d) Special programs for clearing the cache. Why do you need a cache?

Have you noticed that your computer has started to slow down when working on the Internet? Most likely, the issue is in the browser cache: if you actively use the World Wide Web, then this section could simply be clogged. Fortunately, the situation can be easily corrected. In this article we will talk about how to clear the browser cache using standard Windows tools or using specialized software, which is much more effective than manual cleaning!


Experienced users will definitely snort when they see the title of this material: “Why devote an entire article to such a trivial matter?” Yes, for some it’s simple, but many users, especially beginners, sometimes don’t even realize why their Internet surfing is getting slower and slower every month. The browser takes a long time to open, Internet pages barely load, although the Internet speed is high. Everything seems to be fine with the hardware, there are no viruses, but somehow everything is working wrong. What's going on? We will talk further about one of the reasons for this incomprehensible behavior of the computer.

What is cache?

A cache is a section of memory in which the browser places temporary files you use that are necessary for quickly loading Internet pages. It consists of a set of records, each of which carries specific information about certain elements of the resource. Every time you request something on the Internet, the browser first examines the cache to see if it has the files you need. If the entry is not found, the request is processed and goes into the cache, becoming available for subsequent requests.

The purpose of the cache is precisely to speed up the user's work on the Internet. It is understood that many frequently used files will no longer be taken from the network itself, where the speed of their receipt depends on various factors, including the speed of your Internet connection, but directly from specialized computer storage. It's much faster. But it should be borne in mind that the more often and longer you use the browser, the more information accumulates in the cache, which is often dominated by data that is absolutely unnecessary for you. They are the ones that very often cause the browser to slow down, and sometimes the entire system as a whole.

Using special cleaning programs

Today, on the Internet, any user can come across a huge number of applications offering to rid their computer of junk files. Unfortunately, not all of them fulfill this promise, and some even pose a threat to your equipment. There are often cases when a simple desire to clear the browser cache turns into a real disaster for PC owners and the loss of all important information. That is why it is better to turn to proven programs. For example, you can easily and simply remove everything unnecessary from your PC in the “Computer Accelerator”.

Clearing the cache in the Computer Accelerator program

Naturally, first you will have to download “Computer Accelerator” and install it on your PC. Only after this the software will be able to check your system for the presence of junk files not only in the cache, but also in other sections of the hard drive. All you need to do to launch this option is click on the big yellow button "Scan computer".

The program interface is concise and understandable even to the most inexperienced user. At the top are the main controls - bookmarks. To go directly to working with the cache, click on the tab "Cleaning". In the window that opens, all sections available for scanning will be listed in the left panel.

Conventionally, they can be divided into two blocks: the system and browsers. All that is required of you here is to check the boxes next to the names of the sections that the program needs to check. In this case it is " Internet Cache» all browsers you use. Then click " Scan" The following window will appear on the screen:

You can view the program reports and clear the browser cache of Google Chrome, Mozilla and all others installed on your PC in just one click. After completing the work, additional information about the work done will appear on the screen.

If desired, clean your computer of other garbage: optimize the registry, configure startup, remove unnecessary programs. You can learn about these and other software features in more detail by visiting the program website.

Removing information from the cache using standard methods

To remove all garbage from the cache, there is no need to turn to professionals for help. You can do this yourself, making do with basic functionality. Let's figure out how to do this in different browsers.

Clear cache in Yandex Browser you can go to settings. In the "Clear History" window, check the "Files saved in the cache" option, and then specify the period for which you want to delete information. Then click Clear History. Ready!

The browser cache is cleared in exactly the same way. Google Chrome. Also, in both cases, you can press Ctrl+Shift+Delete at the same time and in the window that appears, check “Images and other files stored in the cache” / “Cache”, and then click “Delete now”.

To clear the cache Opera open the "History" menu - "Clear history...", check the "Cached images and files" option and click "Clear browsing history".

IN Mozilla FireFox You also need to open “Settings”, then “Privacy”, and then click on “Delete recent history”. Check the box next to "Cache", click "Clear Now" and restart the browser.

