I will mutually repost the entry in contact. What is reposting on social networks

Yes, don't be surprised! Today, oddly enough, many people do not know not only how to repost on a wall in VKontakte, but also what it even is! In addition to all this, we will also tell you how to repost a repost. This innovation sounds somewhat confusing, but we will explain everything to you below. So, if you want to know everything about this VKontakte function, you just need to read this article!

Just the day before yesterday, VKontakte became able to repost a repost. Previously, reposts could only display one post. For example, to make it clearer for you: Sasha reposted posts about hamsters, adding his own comment: “But guinea pigs are still better!” Dima saw this repost on social networks and clicked on the “Tell friends” button. But then only a post about hamsters would be displayed on his wall, but not Sasha’s commentary on the benefits of guinea pigs. Recently, thanks to programmer Vasily Babich, this oversight has been corrected. Now you can repost reposts.

In addition to this good news, from now on you can personally attach various content to any repost. This could be a video, some song, a photograph, or a document. However, please be aware that posts that do not have an introductory comment or attached content will not be included in the repost thread.

Thus, the following picture emerges: the repost to which you added your own comment turns into a separate entry. That is why all the following posts of this post (which is on your wall) will include your comment too.

It’s quite complicated at first glance, right? But very soon you will understand what exactly these changes are and what they lead to. After all, it’s better to see it once than to read about it a hundred times, even in our article. In any case, now you know exactly, not only how to repost on VKontakte, but also how to repost a repost. Consider that you are now a real expert when it comes to reposting!

Hello, dear readers! All of you have probably seen enough of your friends’ beautifully designed VKontakte pages: there are some posts, pictures, videos, etc. and want you to have something similar.

Before moving on to practice and explaining how reposts are made, I would like to tell you what it actually is. Let's look at a few terms.

A post is your own entry on your page or the page of your group. You arrange it yourself.

A repost is a post you have copied from someone else onto your wall or the wall of your group. In automatic mode, you can repost posts from user walls or from group walls. You can also do this with comments or simply with articles on third-party sites.

We’ve figured out what it means to repost, and now let’s pay attention to the screenshot and see what reposts look like on the page of an ordinary user:

Now let's move on to practice.

How to repost a post from a user or group wall

There are two ways to do this.

Method 1.

We are looking for a post you like. We move the cursor over the heart or click on it, but do not move it away. We have a small window at the bottom of which there is an arrow with the inscription “Tell friends”. Click on it and the post will instantly appear on your wall.

Method 2.

While this is a more advanced method, a window appears in which we can choose with whom we will share this recording.

If you just want the publication to appear on your wall, then select the first item “Friends and subscribers”.

You can also add to this post and write some comments to it. Naturally, this comment will appear on your wall too. This way you will repost with your text

For everything to work out, you must be logged into VKontakte at this time and perform all actions in the exact browser through which you logged into your VKontakte account.

In this case, you can do the following. Usually, on almost all sites, at the bottom of each article there are social networking buttons, with which you can share site materials in different social networks. networks. We find the button that is responsible for VKontakte and click on it (the location and appearance of the buttons on different sites, of course, may not be the same).

You can also write your comment or addition to the article. You can do this in a text field.

You can also select an image that will be displayed next to the link to the article using the arrows.

If you don’t want any picture at all, then simply uncheck the box next to “Add an image”

After everything is configured, click on the “Submit” button

After all the manipulations have been completed, something like this appears on your wall:

How to repost a comment to your wall

We find a comment we like and click on the “Like” button at the bottom of the comment, a window pops up in which we click on “Tell friends”

Before I tell you how to repost on VKontakte, I would like to explain what it actually is. Repost is a duplicate, repeated publication limited to one single website. The phrase “repost” usually means transferring a post to your VK page or to the wall of a VK community.

Using a voluntary repost:

— photography;
— audio recording;
— message in the group;
— video;
— news from the articles section;
— news from the message feed;
- all other types of combined elements that are available to VK.

Moreover, making a repost on VKontakte is not at all difficult, and the site kindly shares information with its readers about how this is done. Since there is no point in publishing clear step-by-step instructions on how to repost on VKontakte (due to its elementary and simplicity), we decided to focus the reader’s attention on the fundamental points related to some important elements.

Note: after the repost is made, the information appears on the wall of the user or the selected community, where your friends and comrades can already see it. In essence, reposting means transferring information to your own profile wall.

How to repost on VKontakte: news

1. To repost news, you need to go to the news section of the site (“News” in the menu on the left).

2. Among the news, find the desired entry and hover the mouse cursor over it.

5. All that remains is to go to your main page and check that the repost was a success. The entry should be displayed as the last message on your profile wall.

How to repost on VKontakte: photo

3. We carry out all the same operations as described in paragraphs 4. and 5. of the instructions described above.

How to repost on VKontakte: post on the group wall

How to repost on VKontakte: audio recording

Actually, this topic can be closed at this point. In this step-by-step instructions, we looked at several options for how you can repost posts in a group, news and photos, which is quite enough to successfully share interesting materials on your own profile wall. The information that you repost additionally appears in the news feed of your friends, so that is where it will be noticed by a wide audience.

