesting to them, then you are guaranteed an influx of new subscribers.

There is another way to attract subscribers - using special programs. Their peculiarity is that in a short period of time and with almost no effort you can increase the number of subscribers to your public several times.

Compared to manual cheating, using specialized programs will help you save valuable time. But don’t delude yourself - if your public is deprived interesting information and is not optimized for search on a social network, then you risk ending up with where you started.

Summing up

  1. Create a catchy title;
  2. Come up with a description;
  3. Optimize the group;
  4. Fill it with interesting and relevant information.

By fulfilling all these conditions in practice and spending a little personal time, you can bring your public to the TOP and attract a wide audience of users of the Vkontakte social network.

IN Lately, after Pavel Durov introduced on the social network new section, subscribers, everyone began to think about how to increase the number of VKontakte subscribers. That is why more and more articles about this began to appear on the Internet.

Some people think that in order to do such a procedure, they will need to download and install some special programs or plugins, but the fact is that increasing the list can be very simple and quick. Any more or less skilled computer and Internet user can easily understand how to increase the number of VKontakte subscribers.

What is needed to increase the number of VKontakte subscribers?

Our main tool in this matter will be another opportunity that recently appeared on this social network, namely the ability to turn all requests into friends for subscribers. To do this, you need to get a huge number of friendship requests by hook or by crook.

Of course, in order for applications to be sent to you, it is necessary that they know about you. Therefore, you can make various requests in the comments, where you indicate that you want to be “friends”. Then, accordingly, you will turn all these applications into subscribers, and soon you will have a whole mass of subscribers to your VKontakte page.

In addition, you can get added as a friend through special groups on the social network itself, or simple groups, where you can leave your comments and requests. You can go in the other direction, and instead of leaving comments asking to be added as a friend, choose in such applications themselves in special groups several people (twenty are best, as there is a limit on sending friend requests per day).

Be sure to make sure that all these people are around your age, that their pages are filled out, so as not to run into various scammers. Once candidates for future subscribers have been selected, you can send them messages asking for friendship. Most likely, they will respond to such messages, and you will be able to transfer them to subscribers.

Increasing the number of VKontakte subscribers using games.

The second option for increasing the number of VKontakte subscribers is a more labor-intensive and slower process. To do this you need to play a lot of games popular apps, for example, “Tyuryagu”, or something like that.

Over time, you will be able to promote your character in the game so much that you will take high level in the game itself. In such cases, very often other players, especially those who have just entered the game, or cannot score a certain number of points, will themselves be added as friends with a request to help them in the game. Such requests can also be easily transferred to subscriptions.

How to increase the number of VKontakte subscribers is also of interest to those users of this social network who create their own groups or public pages. Most often, the popularity of the group itself depends on the number of such “fans”. In fact, most often they add to subscribers in order not to lose the right person or always see what’s new with him if you are not friends on a social network.