As you can see from the instructions above, the cache in all browsers is cleared almost identically. But besides the advantages, for example, in the form of no need to search for and download additional software, there are also disadvantages to the standard cleaning method. The most obvious is the inability to clear the cache of all browsers installed on your PC at once. However, this will not be a problem if you have additional programs on your PC.


So, you have learned how to clear the cache of all popular browsers using standard functions or using a special program. Which method is more convenient is up to you to decide. But under no circumstances forget to monitor the status of this section. And if you don’t have time to do it yourself, use a special scheduler built into the “Computer Accelerator” and then the browser will always delight you with its fast and high-quality work.

Many users of modern computers are familiar with the situation when the computer “thinks for a long time”; website pages load slowly, even if you visit them constantly. One of the main reasons for PC slowdown is a full cache. A cache is a storage of temporary information that takes up space in system memory, on your hard drive, and even in the Internet browsers you use.

Clearing the computer's memory cache. If the system memory cache is not cleared, temporary information will become permanent and may reduce system performance and cause computer applications to run slowly. To clear the memory cache, you need to create a shortcut on the desktop by right-clicking on it and selecting the “Create” – “Shortcut” option from the menu that opens. In the window that opens, enter the path to the file “%WINDIR%\system32\ rundll32 . exe ", where %WINDIR% is the directory of the computer in which the Windows operating system is located, and rundll32 . exe is an application used to run dll files. You can come up with any name for the shortcut you create, for example: “Clear cache” or “RAM Clear”. Run the program to clear memory. Clearing the DNS (Domain Name System) cache. Each site has its own individual IP address (for example, But remembering all the IP addresses of the sites you visit is simply unrealistic. To make it easier, users were offered letter designations for site names - site url (for example,). Each time they type a site name, the DNS service calculates which IP address the name corresponds to and provides the requested resource. To clear temporary files in the DNS service, you need to find the “ Command line Clearing the DNS (Domain Name System) cache. Each site has its own individual IP address (for example, But remembering all the IP addresses of the sites you visit is simply unrealistic. To make it easier, users were offered letter designations for site names - site url (for example,). Each time they type a site name, the DNS service calculates which IP address the name corresponds to and provides the requested resource. To clear temporary files in the DNS service, you need to find the “": "Start" menu - "Programs" tab - "Standard programs" - "

" In the window that appears, enter the special command “ ipconfig/flushdns" and press the "Enter" key. In less than a minute you will receive a message in the Command Prompt window about the successful clearing of the DNS cache.

Clearing cache trumbs. db. Trumbs. db is a special Windows OS file that contains cached thumbnail images in a folder. It is created when you first visit a folder with images and is stored hidden. This file allows you not to generate thumbnails of unchanged pictures every time you visit a folder, thereby reducing the load on the system, increasing its performance. To clear the trumbnails cache, you need to find the “Utilities” item in the “Start” menu, launch the “Clean up disk” directory, select the disk that requires cleaning, and run the program by pressing the “OK” key. Clearing the Internet browser cache. Clearing the cache of any Internet browser comes down to deleting various By adding them to the cache, these elements speed up the performance of sites when you visit them again. This information is useful if you constantly visit the same sites with the same page design. If the design (image or text on the page) has changed, this may lead to a data conflict and loading will be slower. The same thing will happen if the cache is very full. For example, in the Mozilla Firefox browser, in the menu located in the upper right corner, you need to open the “Settings” item, select the “Advanced” tab - “Network” - in the “Offline web content and user data” and “Cached web” Contents" press the "Clear Now" button.

CCleaner helps you delete temporary files from the system and all browsers you use simultaneously without opening each of them, empty the Recycle Bin, and check the system registry. In addition, the program is absolutely free. All you need to do is download, install and run CCleaner. In the program window that opens, configure the settings for scanning and cleaning the system by checking the boxes next to those places that you think need it. Clicking on the “Analysis” button displays system information about possible files to be deleted. Clicking the “Cleanup” button will delete files without the possibility of restoring them.

By periodically clearing your computer's cache, you not only increase the amount of free space on your hard drive, but also increase the speed of processing requests (launching a program, viewing photos/videos), by deleting unnecessary data.