Before I tell you how to repost on VKontakte, I would like to explain what it actually is. Repost is a duplicate, repeated publication limited to one single website. The phrase “repost” usually means transferring a post to your VK page or to the wall of a VK community.

Using a voluntary repost:

— photography;
— audio recording;
— message in the group;
— video;
— news from the articles section;
— news from the message feed;
- all other types of combined elements that are available to VK.

Moreover, making a repost on VKontakte is not at all difficult, and the site kindly shares information with its readers about how this is done. Since there is no point in publishing clear step-by-step instructions on how to repost on VKontakte (due to its elementary and simplicity), we decided to focus the reader’s attention on the fundamental points related to some important elements.

Note: after the repost is made, the information appears on the wall of the user or the selected community, where your friends and comrades can already see it. In essence, reposting means transferring information to your own profile wall.

How to repost on VKontakte: news

1. To repost news, you need to go to the news section of the site (“News” in the menu on the left).

2. Among the news, find the desired entry and hover the mouse cursor over it.

5. All that remains is to go to your main page and check that the repost was a success. The entry should be displayed as the last message on your profile wall.

How to repost on VKontakte: photo

3. We carry out all the same operations as described in paragraphs 4. and 5. of the instructions described above.

How to repost on VKontakte: post on the group wall

How to repost on VKontakte: audio recording

Actually, this topic can be closed at this point. In this step-by-step instructions, we looked at several options for how you can repost posts in a group, news and photos, which is quite enough to successfully share interesting materials on your own profile wall. The information that you repost additionally appears in the news feed of your friends, so that is where it will be noticed by a wide audience.

What is a repost and why is it needed?

At its core, a repost acts as a duplication of someone else’s post. Speaking about it in the context of VK, we mean posting information from a user’s page, group, public page, or on the wall of your account. At the same time, a link to the original source remains, which allows you to promote individual pages. There are several more similar names that are found on the Internet: retweet (applies exclusively to Twitter), repost or sharing (almost not used).

Share posts from the wall of any group, public, event or user, regardless of the content: text, article, photo, music, video.

Only those posts that are not hidden by privacy settings can be reposted.
Even interesting videos and photos from personal messages can be forwarded, again, if privacy settings are not applied to them.

Reposts can be sent:

  • to your page, where they will be displayed as a regular entry;
  • in personal correspondence with any friend or general chat;
  • on the community wall in which you act as a moderator.

How to repost on VKontakte

To repost on VK, you just need to make two mouse clicks. It looks like this:

1. Find an interesting recording and pay attention to the loudspeaker located under it.

2. An information window appears where you need to select the recipient or repost directory:

Export tab - required to redirect a record to another resource. After clicking, an insertion code appears that will need to be directed to this particular post. This allows you to share interesting finds via SMS or post them in comments under feature articles. Icons of other social networks (Facebook, Twitter) allow you to post a post on their spaces.

After a repost appears on the wall, people will be able to like and comment on it. The user who posted it gets the opportunity to pin the repost on top of the page or delete it after the information is no longer relevant.

It is not possible to make adjustments to the original text. This is only available to the group or person who posted the text itself. If it is deleted, all information will disappear, and in its place there will be an empty header.

How to repost through the VKontakte mobile application

The mobile scheme is practically no different from that on the computer version: we find an interesting recording, click on the loudspeaker located at the bottom of the post.

A window will appear where the friends you have recently sent messages to will be located. Here you can select the recipient, your page, placement in a group, or copy a direct link for posting on third-party resources.
More options can be found by opening the “More” item. This is where social networks and your pre-installed applications are located. If you have Instagram on your phone, it will also appear in the general list. Select the program you need, click on it and send a link to an interesting post.

How to find out who reposted

This can only be done in the full version of the site on a computer. Hover over the repost icon and a small window will appear in front of you, where the total number of people who have reposted will be indicated. If you click on it, a full list of people who used this function will appear, and you can also see their comments added to the post.

Removing a repost from someone else's page

After posting someone else's post on your page, you can delete it at any time. The system works in a similar way: when a repost was made from you, then it is enough to resort to irreversible destruction of the information. But what if the post was too important and the person who copied it to his page is disgusting to you?
It is enough to delete an existing entry, add that same user to the blacklist and make a post again, at the same time converting it or eliminating possible shortcomings. By the way, contacting technical support to remove a repost from another person’s page is a useless idea, because everything can be changed on your own.
If you simply add a person to the blacklist, it will not give anything, because the entry will remain posted on his page. Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent sharing through system settings.

How else are reposts used?

Often in the vastness of VK you can find catchy headlines, like “We give away phones for reposting.” They use this to increase the total number of users and stir up interest in a group or a specific page.

Can you believe this? It all depends on which group is holding the prize draw. If she has managed to prove herself only on the positive side, then the chances of receiving a prize are actually high. But draws where a car or an apartment is at stake often cause serious misunderstanding, because no one in their right mind would just give away equipment, much less real estate.

The situation is completely different with the giveaway of food, covers or T-shirts. You can actually get something like this for free, because users, with their reposts, thereby promote a brand, group, etc.

Ultimately, only you can decide whether to repost or not, because there is really a lot of interesting information, but all of it definitely won’t fit on one page.