Have you noticed that your computer has started to slow down when working on the Internet? Most likely, the issue is in the browser cache: if you actively use the World Wide Web, then this section could simply be clogged. Fortunately, the situation can be easily corrected. In this article we will talk about how to clear the browser cache using standard Windows tools or using specialized software, which is much more effective than manual cleaning!


Experienced users will definitely snort when they see the title of this material: “Why devote an entire article to such a trivial matter?” Yes, for some it’s simple, but many users, especially beginners, sometimes don’t even realize why their Internet surfing is getting slower and slower every month. The browser takes a long time to open, Internet pages barely load, although the Internet speed is high. Everything seems to be fine with the hardware, there are no viruses, but somehow everything is working wrong. What's going on? We will talk further about one of the reasons for this incomprehensible behavior of the computer.

What is cache?

A cache is a section of memory in which the browser places temporary files you use that are necessary for quickly loading Internet pages. It consists of a set of records, each of which carries specific information about certain elements of the resource. Every time you request something on the Internet, the browser first examines the cache to see if it has the files you need. If the entry is not found, the request is processed and goes into the cache, becoming available for subsequent requests.

The purpose of the cache is precisely to speed up the user's work on the Internet. It is understood that many frequently used files will no longer be taken from the network itself, where the speed of their receipt depends on various factors, including the speed of your Internet connection, but directly from specialized computer storage. It's much faster. But it should be borne in mind that the more often and longer you use the browser, the more information accumulates in the cache, which is often dominated by data that is absolutely unnecessary for you. They are the ones that very often cause the browser to slow down, and sometimes the entire system as a whole.

Using special cleaning programs

Today, on the Internet, any user can come across a huge number of applications offering to rid their computer of junk files. Unfortunately, not all of them fulfill this promise, and some even pose a threat to your equipment. There are often cases when a simple desire to clear the browser cache turns into a real disaster for PC owners and the loss of all important information. That is why it is better to turn to proven programs. For example, you can easily and simply remove everything unnecessary from your PC in the “Computer Accelerator”.

Clearing the cache in the Computer Accelerator program

Naturally, first you will have to download “Computer Accelerator” and install it on your PC. Only after this the software will be able to check your system for the presence of junk files not only in the cache, but also in other sections of the hard drive. All you need to do to launch this option is click on the big yellow button "Scan computer".

The program interface is concise and understandable even to the most inexperienced user. At the top are the main controls - bookmarks. To go directly to working with the cache, click on the tab "Cleaning". In the window that opens, all sections available for scanning will be listed in the left panel.

Conventionally, they can be divided into two blocks: the system and browsers. All that is required of you here is to check the boxes next to the names of the sections that the program needs to check. In this case it is " Internet Cache» all browsers you use. Then click " Scan" The following window will appear on the screen:

You can view the program reports and clear the browser cache of Google Chrome, Mozilla and all others installed on your PC in just one click. After completing the work, additional information about the work done will appear on the screen.

If desired, clean your computer of other garbage: optimize the registry, configure startup, remove unnecessary programs. You can learn about these and other software features in more detail by visiting the program website.

Removing information from the cache using standard methods

To remove all garbage from the cache, there is no need to turn to professionals for help. You can do this yourself, making do with basic functionality. Let's figure out how to do this in different browsers.

Clear cache in Yandex Browser you can go to settings. In the "Clear History" window, check the "Files saved in the cache" option, and then specify the period for which you want to delete information. Then click Clear History. Ready!

The browser cache is cleared in exactly the same way. Google Chrome. Also, in both cases, you can press Ctrl+Shift+Delete at the same time and in the window that appears, check “Images and other files stored in the cache” / “Cache”, and then click “Delete now”.

To clear the cache Opera open the "History" menu - "Clear history...", check the "Cached images and files" option and click "Clear browsing history".

IN Mozilla FireFox You also need to open “Settings”, then “Privacy”, and then click on “Delete recent history”. Check the box next to "Cache", click "Clear Now" and restart the browser.

As you can see from the instructions above, the cache in all browsers is cleared almost identically. But besides the advantages, for example, in the form of no need to search for and download additional software, there are also disadvantages to the standard cleaning method. The most obvious is the inability to clear the cache of all browsers installed on your PC at once. However, this will not be a problem if you have additional programs on your PC.


So, you have learned how to clear the cache of all popular browsers using standard functions or using a special program. Which method is more convenient is up to you to decide. But under no circumstances forget to monitor the status of this section. And if you don’t have time to do it yourself, use a special scheduler built into the “Computer Accelerator” and then the browser will always delight you with its fast and high-quality work.

As you open website pages, you may notice over time that your browser becomes slower and slower. What to do about it? If these are not viruses (Trojans), then the issue is most likely a clogged browser cache.

Browser cache- local copies of visited pages on the Internet on your computer

  • pictures (.jpg, .gif, .png)
  • style files (.css)
  • javascript files (.js)

By accumulating data about tens or hundreds of pages visited, the cache becomes clogged and overflows. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the browser to find the desired page. It is in this case that you need to clean the storage area of ​​cached files, that is, the cache.

There is a cache clearing operation in every browser. Let's take a closer look at the algorithm for performing it in the five most popular browsers.

1. Launch Internet Explorer.

2. In the upper right corner we find an icon that looks like a gear and click with the left mouse button.

4. In the resulting window, select the “General” tab and click the “Delete” button.

5. Next, the program prompts us to select what we will delete (temporary files, passwords, security data, log, etc.) We check the boxes where we need to delete. Click the "Delete" button. The system deletes all cache files according to the selected settings. The end of the process will be signaled by a message at the bottom of the window.

6. By the way, the program allows you to manage the parameters for saving cache objects. This can be done by clicking the "Options" button in the "General" tab of the "Internet Options" window.

7. In this tab, you can, in particular, set the condition for checking new versions of cached pages.

1. Open Yandex Browser.

2. In the menu bar, click “Add-ons” and then “Browser Settings”.

3. In the menu of the window that opens, select the “History” command.

4. On the right side of the window there is an inscription “Clear history”. That's what we need, let's press it.

5. In the newly appeared window, the program asks for what period and what exactly needs to be deleted. Select the desired parameters and press the “Clear history” button at the bottom of the window.

1. Open the Opera browser

2. At the bottom of the page is the main menu bar. Find the word “History” and click.

3. In the upper right corner, click the “Clear browsing history” button.

4. In a new window, we are asked, as in other browsers, to choose what exactly to clear and for what period.

5. Having selected, click the “Clear browsing history” button.

Cleaning their program can be done using the following algorithm.

1. Launch the FireFox browser

2. In the window that appears, in the top line on the right we find a small striped button

3. Click “Settings” (gear icon).

4. Having entered Settings, we see a new program window, in which we press the “Advanced” button.

5. Here, in the “Network” tab there is an option:

  • Manage web content caching;
  • Manage Offline Web Content and User Data;

6. We get rid of the contents of each of the items by pressing the two “Clear Now” keys in turn.

7. You can delete recent history and individual cookies in the privacy tab of the “Settings” window by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

Let's also consider the process of clearing the cache of another popular browser, Chrome, the brainchild of Google.

1. Launch Google Chrome.

2. Find the striped icon in the upper right corner of the program: setting up and managing Google Chrome.

3. In the additional window that appears, select the word “Stories” and click on it.

4. In the next small window, select “History” again and click with the left mouse button. A list of pages visited by the user appears.

5. By clicking the "Clear history" button.

Universal cache clearer for all browsers

The well-known, powerful and popular file manager Total Commander will allow you to do this. You can do this as follows.

1. Launch the Total Commander program.

2. In the window that appears, find and click the “Clear history” icon.

3. In the new service window of the program, in the rectangular field on the left, we see all the browsers installed on the system.

4. We can immediately start clearing the contents of all browsers by clicking the button of the same name.

5. And we can choose to mention any desired browser by clicking on the button with the appropriate name. For example, standard Internet Explorer.

6. Here we are free to choose to delete the history of favorites, cookies, browser data, and browser history. To complete some items, a system reboot will be required.

In addition to this program, there is also Clean Master - a free program for cleaning your computer. The Russian interface and the ability to choose what exactly to clean make this program practically irreplaceable.

Thus, by selecting tabs with each browser, we can check the boxes next to the information that is to be deleted and start the procedure for cleaning all browsers in the system one by one from the window of just one program.